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Cvle472 Lecture 4 Tension Members

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Tension Members

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh Karimi

Civil Engineering Department
Cyprus International University
Tension Members:

• Structural members subject to axial tensile force (like truss members,

cables, bracing systems and …)

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Types of Tension Members:
• Any cross-sectional shape may be used because the only factor
affecting the strength of the member is the cross-sectional area.
• The use of angle and circular section are very common.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Holes in Tension Members :
• Holes have two important effects on the tensile members:
1) Stress Concentration

2) Area reduction

• The most common method of making holes involves drilling or punching standard
holes with diameter of 1.5 mm larger than the pin diameter.
• Regards to the roughness around the edge of the hole, AISC requires 1.5mm
more for the holes.
• Therefore, the effective hole diameter is 3 mm larger than the screw diameter

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Gross and Net Areas:
• The total cross-sectional area of a member is equal to its total cross-
sectional area.

Ag =Gross Area

An = Net Area

An = Ag - Aholes
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Gross and Net Areas:
Determine the total and net cross-sectional area of a plate with
dimension of 1.5cmx20cm. The end plate connections are done by
screws with a diameter of 1.9 cm at two rows.

Ag = 20 cm×1.5cm = 30 cm^2
An = 30cm^2 - 2(1.9cm + 0.3cm)(1.5cm) = 23.4 cm^2

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Design Strength of Tension Members:
There are two major failure mechanisms for the tensile members.
These limit states are:

1) Yielding on the gross area

2) Fracture on the net section

• In order to avoid yielding and the resulting additional deformations,

the stress at the total area (Ag) must be less than the yield stress (Fy).
• To prevent failure, the stress in the net section area (An) should be
less than the ultimate stress (Fu).
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Nominal Strength:
Nominal strength in yield:
Pn = Fy . Ag

Nominal strength in failure:

Pn = Fu Ae
Ae is the net effective cross section area which can be less than the net
cross section area (An) due to concentrated stress and Some other

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Yielding on Gross Area:
= Designing tensile strength in LRFD method for the yielding of
the Cross section (gross area) under tension.

= Permissible tensile strength in ASD method for the yielding of

the Cross section (gross area) under tension.

Nominal resistance of member:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Fracture on Net Section:
= Designing tensile strength in LRFD method for the failure
(fracture) of the Cross section (gross area) under tension.

= Permissible tensile strength in ASD method for the failure

(fracture) of the Cross section (gross area) under tension.

Nominal resistance of member:

The resistance reduction coefficient for failure is less than yield.

Because it is much more dangerous to reach a fractured state.
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Design Strength (LRFD):
• For the Limit state of the yielding of the gross area (total area) which
is proposed to resist the extra elongation of the member:

• For the Limit state of the fracture of the net area If there are any
screw or rivet holes::

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Effective Net Area (Ae):
• When all cross-section components are not connected (For example:
one leg of angle only connected or bolted to the plate), “shear lag”
will happen.
• Connected members will be under the extra loads and the parts
which are not connected will not be fully stressed.
• In order to consider this happening, A reduced or effective net cross
section can be used.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Effective Net Area (Ae) (cont.):

If tensile force directly transmitted to each of cross-sectional element by

fasteners or longitudinal welds (like pins or welds)  U=1

If tensile force is transferred to some but not all of the cross-sectional

elements by fasteners or longitudinal welds (like pins or welds) 

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Effective Net Area (Ae) (cont.):

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Recommended Values for U:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Ae for Bolted and Riveted Connections:
If all cross-section elements are connected: U=1

Otherwise it should be used suggested reduction coefficient from:

For bolted splice plates

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• Determine the effective net area for the tension member shown in Figure.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Ae for welded connections

If a tension member is connected with only transverse welds, U = 1.0.

Above figure illustrates the difference between transverse and
longitudinal welds. Connections by transverse welds alone are not

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Ae for welded connections (cont.)
For plates:
In general, U = 1.0 for plates, since the cross section has only one
element and it is connected. There is one exception for welded plates,
however. If the member is connected with longitudinal welds on each
side with no transverse weld.
The following values apply:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
• Net area will be maximized if the fasteners are placed in a single line.

• Reduction in cross-sectional area is minimized if the fasteners are

arranged in a staggered pattern.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• Possible damage holes in line: ABDE or ABC

• Minimum section area is selected

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Empirical method to calculated the net
The net width in a failure line consisting of both staggered and un-staggered
holes is:

“Wn” is the net width and “Wg“ is the gross width The second term is the sum
of all hole diameters, and the third term is the sum of s^2/4g for all inclined
lines in the failure pattern.
“d” is the holes diameter (d+1/8”)

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example :
Compute the smallest net area for the plate shown below:
Plate thickness = 12 mm
Bolt diameter = 19 mm


Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example :
Compute the Minimum pitch (smin) in the other words determine the
pitch will give a net area DEFG equal to the one along ABC.


Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example :
Compute the smallest net area for the angle shown below:
Bolt diameter = 19 mm
The unfolding is done at the middle surface to
obtain an equivalent plate (with gross width
equal to the sum of the leg lengths minus the
angle thickness).

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• For certain connection configurations, a segment or “block” of material at
the end of the member can tear out.
• For example, the connection of the single-angle tension member shown in
Figure is called block shear.

• For the case illustrated, the shaded block would tend to fail by shear along
the longitudinal section ab and by tension on the transverse section bc.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

BLOCK SHEAR (cont.):
• Common examples are shown in figures

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

BLOCK SHEAR (cont.):
• For certain arrangements of bolts, block shear can also occur in gusset plates.
Following Figure shows a plate tension member connected to a gusset plate.
In this connection, block shear could occur in both the gusset plate and the
tension member. For the gusset plate, tension failure would be along the
transverse section df, and shear failure would occur on two longitudinal
surfaces, de and fg. Block shear failure in the plate tension member would be
tension on ik and shear on both hi and jk.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

BLOCK SHEAR (cont.):
• The model used in the AISC Specification assumes that failure occurs by rupture
(fracture) on the shear area and rupture on the tension area. Both surfaces
contribute to the total strength, and the resistance to block shear will be the sum
of the strengths of the two surfaces. The shear rupture stress is taken as 60% of
the tensile ultimate stress, so the nominal strength in shear is 0.6FuAnv and the
nominal strength in tension is FuAnt .
Anv = net area along the shear surface or surfaces
Ant = net area along the tension surface
This gives a nominal strength of Rn= 0.6FuAnv+ FuAnt

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

BLOCK SHEAR (cont.):
• The AISC Specification uses Equation (Rn= 0.6FuAnv+ FuAnt) for angles and gusset
plates, but for certain types of coped beam connections, the second term is
reduced to account for non-uniform tensile stress. The tensile stress is non-
uniform when some rotation of the block is required for failure to occur. For
these cases,
Rn= 0.6FuAnv+ 0.5FuAnt
The AISC Specification limits the 0.6FuAnv term to 0.6FyAgv, where
0.6Fy = shear yield stress
Agv = gross area along the shear surface or surfaces

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

BLOCK SHEAR (cont.):
One equation to cover all cases as follows:

Rn= 0.6FuAnv + UbsFuAnt <= 0.6FyAgv + UbsFuAnt

where Ubs = 1.0 when the tension stress is uniform (angles, gusset plates, and most
coped beams) and Ubs = 0.5 when the tension stress is non-uniform.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

BLOCK SHEAR (cont.):
Briefly: Rn= 0.6FuAnv + UbsFuAnt <= 0.6FyAgv + UbsFuAnt

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi


Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (Cont.):

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi


Bolt dia. 

Limit state yielding of total cross section :

Cross section area for plate with 12mm thick:

Cross section area for plate with 8mm thick:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):
Limit state failure of net cross section:
Main plate:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):
Patch plate:
There is no need to check all the cross sections:

So, minimum calculated area will be selected:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):
Limit state of block shear failure:
Main plate:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):
Patch plate:

By comparing the results for three limit

states (yielding total cross-section, net
cross-section failure, or Block-shear
failure) it can be concluded that the Limit
state yielding of total cross section
should be considered for designing.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Bottom line:
1. Each of the three limit states (yielding total cross-section, net cross-section
failure, or Block-shear failure) can govern the design.
2. The design strength for all three limit stated must be calculated.
3. (Pn / Ω or ØPn) The member design strength will be the minimum of the three
values calculated above.
4. The design strength of the member shall be greater than the required tensile

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• The design of a tension member involves finding a member with
adequate gross and net areas. If the member has a bolted
connection, the selection of a suitable cross section requires an
accounting for the area lost because of holes. For a member with a
rectangular cross section, the calculations are relatively
straightforward. If a rolled shape is to be used, however, the area to
be deducted cannot be predicted in advance because the member’s
thickness at the location of the holes is not known.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• A secondary consideration in the design of tension members is
slenderness. If a structural member has a small cross section in
relation to its length, it is said to be slender. A more precise measure
is the slenderness ratio, L/r, where L is the member length and r is the
minimum radius of gyration of the cross-sectional area. The minimum
radius of gyration is the one corresponding to the minor principal axis
of the cross section. This value is tabulated for all rolled shapes in the
properties tables.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• Although slenderness is critical to the strength of a compression
member, it is inconsequential for a tension member. In many
situations, however, it is good practice to limit the slenderness of
tension members. If the axial load in a slender tension member is
removed and small transverse loads are applied, undesirable
vibrations or deflections might occur. These conditions could occur,
for example, in a slack bracing rod subjected to wind loads. For this
reason, the user note in AISC D1 suggests a maximum slenderness
ratio of 300. It is only a recommended value because slenderness has
no structural significance for tension members, and the limit may be
exceeded when special circumstances warrant it. This limit does not
apply to cables.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• The central problem of all member design, including tension member
design, is to find a cross section for which the required strength does
not exceed the available strength. For tension members designed by
LRFD, the requirement is

• where Pu is the sum of the factored loads.

• To prevent yielding,

• To avoid fracture,

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• For allowable strength design (ASD), if we use the allowable stress
form, the requirement corresponding to yielding is

• and the required gross area is

• For the limit state of fracture, the required effective area is

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• The slenderness ratio limitation will be satisfied if

where r is the minimum radius of gyration of the cross section and L is

the member length.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi


LRFD solution:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.)
ASD solution:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• If an angle shape is used as a tension member and the connection is
made by bolting, there must be enough room for the bolts. Space will
be a problem only when there are two lines of bolts in a leg. The
usual fabrication practice is to punch or drill holes in standard
locations in angle legs. These hole locations are given in Table 1-7A in
Part 1 of the Manual. Gage distance g applies when there is one line
of bolts, and g1 and g2 apply when there are two lines. Following
Figure shows that an angle leg must be at least 5 inches long to
accommodate two lines of bolts.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi


Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):
LRFD solution:

To find the lightest shape that satisfies these criteria, we search the dimensions and properties table for the
unequal-leg angle that has the smallest acceptable gross area and then check the effective net area. The
radius of gyration can be checked by inspection. There are two lines of bolts, so the connected leg must be
at least 5 inches long. Starting at either end of the table, we find that the shape with the smallest area that
is at least equal to 4.75 in2 is an L6x4x1/2 with an area of 4.75 in2 and a minimum radius of gyration of
0.864 in.
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Example (cont.):

Because the length of the connection is not known, cannot be used to compute the shear lag factor
U. Since there are four bolts in the direction of the load, we will use the alternative value of U = 0.80.

Try the next larger shape from the dimensions and properties tables.

(Note that this shape has slightly more gross area than that produced by the previous trial shape, but
because of the greater leg thickness, slightly more area is deducted for the holes.) Passing over the next
few heavier shapes,
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
ASD solution:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi


Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi


Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi


Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
• When slenderness is not a consideration, rods
with circular cross sections and cables are
often used as tension members.
• The distinction between the two is that rods
are solid and cables are made from individual
strands wound together in ropelike fashion.
• Rods and cables are frequently used in
suspended roof systems and as hangers or
suspension members in bridges.
• Rods are also used in bracing systems; in some
cases, they are pre-tensioned to prevent them
from going slack when external loads are
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Following figure illustrates typical rod and cable connection methods.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

LRFD method:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

ASD method:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• When trusses are used in buildings, they usually
function as the main supporting elements of
roof systems where long spans are required.

• A truss may be thought of as a deep beam with

much of the web removed.

• Roof trusses normally are spaced uniformly

along the length of the building and are tied
together by longitudinal beams called purlins
and by x-bracing.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Ideally, purlins are located at the truss joints so that the truss can be
treated as a pin-connected structure loaded only at the joints.
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi
• Sag rods are tension members used to provide lateral support for the purlins.
Most of the loads applied to the purlins are vertical, so there will be a
component parallel to a sloping roof, which will cause the purlin to bend (sag)
in that direction

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

• If sag rods are used, they are designed to support the component of roof loads
parallel to the roof. Each segment between purlins is assumed to support
everything below it; thus the top rod is designed for the load on the roof area
tributary to the rod, from the heel of the truss to the peak, as shown in Figure.

• Although the force will be different in each segment of rod, the usual practice is to
use one size throughout.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

A possible treatment at the peak or ridge is shown in Figure (a). The tie rod between ridge
purlins must resist the load from all of the sag rods on either side. The tensile force in this
horizontal member has as one of its components the force in the upper sag-rod segment. A free-
body diagram of one ridge purlin illustrates this effect, as shown in Figure (b).

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi


Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):
LRFD method:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

Example (cont.):
ASD method:

Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagerzadeh karimi

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