And 8030
And 8030
And 8030
MUR140 a
510 Ω A K
330 Ω
MCR265–8 MCR265–8
VAC 60, 50 Hz
510 Ω
12 Vdc MOC3062
MUR140 b
When the led of the optocoupler MOC3062 is activated, operating as previously explained whenever the led of the
it will cause the trigger of the diac and depending on the ac optocoupler is being activated. It is important to mention
line polarity, one of the two SCRs (MCR265–8) will be that in this case we are taking our MCR265–8 as an
triggered; in other words, if the half cycle of the ac line is example, but in the real field of the applications the SCRs
positive, the diode (a) will be polarized in forward mode, must be selected based in the applications requirements
so it will allow current flow through the diac of the (VDRM, IT(RMS), etc).
optocoupler which will cause the trigger of the SCR (A), The previous SCRs arrangement could be functional for
this SCR (A) will be activated during the complete half another typical and useful applications related to the angle
positive cycle and will be deactivated as soon as a zero phase control which could be easily made by controlling
crossing condition occurs. Now, if the half cycle of the ac the trigger of the SCRs as explained in the application note
line is negative, the diode (b) will be polarized in forward number AND8011/D named High Resolution Digital
mode, so it will allow current flow through the diac of the Dimmer.
optocoupler which now will cause the trigger of the On the other hand, this other schematic diagram shows
SCR (B) and this SCR (B) will be activated during the a different alternative to control the phase angle of the
complete half negative cycle and will be turned–off as soon inverse parallel arrangement of the two SCRs
as a zero crossing condition occurs, the two SCRs will be (MCR265–8):
390 Ω
6.2 k
VAC 50/60 Hz 470 k
590 k
220 Ω
100 nF
In a different way than in the application note number specified in its data sheet, otherwise, the SCR might not be
AND8011/D (High Resolution Digital Dimmer), this operating properly.
circuit is only controlling the angle phase of one half cycle
of the ac line which is corresponding to the positive
semi–cycle (SCR (A)), therefore, the SCR (B) will be
conducting the complete negative semi–cycle of the ac line.
When the switch is turned–on, the SCR (B) is fully
triggered while the SCR (A) will be allowing a certain
conduction angle to the load which will be depending on
the resistance value appearing in the variable resistor since
this variable resistor is limiting the charge time of the
capacitor, so as soon as the capacitor reaches the same level
of voltage than the breakover voltage of the DIAC
(PDA30), it will be triggered and due to this, the SCR (A) Angle
will be switched–on at certain angle phase of the positive Phase
semi–cycle of the ac line. The RC arrangement will be
controlling the trigger of the SCR (A) which will be
allowing an conduction angle dependable of the delay
generated by the RC arrangement.
It is important to mention that in order to have a good This plot shows how the current waveform looks in the
load when it is being controlled the angle phase only in
control phase operation in the SCR (A), it is very the positive semi–cycle, so in this case it corresponds
important to keep its Tc within the rate of temperature to the SCR (A).
The steps of the operating sequence are explained below: it will start to be charged through the load resistance but
Step 1. At the first time, the capacitor is not charged and now in inverse polarity, this action will cause the
it is not being applied any trigger signal to the gate elimination of the current flow through the main SCR
terminals of both SCRs, therefore, there is no current flow which will be turned–off. After the main SCR has been
in the circuit. turned–off, it could be activated again by supplying another
Step 2. As soon as current pulse is applied to the gate current pulse to its gate terminal and can be deactivated in
terminal (Igm) of the main SCR, it will be triggered the same way than previously explained.
allowing current flow through the load, and at the same It is important to mention that there are some points that
time, the capacitor will start to be charged and once it has must be taken into consideration in order to ensure the
reached its maximum charge voltage level (τ = Raux C), it properly operation of this commutation method, these
will act as an open element while the main SCR will remain points are described below:
its on–state no matter the current signal has been taken–off a. The source voltage must be minor than the VDRM and
from its gate terminal. VRRM of the main and auxiliary SCRs.
Step 3. Now, when a current pulse is applied to the gate b. The operating condition for the commutation is:
terminal (Iga) of the auxiliary SCR, it will be triggered • Raux is the auxiliary resistance (Ohms)
causing the discharge of the capacitor through itself (lath), • C is the capacitor to be used (Faraday)
this auxiliary SCR will be turned–off as soon as the current • Tq is the turn–off time of the main and auxiliary
level of the capacitor’s pulse discharge has dropped below SCRs
than its holding current (IH) since the auxiliary resistance The following schematic diagram shows a real
will not be allowing enough current flow through the application circuit in which it is used this commutation
device to keep itself in the on–state. Once the capacitor has method already explained:
been totally discharged, it will act as a short circuit thereby
Through this circuit, it is possible to switch–on and the current through the auxiliary SCR (see note in the
switch–off the dc motor through the SCRs and also it could diagram).
be possible to control the speed of the motor by applying an In summary the present application note was focused in
angle phase control to the main SCR. This circuit basically showing some of the most popular configurations for
operates in the same way than previously explained. As applications circuits using SCR devices, nevertheless, it is
soon as a pulse current is applied to the main SCR, it will be important to mention that all these concepts were only
activated thereby the motor will start to operate which will tested into our Lab environment, therefore, if any of these
be stopped whenever the auxiliary SCR is activated. It is concepts may be used in the real field, it would be
important to mention that the auxiliary resistance was necessary to take into consideration the real field
calculated taking into consideration the holding current conditions (environment temperature, voltage variations,
value of the SCR since this resistance is the one that limits etc.) in order to avoid bad operation from the circuits.
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