Term I Chemistry Practical Examination: Salt Analysis-Mcqs
Term I Chemistry Practical Examination: Salt Analysis-Mcqs
Term I Chemistry Practical Examination: Salt Analysis-Mcqs
1) During the preliminary test for zinc salt, it gives green colour ash. It is due to the
formation of
a) oxide formation
b) excitation of electrons
c) double oxide formation
d) zinc cobaltate formation
Ans: c
2) Which among the following is/ are coloured basic radicals?
(I)Fe2+ (II)Cu2+ ( III) Zn2+ (IV) NH4+
a) (I) and II
b) (II) and III
c) (IV) only
d) (I) and (IV)
Ans: a
12) When CO2 is passed into lime water it turns milky. When excess of carbon dioxide is
passed, milkiness disappears because:
a) Reaction is reversed
b) Water soluble Ca(HCO3)2 is formed
c) Vapourisable calcium derivative is formed
d) Water soluble CaCO3 is formed
Ans: b
13) Nitrate is confirmed by brown ring test. The brown colour of the ring is due to the
formation of:
a) [Fe(H2O)5NO]SO4
b) [Fe(H2O)(NO)5]SO4
c) Ferrous nitrite
d) Ferrous nitrate
Ans: a
14) A brown ring appears in the test for
a) Nitrate
b) Nitrite
c) Bromide
d) Iron
Ans: a
1) In the flame test, sodium imparts yellow colour to the flame while magnesium does not
impart any colour. Why?
Ans: In flame test, the excited electron jumps back to the ground state, the frequency of
radiation emitted doesn't fall in the visible region
2) Is there any gas other than CO2 which turns lime water milky?
Ans: SO2
3) Why is NH4Cl added along with NH4OH in group III. Explain why?
Ans: It is done in order to decrease the concentration of OH- ion by suppressing the ionization
of NH4OH by common ion effect.
4)Name a cation which is not obtained from a metal.
Ans: Ammonium ion
5) Why do we use Conc.HCl in preparing a paste of the salt for flame test?
Ans: In order to convert metal salts into metal chlorides which are more volatile than other
6) What is the chemistry of flame test?
Ans: The valence electrons of atoms get excited and jumps to the higher level. When electron
jump backs to ground state, radiations are emitted whose frequency lies in the visible region.
7) Why do barium salts not impart colour to the flame immediately?
Ans: Because barium chloride is less volatile, it imparts colour to the flame after sometime.
8) What will happen if excess of CO2 is passed through lime water?
Ans: The white precipitate of calcium carbonate changes into soluble calcium bicarbonate.
And milkiness disappears.
9) All nitrates on heating with con H2SO4 in presence of paper pellet evolve NO2 gas. What
is the function of paper pellet?
Ans: Paper pellet reduces HNO3 to NO2
4HNO3+C 2H2O+4NO+CO2
1) In the reaction between KMnO4 and Mohr's salt in acidic medium, the oxidation state of
Mn changes from
a) +3 to +4
b) +4 to +7
c) +7 to +4
d) +7 to +2
Ans: d
2) Dil . H2SO4 is added to the Mohr's salt to prevent the:
a) Reduction of Ferrous sulphate
b) Hydrolysis of Ferrous sulphate
c) Reduction of KMnO4
d) Oxidation of KMnO4
Answer: b
3) HCl is not preferred to acidify potassium permanganate solution in volumetric analysis
because it is
a) A strong oxidizing agent
b) Reduced by KMnO4
c) A weak acid
d) Oxidized by KMnO4
Ans: d
4) Which of the following Indicator is used in KMnO4 titrations?
a) KMnO4 is a self-indicator
b) Phenolphthalein
c) Methyl orange
d) Litmus solution
Answer: a
5) The number of electrons gained by KMnO4 in acid medium is
a) 3
b) 6
c) 5
d) 2
Ans: c
1) What is the principle of chromatographic process?
Ans: It is based on the differential migration of the individual components of a mixture through
a stationary phase under the influence of a moving phase.
2) How does the liquid rise through the filter paper?
Ans: Through capillary action.