Wyeth Laboratories - Intramuscular Injections
Wyeth Laboratories - Intramuscular Injections
Wyeth Laboratories - Intramuscular Injections
Injections in General .. 4
Intramuscular Injections. 5
Mid-Deltoid Area . 8
Gluteus Medius 10
Ventrogluteal Area 12
Gluteal Region .. 18
Vastus Lateralis. 20
Deltoid . 22
Bibliography . 32
Intramuscular injections
Precautions and recommendations for Intramuscular Injections
Reprinted with the permission oj the author, Daniel J. of well-defined landmarks locating the vertical line.
Hanson, M. D., Department oj Pathology and Research H the vertical is drawn only slightly medial to the
Institute, Mercy Hospital, Toledo, Ohio jrom "I ntramus- proper location, the intersection with the horizontal
cular Injection Injuries and Complications" published will be located medial to the sciatic nerve. This will
in GP January, 1963. expose the nerve to injection although the injection
may be assumed to be given in the "upper outer
A local lesion of greater or lesser extent, depending
upon the material injected, is produced in the tissues We recommend a minor modification for the loca-
each time an injection is given. The operator must be tion of the injection site, using definite anatomic
aware of the differences in tissue toleration when landmarks. A line drawn from the posterior superior
choosing the substance to be injected and he must iliac spine to the greater trochanter of the femur is
control the site of the resultant lesion by locating the lateral to and parallel with the course of the sciatic
needle tip in a relatively silent intramuscular area. nerve. Any injection lateral and superior to this line
will be removed from the course of the sciatic nerve
Many cases of 'generalized anaphylactic and related
and will be within the region of the greatest gluteal
reactions after intramuscular injection cannot be
mass, as recommended by Hochstetter and others.
predicted. However, most injection accidents are re-
lated to tissue damage at the injection sites. These The deltoid and posterior triceps area should be
accidents are preventable. When complications occur, avoided in adults when anything but the most non-
they usually can be attributed to faulty injection irritating substance is injected. The muscle masses
technique. available for injection in these areas are generally
With the previously described facts in mind, several not as large as those in the gluteal areas and an in-
points will be listed which are particularly important jection which is only slightly misplaced may involve
in avoiding injection complications. the radial nerve. In addition, pain and tenderness are
more noticeable to the patient in this area.
Select the Agent. When a choice is possible, select
the agent which demonstrates the greatest tissue Infants present a different problem. The gluteal area
toleration. is extremely small and is composed primarily of
fat. There is only a poorly developed, small muscle
In the case of antibiotic injections, it has been shown
mass. An y injection in this area is dangerously close
that procaine penicillin and oxytetracycline cause
to the sciatic nerve. A squirming, fighting child in-
the least extensive reactions at the injection sites.
creases the danger of injecting into or adjacent to the
Chloramphenicol succinate and tetracycline provoke
nerve. In such patients, the lateral or anterior thigh
the most severe necrotic lesions.
is recommended for intramuscular injections. These
Choose the Proper Site. In adults, the recommended muscles are better developed at birth and are far re-
site of intramuscular injection is the upper outer moved from any major nerves. Nathan, for similar
quadrant of the gluteal area. The gluteal area is not reasons, used the deltoid area in infants with good
synonymous with the buttocks. A review of the anat- results. The gluteal musculature develops with loco-
omy of the area will reveal that the term "buttocks" motion and, therefore, may be used for injection
includes a zone of fat tissue inferior to the gluteal when the child has been walking for a year or more
musculature adjacent to the posterior thigh. (usually at the age of 2 or 3). Individual evaluation
In determining the injection site in the gluteal zone of the musculature should be made and may indicate
... the classic method of intersecting perpendicular the use of the thigh at an even older age. This loca-
lines may be dangerous, especially in the hands of tion may also be used safely in adults although pain
nonprofessional personnel, because of the absence is more noticeable than in the gluteal area.
Intramuscular injection sites/the Mid-Deltoidarea
A site often chosen for its ease of access is the axilla or armpit on the bottom. The two side
deltoid area which can be employed when the pa- boundaries are lines parallel to the arm one-third
tient is in either a standing, sitting, orJprone posi- and two-thirds of the way around the outer lateral
tion. While the deltoid muscle forms a fairly large aspect of the arm.
triangle on the shoulder prominence, the actual Care should be taken to avoid not only the acro-
area available to a shoulder injection is limited, mion, clavicle and humerus, but also the brachial
since there are major bones, blood vessels and veins and arteries and the radial nerve. It is rec-
nerves to be avoided. The recommended bounda- ommended that the number and size of injections
ries of the injection area form a rectangle bounded made at this site be limited. The area is small and
by the lower edge of the acromion on the top to cannot tolerate repeated injections and large
a point on the lateral side of the arm opposite the quantities of medication.
Brachial vessels
100-lb. female 130-lb. male
Intramuscular injection sites/the Gluteus Medius
Perhaps the most commonly considered site for The patient should be lying face down. A "toe-in"
injections is the posterior gluteal area. In defining position relaxes the muscles. The injection site
this site for injection purposes care should be should be clearly exposed. Under no circum-
given to restrict injections to that portion of the stances should there be any compromise with
gluteus medius which is above and outside of a correct technic. Do not hurry, do not let
diagonal line drawn from the greater trochanter modesty tempt you to give this injection to a per-
of the femur to the posterior superior iliac spine. son who is bending over a table or with his cloth-
Extreme caution should be observed to ensure ing only partially removed from the injection site.
that the boundary line is maintained, avoiding the The needle is inserted perpendicular to the flat
hazard of possibly injecting into either the sciatic surface on which the patient is lying-needle pene-
nerve or the superior gluteal artery. tration should be on a direct back-to-front course.
Greater trochanter of the femur
Superior gluteal artery
(not illustrated)
100.lb. female 130-lb. male
Intramuscular injection sites / the Ventrogluteal area
The ventrogluteal area (von Hochstetter's site) Palpate to find the greater trochanter, the anterior
has been accorded growing recognition as a site superior iliac spine and the iliac cresLWhen inject-
removed from major nerves and vascular struc- ing into the left side of the patient, place the palm
tures. The subcutaneous fatty layer is relatively of the right hand on the greater trochanter and the
shallow and there is good gluteal muscle density. index finger on the anterior superior iliac spine.
Because anatomical landmarks are easily identi-
(Use the left hand to delineate the site when
fiable around the ventral area of the gluteal
injecting into the patient's right side.) Spread the
muscles, this site is also recommended for injec-
middle finger posteriorly away from the index
tions in children. Although especially suitable for
a patient lying on his back, this site is also acces- finger as far as possible along the iliac crest, as
sible with the patient lying prone, on his side, shown in the straight-line drawing below. A "V"
or standing. space or triangle between the index and middle
The patient should always be sufficiently exposed finger is formed. The injection is made in the
to enable adequate identification of anatomical center of the triangle with the needle directed
landmarks. slightly upward toward the crest of the ilium.
Ventrogluteal area
Iliac crest
(in triangle) (not illustrated)
- J
Intramuscular injection sites / the Vastus Lateralis
Another site recommended for its relative safety Although it is easier to give an injection in the
and freedom from major nerves and blood vessels vastus lateralis when the patient is lying on his
is the vastus lateralis. This injection area is back, it is acceptable to use this site when he is in
bounded by the mid-anterior thigh on the front of a sitting position. The entire area should be
the leg, the mid-lateral thigh on the side, a hand's exposed to permit identification of anatomical
breadth below the greater trochanter at the proxi- landmarks pertinent to this site. This site may
mal end and another hand's breadth above the also be used for pediatric patients. See pages 20
knee at the distal end. and 21 for specific recommendation.
100-lb. female 130-lb. male
Intramuscular injections
in infants and children
Some notes to underscore
Pediatric intramuscular injection sites/Gluteal Region
The gluteal region and the buttock are not syn- the buttock and extends forward to the anterior
onymous. Each must be defined to establish the superior iliac spine. When the musculature is
proper injection sites. adequately developed and proper technic is used,
Buttock refers strictly to the gluteal prominence. the gluteal region is a very suitable area for
The buttocks are confined to one area of the injection.
gluteal region-the nates, clunes, "rump" or The gluteal region includes two distinct injection.
"seat." Injections should never be given into any sites: (1) the ventrogluteal area and (2) the pos-
quadrant of the buttock. terolateral aspect of the gluteal region.
The gluteal region is much more expansive than
Post. sup. iliac spine
Gluteus medius M.
Sup. gluteal A.
Gluteus maximus M.
Inf. gluteal A.
Greater trochanter
of femur
Sciatic N.
Pediatric intramuscular injection sites/ Vastus Lateralis
,, I
, I
, !
, ,
I ,
,, ,I
, ,
I ,
," ,'
Deep femoral A.
Sciatic N.
Rectus femoris M.
Femoral A. & V.
Vastus lateralis M.
Pediatric intramuscular injection sites / Deltoid
Brachial plexus
Deltoid M. ~...:;..
Axillary N.
Deep brachial A.
Radial N.
Brachial A.
Preparing for the injection
Orders for medications
aa . ana . of each
ad lib . ad libitum . freely as desi red
c . cum . with
ce . cubic centimeter . cubic centimeter
Gm. (use capital G) . Gram . Gram
gr . g ra n u m . grain
gtt . gutta . drop
m . minim . minim
q.s . quantum sufficit . a sufficient amount
a . rec ipe . take
s . sine . without
3.. . drach ma . dram
:3 ..•...•.........•....•....•.....•.....•...•...........................•....•...•..•. uncia . ounce
Prefilled TUBEX@
Preparation steps for injection with St en.1e C ar t.d
n ge- N ee dl e U n .t
3. Write patient's name and room number on envelope and enclose TUBEX cartridge.
. steps
Prepara tIon f or InJee
.. t.Ion WI'th/ S'Reusable
3. Using forceps remove the syringe barrel and plunger from the sterile boats.
5. Using forceps remove needle from the sterile tray and attach securely to the syringe.
6. Using alcohol-saturated swab, clean the seal of the multiple-dose vial of medication.
7. Pull syringe plunger out to the graduation which corresponds to the amount of
medication ordered.
8. Penetrate the vial seal with needle and invert syringe and vial so that the vial is on top,
taking care that the needle tip is still in the medication.
9. Depress the plunger on syringe all the way in order to expel the air into the vial.
10. Pull out on syringe plunger until the desired amount of medication has been withdrawn.
14. Place card, reusable syringe, and alcohol swab on a sterile tray to take to the patient's room.
When empty TUBEX@ Sterile Cartridge-Needle Units are used with multiple-dose vials, the
steps of preparation are similar to those for reusable syringes. Assembly is not as time con-
suming or complicated, since the TUBEX cartridge is merely secured into the TUBEX syringe
and the rubber sheath removed. Sterility is maintained after the cartridge-needle unit has been
filled by replacing the rubber needle-sheath until about to give the injection.
Giving the intramuscular injection
syringe, the needle should be withdrawn and a pressure against the injection site with the
new injection site selected. alcohol sponge in the left hand as the needle is
withdrawn by the right hand; this reduces the
risk of medication leaking into the subcutaneous
tissues and possibly forming abscesses.
After the injection witya Reusable Syringe
4. Fill syringe with detergent or blood solvent and let stand for at least 30 minutes.
5. Place needle in sterilizer for 30 minutes at 250 degrees Fahrenheit to decontaminate and
render safe for handling.
6. Brush syringe barrel interior, plunger and tip with low-sudsing, nonetching detergent.
7. Rinse syringe parts twice in tap water and once in a tray of distilled water.
8. Clean inside of needle hub with a water-saturated cotton swab containing blood solvent or detergent.
9. Pass a stylet through the interior of the needle to remove any skin tissue, rubber vial
stopper cores, blood or foreign matter.
10. Check needle for sharpness and, if needed, resharpen properly and repeat cleaning process.
II. Rinse entire needle with tap water, including ejecting through the needle with a syringe.
12. Repeat the flushing of the needle with a syringe filled with distilled water.
13. Place syringe and needle in individual paper wrappers and then into a tray ready for sterilizing.
14. Put tray into steam sterilizer, close sterilizer door and set the temperature at 250 degrees
Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.
15. At the end of 30 minutes open the sterilizer door slightly and allow the needle and syringe
to cool and dry for 15 minutes before removing.
16. Store sterile injection equipment in sterile tray or "boats" until required for use.
16. Hughes, W. T.: Complication resulting from an intramuscular
injection (Letters to the Editor), J. Pediat. 70:1011 (June) 1967.
17. Intramuscular injections (Editorial), Brit. Med. J. 2:758 (Sept.
16) 1961.
23. Morris, H.: Human Anatomy (Schaeffer, J.P. [ed.]) , Ed. 11, New
York, Blakiston Div. McGraw-Hill, 1953.
27. Talbert, J. L.; Haslam, R. H. A., and Haller, J. A., Jr.: Gangrene
of the foot following intramuscular injection in the lateral
thigh: a case report with recommendations for prevention, J.
Pediat. 70:110 (Jan.) 1967.
28. Turner, G. G.: The site for intramuscular injection, Brit. Med.
J. 2:56 (July 8) 1944.
Closed Injection System, Wyeth
Disposable Alcohol Sponge, Wyeth
Wyeth Laboratories • Philadelphia, Pa. 19101
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