VDMA Broschüre 2011 en
VDMA Broschüre 2011 en
VDMA Broschüre 2011 en
45 Rail
49 Test cycles
54 Fuels
56 Conversion formulas
59 Glossary
This brochure is for information only. It does not replace any official
laws, regulations or standards.
nn NOx
1/min [g/kWh]
Stage I, beginning from 1. 1. 2000
< 130 17.0
130 ≤ nn < 2000 45.0 • nn(-0.2)
≥ 2000 9.8
Stage II, beginning from 1. 1. 2011
< 130 14.4
130 ≤ nn < 2000 44.0 • nn(-0.23)
≥ 2000 7.7
Stage III, beginning from 1. 1. 2016A in Emission Control Areas (ECAs)
< 130 3.4
130 ≤ nn < 2000 9 • nn(-0.2)
≥ 2000 2.0
Review of date of entry into force in 2012.
IMO, NOX-Curve
16 Tier I
Tier II, from 1 January 2011
14 Tier III, from 1 January 2016
NOx (g/kWh)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Speed (1/min)
In SOx-Emission-Control-Areas (SECAs)
•1.50 % (15.000 ppm) before 1 July 2010
•1.00 % (10.000 ppm) beginning from 1 July 2010
•0.10 % (1.000 ppm) beginning from 2015
•Alternatives (e.g. scrubber) are allowed
Fuel sulfur content (%)
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
The emission limits are valid for propulsion engines of inland waterway
vessels in EU watercourses (Nonroad Directive 97/68/EC, amended by
2004/26/EC). The limits and the classification of the engines correspond
to stage 2 (Tier 2) of the US-EPA Final Rule for inland marine vessels.
EU – Recreational crafts
The directive 94/25/EC (as amended by 2003/44/EC) includes
construction and design prescriptions for recreational crafts from 2.5
to 24 m hull length and personal water crafts. The limits are valid for
new propulsion engines, which will be installed or are specifically
intended for installation in these crafts, as well as for already built in
engines, that undergo major engine modifications, which potentially
cause the engine to exceed the limits or increase the rated power by
more than 15%. The directive does not apply for submersibles, air
cushion vehicles, hydrofoils, racing boats (intended solely for racing),
experimental craft (provided that they are not subsequently placed on
the Community market), craft specially intended to be crewed and to
carry passengers for commercial purposes and original historical craft
and individual replicas of craft designed before 1950.
• The limits are valid for all engines with a rated power (Pn) at or
above 37 kW, which are installed in vehicles or machines aboard,
unless there are no corresponding directives of the EU which affect
the emission of gaseous pollutants or air particulates.
• For engines with a rated power less than 130 kW, the limits
correspond to EU Directive 97/68/EC (mobile machinery), stage 1.
• For engines with a rated power of more than 130 kW and a rated
speed between 500 and 2800 rpm, the NOx limit corresponds to
the IMO convention.
• Test cycle: ISO 8178-4, E2/E3/D2/C1 (according to engine
• Test condition: air temperature 25°C /water temperature 25°C
Smoke limit for diesel engines: The Bosch-Unit may not exceed 4.0 for
naturally aspirated engines and 3.0 for supercharged engines.
Tier 1:
Power and speed Model NOx HC-NOx PM CO
displacement min-1 year g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
Pn < 8 kW – 2000 – 10.5 1.0 8.0
8 kW ≤ Pn – 2000 – 9.5 0.8 6.6
Small < 19 kW
19 kW ≤ Pn – 1999 – 9.5 0.8 5.5
< 37 kW
nn ≥ 2000 2004 9.8 – – –
C1, C2, Pn ≥ 37 kW
C3, 130 ≤ nn < 2004 45 • nn -0.2
– – –
Rec. und Vh,z ≥ 2.5 l 2000
nn < 130 2004 17.0 – – –
Tier 2:
Power Model HC+NOx PM CO
Cat.* Cylinder displacement
kW year g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
– Pn < 8 2005 7.5 0.8 8.0
Small – 8 ≤ Pn < 19 2005 7.5 0.8 6.6
– 19 ≤ Pn < 37 2004 7.5 0.6 5.5
Vh, z < 0.9 Pn ≥ 37 2005 7.5 0.4 5.0
C1 0.9 l ≤ Vh, z < 1.2 l – 2004 7.2 0.3 5.0
1.2 l ≤ Vh, z < 2.5 l – 2004 7.2 0.2 5.0
2.5 l ≤ Vh, z < 5 l – 2007 7.2 0.2 5.0
5 l ≤ Vh, z < 15 l – 2007 7.8 0.27 5.0
15 l ≤ Vh, z < 20 l Pn < 3300 2007 8.7 0.5 5.0
15 l ≤ Vh, z < 20 l Pn ≥ 3300 2007 9.8 0.5 5.0
20 l ≤ Vh, z < 25 l – 2007 9.8 0.5 5.0
25 l ≤ Vh, z < 30 l – 2007 11.0 0.5 5.0
Vh, z < 0.9 l Pn ≥ 37 2007 7.5 0.4 5.0
0.9 l ≤ Vh, z < 1.2 l Pn ≥ 37 2006 7.2 0.3 5.0
1.2 l ≤ Vh, z < 2.5 l Pn ≥ 37 2006 7.2 0.2 5.0
2.5 l ≤ Vh, z < 5.0 l Pn ≥ 37 2009 7.2 0.2 5.0
* No Tier-2-Standards for Category 3
Russia – Marine
Carbon monoxide Hydrocarbon NOx
CO [g/kWh] HC [g/kWh] [g/kWh]
< 1 Jan 2000 6.0 2.4 17.0
The emission limit values are valid for stationary engine driven power
plants (gas and diesel engines) with 3–50 MWth (at 15% residual
The emission limits will come into force for stationary engine driven
power plant financed by World Bank in a country where no national
emission limit values for those installations exist or where limits are
available but less strict than those stipulated by World Bank.
Emission bonuses for NOx are granted for power plants with high
efficiency (currently no World Bank definition, will be set project
related). The emission limit values are to be met for power plants that
are operated more than 500 hours per year.
Gas engines
Operation mode / PM SO2 NOx
bore [mm] mg/mn3 mg/mn3 mg/mn3
spark ignition – – 200
Dual Fuel-Mode – – 400
compression ignition – – 1600
Diesel engines
Bore [mm]
mg/mn3 mg/mn3 mg/mn3
< 400 1460
< 400 and high efficiency 50 or 100A 1.5–3 % S B 1600
≥ 400 mm 1850
if justified by project specific considerations (e. g. Economic feasibility of
using lower ash content fuel, or adding secondary treatment to meet 50,
and available environmental capacity of the site)
if justified by project specific considerations (e. g. Economic feasibility of
using lower S content fuel, or adding secondary treatment to meet levels of
using 1.5 percent sulphur, and available environmental capacity of the site)
When host country regulations differ from the levels and measures
presented in the EHS Guidelines, projects are expected to achieve
whichever is more stringent. If less stringent levels than those
provided in these EHS Guidelines are appropriate a detailed
justification is needed as part of the site-specific environmental
SI 200
Natural gas – –
CI, DF 400C
CI / < 400 1460
Liquid fuels 1170 or
50 ≤ P < 300 CI / ≥ 400 50
< 2% S D 1850
DF 2000
Liquid fuels 585 or
– 50 740
P ≥ 300 < 1% S D
30% higher
Biofuels/gaseous limits than
those for
fuels other than – 50 –
natural gas natural gas
and liquid
dry gas excess 15% O2 content
SI=Spark Ignition, CI=Compression Ignition, DF=Dual Fuel
Compression Ignition (CI) engines may require different emissions values
which should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis through the
environmental assessment process.
S%=fuel sulfur content
Gasmotoren, P ≥ 50MWth
Category NOx* CO*
mg/mn3 mg/mn3
Permit before 7 January 2013 or application before 7 January
100 100
2013 for operation not later than 7 January 2014
Permit or application after 7 January 2013 75 100
* dry gas excess 15% O2 content
• Excepted are gas engines for emergency use (<500 h/a) and on
offshore platforms.
• For diesel engines no limits have been published.
• For all combustion plants covered by this Directive, Member States
shall, from 1 January 2016, establish an annual inventory of the
Gas engines
Gas type Engine type
mg/mn3 mg/mn3
Lean mix engine 300 500
Natural gas
Others 300 250
Lean mix engine 650 500
Pit gas
Others 650 250
<3 2000 1000
Biogas / Jet ignition
≥3 650 500
gas <3 1000 500
Spark ignition
≥3 650 500
Lean mix engine 650 500
Landfill gas
Others 650 250
Diesel engines
MWth Dust CO NOx
mg/mn3 mg/mn3 mg/mn3
<3 20 300 1000
≥3 20 300 500
The Belgian law Vlarem 2 regulates the emission limit values of
permanently installed stationary (gas and diesel) engines subject to
their operating hours per year. The law distinguishes furthermore in
engines that have been installed before 31 December 2007 and after
1 January 2008. The emission limit values are given in mg/mn3 and
related to 5 % residual oxygen.
Category NOx CO
Gas engine mg/mn3 mg/mn3
first licence for operation granted
– 2600
before 1 January 2000
first licence for operation granted on
500 • η/30 650
or after 1 January 2000
The emission guideline of the Finish environmental protection agency
from October 2003 defines limits on SO2-, NOx- and particle emissions
of small combustion plants, which shall be reached by using so called
“best available techniques”. A small combustion plant within this
regulation means a plant unit, consisting of one or more combustion
components (steam boilers, engines, gas turbines) on a single location
with MWth < 50 and a flue gas evacuation through a common stack.
This guideline is not a law, only a recommendation, because in
Finland local authorities assign the operating licence for plants of this
size. The authorities should orientate on the following limits. All limits
refer to a 15 % residual oxygen content in the exhaust gas.
There are no specific test-cycles. The limits are given for 100 % load as
maximum measured values or as values, which can be reached if the
reduction of the emissions is based on a “best available technique”.
The French Arrêté 2910 defines emission limits for stationary diesel
engines and gas engines.
Limit values
Operating time Power NOx CO NMHC Dust
h/year MWth mg/mn3 mg/mn3 mg/mn3 mg/mn3
Nat. Liquid Dual
gas fuel Fuel
20–100 350 1000 1000 650 150 100
> 500
> 100 250 600 750 650 150 100
20–100 875 2500 2500 650 150 100
≤ 500
> 100 625 1500 1875 650 150 100
The Central Environmental Protection Agency, which is mandated by
the Ministry of Environment and Forest, is responsible for the
emission limit regulation. The following content refers to diesel
engines for power generation.
Limit values for engines with more than 800 kW rated power
Date of order
ppmV mg/mn3 mg/mn3 mg/mn3
1100 150 150 75
1 July 2003
1 July 2003 and 970 100 150 75
1 July 2005
Internal combustion engines < 50 MWth
Engine type MWth
mg/ mn3 mg/mn3 mg/mn3
P<3 130 650 4000
P≥3 130 650 200
other 4 stroke 130 650 500
other 2 stroke 130 650 800
Diesel engines
NOx NOx Particulates Particulates
ppm mg/mn3 mg/mn3 mg/mn3
(13 % O2) (5 % O2) (13 % O2) (5 % O2)
< 400 950 3900 100* 200
≥ 400 1200 4900 100* 200
* In certain regions 80 mg/m n3 (13 % O2)
Gas engines
NOx NOx Particulates Particulates
ppm (0 % O2) mg/mn3 (5 % O2) mg/mn3 (0 % O2) mg/mn3 (5 % O2)
600 940 50* 38
* In certain regions 40 mg/mn3 (0 % O2)
The BEMS has been set in force on 1 April 2010 for medium sized
installations (1 MWth < p < 50 MWth) with more than 500 running
hours per year. It replaces BEES B, while BEES A applies for big emitters
over 50 MWth. Existing installations have to comply 1 January 2017 or
when installation gets changed.
According to the Clean Air Directive (Luftreinhalteverordnung) dated
16 December 1985 (status: 12 July 2005) the following emission limits
are valid for stationary combustion engines with a thermal capacity of
more than 100 kW per engine:
NOx CO Dust
Fuel type
mg/mn3 mg/mn3 mg/mn3
Gas fuels* 400 650 50
Other fuels 250 650 50
* Biogas, purification gas, landfill gas, natural gas
Czech Republic
The current Czech emission regulation for stationary engines has
been updated with the order 146/2007 Coll. The new emission limit
values in the order came into force on 1 January 2008. The emission
regulation sets limits for existing installations, that have been
developed and constructed before 17 May 2006 and furthermore new
installations whose development and construction has been started
after 17 May 2006.
• The emission limit values are valid for non-emergency diesel engines
nn NOx
1/min [g/kWh]
Engines installed prior to 1 January 2012
< 130 17.0
130 ≤ nn < 2000 45.0 • nn(-0.2)
≥ 2000 9.8
Engines installed after 1 January 2012
< 130 14.4
130 ≤ nn < 2000 44.0 • nn(-0.23)
≥ 2000 7.7
Engines installed after 1 January 2016
< 130 3.4
130 ≤ nn < 2000 9 • nn(-0.2)
≥ 2000 2.0
• The EPA is revising the fuel sulfur standards for stationary CI engines
≥ 30 l/cyl to a 1,000 ppm sulfur level beginning on 1 June 2012
• Partical emissions not higher than for natural gas with sulphur
content of 1 grain / 100 scf (= PM < 0,5 mg/kWh)
Stationary SI engines ≥ 100 bhp (except gasoline and rich burn LPG),
stationary SI landfill/digester gas engines and stationary emergency
engines > 25 bhp
Max. engine Manu- g/HP-hr g/HP-hr g/HP-hr
Engine type and fuel
power [bhp] factur date (ppmvd at (ppmvd at (ppmvd at
15 % O2) 15 % O2) 15 % O2)
Non-emergency SI 2.0 4.0 1.0
natural gas and non- (160) (540) (86)
100 ≤ P < 500
emergency SI 1.0 2.0 0.7
lean burn LPG (82) (270) (60)
2.0 4.0 1.0
Non-emergency SI lean (160) (540) (86)
500 ≤ P < 1350
burn natural gas and LPG 1.0 2.0 0.7
(82) (270) (60)
Non-emergency SI 2.0 4.0 1.0
natural gas and non- (160) (540) (86)
emergency SI lean burn P ≥ 500
LPG (except lean burn 1.0 2.0 0.7
(82) (270) (60)
500 ≤ HP < 1350)
3.0 5.0 1.0
(220) (610) (80)
P < 500
Landfill and digester gas 2.0 5.0 1.0
(except lean burn (150) (610) (80)
3.0 5.0 1.0
500 ≤ HP < 1350) 1.7.2007
(220) (610) (80)
P ≥ 500
2.0 5.0 1.0
(150) (610) (80)
3.0 5.0 1.0
Landfill and digester (220) (610) (80)
500 ≤ P < 1350
gas lean burn 2.0 5.0 1.0
(150) (610) (80)
10.0** 387 –
25 < P < 130
(–) (–) (–)
Emergency 1.1.2009
2.0 4.0 1.0
P ≥ 130
(160) (540) (86)
P < 100 – –
100 ≤ P < 300 – 230* ppm CO
300 ≤ P ≤ 500 49 ppm CO* or 70% CO reduction
P > 500** 23 ppm CO* or 70% CO reduction
* At 15% residual oxygen.
** Engines in major sources constructed or reconstructed before 19 December
• Engines > 300 bhp must use Ultra-low-Sulfur-Diesel (ULSD), except
in Alaska.
• Systems preventing emissions from the crankcase have to be installed.
EU – Nonroad-Directive
97/68/EC (as amended by 2004/26/EC)
Diesel engines
Power Pn NOx HC CO Particulates Date*
kW g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
Stage I
37 ≤ Pn < 75 9.2 1.3 6.5 0.85 Apr 99
75 ≤ Pn < 130 9.2 1.3 5.0 0.70 1999
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 9.2 1.3 5.0 0.54 1999
Stage II
18 ≤ Pn < 37 8.0 1.5 5.5 0.8 2001
37 ≤ Pn < 75 7.0 1.3 5.0 0.4 2004
75 ≤ Pn < 130 6.0 1.0 5.0 0.3 2003
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 6.0 1.0 3.5 0.2 2002
Stage III A
19 ≤ Pn < 37 7.5 5.5 0.6 2007
37 ≤ Pn < 75 4.7 5.0 0.4 2008
75 ≤ Pn < 130 4.0 5.0 0.3 2007
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 4.0 3.5 0.2 2006
Stage III B
37 ≤ Pn < 56 4.7 5.0 0.025 2013
56 ≤ Pn < 75 3.3 0.19 5.0 0.025 2012
75 ≤ Pn < 130 3.3 0.19 5.0 0.025 2012
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 2.0 0.19 3.5 0.025 2011
Stage IV
56 ≤ Pn < 130 0.4 0.19 5.0 0.025 Oct 2014
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 0.4 0.19 3.5 0.025 2014
* Date for placing the engine on the market, type approval one year earlier
On 13 July 2011 the Brazilian Environmental Council (CONAMA) has
published Resolution No. 433, the first regulation on emissions from
new agricultural and construction machinery. The limits are
equivalent to EC stage IIIA for mobile machinery.
Power Pn HC + NOx CO PM
kW* g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
19 ≤ Pn < 37 7,5 5,5 0,6
37 ≤ Pn < 75 4,7 5,0 0,4
75 ≤ Pn < 130 4,0 5,0 0,3
130 ≤ Pn < 560 4,0 3,5 0,2
Dates of introduction:
• Construction machinery ≥ 37 kW from 1 January 2015, between 19
and 37 kW from 1 January 2017
• Agricultural machinery ≥ 75 kW from 1 January 2017, between 19
and 75 kW from 1 January 2019
On 21 September 2006 the emission limit values for diesel engine
driven mobile machinery in India have been published and came into
• Test cycle: ISO 8178 part 4 C1-8 and ISO 8178 part 4 D2-5
• The test shall be on engine dynamometer.
• The test procedure for measurement of gross power (without fan)
shall be as per Part IV of MoSRTH/CMVR/TAP-115/116 Issue No. 3.
• The test procedure for measurement of emission of visible
and gaseous pollutants and Particulate Matter shall be as per
MoSRTH/CMVR/TAP-115/116 Part X (sub part B).
• The emission of visible pollutants shall not exceed the limit values
given in sub-rule (3) of rule 115A when tested on engine
dynamometer at eighty per cent load at six speeds as per sub-rule
(3) of rule 115A.
• To meet the Bharat Stage III (CEV) standards with effect from
1 April 2011 engine manufacturer may opt for an engine test as
mentioned in the table below for evaluating deterioration factors
as per Annex V of Part X, sub part B of MoSRTH/CMVR/TAP-
115/116 issue No. 3.
• There shall be no relaxation of norms for COP (Conformity of
production) purposes.
• COP selection procedure shall be as per MoSRTH/CMVR/TAP-
115/116 Part VI.
• COP-frequency:
a) for equipment with annual production up to 200:
once in two years per engine family.
b) for equipment with annual production exceeding 200:
once in every year per engine family
Power band [kW]
Emission resistance
< 19 3000
19 < P < 37 (constant speed) 3000
19 < P < 37 (variable speed) 5000
> 37 8000
Deterioration factors
1.10 1.05 1.05 1.1
Emission limit values stipulated by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism (MLIT) for “Special Motor Vehicles” and by MLIT,
Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI) for “Nonroad Motor Vehicles”:
Date for
Power Pn CO NOX HC PM Smoke imported
kW g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh % machines and
Stage I
19 ≤ Pn < 37 5.0 8.0 1.5 0.80 40 Oct. 03 –
37 ≤ Pn < 56 5.0 7.0 1.3 0.40 40 Oct. 03 –
56 ≤ Pn < 75 5.0 7.0 1.3 0.30 40 Oct. 03 –
75 ≤ Pn < 130 5.0 6.0 1.0 0.30 40 Oct. 03 –
130 ≤ Pn < 560 3.5 6.0 1.0 0.20 40 Oct. 03 –
Stage II
19 ≤ Pn < 37 5.0 6.0 1.0 0.40 40 Oct. 07 01. Sep. 08
37 ≤ Pn < 56 5.0 4.0 0.7 0.30 35 Oct. 08 01. Sep. 09
56 ≤ Pn < 75 5.0 4.0 0.7 0.25 30 Oct. 08 01. Sep. 10
75 ≤ Pn < 130 5.0 3.6 0.4 0.20 25 Oct. 07 01. Sep. 08
130 ≤ Pn < 560 3.5 3.6 0.4 0.17 25 Oct. 06 01. Sep. 08
Turkey has adopted the emission limit values of the European non-
road Directive 97/68/EC. Differing are solely the dates of coming into
force of stages I – IIIA.
Power Pn g/kWh CO PM
g/kWh Date*
[kW] g/kWh g/kWh
Stage I (Faz I)
37 ≤ Pn < 75 9.2 1.3 6.5 0.85 5 Apr 2003
75 ≤ Pn < 130 9.2 1.3 5.0 0.70 5 Apr 2003
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 9.2 1.3 5.0 0.54 5 Apr 2003
Stage II (Faz II)
18 ≤ Pn < 37 8.0 1.5 5.5 0.8 2007
37 ≤ Pn < 75 7.0 1.3 5.0 0.4 2007
75 ≤ Pn < 130 6.0 1.0 5.0 0.3 2007
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 6.0 1.0 3.5 0.2 2007
Stage III A (Faz IIIA)
19 ≤ Pn < 37 7.5 5.5 0.6 2010
37 ≤ Pn < 75 4.7 5.0 0.4 2010
75 ≤ Pn < 130 4.0 5.0 0.3 2010
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 40 3.5 0.2 2010
Stage III B (Faz IIIB)
37 ≤ Pn < 56 4.7 5.0 0.025 2013
56 ≤ Pn < 75 3.3 0.19 5.0 0.025 2012
75 ≤ Pn < 130 3.3 0.19 5.0 0.025 2012
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 2.0 0.19 3.5 0.025 2011
Stage IV (Faz IV)
56 ≤ Pn < 130 0.4 0.19 5.0 0.025 Oct 2014
130 ≤ Pn ≤ 560 0.4 0.19 3.5 0.025 2014
* Date for placing on the market.
Particulate Matter
Emissions should also not exceed the number of 1 x 1012 particles with
diameters> 23 nm per kWh. Requirements for particle filter systems
are also prescribed in the regulation.
EU – Rail
The directive 97/68/EC (as amended by 2004/26/EC) applies for
compression ignition engines installed on railway vehicles with a
rated power of more than 130 kW for propulsion engines, and at least
19 kW for engines running at constant speed. For engines that are
operated at constant speed the limits apply as of 31 December 2006.
• No stage I and II
• Test cycle: ISO 8178-4, C1 (railcars) respectively F
• Test condition: air temperature 25°C
• As of stage IIIB there are limits in the performance map (NTE).
• Compliance with the limits must be demonstrated over the useful
lifetime of the engine.
Stage Date
Speed nn g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
Pn > 560 kW 6.0 0.6 2.5 0.25 1 Jan 2003
Pn > 560 kW
9.5 0.8 3.0 0.25 1 Jan 2003
UIC II nn > 1000 rpm
Pn > 560 kW
9.9 0.8 3.0 0.25 1 Jan 2003
nn ≤ 1000 rpm
Russia – Locomotives
Carbon monoxide Hydrocarbon NOx
CO [g/kWh] HC [g/kWh] [g/kWh]
< 1 Jan 2000 6.0 2.4 18.0
≥ 1 Jan 2000 3.0 1.0 12.0
On 6 May 2008 the US EPA has published the final rule “40 CFR Parts 9,
85, et al.” for locomotive engines less than 30 liters per cylinder. This law
regulates the emission limit values for all rail diesel engines.
Line-haul Locomotives
Engine category Take effect in year [g/bhp-hr] [g/bhp-hr] [g/bhp-hr]
Remanufactured Tier 0 without 2008, as available
0.22 8.0 1.00
separate loop intake air cooling 2010 required
Remanufactured Tier 0 with 2008, as available
0.22 7.4 0.55
separate loop intake air cooling 2010 required
2008, as available
Remanufactured Tier 1 0.22 7.4 0.55
2010 required
2008, as available
Remanufactured Tier 2 0.10 5.5 0.30
2013 required
New Tier 3 2012 0.10 5.5 0.30
New Tier 4 2015 0.03 1.3 0.14
Switch-haul locomotives
Engine category Take effect in year [g/bhp-hr] [g/bhp-hr] [g/bhp-hr]
2008, as available
Remanufactured Tier 0 0.26 11.8 2.10
2010 required
2008, as available
Remanufactured Tier 1 0.26 11.0 1.20
2010 required
2008, as available
Remanufactured Tier 2 0.13 8.1 0.60
2013 required
The rule 97/68/AT (2004/26/AT) is valid for rail vehicles propelled with
diesel engines with 130 kW (propulsion engine).
The dates of coming into force for the emission stage Faz IIIA are both
for locomotives and railcars consistently in 2010. That is 1–4 years
after the appropriate dates in the EU legislation. The dates for the
emission stage Faz IIIB are indentical with the appropriate dates in the
EU legislation.
ISO 8178
• Part 4 of ISO 8178 deals with the test cycles for different non-road
engine applications.
• The test cycles for the measurement and evaluation of gaseous and
particulate exhaust emissions in reciprocating internal combustion
engines are established, if the power is determined with a dynamometer.
• The tests are carried out under steady state operation.
• Engines for motor vehicles primarily designed for road use are excluded.
• The engine has to warm-up to the rated power used in the test
cycle, according to the recommendations of the manufacturer,
to stabilise the engine operating-parameters.
• The test conditions are established in ISO 8178-1 and ISO 8178-2.
D Constant speed
D1 Gensets, irrigation pumps
D2 Units with intermittent load
E Marine engines
E1 Diesel engines for craft less than 24 m, except engines for
tug/push boats
E2 Heavy-duty, constant-speed engines for marine propulsion,
without restriction of vessel length
E3 Heavy-duty engines running on the propeller curve for marine
main propulsion, without restriction of vessel length,
E4 Spark-ignition engines for craft less than 24 m, except engines
for tug/push boats
E5 Diesel engines for craft less than 24 m, except for tug/push
F Rail engines
G Engines with a rated power usually less than 20 kW, for utility,
lawn and garden equipment
G1 Non hand-held applications with intermediate speed
G2 Non hand-held applications with rated speed
G3 Hand-held applications with rated speed
Intermediate speed:
• For engines which are designed to operate over a speed range on a
full-load torque curve, the intermediate speed shall be the declared
maximum torque speed if it occurs between 60 % and 75 % of
rated speed.
• If the declared maximum torque speed is less than 60 % of rated
speed, then the intermediate speed shall be 60 % of the rated
• If the declared maximum torque speed is greater than 75 % of the
rated speed then the intermediate speed shall be 75 % of rated
• For engines which are not designed to operate over a speed range
on the full load torque curve at steady state conditions, the
intermediate speed will typically be between 60 % and 70 % of the
maximum rated speed.
• For engines to be tested on cycle G1, the intermediate speed shall
be 85 % of the maximum rated speed.
US – Smoke test
(commercial vehicles and nonroad engines)
EU – Directives 98/70/EC
(as amended by 2003/17/EC) and 2005/33/EC
Cetane number 51 –
Density at 15°C kg/m3 – 845
Boiling characteristics:
°C – 360
95 % (v/v) re-extracted at
Polycyclic aromatic
% m/m – 11
Sulphur content ppm –
Test procedure according to EN 590:1999
“Effective Values” according to ISO 4259
As of 1 January 2009 the regulated maximum sulphur content has to be
satisfied by every diesel fuel that is placed on the market.
For sulfur free diesel fuel (10 ppm sulfur) corresponding to EN 590
with a density of ρ = 830 kg/m3 (15° C), the following applies
Conversion with differing residual oxygen content (as per “TA Luft”):
Mol mass
Component Remarks
NO2 46.006 NOx treated as NO2
CO 28.0104
HC 13.876 HC 1
SO2 64.061
Exhaust dry 30.21 / 29.84 5 % O2 / 9.6 % O2
Exhaust wet 28.84 / 28.82 5 % O2 / 9.6 % O2
Energy 1J = 1 Nm = 1 Ws = 1 VAs
1 Wh = 3.6 kJ
1 kWh = 3.6 MJ
Power 1W = 1 VA = 1 J/s = 1 Nm/s
Force 1N = 1 kgm/s2
Pressure 1 Pa = 1 N/m2
1 bar = 105 Pa
Square inch 1 sq in = 645.16 mm2
Cubic inch 1 cu in = 0.016387 Liter
Gallon (US) 1 gal (US) = 3.78541 Liter
Gallon (UK) 1 gal (UK) = 4.54609 Liter
Liquid barrel (US) 1 liq bbl = 119.24 Liter
Barrel Petroleum 1 bbl = 158.99 Liter
Grain 1 gr = 64.7989 mg
Ounce 1 oz = 28.3495 g
Pound mass 1 lbm = 0.45359 kg = 16 oz = 7000 gr
Hundredweight (US) 1 cwt (US) = 45.3592 kg = 1 short cwt = 100 lbm
Hundredweight (UK) 1 cwt (UK) = 50.8023 kg = 1 long cwt = 112 lbm
Ton (US) 1 ton (US) = 907.185 kg = 1 short ton = 2000 lbm
Ton (UK) 1 ton (UK) = 1016.05 kg = 1 long ton = 2240 lbm
Pound force 1 lbf = 4.44822 N
Atmosphere 1 atm = 1.01325 bar
Water column 1 mm WS = 9.80665 Pa
Mercury column 1 mm Hg = 133.322 Pa = 1 Torr
Psi 1 lbf / in2 = 6894.76 Pa pound per square inch
Calorie 1 kcal = 4186.8 J
Foot pound-force 1 ft lbf = 1.35582 J
British thermal unit 1 Btu = 1055.06 J
Mineral coal unit 1 kg SKE = 29.3076 MJ = 8.141 kWh
Oil equivalent 1 kg OE = 41.868 MJ = 11.63 kWh
Horsepower (metric) 1 PS = 735.499 W
Horsepower, HP 1 bhp = 745.70 W = 550 ft • lbf/s
T (K) = t (°C) + 273.15
t (°C) = 5/9 • (t(°F) – 32)
Exhaust emission components
CO Carbonmonoxide
HC Hydrocarbons
NOX Nitrogen oxides
NMHC Non-Methane-Hydrocarbons
PM Particulate matter
SOX Sulfur oxide
THC Total Hydrocarbon
VOC Volatile organic components
(equals HC)
BSO Bodensee Schifffahrtsordnung,
Lake Constance Shipping Ordinance
CFR Code of Federal Register (US regulations)
RheinSchUO Rhine vessel inspection regulation
TA-Luft Technische Anleitung zur Reinhaltung der Luft
(German clean-air standard for approval authorities)
Engine parameters
m n3 standard cubic meter
MWe Megawatt electrical
MWth Megawatt thermal
Pn Engine rated power [kW]
nn Engine rated speed [rpm]
Vh,z Swept volume per cylinder (cyl. displacement) [liter]
Engines and Systems
Lyoner Strasse 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Diana Schnith
Phone +49 69 6603-1378
Fax +49 69 6603-2378
E-Mail [email protected]
Editorial team
Martin Nitsche
Jens Slama