Project Management Assignment - Aung Pyae Phyo
Project Management Assignment - Aung Pyae Phyo
Project Management Assignment - Aung Pyae Phyo
1. Arrow Network Diagram
2. Project Progress
A Gantt chart, also known as a bar chart, is probably the most widely used tool in project
management to track and communicate project status and also become a living
representation of the project itself, showing activities as execution progresses and
indicating critical points where deliverables and milestones are required to indicate
performance. The popularity of the chart is based on the “easy to make/easy to use” rule.
Even though it is easy to use, it also has limitation as follow:
[ CITATION ROJ21 \l 1033 ] Gantt chart can become extraordinarily complex. It is not
possible to systematically express the complex relationships between the individual tasks
contained in a project, and it is difficult to carry out quantitative calculations and
analysis, and to optimize the plan. It can become very complicated, except for the
simplest project, there will be a lot of tasks and resources to complete the project, if the
relationship is too complex, the complicated line graph will increase the difficulty of
reading the Gantt chart.
The size of the progress bar does not indicate the amount of work. Each progress bar in
the graph represents the time period over which a particular task set will be completed,
but by viewing the progress bar of a particular task set, it is difficult to know how many
levels of resources are needed to achieve these tasks. Example , a short bar might take
400 man hours while a longer bar may only take 30 man hours. The longer bar may lead
to the uninformed that it is a bigger task, when in fact it is not.
The Gantt chart actually only partially reflects the triple constraints of project
management (time, cost, and scope), because it focuses on progress management (time).
Gantt charts are relatively easy to draw by hand, but it doesn’t offer the same level of
flexibility during monitoring the project than computer software. Various programs are
available to assist project managers in project planning, resource allocation and
scheduling. It enables project managers as well as entire teams to check project progress,
quality management, all documentation exchanged and easy reporting throughout a
project. By using computer software, it is not only helping from tracking down
deliverables to managing resources but also to collaboration with team members.
[ CITATION Eri21 \l 1033 ] Below are the top 5 key functionality aspects of project
management software to monitor the actual progress in terms of timing throughout the
Task lists –sample and effective visual system for organizing workflow encourages
incremental improvement and balances demand against available capacity. Project
manager can assign and update the status of tasks so that everyone in project team is
on the same page is critical as everyone on the team can see at a glance how tasks
are moving through the phases.
File sharing – computer software is able to share and organise key project
documents. that make project team member accessing the desired piece of
information easy, convenient, and instantaneous while working on a given
task/project. It eliminates the amount of effort, time, and energy searching for file
and lets team member focus more on the performance and productivity part of the
project management process.
Reporting – A reporting feature in the project management system can give accurate
information in just a few clicks by generating automatic reports on project progress
rather than assessing progress toward deadlines individually or attempting to
calculate percentages of completion. This is also extremely helpful for all team
members when it comes to updating themselves on the project as a whole.
2.3 Steps might be taken to improve the timing schedule
When project was required to be completed the project within two months with no
reduction in scope, crashing must be done when necessary to reduce the time for
completion of tasks in the critical path as reducing time to complete non-critical tasks –
those outside the critical path – will not reduce the project delivery time. So, the project
manager should focus on crashing tasks in the critical path. The critical tasks such as task
ID 2 “Board Approval” took 7 days, task ID 9 “Procurement of contractor” took 14 days
and task ID 19 “Complete purchase of land at barrier” took 42 days. The project manager
should communicate and discuss with the board, contractors and land owner in order to
reduce the processing time for said task IDs and fasten the process of said task IDs as
much as possible in order to let the project complete within two months.
10 Generator in house design mods 28 9 2 design staff at $300 per day 10/23/2021 11/19/2021 Person 2 300.00 28 Day 16,800.00
11 Delivery of outer steel casing 14 13 Casing costs $8,000 12/4/2021 12/17/2021 Fixed cost 1 8,000.00 1 Time 8,000.00
Generator Design
B 12 Spray paint outer casing 1 11 2 staff at $150 per day 12/18/2021 12/18/2021 Person 2 150.00 1 Day 300.00
& Manufacture
13 Manufacture of core generator 14 10 Overall cost to manufacture core $30,000 11/20/2021 12/3/2021 Fixed cost 1 30,000.00 1 Time 30,000.00
14 Assembly of core generator into casing 2 12;31 5 men at $100 per day 12/19/2021 12/20/2021 Person 5 100.00 2 Day 1,000.00
Sub Total cost for Group B, Generator Design & Manufacture 56,100.00
Produce new systems specification
15 10 9 Hire of IT specialists fixed cost $20,000 10/23/2021 11/1/2021 Fixed cost 1 20,000.00 1 Time 20,000.00
Electronic 16 Program coding 21 15 Hire of IT specialists fixed cost $10,000 11/2/2021 11/22/2021 Fixed cost 1 10,000.00 1 Time 10,000.00
Systems 17 Order hardware for electronics 35 15 H/ware cost $24,000 11/2/2021 12/6/2021 Fixed cost 1 24,000.00 1 Time 24,000.00
18 Embed and test new programs 2 16;17 3 staff at $200 per day 12/7/2021 12/8/2021 Person 3 200.00 2 Day 1,200.00
Sub Total cost for Group C, Electronic System 55,200.00
27 Cablind and loom wiring 3 13 2 staff at $150 per day 12/4/2021 12/6/2021 Person 2 150.00 3 Day 900.00
28 Generator mechanical test 2 27 3 staff at $150 per day 12/7/2021 12/8/2021 Person 3 150.00 2 Day 900.00
E Final Assembly 29 Generator electrical tests 2 27 2 staff at $150 per day 12/7/2021 12/8/2021 Person 2 150.00 2 Day 600.00
30 Generator Electronic systems test In house 3 18 3 staff at $150 per day 12/9/2021 12/11/2021 Person 3 150.00 3 Day 1,350.00
31 Quality test prior to shipping 2 28;29;30 1 staff at $200 per day 12/12/2021 12/13/2021 Person 1 200.00 2 Day 400.00
Sub Total cost for Group E, Final Assembly 4,150.00
4. Bibliography
Samuel Mintz, R. A. (2003). Project Management Toolkit. United Stated of America: United
States Agency for International Development (USAID).
ROJECT-MANAGEMENT.COM. (2021, July 13). Advantages and Disadvantages of Gantt
Charts. . From
Erin Gilliam Haije. (2021). Top 20 Best Project Management Software in 2021: An Overview.
The Netherlands: Mopinion.