Survey Paper On UWSN

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-7, May, 2019

Clustering Protocols in Underwater Wireless

Sensor Networks: A Communication Approach
A. Rehash Rushmi Pavitra, E. Srie Vidhya Janani

 figure out the state of overall working principles of the

Abstract: Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) network [11]. Each architecture are listed as follows
reveal a diverse range of applications among varied One-dimension UWSNs - The reference architecture for
networks where sensors are deployed for exploring
underwater network employs sensor nodes with fixed AUV
resourceful activities such as tactical surveillance, ocean
monitoring, offshore analysis, oceanographic data confined for data transmission to the remote station over a
collection and instrument observing. All these activities are single hop [12].
based on the number of sensors deployed in ocean for data Two-dimension UWSNs - The organization of sensor nodes
collection and communication. Naturally, underwater form a cluster, where Cluster Head (CH) is chosen in a
medium through which the data transmits from source to
random fashion. Once all the nodes are coordinated into
destination i.e. network is volatile. Despite, sensing and
transmitting over a selective range in UWSNs signifies to clusters, sensor collects the underwater data and transmits to
be challenging with relevance to limited bandwidth, long CH. Subsequently, CH sends data to the Base Station (BS)
propagation delay and severe multipath fading. This [14]. Communication is suggested in two solutions, namely
research explicitly defines the recent proposed routing horizontal and vertical transceiver i.) sensor communicates
protocols in terms of clustering techniques. In addition, the with CH by cause of horizontal communication link. ii.)
research work revealed the summary of clustering
protocols in UWSNs together suggesting future research Consequently, CH communicates with the BS over vertical
exploration in the field of underwater environments. communication link.
Three-dimension UWSNs - Sensor nodes are in the form of
Keywords: UWSNs, Sensors, Clustering, Routing clusters at distinct extents [8]. Thereby, three dimensions are
Protocols, Underwater Communications. employed for data collection and transmission such as
intercluster, intracluster and CH to BS communication.
I. INTRODUCTION Four-dimension UWSNs - The combination of
three-dimension UWSNs and mobile UWSNs has been
The earth surface is covered by 70% of water exists in rivers,
introduced [9]. Remotely operative underwater vehicle
glaciers, sea and oceans [1]. Underwater applications such as
(ROV) is involved for data collection from CH and relay data
mineral reconnaissance, marine mammal behavior,
over the BS. In contrast, underwater communication medium
underwater sound and disaster prevention are examined
Radio Frequency (RF) signal and Optical signal inadequate
using autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) equipped with
for underwater communication due to immediate attenuation
underwater sensors [16]. The fundamental components of the
[10]. Thereby, the acoustic signal is employed in underwater
underwater sensor networks are underwater sensors, surface
environment with range and speed is (1km, 1500m/s) [13].
station and AUV collects data from the sensors and
Also, acoustic signal transmission greatly complements for
communicate with onshore sink over acoustic or satellite
dynamic network topology that inherently supports
communication [7] as depicted in Figure 1.
multi-hop transmission of data.
On the other hand, less than ten percent of the entire ocean
In the relevance to UWSNs, design of routing protocol in
volume is being investigated while the remaining area is still
underwater environment requires intelligent system
not explored. Also, communication is vital with relevance to
performance. However, hierarchical communication to the
underwater environment because of node scattering and
BS [15] encounters high delay bound due to
limited bandwidth. Generally, existing UWSNs architectures
Limited Bandwidth – Communication bandwidth is
shortened over extended range by varying aspects which
Revised Manuscript Received on May 06, 2019 holds high medium absorption of sound at below density and
A. Rehash Rushmi Pavitra, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus Madurai, India. low medium absorption at
Dr.E, Srie Vidhya Janani, Department of Computer Science and above density.
Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus Madurai, India.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5898058719/19©BEIESP 1824 & Sciences Publication
Clustering Protocols in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: A Communication Approach Overview

Propagation Delay – Acoustic signal is employed in increase energy efficient data transmission which is crucial
underwater environment where nodes move on water for underwater networks. Furthermore, the research work
irrespective of distance, temperature and salinity thereby primarily focuses on clustering based routing protocol and
transmission speed is around 2x105 times slower than the parameters in underwater environment.
terrestrial Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Energy efficiency network has been made possible through
Limited Energy – Sensors operate on batteries which an Energy-balanced Unequal Layering Clustering (EULC)
require large amount of energy for communication. In turn, algorithm [2]. The algorithm involved (i) initially, the
replaced and recharged batteries are crucial with relevance to network is partition into unequal layer spacing from top to
underwater environment. bottom thereby increases regularly. In turn, sensor nodes
The research paper is further organized as follows. Section 2 clusters deployed in the layers towards the sink node. (ii)
describes existing routing protocols. Section 3 covers EULC capitalize on a Cluster Head (CH) selection based on
security issues in UWSNs. Simulation results are presented residual energy, node degree and distance to the sink node
in section 4 and finally the conclusion is given in section 5. (iii) Forwarded nodes broadcasts message within its
transmission range are further presentable in cluster
establishment phase (iv) Data transmission id is transmitted
across the network. Cluster Member nodes in a cluster send
data to CH nodes together incorporate the information table
of immediate neighboring CH.
To determine the sparse and dense region by deploying
Mobile Sinks (MSs) over extended range for UWSN has been
proposed [3]. Sensor nodes are positioned and static sink is
located at the mean of the network field. The research
emphasizes on i) sparsity-aware

Wireless Communication User


Onshore Sink

Surface Station

Sensor Nodes

Figure 1. Underwater wireless sensor network architecture

II. SURVEY OF LITERATURE energy-efficient clustering (SEEC) that involve hello packet
based on its position. On the other hand, sensor nodes
Discrete routing protocols have been designed for data
forward hello packet within their transmission range
collection in both compatible and divergent networks.
together enclosing the hop
Grouping of sensors that perform similar functions are
count from a sink thereby
referred as clustering. Clustering is an effective approach to
sparse and dense region are

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5898058719/19©BEIESP 1825 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-7, May, 2019

evaluated over multiple path and forward data packets at heads are authenticated through sink nodes and cluster
different regions. Also, members are authenticated to cluster heads. Hence,
Cluster Head (CH) nodes are chosen based on two authentication phase extends to attain secure communication
parameters, residual energy and low depth. ii) To ensure an with each other. The synchronized communication
energy efficient communication to maximize the network mechanism is made possible with direct communication and
coverage is accurately derived in circular sparsity-aware indirect communication. Sensor nodes are positioned within
energy-efficient clustering (CSEEC) which in turn divided the transmission range of immediate neighbors to be
into concentric circle of equal parts. Further the approach considered as direct communication. In addition, sensor
seem to prevent energy hole formation. iii) circular nodes are arranged at distant transmission range termed to be
depth-based sparsity-aware energy efficient clustering indirect communication. Therefore, this technique ensures
(CDSEEC) has two phases: lower semi-circle and upper secure data transmission in UWSN in case of different
semi-circle phase. During lower semi-circle phase CHs never attacks.
broadcast their data packet to the static sink; in a contrast Efficient data delivery by avoiding propagation delay over
nodes send data to MSs. Moreover, sensor nodes at the extended range for UWSN has been analyzed with reference
closest proximity to the static sink transmit data based on to a cluster-based MAC protocol [5]. Here the cluster head
depth threshold value which seems to be substantial network (CH) is elected based on energy-efficient hierarchical
lifetime and stability period. clustering algorithm. The sensor nodes deployed in
With relevance to the stochastic geometry based capacity three-dimensional space seem to figure out the status of
research analytic [4], a set of nodes are organized into transmission range and distance between sensor nodes and
clusters. The cluster members periodically transmit their CH. It is therefore sensor that can broadcast the
data to the corresponding cluster head. Cluster head node advertisement message to the adjacent message to the
aggregates the data and then transmits the concurrence data neighboring nodes that fall within their transmission range.
to the sink node. Primarily, transmission is done in terms of A node which has maximum energy can become CH. In
limited bandwidth over carrier frequency thereby addition, it avoids collision further necessity of data
interference involve exclusive in cluster head nodes. In transmission follows TDMA-based data scheduling. Nodes
consequence, the research addresses the signal to send data based on time schedule. In a contrast, conflict-free
interference ratio (SIR) to avoid the ambient noise on the scheduling mechanism minimize virtual time slot.
total network. Subsequently, it is proven that transmission Cluster-based MAC protocol ensures a maximum packet
capacity outperforms outage probability in terms of optimal delivery ratio from source to destination. Summary of
network node density. underwater clustering protocols is laid out in Table 1.
Secure data transmission among all the network nodes is Subsequently, Table 2 represents the performance metrics for
clearly analyzed by secure MAC protocol (SC-MAC) has clustering protocols.
been introduced [6]. Initially, sensors with equal
transmission range are well distributed in the network.
Sensor node itself can obtain a safe or malicious node without
knowing the prior knowledge of the neighboring nodes. The
cluster formation procedure here is mostly turn on the
communication of nodes with their neighbors which are
mainly based on the link quality and residual energy. Sink
node transmits the Hello packet to its neighboring nodes.
Thereby, RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send)
mechanism focuses the appropriate computation of
Signal-to-Noise Ration (SNR) that criteria also considered
for link quality. A node which has maximum former value
can become Cluster Head (CH). CH broadcasts updating
packet it to all other cluster members in cluster. However,
attackers involve in the cluster formation and updating phase
through malicious nodes. Such networks need to be
facilitated with a unique identifier to transfer message that
ensures authenticated in data communication over public key
based digital signature. On the other hand, authentication
phase has successfully attempted to address the secure
communication; node validates to each other then cluster

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5898058719/19©BEIESP 1826 & Sciences Publication
Clustering Protocols in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: A Communication Approach Overview

Table 1. Summary of underwater clustering protocols

Protocol/architecture Single/multi sink Synchronization Hop-by-hop/end-to-end

EULC Single sink Yes Hop-by-hop
SEEC/CSEEC/CDSEEC Multi sink Yes Hop-by-hop
Stochastic Geometry Single sink No Hop-by-hop
SC-MAC Multi sink Yes Hop-to-hop
Cluster-based MAC protocol Single sink Yes End-to-end

Protocol/architecture Energy Efficiency Cost Efficiency Packet Delivery Ratio



Stochastic Geometry


Cluster-based MAC protocol

Table 2. Summary of performance metrics

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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5898058719/19©BEIESP 1827 & Sciences Publication

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