Assure Model
Assure Model
Assure Model
After going through the ASSURE model, apply the knowledge in designing a lesson suited for the
intended purpose by accomplishing the task below.
Think of a lesson and a hypothetical group of learners. Design the lesson good for an hour by
writing a brief outline of the plan. Explain how the ASSURE model has helped in the process of
designing it. Discuss the rationale of the decision on the selection of the materials, technology
tools, learning and assessment activities.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson the Objectives provide students with a
students are expected to: clear purpose to focus their learning
Identify the efforts and direct your choice of
difference between instructional activities.
spoken and written
Recognize and
appropriately use the
spoken language
during oral
presentation and
written language in
making written
Material(s)/Technolog Textbooks and Teachers have the control to select
y Tool(s): workbooks their own materials technology and
PowerPoint tools in teaching correct choice of
presentation materials can help increase the level
syllabus videos of excitement of the students or
slide share learners.
pen,paper and index
Using Assure Model, Provides guidance for writing objectives. A major strength of the ASSURE
model is that it creates learning objectives based on the ABCD model. This model formulates
well-stated learning objectives by considering the audience, behavior, conditions, and degree of
mastery. It helped me create a simple yet organize lesson plan.