Research Topic Proposal Form: 59 Panay Avenue Quezon City

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AMAU Online Education Doc. No.

59 Panay Avenue Quezon City Issue No. 01
Revision No. 00
College/Department: Online Education Department Date of Effectivity 13 May 2016


Name of Student Rubite, Renzo Luis L.

Student ID 20190102994 Program BS Information Technology

Proposed Title Time and Attendance Management using Facial Recognition and Biometrics

Area of Investigation There are businesses that are often not reaching their full potential due to lack of
knowledge, specifically on time and attendance management, this study aims to add
security feature in conjuctiono with the time and attendance management.
This will provide businesses to seamlessly monitor their employees in and out of the
office or factory.

The company that will utilize this software is for this study is Pindian Enterprises, our
own family business that has been using the traditional way to manage time and
attendance of their employees.

Reasons for Choice of Project I chose this topic to help business that are having a hard time managing their
resources, help them evaluate the problem to find a solution on how to manage the
time and attendance of the company’s employees intelligently through facial
recognition and biometrics. This is a functionality of the software to compute the
time and attendance recorded data from facial recognition and biometrics. I chose
this to also see how it will be a game changer to have a time and attendance software
with security features such as facial recognition or biometrics.
Project Context The proposed features that will be developed based on the features in this software
are: to use authentication using face recognition or biometrics, generate report from
management, can output data for payroll accounting, monitor employee time in and
time out, automatic or manual input of hours option, intruder alert, inventory
management, sales order management and purchase order management.

Importance of the Study The proposed features that will be developed based on the features in this software
are: time management and attendance management.

Target Users/Beneficiary Target Users are those businesses doing the old way of monitoring time and
attendance of their employees such as bundy clock or manual logging in log book.
It will also target businesses who has security issues within their employees and

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AMAU Online Education Doc. No. QR-AAD-006
59 Panay Avenue Quezon City Issue No. 01
Revision No. 00
College/Department: Online Education Department Date of Effectivity 13 May 2016


cannot afford a security personel.

Similarity with any Previous Review of at least 5 published research works of individuals, local or foreign, that
Study/Project are similar to the proposed project. Indicate the title, author and year of
publication of these research works. The valid year of publication is 5 years from
the date of project proposal.

Face recognition system can also be used for attendance marking in

schools, colleges, offices, etc. This system aims to build a class
attendance system which uses the concept of face recognition as
existing manual attendance system is time consuming and
cumbersome to maintain. And there may be chances of proxy
attendance. Thus, the need for this system increases. This system
consists of four phases- database creation, face detection, face
recognition, attendance updation.
Yadav, R., Chauhan, S., Meenu, M., & Gupta, S. (2020). FACE RECOGNITION BASED
ON ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. International Journal of Innovative
Research in Computer Science & Technology, 8(3).

An automated attendance marking and management system is proposed by

making use of face detection and recognition algorithms. Instead of using the
conventional methods, this proposed system aims to develop an automated
system that records the student’s attendance by using facial recognition
technology. The main objective of this work is to make the attendance marking
and management system efficient, time saving, simple and easy. 
Gomes, C., Chanchal, S., Desai, T., & Jadhav, D. (2020). Class Attendance
Management System using Facial Recognition. ITM Web of Conferences, 32,

The management of the attendance can be a great burden on the teachers if it is

done by hand. To resolve this problem, smart and auto attendance management
system is being utilized. But authentication is an important issue in this system.
The smart attendance system is generally executed with the help of biometrics.
Face recognition is one of the biometric methods to improve this system. Being a
prime feature of biometric verification, facial recognition is being used
enormously in several such applications, like video monitoring and CCTV footage
system, an interaction between computer & humans and access systems present
indoors and network security.
Sawhney, S., Kacker, K., Jain, S., Singh, S. N., & Garg, R. (2019). Real-Time Smart
Attendance System using Face Recognition Techniques. 2019 9th International
Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence).
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AMAU Online Education Doc. No. QR-AAD-006
59 Panay Avenue Quezon City Issue No. 01
Revision No. 00
College/Department: Online Education Department Date of Effectivity 13 May 2016


Student Attendance mainframe structure is defined to manage the student's class

attending files using the concept of face detection and recognition through open
computer vision. The principle reason this system has been put forward is to
improve the traditional attendance system of various universities to avoid the
misuse of time and assets. The pointing-sides of automation world have forced an
idea of switching from standard attendance to the digital system by using face
detection and recognition methods. This is how the Student Attendance structure
is being developed by introducing the dataset of an individual. The major reason
of building this system is to improve the adaptability and performance of the
attendance system procedure besides reducing the long term time load, work and
disposables used. The main purpose of the Student Attendance markup structure
is to perform, adding and manipulating attendance notes of an individual,
automatic calculation on number of presentees and absentees based on subject
and affability of the class and then generates the automated document or
spreadsheet. This idea is completely based on general purpose language named as
python through which we use the concept of open computer vision. For face
detection system we used haarcascade and for face recognition, we used LBPH
model; then the training of individual student happened and finally the system
generates the spreadsheet which provides the no. of students present in
classroom with an image or video capturing live.
p, P. (2020). Attendance Automation by Facial Recognition Using OpenCV.
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering,
9(2), 925–929.

Authentication is a significant issue in system control in computer based

communication. Human face recognition is an important branch of biometric
verification and has been widely used in many applications, such as video monitor
system, human-computer interaction, and door control system and network
security. This paper describes a method for Student’s Attendance System which
will integrate with the face recognition technology using Personal Component
Analysis (PCA) algorithm. The system will record the attendance of the students in
class room environment automatically and it will provide the facilities to the
faculty to access the information of the students easily by maintaining a log for
clock-in and clock-out time.
Kar, N., Debbarma, M. K., Saha, A., & Pal, D. R. (2012). Study of Implementing
Automated Attendance System Using Face Recognition Technique. International
Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, 100–103.

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AMAU Online Education Doc. No. QR-AAD-006
59 Panay Avenue Quezon City Issue No. 01
Revision No. 00
College/Department: Online Education Department Date of Effectivity 13 May 2016


Project Time Table (Gantt Work Plan

Chart) (Number of hrs/week = sum of number of hrs per week).
Researcher (Weekdays): 4 hrs / week
Researcher (Weekend) : 2hrs/week
Total: 24 hrs/ week
Number of weeks/months needed for each activity, including report writing.

GANTT CHART: Indicate the specific month and year.

Activity JUL

Data gathering: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Construction of
Chapters 1 – 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

System Analysis
Construction of
Chapter 3

Developmen | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Testing and | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Results, Conclusion | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Paper Presentation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Final Defense

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AMAU Online Education Doc. No. QR-AAD-006
59 Panay Avenue Quezon City Issue No. 01
Revision No. 00
College/Department: Online Education Department Date of Effectivity 13 May 2016


Recommending Approval Name Signature

Research Professor

Panel Member

Panel Member

Dean Ms. Mary A. Soriano

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