Profile Options (Chapter 5) R20B
Profile Options (Chapter 5) R20B
Profile Options (Chapter 5) R20B
5 Profile Options
This chapter contains the following: 1/6
11/22/21, 7:23 PM Profile Options (Chapter 5) R20B
Box chart matrix on the Oracle Fusion Talent Review (glossary.html#talent-review) meeting
Rating History analytic on the Performance
tab in the person spotlight
Compare feature
Rating Distribution analytic
Performance and Potential box chart 2/6
11/22/21, 7:23 PM Profile Options (Chapter 5) R20B
Profile Option Code Name Effect Default
HRA_PD_DISPLAY_FUTURE_YRS Number Determines how many years ahead of the current date
to display performance 2
of future documents. This includes all performance documents
with an end date that's within
years the range of the future date. For example,
if the value is 2, and the current date is
from the January 1, 2017, documents
with an end date equal to or before January 1, 2019 can
current appear on
the list.
HRA_PD_DISPLAY_PAST_YRS Number Determines how many years before the current date
to display performance 3
of past documents. This includes all performance documents
with an end date that's within
years the range of the past date. For example,
if the value is 3, and the current date is
from the January 1, 2017, documents
with an end date equal to or after January 1, 2014 can
current appear on the
HRA_PERF_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL Performance Autosave Indicates the number of minutes before the performance
document 10
Interval saves automatically.
Related Topics 3/6
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Related Topics 5/6
11/22/21, 7:23 PM Profile Options (Chapter 5) R20B
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