Lesson 02 Introduction To Basic Concept in Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Lesson 02 Introduction To Basic Concept in Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Lesson 02 Introduction To Basic Concept in Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Basic Concept in Nutrition and Diet Therapy: elements, our environment, food supply, population, and
Lesson 2: Introduction to Basic Concept in Nutrition scientific knowledge. A realistic study of nutrition in human
and Diet Therapy health must focus on health promotion. A primary basis for
promoting health and preventing disease must always be a
Introduction: “To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is wholesome food supply for all persons and the sound nutrition
an art.” ~ La Rochefoucauld. it provides.
The effective management of food intake and It is always the goal of the government to have a
nutrition are both key to good health. Smart nutrition and food happy, healthy community. One way to achieve this is through
choices can help prevent diseases. Eating the right foods can good nutrition. This goal tends to failed because of lack of
help your body cope more successfully with an ongoing illness. knowledge and nutrition information in spite of so many
Understanding good nutrition and paying attention to what you government agencies involved in nutrition program.
eat can help you maintain or improve your health.
Many families serve inadequate meals because of lack
Food and nutrition are the way that we get fuel, of knowledge as to what a proper diet consist of. We will
providing energy for our bodies. We need to replace nutrients analyze the problems identified in the following areas:
in our bodies with a new supply every day. Thus, water is an 1. Rural and depressed areas — the problem is due to lack of
important component of nutrition as well. Fats, proteins, and quality food contributed to lack of knowledge and lack of
carbohydrates are all required. Maintaining key vitamins and nutrition information.
minerals are also important to maintaining good health and 2. In urban areas - most affluent families experienced
body continuum. inadequacies in terms of the amount and kind of food selection
necessary to provide good nutrition contributed to improper or
wrong choices of buying food.
Hence, diet therapy is the branch of dietetics
concerned with the use of foods for therapeutic purpose. It is a
When the problems are of both quality and quantity
method of eating a prescribed diet by a physician or
which contributed to lack of knowledge, lack of nutrition
Nutritionist Dietitian to improve health. Diet therapy usually
information, lack of money due to poverty, this problem refers
involves the modification of an existing dietary lifestyle to
to as hollow hunger.
promote optimum health. It is a branch of dietetics related
When the problem is only quality which is contributed
with the use of food for therapeutic purposes. It is ordered to
to lack of knowledge and lack of nutrition information, this
maintain, restore and correct nutritional status, to decrease
problem refers to as hidden hunger.
calorie for weight control, provide extra calorie for weight gain.
Whatever the problem, either hallow hunger or
It also balances amount of carbohydrate, protein, fats and
hidden hunger, your health as health worker or as a nurse is
other nutrient for diet modification and disease prevention.
indispensable. Also it is your role in the community to give
nutrition information. Therefore, the reason why it is included
Topic Outline:
in your curriculum since you are expected to be equipped with
I. Introduction to Basic Concept in Nutrition and Diet therapy.
basic knowledge on nutrition principles and concepts.
A. Basic Concept in Nutrition
A.1. Nutrition and Its Importance to Human Health
A.2.The benefits of the study of nutrition on individual A.2.The study of nutrition will benefit on individual for
A.3.Basic Concept in Nutrition: the following reasons:
A.3.1.Important Terms 1. Responsibility of yourself — you will personally benefit by
A.3.2. Nutrient Classification feeling and looking better to be able to meet the demands of
B. Basic Concepts in Diet therapy your profession and set on example for others.
B.1. Important Terms 2. Responsibility to your family — planning and preparing
B.2.Basic Concept in Diet therapy better meals for the family, helping child develop good food
eating habits, guiding an elderly person in making adjustment
A.Basic Concept in Nutrition: in his diet.
A.1.Nutrition and Its Importance to Human Health 3. Responsibility as a nurse or health worker — nutrition is
Nutrition is rapidly emerging as a vital component in essential part of a total care of the patient.
health care and in our developing national health policies to 4. Responsibility as a citizen — as a nurse or health worker
meet human needs. A sound base of nutrition knowledge and many people look to you as an example and ask for and advice
skills is fundamental relating to a personal concern for your
own health and fitness, or a professional educational concern
for the health and health care of others.
Dietetic Technician
a) Assist either the administrative or clinical dietitian whenever
b) Usually checks in-coming food and equipment, helps plan
menus, bring food service in wards, work out personnel
schedules, complies educative materials, and helps in food