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Cebu Technological University: Subject Ed 4114 Field Study 2 Date November 06, 2021

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Subject : Ed 4114 Field Study 2

Date : November 06, 2021

NAME: Ziasley Rose C. Sarita Course: BEED 4-A Date: Nov. 06,2021

Task 1: Read research articles on a conducive learning environment for a

classroom and home learning environment. Enumerate each of their
characteristics as presented in the article. Identify positive learner
outcomes. Complete the table below for this task.

Classroom Environment Home Learning Environment

Title of Article: Creating a Conducive How to Create a Conducive
Learning Environment Learning Environment at
Author/s: Elliot Ziwira Sidrah Qayyum
Characteristics: Allows for a free exchange of A space in the house that is
ideas. least distracting and quiet.
Neat, well ventilated and A study space is an important
spacious to allow for free addition to a home when a child
movement. starts school. It will be the place
where they can make the most
of their studies.
The chairs and desks are Provides opportunities for
arranged neatly to give the learners to play and interact with
teacher a clear view of the books, objects and everyday
class, with learners facing the experiences to help them make
chalkboard. sense of their world.
All learning and teaching An environment wherein
materials like chalks, books learners can interact with people
and charts are at hand. who provide love, security,
encouragement, conversation
and positive role models to help
your them to thrive.
The classroom is safe to both A place that can positively
the teacher and the learners. influence their thoughts,
stimulates their interest in
various tasks and encourage
learning in different settings.
The teacher may be the source
of knowledge but is certainly
not the only one, as learners
also have access to other A room that is clear of toys and
sources of information like clutter.
textbooks, journals and the
The classroom functions as a
community, where everyone
plays a part, with the teacher A space with inviting ambiance.
being the head; in control and
commands respect.
The key proponents of the A clean and tidy work
learning process are teachers environment which boost
and learners, as such their productivity and help you focus.
freedom of interaction.
Interesting classroom The space has plenty of lighting
instructional materials and and a clearly posted schedule
activities. and/or task list for the day.
Environment that encourages A place that provides access to
students to learn at their own lots of different everyday objects
pace, style, and despite and natural materials for them to
differences. investigate which need not cost
a fortune.
Fosters positivity and embraces Encourages children and young
diversity. people to have positive attitudes
to learning, to be curious, and to
have confidence in themselves.
Expected Learner Promotes collaborative Promotes independent learning.
Outcome: learning.
Increases learners self Strengthens Parent Child
awareness. relationship.
Enhances learners’ critical Fosters Flexible Learning.
thinking skills.
Improves learners social skills. Learners are more productive
with the help and proper
guidance of MKO’s.
Keeps learners motivated. Learners are confident and feel
Develops personality and Learners learn best at their own
career building skills. pace.

Task 2: Based from the articles you’ve read. Post an illustration of the learning
environments. Describe it in one statement only.
Statement: A classroom environment is where learners feel safe, it is neat, well ventilated, and
has a postivive ambiance that enables learners’ to express themselves freely.


Statement: Home learning environment is a clean and tidy space that boost learners
productivity and enables them to learn at their own pace while at the same time, receives love
guidance and support by their family.

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