Sigmar setting. Tragically lacking souls (so they've come to steal yours), the Idoneth are
an army that rewards careful placement of models, a variety of units that provide rapid
mobility and negative modifier shenanigans and some of the best allegiance abilities in
the game.
1 Why play Idoneth Deepkin?
2 Rulebooks
3 Allegiance Abilities
o 3.1 Battle Traits
o 3.2 Command and Mount Traits
3.2.1 Command Traits
3.2.2 Mount Traits: Deepmare
3.2.3 Mount Traits: Leviadon
o 3.3 Artefacts
o 3.4 Lore of the Deep
o 3.5 Isharann Rituals
4 Warscrolls
o 4.1 Named Characters
o 4.2 Heroes
o 4.3 Eidolon of Mathlann
o 4.4 Troops
o 4.5 Behemoths
5 Battalions
o 5.1 From Battletome Idoneth Deepkin
o 5.2 From Battleforce Boxes
o 5.3 From Broken Realms: Morathi
6 Super-Battalions
o 6.1 From Battletome Idoneth Deepkin
7 The Enclaves
8 Allies
o 8.1 Lethisian Defenders
9 Army Building
o 9.1 What to start with?
They are Soul-Hunting Pirates riding Sea Monsters.
Because you want to play with Dark Eldar in a fantasy setting. Or you like the
Dark Eldar playstyle but want a group that aren't huge assholes.
They are Soul-Hunting Pirates riding Sea Monsters.
Because you want to copy 40K's system of character protection (one of which is
the, here ironically named, Fish of Fury).
They are Soul-Hunting Pirates riding Sea Monsters.
Because you love sea life!
They are Soul-Hunting Pirates riding Sea Monsters.
Because you love an army built around speed, speed and MOAR SPEED! An
all-cavalry army not only benefits those who like all-cavalry armies, but every
unit has the fly special rule. Combine this with the right Enclave and you'll
outrun everybody but Nighthaunt.
They are Soul-Hunting Pirates riding Sea Monsters.
Because you wanted more Dark Souls in your Age of Sigmar.
They are Soul-Hunting Pirates riding Sea Monsters.
Nearly all of your melee units hit like a runaway freight train.
They are Soul-Hunting Pirates riding Sea Monsters.
Because Teclis wasn't a big enough dick already.
Did I mention they are Soul-Hunting Pirates riding Sea Monsters?
You saw the 2018 Aquaman movie and like how the Atlanteans' armies look in
Uh, Soul-Hunting Pirates riding Sea Monsters!
Faction rules and abilities: Battletome Idoneth Deepkin
Matched play rules, battleplans and expansions: Generals Handbook 2020, plus the
battleplans from the Core Book and Endless Spell rules from Malign Sorcery.
Supplement all the above with any Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.
The Idoneth Deepkin Battletome was released in April of 2018, and as such, this is the
third-oldest active Battletome and thus relatively due for an update (Maggotkin of
Nurgle, and Legions of Nagash all predate this one). That said, it was also the last new
battletome released before AOS 2.0, so they very likely had the upcoming game
changes in mind when designing this book. It'll be interesting to see which will end up
coming first, a new Idoneth Deepkin battletome or a new edition of AOS.
Allegiance Abilities
Battle Traits
Forgotten Nightmares: Your Idoneth Deepkin units can only be targeted with
Missile Weapons if they are the closest visible target. Keeps your Heroes safe
from shooting, though not from magic. Also note that you can use allies to
shield your Deepkin with this as the rule stated that the Deepkin unit must be the
closest unit. If there are no Deepkin units in range, then the attack must hit the
non-Deepkin unit.
Tides of Death: Each round, you get a different ability. After the fourth, it
cycles back to 1.
1. Low Tide: Your units count as being in cover. Helps you advance
without making you scramble to terrain.
2. Flood Tide: After running, your units can either shoot or charge (but not
3. High Tide: Units with this trait fight before everyone else in melee At
the start of the combat phase now. Get Shipwrecked, Gristlegore. Also,
there's a bunch of abilities that activate during this turn.
4. Ebb Tide: After falling back, your units can either shoot or charge (but
not both).
1. It's worth noting here that there are two alternate army list choices that
can be made to alter this sequence's order (including taking both together
for a third option):
reversed order (via Tidecaster as General)
Ebb replaced with Flood Tides (via the Fuethán enclave)
both options (meeting both conditions)
The Ethersea: You get to place up to two Etheric Vortex terrain pieces.
Currently, the only existing Etheric Vortex terrain piece is the Gloomtide
Shipwreck, which you can either split into two or buy and place two full ships
of. The shipwrecks give your units a 6+ Save-after-the-save and have a chance
to deal damage to enemies, so they are fairly useful, though less so in a pure
Akhelian army. Errata'd so that the shipwreck must be placed more than 6" away
from objectives or any other shipwreck.
1. Merciless Raider: Can reroll run and charge rolls. Interesting for Steed of Tides
2. Hunter of Souls: Reroll 1s To Wound. Shame this doesn't work on a mount's
attacks, but still nice.
3. Unstoppable Fury: During High Tide, your General adds +2 to his attacks.
Again, shame this doesn't work on mounts, but it still makes an Akhelian King
4. Born From Agony: Your general has 2 more Wounds. Always nice to shrug off
an additional Arcane Bolt.
5. Nightmare Legacy: Enemy units within 12" take -1 Bravery. Not a strong
effect, but in a fairly large bubble, so it evens out.
6. Lord of Storm and Sea: +2 Bravery for Idoneth Deep in units wholly within
12". Since your units aren't exactly blessed with great Bravery, this is pretty
With Broken Realms, we got Mount Traits for Deepmares. Yes, Volturnos' mount
Uasall can take one. One Deepmare may take one trait, for every battalion one
additional Deepmare may take a different trait, so no trait twice and nobody gets two
Also from Broken Realms, one Leviadon may take one trait, for every battalion one
additional Leviadon may take a different trait, so no trait twice and nobody gets two
1. Ancient: You ignore rend of -1, but not -2 or more. This makes the Leviadons
shiny new shell even harder to crack.
2. Denizen of the Darkest Depths: One extra free Mortal Wound for the impact
damage. Specifically states that you still do this extra Mortal Wound if you
failed the roll to trigger Crushing Charge.
3. Reverberating Carapace. Increase the Void Drum's range from 12" to 15".
Akhelian Artefacts
Can be given to an Akhelian Hero (so far only the Akhelian King, because Volturnos
can't get one):
Idoneth Artefacts
Can be given to any Idoneth Deepkin Hero:
1. Rune of the Surging Tide: Use at the start of hero phase once per battle. It has
2 modes: adds 1" movement to all friendly deepkin or takes 1" from all enemies
until your next hero phase. Neither a big buff nor a big debuff. Kinda like a mini
Chronomatic Cogs.
2. Black Pearl: It is the fastest ship with Johnny Depp usually as the captain.
Oops, wrong universe. I mean it gives a 6+ save after the save.
3. Lliandra's Last Lament: Once per battle you can have all friendly deepkin
completely within 18" skip their battleshock test. Very interesting, especially
when running a big unit of Allopexes.
4. Terrornight Venom: Pick a weapon. You can reroll wound rolls of 1 for that
weapon. Also gives a permanent -1 to bravery to things wounded by that
weapon. Not many weapons worth using it on.
5. Cloud of Midnight: Once per battle at the start of any phase the bearer cannot
be targetted for attacks, spells or abilities for that phase. They also cannot use
attacks, spells or abilities that phase either. It could pair great with Forgotten
Nightmares against a shooty heavy army - put the bearer at the front of your
army and activate this in your opponent's shooting phase. The bearer can't be
targeted because of the Cloud, and the rest of your Deepkin can't be targeted
because they're not the closest unit.
6. Whorlshell: Once per battle at the start of your hero phase you can pick an
enemy HERO within 9" and roll 2d6. If you beat their bravery they get -1 to all
hit rolls for the rest of the game. Since most Heroes you'd want to do that to
have high Bravery... just take Brain Barnacles instead.
Isharann Artefacts
Can be given to any Isharann Hero:
1. Steelshell Pearl: Gives a 5+ save after the save against missile weapons.
Interesting if you want a cheap sacrifice to soak up fire thanks to Forgotten
Nightmares, but other than that, it's useless precisely because of Forgotten
2. Mind Flare: Once per battle at the start of combat pick an enemy unit within 3".
They get -1 to hit for that phase. Meh.
3. Dritchleech: All Wizards except Idoneth Deepkin get -1 to casts while within
18". Interesting, but remember that this will affect allied Wizards as well.
4. Auric Lantern: At the start of your shooting phase pick an enemy within 18" in
cover. They dont get cover until your next shooting phase. Not too great, since
your shooting isn't exactly stellar. Except the debuff is not limited to ranged
attacks; it is just applied in the shooting phase!
5. Disharmony Stones: Once per battle at the start of your hero phase you pick up
to 2 enemy heroes within 12" and then the opposing player must make a choice.
1) they roll a dice for each hero picked on a 3+ they take a mortal wound. 2)
They roll a dice for each hero picked and on a 5+ they take d3 mortal wounds. 3)
Each hero picked takes d3 mortal wounds. Then roll a dice, on a 4+ the bearer of
this artifact takes d3. Be very careful with these, as they might end up doing
nothing or doing something and hurting you as well. Also worthless against
armies without many Heroes.
6. Brain Barnacles: Once per battle at the start of your hero phase pick an enemy
hero within 12" and roll 2d6. If the roll is equal or greater than the distance
between them then that Hero gets -1 to hit and spell cast for the rest of the game.
Arcane Artefacts
Can be given to any Idoneth Deepkin Hero who's also a Wizard, so Tidecaster and
Aspect of the Sea only:
1. Arcane Pearl: Gives a 5+ save after the save against mortal wounds. Combines
nicely with both the Aspect of the Sea's inherent toughness and the Tidecaster's
Spirit Guardians. If you dont need another realm, pick Aqshy and get the 4+
mortal wound save item from there (Malign Sorcery Realm Artefacts are no
longer valid in competitive play though).
2. Sands of Infinity: Once per battle you can make a spell last for 2 rounds instead
of one. You must use this before the cast and unbind roll. Very nice.
3. Coral Ring: Gives 1 reroll for casting and 1 reroll for unbinding for the game.
More reliability is never a bad thing.
4. Bauble of Buoyancy: Gives fly and doubles their run roll. Just in case you want
a Tidecaster to keep up with an Akhelian army. Consider picking up the
Thermalrider Cloak from Aqshy instead (again, Malign Sorcery Realm Artefacts
no longer valid).
5. Kraken Tooth: Once per battle in your shooting phase pick an enemy unit
within 12" and visible. Roll a dice and: 1: bearer suffers d3 mortal wounds, 2-5:
enemy suffers D3 mortal wounds, 6: Pick 1 enemy model in the unit. If the
wound characteristic is less than 10 they are slain. If it is 10+ they take 2d6
mortal wounds. The kraken does not mess around.
6. Augury Shells: Once per battle at the start of the hero phase you can roll 2d6.
You can choose to use that result for your casting roll or your enemies
unbinding roll on spells cast by the bearer during that phase. You must choose to
substitute the roll before rolling for the spell/unbind. Very nice. A terrible roll
you can give to the opponent and a good one you keep to yourself. Again, more
Lore of the Deep
1. Steed of Tides: Casting Value 5. Pick a friendly hero that is not a monster
within 6". Remove them from the table and set them up within 24" of their
original spot and outside of 9" of enemies. This counts as their movement in the
movement phase. The Hero does not need to be an Idoneth Deepkin.
2. Abyssal Darkness: Casting Value 5. Friendly deepkin are treated as being
within cover while wholly within 9" of the caster until your next hero phase.
Entirely worthless on your first turn and worthless on any other turn if you have
a Leviadon This is no longer true. In fact, imagine Ishlaen Guard with a
Leviadon plus this spell. Damn near impregnable.
3. Vorpal Maelstrom: Casting Value 6. Pick a spot within 18" of the caster that
they can see. Roll for each enemy unit within 3" of that spot, if the dice is less
than or equal to the number of models in that unit they take d3 mortal wounds.
4. Pressure of the Deeps: Casting Value 7. Pick an enemy they can see within 12"
and roll a dice. If you beat their wound stat they are slain. Interestingly you pick
a model with this, not a unit. So just point at that icon bearer in the Pink Horror
unit to seriously piss your opponent off.
5. Tide of Fear: Casting Value 6. Pick an enemy the caster can see within 12".
Until your next hero phase that unit gets -1 to hit and to bravery. Nice, but
remember that your Aspect of the Sea can do that to D6 units. Better yet,
combine the two to make sure one enemy unit in particular is utterly screwed.
6. Arcane Corrosion: Casting Value 6. This auto targets the closest enemy.
Measure the distance between the caster and that unit. If the distance is: 12" or
less: 1 mortal wound. 13-24": 2 mortal wounds. 25-36": 3 mortal wounds. 37-
48" 4 mortal wounds. Such a weird spell. Interesting in that it is a damage spell
that can be used turn 1, as most damage spells have too short a range for that to
work, but Arcane Corrosion can't just be used turn 1, it's practically guaranteed
to do quite a bit of damage then.
Isharann Rituals
Deepkin can cast 1 ritual a turn. At the start of your hero phase you declare which ritual
you wish to cast, pick an ISHARANN HERO that is more than 9" away from an enemy
and roll 2d6. On a 10+ the ritual succeeds and if not then nothing happens. You get +1
if the caster is within 1" of a Gloomtide Shipwreck, +1 if the caster is a PRIEST (i.e. a
Soulscryer), +1 for each non priest Isharann heroes within 3", and +2 for each priest
Ishaaran hero within 3". This is not a spell and cannot be unbound. They have no range,
they simply affect the game. Be aware that mathematical your have to fish for at least a
+3 for a better then 50/50 chance. So if your planning on needing a ritual to go off try
and get at least two priests and keep them close to keep a floating +3 to cast them that
can be further increased by more heroes or a Shipwreck if you desire.
1. Ritual of Erosion: Until your next hero phase your enemy does not get a cover
bonus. Your go-to if you don't have an Eidolon around. No cover does horrible
things to bulwark armies like Eternal Guard-Wanderers and Freeguild.
2. Ritual of Rousing: Heal 1 Wound on each EIDOLON and they can reroll all
failed hit and casting rolls until your next hero phase. In case you didn't realize,
this is horrifying on an Aspect of the Sea with his two spells per turn.
3. Ritual of Tempest: Until your next hero phase enemy models cannot fly.
Unless the table is littered with terrain, this really only helps against
Kharadron,gloomspite (squigs) and Nighthaunts, but it can be very good against.
Although, shutting down your opponents ability to fly over your units means
that they are going to have to fight through the rest of your army.
Named Characters
Volturnos, High King of the Deep: [270 pts.] An Akhelian King +1. For a
measly 40 points more, Volturnos gets another swing with his weapons and far
better buffs, such as the reroll-aura being extended to 18" and all Deepkin within
that bubble also getting +1 to Bravery. But the real kicker is his shield:
Whenever he's affected by any spell, you can choose to roll a D6 and on a 3+
that spell doesn't affect him (but works normally on everything else). Not only
does that keep him relatively safe from enemy debuffs and damage spells, it also
means you can drop Vorpal Maelstrom on top of him when he's surrounded by
enemies. After Broken Realms: Morathi, he now gets potential access to a
Deepmare Mount Trait, finally balancing out some of the downsides to having to
take a named character as your general for his superior High Tide Command
Lotann, Warden of the Soulledgers: [70 pts.] Aka Octobro. With a fairly
standard Hero statline but slightly above-average damage output thanks to the
Ochtar, he's not too shabby on his own. Especially his 5+ Save-after-the-save is
appreciated since he can't take Artefacts. But what you really take him for is his
buff, giving Deepkin in general +1 Bravery and Namarti in particular the ability
to reroll 1s To Hit in a massive completely within 12" bubble. Note that his
bubble doesn't specify melee, so feel free to use it to boost those Reavers' shots.
That said, if you play mostly Akhelians, then the Akhelian King does the buffing
Akhelian King: [230 pts.] As mentioned above, the generic Akhelian King
pales in comparison to Volturnos, but that doesn't mean he's bad. He's worse at
everything, but can take Traits and Artefacts, which can combine to make him
either tougher or killier or supportier than Volturnos, though never all three
(there is also nothing stopping you from taking one alongside Volturnos if you
really want to). Whatever you pick, the Akhelian King is always a fast,
reasonably tough and extremely killy Hero who provides good support to your
Akhelians. His main weapon is either a Greatsword or a Bladed Polearm; the
latter is better provided you can keep charging (perfect time to take advantage of
Ebb Tide): 2", -2 Rend, and trades one attack for dishing out 3 damage instead
D3 when he charges. If you can't reliably charge each time, the Sword and Spear
actually mathhammer out to very similar damage (we are talking fractions here).
One other thing he has over Volty is that you can stow the Shield and Draw the
Falchion. This lowers his Save to a 4+, but gives you 3, 3+/4+/-/1 Attacks when
when you really want to make sure something is dead.
o (Note: Realm Artefacts from Malign Sorcery are now invalid)... Make
Volturnos jealous of your prowess by giving your Akhelian King the
Incandescent Rageblade from Aqshy. Having 1 of the bearers melee
weapons scores 2 hits instead of 1 PLUS an extra attack profile that can
be buffed by either the King's own Command Ability and/or the
Unstoppable Fury command trait (in High Tide only) will please you.
Isharann Tidecaster: [100 pts.] A fairly survivable support caster with access
to a number of very interesting spells. All in all, you only pick the lass for two
reasons: One, you want a Wizard but don't have enough points for an Aspect of
the Sea. Two, you take her as your general, because she can reverse Tides of
Death. Combined with the Fuethán turning Ebb Tide into Flow Tide, this will
give you a very fast, very aggressive army.
o Another use, that pairs well if your going to have her sit out of combat
and only included because of her ability to flip the tide, is to give the
Arcane Corrosion spell, and use her as a little impromptu artillery piece.
Putting her in the back corner and spamming the spell makes her an
effective choice for throwing some MW downrange.
Isharann Soulscryer: [130 pts.] Count von Count here is a support character
through and through. Fragile, with only milquetoast attacks, but blessed with a
combo of bonus effects in that he can outflank along with 2 other Deepkin units
(3 if you choose the Briomdar enclave) and on top of that the ability to add 3 to
Deepkin charge rolls so long as they charge the one unit he points at. Also
allows for some targetting shenanigans with Forgotten Nightmares, as you can
force your opponent's backfield fire support to shoot your nigh-invulnerable
Ishlaen Guard. Be aware that his special rule, seeker of souls, makes it so that
Idoneth units within 12” have to charge the unit marked with this ability if they
are going to charge anything this turn. You cannot opt out of this bonus, as every
unit within 12 of the target must add 3 inches to their charge.
Eidolon of Mathlann
Aspect of the Storm: [330 pts.] With Broken Realms the Eidolons were finally
revamped and since GW doesn't like updating the warscrolls on their site, that
one is now out of date. The Aspect of the Storm remains the melee fighter he
already was and his tricks are essentially the same. With 12 Wounds and a 3+
save he is happy to get stuck in there and with his two weapons in hand he is
sure to bring the hurt. On the charge he is allowed to heal D3 Wounds, gains a
fifth attack and one extra damage on his Spear and for the kicks he gets to retreat
and charge again. His Stormshoal fish keep their attack, but now also provide
him with a 5+ shrug. Pulling an enemy hero into the deeps no longer makes that
hero worse at hitting and instead allows the Eidolon to hit on 2s with his own
weapons and the Stormshoal on 3's. Why make the return of the enemy worse, if
you can finally kill him outright? Lastly, his Drenched with Hate ability allows
to add 1 to all wound rolls for friendly Idoneth wholly within 18". At 330 points,
this Eidolon is finally playable, blends lesser units and Heros with 8 or less
wounds will fold before his awesome power.
Aspect of the Sea: [330 pts.] You guessed it, this warscroll is now also out of
date. Like his more murderous brother he got blessed with a 5+ shrug. He retains
his vital +3 Bravery bubble, now as wholly within 18". Still very important to
keep those Namarti where they are ought to be. The new Dormant Energies rule
finally allows rerolls for all his magic rolls instead of only one, and if you don't
use any of these rerolls in your hero phase, he gets D3 wounds back. Nice. His
Weapons remain untouched, so while he wont kill as hard as the Aspect of the
Storm, he still makes a good account of himself. As a Wizard, he casts and
unbinds twice and boasts two spells. One either puts D3 Mortal Wounds on an
enemy heals a Idoneth unit for D3 wounds, not bringing anyone back from the
dead though. The other punishes D6 enemy units with a -1 to hit and Bravery
until your next hero phase. He too dropped down to 330 points. Yes, this does
indeed mean that since he was released he dropped by 110 points, a full quarter
of his original cost. He too is finally playable, his biggest weakness being the
short range of his spells.
From Battletome Idoneth Deepkin
Adds a new Command Ability, if the Akhelian King is the general. You can add 3"
move until next hero phase for 3 friendly Idoneth Deepkin within 12" of the Akhelian
King. The Soulscryer and the Tidecaster have to be within 3" of the Akhelian King to
use this. Effectively nerfs the Soulscryer's ability to outflank because he needs to be
within 3" of the King to use the Ability of this Battalion (unless you take an extra
Soulscryer via the Ionrach enclave). Either way, taking the King as general means you
can't reverse the tides with the Tidecaster.
Requires a Akhelian Leviadon, 2-4 units of Akhelian guards and 1-2 units of Akhelian
You can reroll a hit, a wound, a save, a run or a charge roll for one unit of this battalion
wholly within 12" of the big turtle per phase.
The Sylvaneth in the Battalion benefit from Emissary of the Deep Places regardless of
your chosen Enclave.
Essentially a full Start collecting box of Sylvaneth, plus 4 more dyads. Also smart to
buy one Awakened Wyldwood since the Treelord Ancient's ability Silent Communion
gives you one per battle despite your Sylvaneth otherwise not having access to tree
generation. Ideal for an existing Sylvaneth players wanting to branch out to something
new (pun intended). But does it work as an useful army?
Other useful considerations would be that the two Sylvaneth Wizards in the Battalion
don't have access to non-Warscroll spells, and especially considering that the one spell
on the Treelord Ancient's scroll depends on Awakened Wildwoods to be useful, it's
probably wise to take at least one Sylvaneth Endless Spell (or generic one for that
matter) to give them something to do. Furthermore, Dryads are one of those units that
doesn't perform well at their MSU size of 10 (getting a +1 to Save for 10+ models), so
you should go ahead and plan on at least two units of 20 models (if not 30).
Additionally, the added artefact you'll be getting from this Battalion will be wasted if
you don't take at least one additional Idoneth Hero (since these Sylvaneth still count as
Allies for the purposes of doling out artefacts). Finally, since the Allied Dryads don't
actually count as Battleline (despite what Azyr says), you'll either need another unit of
Namarti (if you take the Tidecaster as your general), or one of the Akhelian Kings (to
make the Eels Battleline). Essentially, the Battalion is more for flavor, as it's super
limiting of what you can actually end of taking in a 2000 pt army, but it could still be
fun (especially if they update the Sylvaneth scrolls).
You could add two units of Kurnoth Hunters as allies (given anyone playing this will
most likely have some lying around), but they wouldn't get the Tides Of Death (unless
you went Ionrach).
This gives the Tidecaster the ability to negate the first wound allocation to a model from
the battalion instead of itself.
From Broken Realms: Morathi
Requires an Akhelian King, 1-2 units of Akhelian Allopexes, and locks you into the
Ionrach Enclave
Kind of an interesting battalion choice, if you've ever looked at your sharks and wanted
them to be meat shields for your glorious King. The Akhelian King model becomes a
named character, Nemmetar, and gains the Lord of Storm and Sea command trait. Nice.
BUT ALSO add 1 to hit rolls for your sharks' Barbed Hooks and Blades while wholly
within 12" of Nemmetar. In addition, on a 2+ you can swap wounds from Nemmetar to
Allopex units from the same battalion while they're within 3" of him. It may seem
counter-intuitive to have your super killy sharks taking wounds for your Akhelian King,
but if you're using Nemmetar as an anvil and Allopexes as a hammer with maybe a
Leviadon backing them both up for +1 to saving throws...well, suffice it to say that you
will have Nagash himself weeping that you got a First Cohort battalion that can actually
be used.
From Battletome Idoneth Deepkin
The big one. Once per battle you get an additional High Tide.
The Enclaves
They are akin to the Daughters of Khaine Temples. Each has unique special rules for
your army and allows you to upgrade one of your Warscroll Battalions
Ionrach: The enclave of magic and allies. +1 to cast and unbind rolls for your
Wizards, which, as you know, is invaluable. However, your Command Trait is
locked into the Ionrach-exclusive Emissary of the Deep Places, which provides
your allies access to the Tides of Death rules. Great if you have allies (or
mercenaries), worthless if you don't. On the flip side, seeing as Volturnos' main
drawback as a named general is that he can't take a command trait, if you're
already not bringing allies, this is the perfect time to bring him along and
minimize that drawback. Doesn't really fit the lore so well, but it is what it is...
Also your Royal Council can have up to 2 Soulscryers and Tidecasters. Also
note that with Ionrach, your allies DO NOT gain the benefit of forgotten
nightmares (they still screen your Idoneth units however).
Fuethán: The most aggressive enclave (including the mounts). You reroll 1s To
Wound with your mounts. Also, during Flood Tide all your units reroll 1s To Hit
and Ebb Tide turns into another Flood Tide. You'll really miss that fall back +
charge on turn 4, but in exchange, a Tidecaster can make you super fast by
giving you Flood Tide on turn 1 and High Tide on turn 2. The Tidecaster has to
be the general for that, which locks you out of Akhelians being battleline and
lets you not use the command abilities of the Akhelian Kings. Also, your
Phalanx can contain up to 6 Akhelian Corps. Not that you will ever use a
Nautilar: The most defensive enclave. Your units reroll all failed Hit rolls if
they were charged that turn. Not that your opponent needed more
discouragement from charging your Namarti. Their Tidecasters lose access to
lore spells and instead get Protective Barrier, which targets a friendly unit and
lower the Rend of any enemy attacking them. Also your Akhelian Corps can
have up to 2 Leviadons.
Briomdar: The enclave with the most mobility. Your Soulscryers can take up to
3 units along and place them 18" away instead of 12. Also, your units can move
over terrain (but not enemy units) as if they were flying. Not too great since
most of your army already flies. Also your Namarti Corps can take up to 6 units
of Reavers. Again, it is notable that the Briomdar have no restrictions to their
Note that with an Ionarch army all allies benefit from the Tides of Death rule, which
benefits many allied units in various ways.
Cities of Sigmar: They offer the widest variety out of all the allies, particularly
the aelven forces. Here's a more comprehensive description of what works with
o Word of Pain from a Sorceress helps with -1 to Hit spam in a mage
heavy list. (Just remember that they're susceptible to being sniped out).
o Order Serpentis provide expendable cavalry with good saves to soak up
fire for your Akhelians. A Black Dragon or War Hydra with Ionrach are
good choices for fast heavy hitters and/or shooting.
o While Scourge Privateers would be great thematically, only the
Scourgerunner Chariot is really worth considering from this group (and
there's a lot of bad blood between the two factions lorewise).
o Shadow Warriors can deepstrike, and (if in cover) outshoot Reavers from
afar (though they're less mobile once on the field).
o Wanderers also offer several benefits (though most of the following
description is outdated). A unit of 20 Glade Guard in your army provides
you with a highly reliable "remove lynchpin" button that will likely
enrage your opponents. Sisters of the Thorn are an awesome addition to a
Cavalry army and provide a very nice spell to boot. Eternal Guards re-
roll saves of 1 and 2 if they are in cover, are as fast as Namarti Thralls
and cost 70 points (currently 130) per 10 models (with a super discount
at max size). A Waywatcher has the invisible hunter rule, which gives
shooting units that target him -1 to hit, and can be given to other
Wanderer units within 18" for 1 command point (combine with Tides of
Death to make shooty armies cry).
o Battlemages are excellent support units that can be tailored to your
needs, and the Battlemage on Griffon packs a punch too.
o Phoenix Temple are amazing. Phoenix guard can eat enemy fire with
minimal losses given their 4+ save and a 4+ save-after-the-save. Throw
in a Phoenix Guard Anointed and they not only become fearless but the
Anointed gives you an extra dispel. The Flamespyre Phoenix is also a
great unit, trading the dispel for dropping MW on enemies and a one-use
chance to come back from death on a 4+.
o Ironweld Arsenal Gyrobombers are a good and cheap choice for
dropping MW on enemy units with their bombs, but Gyrocopters with
Steam Guns are both much faster (better able to keep up with IDK flying
units) and have a MUCH more potent close-range, anti-horde missile
Daughters of Khaine: The best option by a long shot. What they bring are
cheap and expendable units of 90 points per 5 Harpies that can Deep Strike in,
and help block shots for the rest of your army via Forgotten Nightmares. 2 Units
of Javelin Harpies, or one unit of Sword Harpies is pretty likely to one shot a 5
wound hero to boot. Doomfire Warlocks are also solid allies for a Cavalry army
and easily able to keep up as well as providing good shooting and a source of
mortal Wounds. Your best bet here is probably a unit of Khinerai, seeing as how
they can deepstrike independently from any other unit, and offer a decently
strong enough attack to help shift an chaff unit off a back field objective. It
doesn't hurt that they are cheap points wise too. The new Khanite
shadowstalkers are quite good as allies, being able to teleport wherever they
want. For a hundred points they are an interesting 9 man objective grabber,
because sometimes your eels can't quite do it alone.
o Alternate Opinion: While Daughters of Khaine are indeed an extremely
powerful force on their own, they don't make very good allies for a
number of reasons. They excel at being an extremely aggressive force
when you pile on their faction bonuses (escalating table, 6+FNP, Temple
abilities, extra prayers, their NUTS spell lore, not to mention any number
of internally consistent abilities and rules) on their own without those
they tend towards being overpriced or fragile. While you might get some
mileage out of a unit of Khinerai or Doomfire Warlocks, you'd probably
be better off with some more Idoneth.
Stormcast Eternals: For a Namarti-heavy army, Liberators or Sequitors make
fantastic cannon fodder when combined with a Lord-Castellant and Forgotten
Nightmares. Other than that, Vanguard-Raptors make for some nice budget
shooting. Fulminators are a nasty addition to any Cavalry heavy army, and
combined with Tides of Death, will get your opponent to flip the table fast. A
Knight Azyros can give your units a reroll 1 to Hit for enemies in 10". Also, a
Knight Vexillor might use his redeploy ability to make your Stormcasts keep up
with your Idoneths. A Celestant-Prime waiting in the heavens to boost his
Attacks characteristic and then dropping in on turn 3 in High Tide (if Ionrach)
can do all kinds of work. Turn 2's not bad either so that you can take advantage
of another Cometstrike.
Sylvaneth: The only things worth considering here are Kurnoth Hunters for
some additional shooting and Tree Revenants for Warmachine hunting without
investing hundreds of points into a Soulscryer and an escort. Additionally, you
might want to consider their Outcasts Battalion (3 units of Spite-Revenants),
which at 280pt for the minimum-sized battalion, will likely remain the cheapest
way to squeeze an extra battalion in. That said, it's currently impossible to field
this in a Deepkin list in Vanguard and meet all of the faction-units-per-allies-
units requirements, so save this for your Battlehost-and-larger games.
Gotrek: Despite costing 520pts, Gotrek can be brought as an ally in any Order
faction even if that's more than the usual allies allowance. It's worth mentioning
for the Ionrach enclave because he'll get the benefit of the Tides. Gotrek's an
absolute beast in melee but is let down by his low movement and the fact he can
never be teleported/ambushed onto the board etc; however, he would love to be
able to run and charge, and retreat and charge, and Ionrach lets him do that.
Bundo Whalebiter: A Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant mercenary available to all
Order factions. Taking him uses up your entire ally points allowance and he
ignores any Behemoth or Hero limitations. A big terrifying centerpiece who can
kick objectives around and instantly kill models by shoving them into his net.
You can choose at the start of the Combat phase for him to fight at the end of the
phase, in exchange for re-rolling failed hit rolls. If you want a big monster that
isn’t the Turtle, then this is your pick.
Lethisian Defenders
From the Forbidden Power expansion, this odd army coalition of Idoneth, Stormcast,
Kharadron, Fyreslayers, and a random Excelsior Warpriest (w/Gryph-Hound) offers you
new Allegiance Ability synergies on a level somewhere between those of the regular
faction-only perks and the super basic list for Grand Alliances. By choosing this
allegiance, all of your units gain the keyword LETHISIAN DEFENDER and gain
access to a couple unique Battle Traits, a Command Ability, 3 Command Traits, 3
Artefacts of Power, and 3 Prayers (arguably the focal point of the Allegiance). Unlike
simply taking allies in an otherwise Idoneth list, which is limited by the 1:4 unit ratio
rule and (in Pitched Battles) the ≤ 20% pts rule, this allegiance allows you to take
basically whatever you want from the four armies (two of which you previously had no
access to without pulling back to basic Grand Alliance: Order), with the following
Otherwise, all other units from the four armies are legal, though of course it makes
sense to lean in on priests since all priests in your army gain a free prayer that, like most
prayers in the game, goes off on a 3+ and can't be unbound. Also, one of the Command
Abilities makes your non-priest general a priest as well, or gives a priest-general access
to another prayer. Currently, in addition to the Excelsior Warpriest (a fantastically
efficient option with a solid prayer of his own and able to unbind one spell per enemy
hero phase), the four armies offer us access to the following priests:
all units can re-roll Battleshock tests (sadly mostly redundant for all Idoneth
squads except Allopexes)
all Human and Duardin units get +1 to-Hit in melee against enemies that
charged them (on that turn)
all Akhelian units get +1" Move and +1 on charge rolls, but sadly doesn't help
Command Ability: only works for Liberators wholly within 12" of a Stormcast
Hero (gives them +1 Save in exchange for not being able to pile-in) [meh]
you no longer benefit from any of the army's Allegiance-specific synergies
(most-notably here, Tides of Death and Forgotten Nightmares), but you get to
have fun allying with Duardin, more Stormcast, and have some Priestly fun!
there's no specific lore to the army (besides the prayers), but if you want
Wizards, you can always take Endless Spells or use the one Realm Spell from
GHB20 (same goes for one extra artefact)
unfortunately, there's no fix if you don't like the 3 Command Traits
no new Warscroll Battalions, but you're allowed to use any of the existing ones
Army Building
There aren't a ton of options for building diverse armies since the Idoneth model line
consists of 8 Leaders, 5 units with only one unconditional battleline and a behemoth.
However with the addition of Enclaves your army will perform a bit differently and
allows for a small but not insignificant level of specialization.
As the name suggest, the Start Collecting! kit is a great way to start your
collection, giving you 10 Thralls, 3 Eels and one Soulrender.
Battleforce box being released for Holidays 2018. $170 (USD) will net you a
Tidecaster, 10 Namarti Thralls, 10 Namarti Reavers, 3 Eel guard riders of your
choice, and 2 Allopexes. Not a bad variety to start with, and is over a hundred
dollars in savings, if you can somehow get your hands on it.
Grab an Akhelian King kit and build either Volturnos or the stock King model.
Both are fine, though Volturnos outperforms his nameless counterpart before
taking Artefacts and Command Traits into consideration. Either model is a fine
addition to your army. Better yet, pick up the Broken Realms: Morathi Battalion
Box for the Bloodsurf Hunt, which includes not only the Akhelian King kit, but
also two Allopexes, all useable in a new Battalion that's actually solid
(especially if FAQ'd out of being subfaction-locked to Ionrach).