Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

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Republic of the Philippines

Office of the President

Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council

Annex A



Pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 (a), (c) and (r) of Executive Order 648 and in relation to
Section 9.2A.2.3 of the Rules and Regulations for Memorial Parks and Cemeteries, the
following Rules and Regulations for Columbarium Projects are hereby promulgated by
the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) .


SECTION 1. Definition of Terms.

A. Ancillary Use — use limited to the provision of resting places for cremated human
remains of the religious/members of congregation, such as but not limited to priests,
ministers, pastors and the like and their spouses, if applicable.

B. Board - shall mean the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

C. Cinerary Remains/Cremains - shall mean the ashes resulting from cremation of a

dead body.

D. Columbarium - shall mean a structure, either freestanding or part of another building,

containing niches for the inurnment of cremated human remains.

E. Cremation - shall mean a process that reduces human remains to bone fragments of
sand-like substance and ashes through combustion and dehydration.

F. Interment - shall mean the disposition of human remains by burial in the earth,
entombment in a mausoleum or inurnment in a columbarium.

G. Inurnment - shall mean placing of cremated remains in an urn.

H. Niche - shall mean a compartment used as interment space. Also referred to as

cinerarium or vaults in columbarium projects.

I. Ossuary - shall mean the interment space for the bones.

J. Sale or sell - shall include every disposition for a valuable consideration of a niche or
vault in a columbarium project.

It shall also include a contract to sell a contract of purchase or sell, an exchange, an

attempt to sell, an option of sale and purchase, a donatiHLURBth an onerous cause or
any offer to sell or to donate, directly or by an agent, or by a circular, letter or
advertisement or otherwise.

I-11J Bldg., Kalayaan Avenue corner Mayaman Street. Di I limn. Ouezon City
SECTION 2. Scope of Application. These Rules and Regulations shall apply to all
development, expansion, conversion or alteration of columbarium projects.

SECTION 3. Who shall Apply. Any person who wishes to construct a columbarium or
make any alteration in any building for use as columbarium shall first apply for a
Development Permit with this Board.


SECTION 4. Design Standards and Guidelines for Columbarium Projects.

a. Location

Columbarium projects shall conform with the provisions of the Comprehensive Land Use
Plan (CLUP) and Zoning Ordinance (ZO) of the locality. In the absence of any provision
on location of columbarium projects, the same can be located in any of the following:

1. Institutional Zone particularly in areas designated for religious structure such as

church, seminary, convents and other places of worship or congregation areas.

2. Commercial Zone (C2)

3. Areas within the premises of religious structures owned by a religious


b. Design Parameters

1. Design and Dimension of Niche/Vault

1.a The dimension of the niche/vault must be able to house an urn or receptacle
designed to hold at least 200 cubic inches of cremated human remains. For
ossuary niche, such shall have a dimension that can accommodate
receptacle for bone remains.

1.b A minimum of 2.0 m passageway shall be provided between interment

structures if proposed to be in grid design.

1.c Ladder facility shall be provided for interment and urn retrieval purposes.

1.d Materials and Construction Requirements

All structural framework for the niches/vaults shall be of cast-in-place

reinforced concrete, or of structural steel sections, or of concrete over metal
decking or of such other non-porous materials, provided however, that
construction of all footings, bearing walls, floor slabs and roofs shall be
consistent with the construction requirements of the National Building Code
of the Philippines.

Water proofing shall be required for niches constructed along a perimeter

wall or garden wall.

2. Parking

Parking shall be provided at a ratio of 1:50 vaults or 100 parking slots whichever is

3. Easement

A 5-meter non-buildable buffer shall be observed for projects to be located in

commercial zone/area adjoining a residential area.

4. Prayer Room

A prayer room shall be provided with a minimum area of 50 sqm.

5. Comfort Rooms (CR)

Every floor shall be provided with a minimum of 2 comfort rooms: 1 for male with
2 urinals, 1 water closet and 2 lavatories and 1 for female with 3 water closets and
2 lavatories.

6. Elevators and Escalators

Elevators shall be provided for projects five (5) storeys and above.

For projects provided with escalators, the angle of inclination of an escalator shall
not exceed 30 degrees from the horizontal. The width between balustrades shall
not be less than 560 millimeter nor more than 1.20 meters as provided for in the
National Building Code.

c. Light and Ventilation

Sufficient light and ventilation shall be provided pursuant to the provision on Light
and Ventilation of the National Building Code of the Philippines.

SECTION 5. Operational Procedure. All columbarium projects shall establish detailed

procedures and guidelines to govern its daily operation and maintenance.

SECTION 6. Conversion of Existing Structures to Columbarium Projects. Existing

structures may be converted into columbarium projects upon proper application with
HLURB and compliance with the requirements of these rules and standards.


SECTION 7. Documentary and Other Requirements.

A. For Preliminary Columbarium Plan Approval (Optional)

1. At least 2 sets of Site Development Plan at a scale ranging from 1:200 to 1:2000
showing the proposed layout, parking, building footprints, etc. duly signed and sealed by
a licensed architect.

2. At least 2 sets of vicinity map indicating the adjoining land uses, access, as well as
existing facilities and utilities at least within 500 meters from the property boundaries of
the project, drawn to any convenient scale and duly signed and sealed by a licensed
geodetic engineer.

3. Certified true copy of title(s) free from liens and encumbrances issued not more
than one month prior to application.

4. Topographic map duly signed and sealed by a geodetic engineer, if applicable.

Approval of the preliminary columbarium development plan will be valid only for a period
of 180 days from date of approval.

B. For Final Columbarium Development Plan Approval

1. All requirements for application for Preliminary Columbarium Plan approval as

specified in Sec. 7.A of this Rules.

2. At least 2 sets of columbarium plan at any of the following scales: 1:50; 1:500; or
any scale not exceeding 1:500 duly signed and sealed by a licensed architect:

2.1 floor plan(s)

2.2 sections and elevations

3. Detailed layout of vault structures

4. Building specifications and estimated cost.

5. Traffic flow management plan/sketch on special occasions to include coordination

mechanism with LGUs or appropriate government agency, as may be necessary.

6. Certified true copy of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) or Certificate of

Non-Coverage (CNC) duly issued by the DENR, whichever is applicable.

7. Right to use or deed of sale of right-of-way for access road and other utilities
when applicable.

8. One (1) copy of project study to include the following:

8.1 Project profile indicating among others , the development cost, total project
cost, amortization schedules, sources of financing, marketability, cash flow
and work program/project time table ;

8.2 Duly audited balance sheet (certified copy of the original) issued and signed
by the authorized official of the applicant and under the latter’s authority for
corporation and single proprietorship.

8.3 Income Tax Return (ITR) and tax receipt for single proprietorship duly
received by BIR for the last 3 preceding years;

8.4 Sworn statement declaring assets and/or sources of funds to be used for the
project indicating therein the nature and control over such assets and
resources for newly formed corporation or single proprietorship enterprise.

8.5 Certificate of Registration with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC);

8.6 Articles of Incorporation or Partnership or Association, amendments thereof

and existing by-laws clearly indicating the authority of the applicant to
engage in real estate trade particularly in the development and selling of
niches/vaults. When an applicant deviated from the intended line of business
stipulated in its articles of incorporation or articles of partnership,
authorization from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

8.7 Corporation by-laws and all implementing amendments, and

8.8 For corporations statement of capitalization and sources of income and cash
flow to support work program.

9. Deed of Restriction

10. Permit to drill from NWRB or certificate of coverage from concerned local
franchise holder.

The Columbarium Plan shall be approved and a Development Permit (DP) shall be issued if
the project is in conformance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Zoning
Ordinance (ZO) and with these Rules, and upon payment of the prescribed processing fee.

A development permit shall be valid for a period of 3 years from date of issuance unless
no physical development is introduced.

Issuance of Development Permit (DP) does not exempt the developer from securing
permits and clearances from other agencies pursuant to existing laws such as Building
Permit (BP) from the City/Municipal Building Official.


SECTION 8. Application for Certificate of Registration and License to Sell

The owner of a columbarium project shall register the project with the Board by filing the
following in addition to the requirements under Rule III:

1. Sworn registration statement

2. Perpetual Care Maintenance Fund indicating the sources of funds and person/entity
responsible for the management of fund.

3. A copy of any circular, prospectus, brochure, advertisement, or communication used

or to be used for public offering of subject project and for circulation upon approval by
this Board.

4. Sample copy of Contract to Sell

5. Sample deed of donation with onerous cause complying with formal requirements of
donation of real property, if applicable. (Suggested legal form attached as Annex A1)

6. Certificate of Ownership/Perpetual Privilege to Use (suggested legal form attached as
annex a2)

7. Plan delineating columbarium niche/vault subject of sale

8. Operational procedures which shall include traffic management strategies to and from
the columbarium project especially during All Saints Day and All Souls Day.

9. Deed of Restriction

10. Building Permit

11. Performance Bond in any of the following forms:

11.1 A surety bond amounting to 20% of the cost of the development cost of the
unfinished portion of the approved plan issued by a duly accredited bonding
company (whether private or government) and acceptable to the Board; or

11.2 Real Estate Mortgage to be executed by the applicant as mortgagor in favor of

the Republic of the Philippines as mortgages, the latter as represented by and
acting through the HLURB, over a property other than that subject of
application, free from any liens and encumbrances and provided, that the value
of the property, computed on the basis of the zonal valuation schedule of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue, shall be at least 20% of the total development
cost; or,

11.3 Cash bond equivalent to 10% of the development cost of the unfinished portion
of the approved plan which may be in the form of the following:

a. Fiduciary deposit made with the cashier and/or disbursing officer of the

b. A certificate of guaranty deposit issued by any bank or financing institution

of good standing in favor of the Board for the total development cost;

c. A letter from any bank of recognized standing certifying that so much has
been set aside from the bank account of the applicant in favor of the Board which amount
may be withdrawn by the Chief Executive Officer of the Board or his duly authorized
representative, at any time the principal fails or refuses to comply with his duties and
obligations under the bond contract;

11.4 Any irrevocable credit line to be utilized in the development of the project from
any bank of recognized standing and a refinancing re-structuring program
indicating sources of funding from duly accredited funding institutions.

For pre-existing projects any of the forms of performance bond enumerated above
may be availed of.

SECTION 9. Registration of Columbarium Projects. All columbarium projects shall be

registered with the Board. Failure to register pre-existing columbarium project within 2
years from the effectivity of these rules shall be penalized in accordance with the
Schedule of Fines approved by the Board.

SECTION 10. Certificate of Registration. Upon finding that the project may be
registered in accordance with the provision of these Rules, the Board shall cause the
publication at the expense of the applicant a notice of the filing of the registration
statement in 2 newspapers of general circulation; one published in English and another
in Pilipino, once a week for 2 consecutive weeks, reciting that a registration statement for
the sale of the vaults/niches has been filed with the Board and that the aforesaid
registration statement as well as papers attached thereto, are open to inspection during
business hours by interested parties. In addition, a 3’ x 6’ billboard notice of the project
shall be posted on the project site until the issuance of the license to sell.

After 2 weeks from the completion of the publication and upon submission of the affidavit
of publications, the Board shall in the absence of any impediment, issue a certificate of
registration upon payment of the prescribed fees. (Please see Annex A-2)

SECTION 11. License to Sell. No owner or dealer shall sell any disposable vault/niche
in the registered columbarium project without a license to sell issued by the Board.

Upon a finding that the application complies with the above requirements, the Board
shall issue a license to sell the vaults/niches in the project or portion thereof covered by
the performance bond.

Upon proper application a project may be exempted from securing license to sell if the
same is established as an ancillary use.


SECTION 12. Submission of Annual Reports on Operations. Every owner or dealer

of a registered columbarium project shall submit to the Board annual reports on
operations showing the extent/status of land development, changes in corporate officers
or managers and their addresses within 60 days after the end of each semester. Copies
of the corporate reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission shall also be
furnished to the Board.

SECTION 13. Display of Certificate of Registration and License to Sell. The

certificate of registration and license to sell issued by the Board shall be displayed in a
conspicuous place in the principal office of the owner, dealer, broker, as the case maybe
and a Xerox copy thereof in all its branches and offices.

SECTION 14. Lost or Destroyed Certificate of Registration or License to Sell. Upon

loss or destruction of a certificate of registration or license to sell a duplicate copy thereof
may be issued by the Board after satisfactory proof of such loss or destruction and
payment of the prescribed fee. The fact that such duplicate has been issued shall be
made of record.

SECTION 15. Advertisement. Advertisement through print or broadcast media

concerning sale of niches shall be cleared with the Board. Advertisement shall contain
among others, the license to sell number of columbarium projects as approved by the

SECTION 16. Time of Completion. Every owner or developer shall construct and
provide the facilities, infrastructures, other forms of development which are offered and
indicated in the approved plans, brochures, prospectus, printed matters, letters or in any
form of advertisement, within one (1) year or within such other period of time as may be
fixed by the Board from the date of the issuance of license to sell.

Request for extension to complete development of a project may be granted in cases

where non-completion of project is caused by fortuitous events, legal orders, or force
majeure and with the written notice to columbarium niche buyers without prejudice to the
exercise of their rights.

The request for extension of time for completion shall be accompanied by a revised work
program duly signed and sealed by a licensed engineer or architect based on submitted
time frame of the owner or developer with project costing and financing scheme
therefore. In appropriate cases the Board may require for a renewal of performance bond
amounting to 20% of the cost of the unfinished portion of the approved plan, cancel the
license to sell if any or issue orders it may deem proper.

SECTION 17. Transfer of Ownership or Change of Name. Request for transfer of

ownership and/or change of name may be granted only if there is a deed of absolute sale
over the columbarium project sought to be transferred, with an undertaking on the part of
the transferee to assume full responsibility for the completion of the development. The
requirements in Section 9 of this Rule shall be observed whenever applicable.

Such request for transfer of ownership or change of name shall be published at

applicant’s expense in a newspaper of general circulation within the city or municipality
where the project is located at least once a week for 2 consecutive weeks.

SECTION 18. Alteration of Plan. Request for alteration of project plan may be granted
only upon presentation of written conformity or contract of the majority of the niche
owners/users in the project.

SECTION 19. Non-forfeiture of Installments/Payments. No installment payment made

by the buyer shall be forfeited in favor of the seller when the buyer, after due notice to
seller desist from further payment due to the failure of the seller to develop the project
according to the approved plans and within the time limit specified in the license to sell.
The buyer may, at his option, be reimbursed the total amount paid including amortization
interest but excluding delinquency interest thereon at the legal rate.

SECTION 20. Fees. The Board shall collect the fees subject to existing Schedule of
Fees approved by the Board.

SECTION 21. Conflicts Between the Owner/Developer and the Buyer. Any conflict
that may arise between the owner/developer and the buyer in relation to development,
payment of obligations and maintenance shall be resolved by the Board pursuant to Sec.
5.c and r of EO 648.

SECTION 22. Separability Clause. The provision of these Rules are hereby declared
separable, and in the event of any such provisions are declared null and void, the validity
of all other provisions shall not be affected thereby.

SECTION 23. Transitory Provisions. Provisions on design standards shall apply to new
applications and those pending upon the effectivity of this Rule.

SECTION 24. Effectivity. These Rules shall take effect 15 days after its publication once
in any newspaper of general circulation.

• • ANNEX Al

Perpetual Privilege to Use
(Subje ct to the attached Ru es and Regulations)

Columbary Vault
Code No.

Bestowed unto:



Date Issued



Registered Beneficiary

Name of Columbarium/Address/Tel. No.


(Attachment to the Certificate Granting Perpetual Privilege to Use Columbary Vaults)

These rules and regulations shall cover persons granted the perpetual privilege to use (for at least 99 years or as provided in the
Corporation Code). columbary vaults located at the basement of


The name as appearing in the Certificate is the duly registered beneficiary/usufructuary according to the records of the columbary
office and has the sole privilege to the perpetual use of the same


It the registered beneficiary/usufructuary herein wishes to exchange the columbary vault for another unit. the Columbary of Our Lady of
Consolacion Parish may (provided that no cremated ashes have been deposited therein), exchange said columbary vault with other
similar available columbary vault, provided such exchange shall be made within ninety (90) days from the issuance of Cetificate.


The registered beneficiary/usufructuary may inter a maximum of four (4) urns in the columbary vault provided the urn used in each
interment shall not exceed the following dimensions: 0 170m in width, 0.170m in height and 0.225m in length, (0.0059cu.m. in volume).
The registered beneficiary/usufructuary may opt not to inter any urn at all or less than the maximum of four (4) urns.


Interment request must be addressed to the Columbary office al least THREE (3) DAYS prior to date of interment and that the
registered beneficiary/usufructuary must have in the possession the Certificate as requirement for issuance of an "Interment Order" by
the Columbary office. In case the deceased is the registered beneficiary/usufructuary, the request may be made by the surviving
spouse or the next of kin. Such request must include the following information.

Name of deceased
Date of birth
Date of death


The registered beneficiary/usufructuary may visit the above-described columbary vault anytime during the prescribed visiting hours of
the Columbary Visiting hours shall be prominently displayed in the Columbary office. A special 24-hour visitation schedule shall be
available to the registered beneficiary/usufructuary every October 31. November 1 and November 2.


The Columbary of Our Lady of Consolacion shall set up a Perpetual Maintenance Fund for the prudent management, care, and
maintenance of the columbary vaults. As used herein, the term "maintenance" means maintaining cleanliness in the grounds of the
columbary, cleaning of the columbary vaults, upkeep of the chapel and garden in the columbary, preservation of the structures in the
columbary including provisions for payment of insurance premium against fire, lightning, and earthquakes, power bills of the columbary,
telephone bills and water bills of the columbary.


In the event, the Columbary is subjected to real estate taxes or any special assessment by the government, the registered
beneficiary/usufructuary agrees to pay the Columbary such taxes and special assessment computed on a pro-rata basis, taking into
consideration the location of the vaults and the corresponding level.


The registered beneficiary/usufructuary may transfer or assign to another the perpetual privilege to use the columbary vault at anytime
after September 1, 2005, subject to the herein rules and regulations. All transfer taxes, if any. shall be borne by the registered
beneficiary/usufructuary or by his assignee as they may agree. A corresponding transfer fee shall likewise be paid to the Columbary
for all transfers and exchages made by the registered beneficiary/usufructuary,


As far as the records of the Columbary is concerned, all issued certificates remain valid and not transferred unless all of the following
conditions are fulfilled
a) Submission of a letter of request effecting transfer:
b) Submission of a notarized deed of assignment or transfer by the registered beneficiary/usufructuary,
c) Submission of the cu,
• I Certificate to the columbary office or cancellation and issuani :e of a new one;
d) Proof of payment of to s, If required by any government off ce and transfer fee duly paid to the columbary office; and
e) Such other documents 3 may be required


After all the documents of trar isfer has been properly submitted, the Columbary shall issue a new certificate and the following
data shall be filled up by the cc ilumbary office

This Certificate No. a Grant of Perpetual -Privilege to Use Columbary Vault No. Issued on
to replace cancelled Certificz le No. previously issued to


These rules and regulatic•ns shall L ecome valid and binding instruments for all registered beneficianes/usufructuaries as listed
in the Columbary office and shall e.. :tend to and are binding upon Ihe heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns
of the parties therein.


Name of Columba: ruin

' Administrator Registered beneficiary / usufructuary

Date Date
• • ANNEX A2



This Deed of donation made on by

of legal age, Filipino. and with residence at

(hereinafter referred to as the DONOR)

favor of-

a non-stock. non-profit association duly organized under the laws of the

(Name of Donee)

Philippines, with office address at , (hereinafter referred to as the



WHEREAS, the is in the process of establishing a "PROJECT' which

consists of
(Name of Donee

the construction of the facilities such as, but not limited to, a parish [mind ition center, an adoration chapel, a baptistery, a
columbarium, a mortuary, parking lots and such other facilities to meet the needs of the parishioners in
(N;i me of Parish)

WHEREAS, in order to defray the expenses to be incurred in tin I construction of the 'PROJECT', the DONOR hereby voluntarily and freely donates

in favor of the DONEE, and all its successors-in.interest, the amount of (P );

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the parties hereby state that:

1. The DONOR hereby expressly manifests and confirms that he has full authority to donate the above•inerilfoned amount:

2. That the DONOR has retained and reserved for himself owner:;hip of other properties for his support and that of his
family in accordance with his social standing.

3. That this donation will not prejudice the DONOR's estate and the rights of his creditors.

4. The DONEE hereby RECEIVES AND ACCEPTS the donation and hereby expresses its profound gratitude for the
kindness, benevolence and liberality of the DONOR

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this agreement this day of , at



Signed in the presence of.

• •


) S.S.

BEFORE ME, this day of 20 at , personally appeared with their respective

Community Tax Certificate Nos the following:

Names C.T.C. No. Date / Place Issued

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing agreement and that they acknowledged to me that the same is their
free and voluntary act and deed and that of the corporation herein represented.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, the date and place first above-written

Doc No.
Page No
Series of 20
• •

Republic of the Philippines

Office Of the President

Certificate of Registration
No .


a project covered by and
located at with an area of
and its rules and regulations. is hereby r 'EGISTERED pursuant to

THAT any misrepresentation or n anal falsehood made in connection with the application for this
registration or the forgery or Tab :alion of any of the supporting documents thereof and other !egal
grounds provided by law shall bE valid cause for revocation of this Registration .

THAT this Certificate of RegistratiG 0, is NOT an authority to sell any VAULT in the
abovementioned project.

AND THAT the project owner(s),

and the developerfs )
take the solider)/ responsibilities of
the law and the rules and regulations for the issuance of Ibis CERTIFICATE.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heretint3 set my hand and cause the seal of this Board to
be affixed at this
Day of , year

By Authority of the Board:

Regional Director/Officer

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