Green Mountain Mittens FINAL

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SIZES: Extra Small (Small, Medium,
Large, Extra Large)
YARN REQUIREMENTS 6.25 (7, 7.75, 8.5, 8.5) inch
Worsted or Aran weight wool yarn that knits to
7.5 (8.7, 9.5,11.5,12.4) inches in length,
gauge. Sample is worked in Brown Sheep Company,
from cuff to tip
Lamb’s Pride Worsted (190 yds/4 oz), and shown in Fits hands measuring up to 6.5 (7.25, 8,
size Medium. 8.75, 8.75) inches in circumference.
Color—Yards Required: Extra Small—Extra Large
A Dark (Chocolate Souffle) 60—120 yards NEEDLES
B Medium (Roasted Coffe) 30—70 yards
US Size 6 [4.00mm] or size needed to
C Light (Oatmeal) 10—35 yards
obtain gauge.
D White/Natural (Cream) 10—35 yards
US Size 5 [3.75mm], or needle 1 size
smaller than gauge needle.
GAUGE (over blocked colorwork pattern)
Choose needles based on your favorite
22 sts and 26 rnds = 4”/10 cm
method for working in the round: DPNs,
a 32-inch circular needle (magic loop),
NOTIONS: tapestry needle, waste yarn for stitch OR 2 24-inch circular needles.
holder, 2 stitch markers

©mary o’shea 2021 all rights reserved

tullymongan designs
• Instructions are written in the following format: Extra Small (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large). Be
sure to check your gauge—this is crucial to the size of the finished piece.
• Changes to gauge or yarn weight may require additional yarn.
• Where just one number is given in the instructions, it applies to all sizes.
• Additional sizes can be made by changing yarn weight and/or gauge.
• Color changes, patterns and shaping are on the chart. Unless otherwise indicated, all chart sts are
worked as k sts.
• Follow chart from bottom to top and from right to left.
• Left and Right mittens are made from the same chart. Follow the chart for the appropriate
placement for the thumbs.
• The magenta and blue outlined sections on the mitten hand chart indicate the placement of the
thumb gussets. They are replaced by the thumb chart sts for the appropriate mitten. The magenta-
outlined sts show the placement of the left hand thumb, the blue the right.

INSTRUCTIONS On rnd 11 (14, 16, 19, 20), place the 12 (14,

CUFF and Beginning of HAND 16,18, 20) sts between the thumb Ms on a
Make 1 left and 1 right mitten. length of smooth waste yarn and set aside
Using US 5 [3.75mm] needles and color A, for the thumb. Remove thumb Ms.
CO 36 (40, 44, 48, 48) sts.
CO 4 sts to the right-hand needle using
PM for BOR and join for working in the rnd. backward loops.
*K2P2* around for 1.75 (2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.5)
inches. HAND
Rejoin for knitting in the rnd, and continue
MITTEN HAND to follow the mitten hand chart through rnd
For all sizes, change to gauge needle (US 6 37 (42, 47, 55, 61).
[4.0mm]) and knit 1 rnd in color A, then
follow the chart for the size being worked. After all decs on the chart are complete, 6
sts remain. Trim final color to an 8-inch
THUMB GUSSET length, and using a tapestry needle, draw
On rnd 2 (3, 3, 4, 4) of the chart, begin the the end through the remaining sts. Then
thumb gusset for the mitten being worked. pull the yarn end to the inside of the mitten.
Place Ms before and after the outlined sts. Pull sts together to close gap. Turn mitten
Substitute the thumb chart sts for these sts. inside out and weave the yarn end through
Return to the mitten hand chart to complete the backs of the sts several times.
the rnd.

Continue to follow both mitten hand and

thumb charts through rnd 10 (13, 15, 18,
©mary o’shea 2021 all rights reserved
tullymongan designs
Place 12 (14, 16, 18, 20) sts from the yarn *….* - repeat instructions between asterisks to
holder back onto the gauge (US 6) needles. the end of the rnd
Following the thumb chart, pick up 4 BO - bind off
additional sts through the CO sts of the BOR - beginning of round
CC - contrast color
hand and join for knitting in the rnd.
cm - centimeter(s)
Work the thumb chart through rnd 21 (24, CO - cast on
27, 32, 35). dec(s) - decrease(s)
DPNs - double-pointed needles
After all decs on chart are complete, 4 (5, 5, g - gram(s)
6, 6) sts remain. Trim final color to an 8-inch K, k - knit
length, and using a tapestry needle, draw k2tog - knit 2 stitches together as one
M(s)- marker(s)
the end through the remaining sts. Then
MC - main color
pull the yarn end to the inside of the thumb. M1 - make one stitch
Pull sts together to close gap. Turn thumb mm - millimeter(s)
inside out and weave the yarn end through oz - ounce(s)
the backs of the sts several times. P, p - purl
PM - place marker
FINISHING rnd(s) - round(s)
SM - slip marker
Weave in all loose ends on wrong side of
ssk - slip next 2 sts separately, knit 2 slipped sts
fabric. Wet block, or steam, the completed together
mittens. st(s) - stitch(es)
yo - yarn over

©mary o’shea 2021 all rights reserved

tullymongan designs

©mary o’shea 2021 all rights reserved

tullymongan designs

©mary o’shea 2021 all rights reserved

tullymongan designs

©mary o’shea 2021 all rights reserved

tullymongan designs

©mary o’shea 2021 all rights reserved

tullymongan designs

©mary o’shea 2021 all rights reserved

tullymongan designs

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