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Vengoor, Ayur, Kerala: Ebenezer Theological Seminary

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Maximum Marks: 100 Time: 4 hrs.

I. Choose the Correct Answer (20 Marks)

1. 'Potifex' was a common word for
a. King b. Prophet c. Priest

2. The main theme of the epistles- Romans, 1& II Corinthians and Galatians
a. Ecclesiology b. Eschatology c. Soteriology

3. The main theme ofI& II Thessalonians is:

a. Pneumatology b. Christology c. Eschatology

4. The Captivity of Israel by Assyria:

a. 70 A.D b. 721 BC. c. 721 AD

5. The captivity of Judah by Babylon

a. 586 BC. b. 586 AD. c. 721 BC

6. The word apostle may be used in the sense:

a. As an office (12 apostles)
b. as a gift used in a general sense as "one who is sent"
c. All of the above d. None of the above

7. The record of the 1st century Christianity is given in:

a. Gospels b. Epistles c. Acts

8. "Pentecost" means
a. Pentecostal churches b. Holy Spirit C. 50th day

9. The Birth-day ofthe church

a. AD 1 b. AD 30 c. B.C. 4

10. We read of Paul's missionary journeys in:

a. Romans I-lOb. I &11Corinthians c. Acts 13-21

11. Form criticism was developed by

a. Bonhoeffer b. Bultmann c. Karl Barth

12. The attempt to discover literary forms and sources in scripture is known as:
a. Historical Criticism b. Form Criticism c. Textual Criticism

13. The method of scripture analysis that seeks to discover what actually happened in the
biblical narrative in studying the genuineness and authenticity of the Books of the Bible,
whether it is historical is known as;
a. Textual Criticism b. Form Criticism c. Historical criticism

14. The comparison of various manuscripts to ascertain the exact original text from which
they are copied is known as:
a. Historical Criticism b. Form Criticism c. Textual Criticism

15. The cornmon language of PIaIestine in Jesus' day:

a. Hebrew b. Greek c. Aramaic

16. The translation of the Hebrew OT books into Aramaic were known as:
a. Talmud b. Targums c. Pseudo-epigrapha

17. The collection of various Jewish traditions and oral explanations ofthe OT is known as:
a. Targums b. Talmud c. Septuagint

18. The council consisted 70 members mostly- priests, Saducean nobles, Some Pharisees,
Scribes, elders, presided by the high priest is known as:
a. Synagugues b. Sanhedrin c. Diaspora.

19. The Jewish sect protest against pagan religious customs and tried to preserve their
national integrity and strict conformity to Mosaic Law:
a. Sadducees b. Pharisees c. Zealots

20. The Jewish sect that did not believe in resurrection, in angels and life after death:
a. Pharisees b. Sadducees c. Essenes

II. Fill in the Blanks (25 Marks)

21. The connection between OT history and Hellenistic history is provided by the __

22. was the Ahasuerus of the Book of Esther.

23. was the king under whom Nehemiah served as cupbearer.

24. Cassius and Brutus assassinated Ill . Octavian, later called _

became the first Roman emperor.

25. defeated Antony and Cleopatra in __ and Rome became an empire in _

26. was the Roman emperor during the birth of Christ.

27. was the Roman emperor during the days of the public ministry of Jesus.

28. The emperor took the title "Dominus el dues" (lord and god).

29. Homer's two epics were known as and _


30. council gave its formal ratification to the 27 books canon of the NT in

31. The capital of Northem kingdom Israel _

32. The first kings of divided kingdom: Israel Judah _

33. The word "apocrypha" means _

34. The Roman Catholic church in the council of III _

declared apocrypha books as canonical.

35. The Greek translation of OT

Use Hebrew and Greek words in their letters

36. The Hebrew word used for 'prophet' _

37. The Hebrew word used for 'assembly' _

38. The Greek word used for 'church'

39. The Greek word used for 'kingdom' _

40. The Greek word used for 'revelation'

41. The Greek word used for Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John _

42. The Greek word for 'salvation'

43. The Greek word used for 'scripture' _

44. The Hebrew and Greek words used for "Messiah"

45. The Greek word used for 'Second Coming' _


III. Answer the Following (15 marks)

1. What is "Gap Theory"?

2. What do you mean by "JEDP"?

3. What do you understand by "Synoptic Gospels"?

4. What do you understand by "Q"?

5. Mystery Religions

6. What are the Prison Epistles?

7. Why 4 Gospels?

8. Why called "Major Prophets" and "Minor Prophets"? Name them according to the order.

9. Jesus' teachings on the Holy Spirit.

10. "Justification by Faith in Romans.

IV. Answer any FOUR of the following (choose two from each section) (40 Marks)
Section A
1. Give a detailed study on the creative activity of God in the light of Genesis.

2. Who were the Patriarchs? Explain briefly the historical background of Patriarchal period
indicating their life, customs, and religions.

3. Discuss briefly the role of Prophets and Priests in the history ofIsrael.

Section B

4. Explain what is Synoptic problem? How did source criticism try to present a solution?

5. "The book of Acts is the Acts of the Holy Spirit". Describe briefly the works of the Holy
Spirit in the Book of Acts.

6. Describe the missionary strategies of St. Paul. How far do they help in forming missionary
approach in the pluralistic society of our times?

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