Chemical Modelling of Kerogens: Org. Geochem

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Org. Geochem. Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 15-24, 1987 0146-6380/87 $3.00+0.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright © 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd

Chemical modelling of kerogens

Institut Fran~ais du Pftrole, l ~ , Avenue de Bois-Prfau, 92506 Rueil-Malmaison, France

(Received 28 January 1986; accepted 19 July 1986)

A~tract--Models of kerogens belonging to the three classical Types have been represented at the
following evolution stages:
--beginning of diagenesis (sensu-stricto),
--beginning of catagenesis,
----end of catagenesis.
Chemical models are drawn, using analytical data obtained on natural samples: elemental analysis,
electron microscopy, 13C NMR, thermogravimetry, functional analysis and pyrolysis.
In order both to get a statistical representation and make comparisons easier, the same molecular weight
of about 25,000 has been chosen for the different models of kerogens at the beginning of the diagenesis

Key words: kerogens, chemical models, organic matter types, diagenesis, catagenesis, metagenesis

INTRODUCTION This paper aims to propose chemical models built

Kerogen is that fraction of sedimentary organic on a number of analytical data which are discussed
matter which is insoluble in usual organic solvents below. However, these models have only a statistical
(Durand, 1980). It can be considered as a mixture of significance taking into account the whole data, and
complex macromolecules deriving from organic re- the real structure of kerogens is probably much more
mains. As burial of sediments increases, kerogen complex than shown on the pictures.
undergoes evolution, leading to lighter molecules on
the one hand, and to a condensed residue on the
other hand. Composition of kerogen depends on SERIES OF KEROGENS
both the origin of the initial organic matter, and the
evolutionary stage (Tissot et al., 1974). These authors The main features of the three types of kerogens as
classify kerogens into three main types, the evolution described in the literature (a review can be found for
of which can be related to successive steps. During instance in Tissot and Welte, 1978 and in Durand,
diagenesis, there is mainly a decrease in oxygen 1980) can be summarized as follows:
content, then during catagenesis, there is mainly a
Type I
decrease in hydrogen content (Pelet, 1980).
Up to fairly recent times, characterization of ker- Type I is quite rare and covers very different
ogen in sedimentary basins was done mainly by bulk biochemical entities such as lacustrine deposits from
analyses (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, elemental analysis, Green River shales for instance, in which the bacte-
IR, N M R etc.). It was often difficult to make a rial reworking is preponderant, or algal mats such as
distinction between chemical features due to the coorongite. The main features of these deposits is
nature of the initial organic matter and its evolution their high aliphaticity and hydrogen index. However,
stage. As the amount and composition of the oils other chemical characteristics such as chain lengths
formed during the kerogen evolution depend on its can differ from one sample to another even in a same
chemical composition, it is necessary to know it as geological series. The kerogen model proposed here
best as possible. is based on the most aliphatic sample of the upper
Recent works on degradative techniques such as marker of the Green River formation in the Uinta
chemical degradation (Chappe et al., 1980; Simoneit basin (Tissot et al., 1978), which shows some struc-
and Burlingame, 1973; Micke and Michaelis, 1986), tural differences with other samples of the Green
and pyrolysis (Van de Meent et al., 1980; Larter and River shales examined for instance by Robinson
Douglas, 1982; Nip et al., 1986; Behar and Pelet, (1969) or Young and Yen (1977).
1985) allow a better insight into kerogen structure. It At the beginning of the diagenesis stage, this
is now possible to build structural models more kerogen is very rich in long aliphatic chains (more
detailed than those proposed for instance in Oberlin than C40). The oxygen content, mainly in the form of
et al., 1980). ether groups, is fairly low.

Along with thermal evolution, breaking of to naphthenoaromatic compounds, with high sulfur
carbon-carbon bonds leads to the genesis of a great content. The oil potential is quite high due to the low
amount of paraffinic oil and gas. At the same time, condensation of aromatic nuclei, which enables them
cyclization occurs in the residue, and the small num- to be soluble in the oil phase.
ber of polyaromatic nuclei which are left can undergo Residual polyaromatic structures undergo reor-
reorientation to a large extent. The resulting structure ganization, but to a lesser extent than in Type I
is formed of quasi parallel layers of aromatic con- kerogen.
densed tings, fairly similar to that of graphite.
Type III
Type H The model is based on organic matter from deltaic
The model is based on Toarcian shales of the Paris series of the Douala basin (Albrecht et al., 1976) and
Basin (Tissot et al., 1971) and Lias e shales from of the Mahakam delta (Combaz and de Matharel,
Germany. 1978).
At the beginning of the diagenesis stage, the carbon At the beginning of the diagenesis stage, kerogen
skeleton of kerogen contains mainly cyclic structures, carbon skeleton is formed mainly from polycyclic
with few condensed nuclei. Most side chains have less structures containing numerous oxygenated func-
than 20 carbon atoms. They are linked to rings by tional groups: phenols, quinones, aromatic acids.
oxygen and nitrogen containing functional groups, Some linear carbon chains around C30 resulting from
mainly esters and amide links. land plants cuticular waxes are present.
During diagenesis, amide nitrogen disappears, Condensation of polyaromatic structures occurs
being either consumed by microorganisms or in- during evolution by elimination of oxygen. Oil poten-
corporated in aromatic heterocycles, which are tial is low and can be related to the loss of the linear
thermodynamically very stable (Schmitter and carbon chains, leading to production of paraffinic oil
Arpino, 1983). such as Type I kerogen. The main part of the carbon
On the beginning of catagenesis, oxygen content content is still in the residual kerogen as polyaromatic
has decreased, due to the loss of CO and CO 2 from domains, the reorientation of which is very limited, as
esters and H20 from alcohols. There is no major few carbon structures are eliminated. This leads to
change in the carbon skeleton, except aromatization the formation of a microporous solid in which the
related to sulfur incorporation and to nitrogen and hydrocarbons formed during catagenesis are partly
oxygen losses. trapped and cannot be expelled until they are cracked
Oil production during the catagenesis stage leads into gas.

STRUCTURE I-a: H/C = 1,64 O/C = 0,06 MW = 21 187

Fig. l(a)
Chemical modelling of kerogens 17

STRUCTURE I-c: R/C = 0,83 O/C = 0,013 MW = 4 024

Fig. l(b)

Fig. 1. Chemical models for Type I kerogen: (a) beginning of diagenesis; (b) end of catagenesis.

DETERMINATION OF BASIC PARAMETERS --end of catagenesis. Kerogen has lost a large part of
OF KEROGEN MODELS its hydrogen and has undergone aromatization and
some structural rearrangement. Liquid hydro-
Types and evolution stages of kerogens carbons do not form anymore (Structures c).
We have represented in Figs 1-3 the three classical
However, as Type I has a low oxygen content, the
types of kerogens (Tissot et al., 1974) for the follow-
second stage almost overlaps the .first one: then
ing evolutionary stages:
structure b was not represented for that type.
--beginning of diagenesis, but excluding early di- The first step of each type of kerogen is built on
agenesis during which the influence of micro- the same number of carbon atoms (about 1500,
organisms is predominant (Structures a); giving an initial molecular weight higher than
--beginning of catagenesis. Organic matter has lost 20,000). It should be possible to account for the
the major part of oxygen--containing groups. Oil major part of bulk analyses (elemental analysis,
is beginning to form (Structures b); thermogravimetry, NMR) with a lower molecular

STRUCTURE II-a: H/C = 1,34 U/C = 0,196 P,'IW = 25815

Fig. 2(a)

O.G. II/|--B

STRUCTURE II-b: H/C = 1,25 0/C = 0.089 MW = 19860

Fig. 2(b)
STRUCTURE II-c: H/C = 0,73 0/C = 0,026 MW = 7 949

Fig. 2(c)
Fig. 2. Chemical models for Type II kerogen: (a) beginning of diagenesis; (b) beginning of catagenesis;
(c) end of catagenesis.

weight. For instance, asphaltenes which have a mol- ecular masses being in a continuum, as those of con-
ecular mass as low as a few thousands (Speight and stituents of oil. Furthermore, incorporation of some
Moschopedis, 1979) show a great structural similarity specific biostructures in kerogen (cuticles, mem-
with kerogens (Behar and Pelet, 1985). However we branes, etc.) introduces probably some heterogeneity
prefer to use a higher molecular weight so as not to in its composition.
increase too much the content of biomarkers such as When reorganization of aromatic clusters occurs, it
chlorophyll, hopanoids, etc. in kerogens. Moreover, is no longer possible to discuss the structure of
molecular orientation of aromatic clusters at the end kerogen in terms of size, as long distance orientation,
of catagenesis cannot be represented if the carbon similar to that in crystals or polymers, appears.
number is too low. The initial carbon amount chosen
here should be high enough to obtain a statistical
model of reasonable complexity. But this does not Incorporation of geochemical markers
imply any hypothesis on the real structure of the Chemical and thermal degradation have shown
macromolecules building the kerogen, their mol- that geochemical markers are present in kerogens:
Chemical modelling of kerogens 19

STRUCTURE Ill-a: R/C = 1,06 O/C = 0.281 MW = 26 176

Fig. 3(a)
STRUCTURE Ill-b: H/C = 0,98 O/C = 0,138 MW = 18030

Fig. 3(b)

STRUCTURE Ill-c: H/C = 0,67 O/C = 0,059 MW = 13226

Fig. 3(c)
Fig. 3. Chemical models for Type III kerogen: (a) beginning of diagenesis; (b) beginning of catagenesis;
(c) end of catagenesis.

- - c a r b o n number of alkyl chains depends on the et al., 1983). The proportion of aromatic carbon in
organic matter type (Tissot et al. 1977). Long the models is given in Table 2. It increases along with
normal chains (more than C40) and some iso and the evolutionary stage, and for the same stage, from
anteiso alkanes are characteristic of bacteria Type I to Type III.
(Chappe et al., 1980). Even or uneven predom- Relative content o f naphthenic and paraffinic carbon.
inances are associated to cuticular waxes of higher IR spectrometry on natural kerogens does not allow
plants; an accurate quantitation of naphthenic and paraffinic
--porphyrins are also present and undergo thermal carbon. 13C N M R allows only a balance between the
evolution during diagenesis (Baker and Louda, aromatic and the saturated (linear plus cyclic) car-
1983); bon. So the relative content of naphthenic and
--steroids and hopanoids are differently linked to paraffinic structures in the saturated moieties was
kerogen according to the position of their func- estimated from data obtained by mass spectrometry
tional groups (Huc, 1978; Hoering, 1984; Micke on saturates derived from natural extracts (Hood and
and Michaelis, 1986). These markers undergo O'Neal method, in Tissot and Welte, 1978).
progressive aromatization and isomerization de- The relative contents of naphthenic and aliphatic
pending on the position of the linkage (Spykerelle, carbon in the models are shown in Table 2. These
1975; Behar and Pelet, 1986). data correlate with the predominance of aliphatic
structures in natural extracts of Type I and III, Type
CHEMICAL PARAMETERS USED IN THE II being richer in naphthenic structures.

Elemental analysis
/ ~ / 1 I" .
The atomic ratios H/C and O/C of the models
have been plotted on a Van Krevelen diagram
(Fig. 4). We have chosen these data to match those
I , ~ Oli zone ......... •
of natural series defined previously according to the 10 ~ .... --- a

evolutionary stage. _ ii ,.

In Table 1, the elemental composition, the number I C . -- --} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

| , .
of carbon atoms, the molecular weights and the
carbon losses between the successive stages are 054)L-.,,~j~./--Gos
; zone
reported for each model. These carbon losses corre- I~.~
I~ ~
spond to data obtained by thermogravimetric anal-
yses on the natural samples (Durand-Souron, 1980).

Structural distribution o f carbon

O~ OIF I 012 I ol O~
Aromaticity. We have used structural data on Fig. 4. Position of kerogen models in a Van Krevelen
natural kerogens measured by 13C N M R (Dereppe diagram.
Chemical modelling of kerogens 21

Table 1. Elemental analysis (atomic ratio), molecular weights and carbon losses of
kerogen models
Kerogen C Carbon loss
model H/C O/C N/C S/C atoms M.W. (%)
Type l - - a 1.64 0.060 0.003 0.001 1439 21,187
c 0.83 0.013 0.003 0.003 305 4024 79
Type I I - - a 1.34 0.196 0.041 0.003 1 5 0 5 25,815
b 1.25 0.089 0.012 0.018 1 2 8 5 19,860 15
c 0.73 0.026 0.014 0.019 569 7949 62
Type I I l - - a 1.06 0.281 0.015 0.001 1 4 4 3 26,176
b 0.98 0.138 0.016 0.004 1 2 1 5 18,959 16
c 0.67 0.059 0.009 0.006 948 13,226 34

Average size o f polyaromatic nuclei. Data obtained Distribution o f functional groups

by electron microscopy on natural kerogens show A review of functional groups analyses on natural
that the maximal size for polyaromatic domains is ten samples can be found for instance in Schnitzer and
rings (Oberlin et al., 1980), at least when these Khan (1978) for humic acids, in Vitorovic (1980) for
domains can be observed. Furthermore these anal- kerogens and in Van Krevelen (1961) for coals. IR
yses indicate that the size of polyaromatic clusters spectroscopy and 13C N M R allow also quantitative
does not increase appreciably along with catagenesis. estimation of functional groups.
The mean number of rings in the aromatic domains These data show that the major functional groups
of our models is given in Table 2. This mean number in kerogens at a low evolutionary stage are oxygen-
must follow the H/C ratios (Oberlin et al., 1980), so containing ones, and that their relative amounts
a slight increase occurs from diagenesis to end of depend on the type of the organic matter. The main
catagenesis, and from Type I to Type III. functional groups are ethers in Type I, esters in Type
Molecular orientation o f aromatic clusters. Oberlin II, phenols, quinones and aromatic acids in Type III.
et al. (1980) have also shown that the aromatic Nitrogen containing groups, mainly in the form of
clusters in natural kerogens undergo reorganization amide links, occur, particularly in Type II kerogens.
during the catagenesis/metagenesis transition and However amide links disappear very early in the
become more or less parallel. The extent of the diagenesis stage.
orientation depends on the type of organic matter. During diagenesis, oxygen is eliminated from func-
For Type I, it is around 500 A, for Type II around tional groups in the form of water and carbon
200/~, and for Type III around 50 /~,, beyond the monoxide and dioxide (Vandenbroucke et al., 1986).
catagenesis zone. This can be explained by the possi- Some groups such as esters and ethers are more
bility of reorientation of residual aromatic clusters resistant than the others to thermal degradation.
during thermal evolution: the more chains and rings Besides the oxygen elimination, sulfur, which is a
are released, the greater is the ability to move for the by-product of bacterial reworking of the organic
remaining carbon structures. matter during deposition, is incorporated in the
In the models, some orientation of aromatic clus- kerogen by cyclization and aromatization processes
ters is represented at the end of catagenesis. However, (Tissot and Welte, 1978). These sulfur compounds
the choice of a same initial carbon number, together are later on released in oils in the form of alkylthio-
with the data on carbon losses, prevents a complete phenes (Ocampo et al., 1987) and benzothiophenes
representation of orientation for Type I and Type II (Castex et al., 1974). At the beginning of the cata-
kerogens. For Type III, the residual carbon number genesis stage, a part of oxygen and all remaining
allows this representation, in agreement with obser- nitrogen are incorporated as heterocycles in the
vations on microporosity of corresponding natural kerogen. At the end of the catagenesis stage, hetero-
kerogens. elements are present only in very stable compounds.

Table 2. Structural distributions of carbon in kerogen models

Average size
Kerogen Aliphatic C Naphthenic C Aromatic C of polyaromatic
model (%) (%) (%) domains~
Type I - - a 74 12 14 1.9
c 36 -- 64 3.8
Type I I - - a 51 19 30 2.8
b 45 14 41 3.1
c 28 -- 72 4.5
Type I l I - - a 38 13 49 3.0
b 34 6 60 3.4
c 19 -- 81 5.7
~Number of rings.
Table 3. D i s t r i b u t i o n o f f u n c t i o n a l g r o u p s in k e r o g e n m o d e l s . T h e first figure is the a m o u n t o f each f u n c t i o n a l g r o u p in the structure. T h e figure in brackets is the o x y g e n p e r c e n t a g e related to the total o x y g e n
in the k e r o g e n m o d e l

OH OH 0 -- C ~'~'' 0
--C -- 0 + C--N +
[ \o. \o °~ ° " + --N.--
OH ~ - - S--S-- +
--NH 2

Type I--a 9 -- 2 -- 44 14 -- -- 1 5 -- 2 --
(10) (5) (51) (33) (1)
c . . . . 2 -- -- -- 2 1 1 -- --
(50) (50)

Type ll--a 43 20 15 7 52 45 9 31 2 4 2 2 26
(15) (7) (10) (5) (17) (31) (3) (11) (1)
b 1 5 3 1 33 27 1 -- 12 16 22 1 --
(1) (3) (5) (1) (29) (48) (1) (10)
c . . . . 9 -- -- -- 6 8 11 -- --
(60) (40)
Type III--a 26 102 4 48 80 16 48 6 7 14 2 -- 2
(6) (25) (2) (23) (20) (8) (12) (2) (2)
b 1 54 -- 6 46 14 10 -- 17 18 5 -- 1
(1) (32) (7) (27) (17) (6) (10)
c . . . . 19 -- -- -- 37 9 6 -- --
(34) (66)
Chemical modelling of kerogens 23

Sulfur and nitrogen are found only in heterocycles; thioph~nique dans les p~troles et les extraits de roche.
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Bonds between polyaromatic nuclei have been added water, heavy water, and pure organic substances.
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ignore what is their relative proportion in kerogen. Micke B. and Michaelis W. (1986) Molecular fossils from
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and do not infer any hypothesis on the molecular size
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Acknowledgements--Studies done in IFP by Geochemistry microscopic study of kerogen microtexture. Selected crite-
and Analytical Physics Departments have largely con- ria for determining the evolution path and evolution stage
of kerogen. In Kerogen (Edited by Durand B.), pp.
tributed to a better insight in kerogen structures. We
thank particularly R. Pelet and B. Durand for fruitful 191 241. Technip, Paris.
Ocampo R., Callot H., Valisolalo Y., Schmid J. C., Connan
discussions and helpful criticisms. The help of C. Leblond
J. and Albrecht P. (1985) Identification and geochemical
and E. Deroze for calculations and drawing was highly
significance of polar porphyrins and sulphur components
appreciated. in geochemical organic matter. Oral communication, 12th
International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, J/ilich.
Pelet R. (1980) Evolution grochimique de la mati~re or-
Albrecht P., Vandenbroucke M. and Mandengue M. (1976) ganique. In Kerogen (Edited by Durand B.), pp. 475-499.
Geochemical studies on the organic matter from the Technip, Paris.
Douala basin (Cameroon)~I: Evolution of the extrac- Pelet R., Behar F. and Monin J. C. (1986) Resins and
table organic matter and the formation of petroleum. asphaltenes in the generation and migration of petroleum.
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