Masgutova Method

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The Masgutova Method of Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex

Integration: Key to Health, Development and Learning

Mary Rentschler, M.Ed., Masgutova Method Integration Specialist

Infant reflexes are protective stereotypical motor responses by the brainstem to internal or
external stimuli. The widely accepted traditional thinking on these movement patterns in
infants is that they exist up until about age three, when they normally disappear, having
become “inhibited” through normal maturation. Some psychologists, physiologists,
developmental optometrists, occupational therapists and educators understand the role of
retained reflexes in learning difficulties, vision problems and other developmental disorders.
Few professionals, however, offer interventions that specifically target them as a key to
healthy development. Those who do are primarily oriented toward reflex extinction or

The Masgutova Method of Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration has its origins in a
different way of thinking. Svetlana Masgutova, Ph. D., a Russian psychologist currently
working in Poland and the US, has based her method on the work done from the 1920’s to
1950’s by Russian physiologists I. Pavlov and I. Stechenov: neurophysiologists, A.
Uhtomsky, N. Bernstein and P. Anokhin; and psychologist L. Vigotsky. These
scientists/researchers placed reflexes in the frame of both higher and lower nervous system
activity. They saw in infant reflexes not only a protective or survival response to stress or
danger, but also the neuro-physiological foundation for physical, emotional and cognitive

“The first infant movements do not disappear; they continue to

work in union with higher nervous system formations…”
L.S. Vigotsky, Russian psychologist, 1930

Through her own research on over 3,000 children over the past 20 years in Russia, Poland,
USA and Canada and her practical experience with more than 27,000 clients worldwide, Dr.
Masgutova has expanded her conceptual understanding of these phenomena and developed
her own sensory-motor integration program:

Reflexes have a dual purpose, protection and development.

As automatic involuntary unconscious responses to stress and danger, they serve as
protective or survival mechanisms. The grasp reflex, for example, causes an infant to “hang
on for dear life” when it senses a loss of support. Equally important, reflexes are the
fundamental neurological building blocks for motor and cognitive development. In reflexive
movement patterns we recognize the very beginnings of a process that, as it matures, leads
to the possibility of skillful, controlled and intentional behavior. The dexterity and artistry of
a virtuoso violinist begins in the grasp of his tiny fists around his mother’s fingers during his
first hours of life. In the case of the musician, the grasp reflex is neither extinguished nor
inhibited. It is integrated into mature movement patterns with all their complex and subtle

Even more, a fully integrated reflex becomes part of an internal posture, aptitude or skill we
refer to when we use the image of a movement pattern metaphorically. Thus maturation
and elaboration of the grasp reflex will enable readers of this article to “grasp” the exciting

© Mary Rentschler, M.Ed., 2008 • [email protected] • (202) 244-8280
possibilities open to professionals who embrace this concept of neuro-sensory-motor and
reflex integration and its implications for treatment.

Dr. Masgutova proposes integration of infant reflexes as an intervention to promote:

 Healthy protection/survival reactions

 Healthy self regulation
 Gross and fine motor skills development
 Transition from reflex patterns into intentional movement and motor skills
 Refinement of controlled, skillful, intentional movement
 Enhanced memory, attention, focus, perseverance
 Motivation and confidence
 Maturation of social skills
 Academic achievement
 Mature cognitive development

Positive and negative protection

To describe the role of reflexes in the functioning of both typical and challenged children,
Dr. Masgutova refers to “positive” and “negative” protection. When a startled infant cries for
help or a toddler points with his toes, reaching for the floor, as his father puts him down,
the reflex systems are functioning in a positive way. The involved reflexes have matured
neurologically and sensory perception functions well: the brain stem “recognizes” stimuli
and organizes protective motor responses with no disturbance to reasoning ability and
overall development.

Natural activation of a reflexive motor response begins with a build up of tension in the
involved muscles and ends with the release of that tension in movement. Over time, if we
restrict a reflex movement, because of restraint, fear, or a command to “hold still and pay
attention,” it may lose its connection with the original sensory stimulation and may not
manifest as an appropriate motor response. However, the muscle tension remains in the
body. In other cases the sensory-motor connection may be too strong, resulting in
excessive motor reactivity or too weak, resulting in low muscle tone.

Negative protection is present when a reflex fails to mature and a dysfunctional reflex
response continues beyond a time that is necessary or useful. A nonintegrated grasp reflex,
for example, results in an inefficient pencil grip. A hyperactive Asymmetrical Tonic Neck
Reflex (ATNR) requires one to tighten arm and shoulder muscles to prevent the arm from
straightening out when writing on the right side of a paper and creates difficulties in
crossing the midline and organizing work in visual or auditory midfield. A child with a
retained Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR) has difficulty sitting and may wrap his
ankles around his chair legs to prevent his knees from straightening when his arms are
bent. All these compensations not only drain energy away from the task at hand, but also
impede healthy motor development.

Any kind of stress can trigger negative protection: poor motor development caused by
movement deprivation (too much time spent in car seats and other restrictive devices,
medical interventions such as casts required by hip dysplasia), difficult pregnancy or birth,
illness, injury, emotional trauma, even chronic stress in everyday life. Negative protection
manifests as muscle tension, impulsivity and primitive reactions that block self-regulation
and skill formation. In highly dysfunctional or pathological reflex development we see more
severe symptoms such as stereotypical or chaotic movement patterns, spasticity/hyper-
tonicity in the limbs or chronic low muscle tone. Development is arrested and reasoning
© Mary Rentschler, M.Ed., 2008 • [email protected] • (202) 244-8280
processes in the neo-cortex are bypassed as the reflex system, driven by the brainstem,
takes control of behavior.

Research Results.
In her research on nearly 3,000 children ranging in age from 1 month to 18 years, Dr.
Masgutova found significant correlations between poorly integrated reflexes and specific
developmental delays. These findings show how incomplete integration of reflex patterns
can be linked to many functional and structural challenges.

Percent of children
Dysfunction Related reflex demonstrating
an aberrant reflex
Poor memory ATNR 78%
Poor transition from concrete operations
STNR 57%
to logic & abstract thinking
ADD, ADHD Spinal Galant, 58%
Spinal Pereze
Allergies & food hypersensitivity Spinal Pereze 54%

Enuresis, poor bladder control Spinal Galant 72%

The Sensory-Motor Integration of a Reflex

To understand the links between reflexes and dysfunction, we need first to see the structure
of an integrated reflex system. Each reflex consists of a three-part circuit that permits a
motor response to a specific stimulus.

 Part I – Sensory Stimulation to the tactile, proprioceptive, visual or auditory

system. The afferent nervous system (receptors and nerve fibers carrying
impulses from the body to the brain) recognizes a stimulus and transmits it to
the brain. We cannot precisely measure the sensitivity or efficiency of this
 Part II – Brain Processing. This part of the circuit is entirely invisible. We infer
that when it functions normally its activity corresponds to inborn genetic
programming: the brain interprets signals from the sensory system and activates
an appropriate pattern of response oriented either toward protection/survival or
toward development. We also infer that it can function in a dysfunctional or
pathological way.
 Part III – Motor Response. The efferent nervous system (nerve fibers carrying
impulses out from the brain to the body) carries a command to the muscles and
organs/glands to enact the appropriate reaction or motor response. This can be
normal (matured), dysfunctional (hypo- or hyperactive) or pathological (opposite,
reversed or absent motor pattern). We use this visible, measurable motor aspect
of the circuit to assess reflex development.

The neurophysiology of a healthy nervous system is such that each reflex must integrate on
the sensory-motor level; a specific sensory stimulus must cause a corresponding motor or
glandular response. This precise link between the sensory and motor aspects of a reflex
circuit through brain processing is genetically based and has been ingrained throughout the
millennia of human existence.
© Mary Rentschler, M.Ed., 2008 • [email protected] • (202) 244-8280
In the case of poorly integrated reflexes linked to dysfunctions or developmental delays, Dr.
Masgutova posits an error somewhere in the three-part circuit.

 The sensory organs fail to communicate with the brain.

 The brain fails to communicate with the muscles, tendons and ligaments.
 The brain-body system mixes or confuses the sensory information and the motor
response. For example, it triggers the abdominal reflex in response to the
stimulus for the ATNR (the child will experience shutting down rather than
activation of auditory/visual system), the Babkin Palmomental response for the
Grasp stimulus (child opens mouth and palms instead of making fists), or the
Hands Supporting reaction for the Hands Pulling stimulus (child pushes you away
instead of pulling himself toward you).
 The natural components of the reflex are poorly developed in terms of pattern
correspondence, strength, direction, timing and symmetry.
 The reflex pattern is poorly integrated with motor skills and intentional

If the sensory stimulus is not recognized by the sensory apparatus, and as a result is
misinterpreted by the brain, or if the outgoing response is misdirected, then the reflex
pattern will be inappropriate. A child at the mercy of such irregular motor reactions to
sensory stimulation is at risk for developmental delays. Maturation and integration of the
reflex with controlled movements and skills will be slow or unreliable, especially in the
presence of learning challenges and stress.

The Developmental Dynamic of a Reflex

Professionals working with developmentally delayed children need to understand the
importance of fully matured reflexes for optimal motor, cognitive and social development,
beyond their role in infants and toddlers. Maturation and integration of the reflex system is
especially relevant for building the control, motivation, abstract thinking, creativity and
skillful intentional behavior necessary for academic achievement.

Reflexes have a seven phase developmental dynamic that begins in utero or early infancy.
In phases one through three the basic pattern is being formed within it’s sensory-motor
circuit, creating the nerve network for connecting specific stimuli with physiological
functioning and protection. During these phases the basic reflex pattern supports the
development and myelination of neurological connections in the brainstem, the basis for
appropriate and positive protection. The fourth, transitional phase prepares the basic
pattern for further elaboration. Variations that emerge during the fifth through seventh
phases orient the system more toward growth and are characterized by well-developed
nerve networks. During these phases the reflexes begin to integrate with intentional
movement. Crawling on belly as an automatic reaction, for example, becomes an intentional
choice of crawling toward a favorite toy.

Delay in reflex development or skipping any phase always affects the formation of future
skills. Achievement reaches a plateau because the nerve networks necessary for progress
have not grown. In this case the child develops dysfunctions or compensations which, not
being true patterns, are unreliable in situations of stress or unexpected transition. Every
reflex must complete all seven phases from emergence through growth and maturation to
integration. This concept is completely different from the traditional understanding of reflex

© Mary Rentschler, M.Ed., 2008 • [email protected] • (202) 244-8280
A student who has skipped one of the later phases of the grasp reflex, for example, might
be able to write legibly, but will tire easily because of his neurologically inefficient pencil
grip. He experiences writing as stressful and avoids it whenever possible. An immature or
unintegrated Hands Supporting reflex could result in a poor sense of boundaries (failure to
recognize “arm’s length”) and lack of respect for personal space – one’s own and that of

Other examples of the relationship between reflex integration and healthy performance
throughout life:

 Tendon Guard and Tonic Labyrinthine reflexes: self-regulating processes, vitality

and health
 ATNR: proprioception, hearing and memory, audio-visual integration, eye/hand
 STNR and Trunk Extension: postural control, binocular vision, visual
accommodation, and binaural hearing
 Spinal Galant: for posture, bladder control, and mood regulation
 Spinal Pereze and Galant: brain detoxification and gross motor coordination
 Grasp and Hands Pulling: manual skills, including writing and drawing
 Sequential Fingers Opening and Closing: differentiation, calculation and other
mathematical skills
 Hands Supporting: sense of personal space, social skills

For purposes of evaluation Dr. Masgutova examines the only visible, measurable link in the
three-part reflex circuit: the motor response. She considers five characteristic components
of each reflex.

 Pattern: The motor response should be exactly true to the inherent genetically
encoded pattern associated with the specific sensory stimulus.
 Direction: Each reflex presents a precise sequence of reactions or movements
that finish in a precise posture or continue in a specific direction.
 Timing and dynamic: The reflex circuit connects sensory input, brain
processing and motor response. To fulfill its protective function, the reflex
reaction must quickly follow the onset of sensory stimulation. Slow response time
can result in injuries or developmental delays.
 Strength: The energy and physical strength for movement depend on
appropriate tone in the muscle/ligament system. The strength of the muscle
response serving the reflex reaction must match the intensity of the stimulus.
Hyperactive, hypoactive or absent reactions are inadequate.
 Symmetry: Motor reaction in a reflex circuit should be balanced bilaterally.
Symmetry should be evident in body structure, the organization of the body and
its limbs, the direction of the reflex movement pattern, timing and strength of

Masgutova Method offers general integration procedures for movement development and
specific corrective procedures for dysfunction and pathology in primary movement patterns.
It is based on a view of reflexes as elements of sensory, proprioceptive and motor function
with a key role in health, development and learning.

© Mary Rentschler, M.Ed., 2008 • [email protected] • (202) 244-8280
Dr. Masgutova’s understanding of the three part sensory-brain-motor circuit leads to an
emphasis on stimulating neuro-motor and sensory-motor points on the body, stretching the
trunk and limbs and rotating the joints. All these procedures relate to the interaction
between reflex movement patterns and body structure. Other techniques release congestion
and muscular tension throughout the body, stimulate the proprioceptive system, open
communication among the muscles, tendons and ligaments, and adjust receptors of deep
touch and pressure. Reflexes and archetypal movement patterns are there, part of our
natural inheritance as human beings. When we awaken their neuro-sensory-motor
connections, they can integrate and become resources for health, self-regulation, learning
and development.

Another aspect of Masgutova Method involves corrective procedures to reconnect,

strengthen or build new neural pathways by returning to natural reflex motor patterns and
their variations. Fortunately it is never too late. Gentle bodywork and easy movements open
access to the natural resources and ingrained wisdom of the body.

Workshops, Courses, and Clinical conferences

Masgutova Method has proven beneficial to children and adults with challenges such as
cerebral palsy, autism, Aspergers Syndrome, ADD, ADHD, PDD, OCD, DSI, dyslexia,
hyperlexia, genetic issues, fetal alcohol syndrome and brain injury. Healthy, mature, even
exceptionally talented individuals find the procedures helpful for stress reduction and
optimal functioning. Everyone can benefit. Multiple programs address every aspect of
movement and its relationship to overall development:

 Neural-Structural Reflex Integration Therapy

 Tactile Integration
 Infant Reflex Repatterning
 Integration of Lifelong Reflexes into Movement Development
 Visual and Auditory Reflex Integration
 Oral-Facial Reflex Repatterning
 Rhythmical Movements
 Archetypal Movements
 Balance Board for Vestibular, Proprioceptive and Spinal Reflex Integration
 Dance Therapy
 Reflex Integration with Pet Therapy (horses and dogs)
 Aquatic Reflex Repatterning
 Creative Art and Reflex Integration

From 1992 to 2007 more than 25,500 children and adults in Russia, Poland, USA and
Canada visited Dr. Svetlana Masgutova Institutes or attended workshops to participate in
various reflex integration programs. In Poland at Dr. Masgutova’s institute and residential
camps 633 children and adults have experienced all of the above programs. In the North
America over the past decade her teaching workshops and clinical conferences have
attracted 2,400 specialists and parents. She has seen over 700 US and Canadian children
and adults for individual consultations and reflex integration sessions. In Florida (2006) and
California (2007) over 20 families with challenged children and over 50 professionals
participated in two-week clinical summer conferences organized by the new Svetlana
Masgutova Educational Institute for Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration. Another
summer conference is planned for August 2008 in Kelowna, British Columbia.

© Mary Rentschler, M.Ed., 2008 • [email protected] • (202) 244-8280
For more information or to find a professional licensed in Masgutova Method, visit or contact Mary Rentschler.

Information presented in this article comes from the following sources:

Integration of Dynamic and Postural Reflexes into the Whole Body Movement
System, Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D., with Nelly Akhmatova, Ph.D., Svetlana Masgutova and
International Neurokinesiology Institute, Warsaw, 2004.

Neuro-Structural Reflex Integration Therapy, Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, International

Dr. Svetlana Masgutova Institute of Movement Development and Reflex integration,
Warsaw. 2006.

Workshops and personal exchanges with Svetlana Masgutova, 2005 - 2007.

© Mary Rentschler, M.Ed., 2008 • [email protected] • (202) 244-8280

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