TF 700-R-07 - Slab - On - Ground

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A Design, Construction & Inspection Aid

For Consulting Engineers
August 1981

Prepared for:
Copyright, Wire Reinforcement Institute
Wire Reinforcement Institute
942 Main Street
Hartford, CT 06103
Phone (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Fax (860) 808-3009

Authored By:
Walter L. Snowden, P.E.
2613 Passion Flower Pass
Cedar Park, TX 78613

Phone: 512-331-6159
Fax: 512-331-6002
Email: [email protected]

This procedure was developed by Walter L. Snowden, P. E., Consulting Engineer, of Austin, Texas, over a period
of some 15 years. It is empirically derived by observing slab performance and writing or modifying equations to give
results which approximate the foundations which had been found to give satisfactory results.

In addition, Mr. Snowden, has served on the Pre-Stress Concrete Institute Ad Hoc Committee for the development
of “ Tentative Recommendations for Pre-Stressed Slabs-on-Ground” and as a Consultant to the Building Research
Advisory Board Committee on Residential Slabs-On-Ground.

Designs done by this method should be economical yet give quite satisfactory results with a minimum of deflection
and resulting superstructure distress.

While this publication deals only with foundations reinforced with reinforcing bars and/or welded wire reinforce-
ment, the procedure has been developed to be independent of the type of reinforcing used.

© Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc. 2003

TF 700-R-07

Table of Contents























TF 700-R-07 • Page 1

INTRODUCTION cedure, with modifications, has been used for

Within the last several years there has been the last 15 years in designing foundations in
a lot of interest in a design procedure for the the southwest with excellent results.
design of light foundations, particularly for
use under single family residences. Reports EARLY DEVELOPMENTS
and recommendations have been under- In the early 1950’s the use of the monolithic
taken and prepared by several study groups reinforced slab foundation become wide-
for the purposes of developing design cri- spread in the south central portion of the
teria or extending the Criteria for Selection United States. For the most part there were
and Design of Residential Slabs-on-Ground, no consistent standards, and many differ-
BRAB Report #33. The recommendations ent versions of this foundation were to be
derived from these and other studies vary found throughout the area. Each office of
from extremely light to extremely heavy. the Federal Housing Administration had a
different version being used in its area, and
It was actually the widespread use of the the differences in cross-section and reinforc-
“post-tensioned” slab-on-ground which ing were great. Engineers did not have a
induced this interest in design procedure generally accepted procedure to analyze the
and in many studies of reported slab failures. slab, and, therefore, the problem was mostly
Such reports have; perhaps, created an ignored.
over-cautious climate concerning any moves
to lighten the design requirements set forth in In 1955 the Federal Housing Administration
BRAB Report #33. Many theoretical analyses together with the National Academy of
show that no lessening of the requirements is Science organized a group of nationally emi-
possible, while other studies and actual field nent authorities and began a several year
installation indicate that considerable vari- research project to develop guidelines for
ances are permissible in many areas. design of slab-on-ground foundations.

In the design procedure to be presented The final report, Building Research Advisory
herein, adjustments are made to the BRAB Board (BRAB) Report #33 en-titled Criteria
procedure which allow the use of this simple for Selection and Design of Residential slab-
procedure with larger slabs and further sim- on-ground, was issued in 1968 and was
plify the design engineer’s problem of design- widely discussed by builders. First designs
ing an adequate foundation at a reasonable to follow the BRAB Report required foun-
cost, both in terms of the engineer’s time, dations heavier even than the San Antonio
and cost of the installation itself. FHA office standard LAS-22 ( Fig. 1). LAS-
22 was thought to be the heaviest design
The intent of this handbook is to provide a ever needed, but a local study showed it was
design procedure which could be used in any inadequate perhaps 30% of the time. There
Consulting engineer’s office to give adequate was naturally, great resistance to the added
designs for economical construction without costs of design and construction required by
the use of large computers, or the neces- the BRAB Report.
sity for site investigations so extensive as
to make the use of engineered foundations
economically prohibitive. The following pro-
TF 700-R-07 • Page 2

The next important contribution also oc- slab enjoyed compared to the heavier F.H.A.
curred in 1968 when a full scale post-ten- San Antonio “Standard Slab”.
sioned slab was built and tested to destruc-
tion. A subsequent report established the Variations from the BRAB Report #33 were
feasibility of using post-tensioning in slab-on- developed to maintain a reasonable ratio
ground construction and verified many of the between cost of the slab-on-ground and the
BRAB assumptions. value of the house it supported. The varia-
tions presented later in this paper have been
In 1965 the writer developed a complete, derived empirically.
overall design system, later modified to con-
form, in format, to BRAB Report #33 and fur- SOIL INVESTIGATIONS
ther influenced by the work done by H. Platt It is considered imperative that a soils inves-
Thompson, P.E. This system gained wide tigation be made on any site on which a
use in both Austin and San Antonio because design is to prepared.
of the lower cost which the post-tensioned






TF 700-R-07 • Page 3

For a small site with one structure, the unconfined strength of 1 ton is usually suf-
minimum is obviously one test boring, which ficient for single story frame houses such as
should be made where the worst soil condi- those under consideration. For commercial
tion is anticipated; ie, where fill is located, and multi-story, 2 tons is usually adequate to
or where the worst clay is suspected. If it is insure against bearing capacity failure.
not obvious, then more than one test hole
is indicated. In no case should a design be During field investigation it is important to
attempted without an adequate soils investi- make notes of existing fill, trees, thickets, old
gation of the site. fence lines, roads, slope of each lot, topog-
raphy, seeps, sinks, rock outcrops, and any
For large sites with large structures or more area which may require fill to bring it up to
than one structure, several test holes must grade before construction. Grading and drain-
be used. In planning the investigation, plan age plans, when available, may be helpful in
for the worst. It is always possible to omit identifying some of these significant fea-
borings in the field, based on data as it devel- tures. Note these fill lots or even suspected
ops. fill lots in the report so that proper care may
be exercised by the insuring agency, city offi-
For a subdivision, there can be no fixed cials, design engineers, et. al. Uncompacted
minimum number of borings. The work done fill under the beams of an engineered slab
should be that which is required to get the will almost certainly create problems. Specify
answer. In general, locating holes about one that all fill be acceptable material, properly
to every four or Five lots, if the subdivision is compacted. H.U.D. projects and subdivisions
reasonably uniform, will be adequate. Should are supposed to require that fill be placed in
different materials be encountered, additional accordance with “Data Sheet 79-G”. 15
borings must be placed to provide more
complete information of the underlying soils.
In some cases it is necessary to drill each LABORATORY TESTING
lot. When a contact between a high P.I. soil After the proper field investigations have been
and limestone is discovered, for instance, made, it is necessary to run laboratory tests
each lot which the contact crosses must be on samples from the various strata taken
designed as though the entire lot were the in the field. It is important that all strata be
worst soil condition. correctly identified and tested. Identification
should be in accordance with the unified soil
As drilling progresses, samples should be classifications chart shown in Fig. 2. Such
taken at 2’ intervals and at each different terms as “caliche,” “fat clays,” “loam” and
soil strata encountered, to a depth of at least other colloquialisms should be avoided or
15’ If it is likely that some soil will be cut used only as extra comment. Plotting liquid
from the lot, borings should be deepened limits and plasticity indices on the classifi-
appropriately. Perhaps all borings should cation chart will confirm field evaluations. If
be 20 feet deep to allow for any cut, but at proper testing and Identification are done,
present, 15’ borings are considered suffi- some degree of uniformity can be applied to
cient. Undisturbed samples should be taken, Slab-on-Ground designs.
where possible, to allow evaluation of uncon-
fined fined strengths of the various strata. As
TF 700-R-07
700-R-03 •• Page
Page 41

Well-graded gravels and
GW gravel-sand mixtures,
CLEAN little or no fines
GRAVELS GRAVELS Poorly graded gravels
More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve*

GP and gravel-sand mix-

50% or more of tures, little or no fines
coarse fraction

Silty gravels, gravel-

retained on No. 4 GRAVELS GM
sand-silt mixtures
sieve WITH
FINES Clayey gravels, gravel-
sand-clay mixtures
Well-graded sands and
SW gravelly sands,
CLEAN little or no fines
SANDS SANDS Poorly graded sands
SP and gravel-sand mix-
More than 50% of tures, little or no fines
Silty sands, and-silt
fraction passes SANDS SM
No.4 sieve WITH
FINES Clayey sands, sand-silt
Inorganic silts, very fine
ML sands, rock flour, silty or
clayey fine sands
SILTS AND CLAYS Inorganic clays of low to
50% more passes No. 200 sieve*

medium plasticity, gravel-

Liquid limit 50% ly clays, sandy clays, silty

clays, lean clays

or Less
Organic silts and
OL organic silty clays of
low plasticity
Inorganic silts,
micaceous or diatoma-
ceous, fine sands or
SILTS AND CLAYS silts, elastic silts

Inorganic clays of high

Liquid limit greater CH
plasticity, fat clays
than 50%
Organic clays of medium
to high plasticity

Peat, muck and other

Highly Organic Soils PT
highly organic soils

* Based on the material passing the 3 -in. (75-mm) sieve.

Figure 2
TF 700-R-07 • Page 5

DETERMINING THE “EFFECTIVE P.I.” rock layers can reduce the “effective P.I.”
The BRAB report bases its design procedure excessively making it appear to be a very
on the soil plasticity index (P.I.). This design innocuous site, It is probably best never to
procedure also uses the P.I. because it is a use zero for a P.I. Since BRAB recognizes 15
relatively simple-pIe test which is routinely as a breaking point for Type Ill slabs, some
performed in all testing laboratories. minimum value such as 15 should always
be used for those layers with little or no P.I.
Since the soil is not always constant with BRAB recognized the problem by utilizing the
depth, it is necessary to find the “effective P.l. immediately below the slab if it was high-
P.I.” of the underlying 15 Feet. BRAB Report er than the P.I. of the lower layers. This very
#33 suggests a weighing system (Fig.3). conservative approach will always yeld good,
safe designs, considerably overdesigned.

Once the “effective P.I.’s” for
each boring are calculated,
they need to be modified by
some other parameters. The
slope of the lot should be
used to increase the “effective
P.I.” Figure 4 can be used to
determine coefficients based
on slope.
The degree of over-consoli-
dation of the natural material
Figure 3 can be estimated from the

This seems as valid as any weighting meth-

od, as McDowell’s16,17 procedure for calcu-
lating potential vertical rise also indicates
that the upper few feet is the most active.
The activity then decreases with depth due to
confining pressure and protection from sea-
sonal moisture change, etc. Any system that
gives more attention to the surface soils is
probably satisfactory. One place where this Slope of natural ground vs. Slope Correction Coefficient
system might give erroneous results would Figure 4
be in formations which contain sand stringers
or are overlaid by porous sand which would
provide quick, easy routes for water to reach unconfined compressive strengths. By using
underlying or interbedded CH clays. Fig. 5 a coefficient for over-consolidation can
be determined.
Another case would be high P.I. clays over-
laying rock. Using a zero (0) P.I. for these
TF 700-R-07 • Page 6

It should be recognized that there are certain
conditions which neither this procedure nor
any other will be able to anticipate. Examples
of such problems which might cause diffi-
culty, even to a well designed slab, would be
the location of an old fence row beneath the
foundations, a broken water pipe, improper
Unconfined Compressive Strength (qu) TSF drainage away from the foundation, a slab
Figure 5 located on top of of previously existing tree
or thicket, massive erosion or loss of support
Other factors are known to require consid- due to lack of compliance with proper site
eration; moisture condition at time of con- preparation standards, poor maintenance,
struction, geologic formation, percentage of or improper installation. There are numer-
soil passing #40 sieve, percentage passing ous documented cases where slabs have
#200 exhibited less than the desired results due
sieve, all of these affect the potential volume to one or more of these causes. Most of the
change of the underlying soil. The correct causes mentioned above can be mitigated
value of “effective P.I.” is that from the equa- by proper construction and inspection. The
tion: others, such as old fence lines, trees, or
Eff. P.I. ( ) = Effective PI x Cs x Co x Cy x Cz • • • • • Cn thickets are generally unknown to the Soils
Engineer and the Design Engineer, and, in
Much work needs to done in this area. many cases, cannot be anticipated at all. It
is felt that the present state of the art make
The ultimate performance of a slab reflects these conditions fall beyond those for which
how well the soil analysis was done. Slab the designer can properly be considered
design is only as good as the soil data on responsible. The problem with this line of
which it is based. Some engineers say reasoning is that by the time it becomes
they do not need soil data to do a design. apparent there is a problem with the slab, it is
They are either deceiving themselves or not possible in most cases to determine that
are over-designing their slabs in which case the problem is one of those which could not
they delude their clients and ultimately, the be anticipated. The owner is having difficulty,
purchaser of the structure. There are few and he is seeking relief, and quite often,
circumstances where the engineer is justified revenge and restitution. These cases usually
in over-designing and wasting the client’s end up being decided by a jury. This is one
money. There are no circumstances where very good reason for not trying to reduce the
the engineer is justified in under-designing-- design standards too far and for trying to get
even at the client’s request. a good standard adopted so it will be clearly
defined when the engineer has done all that
he can be reasonably expected to do.
TF 700-R-07 • Page 7

LOADING CONSIDERATIONS generally used under houses and small com-

First look at a small slab for a single story mercial buildings the loads can be assumed
house, trussed roof construction, masonry to be uniform. When the unconfined strength
veneer, fire place and one car garage. What of the soil is less than 1 ton/sq. ft., settlement
do the loads look like? (see Fig. 6 ) or bearing can be a problem and should be
1. Roof LL & DL, stud wall, brick veneer and considered, but on stiff expansive clays any
ceiling loads distress in the slab and superstructure will
2. Brick chimney load be caused by the volumetric movement of
3. Stud wall and brick veneer the soil due to moisture change. If the soil
4. Wheel loads did not change, the weight of the house or
5. Floor live loads (including non bearing small building would be transmitted directly
partition allowances) through the slab and into the under-lying soil
6. Concentrated loads from beam spanning which with the exception mentioned above,
garage doors can easily carry the weight since it is usually
less than 500 lbs. per sq.ft.

Since the loads are small, it seems justified

to use the simplifying assumption of a uni-
form load. This has given good results on
single story residences.

Prior to the time the BRAB report was issued,
the writer had been working on the problem
Superstructure Loads some years and had developed a working
Figure 6
design procedure.

Loads in Fig.6 are only the loads applied to The procedure involved an area of loss of
the top of the slab. To these must be added support, (Fig. 8 ) the diameter of which was
the weight of the slab, edge beams, and inte- a function of the soil (P.I., degree of compac-
rior stiffening beams. (see Fig.7). tion, etc.) and which was allowed to move
to any position under the building. The most
critical locations, of course, were under load
bearing walls and columns. The equation
had been adjusted to give both positive and
negative movements.

Slab Configuration
Figure 7

To the soil underneath, these loads are not Area of Support Loss
nearly so clearly defined. For the small slabs Figure 8
TF 700-R-07 • Page 8

This procedure was developed entirely from

looking at slabs that seemed to work and
those which did not and writing an equation
which would produce sections equal to those
which had been performing satisfactorily.
Formulas had been developed which took
into account loss in the center as shown
above, loss at edges and corners. Also, there
were provisions for inclusion of concentrated

This procedure designed only one or two Location of Maximum Moment

beams at a time. The BRAB report showed Figure 10
support conditions (see Fig.9) which allowed
length, for a maximum moment based on
all beams in a given direction to be consid-
that length and all slabs less than that, for
ered at one time. This simplified the design
their exact length (Fig. 11a)
procedure, and, when the two design pro-
cedures were compared, they were found
b. Use an effective length in the original
to give similar results. The BRAB procedure
BRAB equations. (Fig. 11b)
produced heavier-designs, but, with minor
modifications, they could be adjusted
c. Design all slabs for both positive and nega-
tive bending based on some cantilever
length. (Fig. 12)

a. Cantilever

b. Simple Span Beam

Assumed Support Conditions
Figure 9 Length Modification Assumptions
Figure 11
The moment equations developed by BRAB
give a maximum moment, both positive and
Note that with Figure 11a there is no increase
negative at midspan (Fig. 10). This is not a
in design moment beyond the assumed
simple cantilever moment. For short slabs it
maximum length. Obviously, as the slabs get
is a reasonable analysis. For longer slabs it
longer, more reinforcing needs to be added
quickly becomes excessive.
to compensate for friction losses, drag, etc.
P.C.I. goes into great detail to calculate
To eliminate the problem, several alterna-
these losses. By using an effective value for
tives have been discussed:
“L” as shown in Figure 11b, these losses are
automatically covered. While this was a com-
a. Design all slabs, longer than a certain
TF 700-R-07 • Page 9

pletely empirical approach, it was easy to use the positive and negative moments used in
and gave good results. design. It seems that a large number of engi-
neers feel that the positive moment is not
It has been noted during previous research as significant a design parameter as is the
concerning slab-on-ground construction that negative moment. Numerous proposals have
the large slabs tend to reach an equilibrium been offered for the reduction of the positive
in the center portion and fluctuate only with moment. A look at the loading conditions on
seasonal moisture change. most slabs will offer support to this reduction
theory, and some experimental work has
Some routine testing during the time of the been undertaken by this firm to evaluate this
soils investigations can reasonably define proposal. The results observed indicate that
the depth of the zone of seasonal moisture some reductions are justified and allowable.
change which, many say, is roughly equal To date, no findings have been brought forth,
to the horizontal distance moisture may backed by any performance data, to indicate
pene-trate under a slab and cause differen- what magnitude of reduction should be con-
tial movement or pressure. While this does sidered.
indeed give a cantilever action such as was
previously described, the point of maximum
moment is not located at a distance from
the edge equal to the depth of the seasonal
moisture change and nato distance of L (1-C).
Much work has been done trying to 2
define this cantilever distance. This
design procedure has developed an empiri-
cal curve which, when used with the equa-
tions set out later, gives good results. Again,
it makes no difference whether the cantilever
theory is used or the BRAB equations are
used, so long as the proper input is supplied
for either criteria.
(1-C) vs. Cantilever Length (lc)
Figure 12
The BRAB equations utilizing an effective
length, as opposed to the total length, were
used for years and gave good results. Since
the P.C.I. and P.T.I. have advocated a can-
tilever approach, this procedure has been
modified to use a cantilever (see Fig. 12)
which gives the same results as the modified
BRAB equations. Note that in cases both
positive and negative reinforcing are sup-

There is, at this time, a great deal of dis-

L or L’ vs k
cussion concerning the relative equality of Figure 13
TF 700-R-07 • Page 10

THE SLAB DESIGN stiffness must be supplied to the foundation

The proper procedures for soils investiga- because of the sensitivity of multi-story build-
tions and reporting have been mentioned ings to differential movement. A very light
in this report, and, assuming that the proper wood frame structure with wood siding and
information is available, an actual foundation no masonry would be far less susceptible to
design can be begun. The design procedure structural and cosmetic damage than would
begins by determining a unit weight of the be a heavy all-masonry or brick veneer type
building including its foundation. Assume building. Use of these increased unit weights
that such weight is distributed uniformly over automatically generates additional moment
the entire foundation area. Those conditions and deflection criteria to satisfy the need for
where concentrated loads are felt to be of additional stiffness and strength.
such magnitude that they must be consid-
ered, are not covered in this paper. These criteria, incidentally, apply to residen-
tial and small commercial construction and
As previously stated, the weight of the struc- not to the more monumental type structures
ture is not so significant as the support condi- such as banks, churches, and highrise build-
tions of the underlying soil material, however, ing. These same design procedures could be
the weight calculated in these procedures used for these types of buildings, reducing
is generally indicative of the amount of dif- the allowable deflections and stresses, and
ferential movement which can be tolerated including allowances for high concentrated
by the superstructure. The heavier the unit loads to produce the more rigid foundations
weight, the more brittle and sensitive to necessary for this type construction.
movement is the superstructure material in
general. Also, heavier loads generated by In any event, assume that for this criteria the
multi-story buildings indicates that additional calculated weight of the house, including the
foundation for one story
brick veneer type con-
struction, is “w” lbs. per
sq. ft. (The value 200 can
be used for almost any
single story woodframe,
brick veneer type con-
struction and not be too
far from the actual weight
of the house).

With the weight of the

house known, refer to
Fig. 14 which is extracted
directly from BRAB report
to select the climatic rat-
ing for the city in which
Climatic Rating (Cw) Chart the house is to built. The
Figure 14 values for Texas range
TF 700-R-07 • Page 11

from 15 in west Texas to as high as 30 in These calculations are performed for both
east Texas. This chart reflects the stability of the “Long” and “Short” directions. The actual
the moisture content which may be expected value of L and L’ are used when they refer
in the soil due to the climatic conditions which to the width of the slab. The most critical of
may vary from year to year. A very low num- these is deflection. A slab which deflects too
ber indicates an arid climate which will be very much will cause serious problems for the
low humidity and low ground moisture except superstructure, even though the slab does
for a few weeks or months of the year when not actually break. In general then, it is best
a heavy rainfall will occur and the ground to solve first for “I required”.
will take on a considerable amount of mois-
ture creating a potential
for a large volumetric
change in a short period
of time. The larger num-
bers, such as those in
east Texas, indicate in
general a more humid
climate where the mois-
ture content of the soil
tends to remain more
uniform the year round.
Refer to the BRAB report
for a more complete de-
scription of this chart.

The P.I. and the climate

conditions now being
known, it is possible
PI vs. (1-C)
to select from Fig. 15 Figure 15
the soil-climate support
index, indicated as (1-C). The cross. section of slab is not known, but
the value of 200 lbs ./sq.ft. is almost always
The following formulas will be used to calcu- adequate to include the slab weight.
late the moment, shear and deflection, using
the equivalent lengths shown in Fig. 14 as
previously discussed.

M = w L ‘ (Lc)2 Where: M = Moment, positive or negative

2   = Deflection in inches
V = Total shear
 = w (Lc)4 L’ w = Unit weight
4 Ec I L’ = Width of slab considered
Lc = Cantilever length (lck)
V = w L’ Lc Ec = Creep modulus of Elasticity of concrete
I = Moment of Inertia of section
TF 700-R-07 • Page 12

BEAM SPACING AND LOCATION very conservative values. They are to apply
Almost all houses, if not a basic rectangle, can to any slab on soil with P.I. of 15 or above.
be divided into two or more rectangles. If the This is a very rigid requirement. Perhaps a
building under consideration is a combination more rational approach is one such as is
of two or more rectangles, a set of calcula- shown in Fig. 17.
tions must be done for each rectangle. The
rectangles are then overlaid and the heavier
design governs the common areas as shown
in Fig. 16. Obviously there will be times when
good engineering judgement is required, as
all houses are not nice neat modules.

1-C vs. Maximum beam spacing

Figure 17

The designer can then use a chart such as

the one shown, or the various maximums
to make the first run. The number of beams
then will be:
No. = L + 1 Where S = Spacing from the chart

Slab Segments and Combined With the number of beams known, a width
Figure 16 for each can be selected, and a calculation
made for the moment of inertia. If desired, a
On some occasions the geometry of the very good first approximation can be made
house will dictate where the beams are to by using the following formulas.
be placed. When this is the case, the beams
can be located, and the calculations carried
out for width and depth based on the known
number of beams in each rectangle.

If the design seems excessively heavy by

using the maximum spacing’s, it is possible
to recalculate beam depths and reinforcing The difference in the two equations takes into
based on supplying additional beams. account the cracked section moment of iner-
tia vs. the gross section allowed in the pre-
Once the spacing and location are known, the stressed slab. Anyone not wishing to use the
size of the beams can be determined by trial gross section moment of inertia can use the
and error. BRAB specifies that the maximum reinforcing steel for both type slabs. These
face to face distance between beams should equations are good only with beam spacings
be 15’. P.C.I. states the maximum should be no greater than those shown in Fig. 17.
20’. Experience has shown that these are
TF 700-R-07 • Page 13

These solutions will give you “N” no. of that shown in Fig. 17, it is possible to use
beams “b” inches wide and “d” inches deep less slab reinforcing.
which will give you an “I” in the order of mag-
nitude required to limit deflection to 1/480*. It
is pointless to argue about the relative merits
of 1/360 vs. 1/480. In most cases depths
based on 1/360 will not be economical when
it comes to selecting reinforcing.

This design moment has been used to select

a cross section which will resist deflection. It (1-C) vs. As/LF
is now necessary to provide the reinforcing. Figure 19
Referring back to the BRAB (also PCI) it is
necessary to provide both positive and nega- ACI would limit the minimum reinforcing to
tive reinforcing. Asfy = 3840 for Grade 40 and Asfy = 5184
for Grade 60 in a 4” slab. That is not realis-
* ACI 318-77, Table 9.5 (b) page 12 recommends 1/480 for roof or
floor construction supporting or attached to non-structural elements
tic. Slabs-on-ground are not as sensitive to
likely to be damaged by large deflections. temperature change as suspended slabs,
and need much less reinforcement. Many
SLAB REINFORCING slabs have been done with Asfy less than
2600 with no ill effects. These are on low
P.I. designs, of course. On high P.I. sites,
the requirements of Asfy = 5200 as recom-
mended in BRAB is reasonable. (Fig. 18)

*ACI 318-77 allows As/LF - 0.0018 x 60,000 which will further

reduce the 0.0020 or 0. 0018 requirements when reinforcement with
yield strengths exceeding 60,000 PSI measured at a yield strain of
0.35 percent are specified.

Solve for top beam steel based on negative
moment, include slab steel falling within the
1-C vs. Asfy cooperating slab area. (see Fig. 20).
Figure 18

BRAB states again an arbitrary maximum

spacing; the only choices are #3 bars at 12”
(Asfy = 4400 lbs./ft. with Grade 40, or 6600
Ibs./ ft. with Grade 60 bars), or in a 5” slab, or
#3 bars at 10” (Asfy = 5200 lbs./ft. with Grade
40, 7920 lbs./ ft. with Grade 60 bars) O.C. in
a 4” slab when the beam spacing exceeds 12
feet. Both are excessive in most cases. As Effective Width of “T” Beams
Figure 20
long as the beam spacing does not exceed
TF 700-R-07 • Page 14

Solve for the bottom steel based on calculat- simultaneous cut and fill operation can be
ed (reduced if feasible) positive moment. Put arranged, it will save the owner-developer
the same size bars in a beam if 2 or more are quite a bit in site preparation costs.
required. It is usually best not to use more
than 3 bottom bars in each beam. If that When, for some reason, this operation can-
much steel is required, deepen the beams to not be arranged, it is necessary to stockpile
increase the lever arms or add more beams or waste the excavated material. Stockpiles
or both. should be made on prepared sites. They
should be cleared the same as a building
SITE PREPARATION site. Wasting should be in an area which will
Often the most overlooked part of the entire not be utilized later for building and which will
operation is the site preparation. The proper not be subject to erosion or create drainage
sequence should include the following: blockage.

1. Site clearing All on-site material which is not suitable for

2. Excavation (if any) structural fill should be wasted or removed
3. Fill selection and placement from the site.

Inadequate attention to any of these phases Fill selection is usually governed by the
can cause foundation problems even years expansive qualities of the natural soil. Fill
after the slab is built. should always be as good or better than
the on-site material on which it is placed.
It is very important that the site be cleared Sometimes more than one type of fill may be
of all grass, weeds, old decaying or decayed used.
organics, roots and trash. This material when
left under the slab can and will continue to In general, lot preparation in subdivisions is
decay and cause settlement at later dates. It poorly done. Side slope lots requiring cut and
is surprising how little settlement is required fill on each lot are usually done without any
to cause superstructure distress. The remov- effort to select the best material or supply any
al of approximately six inches of top soil is compaction to the fill.
usually adequate to remove grass, weeds,
etc. and their roots. Trees and large bushes
generally require grubbing to greater depths
to insure adequate removal. This site clear-
ing should be done prior to beginning any
required excavation.

Excavation of on-site material can begin after

the clearing and grubbing is completed. This
allows any acceptable on-site fill material
uncovered to be placed or stockpiled without
contamination. This is desirable when prac-
tical because it is cost effective to handle
Side Slope Lots
the material only once. When a continuous, Figure 21
TF 700-R-07 • Page 15

SLAB FORMING should be lapped adequately to provide

1. Foundation forms are to be built to con- a continuous sheet under the entire slab.
form to the size and shape of the founda- When poly is used, care must be taken
tion, and should be tight enough to prevent to see that it does not become entangled
leaking of mortar. The bracing must be in the reinforcing. Nailing the beam sides
designed so that the concrete may be to the fill just before placing helps. At the
vibrated without displacement or distortion exterior beam, the poly should be cut off
of forms. at the bottom inside face of the beam and
nailed as shown (Fig. 22), carried up onto
2. Beams should be formed by one of two the exterior form and nailed (Fig. 23), or
methods: lapped with felt and nailed (Fig. 24).

a. Single family slabs have been tra-

ditionally done by placing loose fill
inside the forms and forming the
beams with paper sacks filled with
sand or fill material. For small, lightly
loaded slabs this seems adequate.
Edge Beam Forming and Staking
b. Large slabs such as apartments, Figure 22
warehouse, shopping centers, etc.,
are often beamed by placing com-
pacted fill to underslab grade and then
trenching the beams with a power
trencher. This method adds support to
the slab and, helps it resist deflection
by effectively reducing the potential
expansion of underlying soil. Edge Beam Forming Edge Beam Forming
Figure 23 Figure 24
Unless specified on the plans or spec-
ifications for single family founda-
tions, it is assumed that the method
described in “a” above will be used.
Method “b” may be used if desired,
but it is not required. For multi-fam-
ily foundations or commercial work,
method “b” should be required.

3. After the beams are Formed, a waterproof

membrane should be placed.** Either 6
mil poly or hot-mopped asphalt impreg- Typical Steel Placement
nated felt may be used. The waterproofing Figure 25

* Not universally accepted, even by all HUD/VA offices, but currently used in San Antonio-Central Texas area.
**There is much discussion over the membrane requirement, but it currently is a HUD/VA requirement.
TF 700-R-07 • Page 16

1. For the most part, steel placement in the beams will be two bars in the top and two in the
bottom (Fig. 25). The bars will be held in position by stirrups at appropriate spacing. The
spacing should be that which will assure the proper positioning of the steel. The bottom
bars should be set on concrete bricks or blocks to keep them raised above the bottom
of the beams. Corner bars equal in size to the larger size (maximum size - #6 bars) of
any bars meeting at an exterior corner (Fig. 26) should be provided both top and bottom.
Where interior beams dead end into exterior beams, corner bars should be supplied for
bottom reinforcing only and should be the same size as the bottom bars in the interior
beam or #6 bar maximum. (Fig. 27)

Steel Placement at Corners

Figure 26

Steel Placement Interior to Exterior Beam

Figure 27
TF 700-R-03 • Page 17

Stagger Laps in Slab Steel

Figure 28

2. After the beam steel is in place, the slab steel is placed. If it is necessary to lop slab steel,
the laps in adjacent bars should be staggered at least 5’ - 0” (Fig. 28)

The slab steel is run continuously from side form to side form (lapping 24 diameters mm.
where splices are required), allowing 1-1/2” cover over the ends of the bars. On the edges
where the bars run parallel to the form, the first bar should be placed a maximum of 12”
from the outside form. All slab steel should be securely tied and blocked up by chairs or
concrete briquettes. (Figures 29 & 30 )

Blocking Steel Exterior Beam Blocking Steel Interior Beam

Figure 29 Figure 30

3. To insure the lowest possible foundation cost the use of welded wire reinforcement for
slab reinforcement should be investigated. Different styles of WWR can furnish the same
steel area and the following are suggested for design example:
TF 700-R-07 • Page 18

Welded Plain Welded Wire the one space + 2 inches or 6” minimum will
Reinforcement prevail. This means that for a 12” wire spac-
ASTM Specification A 185, fy = 65 KSI ing the minimum side lap splice would be 14”
but by spacing the 2 edge wires at 4” the lap
As req’d = .098 x 40/65 = .060 in2/ft.
is reduced to the minimum of 6”. In addition
Est. wt. = 42#/CSF
the lapping of 2 wires in the splice length
WWR 4 x 4 - W2 x W2
will provide twice the required steel area.
6 x 6 - W3 x W3
By reducing the area of the 2 edge wires by
12 x 12 - W6 x W6
50%, the required As is provided uniformly
12 x 12 - W6 x W6 with 2-W3 outside
throughout the width of the slab. This reduc-
edge wires @ 4” c/c each side.
tion in wire size does not reduce the capacity
of the splice because ASTM Specification
Welded Deformed Welded Wire
A-185 provides that the weld strength shall
be not less than 35,000 times the area of the
ASTM Specification A497, fy = 80 KSI
larger wire. These tonnage saving features
apply only to side laps but many welded
As req’d = .098 x 40/70 = .056 in2/ft. est.
wire reinforcement manufacturers can pro-
wt. 36#/CSF
vide sheets with variable transverse wire
spacings and the length of end laps can be
WWR 16 x 16 - D6.5 x D6.5 with one
reduced even though wire sizes cannot.
D3.8 outside edge wire each side.
The length of splice for deformed welded
The two welded wire reinforcement styles
wire reinforcement is determined by the size
with 12” spacing for smooth wire and 16”
and spacing of the spliced wires, and only
spacing for deformed wire have been recent-
the outside cross wire is lapped. While the
ly developed to further improve the efficiency
lap length cannot be changed, the size of
of welded wire reinforcement. The larger
the outside cross wire can be reduced with-
wire spacings make it possible to install the
out changing the strength of the lap. ASTM
welded wire reinforcement at the desired
Specification A497 stipulates that the weld
location in the slab because it permits the
shear strength shall not be less than 35,000
workmen to stand in the openings and raise
times the area of the larger wire. These engi-
the welded wire reinforcement to place the
neered welded wire reinforcement styles are
not generally available for small foundation
slabs, but, when numerous small buildings
All welded wire reinforcement sheets must
or large slabs are being considered, it is
be spliced at both sides and ends to develop
prudent to check with welded wire reinforce-
the full design fy. For smooth welded wire
ment suppliers because substantial savings
reinforcement ACI 318-77 requires that the
in cost can often be accomplished. As with
two outside cross wires of each sheet be
rebar reinforcing, welded wire reinforcement
overlapped a minimum of 2 inches and the
must be chaired or supported on brick or
splice length equals one spacing plus 2 inch-
blocks to insure proper placement in the
es with a minimum length of 6 inches or 1.5
Id whichever is greater. For slabs on ground
TF 700-R-07 • Page 19

beam, the Contractor needs instruc-

tions in the typical details telling how
to handle the situation. In the case
of the deep beam, deepen the beam
by the required amount and relocate
steel (Fig. 32).Refer to “Note A” to
see if additional steel is required.
Obviously, if the beam exceeds 72”,
the engineer must be contacted for
additional information.
Engineered Welded Wire Reinforcement Sheet with Special Side Laps
Welded Smooth Welded Wire Reinforcement
Figure 31


Interior to Exterior Beam

Figure 33

2. When an exterior beam is deepened,

some slight changes must be made to the
interior beams which intersect the deep-
ened beam (Fig. 33). The bottom of the
Deepened Beam
Figure 32
interior beam should slope down at least
as deep as the mid-depth of the deepened
NOTE “A” exterior beam. If the interior beam depth
1. WHEN OVERALL DEPTH EXCEEDS 36” is already deeper than the mid-depth of
the deepened exterior beam, no changes
SPACING 6” FROM THE TOP. are required to the interior beam.
2. FOR BEAMS 36” TO 54” DEEP USE #3
3. FOR BEAMS 54” TO 72” DEEP USE #3

1. Special conditions from time to time will

Extended Concrete Beam
arise which will require modifications to Figure 34
beam depths, forms, etc. Many of these
are covered by typical details which illus- 3. Extended beams to carry wing walls
trate what modifications are allowed with- should be handled as shown in the typical
out approval from the Engineer. If a detail (Fig. 34). It is very important that
special condition occurs, such as a deep
TF 700-R-03 • Page 20

the additional top reinforcing be added 5. Other special conditions may arise from
as shown; otherwise the beam may be time to time but they are too numerous to
broken off. be covered here.

Side View of Typical Beam at Drop

Figure 35 Drop under Sleeve through Beam

4. Beams that continue through

drops must be deepened by the
amount of the drop, and the tran-
sition sloped (Fig. 35). If the drop
is framed as a sharp corner on
the bottom of the beam, stress
concentrations can occur which
may cause difficulties.

Side View of Typical Beam at Drop

Figure 36

CONCRETE PLACING Cracking however is mainly a function of the

Over the years the word “pouring” has come drying shrinkage which takes place imme-
to be used almost exclusively to describe thediately after placing and is generally more
function of placing concrete. Unfortunately controlled by atmospheric conditions than by
the consistency of the concrete itself. This
that term is all too descriptive of the practice
which has become common throughout the is a gross generalization, however, as high
industry. When placing concrete for an engi- water cement ratios will increase the shrink-
neered foundation, it is imperative that the age problem. Good concrete for slabs-on-
concrete actually be placed, not “poured”. ground should be made from a mix in which
the water cement ratio is kept low and should
Residential floors need to have adequate contain as much coarse aggregate as pos-
strength, surfaces that are hard and free of sible at the surface. Compressive strengths
dusting, and the cracking should be held to for concrete slab-on-ground foundations are
a minimum. The hardness and finish of the generally specified as a minimum of 2500
surface will depend on how densely the sur- PSI at 28 days. It is important to note the
face materials are compacted during finish- word minimum. The 2500 PSI should be the
ing, and the adequacy of the cement paste. minimum strength, not the average strength.
TF 700-R-07 • Page 21

This 2500 PSI is a generally accepted fig- the bull floating, the final finishing should not
ure in the industry, since it has become an begin until bleed water has risen and evapo-
accepted figure for HUD/VA construction. rated, and the water sheen has disappeared
from the surface. At the time the concrete
In keeping the water cement ratio low, add shall be stiff enough to sustain a man’s foot
mixtures can be of particular benefit. This is pressure without indentation.
particularly true with respect to air entrain-
ment, retardants and accelerators. With regard to final finishing operations, the
accumulation and evaporation of bleed water
Calcium chloride is a common cold weather will vary considerably with weather conditions
additive to accelerate settling and hardening. and types of mixes. When bleed water is too
It should properly only be added to the mix in slow to evaporate, it may be pulled off with a
the mixing water. It is important to emphasize hose, or blotted with burlap. The surface of a
that calcium chloride is not to be used in a foundation should never be dried with what
foundation which is pre-stressed. The use is commonly called dusting. This is a method
of calcium chloride in foundations with rebar whereby dry cement and, sometimes, dry
reinforcing or welded wire reinforcing must cement and sand is placed on the slab to blot
be limited to a minimum of 2% by weight of the bleed water. This will cause a weak sur-
cement. face and, possibly, subsequent deterioration
of the surface.
Several operations need to completed before
beginning the placing of concrete. Screeds Immediately after the foundation has been fin-
should be set inside the form area to estab- ished, a curing compound should be placed
lish finished slab grade prior to beginning to inhibit further evaporation of water from
concrete placing. This will improve the level the concrete mix. This will tend to reduce
of the finished slab and eliminate much of the amount of shrinkage cracking which will
the unevenness of the slabs currently found. occur in the foundation.
Keys for joints may, on certain occasions,
be used as screeds, since they need to be When using a liquid curing membrane, it is
placed at proper intervals in large slabs to important to select a compound that will not
eliminate or control the shrinkage cracking. interfere with future bonding of floor finishes.
There are several such compounds on the
When the concrete is delivered it should be market.
placed as close as possible to its final posi-
tion in the foundation. It should be spread Forms should remain on the finished concrete
with short handle, square ended shovels and slab for a minimum of 24 hours. Removal prior
not by the use of rakes. Internal vibration at to that time can cause damage to the con-
the time of placing should be mandatory, as crete. After 24 hours the forms can be care-
this allows a stiffer mix to be used and facili- fully removed without damaging the concrete.
tates placing.

Screeding, tamping, and bull floating will be

of course finished prior to the time the bleed
water has accumulated on the surface. After
TF 700-R-07 • Page 22

The most general problem encountered was Cities should require adequate inspection,,
lack of suitable field inspection and control. If either by their own forces, or by the design
the foundations are not constructed in accord engineer who should, after all, be most famil-
with the design drawings and specifications, iar with his own design.
then benefits to be derived from improve-
ments in codes or the state of the art will be When the Engineer is not permitted to check
diminished.” 20 the construction, one of the other inspectors
should furnish a certificate to the Engineer
Before placing, the contractor should call for that the slab is properly installed in accor-
an inspection by some inspection agency. dance with the Engineer s plan. The following
For FHA-VA single family construction, this is is a partial list of points which should be veri-
handled by the FHA or VA. For non FHA/VA fied by the inspector.
houses it is, or should be, handled by the
city, but most cities, especially small ones, do
not have enough staff.

1. Check number of beams

2. Measure beam width
3. Measure beam depth
4. Check beam spacing
5. Check tightness and alignment of forms
6. Check blocking under beam reinforcement
7. Check compliance with fill penetration or have fill certification
8. Check beams for proper number and size of reinforcing bars
9. Check the slab reinforcing for proper size and spacing.
10. Check to see that all slab reinforcing is adequately blocked to insure
proper placement in concrete.
11. Test concrete for maximum 6” slump
12. Make cylinders for strength certification
13. See that concrete is vibrated or rodded
14. Insure adequate curing
15. Check for cracking or honeycombing
TF 700-R-07 • Page 23

SHRINKAGE CRACKS for workability, and not permit over-wetting

All concrete has cracks! There is not yet in of concrete on the job. It cannot be said too
the industry the ability to produce crack-free often that the use of internal vibration will
concrete. What can best be done is to limit or facilitate placing of concrete and help elimi-
reduce the amount and kinds of cracks. nate internal settlement. The use of a surface
curing membrane, placed as soon as pos-
Those cracks that occur prior to the harden- sible after final finishing, will help eliminate
ing of the concrete are generally formed by shrinkage cracks which are caused by drying
the movement of the form work, settlement of of the hardened concrete.
the concrete during setting, or plastic shrink-
age cracks which occur while the concrete It is common practice in commercial work to
is still plastic. Other cracks which can occur use control joints to reduce shrinkage crack
after the setting of concrete are shrinkage problems. These are good procedures, but
cracks due to drying of the concrete, ther- not commonly used in single family construc-
mal cracks due to changes in internal heat tion.
of hydration or due to external temperature
variations, cracks due to stress concentra- Again, it is important to recognize that all
tions, or cracks due to structural overloads. shrinkage cracks cannot be eliminated, given
the present state of the art.
The most common cracks which are seen
in foundations are plastic shrinkage cracks
which occur early after the concrete is placed
and are due to the rapid drying of the fresh
concrete. Even if plastic cracking does not
occur, similar type cracks can form during
the early stages of hardening even days after
the final finishing has taken place. While cur-
ing membranes will not eliminate the plastic
shrinkage cracks that occur prior to setting,
they can be very beneficial in reducing or
eliminating the shrinkage cracks which will
occur after finishing.

The effects of temperature, relative humidity,

and wind velocity are, in general, beyond the
control of the engineer or the contractor and
must be accepted as risks when the slab is

It is, therefore, wise to specify the minimum

sacks of concrete which will be expected to
give the recommended compressive strength,
utilize the minimum water content necessary
TF 700-R-07 • Appendix A-1

Ac = Gross Area of Concrete Cross-Section
Ass = Area of Steel Reinforcing in Slab
Asbb = Area of Steel Reinforcing in Bottom of Beam
Astb = Area of Steel Reinforcing in Top of Beam
a = Depth of Stress Block ( ult. strength)
bb = Width of Beam Portion of Cross-Section
bs = Width of Slab Portion of Cross-Section
B = Total Width of all Beams of Cross-Section
Cw = Climatic Rating
db = Depth of Beam Portion of Cross-Section
ds = Depth of Slab Portion of Cross-Section
E = Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete
Ec = Creep Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete
f’c = 28 Day Compressive Strength of Concrete
fy = Yield Strength of Reinforcing
Ig = Gross Moment of Inertia of Cross-Section
Io = Moment of Inertia of Segments of Slab Cross-Section
kI = Length Modification Factor-Long Direction
ks = Length Modification Factor-Short Direction
L = Total Length of Slab in Prime Direction
L’ = Total Length of Slab (width) Perpendicular to L
Lc = Design Cantilever Length (Ick)
Ic = Cantilever Length as Soil Function
MI = Design Moment in Long Direction in kft
Ms = Design Moment in Short Direction in kft
NI = Number of Beams in Long Direction
Ns = Number of Beams in Short Direction
PI = Plasticity Index
S = Maximum Spacing of Beams
V = Design Shear Force (Total)
v = Design Shear Stress (Unit)
vc = Permissible Concrete Shear Stress
w = Weight per sq. ft. of House and Slab
q allow = Allowable Soil Bearing
qu = Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil
i-c = Soil/Climatic Rating Factor
 allow = Allowable Deflection of Slab, in.
TF 700-R-07 • Appendix A-2


Minimum number, width and depth of beams

TF 700-R-07 • Appendix B-1


For comparison to BRAB Report #33, assume for a design example the same single story
residence located in San Antonio, Texas, which was used in BRAB Report #33.


Effective P.1. = 37 3 x 5 x 41 = 615

Climatic rating C = 17 2 x 5 x 41 = 410
Slope = 0% 5 x15 = 75
EPF P.1. = 1100/300 = 36.67
Unconfined compression qu = 2800 >1 TSF.
Unit weight = 200 lbs./sq. ft.

First divide slab into two overlapping rectangles.

TF 700-R-07 • Appendix B-2

For purposes of example, solve the 24’ - 0” x 42’ - 0 rectangle

From Fig. 15, 1-C = .23

From Fig. 17, S = 16
From Fig. 12, Ic =7
From Fig. 13, KI = .95 KIIc = .95 x 7.0 = 6.65
Ks = .80 KsIc = .80 x 7.0 = 5.60

Number of beams in long direction NI = 24.0 + 1 = 2.5 = 3

Number of beams in short direction Ns = 42.0 + 1 = 3.6 = 4

Assume beam widths = 9” each beam

BL = 3 x 9 = 27”
Bs = 4 x 9 = 36” Geometry of house causes 5 beams Bs = 45

Solve for long and short moments:

ML = 200 (6.65) x 24 = 106 kf
M = 200 (5.60) 2x 42 = 132 kf
Solve for beam depths:

dL = 3 664 x 106 x 6.65 = 25.9” = 26”


ds = 3 664 x 132 x 5.60 = 22.2” = “say 22”

TF 700-R-03 • Appendix B-3

Solve for steel in bottom of beams : Long direction


9” 24” 32” 9” 32” 24” 9”

Using fy = 60,000

Assume: 6 - #5 bars As = 1.86

Asfy 1.86 x 60,000
a= = = 0.378
0.85f’cb 0.85 x 2500 x 139
Assume: lever arm for positive reinforcing = d-3”

Mu = 1.86 x60 (26-3) / 12 = 213.9

M = 213.9 / 1.6 = 133.7 vs. 106

or using fy = 40,000

Assume:6 - #6 bars As = 2.64

a= = 1.86 x 60,000 =0.358
0.85f’cb 0.85 x 2500 x 139

Assume: lever arm for positive reinforcing = d-3”

Mu = 2.64 x 40 (26-3) / 12 = 202.4

M = 202.4 / 1.6- 126.5 vs. 106

Asfy for all three of these combinations = 3.85 k/lf


9” 24” 32” 9” 32” 24” 9”

Assume lever arm for negative reinforcing = d - 4”

TF 700-R-07 • Appendix B-4

- Mu from slab steel - steel in flanges only

112” / 12 x 3.85 x ( 26-4) / 12 = 65.9 kf/1.6 - 41.2

-M - 41.2 kf = Moment to be reinforced for 106 - 41 = 65kf

For fy = 60,000
Assume: 6 - #4 bars As = 1.20
Mu = l.20 x 60 x (26’- 4”) / 12 = 132
M = 132 / 12 = 82.5 > 64

For fy = 40,000

Assume: 6 - #5 bars As = 1.86

Asfy = 1.86 x 40 = 74.4k
Mu = 74.4 x (26-4) / 12 = 126.4kf
M = 136.4 / 1.6 = 85.2 > 64

A cross section taken across the slab would then show:

6 x 6 W2.9 x W2.9
12 x 12 W4.5 x W4.5 (80kft) or
2# 4 BARS or
6 x 6 W2.9 x W2.9 (65kft)
2# 5 BARS

# stirrups or
WW stirrups 2# 5 BARS or
2# 6 BARS
8” 8” 8”
TF 700-R-07 • Appendix B-5

Solve for steel in bottom of beams : Short direction

For fy = 60,000

Assume: 10 - #4 bars As = 2.00

a= 2.00 x 60 = 0.235”
0.85 x 2.5 x 240

Assume: lever arm for negative moment = d-3

Mu = 2.00 x 60 (22-3) / 12 = 190.0

M = 190 / 1.6 119 vs. 132

Try increasing two exterior and center beams to 26”

Mu (ext .beams) = 1.80 x 60 (26-3) / 12 = 138kft

Mu (int. beams) = 0.80 x 60 (22-3) / 12 = 76kft
Total Mu = 138 + 76 = 214kft
Total M = 214 / 1.6 = 134 vs. 132

For fy = 40,000

Assume: 10 - #5 As = 3.10

a= 3.10 x 40 = 0.243”
0.85 x 2.5 x 240
TF 700-R-07 • Appendix B-6

Assume: lever arm for negative moment = d-3

Mu = 3.10 x 40(22-3) / 12 = 196kft

M = 196/1.6 = l22 vs. 132kft

Try increasing two exterior beams to 26”

Mu (ext. beams) = 1.24 x 40 ( 26’ 3’)/ 12 = 95kft

Mu (mt. beams) = l.86 x 40(22’ 3”)/ 12 118

Total Mu = 95 + 118 = 213kft

Total M =213/1.6 = 133 vs. 132

Solve for steel in top of beams: Short direction slab steel same as long direction

-M slab steel - steel in flanges only

M sIab steel 240/ 12 x 3.85 (22’ 4”)/ 12 = 111.6/ 1.6-73.5kft

-M -73.5 = 132 -73.5 = 58.5kft moment to be reinforced for.

(This is slightly conservative since beams are deepened)

For fy = 60,000

Assume: top steel to be 10 - #3 bars or W or D9 @ 10” ea. way

-Mu = 0.66 x 60 (26-4) / 12 = 72.6

0.44x 60 (22-4) / 12 = 39.6

Total -Mu = 72.6 + 39.6 = 112.2

-Mu = 112.2 / 1.6 = 70.1 > 58.5

TF 700-R-07 • Appendix

For fy = 40,000

Assume: top steel to be #3 bars or W or D9 @ 10” ea. way

-Mu = 0.80 x 40 (22-4) / 12 = 58.7

1.20 x 40 (22-4) / 12 = 72.0

Total -Mu = 130

-M = 130.7 / 1.6 = 81.7 > 58.5kft


Long Direction Beams

3-9” x 26” beams, reinforced with 2 #4 or 2 #5 bars top, 2 # 5 or

2 #6 bars bottom each beam

Short Direction Beams

2-9” x 26” exterior and center interior beams, reinforced with

2 #3 or 2 #4 bars top, 2 #4 or 2 #5 bars bottom.

2-9” x 22” interior beams, reinforced with 2 #3 or 2 #4 bars top,

2 #4 or 2 #5 bars bottom.

Slab reinforcing to be:

fy = 80,000 - 12 x 12 - W4.5 x W4.5

fy = 65,000 - 6 x 6 - W2.9 x W2.9

TF 700-R-07 • C-1


1. Tentative Recommendations for 7. Dawson, Raymond F., “Movement of

Prestressed Slab-On-Ground, Ad Hoc Small Houses on an Expansive Clay
Committee of the P.C.l. Post-Tensioning Soil”, Proceedings. 3rd. International
Committee Committee Chicago. Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering, Zurich, Vol.1,
2. Interim Criteria for Slab-On-Ground
Concrete Foundations for Residential
Construction”, Construction Research
Center, University of Texas at Arlington. 8. Snowden, Walter L. and Meyer, Kirby T.,
Dr. E.L. Buckley, P.E., PhD “Comparison of Performance of Slab-On-
Ground Foundations on Expansive and
on Non-Expansive Soils”, paper present-
3. Criteria for Selection and Design of ed to Texas Section American Society of
Residential Slab-On-Ground, Report#33 Civil Engineers, Soil Mechanics Division,
to the Federal Housing Administration, San Antonio, Texas. 1967.
Publication 1571, National Academy of
Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1968.
9. Anderson, R.B. and Thompson, H.Platt,
“Analysis of a Prestressed Post-
4. Home Builders Protest New Slab Design Tensioned Foundation Using the Kelly
Criteria, Engineering News Record, Vol. System”, H.Platt Thompson Engineering
176, No.1 Jan.6, 1966, Company, Inc., Houston, Texas January
31, 1968.

5. Lytton, R.L., “Stiffened Mat Design

Considering Viscoelasticity, Geometry 10. Meyer, Kirby T., and Lytton, R.L.,
and Site Conditions”, Proceedings, 3rd Foundation Design in Swelling Clays”,
International Conference on Expansive Texas Section American Society of Civil
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