CMO 22-2010 Loading Reference
CMO 22-2010 Loading Reference
CMO 22-2010 Loading Reference
Departmentof Finance\
Bureau of Customs
In order to update the old port operations manual issued in 1972 that should
strengthen our commitment to a transparent and efficient delivery of quality services and
in line with the Philippine government's commitment to the Revised Kyoto Convention, this
Revised Customs Port Operations Manual is hereby published for compliance of the Bureau
personnel and guidance of the transacting public.
It is hereby declared that compliance with this Revi~ed Customs Port Operations
Manual is considered compliance with the provisions of thel Tariff Customs Code of the
Philippines, as amended, and that non-compliance will be penajlized accordingly.
All previous Orders inconsistent herewith are deeme~ repealed, amended and/or
modified accordingly. \
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Customs Inspector shall verify and examine wHether the Outward
Foreign Manifest issued to the Master of the carrying vessel together
with the ship's clearance tallies with the p~epared Inspector's
Certificate of Lading. Should there be a discrepancy as to the
correctness of entry in the Outward Foreign Manifest with that of the
Inspector's Certificate of Lading, the Customs Insdector on board shall
not allow the vessel to sail until such Outward /Foreign Manifest is
38 Bureau of Customs
• 3 photocopies
e (?J-(n~),
Philippine Registry.
1. Containerized
40 Bureau of Customs
(d) The assigned Stuffing Inspector shall supervise the actual
stuffing which shall be conducted in the presence of
representatives from all parties concerned.
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Shall perform such other duties that rnav be assigned
to him from time to time by his superiors.
He shall submit the original copy of the ICL together with the
working copies of the Export DeclarationsfPermits covered
by the report to the Export Division (or its ~quivalent office)
concerned within five (5) working days after the departure of
the carrying vessel to which the con ainerized export
cargoes were loaded.
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containerized export cargoes into his ssigned vessel
without the corresponding duly prbcessed export
declarations! permits with the Authority 11 Load stamped
(c) The Loading Inspector shall make sure tha the containers to
be loaded are indeed intended to his assigned vessel and for
that particular voyage of the vessel. I
(d) Duties and Responsibilities of the Loading Inspector
44 Bureau of Customs
(4) He shall certify and sign Certificate of II1spection and
loading (Cll) 24 hours after the departure of the
vessel (for Warehousing shipments); and
(5) He shall perform such other duties that may be
assigned to him from time to time by his ruperiors.
The District Collector of Customs may authorize overtime
services when the interest of the service so requires.
The Customs Inspector shall have n? authority. t9 in~pect .~r open the
goods being loaded unless otherwise authorized In writing by the
Collector of Customs. I
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2.2. Loading of Bulk and Break-bulk Export Cargo
(a) The Customs Inspector on board the vessel shall permit the
lading of export cargo only upon presentation of an authority
to load issued by the following: I
(b) For all exportations loaded at shipside, the exporter will send
to the Customs Inspector on board of the vessel, through the
patron of the carrier, a note or "conducs", which will show:
(c) As it is being loaded, export cargo shall be checked by
marks and numbers, if any, except sHipments of bulk
cargoes. The Customs Inspector on board rust see to it that
1 ·
only those authorized on the loading permit are to be loaded.
46 Bureau of Customs
(d) When export cargo weighed on shore under Customs
supervision is exported, no quantity in excess of the weight
declared shall be received on board. However, if the weight
of the total number of packages loaded I is less than the
weight declared, the Customs Inspector on board shall make
note of this fact on the export declaration which shall be
attested by the chief officer of the vessel.
Customs Transit means the Customs procedure under which goods are
transported under Customs control from one Customs office to another.