AISA CP Handbook 2016
AISA CP Handbook 2016
AISA CP Handbook 2016
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The Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA), established in 1969, is a non-profit education association supporting the
professional learning and school improvement strategies of international schools on the continent of Africa. Based in Nairobi, Kenya,
AISA offers a professional learning programme specifically designed to meet the unique needs of our diverse member school
community. AISA also offers a number of supplementary programmes, scholarships and facilitates collaboration among member
schools to advance school effectiveness and improve student learning.
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AISA would like to thank the many people that made this handbook possible, in particular Dr. Lois Engelbrecht and Dr. Dennis
Larkin whose belief in protecting the rights of children has been the main impetus behind this publication and the ongoing AISA
Child Protection Program.
Dr. Anthony (Tony) Rizzuto is currently an abuse prevention consultant in private practice offering professional consultation
in the prevention of child abuse and neglect including corporate awareness and prevention strategies, organizational and
policy assessment, process reengineering, curriculum development, education and training, accountability, and effectiveness
measurement. From Jan 2002- Dec 2009 Dr. Rizzuto served as the Director of the Office of Child Advocacy, Implementation and
Oversight for the Archdiocese of Boston under Cardinal Sean O'Malley. Appointed at the height of Boston's clergy sex abuse
scandal, he was directly responsible for evaluating and strengthening the policies and procedures for child protection. During
his career, Dr. Rizzuto has served in various State and private agencies charged with the protection of and services to children and
families. He is also a member of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN). A noted author
and speaker, Dr. Rizzuto has also published two child safety manuals for the National Association of Independent Schools (for
heads of school and parents); a handbook for educators on designing and implementing public school child abuse reporting
protocols for the Massachusetts Children’s Trust; and several best practices standards on child safety for the National
Leadership Roundtable on Church Management. His current projects include the development of “child-safe campus” policy
manuals, guidelines and training for both Tufts and Harvard Universities. Dr. Rizzuto also helped develop and edit this
handbook. ([email protected])
Rebecca Jardin, MYP Arts Teacher, Lincoln Community School, for the book cover.
Archdiocese of Boston for letting us use their curriculum, Keeping Children Safe, as a model to create a curriculum framework
for AISA.
Office of Overseas Schools that awarded a grant to AISA, supported and endorsed by the AISA Board of Directors and
facilitated by Peter Bateman, Executive Director of AISA.
Our group thanks Dr. Anna Karola for editing this revised May 2014 edition.
Dr. Doug Walker for comments related to child protection in difficult times. Douglas W. Walker, Ph.D. is the Clinical Director
of Mercy Family Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is a Clinical Psychologist and Principal Investigator of Project Fleur-de-
lis, a school-based mental health system for New Orleans area schools; a member site of the National Child Traumatic Stress
Network ( Dr. Walker is a consultant to AISA and the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress at the University
of California, Los Angeles. He has most recently provided training and consultation in Nairobi, Kenya for international schools
impacted by the Westgate Mall terrorist attack. He has also conducted training and consultation to mental health professionals
assisting school communities impacted by Hurricane Sandy across the five boroughs of New York City and Long Island. Dr. Walker
has served as technical advisor to the US State Department’s Office of Overseas Schools in Africa and Guyana’s Ministry of
Health to assist in the dissemination of trauma focused, evidence – based practices. You may contact Dr. Walker through Dr.
Peter Bateman, AISA Executive Director or [email protected] or Twitter: @DouglasWWalker
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 3
Table of Contents 4
Executive Summary 7
Introduction 9
Objectives of this Document 10
Commonly Held Myths Vs the Realities About Child Abuse & Neglect 10
The Context of International School Communities 11
Visualizing International Expatriate Communities – The Hot Air Balloon 11
Responsibility to Accreditation Agencies 13
Responsibilities to Local and International Laws & Agencies 15
Definition of Terms 16
Physical Abuse 16
Emotional Abuse 17
Sexual abuse 18
Neglect 18
Long Term Impact Of Unmitigated Child Abuse 19
Resources 21
Strategic Considerations 22
Risk Management 22
Budget Implications 22
Overview of a Comprehensive Child Protection Program 23
Generic Sample Policy Statement 28
Generic Sample Letter to Parents About Child Protection Policy 29
Procedures: Preventing Child Abuse & Responding to Incidents of Child Abuse 30
Focus on Prevention 30
Staff and Parent Responsibility to Be Prepared 30
Prepare for Disclosures 30
Guidelines for Responding to a Child’s Disclosure 31
Generic Sample Procedures for Disclosure, Reporting and Further Action 32
Guidelines on Procedures for Reporting and Disclosure 32
Vulnerable Populations 33
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Sample: To Who to Report and When 33
Sample Procedures for Reporting & Action 34
Sample Flow Chart for Reporting and Actions after Disclosure 35
Documentation of reported or disclosed cases of abuse 36
Sample Code of Conduct 39
Sample Statement of Acknowledgement of Code of Conduct for Signature 40
Sample Behaviour Policies that will Protect Teachers from False Allegations 42
Teaching Students: Curriculum Modules for Student Education 43
Parent Education 46
Sample Ready to Learn Contract 46
Training School Personnel in International Schools 47
Special Emphasis on Training Nurses 49
1. The Child Protection Team (CPT) 50
Sample Guideline for CPT - Child Protection Program Annual Calendar of Activities 51
2. The Child Protection Case (Response) Management Team (CPCMT) 52
3. Multiple Disciplinary Team (MDT) 53
Developing a Network of Community Support Resources and a Multidisciplinary Team for Reporting 54
MDT Professional Roles 57
How To Set Up An MDT 58
How to Use the MDT 58
What if the Suspected Offender Works for the School? 59
Appendix A: Africa-based Resources 65
Appendix B: School Personnel Roles and Responsibilities 66
Board of Trustees 66
Head of School / Principals 66
Principals and Curriculum Coordinator 66
Counsellor or School Psychologist 67
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Teachers 67
Appendix C: Protocols for Handling Disclosure 68
General Guidelines for Handling Child Protection Incidences 68
Guidelines When A Child Tells You He/She Has Been Abused 68
Checklist For Disclosure Follow-Up 69
Appendix D: AISA Sample Annual Safe Environment Compliance Audit 70
Appendix E: Links to international School Child Protection Policy Examples 76
Appendix F: Checklist 77
Step 1: Write a School Policy 77
Step 2: Write Procedures to Support the Policy 78
Step 3: Write a Monitoring Policy to Ensure Ongoing Effective Services 82
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Part A: Introduction
Executive Summary
Child abuse and neglect – particularly sexual abuse – are among the world’s most serious concerns, with millions of cases reported to
various children’s protective service organizations each year. It is estimated globally that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under
the age of 18 have experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence involving physical contact (International
Center for Assault Prevention: Yet, it is also estimated that much abuse is
underreported either because the victims are afraid to tell anyone what has happened, or the adults who observe or suspect the
abuse are unsure of what to do.
International schools have a moral as well as legal duty to safeguard the welfare of our students, as well as those children using our
facilities or involved with our programs and activities. The AISA Child Protection Program Handbook sets forth the steps our faculty,
staff, students, volunteers, contractors, and consultants are required to take to minimize the threat of child abuse in our schools and
to respond promptly and effectively should abuse be observed, suspected, or disclosed.
The Handbook addresses the following essential components of a comprehensive Child Protection Program:
1. Recognizing, responding to, and reporting allegations and suspicions of child abuse and neglect.
2. Screening and selecting staff, faculty, and volunteers.
3. Training and education about child sexual abuse prevention.
4. A Code of Conduct that guides interactions between adults and children.
5. Ensuring safe environments and practices.
6. Connecting to local authority and resources.
Our goal is to build and maintain a proactive environment that protects children by either preventing child abuse before it occurs or
by ensuring its earliest possible detection, intervention and reporting. Our strategy is to ensure that all AISA school personnel, from
professional faculty and staff, employees and contractual personnel, to student teachers, interns, volunteers, classroom assistants,
students and parents understand the issues of child abuse and neglect; know how to recognize its signs and symptoms; are familiar
with national, international and local reporting procedures; and know the responsibilities of mandated reporters, including how,
when, and to whom to make a report. Ultimately, AISA schools should strive to have policies, procedures, and training in place so that
if child abuse is suspected, observed, or disclosed to any member of the AISA community, that person will have the knowledge,
information, and resources necessary to ensure that the child is safe, that the situation is communicated promptly and effectively,
and that the suspicion or incident is reported to the appropriate authorities.
The AISA Child Protection Handbook is divided into sections that provide the context and rationale for the creation of a child protection
framework, guidance for the development of policies and procedures; suggestions for an annual calendar of activities; and suggestions
for connecting to local, national, and international resources dedicated to the legal, investigative, social service and advocacy needs
of abused and neglected children and their families. Multiple appendices provide a code of conduct; a step-by-step process outlining
how AISA schools can begin or review child protection programs at their school; protocols for handling disclosures; and suggestions
for monitoring a school child protection program – all of which can be adapted to individual school culture and need. An addendum
to this Handbook is a Teacher Resource Guide providing curriculum guidance to support the development of “Keeping Children Safe”
lesson plans for both primary and secondary school children.
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This AISA Child Protection Handbook was developed by a team of international professionals who came to Accra, Ghana to work
together in March 2013. The team was led by consultant, Dr. Tony Rizzuto. The work of this team was made possible by a grant from
the Office of Overseas Schools awarded to AISA and supported and endorsed by the AISA Board of Directors in the hopes that AISA
will set the standard for international schools around the world in developing and implementing child protection programs for children
in schools throughout Africa.
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The purpose of this AISA Child Protection Handbook is to provide impetus and support for AISA and all international schools to
embrace Child Protection as an essential responsibility of the school in their community and to embrace the school’s role and
responsibility to ensure systems and programs are in place to support children and families in need.
This AISA Child Protection Handbook is divided into two parts:
Part A: Introduction
This section describes the unique characteristics of international schools and how they may increase the vulnerabilities of children
attending such institutions. The regulatory requirements of schools to meet the requirements of accrediting agencies are introduced
and key terms are defined. Finally, an overview of research on child protection is provided.
Part B: An Administrative Handbook - Major Elements of a Comprehensive Child Protection Program
This section includes:
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Objectives of this Document
The key objective of this handbooks is to assist AISA member schools and all international schools in creating a Child Protection
Program that is appropriate and applicable to international schools in their local setting;
• Provide all of the necessary definitions and assessment tools for clear identification and recognition of abuse/neglect situations;
• Ensure a high standard of child protection in every AISA school and in all international schools;
• Ensure that prompt and adequate assistance is provided to a child in need of special care and protection;
• Define procedures for staff members and establish clear reporting guidelines and mechanisms;
• Outline processes and protocols for AISA schools and all international schools in connecting to their local community, and to
agencies for child protection support; and
• Provide sample personal safety/abuse prevention lessons, curriculum modules, and resources to educate both adults and
children about the dangers of child maltreatment, its recognition, and its prevention
Commonly Held Myths Vs the Realities About Child Abuse & Neglect
Myth: Child abuse is carried out by strangers.
Fact: Research indicates that 90% of abuse is from domestic causes and is committed by individuals known to the child. International
school communities tend to have families that move often and are separated from their extended families in their home-of-record.
When abuse is within the family, the transient life-style then increases the risk to international school students who tend not to have
access to outside resources, and therefore cannot get help.
Myth: Abuse is a matter of culture; physical or sexual abuse falls within the norms of some cultures and is acceptable.
Fact: The reality is that there no excuse for child abuse! No culture supports harming children.
Myth: Child abuse is a result of poverty and happens in low socioeconomic circumstances.
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Fact: Research indicates that child abuse occurs in all racial, ethnic, socio-economic, and cultural sectors of society. A common
characteristic of an abusive family is isolation, such as that commonly found in our international school families who move often or
are separated from their extended families at home.
Myth: International Schools do not have to report abuse to local authorities.
Fact: International schools are bound by the laws of the host country and as such international schools must be knowledgeable and
compliant with the child protection laws in their locale. Furthermore, international schools are legally and ethically liable for any
violation of existing laws related to reporting of cases of abuse or neglect; there are cases now pending where schools are facing legal
action in regard to non-compliance.
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The metaphor serves to illustrate that one of the essential roles and characteristics of the international school is that the school
becomes the conduit, the social life the family engages in for expatriate families. Thus, international have a responsibility to literally
fill the child protection gap in helping to connect these families to the necessary services. Whenever the family is in a safe and
nurturing environment, the hot air balloon is a wonderful place. It is the families and children who are in unsafe and often abusive
balloons whom international schools must reach.
To bring the metaphor of the floating hot air balloon down to earth and safely secured in our schools it is important for school
personnel to understand and be cognizant of the experience of the students we serve. Following are some of the
characteristics/attributes of International school communities that should be taken in account when considering the context for
developing a Child Protection Program.
1. Characteristics/attributes of international school children:
— Transience and mobility impacts development of identity and relationships (especially for support in times of need);
— Early maturity/sophistication vs. naiveté and immaturity in other areas;
— Separation from extended families; working and traveling parents, and separation from long term friendships/relationships
results in attachment issues and thus support during times of crisis or need may be minimal or non-existent;
— Lost between multiple and sometimes conflicting cultures and value systems resulting in confusion of behavioural
— High expectations placed on students to achieve academically;
— Access to maids and other daily helpers (drivers); and
— Access to expensive international schools because companies pay tuition while they (and their peers) in their home-of-
record, previously attended public school.
2. Characteristics of international school families:
— School takes on sole role as centre of family life - “goldfish bowl” - and often provides superficial relationships that cannot
meet mental health needs;
— Power influence: family's “position” in community can be an inhibitor for school to act; and
— Sense of being “lost” in diversity of community – can cause further isolation.
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4. Cultural dynamics of international school communities
International school communities are vulnerable to abuse because the nature of abuse
requires secrecy, insularity, isolation and limited access to support resources, which are
some characteristics of the international community. International schools must respond
to the reality that these characteristics are exactly the characteristics that perpetrators
will use to their advantage in abusing children.
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Indicator D1a
Recruitment and screening processes are in place to ensure that employees in all categories are appropriately qualified and
of sound moral character.
Indicator E4b
A culture of shared responsibility for the social and emotional well-being and protection of students is promoted by the
school leadership and teachers through programmes to address awareness, prevention and responsiveness to issues such as
sexual harassment, substance abuse, hazing and bullying, and discrimination in any form.
Indicator G4b
Appropriate and regularly reviewed arrangements exist to cover threats to the security of people and premises as well as to
support – to the extent possible - programme continuity under exceptional circumstances.
All updated accreditation documentation showing the above-mentioned changes will be designated as “Version 8.1”.
CIS and MSA are confident that these changes will encourage schools to become even more pro-active and effective in the areas
concerned, and that this will promote logical improvements in student learning and well-being. We hope you will offer collaboration
and support by aligning your school with the revised Standards & Indicators and by contributing sample policies/programmes in the
new areas covered, namely:
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Responsibilities to Local and International Laws & Agencies
In addition to the standards above, there are local, national and international obligations with respect to protecting children.
International school administrators must also be aware of host country and international requirements in developing and
implementing their child protection frameworks and programs.
Relevant documents that require and guide the development and implementation of child protection policies and procedures include
the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 1989, and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
(ACRWC) 1999.
These documents make clear the commitment of the member states to address significant issues of child abuse and neglect, and the
inherent responsibility to protect children from its various forms. Below are relevant statements of which AISA schools should be
The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, Article 16, Protection Against Child Abuse and Torture (UN CRC #19)
states that:
States Parties to the present Charter shall take specific legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect
the child from all forms of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment and especially physical or mental injury or abuse, neglect
or maltreatment including sexual abuse, while caring for the child (underlines added).
Further, the same Article states that:
Protective measures under this Article shall include effective procedures for the establishment of special monitoring units to
provide necessary support for the child and for those who have the care of the child, as well as other forms of prevention and
for identification, reporting, referral, investigation, treatment, and follow-up of instances of child abuse and neglect.
Article 27 of the African Charter; Sexual Exploitation, states that:
States Parties to the Charter shall undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse and
shall in particular take measures to prevent:
a) the inducement, coercion or encouragement of a child to engage in any sexual activity;
b) the use of children in prostitution or other sexual practices;
c) the use of children in pornographic activities, performances and materials.
The statements above emphasize the high priority placed on the protection of children from child abuse and neglect, its many forms,
and the obligation to establish and strengthen structures and organizations responsible for providing comprehensive services to child
abuse victims and their families.
AISA schools and all international schools must become aware of criminal laws and reporting procedures regarding child abuse and
neglect in their host country. It is essential that international school administrators are knowledgeable in regard to the legal and moral
obligations in host countries in which AISA schools reside and the specific laws that pertain to required and mandated reporting of
child abuse and neglect.
Although host countries may vary in the maturity of the community resources, social service systems and organizations in place to
receive reports of child abuse and neglect, as well as in their ability to provide investigative, social, psychological, medical, and legal
services to victimized children and their families, AISA schools should make themselves aware of the services that do exist in their
immediate communities and make every effort to utilize them.
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Definition of Terms
Child Protection is a broad term used to describe philosophies, policies, standards, guidelines and procedures to protect children from
both intentional and unintentional harm. In this document the term “child protection” applies to protection of children in international
schools. Please note that this definition also includes harm to self.
Child Protection Policy is a statement of intent that demonstrates a commitment to protecting students from harm (to self and from
others) and makes clear to all what is required in relation to the protection of students. It serves to create a safe and positive
environment for children and to demonstrate that the school is taking its duty and responsibility seriously. This handbook considers
that schools will provide appropriate child safety classes supported with a well-defined curriculum to increase children’s ability to
understand abuse prevention.
Child protection concerns include suspected, alleged, self-disclosed, or witnessed abuse of a child by anyone associated within or
outside the school which must be investigated and followed by appropriate action.
Child Abuse - According to the World Health Organization, child abuse constitutes, “all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-
treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to
the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.”
A person may abuse a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an
institutional (e.g. school) or community setting; children may be abused by individuals known to them, or more rarely, by a stranger.
Often children may experience multiple forms of abuse simultaneously, further complicating the problem.
Most child abuse is inflicted by someone the child knows, respects or trusts. International school communities have unique
characteristics of which school personnel must be aware in terms of the individuals who are around our children. School personnel
should be knowledgeable of the potential reasons why children may not be able to talk about any victimization they might have
To increase the AISA community's awareness, this Handbook focuses on four main categories of abuse and provides basic information
about the physical and behavioural signs associated with each type.
Physical abuse may involve hitting, punching, shaking, throwing, poisoning, biting, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or
otherwise causing intentional physical harm to a child. (These symptoms could also indicate harm to self, such as, cutting and suicide
Signs of physical abuse:
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— Arms and legs kept covered in hot weather
— Fear of returning home or of parents being contacted
— Showing wariness or distrust of adults
— Self-destructive tendencies
— Being aggressive towards others
— Being very passive and compliant
— Chronic running away
Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child so as to cause severe and adverse effects on a child’s emotional
development. It may involve: conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved; that they are inadequate or valued only insofar
as they meet the needs of another person; age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children; causing
children frequently to feel frightened; or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all
types of ill-treatment of a child, though it may also occur alone.
Signs of emotional abuse:
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Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening.
The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative (i.e. rape) or non-penetrative acts. They may include non-contact
activities, such as involving children in the production or viewing of pornographic material or encouraging children to behave in
sexually inappropriate ways. Children involved in commercial sex work are victims of sexual abuse, whether they perceive themselves
as victims or not.
Signs of sexual abuse:
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical or physiological needs, likely to result in serious impairment of the
child’s health or development.
Some indicators of neglect:
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— Inadequate nutrition
— Fatigue or listlessness
— Self-destructive
— Extreme loneliness
— Extreme need for affection
— Failure to grow
— Poor personal hygiene
— Frequent lateness or non-attendance at school
— Low self-esteem
— Poor social relationships
— Compulsive stealing
— Drug or alcohol abuse
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— Attachment difficulties
— Eating disorders
— Poor peer relations, self-injurious behaviour (e.g., suicide attempts)
In addition to knowing the signs of victimization, below are some early warning signs to look out for in potential offenders:
Signs of offenders (students):
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• Child Welfare Information Gateway: Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect
• The Australian Institute of Family Studies: The long-term effects of child sexual abuse
• Finkelhor, D and Jones, L. (2006). Why have Child Maltreatment and Child Victimization Declined? Journal of Social Issues, 62(4):
• Finkelhor, D. (2009). The Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse, The Future of Children, 19(2),169-194. Finkelhor, D. (2007).
• Prevention of Sexual Abuse Through Educational Programs Directed Toward Children. Pediatrics, 120(3), 643.
• Hopper, J. (2012). Child Abuse Statistics, Research and Resources, downloaded from
• Jones, L. and Finkelhor, D. (2009). Updated Trends in Child Maltreatment: Durham, NH. Crimes Against Children Research Center.
• Plummer, C. (2013, March). Using Policies to Promote Child Sexual Abuse. Prevention: What is Working? Harrisburg, PA: VAWnet,
a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence.
• WHO and ISPCAN, (2006). Preventing child maltreatment: A guide to taking action and generating evidence.
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Strategic Considerations
Risk Management
International schools routinely engage in risk management analysis on all aspect of their operations. Likewise, international schools
must engage in risk management analysis related to the issue of Child Protection as part of the school program. In an increasingly
litigious society, international schools can, and are, being held legally liable for their response to issues of child abuse. Institutional
responsibility and liability for failure to act can expose a school to significant financial, legal and moral loss. International schools are
well served to develop and implement a comprehensive Child Abuse Prevention Program to meet legal and moral standards and to
protect the school from exposure to liability.
Budget Implications
Like all programs the school offers, the school needs to provide adequate resources of personnel, time and financial support in order
for a comprehensive Child Protection Program to be successful. Heads of School, administrators and budget line managers need to
ensure that the necessary support is in place for the Child Protection Team to oversee a well-funded and well-supported
comprehensive Child Protection Program. Some possible considerations include:
Start Up Expenses:
— Personnel – formalize a Child Protection Team at your school; formalize job descriptions for team members and allocate
adequate time within overall scope or each person’s job responsibilities.
— Time – adopt a formal school calendar of events; allocate time for the Child Protection Team to accomplish tasks
— Financial – budget for:
• Release time or special assignment stipend or both for research and development of all aspects of the Child Protection
• Provide support for curriculum development within school established curriculum program and purchase of materials
• Provide support for training of staff
• Provide support for consultant services
• Annual training sessions, led by consultants on-site, individuals sent abroad or internet
• Training modules
Recurring Expenses
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Overview of a Comprehensive Child Protection Program
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Part B: Administrative Handbook - Elements of a Comprehensive
Child Protection Program
In order to build a comprehensive child protection programme, we suggest that the first and foremost task is to form a Child Protection
Team at your school and to give the team a clear and sweeping charge to develop a comprehensive approach to Child Protection at
your school. See Appendix B for a detailed list of personnel and responsibilities of the Child Protection Team and other school
personnel. The following outline of the elements of a comprehensive child protection program is expanded in the section that follows.
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• Articulate parent training
• Set up a Support Network for your school
• Participate in the community-based multidisciplinary team
3. Code of Conduct and an Awareness Of Power Differential and the Responsibility to Maintain Appropriate Boundaries
• For teachers: Awareness, types, signs/symptoms, prevention, policies and laws, reporting process, children’s curricula, local
authority and resources
• For students: Age appropriate personal safety/abuse prevention training for all grade levels based on core elements and
evidence-based practices
• For parents: School safety goals and objectives, how to talk with their children, local authority and resources available, parent
films, take-home letters and home exercises
• Collaboration/partnership with school and community resources
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5. Child Protection Teams
• Sets the schedule for lessons and other child protection tasks for the school year
• Keeps up-to-date on research and best practices
• Provides a group and venue where concerns can be discussed/assessed for suspected maltreatment to support teachers
• Can address teacher reluctance to report
• Provides emergency/after-hours contact points and facilitates reporting
• Interface with local social/medical/legal services, expertise
• Can conduct internal audit
• Legal/Social
• Departments of Social Services, Children and Families, District Attorney’s Associations
• Governor’s Commission on Sexual and Domestic Violence, Child Sexual Abuse
• Prevention Partnership
• Education/Training/Advocacy
• Children’s Trust Funds, Committee for Children, State Department of Education, State Child Advocate
• Research
• Colleges, Universities, Children’s Hospital, General Hospital, Crimes Against Children Research Center
• Essential for legitimacy, expertise, advocacy
7. Community-based Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Built on Western Model for Third-Party Support and Authority
• Determine the locations of the authorities (police, embassy, employer, home-of-record resources) relevant to our population
and which cases the school handles vs. which are out-sourced or referred
• Set up an alternative to western reporting units with a community-based multidisciplinary team along with other international
— A representative from each international school in the area
— Social worker with an awareness of the issue in your area
— Medical doctor with an awareness of child abuse
— Psychologist with an awareness of child abuse
— Legal contact with an awareness of local child protection law
— Local authority (police, domestic violence, women's desk, etc)
— Local non-government agency that focuses on children, domestic violence, etc.
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8. Measurement, Analysis, Self-Audits
9. Turn-over Issues
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Child abuse and neglect are concerns throughout the world. Child abuse and neglect are violations of a child’s human rights
and are obstacles to the child’s education as well as to their physical, emotional, and spiritual development. (School Name
Here)_______ endorses the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, of which our host country, (School’s Host Country
Here)_____________ is a signatory.
Schools fill a special institutional role in society as protectors of children. Schools need to insure that all children in their care
are afforded a safe and secure environment in which to grow and develop, both at school and away. Educators, having the
opportunity to observe and interact with children over time, are in a unique position to identify children who are in need of
help and protection. As such, educators have a professional and ethical obligation to identify children who are in need of help
and protection, and to take steps to insure that the child and family avail themselves of the services needed to remedy any
situation that constitutes child abuse or neglect.
All staff employed at (School Name Here) _________must report suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect whenever the
staff member has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered, or is at significant risk of suffering abuse or neglect.
Reporting and follow up of all suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect will proceed in accordance with administrative
regulations respective to this policy. Furthermore, cases of suspected child abuse or neglect may be reported to the
appropriate employer, to the respective consulate in (Host City/Country Here)_________________,to the appropriate child
protection agency in the home country, and/or to local authorities.
(School Name Here)__________seeks to be a safe haven for students who may be experiencing abuse or neglect in any
aspect of their lives. As such, (School Name Here)_____________will distribute this policy annually to all parents and
applicants, will communicate this policy annually to students, will provide training for all staff, will make every effort to
implement hiring practices to insure the safety of children, and will review the policy annually for compliance and
In the case of a staff member reported as an alleged offender, (School Name Here)____________will conduct a full
investigation following a carefully designed course of due process, keeping the safety of the child at the highest priority.
For detailed information on the Convention on the Rights of Child see the following link:
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Dear Parents,
I am writing to inform you of a matter that is of sincere personal interest to me and is one that I hope is of utmost importance
to all of you. I would like you to know that the [School] Board of Trustees has adopted a Child Protection Policy to guide our
staff and families in matters related to the health, safety and care of children in attendance at our school. In fact, I am required
by this policy to send this letter to parents at the beginning of each school year. Thus with this letter not only am I fulfilling my
assigned duties; I also have the opportunity to write to you about this important aspect of our school’s program.
The [school] Child Protection Policy is based on international law and on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
Child of which [host country] is a signatory. These two key articles from the U.N Conventional on the Rights of the Child are
important and we wish to draw your attention to them:
Article 19 - Protection from abuse and neglect.
The State shall protect the child from all forms of maltreatment by parents or others responsible for the care of the child and
establish appropriate social programs for the prevention of abuse and the treatment of victims.
Article 34 - Sexual exploitation
The State shall protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse, including prostitution and involvement in pornography.
By enrolling your child at [school], you agree to work in partnership with the school and abide by the policies adopted by the
[school] Board of Trustees. All of us at [school] want you to know that we genuinely value our partnership with you in providing
for the safety and care of your children. It is for this reason that [School] has endorsed a Child Protection Policy that defines
the standards by which all [school] students should be treated with respect and dignity at all times.
As part of our overall educational programs and specific to our shared responsibility to educate children and to ensure a safe
environment in which all children can learn and grow [school] will:
1. Provide age appropriate lessons for all grade levels to help students understand personal safety, needs and rights.
2. Provide parent materials and information sessions to help you better understand our programs and policy.
3. Annually train faculty and staff to recognize and report issues of abuse and neglect.
Let’s work together at home and school to ensure that our children are safe and are knowledgeable about their rights and
responsibilities to themselves and to each other so they can grow and learn free of fear in a safe and supportive environment.
I thank you for your support of our efforts and invite you to contact your school counsellor or principal regarding any specific
questions you may have in this regard.
- 29 -
Procedures: Preventing Child Abuse & Responding to Incidents of Child
Schools should focus most of their energy on implementing policies and procedures that prevent incidents of child abuse from
occurring; however, schools must also have clear procedures in place for reporting and responding to suspected, observed or disclosed
incidents of child abuse.
1. Child Protection Policy and Procedures are distributed annually to parents and staff
2. School provides parents, staff and students with a common definition of child abuse (physical, neglect, sexual and emotional)
3. Vertical curriculum written and taught to students annually that includes strategies to recognize inappropriate behaviours,
respond assertively and to report incidents to school personnel and/or family members
6. School leadership designs and implements procedures to ensure the safe recruitment and selection of staff
• Memory. Children often cope with their abuse by pushing it so far back in their minds that they “forget.” To remember means
to feel hurt again.
• Loss of Love. Children often worry that their parents or friends won’t love them once they know about their abuse because now
they are “dirty.” This is often because children will take responsibility for their abuse. Children also often fear the separation of
their family because of the telling. Offenders work hard to reinforce these feelings in order to keep the child silent.
• Shame & Guilt. Children either know or can sense that what happened, especially a sexual experiences with an adult, is wrong.
By telling someone and acknowledging that this happened, they fear the shame of the abuse. They fear they will get into trouble
for telling. Older children will experience more of a sense of guilt than younger children, especially in sexual abuse.
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• Blame. Children fear that they will be blamed for what happened and in the case of sexual abuse that they somehow wanted it.
Adults tend to be believed over the child and offenders often state that the child “asked” for the sexual touch or other abuse.
• Harm. Offenders often maintain control over their victims by threatening harm to them or their families if they tell. Children are
then burdened with the inappropriate responsibility for keeping their families safe.
• Do not let a child swear you to secrecy before telling you something. You may need to report, which the child
will view as breaking your trust with them.
• If a child asks to speak with you, try to find a neutral setting where you
can have quiet and few interruptions.
• Do not lead the child in telling. Just listen, letting him/her explain in his/her
own words.
• Don’t pressure for a great amount of detail.
• Respond calmly and matter-of-factly. Even if the story that the child tells
you is difficult to hear, it is important not to register disgust or alarm.
• Do not make judgmental or disparaging comments about the abuser - it
is often someone the child loves or with whom he/she is close.
• Do not make promises to the child that things will get better.
• Do not confront the abuser.
• If the child does not want to go home, this should be considered an emergency. Report and handle immediately
by contacting your school-based Support Team or the Community-based Multidisciplinary Team. Do not take the
child home with you!
• Respect the child’s confidence. Share with the Child Protection Team, but limit information from and with other
• Explain to the child that you must tell someone else to get help.
• Try to let the child know that someone else also will need to talk with him/her and explain why
• Empower the student by as much as possible allowing the child a part in the process.
Please note: teachers are not investigators. Your role is to listen and respond to disclosures in order to determine the next
step for students to get the help they need. When appropriate, a request for an investigation must be completed.
- 31 -
General Principles
International schools are diverse and complex organizations that need to operate differently according to their local context
and needs. As such, the following principles are taken into account when suggesting a framework for procedures for
disclosure, reporting and further action:
• International schools often reside in cities and countries that may offer limited internal and external support services.
• International schools should recognize the limitations of expertise in the area of child protection. For example, teachers
are not trained investigators or therapists. Therefore, international schools should make use of any local community
partnerships and engage consultants with particular expertise in the area of child protection services whenever needed.
• International schools need to assess the skills needed for their counsellors in environments that have few professional
mental health resources and determine boundaries for which cases they can handle and which cases to refer.
• Laws vary from country to country, and individual international schools need to act according to their local regulations
and international conventions to which the host country is signatory.
• The cases of alleged abuse need to be considered both from the perspective of the alleged victim and the alleged child
abuser, establishing the need for a due process.
• Respect the child’s readiness and privacy. The child will disclose whenever he or she is ready. Therefore, do not push for
any additional information other than what the child volunteers.
• It is important to minimize the number of times the child has to engage in disclosing.
• Required faculty/staff training and procedures for handling disclosure in order to protect the integrity of what the child is
• The roles and responsibilities of the administration, faculty, and staff to report and react to suspected, observed or disclosed
• A timeline for response
• Procedures for investigating the suspected, observed or disclosed abuse
• The possible actions that will address the confirmed cases of abuse
• A flow chart for steps to be followed after disclosure
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When working with issues around abuse it is important to be concerned with vulnerable populations. This population consists of
students who are developmentally delayed, children with learning differences, or children with disorders such as Asperger’s or autism.
These populations often do not express emotions or understand human interaction in the same way as the average child. Often they
will not understand that what is happening is wrong, nor may they have the voice to express the danger they are in. With these
children it is particularly important to notice if their behaviour changes or they become self-destructive in any way.
Most cases of suspected abuse or neglect will be handled by school counsellors, such as those involving:
— Mental health issues such as severe depression, psychosis, dissociation, suicidal ideation or attempts
In extreme cases when families do not stop the abuse or concerns remain about the safety of the child, reports could be made
- 33 -
Adapted from policy written at International School Nido de Aguilas
It is obligatory for faculty, staff, and administrators to report incidents of physical or psychological violence, aggression,
harassment, and physical or sexual abuse immediately or within the next school day, to a school counsellor who, in turn, shall
inform the principal. The principal shall inform the director.
Students are encouraged to report incidents for which they themselves or others may be the victims. Reporting by students
may be verbal or in writing and shared with any school employee, who, in turn, shall communicate this information to a school
counsellor. The counsellor shall gather information and provide written documentation including the date, person or persons
involved, and any additional relevant information. If there is reasonable cause to believe child abuse has occurred, the
counsellor will report to the Principal who shall follow the steps noted in these guidelines, documenting all aspects of the
investigation and resulting actions. Such actions include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:
- 34 -
Where there is cause to suspect child abuse or neglect, it is the responsibility of the staff member to report their suspicions to the
counsellor, or to the principal. In all cases, the principal will be notified. It is the responsibility of the principal to inform the
superintendent of the suspected case of child abuse or neglect.
All staff, faculty and administrators are mandated to report incidences of abuse and neglect. All (name of school) employees are also
required to report suspicion of abuse or neglect. All reports of abuse and neglect must be made to the counsellor within 48 hours for
immediate response.
- 35 -
School policy regarding confidentiality and management of school records applies to all aspects of the documentation of incidents of
abuse. Schools are encouraged to research what is best practice in similar schools and to develop their specific procedure for managing
documentation of incidents of abuse as well as transmission of documents to other schools or agencies.
The school should be guided by local law, international law, and the advice of the school legal team and local community child
protection resources/personnel. Issues for discussion include where to keep the child's records and what information to give to the
next school based on legal requirements and possible liability for non-reporting. Child protection usually follows the child, especially
if the problem is within the family; thus we are morally obligated to do as much as we can to help the next community protect the
Admission policy and procedures should specifically inform parents that school records will be forwarded to other schools upon
transfer of the child to another school. Parents should indicate their agreement with this requirement in the admission contract.
The individual school should review and define specific documentation that could include the following:
• Confidentiality agreement for all members of a case management team
• Minutes of Child Protection Case Management Team meeting including decision or actions recommended
• Case Management standard reporting form (usually compiled by counsellor or case manager) should include:
— Reporter’s relationship to the child/victim
— Child’s name, gender, age, address
— Information on parents/guardians
— Information about the reporter and school
— Nature and extent of injuries/maltreatment
— How reporter became aware (firsthand witness?)
— Description of action taken (if any)
— Other information that may be helpful
— Name of perpetrator, siblings at home, prior evidence
— Information about the cause, and those responsible
• If determined that the case warrants making a report to local authorities or agencies, this report should be documented using
applicable forms.
- 36 -
The first and most effective means of preventing child abuse is screening out potential abusers before they come to the school. All
personnel, staff, teachers, volunteers, and other members of the community whose potential employment or volunteer service
involves direct contact with, and/or the potential for unmonitored access to children (including any individuals who regularly provide
transportation to children) should be given thorough reference and background checks, including review of criminal and sexual
offender records.
Likewise, organizations should require all contractors, vendors and service providers to provide evidence that a background check
was completed on any individual sent by the contractor to provide onsite services. Further, when an organization enters into a
contractual relationship with an external organization where that external organization will be bringing minor children onto its
property, such organizations should be required to provide evidence beforehand that the adults accompanying the minors have
undergone the appropriate background and criminal record checks.
Organizations should ideally be able to designate an office responsible, usually Human Resources, for initiating and evaluating the
applicants for positions that require background checks. The elements of a comprehensive background check should include:
• A written application and a “statement of suitability” requiring a signature stating that the applicant knows of no reason or prior
circumstance that would preclude him/her from working safely with minor children
• A personal interview
• Credential check depending on position being sought
• Reference checks
• Criminal history background check (local, state, multi-state, national, international options depending on where the applicant is
coming from and the position being sought). Note: for applicants from the United States, most states require an Authorization
Form to be filled out and signed by the applicant before a criminal records check can be accomplished. An online module designed
to assist in the pre-employment/volunteer screening process can provide links to the required. For applicants from the United
Kingdom you can use this website: forms.
• Sex offender registry check in some Western countries
• Published procedures as to how and by whom criminal history records will be reviewed and evaluated (with criteria for
disqualification) – including a description of the appeals process required by law
• A statement that all background screening accomplished by or on behalf of the organization will comply with relevant privacy
Schools should also reserve the right to conduct background screening and make this explicitly clear to employees and volunteers, at
any time after employment or volunteer service has begun – and will do so periodically. It should also be made clear to all applicants
that any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in the information provided by the applicant, whenever discovered,
may result in disqualification from, or termination of employment or volunteer service with the organization.
- 37 -
In any policy, it will be important to note that unless otherwise provided by law, a criminal record will not automatically disqualify an
applicant. In general, if a background check indicates that there is adverse or criminal activity in the applicant’s background, the office
responsible for screening (i.e., Human Resources or another designated office) can bring the adverse or criminal information to a small
“Review Committee” comprised of senior staff for final determination and possible appeal (with criteria for disqualification
determined by the organization). In other United States cases, certain types of background checks are accompanied by state-regulated
criteria for disqualification that have been predefined.
For example, if a check indicates that the applicant has an adult criminal record it must be reviewed by the school and placed into one
of the following three categories:
• Permanent Disqualification: permanently disqualified from working with children because of the particular criminal offense
• Presumptive Disqualification: before a determination can be made the school can review additional information and consider:
— The relevance of the criminal offense to the nature of the employment or volunteer service being sought;
— The nature of the work to be performed;
— The seriousness and specific circumstances of the offense;
— The age of the candidate at the time of the offense;
— The number of offenses;
— The length of time since the offense occurred;
— Whether the applicant has pending charges;
— Any relevant evidence of rehabilitation or lack thereof;
— Any other relevant information, including information submitted by the candidate or requested by the hiring authority.
• Discretionary Disqualification: infraction is minor enough that hiring decision can be left to the discretion of the school.
After-school instructors and volunteers also need to be screened. What references do you need to get for
these personnel?
- 38 -
As a measure of prevention and of setting clear expectations, schools should implement a Code of Conduct to be agreed to and signed
by all school personnel and all volunteers who are part of the school community.
[Name of school] is committed to the safety and protection of children. This Code of Conduct applies to all faculty, staff, employees,
volunteers and students who represent the school and who interact with children or young people in both a direct and/or
unsupervised capacity.
The public and private conduct of faculty, staff, employees, students, and volunteers acting on behalf of [name of school] can
inspire and motivate those with whom they interact, or can cause great harm if inappropriate. We must, at all times, be aware of
the responsibilities that accompany our work.
We should be aware of our own and other persons’ vulnerability, especially when working alone with children and youth, and
be particularly aware that we are responsible for maintaining physical, emotional, and sexual boundaries in such interactions. We
must avoid any covert or overt sexual behaviours with those for whom we have responsibility. This includes seductive speech or
gestures as well as physical contact that exploits, abuses, or harasses. We are to provide safe environments for children and youth
at all [name of school] campuses, schools, and institutions.
We must show prudent discretion before touching another person, especially children and youth, and be aware of how physical
touch will be perceived or received, and whether it would be an appropriate expression of greeting, care, concern, or celebration.
[Name of school] personnel and volunteers are prohibited at all times from physically disciplining a child.
Physical contact with children can be misconstrued both by the recipient and by those who observe it, and should occur only when
completely nonsexual and otherwise appropriate, and never in private. One- on-one meetings with a child or young person are best
held in a public area; in a room where the interaction can be (or is being) observed; or in a room with the door left open, and another
staff member or supervisor is notified about the meeting.
We must intervene when there is evidence of, or there is reasonable cause to suspect, that children are being abused in any way.
Suspected abuse or neglect must be reported to the appropriate school and civil authorities as described in the Child Protection
Policy of the school.
Faculty, staff, employees, and volunteers should refrain from the illegal possession and/or illegal use of drugs and/or alcohol at all
times, and from the use of tobacco products, alcohol and/or drugs when working with children. Adults should never buy alcohol,
drugs, cigarettes, videos, or reading material that is inappropriate and give it to young people. Staff members and volunteers should
not accept gifts from, or give gifts to children without the knowledge of their parents or guardians.
Communication with children is governed by the key safety concept of transparency. The following steps will reduce the risk of
private or otherwise inappropriate communication between [name of school] parents, administration, teachers, personnel,
volunteers, and minors:
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• Communication between [name of school] (including volunteers) and minors that is outside the role of the professional or
volunteer relationship (teacher, coach, host, etc.) is prohibited.
• Where possible, email exchanges between a minor and a person acting on behalf of the school are to be made using a school
email address.
• Electronic communication that takes place over a school network or platform may be subject to periodic monitoring.
• Faculty, staff, and volunteers who use any form of online communications including social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and
text messaging to communicate with minors may only do so for activities involving school business.
I promise to strictly follow the rules and guidelines in this Code of Conduct as a condition of my providing services to the children
and youth participating in [name of school] programs.
I will:
• Treat everyone with respect, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and consideration.
• Never be alone with children and/or youth at school activities without another adult being notified.
• Use positive reinforcement rather than criticism, competition, or comparison when working with children and/or youth.
• Maintain appropriate physical boundaries at all times and touch children – when necessary – only in ways that are appropriate,
public, and non-sexual.
• Comply with the mandatory reporting regulations of [name of school] and with the [name of school] policy to report suspected
child abuse.
• Cooperate fully in any investigation of abuse of children and/or youth.
I will not:
- 40 -
• Engage in private communications with children via text messaging, email, Facebook, Twitter or similar forms of electronic or
social media except for activities strictly involving school business.
• Use profanity in the presence of children and/or youth at any time.
I understand that as a person working with and/or providing services to children and youth under the auspices of [name of school],
I am subject to a criminal history background check. My signature confirms that I have read this Code of Conduct and that as a
person working with children and youth I agree to follow these standards. I understand that any action inconsistent with this Code
of Conduct or failure to take action mandated by this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including removal
from [name of school].
Name: _ Signature/Date: _
- 41 -
• Avoid situations in which you are alone with a child. This includes not transporting youngsters alone in your car. When it is
necessary to speak privately with a child, find a space out of earshot, but within sight of others for your conference.
• The privacy of children in situations such as toileting, showering and changing clothes should be respected. When it is
necessary to supervise children in these situations, at least two adults should be present and intrude only to the extent that
the health and safety of the children require. Adult volunteers should preserve their own privacy in these situations also.
• Avoid touching areas that are normally covered by swimming suits; breasts, buttocks, and groin.
• When hugging is appropriate, hug from the side over the shoulders, not from the front. Sexual jokes, comments of a sexual
nature, kissing, sensual massages or sexual gestures are not appropriate behaviour for an adult staff member or volunteer.
• When volunteering to supervise overnight activities, adults should not share sleeping quarters with children other than their
• Revealing personal information about one's sex life by an adult volunteer or staff member is never appropriate.
• Do not use corporal punishment in any form
• It is the adult's responsibility to set and respect boundaries. When a child attempts to involve an adult in inappropriate
behaviour, the adult must reject the overture.
- 42 -
Teaching Students: Curriculum Modules for Student Education
Research shows that personal safety/abuse prevention programs for children are successful when they are based on the most current
research in prevention education and are rigorously evaluated; begin as early as pre-Kindergarten; use developmentally sequenced
materials; utilize active, systematic and specific skills training; have multiple program components such as classroom training
combined with parental involvement; use interactive instructional techniques that provide children multiple opportunities to observe
the desired behaviour, model the behaviour and get feedback; and are instituted as a comprehensive part of the child's education -
being repeated many times during the school year, and instituted over several years of instruction.
In its most effective form, sex abuse prevention education teaches children about “safe” and “unsafe” touches in a safety-based,
developmentally sequenced curriculum. In order to provide children with adequate tools to resist the overtures of potential offenders,
children must have the following information:
It is intended to teach children about their rights to assert limits over what
happens to their bodies and to give them the tools necessary to
communicate effectively if someone violates those boundaries.
- 43 -
In the AISA Child Protection Program Handbook Addendum – Curriculum Guidelines, we refer to two curriculum modules for
implementation/adaptation for use at your school. The Curriculum modules are organized into Elementary School units of study for
grades preK-5, and Secondary School grades 6-12.
Elementary School Module includes:
• Lessons for grade levels K-5 and sample resources for teacher use including print and on-line resources
• Grade level modules present content in skill development that can be easily organized into a series of lessons
• Suggested engagements for instruction and activities for student learning
• Lessons are designed for various delivery options: classroom teacher, PE teacher, counselor, and school nurse to be adapted to
your school setting
• Lesson design is flexible enough to be adapted to various curriculum frameworks (PYP, British curriculum, US curriculum and
other national and local curricula)
• Parent letters (sample) for each grade level to inform parents of topics addressed
• Suggestions for parent education/engagement
• Definitions of safe and unsafe touch
• Assertive skills training for students
At each grade level there are 5 major concepts/big ideas that are suggested for exploration. The nature of these conceptual
understandings is developmental and spiralling in that with each year the level of depth of understanding increases. Each lesson
focuses on a developmental appropriate exploration of a concept.
The scope and sequence of conceptual understandings is organized in the following framework:
Grade Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
Safe touch Unsafe touch and Touching Rule Safety Steps What to do if someone
assertiveness breaks the Touching
Safe and unsafe The Touching Rule Whom to tell Safety Steps Using the
Grade 1
Touching Rule and
Safety Steps
Identifying safe/unsafe Identifying unwanted Touching Rule and Whom to tell and Secrets about touching
Grade 2
touch touch Safety Steps (including assertiveness
Identifying safe, unsafe, The Touching Rule and Telling touching secrets Learning to be assertive
Grade 3
unwanted touch Safety Steps (whom to tell and how) - Stand Up for Yourself!
Identify safe, unsafe, Review The Touching Assertiveness skills Whom to tell, why it’s
Grade 4
unwanted touch Rule and Safety Steps important, whom to
trust, who can help
Grade 5 Identify safe/unsafe Review Touching Rule Whom to tell, why it’s Relationships and Secrets and
situations and Safety Steps important, whom to assertiveness responsibilities
trust, who can help (promises)
- 44 -
Secondary School Module includes:
The scope and sequence of conceptual understandings is organized in the following framework. The 4 core concepts of the secondary
curriculum remain the same in each grade: Identify, Access, Act, and Value. Teaching – and re-teaching – these essential learning
objectives is key to student learning. Developmentally appropriate content and delivery for each lesson ensures a varied and rich
learning experience.
- 45 -
Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4
Grade 6 IDENTIFY! Safe and ACCESS! Trusted ACT! To Stay VALUE! Self and
Please note that the lesson plans focus on private body parts. Most schools cover issues such as social- emotional development,
bullying, and physical abuse. What is almost uniformly missing is direct reference to sexual abuse and exploitation. It is not our intent
that child protection focus only on sexual abuse, instead we feel that by including these lessons your present sessions will become
more holistic.
Parent Education
Child protection at school is a partnership with parents. A suggestion is for parents, upon admission at least or annually, to sign a
“Ready to Learn” contract that states basic needs that parents will meet, such as nurturance, care and attention at home.
Parent education can be achieved in several ways:
Safe and secure children lead to better learning and better outcomes.
- 46 -
At the end of the day we all help others by leaving rooms and the campus tidy.
• Before beginning the lessons, conduct a gathering to inform the parents and encourage them to participate in their children’s
education by reading the parent letters and, for elementary students, to complete the homework together with their child. These
sessions could be evening meetings (can include MDT members), morning coffees, or formal parent education classes.
• Promoting parent support and buy-in can be achieved through the annual distribution of school policy to all families during the
admission process and returning families annually.
• Emphasize to parents that this is a PREVENTION program
Concepts to include in advocacy and training of parents:
- 47 -
— Developmental levels of children, with a focus on sexual development – what to expect at different age levels
• Training to focus on handling of disclosure and reporting
• Review of the lesson plans and how, when, by whom to present them
• Depending on time and depth of content, suggested strategies include
— Presentation
— Interactive teaching with assessment
— Role play and simulations of disclosure
— Practice, practice, practice
• Develop overall context of school’s management of the issue within school policy and procedures
- 48 -
• Code of conduct
• Behavioural expectations – refer sample behaviour policies that will protect teachers from false allegations
• How to access help
• Head of School
— Ensures training takes place and adequate resources are available to support the program
— Is public advocate for the program and implementation endorses internal personnel in their roles
• Implemented by counsellor and administrator at each division
• Consultant should be used when necessary to bring counsellors and CP team to a trainer of teachers model
— Counsellors network to support program implementation at schools
— Counsellors specific to their expertise and role as defined by school
— On-line training where appropriate within support differentiated objectives of different groups
— Combine with in-person training whenever possible
Frequency of Training
Most schools have a school-based clinic for general and first aid issues. Many of the nurses are host country nationals. These two
points are important when planning and implementing a child protection program in our international schools. Nurses require a
child protection training that is medically-based, in addition to attending and participating in the regular school-based training
sessions. Many countries are developing child protection units in government hospitals that provide specialized training. Some
countries give specialized credit or certificates for these trainings. It is suggested, therefore, that international school nurses attend
and be accredited by those trainings. This would strengthen the link between local resources and our schools, including support
for our nurses on this sensitive issue.
For international schools in countries without an in-country child protection training resource, it is still highly recommended that
all school nurses receive specialized training. Reading materials and several discussion meetings with a medical consultant (some
embassies may be able to provide this service) is a very basic option for this training. For international schools in countries without
in-country training but employing a foreign- hire nurse, it is recommended that the nurse attend specialized training sessions
abroad. Resources for such trainings can be found at the National Association of School Nurses ( and the
Royal College of Nursing (
- 49 -
A school's child protection policy will need several different groups to support implementation and intervention:
1. A school-based child protection team
2. A school-based child protection case (response) management team
3. A multidisciplinary team of local and international child protection professionals
• School Psychologist – if the school has a School Psychologist, this individual leads the CPT team
• Counsellor
• Nurse
• Teacher representative from each level within the school (i.e. elementary, early childhood, middle and high school, etc.)
• Administrator – Head or designated principal according to need
• External resource (i.e. community Child Protection Worker)
• Someone to provide a combination of corporate (school) historical memory and school and local expertise.
The role of a school-based Child Protection Team (CPT) is to ensure that there is a comprehensive Child Protection Program (CPP) in
place at the school and to annually monitor the effectiveness of the program. Specific tasks include:
The school-based child protection team should meet at least twice annually. The first meeting is to plan for the school year.
Preparation planning items for the successful teaching of personal safety lessons include:
- 50 -
• Discuss readiness of the teachers to teach personal safety
• Plan for the parent meeting to introduce the topic and any letters to parents
• Preparation/familiarization/inventory of the personal safety materials including forms to use
• Review work plans from teachers
• Review personal safety protocols and guidelines
• Schedule future school-based support team meetings
• Review scheduling of the local multidisciplinary team meetings
The second school-based support team meeting will be conducted when all the lessons are completed. The team will assess
implementation and make recommendations for implementation for the next school year. The team will also assess teacher readiness
and qualifications, including which teachers may need additional training.
Time Line Activity Responsibility
August Inform Board staff students and parents about school Head of School
Child Protection Program
Inform new families of school Child Protection Program Admission Office
Convene Child Protection Team – appoint chair and orient new members Head of School
Review data from previous school year- develop implementation plans for Child Protection Team
current year
Endorse an MDT - contact each member to check availability Child Protection Team
Have a meeting with all affiliated schools in your area/city Head of School
September Implement annual plan Child Protection Team and division
Train all staff on details of program, individual responsibilities and how to Principal, Counsellor, Head of School
manage disclosure
Teach lessons to students Teacher, counsellor
Inform parents in writing and hold parent evenings Counsellor, principal
Ensure all staff, volunteers and contracted service providers sign code of Principals, supervisors
Convene Community Resource Team Head of School
October Continue lessons within curriculum plan Teacher, counsellor
Ensure lessons have been taught Principal
November Convene Child Protection Team to review implementation Head of School
- 51 -
Review hiring practices to ensure: background screening, criminal history Head of School, H.R. Director, Principals
check, reference check includes discussion of child protection history; ensure
code of conduct signed when hired
Review/revise curriculum and recommend resources as needed Principal, Curriculum
Coordinator and teachers
January Inform new families of Child Protection Program Admission, counsellor
Hold parent evening Counsellor, principal
Convene Child Protection Team - Update and review activities of first semester; Principal, counsellor
make recommendations for areas of need.
Orient new students to Child Protection Program Counsellor
As needed Convene Child Protection Case Management Team Case manager, usually
counsellor or principal
Convene Multidisciplinary Team Head of School
- 52 -
• Identity of alleged abuser (if known) – or self-harm
The gathered information will classify the case as Category A, B, or C.
Category A:: Most cases will behandled by Category B: :Some cases may be referred Category C: Cases reportedfor
schoolcounsellors to outside resources: investigation
- Student relationships with peers Mental health issues such as depression, Severe and ongoing physical, emotional
psychosis, dissociation, suicide ideation and sexual abuse or neglect
- Parenting skills related to disciplining
children at home
- Student-parent relationships
- Mental health issues such as
depression, low self-esteem, grieving
- 53 -
Developing a Network of Community Support Resources and a Multidisciplinary Team for
There are several levels of community around our schools, but for the purpose of this handbook, we will now focus on two:
1. Community of international schools in our city or region
2. Community of authority and support services and professionals
International schools are not islands. An optimal safe environment requires the cooperation, collaboration and support of the entire
community, including the local governmental and non-governmental agencies in place to protect children and advocate for their
needs. Furthermore, it may be obligatory and necessary to work with local statutory agencies to deal with child protection issues and
problems. It will be important for international school administrators to be aware of and be in contact with, the agencies and
institutions in their host country/city that have roles and responsibilities regarding children's issues. The following are some of the
government and nongovernmental bodies that your school should contact and collaborate with in terms of developing and
implementing school based child protection programs.
• The police
• Hospitals
• The courts and lawyers
• The Children’s Department(s), Embassies and other Government agencies
• Nongovernmental agencies (UNICEF, ISPCAN, etc.)
International schools need to understand and adhere to laws and regulations of the host country in developing and implementing
child protection procedures. Developing formal and informal working relationships at different levels with host country authorities
are important steps that schools may have to take to implement effective child protection program. It is best to establish relationships
in advance and in a proactive manner rather than have a first interaction with a host country agency occur during a time of crisis or
need. School administrators and counsellors are well served to visit host country agencies and ministries as well as to host at your
school courtesy “get acquainted” meetings with various host country resource personnel.
1. Community of international schools in your city or region.
Individual schools do a lot for their students, from on-site services to professional referrals. Often professional referrals are other
expatriates, and often equally as transient. Services such as counselling and support for child protection issues, due to their nature,
are best served by professionals that understand specific cultural elements – at times even the need for the same use of a particular
language facilitates effective service. Due to the transient nature of our community, international schools tend to have to renew their
resource list annually, as well respected counsellors or therapists will move with their spouse to their next post.
Each international school cares for their students. Each international school will have their list of resources to help their students and
families when needed. A network of international schools that share resources would increase effective referrals and build ongoing
relationships with a wider group of professionals. An idea that three international schools have used is to invite peer schools in a city
or region to join a network that focuses on child protection. These schools help each other build policy and procedures, share training
- 54 -
of teachers, and even share parent evenings. This network joins all the schools' resources into one list, increasing each school's access
to help. This network meets at regular intervals with at least one participant of each member school attending meetings. In the three
example settings, the group was called CRAN – Child Rights Advocacy Network. When like-minded schools are together, supporting
each other, it is less difficult to build relationships with local authority such as the police and doctors. When your school experiences
cases of suspected abuse, there is support from peer professionals. Parent evenings bring together a larger group of parents who can
help each other. Building child protection in your school can be challenging, so doing it together with peer international schools can
only help.
Effective child protection requires the involvement and contribution of different sectors of society. As part of the community,
international schools have an obligation to participate in the child protection endeavours of their host community.
• Ensure that your school becomes a partner in child protection activities in the community.
• Designate capable staff members who could represent your school in community related child advocacy issues.
• Identify, join and contribute to child protection network groups in your community.
• Participate in high level child protection policy and related activities in the community. Use these types of forums to build
awareness of and support for your child protection program.
• Share, allow, and assist network partners - especially other schools - to adopt your child protection policy manual.
• Co-sponsor and participate in high profile child protection activities in the community with other credible local and international
child-focused organizations.
• Develop or adopt available local resource and service directories to help with your child protection program.
- 55 -
A significant gap in service to children with child protection needs in most international schools is the authority for offender
accountability – that is, there is no body to whom to report suspected cases who will then be responsible for the investigation of the
type and level of the reported abuse, or enforcement of mandated behaviour changes. If this does not occur, then law enforcement
services, including the possibility of prison, would be likely alternatives.
Most offenders exhibiting inappropriate behaviour towards their children need support in order to make a change in behaviour. That
necessary support includes a system that sets clear and defined standards for behaviour towards children and that provides necessary
support to help the offender meet those standards. Unfortunately, many offenders, given their characteristic lack of empathy,
cognitive distortions, levels of stress, and rationalization, will not enter into behaviour change counselling, maintaining and continuing
their behaviour through increasing threats and other forms of manipulation over the abused child(ren). For these children, outside
authority is needed to intervene through some form of law enforcement venue.
As a school, set a protocol for reporting what, to whom and when. Use the categories on page 55 to help you through your process
with the child protection case management team:
• Determine to whom and what should the teacher report? To whom and what should a counsellor report? To whom and what
should a principal report? To whom and what should the Head of School report?
• Design written forms for the confidential file, to give to authorities, to facilitate monitoring and supervision.
• Determine who will contact parents, when and for what.
• Determine when to contact authorities with a time frame.
In the United States, schools are mandated to report to social services when abuse is suspected. An alternative authority for our
international schools to report to is through an interdisciplinary team outside the school referred to as the multidisciplinary team
(MDT). The team consists of professionals such as, a social worker, lawyer, police, doctor, and psychologist.
The multidisciplinary team is an advisory/consultative team that provides advice by meeting on a regularly scheduled basis or as
needed. The multidisciplinary team will not provide direct services or face-to-face contact with families. They will offer support and
advice to professionals who refer cases to them. The advisory team will note their advisory status in their appointing documents and
descriptive literature. The multidisciplinary team is established to deal only with the specific issue of child abuse reported within
affiliated schools and must be authorized by the Head of School or Board to function in this capacity for the school community.
Which cases will the MDT review and consult for?
• Types of cases to accept will be narrow, with a focused mission of handling child abuse cases reported from affiliated schools.
• Team members will rely on definitions of the types of child abuse that correspond to international and local laws.
• A minimum amount of time the team needs to adequately discuss a case will be decided upon.
• This, along with the length of the meeting, will dictate how many cases per team meeting to accept. The team may choose to
adjust these limits after processing several cases, or set discussion and case limits based on the complexity of each scheduled
• Only affiliated schools can refer cases to the team. There will be a process for screening and prioritizing cases and a list of needed
information and documentation required for referrals.
• All meetings will be recorded.
- 56 -
• The team will clearly state the need for confidentiality to its members, referring agencies, families, and anyone else involved.
Team members must be able to comfortably share information with each other. A method will be determined to help ensure
confidentiality of case materials, such as members signing a confidentiality agreement, clients being informed that their case is
with the multidisciplinary team, and assurance that all case materials received during a team meeting will be returned before
- 57 -
How To Set Up An MDT
1. Begin with your community. Find people with appropriate skills or contacts to other professionals from the list above. Make as
long a list as possible.
3. Meet with each of the candidates personally to assess their willingness and suitability: a) do they have the time for periodic
meetings, especially in cases of the unlikely emergency when the team must come together immediately; b) do they have the
appropriate professional skills and experience (do lawyers know local child protection laws; do social workers know local child
protection policies and practices; do doctors know child abuse forensic issues; do counsellors have experience and expertise in
child abuse and family counselling); c) do they work well with groups to avoid hierarchy of professions; d) do they have an
objective relationship with the schools and/or child and family.
4. Set up an initial meeting when they are all available. The agenda would be for each of the team members to share with the
others their skills and knowledge in child protection. A mock- case could be used for discussion. The agenda would also include
how to operate, note- taking, confidentiality, and communication.
1. To learn about local laws and resources to support child protection in your schools. For example, if a case occurs in school
for which you have no policy, talking with legal professionals could help in determining intervention – for example, a school
had no policy for sharing a stolen cell phone picture a girl sent to her boyfriend of her naked; local law did exist and could
guide the school.
2. Understand the age of discernment in the host country – in many African countries children as young as 12 can be arrested
for crimes that include sexual molestation, cyber pornography, and rape.
3. The team acts as an alternate to authority to mandate help for children, parents and alleged offenders in difficult cases.
Over the course of developing a child protection policy you will have many questions. Having an MDT will help answer them. Some
common questions are:
• How will the different authorities respond? What will be the response time?
• What does an investigation look like?
• When do children need to be taken into protective custody?
• What kind of protective custody is available for our expatriate students?
• Will making a referral for an investigation really help or will it just be more trouble for the family?
• How will I know the outcome of a referral to the MDT?
- 58 -
What if the Suspected Offender Works for the School?
When a child discloses inappropriate behaviours of school personnel, the school must respond no differently than if the alleged
offender is a family member. Teachers have daily access to children and the emotional and physical safety of a child is determined by
the access of the offender to the child, thus disclosure of teacher offenses must be handled immediately and with seriousness.
The integrity of a school and a system is NOT dependent on whether or not an offender exists; instead the integrity of the school or
system IS dependent on whether and how that school responds when an alleged offender within the school is reported. It is the duty
of the school to prevent and deter sexual harassment, as well as provide procedures for the resolution or prosecution of sexual
harassment between teacher and pupil.
SUGGESTIONS for handling disclosures of teacher offenders:
• Depending on severity of the allegation, place the teacher on forced leave for at least three days.
• Inform the child’s parents immediately.
• Investigate the incident immediately. Depending on severity, determine who will investigate, whether by the school-based
support team or the community-based multidisciplinary team.
In the case where the alleged offender is a school volunteer, or is a member of the school faculty or staff, and the suspected, observed
or child-disclosed offense is sexual in nature, the involvement of local child protection and law enforcement agencies would be
essential to not only protect the child, but to also remove and prohibit the alleged offender from further contact with any additional
children at the school. Involvement of appropriate law enforcement agencies also protects the school from any form of malfeasance
in regard to how the case is handled. This is important because in cases of sexual offenses against children, research shows that
offenders are likely to have multiple victims in the same location. Standard practice is to place the alleged offender on temporary
leave of absence until the professional investigation is concluded.
- 59 -
An essential element of developing, implementing, and sustaining a successful child abuse prevention framework is data – data about
the ongoing programs, how they are being integrated into school life, what is working, what is not working, and what needs to be
• How many people are there in the organization (and in each job classification) who require the safety training?
• How many have received the required training?
• How many are left to train?
• How many abuse reports have been filed?
• Were the abuse reports handled properly?
• Have the safety materials been distributed?
• Has everyone who received the required training also received a background and criminal history check?
• Are the child protection and safety curricula being taught to the children in all grades?
• Have all faculty, staff and volunteers received and signed the Code of Conduct?
• How many reports of alleged abuse and neglect are being filed?
• Have the reports been handled correctly?
Depending on the size of the organization, the data to be collected and analysed – or even simply summarized – could be immense.
Therefore, it is important in the early stages of building a child safety framework to also think about the questions that need to be
periodically answered, the data that needs to be collected to answer those questions, data storage, questionnaire design (See
Appendix D), best measurement practices, and also to be mindful of opportunities and methods to measure quality, improvement,
and outcomes.
Some basic tools that exist for the measurement and evaluation of prevention programs are listed on the website of the Child Welfare
Information Gateway. An annual audit process (recommended) helps to understand the basics of implementation, but something
more comprehensive may be needed to measure the complexities of organizational, cultural, and behavioural change, and whether
or not what is being implemented is having the desired effect of actually making the environment any safer than when the school
began its efforts.
Although some schools may only be interested in collecting information about alleged child maltreatment by faculty, staff or
volunteers, a broader perspective would consider that since the school has been working to improve its child protection policies and
procedures, modify organizational structures to respond more quickly to abuse reports, update codes of conduct, educate adults
about how to recognize abuse and neglect and how to report it, and educate children about distinguishing between safe and unsafe
touch and the strategies to employ if they are exploited in this way, that ALL forms of abuse and neglect are likely to be reported –
including domestic, extended family and neighbourhood situations. In terms of measuring the effectiveness of what you have
instituted, initial assessments could focus on gathering data on the numbers and types of the reports being filed, how they came to
the attention of the school, and whether or not those to whom the abuse was reported knew what to do.
Additionally, collecting annual data on the number of times the safety classes were taught over the school year; parent, teacher and
student attitudes towards the safety programs; and whether or not the teachers and others involved in the children’s education
believed the students were learning the skills taught by the programs are pertinent elements of measuring successful implementation.
- 60 -
Asking respondents to supply examples of observed “safe” behaviours among students, or increased awareness of the safety rules
being taught would underscore their response with additional anecdotal information.
In terms of “harder” quantitative data, schools can also collect information about the number of abuse and neglect reports being filed
annually, the age and gender of the child (or children) who was/were the subject of the report, whether the abuse was self-disclosed
by the child, by another child, by a family member, or by an adult in the school setting who suspected or observed the abuse, and to
whom the child’s report was disclosed. Questions could also be asked about the nature of the alleged abuse or neglect and whether
the alleged perpetrator was a member of the child’s household, a member of the extended family, someone in the neighbourhood
known to the child, a school employee or volunteer, a stranger, or another child. Data can be collected regarding how quickly the
report was brought to the attention of the school’s Child Protection Team and whether the individuals making the report knew what
to do and how quickly they did what was required.
In terms of behaviours and desired training outcomes, one could argue that by collecting data of this type on an annual basis, a school
(or group of schools) could have an ongoing awareness of the numbers and types of abuse and neglect cases its children are
experiencing, and could at least have some indication that children are learning the skills, have used those skills to report to a trusted
adult within the school community, and that the adult knew what to do and did it within the required timeframes as trained. Again,
the focus is on the behaviours and skills that we would hopefully expect to be outcomes of the collective safe environment efforts.
Certainly, there are more sophisticated analytic methods for determining program effectiveness, but the data described above can
be collected with minimal effort. Sample questionnaires that can be used to gather such information are provided in the appendices.
In addition to an annual audit, it is strongly recommended that the policies and procedures themselves be evaluated periodically
(every 2 - 3 years). This comprehensive analysis is primarily qualitative and is designed to interview individuals and groups who have
carried out the various responsibilities described in the policies, and to get their feedback about how written policies and procedures
are actually working in practice. The product of this analysis will be a document that assesses each functional area of the policies and
makes recommendations for textual change to the policies and procedures that:
• Reflect the way a functional area has evolved in its practice that is contrary to what is written, but is working successfully.
• Restructures the text to address weaknesses or failures in a functional area and makes it more effective or efficient.
• Strengthens and/or clarifies policy sections or procedures.
• Develops policies and procedures for new issues that emerge from the analysis.
In this way, a school can identify the policy’s strengths and weaknesses, uncover issues that were not anticipated or addressed
adequately, and amend them accordingly. Once amended, the areas of recommended improvement can be followed and observed
for a period of time to determine their effect (hopefully improvement) on the overall policy implementation. In summary,
measurement/data collection recommendations in a child protection framework should include:
• An annual self-audit to assess current state of the implementation, to include a checklist of the data to collect
• A comprehensive analysis of the organization’s policies and procedures every 2 - 3 years designed to identify what is working in
practice, what needs improvement, or what needs to be added to the policies and procedures in order to strengthen them
• A “continuous quality improvement” initiative that takes a subset of any identified policy or practice improvements, addresses
them, follows their implementation for a period of time (6 months) and issues a report.
- 61 -
Our international schools deal with high turn-over of teaching faculty and student body. This means that international schools need
to keep child protection at the forefront of all new teacher and parent events, including ongoing annual training. Without strict
oversight and follow-up, child protection could easily be tabled, until that time when an emergency or case occurs.
We suggest the following to help institutionalize your child protection program:
b. Include the host national nurse as part of your child protection team
c. Include a parent as part of the team that does NOT include confidential issues
d. Use counsellors as over-site, including this in their job description and assessment
e. Send annually at least one teacher to attend a training session during the summer
• Regular reminders (newsletters, bulletins, newspaper articles, etc.) of the responsibilities associated with maintaining safe
environments and the results associated with doing so;
• Periodic (at least annual) statements by the organization’s leadership concerning the ongoing commitment to the organizations
child protection policy and to the vigilance necessary to protect children; summary of effects, anecdotes;
• Organization-wide distribution of policies and procedures for child protection, the code of conduct, abuse reporting protocols
and procedures, etc.;
- 62 -
• Organizational updates about the status of programs, schedules for training, lists of the categories of people to be trained,
reminders about any audit reports, and when the reports are due;
• Checklists about what is necessary to have in place or to have accomplished in order to be considered in compliance with the
organization’s policies;
• A regular flow of information and data from departments and organizations about their particular
• piece of the requirements;
• Forms or questionnaires sent to all organizational elements used to collect exact numbers of personnel, their categories of
employment, and whether or not they have received the required safe environment training; and,
• Audit preparation checklists and calendars.
- 63 -
• Designing and Implementing a School Reporting Protocol (
• Handbook on Child Safety for Independent School Leaders (
• RCAB Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Children
• (
• Africa Network for Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse and Neglect ANPPCAN (
• The African Child Policy Forum (
The following organizations could be used by international schools to become familiar with and access policies, services and referral
sources regarding child protection initiatives.
Resources:Reporting/Advocacy/LegalServices /Training
• African Network for the Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse and Neglect (
• Local affiliates (i.e., African Movement for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect - Ghana)
• Campaign for Female Education/Camfed Alumni (
• The African Child Policy Forum (
• Child Helpline International (
• ECPAT International (
• Parenting Africa Network (
• Africa Renewal (
This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of resources. We encourage schools to seek out and identify organizations and local
resources in their communities that provide child protective services. A good source is your multi-disciplinary team (MDT).
- 64 -
Appendix A: Africa-based Resources
The following organizations could assist international schools to understand and access local services.
- 65 -
Appendix B: School Personnel Roles and Responsibilities
Below is a framework for use in AISA and international schools in Africa. The roles and responsibilities will have to be adapted to
each school’s organizational chart and the experience and expertise of relevant school personnel. This suggested framework is
meant as a guide to help the Board and Administration provide clarity of responsibility at all levels of the organization.
• Development of Child Protection (CP) Policy as part of Policy Manual for school
• Public statement of School as safe haven for children
• Public statement of support of CP Policy
• Meeting of parents with support of CP Policy as important topic
• Adoption of the Code of Conduct on CP that all teachers and everyone who works at the school (paid or unpaid), including the
Board sign
• Direct oversight of Child Protection Team for adoption of CPP and CP Curriculum
• In the absence of a School Psychologist, the Principal should review the CP Policies and an overview of the curriculum with the
• Develop a calendar of professional development, instituting the curriculum and annual review cycle for the success of the
• Develop and ensure proper implementation of comprehensive Child Protection Curriculum
• Ensure adequate parent training
- 66 -
• First line responder to whom suspected cases of child abuse are reported
• Regularly keeps Head of School or Principal informed
• Heads Child Protection Team
• Consults with Head of School and Principals to develop a calendar of professional development, instituting the curriculum and
annual review cycle for the success of the program
• Reviews available CP Policies and curriculum with an understanding of overall child development and appropriateness
• Holds parent nights to assist parents in understanding the need for the program and to answer questions and provide support
• Counsellors / School Psychologists and Teachers who are part of the CP Team work to train all teachers and staff within the
school on this program and its importance
• Identifies resources in the community that are available to the school
• Organizes Professional Development for teachers
- 67 -
Appendix C: Protocols for Handling Disclosure
What to do and say when someone tells you about a child protection concern:
a. Reassure the person that he/she was right to raise the concern.
— Create trust with the complainant but do NOT promise to keep secrets.
— Take what they say seriously, even if it appears hard to believe.
— Address health and protection needs or contact authorities if this is urgently required.
— Contact the Child Protection Officer or Project Officer for Information, Training and Education as soon as the situation
allows this.
— You are not expected to investigate the case but gather basic information about what may have taken place.
— Record the actual words used as soon as possible, if not immediately.
— Avoid asking too many questions: ask only the number of questions required to gain a clear understanding of the
— Avoid asking “why” and “how” something took place.
— Establish and record details of all those who may be at risk.
— Explain that information will only be shared with people who need to know.
— Explain that it is in the best interest of the individual disclosing that the concern is reported.
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— Do not fill in words, finish sentences, or make assumptions. Don’t seek help while the child is talking to you.
Things to say
— Repeat the last few words of the child in a questioning manner. “I believe you.”
— “I am going to try to help you.” “I am glad you told me.”
— “You are not to blame.”
Things NOT to say
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Appendix D: AISA Sample Annual Safe Environment Compliance Audit
This questionnaire is designed to summarize, on an annual basis, the responses from teachers and others charged with the
responsibility of implementing the personal safety/abuse prevention education classes for children. It collects both quantitative and
qualitative data on training; implementation; teacher, parent, and student responses to the safety program; and the reporting of
suspected cases of child maltreatment. Summarizing this data across the school can be useful in determining the overall state of
program implementation. The questionnaire can easily be adapted for distribution to individual teachers.
a. Are all current Grade (list all grade levels) teachers trained in (name of safety curriculum)?
b. Are all current Grade (list grade levels) teaching aids trained in (name of safety curriculum)?
c. Do you need additional facilitators or staff to train your teachers? (ie, staff trained regionally to train fellow teachers in the
If you answered “Yes” to Question c above, how many staff do you need trained?
For (name of program):
d. Was (name of program) taught to the children in your school in the 20XX/XX academic year?
If “no” please comment:
- 70 -
e. How often are (name of program) lessons taught in your classrooms?
One time/week
Other, please describe:
f. Is the entire curriculum taught during the course of the school year or do you use selected lessons?
Entire curriculum
Selected lessons, please describe:
g. When do you anticipate that (names of program) will be taught during the next academic year?
Fall semester
Winter semester
Spring semester
h. Rank your response to the following: In general, the teachers’ reaction to the program was positive.
Strongly agree
Not Sure
Strongly disagree
i. Rank your response to the following: In general, the children’s reaction to the program was positive.
Strongly agree
Not Sure
Strongly disagree
j. Are the children learning the skills the program is designed to teach?
- 71 -
Yes, please explain:
No, please explain:
Other, please describe:
k. Rank your response to the following: In general, the parents’ response to the program is positive.
Strongly agree
Not Sure
Strongly disagree
l. Did your school host parent information sessions to introduce/discuss the programs or use another mechanism (i.e.
discussed at parent orientation)?
If “no” please comment:
m. Does your school use the parent information letters included in the curriculum (or variation)?
If “no” please comment:
n. Did you or any of your staff file an abuse/neglect report in the 20XX/XX academic school year?
Yes – how many:
No (skip this section)
o. Please answer the following to the best of your ability. This information is for statistical purposes only and does not require
any identifying information. Use additional sheets if necessary.
Age and gender of each child(ren) who was/were the subjects of the reports:
How many of the reports were made because a child disclosed some form of abuse or neglect?:________
How many of the reports were made because an employee or volunteer observed or suspected that a child was being
abused or neglected?
- 72 -
How many reports were made because the abuse/neglect was observed, suspected or disclosed by someone else? (eg.
Neighbour, another child, etc.):
Who was suspected of committing the abuse or neglect that was reported?
Family member Neighbour Another child Clergy School staff or
volunteer Other person known to the child Stranger
After a decision was made to contact (authorities), please indicate when the phone contact was made:
Within 24hours
Other, please describe:
On average, how long after the call were the written reports (if required) filed?:_______________
To what department or office were reports made?
Department/office contacted:
AISA contacted:
p. In what ways can the (name of office, team, or individual) help with your ongoing implementation efforts?
Regional refresher sessions
Assist with parent information session
Consultation/review of models of implementation
On-site technical assistance
Other, please describe:
- 73 -
AISA Sample Self-Audit Form
The intent of this self-assessment guide is to help AISA schools determine to what extent they are implementing the overall
policies for child safety at the agency level. This self-assessment can be used by leadership and staff to determine if all safe
environment policies are being followed as well as to help determine where there might be a need for more training in the
implementation of the Policy’s requirements.
If the School Child Protection Policy is going to be effective in creating safe environments for children, it is important that all
school personnel know:
r. Is the existence of the school’s child safety policy and procedures publicized to all school personnel and parents?
If Yes, describe the types and frequency of publications. (Examples might include publication in school bulletins,
information provided at staff meetings, brochures and/or posters in the vestibules, take home letters, or school
orientation materials):
If No, provide explanation:
s. Do all school leadership, faculty, employees, and volunteers know when and how to report an allegation of sexual abuse of
a minor?
t. Do school leadership and others know how to obtain outreach for victims?
- 74 -
If No, provide an explanation:
u. Are copies of the code of conduct and/or school standards of behaviour made available to all personnel and volunteers in
positions of trust who have regular contact with children?
v. Is the code of conduct made available and clear to all other members of the school community?
w. Is safe environment/child abuse prevention training provided for all school adults as required?
x. Does the school participate in a multidisciplinary team or network with other international schools or
government/nongovernment agencies?
y. Does school leadership ensure that background evaluations are conducted on all personnel to include faculty, staff, and
other paid personnel and volunteers whose duties include ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors?
z. Does the principal (if applicable) ensure that background evaluations are conducted on all school personnel (including
volunteers) whose duties include ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors?
aa. Does school leadership verify that background and criminal history checks have been conducted for contractors, vendors,
consultants and others who provide goods and services to the school (in the presence of minors) or who bring minors onto
school property?
bb. For those schools directly affected by allegations of sexual abuse of children which have been brought forward during this
current audit period:
- 75 -
Has school leadership kept the school and its constituents informed? Yes/No
Has the school provided or facilitated outreach to affected persons or groups? Yes/No
Role: Date:
- 76 -
Appendix F: Checklist
Step 1: Write a School Policy
In Place Not in In Notes
Place Progress
Bullying policy
Windows in doors
- 77 -
Half doors on toilets for nursery children
- 78 -
It is emphasized that sexual abuse of children is most likely to involve
bribes, threats and abuse of authority rather than physical force
The offender is clearly responsible for sexual abuse. The child is not to
Students are encouraged to tell and keep telling until someone helps.
- 79 -
The teachers in the school should receive training in abuse recognition,
including sexual abuse, prevention and helping the abused child in the
classroom. If the teachers are not
comfortable with and knowledgeable about the lesson modules and
materials, it follows that the children will not be comfortable
discussing their personal concerns with the teachers.
All teachers at the school have been pre- screened and signed the
school code of conduct and child protection policy.
The program should involve the parents. It is crucial that the parents
be aware and supportive of what their children are learning.
In home conversations and reinforcements are important links in the
learning process.
Each school should review its own means for responding to an abused
child as well as the country and community resources available to
provide assistance. Additionally, each school should have a working
policy for implementing the mandatory or other child abuse reporting
laws of its country.
Formal child protection training every year for new employees and
every 4 years for current employees
- 80 -
Regular supervision support regarding child protection matters
- 81 -
Academic qualifications checked - originals not photocopies
— Security staff
— Volunteers
— Governors
- 82 -
Clear guidelines for how schools use the MDT (such as for serious
physical abuse, when parents don't respond, for all sexual abuse)
- 83 -