Mangrove Toolkit Final
Mangrove Toolkit Final
Mangrove Toolkit Final
or establishing
Coastal Bioshield
V. Selvam
T. Ravishankar
V.M. Karunagaran
R. Ramasubramanian
P. Eganathan
A. K. Parida
Scientists of MSSRF led by Dr.V.Selvam have been working for over 12 years in the
area of conservation, restoration and sustainable management of mangrove forests.
Some of the early work has been summarized in a publication titled “The Mangrove
Decade and Beyond: Activities, Lessons and Challenges in Mangrove Conservation
and Management, 1990-2001”. The present toolkit has been prepared to help all
interested, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, academic
institutions and local fisher and faming communities to understand restoration of
degraded mangrove wetlands and expand mangrove coverage in all areas which are
vulnerable to coastal cyclones and to tidal inundation. Information is also given on
species useful for raising shelterbelts along the coast.
I hope this publication will be of value to all who are now working with coastal
communities in strengthening the coping mechanism for facing the challenge of the
fury of the sea and climate. I am grateful to Drs. V.Selvam, T.Ravishankar,
V.M.Karunagaran, R.Ramasubramaniam, P.Eganathan and Ajay Parida for their
painstaking efforts in compiling this publication designed to stimulate and sustain
action at the field level.
M. S. Swaminathan
Preface ............................................................................................................................ 3
Tsunami waves, triggered by an earthquake in the sea near Sumatra, struck the
southern and eastern coastal areas of India on 26th December 2004. Walls of water
as high as 10-metre (33 feet) crashed on the beach and penetrated upto 3 km inland,
causing extensive damage in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the coastal districts
of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Pondicherry. According to Government
reports about 10,880 people lost their lives and nearly 5800 people are still missing.
Almost 1,54,000 houses were either destroyed or damaged entailing losses of about
Rs.994 crore or USD 228.5 million. The tsunami destroyed or damaged nearly 75,300
fishing crafts including wooden catamarans, mechanized boats including trawlers
worth about Rs.935 crore (USD 215 million); fishing gears worth of Rs.65 crore
(USD 15 million) were also lost leading to loss of livelihood for thousands and
thousands of fishing families. Apart from these, standing crops of paddy, ground
nut, coconut, cashew, mango, banana, minor millets and vegetables were totally
destroyed in thousands of hectares and seawater intrusion rendered these productive
lands unfit for cultivation.
Even in this situation, it has been reported that damage in terms of loss of lives
and properties in the villages, which are behind mangrove wetlands and shelterbelt
plantations such as plantations of casuarina and of palm trees and other thick coastal
vegetation, was limited as the intensity of the tsunami was reduced by these natural
bioshields or biobarriers. It has been reported that in the Pichavaram mangrove
region of Tamil Nadu fishing and farming villages namely, T.S.Pettai, Vadakku
Pichavaram, Killai Fisher Colony, MGR Nagar and Kalaingar Nagar, which are under
direct physical coverage of the mangrove wetlands were protected from the fury of
the tsunami. These hamlets are located about 500 m to 2.5 km away from the sea
and 50 to 500m away from the mangrove forest. Fishers and farmers in these hamlets
narrated that mangrove trees along the first few rows bore the brunt of the tsunami
waves and the friction created by these trees and the trees of subsequent rows reduced
the speed of the water. According to the villagers, seawater flashed into the mangroves
by tsunami was distributed into lagoon, tidal creeks and canals associated with
mangrove wetland and therefore, the amount of water reaching a point was very
much reduced. This clearly indicates that both the mangrove forests and the associated
wetlands together played a crucial role in mitigating the impact of the tsunami.
Mission statement
The National Commission on Farmers of Government of India under the
chairmanship of Dr.M.S.Swaminathan prepared a detailed action plan in January
2005 for an integrated psychological, ecological, agronomic and livelihood
rehabilitation programmes that can be taken up in the tsunami affected areas in
three time dimensions as given below:
What are the factors that determine area, diversity and growth of
The health of the mangrove wetlands with reference to hydrological and soil
conditions and the wealth of the mangrove wetlands in terms of area, species diversity,
biomass and productivity are determined by
Degree of protection against high-energy waves
Quantity and duration of freshwater flow and sediment supply
Larger tidal amplitude and
Gently sloping coastal topography
Though mangrove trees are capable of withstanding the forces of cyclones, storms
and tsunami they grow only in coastal areas where wave energy is low or in places
where mangrove wetlands are protected by sand barriers against high-energy waves.
This protection is necessary for the seedlings of the mangrove plants to settle, establish
and grow. The coastline of the Muthupet region of the then combined Thanjavur
District of Tamil Nadu and that of Sunderbans in West Bengal are the best examples
of low-energy wave coasts where mangroves grow luxuriantly along the seashore. In
fact, in these areas mangrove forest is slowly growing into the sea! In areas like the
Godavari mangroves of Andhra Pradesh, a sand spit known as Hope Island and
Kakinada Bay provide protection to mangroves against high waves. In the case of the
Pichavaram mangroves of Tamil Nadu, a narrow sandy beach located between the
sea and the mangroves prevents exposure of forest directly to the high-energy waves.
Most of the mangrove plants require low salinity condition for their growth and
reproduction. Hence, luxuriant mangrove forests can be seen only in the estuarine
regions where large amount of freshwater is discharged for longer period of time in a
year. For example, the Sunderbans mangrove forest of West Bengal, which receives
freshwater from the River Ganges and the Brahmaputra throughout the year, harbours
not only high number of mangrove plant species but also dense and tall mangrove
forest. Whereas in the Pichavaram and Muthupet mangroves of Tamil Nadu, which
receive only a low amount of freshwater and that too only for a few months in a year,
both number of plant species present as well as height of the tree is less.
The area of the mangrove wetlands is determined by the tidal amplitude and slope
of the coastline (tide is nothing but the temporary raise and fall of seawater due to
gravitational pull of the moon and the sun and tidal amplitude is the difference
between high tide and low tide). For example, tidal amplitude in the Sunderbans
mangroves is about 4.8 m and the slope of the coast is also very gentle. As a result,
seawater reaches up to 90 km inland and mangrove wetland is present up to this
point. The total area of the Indian part of the Sunderbans mangrove wetland is about
4, 26,000 ha (actual forest cover is about 2,12,500 ha). On the other hand, area of
the Pichavaram mangrove wetland of Tamil Nadu, where the tidal amplitude varies
from 0.40 to 0.65 m, is only about 1,400 ha (actual forest cover is only 700 ha).
Some of the mangrove wetlands harbour larger animals like salt-water crocodiles,
sea otters etc. and the Sunderbans mangroves is famous for Bengal Tiger. Many of
the mangrove wetlands also act as feeding and breeding grounds for a variety of
resident and migrant birds.
Mangrove wetlands are present both along the east and west coast of the mainland
of India and in the coastal zone of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. According to
Forest Survey of India (1998), total area of the Indian mangrove forest is 487100 ha,
out of which nearly 56.7% (275800 ha) is present along the east coast, 23.5%
(114700ha) along the west coast and the remaining 19.8% (96600ha) is found in
the Andaman and Nicobar islands (Table 1).
Mangrove wetlands of the west coast of India is small in size, less in diversity and
less complicated in terms of tidal creek network. This is mainly because costal zone
of the west coast is narrow and steep in slope due to the presence of Western Ghats
and there is no major west-flowing river. On the other hand, mangrove wetlands of
the east coast are larger in area, high in diversity and water bodies associated with
mangroves are characterized by the presence of large brackish water bodies and
complex network of tidal creeks and canals. This is mainly due to presence of larger
delta created by east-flowing rivers and gentle slope of the coast.
* Approximate estimate
Almost all the above mangrove areas are under the management of the Tamil
Nadu Forest Department. In addition, large patches of mangroves, about 2 to 50 ha
in area, are present in many places along the coast of Tamil Nadu. These mangroves
are mostly present in the Revenue lands (lands owned by Revenue Department).
Mangroves of Gujarat
It has been reported that the total mangrove area of the Gujarat is about 1,05,100
ha, of which nearly 77% is located in the Gulf of Kachchh region and remaining in
the Gulf of Khambhat area. Out of about 1 lakh ha of mangroves, mangrove forest is
found only in about 21,500 ha. Remaining area comprises of long stretches of mudflat
without any vegetation. The factors responsible for poor status of the mangroves of
Gujarat are the sub-desertic to arid climate with recurrent drought and very low
inflow of freshwater into the mangroves.
Small and discontinuous patches of mangrove forest are also present in Goa,
Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala.
a). True mangrove plants grow only in mangrove environment and do not extend
into terrestrial plant communities
b). They play a major role in determining structure of the plant community of
the mangrove wetland and ability to form pure stands
c). They are morphologically adapted to live in waterlogged condition – e.g. aerial
roots associated with gas exchange
d). They are physiologically adapted to live in saline environment
e). They have viviparous reproduction
f). They are taxonomically isolated from terrestrial relatives
About 69 species in 27 genera, belonging to 20 families are considered as true
mangrove species.
Mangrove plants of India
A total number 34 true mangrove plant species are present in the mangroves of
India, including mangroves of both the east and west coasts and that of Andaman
and Nicobar Islands. The mangrove wetlands of Orissa have the highest number of
species (about 30) followed by Sunderbans of West Bengal (about 27) and Andaman
and Nicobar Islands (about 24). The least number of species among the east coast
mangroves is present in Tamil Nadu (14) and out of this 14 species, two species
namely, Ceriops tagal and Pemphis acidula are present only in the Gulf of Mannar
islands. Analysis of the distribution of true mangrove species in different Indian
mangrove wetlands indicates that Acanthus ilicifolius, Aegiceras corniculatum, Avicennia
marina, Bruguiera cylindrica, Ceriops decandra, Ceriops tagal, Excoecaria agallocha,
Lumnitzera racemosa, Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata are common to all the
22 M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation
mangroves of India. On the other hand, species such as Pemphis acidula is endemic to
islands of Gulf of Mannar of Tamil Nadu, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea to Godavari
mangroves of Andhra Pradesh. Similarly, Nypa fruticans has been reported to be present
only in Sunderbans of West Bengal. The Tamil Nadu mangrove is also characterized
by the presence of a natural hybrid of Rhizophora species.
Avicennia marina and Avicennia officinalis can be easily identified by their finger
like pneumatophores, which emerge as lateral branches from horizontal roots and
stand erect, upto 30 cm from the soil. Like stilt roots of Rhizophora species,
pneumatophores of Avicennia species act as breathing roots and provide additional
support to trees. The bark of A. marina is brilliant white (hence, called as white
mangroves) and smooth whereas the bark of A. officinalis is grey to black and hence
known as black mangroves.
Ceriops decandra and Ceriops tagal belong to Rhizhophoraceae family. They are
small evergreen trees but do not have elaborate stilt roots like Rhizophora species. The
propagules of Ceriops species are similar to Rhizophora species but are smaller. The
propagules of Ceriops decandra are about 15 cm in length and green to brown in color
and clearly ribbed from top to bottom; they are erect. On the other hand, propagules
of Ceriops tagal are about 20 cm in length and are drooping and smooth.
Avicennia officinalis
Bruguiera cylindrica
Ceriops decandra
Ceriops tagal
Rhizophora apiculata
Rhizophora mucronata
Xylocarpus mekongensis
Sonneratia apetala is a moderate sized evergreen tree with black smooth bark, wood
grey or reddish brown, soft. It has finger like aerial roots but larger than that of
Avicennia species.
Xylocarpus granatum is a moderate evergreen tree with grey bark and hard dark red
wood. It is used as a minor timber. Trunk smooth with flat buttress roots.
Wave energy along with shoreline should be low (otherwise seedlings would
be uprooted)
Substratum should be muddy or accumulated deposit of sediments
Salinity of the water should undergo constant variations due to freshwater
flow (mangroves require low saline condition for optimum growth and
Area should be regularly flushed by tidal water (for many reasons such as
maintenance of salinity, etc.)
Soil should be saturated with or covered by low saline water at some time
during the growing season of every year
Mangroves can be raised successfully only in the places where all the above-
mentioned environmental conditions exist.
Backwater area
Coleroon estuary
Tide tables
Tide tables provide daily information on the time when high and low tide occurs
in a place and also the height of each high and low tide. Tide table is available for
only major coastal cities and ports. In Tamil Nadu, Tide table is available for Chennai,
Cuddalore, Nagapattinam and Tuticorin. The time and height of tides given in the
tide table is for the specific location (where observation is being made continuously
for a number of years) and therefore, time and height of tide at a point inside an
estuary or a backwater system will vary slightly. This time lag in tidal conditions
needs to be understood.
After locating the points where spring high tide reaches and spring low tide falls,
the intertidal area should be divided approximately into high tidal portion, mid tidal
portion and low tidal portion and number of times these areas are inundated by tidal
water should be monitored for a period of 15 days. The part of the intertidal area,
which is flushed by tidal water only during the spring high tide and one or two days
before and after spring tide should be measured, marked and designated as High
Tidal Area; similarly, the portion of the intertidal area, which is flushed by tidal
water for about 10 days within a period of 15 days should be measured, marked and
designated as Mid Tidal Flat. Areas that are flushed by tidal water daily should be
marked and designated as Low Tidal Flat (Fig. 2). In the regions where tidal amplitude
is very high mangrove plantation is normally undertaken only in the mid tidal flat
because saplings planted in the low tidal flat will be immersed in tidal water for
many days that would affect their survival. However, in regions with low tidal
amplitude like Tamil Nadu coast mangroves can be planted even in the low tidal flat.
Fig. 2: Three different portions of intertidal area; low tidal flat is flushed
by tidal water daily, mid-tidal flat is flushed for about 20 days in a month
(most suitable place for mangroves)
Analysis of salinity
Salinity is another important factor that decides the success of mangrove plantation.
Salinity of the tidal water, ground water and soil, are all important. Salinity of the
running water can be easily measured by “refractormeter or salinometer”, which is
Growth rate of mangrove plants is affected at higher salinity mainly because the
rates of ion transport to the shoot of the mangrove plants saturates and as a result
shoot growth continues only with a reduction in growth rate. Similarly at higher salinity
regime photosynthetic capacity of the mangrove plants reduces drastically due to
high water loss through leaves, which create water imbalances in the leaves. Thirdly,
in high saline condition mangrove plants have to spend a lot of energy for maintenance
process, which in turn also affect the growth, and to some extent rate of
All these indicate that growth, productivity of mangrove plants is high in low
saline condition, and such low saline condition can be found only when estuarine
water, where mangrove plants grow, is diluted with large amount of freshwater for
longer period of time.
Almost all the mangrove species produce propagules and seeds only in low saline
On the basis of the salinity distribution five zones can be identified horizontally
in mangrove wetlands. They are euhaline, polyhaline, mesohaline, oligohaline and
limnatic zones. The range of salinity in these zones is given below:
It is observed that most of the mangrove species are absent in the euhaline condition
(due to higher annual average salinity) and limnatic zone because of its pure freshwater
nature. The other three salinity zones have their own group of mangrove species and
dominance of species in each of these three zones depends on the value of the average
salinity, whether it is on the higher side or lower side. The species commonly found
in the polyhaline zone belongs to the genus Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Ceriops, Avicennia
and Sonneratia. Species belonging to Acanthus, Aegiceras and Kandelia are common in
the mesohaline zone. Freshwater loving species such as Hertieria, Nypa fruticans etc.
dominate the oligohaline zone. Some species of the mangroves such as Avicennia
marina, which tolerate wide range of salinity, may be present in most of these zones.
All the above-described five zones can be found only in mangrove wetland, which
receives copious inflow of freshwater for longer period of time in a year. In these mangrove
wetlands the number of mangrove plant species present or diversity of mangrove species
will be high. Best examples are Sunderbans of West Bengal and Bhitarkanika of the
Orissa. On the other hand, such zonation may not be present conspicuously in mangrove
wetlands such as the Pichavaram and Muthupet of Tamil Nadu where the amount of
Planting methods
This section describes, selection of species for plantation, method of planting of
mangrove seed, propagules and seedlings in the selected site.
Choice of species
Success of mangrove plantation largely depends on the choice of species. Normally
distribution pattern of the species with reference to tidal inundation and land elevation
in a nearby natural mangrove forests is taken as reference for selection of species for
planting in different tidal zones. For example, in Tamil Nadu Rhizophora spp., Bruguiera
spp. Ceriops spp. are planted in the low tidal zone, though the breadth of this zone is
very narrow ranging from 2 m to 10m. Avicennia officinalis is planted just a few feet
away from the low tidal zone whereas high saline tolerant Avicennia marina is planted
both in the mid tidal and high tidal regions. In countries like the Philippines species
are selected on the basis of the objectives of the planting, either for production purposes
such as firewood, charcoal, posts and piles etc or protection purposes such as shoreline
or road stabilization, sediment trapping etc.
Aegiceras, Avicennia, Nypa and a number of other mangrove species show a more
or less similar form of reproduction, known as cryptovivipary. In cryptovivipary
germination and embryonic development take place on the parent tree itself as in
the case of Rhizophora spp. but developing hypocotyl fails to penetrate the pericarp
and the hypocotyl will not be long.
The final group of mangroves reproduces and disperses by more or less conventional
seeds, ranging in size from a few millimeters in length to the massive fruits of
Xylocarpus granatum. Larger seeds such as of Xylocarpus granatum are directly used
for planting. In case of smaller seeds such as Sonneratia spp seedlings are raised in
nursery and these seedlings are used for plantation. The following table shows
viviparous, cryptoviviparous and non-viviparous mangrove species (Table 5).
Potted seedlings
Nursery raised or potted seedlings are also used for planting. Details of raising
mangrove nursery are discussed in Chapter 6.
Avicennia marina
Avicennia marina is the species that is commonly planted in large-scale plantation
because of its capacity to withstand wide variations in salinity. It is also possible to
grow this species in all the tidal zones. Apart from these, propagules (from now
onwards called seeds) are also available in large quantities during seed collection
season. Mature seeds of A. marina can be easily distinguished by the light yellowish
colour of the seed coats, which are green in immature seeds. Large mature seeds can
be picked directly from mother trees but the following method is commonly practiced
in Tamil Nadu. During seed collection season, a rapid survey is conducted to identify
the areas where healthy and germinated seeds (also called sprouted seeds) of A. marina
are floating in large numbers. In these areas, fishing nets are placed at the mouth of
the tidal creek during the low tide. All the seeds that move out of the creeks along
with tidal water during the low tide are trapped and transported immediately to the
planting sites. In the planting sites, matured seeds and small sprouted seedlings,
which are damaged during transportation and also by insects, are rejected and disposed
off and the remaining seeds are used for planting. This operation is done daily and
for this a separate group of people is employed; they collect and transport the seeds
to the planting site much before the arrival of the group of people who are engaged
in planting.
Avicennia officinalis
Seed collection and selection process for Avicennia officinalis is more or less similar
to that of A. marina. In Tamil Nadu A. officinalis is planted only just a few feet away
from the tidal creeks and canals because it requires low saline condition and are less
tolerant to desiccation (loss of moisture from the soil).
Ceriops spp.
Ceriops tagal and Ceriops decandra are also used in planting in Tamil Nadu and
Andhra Pradesh but in small numbers. In Tamil Nadu one row of these species are
planted immediately next to Rhizophora spp. in selected places. Mature propagules of
Ceriops spp. can be easily distinguished by pale green to yellowish cotyledon. Mature
and undamaged propagules can be collected from mother trees and freshly fallen
propagules are also useful for planting.
Bruguiera spp.
Mature propagules of Bruguiera spp. have reddish brown or greenish red coloured
hypocotyls. Healthy and mature propagules can be collected from the mother tree
and freshly fallen propagules can also be used for planting. Like Ceriops spp. Bruguiera
is also planted out only in limited numbers in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Aegiceras corniculatum
Healthy and mature seeds of A. corniculatum should be collected only from the
mother tree. The mature seeds can be easily identified by the yellow or greenish
yellow colour of the seed coat.
Excoecaria agallocha
Mostly young and healthy seedlings collected from the wild can be used for planting.
The seedlings should be collected from loose sediments without damaging the root
in the early morning hours and planted on the same day, as soon as possible.
Propagules/seeds must be stored in brackish water in a well-shaded place. They
must be regularly sprinkled with low saline water during the entire period of storage.
As shown below the effective storage duration varies from species to species (Table 6).
Planting technique
The following are the commonly followed methods of planting mangrove species.
Direct planting
Propagules of Rhizophora, Ceriops and Bruguiera spp. and seeds of Avicennia marina
and A. officinalis are normally planted directly on the ground. This method is
economical with a high percentage of survival. The planting operation for these species
is simple and can be done by untrained hands. It involves inserting one-third of the
propagules into the soft and moist mud (as shown in Fig 3). One common practice
responsible for high mortality rates in mangrove planting is the sowing the propagules
to more than half of their length in the soil. This was done because people believed
that waves would dislodge the propagules if they were not planted deep enough.
Propagules, however, are covered with lenticels and if propagules are planted too
deep will render the lenticels useless, causing the slow death of the plants.
Mature seeds or sprouted seedlings of Avicennia spp. with a few numbers of roots
are widely used for direct planting. In this case, a small depression is made in the soft
mud and mature or sprouted seeds are sown into the depression. In order to avoid
washing of sown seeds, sides of the depression are filled with mud.
Where there are not enough seeds or propagules, wildlings may be potted and
hardened in the nursery for a month. In uprooting/collecting wildlings, extra care
must be taken not to damage the root system. For some species wildlings can be
Grazing organisms like insects and moth larvae should be removed by hand, kept
in a bag and disposed in the terrestrial areas.
If the problem of grazing by insects and moth larvae and encrustation by organisms
like barnacles is severe and affecting a large area of the plantation neem based
biopesticide can be used for complete eradication of these pests.
M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation has been working jointly with the State
Forest Departments of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa for the last 8 to 14
years in restoring and conserving the mangrove wetlands. During the course of the
work it was found out that mangroves in these areas have been degraded in a large
scale due to one or a combination of the following factors:
a) Changes in biophysical condition due to coupe felling in the past (clear felling
as a part of the government management practice),
b) Reduction in freshwater flow,
c) Conversion of mangroves forest for other purposes and
d) Over use by local community
MSSRF and State Forest Departments have jointly developed and demonstrated
restoration techniques, which primarily address the issues relating to changes in the
biophysical condition resulting from the past management practices. This restoration
technique is followed mostly in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and recently it has
been tried in Orissa. Application of these techniques to restore degraded areas located
within the reserve forest requires permission from the State Forest Department. A
separate section discusses where the canal method will not yield good results.
Restoration technique
Canal method
This method is otherwise called trench method and is largely followed to restore
mangrove areas that are degraded due to clear felling in the past under coupe system
of management. It is also called fish bone canal method because canals designed like
a fish bone produce better results. In the mangrove Reserve Forests of Tamil Nadu
The following steps describe the technique and process to restore mangrove areas
that are degraded due to organized massive clear felling.
Fig. 8: Aerial view of fish bone type of canal system normally followed in the
restoration of degraded areas in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
On the basis of the experience gained by restoring about 1000 ha of degraded area
in the state of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, the following dimension is prescribed
for main canal: 3 m upper width x 1.0 m depth x 1.5 m lower width (Fig. 9a). In case
the ground level nearby the natural canal is slightly higher than the interior portion,
in these areas depth of the canal may be increased by about 30 to 50 cm. The feeder
canal can be of 1.5 m upper width x 0.75 m depth x 0.60 m lower width (Fig. 9b).
Distance between feeder canals varies from 2 to 4 m in Tamil Nadu (due to low tidal
amplitude) to 8 m in Andhra Pradesh (due to slightly high tidal amplitude and low
bulk density of the soil)
In microtidal environment (low tidal amplitude) such as Tamil Nadu and Andhra
Pradesh it is advisable to have the depth of the main canal always more than that of
the mean water level in the natural canal (it means if the mean water level is about
1 metre the depth of the main canal should be more than 1m). The mean water level
of the natural canal can be determined by measuring the maximum and minimum
water levels over a period of 24 hours using a graduated staff (help of oceanographers
or hydrological engineers may be taken, if necessary to determine the mean sea level).
The mean of these two levels is the Mean Water Level of the canal. This observation
should be made during the summer months, when there is no freshwater flow.
Measurement during the month of May should be avoided since there is chance of
measuring time coinciding with equinoctial tide.
Type 1 Area: Type 1 area refers to intertidal areas in the mangrove environment
where topography has become trough shaped due to massive clear felling of mangroves
(such as coupe felling), which led to stagnation of tidal water and development of
hyper saline condition. Development of hypersaline condition prevents natural
Fig. 10: Type 1 Area: Trough shaped area degraded due to coupe felling
Type 2 Area: Type 2 area refers to areas, which have levee along the creek banks,
which prevents free movement of tidal water in and out of the mangrove forest
(Fig.11). As a result, environmental condition of the mangrove forest behind the
levee gradually deteriorates leading to degradation. In these areas, the ground level
might be equal or slightly above the MWL in the creeks. Hence, when canals are dug,
there will be free flow of water in the areas where ground level is equal to a slightly
higher to MWL. Given the elevation in the levee region, flushing can be ensured
only by multiple interconnections between the feeder canals.
To restore the degraded areas, two types of plantings are followed i) direct dibbling
or direct planting and ii) planting of nursery-raised saplings or potted seedlings.
This chapter provides details of the following:
is attached to the mother plant itself. These germinated seeds are normally called
propagules. Propagules are slender.
Ideal season for collecting the propagules is from September to December. However,
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata bear fruits throughout
the year, though the peak fruiting season is August – November.
than 5 years i.e. trees which are taller than 5-6 m. The viability period of the mangrove
seeds is very short once they are taken out of water and hence they are to be planted
immediately after collection (within 24 h). The salinity levels of the water that is
used for nursery plays an important role in the germination and survival and hence,
the saplings should be raised in low salinity initially (10 ppt).
Propagules of Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata and Bruguiera
gymnorrhiza could be planted directly in the bags placed in the beds. Similarly, wildlings
(about 2" height) of Excoecaria agallocha and seedlings of Sonneratia apetala from the
primary bed could be planted directly in the bags. However, the seeds of Avicennia
marina, Avicennia officinalis and Xylocarpus moluccensis should be sown in bags kept
outside and then transported to the nursery bed after germination.
The sapling bags should be shifted periodically to prevent rooting into the soil.
The seedlings should be periodically checked for pest or woodborer damage as the
sprouting seeds/propagules are susceptible to caterpillar damage. Seedlings with pest
attack should be removed. Water from the beds should be drained completely before
applying the pesticide in order to avoid the spread of pesticide residue to other areas.
Watering Pests
Aegiceras corniculatum Fully once a day Crabs caterpillars
Avicennia marina Fully once a day Crabs caterpillars
Avicennia officinalis Fully once a day Crabs caterpillars
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza At neap tide -
Excoecaria agallocha Fully once a day Crabs caterpillars
Rhizophora apiculata At neap tide -
Rhizophora mucronata At neap tide -
Sonneratia apetala Twice a day Rats, Crabs, caterpillars
Xylocarpus moluccensis Fully once a day Crabs
During the initial stages, water should be sprinkled twice, using rose-water cans.
After germination, the polythene bags should be transported to the beds and watered
through canals.
Pest control
During the sprouting stages, crabs damage young seedlings. These damaged
seedlings should be replaced with fresh seed / seedlings. Caterpillars are the major
pests for Avicennia and when the attack is severe, neem based pesticide can be used.
To ensure raising of healthy seedlings, casualties should be replaced with seeds/
seedlings. The seedlings from the beds must be shifted periodically for three months
after sowing.
Specifications for selection of seedlings
The recommended specifications of the seedlings are as follows:
Height : 50 cm
No. of leaves : at least 12
Period : 8 months
4.0 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Savigny
Local Name: Kandriga (Telugu), Bandari (Oriya), Kakra (Bengali)
Selection of propagules
Healthy propagules should be selected and checked for insect borers. The propagules
should then be planted immediately in the polythene bags placed in the beds. In case
of storing, the seeds should be kept in the shade for one or two days, without being
exposed to direct sunlight.
Sowing into nursery bags
The hypocotyl of the propagule should be inserted to a depth of about one third of
the length. Small sticks are to be tied to the hypocotyl for providing support. Polythene
bags filled with mud should be kept ready.
Watering is to be done daily through the canals.
Initially, the casualties should be replaced with propagules. The seedlings from
the beds should be shifted periodically for a period of three months after sowing.
Specifications for selection of seedlings
The recommended specifications of the seedlings are as follows:
Height : 60 cm.
No. of leaves : at least 8
Period : 8 months
8.0 Sonneratia apetala Buch. - Ham
Local Name: Kalinga (Telugu), Keruan (Oriya), Marama maram (Tamil),
Keora (Bengali)
Collection of fruits
Healthy and mature fruits should be collected from the trees. The characteristic
indicators of mature fruits are deep green colour and sour taste of the mesocarp.
In India, since 1970 the state forest departments have been raising shelterbelts in
the coastal areas. The forest department has mastered the technique of raising
shelterbelts, in which casuarina was extensively used. The massive shelterbelt raised
by the Tamil Nadu Forest Department for a distance of about 12 km from
Pudhupattinam to Thirumullaivayal in the coastal areas of Nagapattinam District
Compositions of shelterbelts
The difference in the proposed shelterbelt from the regular shelterbelt is that along
with casuarina other ecologically and economically important species can also be
grown taking into account the biophysical condition and available breadth and width
of the area selected for raising shelterbelts. It is recommended to include coastal
plant species of economical value to generate income to the local community who
will be involved in the bioshield movement.
The plant species are chosen with the twin goal of raising the bioshields and deriving
livelihood benefits to the local communities. Following plant species could be
commonly raised in Bioshields.
Brief description for identification and uses of plants recommended for bioshields
Uses: Tender leaves and inflorescence along with jaggery (Saccharum officinarum)
consumed as a vegetable. Tender twigs used as toothbrush. Leaves fumigated as a
mosquito repellant. Leaf bits put into granaries as an insect repellent. Wood used for
house building. Leaf twigs kept in house premises to keep off evil spirits. Leaf twigs
and branches used in religious rituals and ceremonies. Local communities worship
the tree.
Flowering and Fruiting: February - July
Uses: Poles used in house construction, basket and mat weaving, highly useful in
cottage industries and handicrafts. Poles used by fishermen in fishing.
Flowering and Fruiting: Once in 30 or 45 or 60 years
Uses: Toddy tapped from the inflorescence. Boiled primary root, tender kernel
and fruit pulp edible. Trunks from 50 to 60 year old trees used for house building.
Leaves used for thatching, making baskets, mats and umbrellas. Fiber from petiole
used for making ropes.
Flowering and Fruiting: February; May.
Uses: Inflorescence used as vegetable. And also kept along with unripened mangoes
for quick ripening. Bark used for extraction of dye. Wood used for making agricultural
Uses: Poles used in scaffolding, fuel and construction material. Fishermen use
them as fishing poles. A good bioshield plant.
Flowering (twice a year): February-April and September - October
Fruiting: June and July – December.
Uses: Roots as well as the leaf twigs boiled in water and the water used for bathing
for rheumatic pains.
Flowering and Fruiting: May - September.
Uses: Trunks used in house construction. Leaves used for thatching. Toddy obtained.
Fruit edible and is a source of cooking oil. Coir used in micro-enterprises.
Flowering and Fruiting: Throughout the year
Uses: Seed oil warmed and applied for skin diseases. Seed oil widely tried for bio-fuel
Flowering and Fruiting: March-August.
Much branched, evergreen shrub or small tree. Leaf: elliptic ovate and slightly
succulent. Flower: greenish white or greenish yellow. Fruits: red when ripe.
Uses: Grows in wide range of soils; stem used as tooth brush, leaves used for
asthma and cough. Fruit: sweet and edible.
Uses: Fruit juice mixed with water, used as hair wash; fruits sold in market.
Flowering and Fruiting: September - March.
Uses: Fruits and flowers yield yellow dye, which are useful for coloring the cloths.
Flowering and Fruiting: June - July
Shrubs, up to 3 m tall; bark thin, grey. Leaves 3-5 foliolate; leaflets elliptic-lanceolate
or lanceolate, entire, glabrous above, white tomentose beneath, base acute, apex
acuminate. Flowers blush-purple, in terminal panicles. Drupes subglobose, black
when ripe.
Uses: Leaf twigs put in hot water and taken bath for rheumatic pains.
Flowering and Fruiting: Throughout the year. Common; along hedges and waste places.
Nursery practices for commonly used shelterbelt species such as casuarina is well
established by the respective State Forest Departments. The Forest Department can
be approached both for getting the saplings as well as training in raising and
establishing nurseries for shelterbelts. The multi-species shelterbelts being proposed
after the tsunami are included with the component of livelihood enhancement of
the local communities. In this respect nursery practices for some of the commercially
important species such as coconut have been standardized by the Agriculture
Department and they can be approached for saplings and getting training in
establishing nurseries.
Germination of seed
Tending the seedlings in the containers/ secondary bed
Soil preparation
The soil used is a mixture of loamy soil (earth), river sand and farmyard manure
(FYM) in the ratio of 6:3:1. Vermi-compost could be used but the undecomposed
manure should not be used as it attracts termites and grubs. Inorganic fertilizers can
also be used but the quantity has to be determined carefully and it will vary with the
age and the species grown in the nursery. However, dilute spray of these fertilizers
and the vermi-wash help in getting healthy saplings.
Time of Sowing
Seeds for raising the potted plants are normally grown between January and March.
While sowing in summer, the top layer of the seedbed should be soaked well before
the sowing operation starts.
The young seedlings from the primary bed are to be transplanted into the poly
bags / poly tubes containing the soil mixture, which is wet (saturated with water).
Small hole in the middle portion of the bag has to be made and the root up to the
collar should be inserted. Soil can be heaped around the seedling to cover the vacant
space. The plants should be watered and kept in shade for a day to recover. Then the
saplings can be arranged in open / shaded places according to the requirement.
Shading can be provided to some species like Eucalyptus. The shading should be
provided more for the young seedlings and gradually the shading should be reduced
in order to harden the plant.
The seedling can be graded according to its height. More attention should be paid
to smaller saplings that can be done by keeping them separately. This helps to get
good quality saplings for planting. The weak saplings can be planted later in the cycle
or in the next planting season after giving sufficient hardening treatment.
Hardening of seedlings
The nursery saplings must be hardened before planting. This will help the saplings
to survive better after planting. Normally in this process the watering should be
gradually reduced from daily to once in a week. This helps to develop better roots
and the base of the seedlings become stronger. It has been noticed that the hardened
saplings have better survival rate.
Pest Control
Termites, grasshoppers, nematodes and caterpillars are some of the pests that
damage the seedlings in the nursery. Care should be taken to control these pests in
the early stages using neem extract or other biopesticides available in the market.
Calendar of operations
Calendar with definite time sequence should be prepared so that all the activities
are handled within the stipulated timeframe. This will ensure better survival rate and
hence saves time, money and energy.
Anacardium occidentale
The seeds could be collected from selected high yielding trees. The seeds should be
sown in polythene bags with the stalk end upwards. Germination will take 15 – 25
days and the saplings could be planted after 4 to 6 weeks after having been raised in
the nursery. Sapling should be raised in the nursery before 2 months of planting.
Azadirachta indica
The seeds could be collected from ripe fruits either from the tree or from the ground
under the tree. The seeds should be sown within 10 days in poly bags of 10 cm X 15 cm.
The seeds lose their viability if sown very late after collecting from the fruits. Nursery
can be raised during the onset of the rainy season and the plantation could be done
later. Though it can be easily raised through nurseries, plantations with direct sowing
of seeds proved to yield better results. The seedlings should be changed to bigger bags
(20 cm X 30 cm) after three months of sowing. The saplings should be grown for
another eight months; during that period the saplings will attain a height of 1 m.
Bambusa arundinacea
Seeds could be collected from the panicles and sown in nursery and should be
grown for nine months. Germination period is normally 12 to 15 days. About 30 –
60 % of seeds will germinate. The seeds should be soaked in water for at least 12
hours before sowing. Vegetative propagation through stem/rhizome cutting is also possible.
Bixa orellina
The seeds should be soaked in cold water for 24 hrs. Then they should be either
sown directly into the polythene bags or in primary beds during June - July. The
seedlings should be kept in the nursery for 4-5 months before planting.
Cassia fistula
The seeds could be obtained by breaking the pods, which can be collected form the
ground. The germination period is between 6 and 52 days and about 20 – 50 % of the
seeds will germinate. The seeds need pre-treatments such as soaking in sulphuric
acid or boiling water for 5 minutes or stratified or must be scarified to remove the
seed coat. The seeds should be sown 25 cm apart in the prepared seedbeds and regularly
Toolkit for establishing Coastal Bioshield 77
watered. The seedlings are indifferent to shade or open conditions in the nursery.
Saplings should be in the nursery for at least 1 – 2 years and the sapling height
should be 20 – 30 cm while planting.
Casuarina equisetifolia
Seeds could be collected from trees, which are 10-15 year old. The old trees provide
good viable seeds. The ripe cones could be collected from the trees. They should be
spread in the shade and covered with gunny bags. After 3 – 4 days the cones will open
and brown seeds with light yellow wings could be collected and used immediately.
If the seeds should be stored, they should be mixed with ash and stored in earthen
pots for about 2 months. Seeds will germinate in 10 –20 days. The germinated seedlings
could be transplanted into polythene bags and should be grown in the nursery for
5 – 6 months.
Cocos nucifera
Fully matured nuts should be selected and sown 30 cm apart (center to center) in
raised nursery beds. Germination period is between 3 – 6 months and the saplings
should be grown for 12 – 18 months.
Pongamia pinnata
The pods are generally collected between March and May and the seeds should be
sown within a month to have better survival. The root/stem cuttings could also be
used for raising plantations.
Salvadora persica
Seeds collected from trees could be used for raising the nursery. Since it is slow growing
plant, the saplings have to be raised for at least 3 years in the nursery before planting.
Sapindus emarginatus
The seeds should be collected from better yielding trees.The seeds collected from
the fruits should be immersed in hot water for 5 minutes and then soaked in cold
water for 48 hrs to hasten the process of germination. The saplings should be grown
in the nursery for 8 – 9 months (about 30 to 40 cm).
Thespesia populneoides
Seeds should be collected from healthy trees for growing in the nurseries. The
germination of the seeds ranges from 30 – 60%. They also could be regenerated
through stem cuttings but propagation through seed has advantage of getting knot-
free straight poles, which will be useful as timber.
Pits should be wide and deep enough to hold the ball of the earth in the polythene
bag holding the seedling. Pitting should be dug at the time of planting and not
before since sand will collapse.
Toolkit for establishing Coastal Bioshield 79
Transporting of nursery stock to the planting site and planting of saplings
Light wooden or wire trays are available for transporting the saplings to the planting
sites. The ball of the earth should not be broken while transporting. While planting
Casuarina and other species water should be provided immediately if there is no rain.
Watering should be continued once in 4 days if there is no rain.
Organic manures can be applied while filling the pit along with the soil. However,
while applying inorganic fertilizers, care should be taken to avoid direct contact of
the salts with the plant especially the root portion. Always watering should be followed
immediately after adding the inorganic fertilizer. Only super phosphate, muriate of
potash, and magnesium sulphate should be added for Casuarina plantation.
Azadirachta indica
The nursery raised saplings as well as seeds could be used for raising plantation.
The pits measuring 0.3 cubic metre should be dug at an interval of 5m X 5m. The
saplings along with the soil should be planted. Watering during the initial stages of
planting and in summer for the first 2 years is a must and helps in successful
establishment of the plantation.
Bambusa arundinacea
Pits of 60 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm dimension should be dug at an interval of 8 m x 8
m or 10 m x 7 m. These saplings should be transplanted in the pits during the monsoon
season. Adding ammonium sulphate or calcium ammonium nitrate (200 gms.) and
super phosphate (200 gms.) would enhance the growth of the saplings. Intercropping
could be done with a row of subabul or Eucalyptus in the middle.
Bixa orellina
The nursery-raised saplings should be planted at an espacement of 4 m x 4 m. Pits
of 0.30 cubic meters should be dug and the sapling along with the mud should be
planted. Watering should be provided during summer months during the first year.
Borassus flabellifer
Direct sowing of seeds in the early monsoon season could help in establishment
of plantation. It requires very little attention. It can be cultivated on every type of
Cassia fistula
Planting is done by either direct sowing or through nursery-raised saplings or
stump planting. Root suckers could also be used for regeneration. Saplings should be
in the nursery for at least 1 – 2 years and the sapling height should be 20 – 30 cm
while planting. Pits of 0.30 cubic meters should be dug and the sapling along with
the mud should be planted with an espacement of 6 m x 6 m. The seedlings are
sensitive to weeds and hence weeding is very important. Roots suckers could also be
used for regeneration.
Casuarina equisetifolia
Small pits of 0.3 cubic meters should be dug and the sapling should be planted at
1x 1 or 2 x 2 m interval. Intercropping with groundnut or pulses is normally practiced.
Irrigation is required in the first year.
Cocos nucifera
One cubic meter pits with an interval of 7 – 9 m should be dug and the dugout soil
should be mixed with organic manure. The sapling is planted and mulched. Manuring
and watering are important for sustainable yield.
Hibiscus tiliaceus
Seeds and cuttings could be used for raising planting material
Pongamia pinnata
The trees are grown in variety of soils ranging from sandy to black cotton soil. But
they establish very well in properly-drained alluvium soils. The seeds could be directly
sown or nursery raised saplings could be used to raise the plantation. One-year-old
saplings should be planted in 0.3 cubic meter pits with an interval of 5 m X 5 m.
Salvadora persica
The saplings should be planted at an interval of 5 m x 5 m. The pits should be dug
for 0.3 cubic meters.
Sapindus emarginatus
Pits measuring about 0.30 cubic meters should be dug at an interval of 6 m x 6 m.
The saplings should be planted during the onset of the monsoon and if required
watering should be done in summer for the first year.
Thespesia populneoides
Nursery raised saplings grown for 6 - 8 months and stem cuttings could be planted.
The pits should be dug with the dimension of about 0.30 cubic meters. Saplings
should be planted at an interval of 5 m x 5 m.
Vitex negundo
The stem cuttings and the root suckers could be used as planting material for
raising the plantations.
tivee and micr
egetativ opr
micropr opaga
opropaga tion of mangr
opagation mangrooves
and mangr
mangroove associa
associatte plants
Vegetative propagation is a method of producing plants identical in genotype with
the mother plant. It is a method of producing large number of plants from the
vegetative part of mother plant. Any part of the plant such as stem, leaf, propagule
and root can be used to produce plants through vegetative propagation. It is an asexual
method of propagation. The vegetative propagation forms an integral part of tree
improvement programme. In this approach, the best planting stock with highest
genetic equality can be obtained, which is not always possibel with the sexually
propagated progenies. Another advantage is that, by this technique, plants can be
raised almost throughout the year and the palatable stock for some species can be
obtained in shorter time that htose raised through seeds.
Step 1. Selection of braches
Select semi-hard wood and hard wood branches of plus trees. Avoid selecting
branches that are drooping too much and twigs that are very young or tender.
Step 2. Removal of bark of selected branches
Remove the outer bark of the selected branch at 2 to 5 cm below the node. The
portion of the branch where the bard is removed is called, wounded portion. Make a
bridge of bark or 2 to 4mm thickness to connect the upper end of the mother plant
and the lower end of the daughter plant (offspring) to be produced. This bridge is
necessary for the maintenance of some of the important physiological functions,
since in mangrove species formation of roots is very slow.
Stem cutting
Tree twigs, solution to remove phenolics, growth hormones, refrigerator, knife,
mist chamber, humidifier and mud filled polythene bags.
Step 1. Collection of branches / stems
Collect narrow / straight twigs from plus trees.
Types of Micropropagation
There are two types of Micropropagation techniques namely, a) Direct
organogenesis and b) Indirect organogenesis. In direct organogenesis, stems with
internodes are grown in culture media to produce multiple shoots and these shoots
are removed and grown in rooting media. Once the rooting is established, the explants,
which are now called as saplings, will be hardened in growth chamber, field nursery
and then transferred to the field.
Methods of micropropagation
Stock solution of MS, WPM, SH and X media, explants, glassware, inoculation
chamber, sterilized culture racks, growth chamber.
Step 1. Collect explants, preferably shoot portion, from the field or mist chamber
or nursery. The explant material may be leaf segments, uninodal and bimodal segments
from mature trees as well as seedlings.
Step 2. Wash the explants in running tap water for 1 hour. This is necessary to
remove the exudates (Phenolics, tannins, and mucilage) present within the tissue.
Step 3. Again wash the explants with Tween 20 (2% , V/V) and rinse until traces of
soap are removed. Take the explants to a sterile laminar flow and surface sterilize the
explants with HgCl2 (0.1%, W/V) followed by three washes with sterile distilled water.
Step 4. Trim the explants with sterilized knife and cut them into small pieces of
leaf, uninodal and bimodal segments. Cut the lower portion of the nodal explants at
an angle of 20 to 30 degrees to get a slanting basal portion, which facilitates in
effective absorption of nutrition from the medium.
Step 7. After shoot initiation, sub-culture the explants for shoot elongation and
multiplication. For this purpose use different combinations and concentrations of
growth hormones.
Step 9. Harden the rooted plants in growth chamber (e.g. N.K. System LP-1PH)
at 80 % relative humidity and 26 ºC for a period of three weeks.
Step 10. Transfer the hardened plants to the mangrove nursery and after hardening
for about 2 to 5 months, treat them with different salinities ranging from 5 to 20 ppt.
Step 11. Transfer the hardened plants to the selected for plantation.
Importance: Seed cooked (Kunkel, 1984 and Moerman 1998) reported it could
be used as a pinole or be ground into a meal and used as porridge, a thickener in
soups or added to flour for making bread and the seed is rather small and fiddly to
use. He reported the fresh leaves can be chewed, or the dried leaves smoked, in the
treatment of head colds and the crushed flowers, stems and leaves can be steamed
and inhaled to treat nasal congestion and a poultice of the powdered roots has been
applied to sores.
Seed and nursery: Seed - sow April/May in a cold frame in a compost of peat and sand.
Tissue culture: Mei et al. (19970 reported shoot organogenesis (265 shoots)
from leaf disc explants was accomplished at rates of 12.3 shoots/disc or 1.7 shoots/
mm2 of leaf disc explants. Root organogenesis was induced in 63% (168) of the
shoots, using indolebutyric acid (IBA, 0.5 mg liter-1) and gibberellic acid (GA3, 0.1
mg-1 liter) in a Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium.
Cultivation: Huxley (1992) reported plants require a position in full sun in any
well-drained but not too fertile soil. Tolerates saline and very alkaline soils. Succeeds
in a hot dry position.
Seed and nursery: Eganathan (2002) reported the best seed germination (84%)
was observed when seeds treated with a combination of GA3 + KN (25 + 40 ppm).
These seedlings were established well in the natural environment.
The seed sowing is done in April to June. The following lands can be utilized for
Salicornia cultivation - degraded coastal zones, hyper saline areas. Pretreated seeds
could be cultivating on broad casting methods and tissue culture plants spacing of 1
foot is found most suitable. Traditionally burned for soda ash used in glass and soap
making, it is now being seriously considered for its oil (30%) production with yields
that exceed many freshwater oilseed crops. Commercial cultivars of Salicornia bigelovii
have demonstrated seed yields of 2-3 tons/ha with an overall biomass production of
20 tons/ha.
Seed and nursery: Fruits are small, round, and pea-sized, bearing 1 seed per
fruit. Seeds turn from white to pink or purple-red and are semitransparent when
mature. Pretreatment is not necessary (RSCU 1992). Seeds exhibit no dormancy but
the fruit pulp contains germination inhibitors which should be removed before sowing.
Seed can be stored for about 1 month.
Vegetative propagation
Tissue culture: Mathur et al (2002) reported maximum shoot proliferation from
single explants was obtained on MS medium incorporated with BAP (4.0 mg/l), IAA
(0.5 mg/l), adenine sulphate (40 mg/l), glutamine (100 mg/l) and thiamine HCl
(10 mg/l). In vitro produced shoots were induced to root on a range of IBA
concentrations (0.5-5.0 mg/l) supplemented to half strength MS medium. The highest
frequency of root proliferation was on half strength MS medium supplemented with
3.0 mg/l IBA.
Porteresia coarctata
Importance: Porteresia is a halophytic species, which can withstand total
submergence in seawater and taxonomically related to rice. Land soil builder, control
soil erosion rive banks of mangrove areas.
Seed and Nursery: seed can be collected from October to December from mother
plants. It is germinate other non-vegetated riverbank areas.
Sesuvium portulacastrum
Importance: It is a very good nutritious green vegetable, fodder, and good soil
Seed and Nursery: Nursery can be established for rapid multiplication from elite
clones for supply saplings to farmers.
Vegetative propagation: Sea purlane can be propagated from rooted stem cuttings
taken from established plants. IBA and NAA treated plants give better rooting and
shoot development, shoot tip is compare to other portion of plants give better response
and growth.
Tissue culture: Multiple shoot was achieved from uninodal explants in X medium
combination of BA, NAA, Kn (Eganathan, 2002) and callus induction found in X
medium with 2,4-D, NAA, Kn and differentiation was achieved in X medium with
0.5 IBA.
Plate 1 : Propagules of different species of Rhizophoraceae
Plate 3: Development and hardening
of propagated plants in the nursery
and mist chamber
A. General view of the field nursery with
mist chamber
B. Stem cuttings of the Acanthus ilicifolius
C. Inside view of the mist chamber
D. Flow of mist inside the mist chamber
Further reading
Bhat, D.M., V.S. Swamy and N.H. Ravindranath 2003. Nursery manual for forest
tree species, Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India. pp – 320.
Rai, S.N. 1999. Nursery and planting techniques of forest trees in tropical South
Asia. Punarvasu Publications, Dharwad pp – 217.
Rao, A.L. 1991. Guidelines for tree planting in Andhra Pradesh, Society for promotion
of wasteland development, New Delhi pp – 215.
Sastry, T.C.S. and K.Y. Kavathekar 1997. Plants for reclamation of wastelands. National
Institute of Science communications, CSIR, New Delhi pp – 684.
Siyag, P.R. 1998. The Afforestation Manual – Techniques and management, Tree
Craft Communication, Jhotwava, Jaipur pp - 585.