Landscape Report On Early Grade Literacy
Landscape Report On Early Grade Literacy
Landscape Report On Early Grade Literacy
Suggested citation: Kim, Y.-S. G., Boyle, H. N., Zuilkowski, S. S., & Nakamura, P. (2016).
Landscape Report on Early Grade Literacy. Washington, D.C.: USAID.
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he authors of this report wish to thank the GRN Communication Coordinator, Newsha N.
Learning Systems Institute at Florida State Aboughaddareh, who worked on the graphics for the
University, University Research Co., LLC– report, and Kurt Mulholland, Director of Media at
Center for Human Services (URC-CHS), especially URC, for his work in designing the report.
Reading within Reach Community of Practice,
the “thought leaders” within the international This report was enriched by the careful review and
development and early grade reading worlds who feedback offered by our Advisory Board members:
consented to be interviewed for this report, the Dr. Daniel Wagner of the University of Pennsylvania,
Landscape Report Advisory Board, and USAID. Dr. Catherine Snow of Harvard University, and Ms.
Norma A. Evans of Evans and Associates Education
The Learning Systems Institute is the leading Consulting. We are grateful for the careful and
institution in Florida State University’s work in thorough review of the report in its first and second
international education and we are grateful for its draft stages.
leadership and contractual management services.
We also want to thank Kaitlyn Hicks and Alexandra We also thank the 15 “thought leaders” from various
Rosenbaum for their help with identifying and parts of the international development/early grade
compiling studies and documents. Gratitude is also reading community for taking the time to participate
due to Dr. Marion Fesmire who contributed in the in interviews drawing on knowledge from their
initial stage of the work. hands-on experience in the field. These interviews
were informative and in several cases led us to
URC-CHS has provided invaluable support as the additional reports and literature to examine.
contracting organization for this report with strong
leadership and unceasing advocacy for this work. Finally, we thank USAID, in particular, Dr. Penelope
In particular, we thank Sakil Malik, Community Bender, Dr. Marcia Davidson, and Ms. Rebecca
of Practice Director, for his skillful management Rhodes, for their critical and constructive feedback
of this award. We are also grateful to Dr. Kim at each stage of the process.
Foulds, GRN’s Research Manager, Mary Ciambrone,
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments................................................................................................................................ iii
Executive Summary............................................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 3
Section A. Overview....................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2. Key areas to successfully promote improved early grade literacy skills: Overview................. 8
Chapter 3. Key areas to successfully promote improved early grade literacy skills: Content.................. 17
Section A. Emergent literacy skills: Foundations for word reading and spelling................................. 17
Chapter 4. Key factors and actors responsible for improving early grade literacy skills
in developing country contexts......................................................................................................... 43
Chapter 6. Conclusion........................................................................................................................61
References....................................................................................................................................... 64
Executive Summary
he goal of this landscape report is to review
“Once you learn to read, you
and summarize available empirical evidence
on early grade literacy acquisition and will be forever free.”
instruction in developing countries. To achieve this
goal, papers with empirical data were searched, — Frederick Douglass
identified, screened, and reviewed on topics that
promote the higher-order, long-term goals of literacy
included student-level factors (e.g., emergent literacy,
acquisition and instruction—reading comprehension
oral language), larger contextual factors within
and writing (written composition).
which the student is embedded (e.g., home literacy
environment, language of instruction, and larger Some directions for the future include a focus on
system issues such as teacher education), and long- long-term perspectives and efforts. Although the
run considerations (e.g., sustainability, costs, and need to improve students' literacy skills is dire
scaling up). The available empirical evidence was, and immediate, changing behavior (e.g., teachers’
then, rated by topic as strong, moderate, emerging instructional practices; student’s learning) takes
or limited. The vast majority of studies reviewed a long time (Cochran-Smith & Zeichner, 2005) and
were project-based work with a comprehensive, therefore, requires sustained efforts. Furthermore,
multicomponent approach, incorporating the 5Ts— reading comprehension and writing are high-order
teaching, time, texts, tongue, and test. The Big
5 skills identified in the National Reading Panel
Table 1. Levels of evidence for the various areas
Report (National Institute of Child Health and
reviewed in the this report
Human Development [NICHD], 2000)—phonological
awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary, Topic Area Level of Evidence
Our review of the evidence revealed that overall, Reading fluency Moderate
much progress has been made in the last decade.
Reading comprehension Emerging
However, the review also clearly indicated that
the vast majority of topical areas within the field Writing Extremely limited
Reliability should be reported for survey measures, observation, and scores using rubric as well as direct student assessments. For
timed tasks, test-retest reliability or alternate form reliability are appropriate and internal consistency reliability such as Cronbach's
alpha is inappropriate (Anastasi & Drake, 1954). Inter-rater reliability should be reported for classroom observation and scoring using
rubric. Validity evidence includes correlations among measured skills.
In longitudinal studies or intervention studies, if different measures are used at different times (e.g., pre- and post-tests), equivalence
of measures in a construct (e.g., listening comprehension, reading fluency) should be established. That is, if two forms of a listening
comprehension task are used in pre- and post-test, equivalence of those forms should be established prior to use.
his Landscape Report on Early Grade Literacy produce meaning in context. This is aligned with
takes stock of where we are, as a global the UNESCO’s Aspects of Literacy Assessment
community of educators within the field of paper (2005) definition of literacy as “the ability to
international development, in improving literacy identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate
acquisition in the early grades in low-income and compute using printed and written materials
countries. Hence, the purpose of the report is to associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves
review relevant, recent research coming principally a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to
from developing country contexts on efforts to achieve his or her goals, develop his or her knowledge
improve early grade literacy learning and instruction. and potential, and participate fully in community and
The scope of this report includes reviewing evidence wider society.” (p. 21)
from the field on (1) what has worked in developing
In 2010, the Early Grade Learning Community of
countries; (2) what practices show promise at
Practice3 published its landmark report “Early
this point even if the available evidence is not yet
Reading: Igniting Education for All” (Gove & Cvelich,
definitive; and (3) what the gaps in the literature/
2010). The report, largely drawing on the National
evidence base are. Within these large and overarching
Reading Panel’s Report (NICHD, 2000), laid out the
goals, topics of examination and discussion include:
case for focusing on early grade reading and outlined
u Cross cutting aspects in literacy instruction: the extant evidence on how children learn to read.
Instructional time, assessment, and teaching and The report synthesized existing research, much
learning materials, including ICTs of it from Anglophone and “developed” countries,
on teaching reading and highlighted the fact that
u Skill building in the following areas: emergent
reading was not explicitly taught in many low-
literacy, oral language, reading fluency, reading
income countries as a skill, much less a subject
comprehension, and early writing.
in early grades curricula. The report presented
u Literacy acquisition in multilingual contexts timely evidence from the application of the Early
u Teacher knowledge, and teacher education practices Grade Reading Assessment tool (EGRA) showing
that children in many low income countries were
u Parental and community engagement
not learning the basics of reading. These findings
u Long-run considerations: costs, financing, scaling catalyzed serious debate and action around the world
up, and sustainability of literacy programs on the need to refocus basic education assistance
Early Grade Learning Community of Practice Members include educators, government officials, and development practitioners,
all dedicated to improving learning in the early grades in low income countries. The report can be downloaded from:
profound negative impacts on whether a child
he team reviewed a wide range of published
learns to read in any language.
studies, including academic studies and
Test project-based research. Several data bases
Instruction should be based on assessment such as ERIC and DEC were used, and a variety of
(testing) in order to identify those who are falling
donors (e.g., GPE, DfID, USAID) and NGOs which
behind and provide them ongoing support.
implement literacy projects worldwide were contacted
Tests—or assessments—allow policy makers,
to obtain evaluation reports. We also asked for
teachers and others to keep the focus on student
recommendations from leaders (practitioners and
learning and make adjustments in light of
academics) in the field regarding reports and articles
students’ performance.
to review. Reviewed studies employed a mixture of
research designs in developing country contexts.5
programs on reading. Overall, the Gove and Cvelich Although randomized control trials are the gold
(2010) report galvanized much needed attention from standard for causal inferences, it is not feasible to
donors, INGOs, local NGOs and governments around implement randomized control trials on all topic
the issue of early grade reading. The international areas, and other types of studies (e.g., descriptive,
development community took up the goal of correlational, and quasi-experimental) are useful for
5Ts were adapted from Allington (2002).
The current review revealed many and deep gaps in the existing research in developing countries. Some topics have received minimal
attention in developing countries, but have been well studied in the US or Europe or other higher income countries and we make
reference to these as appropriate.
Single case design studies were excluded due to limited generalizability.
Information about these standards is available at
Note that target population in this document refers to early grade children in developing countries. Although we acknowledge that
this is much broader than in typical studies including randomized control studies, this broad definition is in line with the goal of the
lthough the evidence base about effective in the home or other appropriate reading support
literacy instruction in developing contexts activities; likewise, communities underestimate the
is growing, gaps in our understanding contribution they can make to children’s attainment
are large and many. This is likely due to unique of literacy because so many members are illiterate
challenges in conducting rigorous research in some (Brombacher et al., 2012; Collins & Messaoud-Galusi,
developing country contexts. There is often lack of 2012; Gove and Cvelich, 2011; Harber, 2014; Rugh,
research capacity, including trained researchers, data 2012; UNICEF and UNESCO Institute of Statistics, 2014;
collectors, statisticians, social scientists and the like. UNESCO Policy Paper 23, 2016; Verger, Novella,
Schools are often not accustomed to the presence & Altinyelken, 2012).
of researchers and are generally unfamiliar with
We list this litany of challenges because it is
conducting site-based research. Ministries around
important to take factors such as culture and context
the world face challenges in terms of information
into account both in examining evidence on early
and data collection, human resource management,
grade literacy and in evaluating a particular approach,
financing, tracking financial flows, and assessment of
project, or intervention as effective. Although we
teachers, pupils and the system as a whole.
know that the 5Ts provide a framework for developing
Likewise, the teaching and learning contexts in literacy programs as well as for systematic and
many low income countries also present challenges. explicit instruction of core skills (e.g., orthographic
Schools are frequently under-resourced (e.g. lack of symbol knowledge; see Chapter 2) that are beneficial
electricity, water, furniture, books, chalk, paper and across most languages (and certainly alphabetic
even buildings); teachers are generally untrained languages), we know less about how these ideas will
or undertrained in effective teaching methods and best take root and flourish in any given context—how
in the teaching of literacy specifically; schools are solutions are presented and implemented is critical.
often remote and hard to reach; classrooms are often The findings and recommendations in this report can
overcrowded (especially in the early grades); and be taken as starting points from which to build and
incentive systems to motivate teachers and other shape locally appropriate, effective literacy programs.
educators to do their work, to make extra efforts, and
in some cases to show up for work, are either weak
Section D. Organization of the Report
or nonexistent. Student and teacher absenteeism
is high. Curricula are often overcrowded with igure 1 illustrates the scope and the layers
content and facts to be memorized and skills are of literature examined in this report. There
not emphasized; national policies on textbooks and are many more factors (e.g., socio-emotional
readers often impede the selection or development of factors, learning in conflict and crisis contexts)
appropriate materials. Conflict and crisis situations that are important but beyond the scope of this
also impinge on students’ socioemotional health, report. Education by nature is a systemic, long-term
executive functioning, levels of stress and trauma endeavor. Although learning ultimately occurs at
and ability to concentrate and learn in school. School the student level, it is embedded in and influenced
fees or the opportunity costs of schooling are often by multiple layers of contexts (Bronfenbrenner,
too high for low income parents; corruption saps the 1979), ranging from family context, school and
resources of the educational system; the culture of community, to system factors. Therefore, in addition
reading in schools and communities is often weak to understanding child level factors that contribute to
or nonexistent; and children often face challenging literacy acquisition, it is imperative to address issues
areas to successfully promote improved early grade u What research gaps exist with respect to the topic?
hat does it take to read and comprehend languages and writing systems.
written texts? Reading development
(Adolf, Catts, & Little, 2006; Florit & Cain, 2011; Foorman, Koon,
involves highly complex language
Petscher, Mitchell, & Truckenmiller, 2015; Gracia & Cain, 2014;
and cognitive processes, requiring development Joshi, Tao, Aaron, & Quiroz, 2012; Kendeou, Papadopoulos, &
and coordination of multiple skills through a Kotzapoulou, 2013; Kendeou, van den Broek, White, & Lynch,
developmental sequence. As shown in Figure 2, 2009; Kim, 2011, Kim, 2015a; Lee & Wheldall, 2009).
reading comprehension—the ultimate purpose
of learning to read—requires, at minimum, word
Listening comprehension is the “ability to
reading or decoding (the word reading) and listening
comprehend oral language at the discourse level—
comprehension (oral language comprehension at
including [multi-utterance] conversations, stories,
the discourse level) (Gough & Tunmer, 1986; Hoover
informational oral texts—that involves the processes
& Gough, 1990). Reading fluency is also necessary,
of extracting and constructing meaning” (Kim &
acting as a bridge or a partial mediator, connecting
Pilcher, 2016, p. 160). Listening comprehension is
word reading and listening comprehension to reading
even more complex than word reading, and draws
comprehension (Kim, 2015b; Kim & Wagner, R. K.,
on foundational cognitive skills such as working
2015). If word reading and listening comprehension
memory (the ability to hold and manipulation
are two necessary skills for reading comprehension,
information during a short time period), inhibitory
how do these skills develop? Each of these skill areas
control (the ability to suppress a dominant response
is built on a complex set of foundational skills.
and initiate a subdominant response), attentional
Foundations for word reading (and spelling) include control; and foundational oral language skills such as
emergent literacy skills such as print awareness, vocabulary knowledge, and grammatical knowledge;
orthographic symbol knowledge, phonological and higher-order cognitive skills such as inference,
awareness, morphological awareness, and perspective taking and reasoning, and comprehension
orthographic awareness (see building blocks in Figure monitoring (Florit, Roch, & Levorato, 2014; Kendeou,
2). These emergent literacy skills map onto the three Bohn-Gettler, White, & van den Broek, 2008; Kim,
types of knowledge that need to be activated for word 2015a, 2016a; Kim & Phillips, 2014; Lepola, Lynch,
reading: phonology (sound structure), orthography Laakkonen, Silvén, & Niemi, 2012; Tompkins, Guo, &
(writing system), and semantics (meaning) (see Justice, 2013). In other words, listening comprehension
Adams, 1990; Seidenberg, & McClelland, 1989 for is an upper-level skill that requires a complex array
further details). of language and cognitive skills (Kim, 2015, 2016a;
he foundational skills of literacy Listening comprehension
acquisition start developing first in
the home and in the community.
However, the primary focus of literacy
instruction in many contexts is in the Inference, perspective
Higher order
formal school setting. Below are several taking & reasoning,
cognitive skills
cross cutting factors that are applicable to comprehension monitoring
classroom instruction contexts in terms
of instruction, assessment, instructional
materials, and ICTs. Vocabulary, Grammatical
knowledge, Working memory,
language and
Instructional Considerations Inhibitory control,
cognitive skills
Attentional control
instructional content
Learning occurs when instruction targets
the right content at the right level Oral language is a larger construct than word
for students' needs (Vygotsky, 1978). reading, and takes a prolonged time to develop.
Curriculum or instructional content
ssessment is an essential component of effective
beginning of a school year and Form B is used at the
instruction as it provides information about
end of school year) are not equivalent.
students’ achievement levels and reasons for the
performance level. There are multiple types and
Various language and literacy assessments are
purposes of student assessments such as screening
available in many languages and contexts, generally
(to identify some students who might be at risk
in the areas of emergent literacy skills (e.g.,
for literacy failure and require further diagnostic
phonological awareness, letter naming fluency), word
assessment), diagnostic (to identify specific areas of
reading (word reading and nonword or novel word
strengths and weaknesses), formative and progress
reading), reading fluency, reading comprehension,
monitoring (to reveal whether students are learning
and oral language (vocabulary and listening
adequately), and summative (overall achievement
comprehension): EGRA9 (Early Grade Reading
level). All these assessments can be conducted at
Assessment), developed by the World Bank and USAID,
multiple levels such as classroom, local, national,
Save the Children’s Literacy Boost Assessment,10
regional, and international levels (e.g., Learning
ASER11 (Annual Status of Education Report) in India
metrics by UNESCO, 2014).
and other countries (Banerji, 2016; Vagh, 2016), Uwezo
Assessments should be aligned with theoretical (Nakabugo, 2016), UNICEF’s MICS (Multiple Indicator
models and empirical evidence for literacy Cluster Survey; Cardoso & Dowd, 2016), EDC’s OLA12
development and with literacy curriculum, meet (Out-of-school Literacy Assessment), Young Lives
psychometric standards (i.e., reliability and validity; (Cueto & Leon, 2012), UNESCO's LAMP13 (Literacy
Gove & Wetterberg, 2011 and
providing information about baseline, instructional impact on improving student outcomes (McEwan,
target, a system-wide diagnostic of reading 2014; Tilson, 2013b), instructional materials are
difficulties, and the evaluation of reading programs effective when teachers have the necessary knowledge
(Dubeck & Gove, 2015; Dubeck, Gove, & Alexander, to use them correctly as part of literacy instruction.
2016; Gove et al., 2015; Gove & Wetterberg, 2011). Use A recent study in Kenya demonstrated that impact
of any of the assessments above require adequate on students' literacy skills was much larger when
training for reliable administration, scoring, teachers had student books available, compared to
interpretation, and use (see UNESCO Institute of teacher training alone with no instructional materials
Statistics, 2016 for a comprehensive review of various (RTI, 2015a). Indeed, the development community
aspects to consider in reading assessments). Both has ample evidence of the important role that
paper and pencil tests and electronic data collection instructional materials and books play (Edwards &
options are available, depending on the context (see Ngwaru, 2011; Elley, 2000; Gilles & Quijada, 2008;
the ICT section below for further details). Heyneman et al., 1978; Rosenberg, 1998; Tilson et
al., 2013b). However, in addition to the availability of
reading materials, an important issue is how they are
Instructional Materials Considerations
provided to schools and homes, and how the materials
iteracy development requires exposure to and are used. For example, a randomized controlled trial
practice with written texts. Therefore, access to in India examining the impact of physical school
appropriate reading materials, including textbooks libraries on pupils’ language skills had no effect;
and books for pleasure or for practice and building and the provision of visiting librarians actually had
a culture of reading, is an important issue in many a negative effect (Borkum et. al. 2013). These results
developing countries. A study in Mali reported that mirror those of Save the Children’s locally produced
across different school types (curriculum, classique Book Banks. Overall, Book Bank effects were not
and medersas) book possession in class was below consistent across studies and contexts for a variety
the 50% mark and was markedly low in the earlier of reasons (research design issues, or null findings).
grades in particular (RTI, 2009b). The most recent However, its potential is reported in some studies.
EGRA baseline in Mali indicated that 50% of children For instance, in Ethiopia, Literacy Boost program
still do not have textbooks (RTI 2016c). While studies participants who could name their favorite book
in Arabic-speaking countries indicated that the from the Book Bank had higher literacy scores than
availability of textbooks was not an issue, a national those who could not (Gebreaneia et al., 2014). Book
survey in Jordan in 2012 found that only half of Floods, where a significant number of high quality
schools had a school library. In Morocco, only 10% of books (about 100 titles per class) are introduced
schools in Doukkala Abda reported having a school into a system, were effective in the Pacific islands
library (Messaoud-Galus, Mulcahy-Dunn, Ralaingita, in promoting the activity of reading and improving
& Kochetkova, 2012). Indeed, non-textbook print reading acquisition in the 1970s and 80s (Elley,
materials are often lacking, or lacking for developing 2000). They were accompanied by training in how to
readers in many contexts. Lack of print materials use the books. Therefore, challenges in developing
Extant EGRA versions are available at
Information on these particular initiatives can be found at the following sites: African Storybook Project:
Literacy Boost: Pratham: http:// or for Pratham India
South African Book Development Council:
Global Book Fund Alliance:
CTs are often very attractive to policymakers,
that this approach can be effective, particularly in
parents, teachers and school directors, as they
reaching rural areas (EDC, 2013; 2014b). We will
connote an advanced educational system and well-
discuss specific interventions in greater detail as
resourced schools. The research is quite clear,
relevant in each section of the report.
however, that ICT components should be aligned
with pedagogy (Trucano, 2005). In other words, if the ICT devices and content must be targeted for the
underlying approach to literacy instruction is weak, contexts in which they will be used and the people
it is unlikely that a limited, standalone intervention who will use them (Wagner, D. A., Castillo, Murphy,
screens and with local stakeholders—students, iteracy instruction in the early grades is generally
teachers, and parents—to improve care of the devices embedded within schools, and therefore, efficient
(Tam, 2012). Despite their potential for assisting in management of schools, including involvement of
the instruction of students with disabilities (UNESCO, principals and professionalism of teachers, enables
2013), a recent review did not find any ICT literacy effective literacy instruction (EDC, 2013; Spratt et al.,
programs that were specifically designed to meet the 2013; Raupp et al., 2015). In Rwanda, schools receiving
needs of this population (Wagner, D. A. et al., 2014). books on time and making use of learning materials
had higher achievement (EDC, 2016). In Mozambique,
Program planners should not make assumptions
explicit reading instruction was implemented in two
about teachers’ ability to use ICT devices (Pouezevara
contexts—one with attention to reading component
& Khan, 2008) and should ensure that technical
skills and the other with reading component skills
support is available (Chigona, Chigona, & Davids,
and school management. After a year of instruction,
2014). Extensive training is often necessary,
students in the reading instruction with school
beginning with how to turn on devices and log in. In
management condition achieved higher reading
settings where teachers are unfamiliar with devices,
skills (Raupp et al., 2015; also see Chapter 4 for
teachers need time to build their own skills before
more information on teacher in-service professional
they can support others. Skipping this step may lead
development and coaching).
to unused devices gathering dust rather than being
Section A. Emergent Literacy Skills: print works and how it is different from other
symbols such as pictures. Orthographic symbol
Foundations for Word Reading and
knowledge is knowledge of shapes, names, and
sounds of orthographic symbols such as alphabet
letters. Orthographic awareness refers to the ability
Background: What and Why Emergent
to “visually recognize legal letter patterns and
Literacy Skills?
sequences in printed words” (Kim, 2011, p. 179).
mergent literacy skills are foundational for word Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize
reading and spelling (see Figure 2 in Section A) and manipulate various sizes of speech sounds (e.g.,
and typically include print awareness, orthographic words, syllables, and phonemes; Stanovich, 1992).
symbol knowledge, phonological awareness, Morphological awareness is sensitivity to word
orthographic awareness, and morphological structure and ability to manipulate morphemes
awareness. Print awareness is knowledge of how (smallest unit of meaning; Carlisle, 1995), and is
Figure 4. Language and print-related skills that contribute to word reading and spelling
L an
Awareness gu
of e
of syllables
(& morphemes)
of phonemes Chunks within
(& morphemes) Automatic
Orthographic (Orthographic
symbol names
& shapes
awareness ge
g ua
L an
r itt
Evidence from Developing for students with very low initial word reading
skills. Effect sizes in these studies ranged from
small18 to large (e.g., 1.23; RTI, 2015a). Furthermore,
he evidence base for the a study in Yemen showed cumulative effects such
importance of explicit that students who received explicit and systematic
and systematic instruction instruction for two years improved reading to a
on emergent literacy skills is larger extent than those who received instruction
strong in developing country for one year (Pleiss et al., 2016).
contexts. The positive effect
Although highly encouraging, no significant
of systematically teaching
impact were observed in many contexts including
orthographic symbol-sound
Afganistan (Azami & Pava, 2014*), Burundi
relations (i.e., phonological awareness, orthographic
(Rosenkranz, Jonason, & Kajangwa, 2014*), El
symbol knowledge, and phonics16) has been clearly
Salvador (Pisani & Alvarado, 2014*), Indonesia
demonstrated in low-income countries (Crouch,
(Guajardo, Hossain, Nath, & Dowd, 2013*;
Korda, & Mumo, 2009*;17 Davidson & Hobbs, 2013*;
Pisasni, Satyaning, Giri, Alesbury, & de Fretes,
DeStefano, Slade, & Korda, 2013*; Dixon, Schagen,
2014*), Pakistan (Moulvi, Pisani, Dowd, Burki, &
& Seedhouse, 2011; EDC, 2013*, 2014; Dunlop,
Mithani, 2014*; Moulvi & Pava, 2014*), Philippines
2015*; Falconer-Stout, Messner, & Wedekind, 2015*;
(Badiable, Guardo, & Robism 2013*), Sri Lanka
Mitton, 2008*; Gebreanenia, Sorissa, Takele, Yenew,
(Wickramasekara, Navaratnam, & Guajardo, 2014*),
& Garjardo, 2014*; Karki & Dowd, 2013*; Mungoi,
and Uganda (Guajardo et al., 2013*). Therefore,
Mandlante, Nhatubve, Mahanggue, Fonseca, &
further understanding is needed about factors
Dowd, 2010*; Nag-Arulmani, Reddy, Buckley, 2003;
influencing results. In addition, the majority of
Pinto, 2010*; Piper, Jepkemei, & Kibukho, 2015; Piper
these studies targeted multiple components beyond
& Korda, 2011a; Piper, Jepkemi, & Kibukho, 2015;
emergent literacy skills, and therefore, specific
Pallante & Kim, 2013; Plessis, El-Ashry, & Tietjen,
effects of each emergent literacy skill components
2016*; Pouezevara, Costello, & Banda, 2013; Raupp,
on reading often cannot be teased out.
Newmann, Reves, & Lauchande, 2015*; Rolla San
Francisco, Arias, Villers, & Snow, 2006; RTI, 2014a,b*,
2015a, 2015b*, 2016a; Save the Children, 2013*; Sahin,
Phonics refers to an instructional approach where the relation between orthographic symbols and sounds is explicitly taught (Adams,
Studies with an * indicate that effect sizes could not be verified due to insufficient information (e.g., standard deviation).
Quite a few studies did not report effect sizes.
Print Teach directionality of text and features of Directionality relevant to the target writing system should
awareness print. When reading books, point to each word be explicitly taught. In Arabic, written text is read from
(print referencing) so that students develop an right to left and from top row to the next row. In English,
understanding that print represents sounds. Create written text is read from left to right and from top row
print-rich environment where orthographic symbols to the next row. In traditional Chinese texts, text is
and other print (e.g., chart, student work) are read from top to bottom and right to left (text is read by
displayed and books are available in an organized column).
manner (see Fisher, Godwin, & Seltman, 2014 for a
negative effect of too much print in the classroom).
Orthographic Teach shapes, names, and sounds of orthographic Some writing systems have greater number of
symbol symbols together. In many languages, symbol names orthographic symbols than others (e.g., Hindi; Nag, Chiat,
knowledge contain clues to sounds, which need to be explicitly Torgeson, & Snowling, 2014), or visually similar symbols
taught. Allot additional time for teaching visually (e.g., Hebrew and Arabic; Treiman, Levin, & Kessler, 2007;
complex orthographic symbols and do not introduce Levin, Saiegh-Haddad, Hende, & Ziv, 2008), or highly
visually similar orthographic symbols together as visually complex orthographic symbols (e.g., Chinese;
they cause confusion. Huang & Hanley, 1997; Zhou, McBride-Chang, & Wong,
2014; Akshara used in India, Nag, 2007).
Orthographic Start with individual orthographic symbol-sound Instruction should clearly lay out consistent and
awareness patterns, followed by a short string of orthographic inconsistent relations and teach them using appropriate
symbols (e.g., 'at' pattern found in cat, hat, pat, that). instructional approaches. For example, in English,
Then, introduce more complex letter groups (e.g., symbol-sound relations are explicitly taught for the vast
-ing, -igh). majority of words while for some irregular words, whole
word instruction is used.
Phonological Manipulating larger phonological units such Languages differ in salient phonological units (Kim,
awareness as syllables is easier than small units such as 2007; Share & Blum, 2005; Saiegh-Haddad, 2007; Ziegler
phonemes. When teaching phoneme awareness, & Goswami, 2005) and in the units of sounds that link
identifying initial and ending phonemes is easier to orthographic symbols (English letters represent
than identifying medial sounds. phonemes; fidels in Ethiopia represent syllables; Akshara
in India represent syllables and phonemes; Nag et al.2014).
Phonological awareness activities vary in difficulty.
In languages where symbols represent phonemes,
Identifying an odd sound19 is easiest, followed by
phonological awareness instruction should ultimately
blending and segmenting sounds. Deleting sounds
target phoneme awareness in addition to other units
is the most difficult type of activity. Therefore,
such as syllables. In languages where symbols represent
initial instruction should progress from a larger
syllables, instruction targeting syllable awareness may
phonological unit (e.g., syllables) to a smaller unit,
suffice (Tilson et al., 2013a). Students in diglossic contexts
using easier tasks (e.g., blending) in the beginning
need instruction on literary or standard names and
and then moving to more demanding tasks (e.g.,
pronunciations (Abadzi & Martelli, 2014).
Morphological Teach children how to recognize morphemes in a Morphological structures vary across languages. In some
awareness word in oral language, and then recognize them languages, free morphemes are prominent (e.g., Chinese,
in written words (e.g., Apel & Diehm, in press). and West African languages) whereas in others words
For instance, unpredictable is composed of three are made up of both free and bound morphemes20 (e.g.,
morphemes, un, predict, able; flowers is composed of Bantu languages, Turkish). Instruction should be aligned
two morphemes, flower and s (plural). with prominent morphological structures in the target
In an oddity task, students hear a set of words such as "sun, sock, and top." In this set, “top” is the odd word because it starts with
/t/ phoneme whereas /s/ is the initial phoneme in the other two words. In blending tasks, phonemes such as /k/ /a/ /t/ are blended to
a word, /kat/ cat. In segmenting tasks, /kat/ can can be segmented into /k/ /a/ /t/. In deletion tasks, when /k/ sound is deleted from
/kat/, only /at/ is left.
Bound morphemes are those that cannot stand alone and therefore have to be attached to the base word (e.g., -(e)s for plural or
affixes such as pre- in English) whereas free morphemes are those that can be a stand alone word (e.g., horse in horsemen).
texts. When students can read single syllable honological awareness is recognizing sounds
words with accuracy, teachers need to teach them, in words, and therefore, does not require print
explicitly, how to read multisyllabic words. The materials. However, the other aspects of emergent
basic idea in teaching multisyllabic words is to literacy—print awareness and orthographic symbol
break down words into manageable units such as knowledge—do require the presence of text and
syllables or morphemes. As an example, teachers the means to write and display letters and words.
can display the word cowboy on the board, point at Learning aids have to suit the context and they
the cow part of the word and read it. The teacher do not need to be expensive. An example of a set
can then point to the boy part of the word and read of durable, portable and inexpensive teaching and
it. Finally, the teacher can blend cow and boy as learning aids is UNICEF’s School in a Box.21 UNICEF’s
cowboy by sweeping the finger across the word. School-in-a-Box kits are often distributed in crisis
and conflict situations and their pros and cons
n Teach word reading in conjunction with have been well debated. However, this model of
spelling. packaging resources for classrooms or schools can be
Word reading should be taught in conjunction replicated in many contexts, using locally available
with spelling. Word reading and spelling draw on materials and the contents can be tailored to focus
the same emergent literacy skills, and facilitate on supporting emergent literacy skills. For instance,
each other (Ehri, 2000; Kim, 2011). Some teachers students must see or be exposed to print to learn
to read and educators must sometimes be creative can be used targeting various phonological units
in ensuring students see print (e.g., using Bible or (e.g., syllable awareness or phoneme awareness).
Qur’an available in the community). Kits can include Orthographic symbol knowledge can be assessed by
things like chalkboard paint, chalk, letter cards, randomly ordering orthographic symbols, and asking
letter blocks, slates, alphabet charts, and a canvas on the student to identify their names and sounds.
which to hang materials. Chalkboards are useful for Timed tasks can be used to assess automaticity. For
writing letters and words and even full texts; walls example, students can be assessed on the number of
are extremely useful to display all sorts of learning orthographic symbols they can name within a minute
aids. In the absence of walls, a canvas with some in a task where orthographic symbols are repeatedly
hooks can also be hung from a suitable tree, and used presented in a random order. Useful assessment
to display posters, maps, calendars, letters, and words toolkits and videos are available for EGRA and ASER
(Tilson et al., 2013a for Ndith Kuwrenga Readers; see in many languages at
also Literacy Boost ). Slates for pupils are useful for
eddata and respectively.
formative assessment as the teacher can circulate
to check what students have written down. With
ICT Considerations
all of these innovative ideas to get materials into
classrooms, training for teachers or facilitators and CT approaches can be used for various instructional
supervision are required to ensure the materials are activities, and many studies noted in this report
used as intended (e.g., although useful, the School included ICTs applications to support the development
in a Box is reported not to be widely used in some of literacy skills. For example, projects such as the
contexts. ) 23 READ-TA project in Ethiopia have included brief
instructional videos on teacher tablets that scaffold
the instruction of letter sounds, an approach which
Assessment Considerations
may be particularly useful in contexts where teachers
honological awareness can be assessed using are teaching in a language in which they are not fully
the same instructional activities described fluent. These videos can be used by teachers as a
above. For instance, blending or segmenting tasks review, or directly with students. Student devices, as
See, for example, The Use of Emergency Education and Recreational Kits in Aceh: A Review at
ompared to other areas of literacy skills, there is is needed regarding the instructional approaches
relatively solid empirical evidence on approaches most effective and suitable for large classroom
to improve word reading. However, because the environments, which is prevalent in developing
vast majority of studies were multi-component countries.
interventions (targeting phonological awareness,
The following is an example of a scope and sequence to teach emergent literacy skills in
PRIMR (Primary Math and Reading) in Kenya (see Piper, Jepkemi, & Kibukho, 2015; RTI, 2015a
for further details and results). Target grades were students in Grade 1. Note that exemplars are
provided in English for illustrative purposes and do not necessarily indicate a need to provide
instruction in a second language.
Letter sounds m m M, a M, m, A, a M, m, A, a
Word reading am am
(T = Teacher; S = Student)
T: We are going to practice our English sounds today. First, we will say the sound. Then, I
will say words one at a time and you will tell me whether or not the word begins with the
I do – Step 1
T: The first word is, mat. The word begins with /m/ so I show thumbs up.
T: The next word is at. The word does not begin with /m/, so I show thumbs down.
We do – Step 2
T & S: /m/.
T: Now I will say a word. If it begins with /m/, show thumbs up. If it does not, thumbs down.
You do – Step 3
T: Show thumbs up if the word begins with /m/. If not, thumbs down.
S: Thumbs up.
Continue with examples: at, make, mother, cook, jam, market, bread, meat.
I do – Step 1
Put the small letter m on the blackboard/pocket chart. Point to the letter and say,
T: The name of this letter is m. This is the small letter m.
T: The sound of this letter is the same in English and Kiswahili. The sound is /m/.
T: I will write the letter while I say the sound.
We do – Step 2
T: Let’s do it together. The name of this letter is?
T & S: m.
T: The sound of this letter is?
T & S: /m/.
You do – Step 3
T: Now you do it alone. The name of this letter is?
S: m.
T: The sound of this letter is?
S: /m/.
T: Open your book to page 31. Point to the small letter m on the page.
I do – Step 1
Put the word am on the blackboard/pocket chart.
T: Watch me: /a/ /m/.
T: The word is am.
We do – Step 2
T: Now, we shall do it together. We shall say the sounds, then we shall say the
whole word.
T & S: /a/ /m/.
T: The word is…
T & S: am.
You do – Step 3
T: Now you try it.
T: (Sweep your finger under the letters as the students say.)
S: /a/ /m/.
T: The word is …
S: am.
Background: What and Why Oral Language oral language proficiency in L1 (e.g., vocabulary),
ral language is a broad construct encompassing
various aspects such as phonology, morphology,
vocabulary, syntax, grammar, and discourse engage in meaningful, rich language experiences to
(Kim, 2016a). As reading and writing are language develop their oral language skills (Hart & Risley, 1995;
represented in print, these various aspects of oral Wells, 1986).
language skills are necessary for reading and writing
development. For reading comprehension, language
Evidence from Developing
skills such as vocabulary, grammatical knowledge,
and listening comprehension are particularly relevant
(del Valle Catalan, 2016; Gough & Tunmer, 1986; Juel, merging evidence in
Griffith, & Gough, 1986; Kim, Al Otaiba, Folsom, & developing countries
Greulich, 2011; Kim, Al Otaiba, Sidler, Greulich, & suggests that instructional
Puranik, 2014). As illustrated in Figure 2, reading attention to oral language
comprehension cannot be achieved without language improves reading skills. In the
comprehension skills even with proficient word Democratic Republic of Congo,
reading. Despite its clear evidence, the importance of teachers’ instruction in French
oral language is often not recognized by teachers in on vocabulary (e.g., discussing
some texts (e.g., Friedlander, Gasana, & Goldenberg, illustrations and new vocabulary) was associated with
2014). improved reading (EDC, 2014). Furthermore, students
who were exposed to spoken ‘literary’ Arabic—the
Discourse-level oral language skills such as listening
language used in reading and academic contexts—
comprehension are higher-order skills (Kim, 2015,
during preschool had higher performance in reading
2016a; see Figure 3) and built on lower-level oral
comprehension in Grades 1 and 2 than those who
language skills such as vocabulary and grammatical
were exposed only to the spoken Arabic dialect—
knowledge as well as a complex array of cognitive
the language used in the home (Abu-Rabia, 2000;
skills, including working memory, inhibitory
Feitelson, Goldstein, Iraqi, & Share, 1993). Spoken
control, attention, inference, perspective taking and
Arabic used in the home is differs from literary Arabic
reasoning, and comprehension monitoring as well as
in several ways, some of which can impact literacy
background knowledge (Florit, et al., 2014; Kendeou,
acquisition (Abu-Rabia, 2000).
et al., 2008; Kim, 2015, 2016a; Kim & Phillips, 2014;
Lepola, et al., 2012; Tompkins, et al., 2014). These However, evidence about the effect of multi-
skills develop when children are exposed to rich oral component intervention on students' oral language is
language at home and school. Children need to hear mixed,24 with results ranging from no effect to large
words, sentences, and stories frequently and need to effects. No effects were found in multicomponent
In many studies, students’ listening comprehension was measured by a single story or passage followed by 5 questions. This is
limiting, given passage effect and the limited number of items. As noted below, greater attention is needed to accurately and reliably
measure students’ listening comprehension ability.
Language of instruction in the vast majority of these studies was L2 with exceptions of Falconer-Stout et al. (2015), RTI (2015a—
Language of instruction in this study varied depending on the condition), and RTI (2016a).
Dictionary definitions are often too difficult for students. Student-friendly definitions and explanations involves using common
language that students are likely to be familiar. For instance, a dictionary definition of 'ally' (noun) is "a person, group... that is
associated with another or other for some common cause." When using student-friendly terms, an ally can be described as "someone
who helps you in what you are trying to do, especially when there are other people who are against you," (Beck et al., p. 36).
Though building teachers’ own language proficiency may be an important requisite to promoting student's literacy acquisition (see
Chapter 4). Building teachers’ language proficiency is, however, a long term process. Over the short or medium term, having teachers
read books to children can be an important tool for improving oral language proficiency.
This recommendation is from a review of studies in developed country contexts for young children. However, the principle should
apply to developing countries as well.
Teacher: Tell me about what you are making. n order to use books and text materials as a
(Elicitation) means to promote oral language (e.g., dialogic
reading), high quality books and text materials are
Student: A tree.
necessary. There are some examples of the successful
Teacher: You are making a tree with trunk and and low cost production of local text materials.
leaves. (Extension and Exposure—‘trunk’ and Madrasa Resource Center preschools in Uganda,
‘leaves’) Kenya and Zanzibar, where teachers were trained to
use low-cost, locally available materials in a child-
Student: Yes, I like my tree.
centered way, had a positive impact on children’s
Teacher: I love it too. It is a great tree with strong cognitive development, in comparison to a control
trunk and vibrant leaves. (Extension and Exposure group (Malmberg, Mwaura, & Synva, 2011). Books
produced by local publishers can be too expensive
for widespread use, resulting in low demand and
a weak supply chain (Edwards & Ngwaru, 201;
Kruger, 2009). However, the Rwanda Children’s Book
information explicitly stated in conversations or
Initiative, working with local authors, publishers and
books, and infer information that is not explicitly
illustrators did prove to be effective in increasing
stated in conversations or books. Extending
the supply of books in Kinyarwanda for early grades
students’ utterances is also an important way to
by about 33% (Malik et al., 2015), thereby creating
continue multi-turn conversations and provide
more avenues to expose children to oral language
language input (e.g., Dickinson & Proche, 2011;
through read-alouds and book reading. The Initiative
Justice, Mashburn, Pence, & Wiggins, 2008).
worked with publishers, authors and illustrators to
n Teach cognitively demanding questions build their capacity in the children's book publishing
In dialogic reading, teachers and parents do not simply read words in the book. Instead,
teachers ask various “wh” questions before, during, and after reading to promote students’
active participation (e.g., paying attention to stories and texts, and asking and responding to
During additional readings, the teacher asks higher-order questions that refer to the story plot
and to the student’s personal experiences. Examples included “What did he do next?” “Why was
he happy?” “What happened in the beginning?” “Did you ever see ?” “Where was it?” “What did
it do?” When responding to the students’ answers, the teacher expands each child’s response
by repeating back some part of what the student said, but adding more (e.g., “He is kicking the
soccer ball during a game.”). The teacher also encourages the student’s participation and longer
responses and descriptions. Prompting is one way to invite the students to participate (e.g., The
boy is kicking .).
n order to evaluate students’ needs for oral vidence is sparse about effective approaches
language instruction, carefully designed language to promote oral language skills (see Chapter 4
assessments should be used. For instance, EGRA for the latter). It is a grave mistake to consider the
listening comprehension assessment in developing importance of oral language proficiency only in the
countries asks children to listen to a story and context of literacy acquisition in L2. Studies have
then answer 5 related questions. This is limiting consistently shown that students vary widely in oral
in many aspects such as psychometrics (e.g., a language proficiency in their L1 and the language of
single story and associated 5 questions is not instruction (e.g., Falconer-Stout et al., 2015; Piper et
sufficient to provide reliable and valid information). al., 2015; RTI, 2015a, b; 2016). Research evidence is
Furthermore, this format is not sufficient to capture needed to examine what instructional approaches are
variation in children’s ability in oral language effective to improve children's oral language in what
comprehension. For instance, although students contexts. In particular, we need more information and
might score a zero in a listening comprehension evidence about what kind of language comprehension
task (listening to passages), they may be able to curriculum is simple enough for teachers to
understand some words or sentences. A well- implement on a daily basis, yet powerful enough to
constructed oral language assessment would assess make a difference in oral language, and subsequently
children’s comprehension at the word (vocabulary), in reading comprehension and writing. Furthermore,
sentence (sentence comprehension), and discourse there is a great need to develop a richer set of reliable
(listening comprehension) level, using both receptive and valid tools for measuring children’s oral language
and expressive tasks. In receptive tasks, students skills such as vocabulary, sentence comprehension,
primarily hear vocabulary, sentences, and stories and discourse-level comprehension (i.e., listening
and identify correct responses. Expressive tasks comprehension).
require students to produce oral language (e.g.,
vocabulary, sentence, and stories). Finally, listening
comprehension assessments at the discourse Section C. Reading Fluency:
level should carefully consider balancing literal Foundation for Reading
and inferential questions. Literal comprehension Comprehension
questions require students identify information
that is explicitly stated in the given text whereas Background: What and Why Reading
inferential comprehension questions require students Fluency?
to infer information that is not explicitly stated (Kim
& Petscher, in press). eading fluency refers to the accurate and rapid
reading of connected text with expression
(reading prosody (NICHD, 2000). Reading fluency,
ICT Considerations
also widely referred to as oral reading fluency or
hile there is little evidence of effective ICT text reading fluency, is a text level, not a lexical
usage for the promotion of oral language skills (word) level, skill, and is strongly related to reading
specifically, e-readers and mobile phones can be comprehension across languages (del Valle Catalan,
used to provide wide access to electronic books and 2016; Fuchs, Fuchs, Hosp, & Jenkins, 2001; Hudson,
text materials in a variety of languages, as discussed Pullen, Lane, & Torgesen, 2009; Jenkins, Fuchs, van
further in sections 4a below. Software could also be den Broek, Espin, & Deno, 2003; Kim, 2015; Kim, Park,
designed to read text aloud to children, enhancing & Wagner, R. K., 2014; Kim, Petscher, Schatschneider,
their oral language development. & Foorman, 2010; Piper & Korda, 2011a; Pouezevara
here is a moderate Automaticity in reading does not develop
evidence base that explicit automatically. When students can start decoding
instruction on multiple words accurately, opportunities to practice
components improves students’ reading approximate texts (i.e., instruction
reading fluency. In studies level or just slightly challenging texts; Kuhn
explicitly focused on the big & Stahl, 2003) should be explicitly built in the
5 identified by the National reading curriculum. Teachers should include
Reading Panel Report (NICHD, time to reread the words taught in isolation
2000; phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, or in connected texts. Students need daily
reading fluency, and reading comprehension), practice reading the same texts several times,
students were able to read connected text more with attention to accuracy and speed (repeated
accurately and rapidly in various L1 and L2 contexts reading).
such as Bangladesh (Jonason et al., 2014* ), the 30
Description of language context was not explicitly provided in some documents, and thus, the authors’ best judgement was used
inferring from documents.
The report did not provide results by language or grade.
GRA and other similar assessment batteries
implemented in the order of echo reading,
include reading fluency tasks. When developing
choral reading, partner reading, and whisper
and using reading fluency tasks, texts used for
reading (Brooker et al., 2010). In echo reading,
reading fluency assessments should be grade and
the teacher reads clauses or sentences and the age appropriate (see RTI, 2016b for EGRA tool kit).
students repeat after the teacher. In choral In addition, multiple passages should be used
reading, the teacher and students read the same because texts vary in difficulty and text difficulty
texts together. In partner reading, students is an important factor for determining reading
are paired and take turns reading. In whisper fluency. Even very carefully developed texts that
have equivalent readability values can result in
reading, students are asked to read the same
significantly different text reading fluency (rate)
text to themselves in a quiet voice that has been
among children (Francis et al., 2008; Petscher &
practiced through echo reading, choral reading,
Kim, 2011). To account for the passage effect, an ideal
and partner reading. Across all the readings, approach is equating passages in terms of reading
students should be encouraged to point to the rate. An alternative, widely-used approach, however,
text using their finger, and teachers should walk has been using multiple texts (e.g., 3 passages) and
around the class monitoring students’ reading. using either the mean or median (middle) scores (see
the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
When pairing students for partner reading,
[DIBELS] approach; Petscher & Kim, 2011).
fluent readers should be paired with less fluent
ICT Considerations
mpirical evidence examining the use of ICT
approaches to improve reading fluency is limited.
Consideration of Environmental
A study in Kenya, discussed in greater detail in
Characteristics and Resources
section 3b above, did not find additional benefit to
or the purpose of practicing reading fluency with more ICT-intensive interventions in terms of reading
timed repeated reading, relatively short passages fluency outcomes (Piper, Zuilkowski, Kwayumba, &
are useful so that students can finish the passage Strigel, 2016). A number of possible applications of
within a reasonable time. Texts for repeated reading ICTs to improve reading fluency exist, however. When
should be either at the instructional level (students students have e-readers, tablets, or mobile phones,
can read 95% of the words independently) or slightly they can be given a range of texts with which to
challenging (students can read 90% of the words practice reading. Devices can also time students as
independently) (Kuhn & Stahl, 2003). Supporting they read, and allow for the easy gathering of data
the development of reading fluency in print-poor on progress over time, which is a challenge in large
environments is challenging in part due to the classrooms. Teachers may be able to use software
lack of texts to read. In these instances, teachers such as Tangerine to collect student fluency data and
can use local songs, poems, proverbs and short examine class-level trends. However, such approaches
folk tales written on a chalkboard to give students are not feasible in all settings, as they require a
the opportunity to practice reading fluency. It is relatively high level of technical skill among teachers
important, however, to make sure that children are as well as centralized infrastructure and support.
reading, not just memorizing.
eading fluency is widely assessed as a measure
of reading proficiency in developing countries, Background: What is Reading Comprehension
and has been shown to be related to reading and Why is it Important?
comprehension in developing countries in L2
eading comprehension is “the process of
contexts (Draper & Spaull, 2013; Piper & Korda,
extracting and constructing meaning through
2011a). The wide use and focus on reading fluency
interaction and involvement with written language”
in assessment and instruction in developing
(RAND study group, 2002, p. 11), and is the ultimate
countries assumes it has the same mediating
goal of reading. As shown in previous sections,
role in developing countries that it has in high-
reading comprehension draws on both word reading
income countries (Kim, 2015; Kim & Wagner, R. K.,
(decoding printed words) and listening comprehension
2015; Kim, Park, & Wagner, R. K., 2014). However,
(understanding meaning), and complex processes on
empirical examination of the mediating role of
which each of these draw (see Figure 2). Therefore,
reading fluency from developing countries and
without appropriate development and coordination
various orthographies has been limited. For instance,
of these multiple processes, reading comprehension
in some writing systems (e.g., Thai & Khmer)
cannot be achieved.
word boundaries are not visually marked and the
development of reading fluency in these writing
systems would be informative. Furthermore, many Evidence from Developing
developing countries have developed reading fluency Countries
benchmarks. Although benchmarks are useful for
he evidence on approaches
monitoring progress and are set in different ways
that facilitate reading
(e.g., using normative information about reading
comprehension in developing
trajectory data or a desired rate of progress), the
country contexts is emerging. In
normative performance level itself is a moving
contrast to relatively consistent
target. In many low-income countries, students
effects on building-block reading
were not able to read any words in connected texts
skills such as decoding and
(i.e., zero score in reading fluency) at baseline (e.g.,
reading fluency, interventions
EDC, 2013; Falconer-Stout et al., 2015; Piper, 2010b;
have yielded limited impact or mixed results in
RTI, 2016a), but improve their reading skills with
reading comprehension skills. Many studies in L1
evidence-based instruction. It is important, then,
and/or L2 found no effect in reading comprehension
that benchmarks are continuously evaluated or
(Azami & Pava, 2014*; Badiable et al., 2013*; Dunlop,
adjusted as more empirical data become available. It
2015*; Friedlander et al., 2012*; Guajardo et al., 2012*,
is also important to reiterate here that improvement
2013*; Jonason et al., 2014*; Karki & Dowd, 2013*;
in reading fluency itself is not the end goal, but an
Moulvi et al., 2014*; Moulvi & Pava, 2014*; Mungoi et
important skill to improving reading comprehension.
al., 2010*; Pallante & Kim, 2013; Pinto, 2010*; Pisani
Finally, although reading fluency assessments
& Alvarado, 2012*; Pisani et al., 2014*; Rosenkranz et
including benchmarks provide useful information,
al., 2014*; Wickramasekara et al., 2014*). For instance,
reading fluency should be used as one of the several
in Haiti, children were provided multicomponent
indicators of reading proficiency.
reading instruction in Haitian Creole for a year, but
this yielded no effect on reading comprehension for
students in Grades 1 and 2 (RTI, 2015b).
Only for full implementation condition, but not for light condition.
One way to promote reading comprehension is Program provided mother tongue supplementary
raising questions while reading texts. However, storybooks, mobile library shelves, slates, alphabet
cultures vary in terms of raising questions about sorts, chalk and stationary to school-based reading
content presented by perceived authority figures centers, there were still too many students per class
such as authors (e.g., Dixon, Graber, & Brooks- and too few actual teaching and learning materials to
Gunn, 2008; Iyengar & Lepper, 1999). In this have an impact. These studies indicate that although
context, it is important to inform students about availability of suitable books is critical and necessary
the purpose of the questioning strategy—to better to promoting reading development other factors such
comprehend the author’s intended meaning. as class size and student to book ratios can impede
Furthermore, cultural variation should be taken comprehension and frustrate these efforts.
he “Book Flood” approach in Niue, Fiji, Singapore, UKAID and the Global Partnership for Education are
Sri Lanka, South Africa, the Solomon Islands supporting the development of a Global Book Fund
and other countries consisted of “flooding” about Alliance. The goal of the Global Book Fund Alliance
100 high interest books per classroom into resource is to transform the development, procurement and
poor environments (Elley, 2000). Results from distribution of books, leveraging financing strategies
different contexts suggested that the effect of the built on experience from the health sector to lower
presence of books alone was negligible. Instead, when costs while increasing distribution and quality.
accompanied by simple training for teachers, children
ypical reading comprehension assessment informs a single set of questions. This has implications for
us about students’ performance levels. However, reliability and validity (see above for similar issues
important for instructional purposes is information for listening comprehension assessment in Section C).
about why students performs at a particularly level. In addition, these tasks may not be sensitive enough
Therefore, in addition to reading comprehension, to accurately capture reading comprehension for
assessment on word reading (including reading students with low reading proficiency. For instance,
fluency) and oral language proficiency should be a sentence-level reading comprehension task (e.g.,
conducted. Extant studies have been highly uniform the student hears a sentence and identify veracity
in the format of reading comprehension assessment— of the statement) might be able to capture students'
asking children to read a passage and then asking emerging reading comprehension more accurately for
five comprehension questions. This is limiting in students with low reading proficiency.
The following activity, Thinker’s Spinner, contributed by Save the Children, is designed to
promote use of reading comprehension strategies (see above).
Predict: What do you think will happen next? What do you think will happen five years from now?
Explain: What are the different steps in this process? What are the causes behind this event?
Summarize: What were the main characters? Where did the story happen? What were the main events
in the story? What is the author’s main idea? What are some ideas used to support the main idea?
Evaluate: Do you think the author used good evidence or argument to support the main idea? Why or
why not? What do you like/not like about the story and why?
Use the spinner to ensure a variety in the types of questions students get to respond to about
a given text.
CT applications for literacy offer numerous students at different developmental levels (e.g., for
possibilities for enhancing and assessing students in the initial phase of development), greater
comprehension. For example, students reading a text intensity on decoding might pay off whereas for
on an e-reader, mobile phone, or tablet could answer students beyond the initial phase, increased intensity
a series of on-screen comprehension questions. The in oral language would be more beneficial. Evidence
multilingual Bridges to the Future software, used in about feasible and effective instructional approaches
South Africa, uses a game approach to test children's to differentiated instruction is also needed.
comprehension of reading material (Wagner, D.
A., 2014). Using software such as Tangerine (Kipp,
Strigel, & Pouezevara, 2016), student responses Section E. Writing for Meaning
could be collected by teachers for quick assessment
of reading comprehension, even in a large class. In Background: What is Writing for Meaning
Tangerine, teachers can build assessments aimed and Why is it Important?
at the specific skills their students are working on,
and observe changes over time. However, despite riting is producing texts in print at sublexical
the existence of such applications, teacher usage in (e.g., writing orthographic symbols), lexical
developing countries is often limited due to lack of (spelling words), and discourse levels (writing
comfort and faculty with the technology and lack of sentences and paragraphs, also called written
the facilities, infrastructure, and staff to support its composition). Written composition refers to the
use in this manner. ability to express one’s ideas in written texts in a
coherent and organized manner, and is one of the
uch of the extant research in low-income various phases (Kellogg, 2008). Written composition
countries consists of randomized evaluations occurs in various genres including narrative and
of multicomponent interventions. Although this informational texts. Writing is an increasingly critical
approach is highly informative and might make sense skill in daily lives including developing countries.
for cost-effectiveness purposes, more fine-grained Also, although evidence is not available from
information is necessary. As reviewed above, there is developing countries, evidence from the US indicates
large variation in the multi-component intervention that writing development has a positive effect on
effects, ranging from no effect to a large effect on reading development (see a review by Graham &
reading comprehension. However, it is unclear what Hebert, 2010). Therefore, writing instruction should be
explains such large variation. Therefore, systematic an integral part of early literacy instruction.
efforts are needed to elucidate factors that contribute
to differential effects and the conditions under which
What Does it Take to Develop Writing?
literacy interventions do or do not work. Studies
have shown that the literacy achievement levels arly writing develops in phases from scribbling
of multicomponent interventions vary by location and drawing, writing strings of orthographic
(urban, rural), school types, gender, language symbols, writing simple words to complex words,
backgrounds, and socio-economic backgrounds sentences, and passages. Figure 5 presents these
(Falconer-Stout et al., 2015; Piper et al., 2015; Raupp skills necessary to develop written composition,
et al., 2015). Additionally, intervention effects may and the structural relations among skills. Written
vary as a function of students’ initial skill levels composition depends on students’ transcription
vidence is extremely environments across different writing systems (e.g.,
limited. Even the few what factors influence writing development, what are
extant studies were about effective instructional approaches).
emergent writing (i.e., copying;
Falconer-Stout et al., 2015) Summary of Important Design
and spelling (RTI, 2016a; Taha Considerations and Challenges
& Saiegh-Haddad, in press)
with virtually no studies on n Explicitlyteach transcription skills
written composition. Classroom (handwriting and spelling).
observations in Nigeria Handwriting instruction should include how to
revealed time spent on writing hold a pencil or chalk for efficient writing, guided
instruction (handwriting and spelling) was extremely practice about how to write orthographic symbols
limited, ranging from 1.6 minutes to 4.5 minutes from memory (e.g., see Berninger et al., 1997).
(RTI, 2016a). Despite this, with a multicomponent Systematic spelling instruction should progress
intervention, Grade 2 students' letter writing and from one-syllable words to multisyllabic words
spelling improved with a small effect (RTI, 2014a) and with attention to orthographic symbol knowledge,
moderate effects (RTI, 2016a). In Taha and Saiegh- phonological awareness, morphological awareness,
Haddad’s (in press) study, elementary grade Arabic and orthographic awareness (Berninger et al.,
readers were provided instruction on phonological 1998; Graham, Harris, & Chorzempa, 2002; Taha
awareness and morphological awareness, and their & Saiegh-Haddad, in press; Wanzek et al., 2006).
spelling skills improved compared to students who Importantly, in systematic spelling instruction,
did not receive instruction in phonological awareness words for spelling instruction should be carefully
and morphological awareness. The development of selected by considering patterns of words (e.g.,
One approach to promote writing for beginning writers is the interactive writing approach (see Roth & Guinee, 2011)
frequently used, sophisticated words on the word typically do not follow this sequence linearly or
wall or the class may have ‘a word bank’ which spend the same amount of time in each process.
lists synonyms and antonyms of high frequency Instead, they go forward or backward depending
words so that students can use them up during on needs. Different writing strategies are relevant
various processes of writing. and useful in each phase of writing. For instance,
during the planning phase, students need to select
Teachers should also model how to compose
and organize ideas. During the drafting process,
sentences that express intended meaning
students need to find ways to express ideas using
accurately. Teachers can start with simple
precise vocabulary and sentences, and appropriate
sentences and progress toward more complex ones.
text structures (see Graham, 2006, Graham et al.,
Sentence expansion and sentence combining are
2012; Harris, Graham, Mason, & Fridlander, 2008;
useful activities. For example, the two sentences,
Limpo & Alves, in press for further research-
“My brother is tall. My brother is fast.” can be
validated writing strategies). During revision
combined to My brother is tall and fast. This can
process, students revise their writing, paying
be also combined with “He won the race” and
attention to expressions, organizations, and others'
expanded to My tall and fast brother won the race.
feedback. Then, the composition is read with a
Instruction on combining sentences should be
focus on spelling and punctuation and writing
integrated into writing, and should not be an
conventions (i.e., editing). Finally, finished product
isolated drill (e.g., using worksheets). Teachers can
is shared with peers in the class, school, and
demonstrate and model the process of combining
and modifying sentences during various processes
of writing such as drafting and revising.
Consideration of Environmental
n Demonstrate how to use multiple writing Characteristics and Resources
strategies during various phases of
riting for meaning and various purposes is
writing process (Graham et al., 2012). not a commonly taught activity in schools in
Writing involves an iterative process of various developing countries. In addition, materials to write
phases including planning (what to say and how on are often scarce. Even workbooks for children are
to say the content), drafting (initial, first draft), generally reused from year to year, and students jot
revising (making changes), editing (changes in down answers in their own copy books if they have
writing conventions such as punctuation), and them. In fact, disposable materials are generally
pelling is typically assessed through dictation 2015; Wagner, R. K. et al., 2011). Therefore, writing
tasks. An important aspect of spelling assessment productivity may be used as one indicator of writing
Most widely used in school settings in the US are quality rubric similar to what is shown in Table 3. Other approaches include writing
productivity (amount of writing) and curriculum-based writing. The latter has been typically used in special education in the US.
Although reliability and validity evidence exists for curriculum-based writing (see McMaster & Espin, 2007), it requires further study
for its utility in school settings.
When counting number of written words, recognizable words with invented spelling are counted. Excluded are nonsensible string of
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Idea Little evidence of A sense of a main Ideas are overall coherent Main are coherent, focused,
development ideas is present. idea is emerging. but lacks focus. Details are logical, and novel. Details
found. are appropriate.
Organization No evidence of Emerging evidence Logical organization but Logical and effective of
organizational of organizational some mishaps organization
structure structure
Vocabulary Little evidence Vocabulary words Some interesting and Vocabulary words are
and sentence of effect use of are mostly common descriptive vocabulary precise. Sentence structures
use vocabulary and words and sentence words are used, and are appropriate for
sentences (few words structure is simple. attempts to use varied expressing the main idea
and sentences) sentences are made. clearly.
Spelling Few words are spelled Many high frequency, Many words are spelled Spelling is mostly correct.
correctly. one-syllable words correctly, but many errors
tend to be spelled are found for multisyllabic
correctly. words.
people are involved in evaluation, consistency the use of this software is not currently available.
across raters (inter-rater reliability) needs to be Despite widespread concerns, there is no evidence
established. Establishing consistency or reliability of a negative effect of text messaging among youth
requires rigorous training (Kim et al., 2014; Kim, on conventional spelling (Bushnell, Kemp, & Martin,
Schatschneider, Wanzek, Gatlin, & Al Otaiba, under 2011; Plester, Wood, & Joshi, 2009).
review). Three, collect multiple samples of writing
(Graham, Harris, & Hebert, 2011; Kim et al., under Research Gaps
review). Assessing students’ writing on a single task
or genre does not provide a full, clear picture about here is a severe lack of research on writing
the student’s writing skill. Therefore, it is important development and intervention in low-resource
to assess students’ writing skill using multiple countries. Therefore, research is sorely needed
prompts or tasks. to address some foundational questions such as
achievement levels of writing for students in
developing countries, factors that contribute to
ICT Considerations
writing development (school, student level factors
omputers, tablets, and mobile devices may including gender), effective instructional approaches
provide opportunities for students to practice to develop spelling and writing skills, and teacher
their writing skills, as well as for teachers to capacity to teach and evaluate writing. In particular,
evaluate student work. Recent innovations include attention is needed to assess writing skills at the
the Bloom software, which enables users to create discourse level (i.e., written composition tasks and
their own books, and Story Weaver software, which evaluative approaches) that is reliable and valid, but
facilitates the writing of stories. However, evidence does not require extensive training.
from developing country settings on the effects of
n many parts of the world, literacy acquisition
language, which can be acquired at any point
occurs in multilingual contexts where children are
expected to acquire literacy in multiple unfamiliar after the first, and can be acquired through
languages. Multilingualism impacts learning various mediums, e.g. school, movies, friends
and reading outcomes at several levels and raises and community interactions, or the market. In
important questions about how to ensure that multilingual contexts, a person may acquire
children in multilingual environments are able to more than one L2.
learn in languages they do not speak and understand.
vidence about literacy
acquisition in multilingual These results of greater learning in L1 are in line
contexts is moderate. Despite with findings that L2 reading is impacted by L1
a commonly held belief among language and literacy development—L1 skills transfer
some parents and teachers and significantly impact L2 reading development
that L1 instruction might be (e.g., August & Shanahan, 2006; Geva & Zadeh,
unfavorable for L2 acquisition 2006; Koda, 2008). This transfer is manifested in
(Akyeampong et al., 2011; different ways, including: (1) significant correlations
Altinyelken, Moorcroft, & van der Draai, 2014; between phonological awareness in two languages of
Dutcher, 1994), extant evidence suggests that there varying degree of linguistic distances (see August &
is no disadvantage of L1 instruction in L2 language Shanahan, 2006 for two alphabetic languages; Kim,
and literacy instruction, and L2 reading skills might 2009 for alphasyllabic and alphabetic languages;
develop faster if students have already developed and Wang, Yang, & Cheng, 2009 for morphosyllabic
reading skills in L1. Students learning to read in L1 and alphabetic languages) (see Branum-Martin,
had a higher achievement in reading in 14 southern Tao, & Garnaat, 2015); (2) L2 phonological awareness
African countries (Hungi & Thuku, 2010) and other predicting L2 reading; and (3) L1 reading skills
countries (Hovens, 2002; RTI, 2008). In Gambia (RTI, predicting L2 reading skills (see Koda & Reddy, 2008).
2008; Hsieh & Jeng, 2016), South Sudan (Laguarda & Although some degree of transfer occurs in all writing
Woodward, 2013), Guinea-Bissau and Niger (Hovens, system pairs, the degree of transfer is dependent on
2002) students learning to read in L1 performed the pair of languages being acquired, and therefore,
better in reading than those learning to read in L2. the nature of the language and writing system must
In contrast, in Morocco, although Arabic-speaking be taken into consideration when planning language
children initially scored higher than Berber-speaking transitioning. For example, transfer between two
varied from 18.7% to 82% depending on the region he choice of a language of instruction has
(Falconer-Stout et al., 2015). In areas of Malawi implications for the development and provision
where Chiyao is the predominant language, 61% of of learning materials (Benson, 2004). While it is
students spoke Chiyao but the majority of teachers desirable for children to receive initial reading
(67%) did not (Chilora & Harris, 2001). In places instruction in mother tongue or at least in a language
like Fiji there is no single dominant L1. In these they understand, some mother tongues or L1s do not
contexts, creative approaches to meet local needs have a written orthography. The process of developing
should be considered including team teaching, and standardizing this can take years, although much
trading classes, and using paraprofessionals from progress has been made both by governments and
the community (Benson, 2004). Therefore, prior to groups like Summer Institute for Linguistics (SIL)
Language mapping refers to gathering information about languages spoken in different geographic areas and proficiency levels of
speakers (Pflepsen et al., 2015).
Likewise, publishing in L1 is often not lucrative for echnologies, such as mobile phones, e-readers,
publishers in developing country contexts unless the and tablets, may offer at least partial solutions
government is the principal purchaser. Many people to many of the challenges of multilingual contexts.
do not have disposable income to spend on books, These devices can carry multilingual dictionaries,
and parents often prefer to spend their money on reading material in mother tongues, audio and video,
books in written in former colonial languages such and other electronic media that can help children
as English, French, Portuguese and Spanish (Edwards learn how to read in multiple languages. Where
& Ngwaru 2011; Opoku-Amankwa, Edu-Buandoh, & available, ICTs may be particularly helpful when
Brew-Hammond, 2014). Hence, a serious investment teachers themselves are not first language speakers
of time and resources is required to develop the of the language of instruction. Software such as
materials necessary to effectively implement a L1 that used in the Bridges to the Future Initiative in
language policy in countries where a dominant and/ South Africa actively facilitates learning in multiple
or a colonial language have been used as the national languages, allowing children to switch back and
language of instruction (Klaus 2003; Malmberg, forth between languages (Wagner, D. A., 2014).
Mwaura, & Sylva, 2011; Opoku-Amankwa et al., 2014). Furthermore, resources such as SIL's Bloom software
may increasingly help to produce the types of reading
Strategies to facilitate multiple language materials
material needed in a range of languages, expanding
development processes for multilingual contexts
the often limited amount of content available in
include the development of a common structure
mother tongues.
and agreed upon content to be used in materials
development across languages, flexible formatting to ICTs can provide access to texts in various languages,
accommodate many languages, capacity building of generally at a lower cost than for printed books. A
local technical experts, and community involvement recent review of mobile literacy interventions notes
(Pflepsen et al., 2015). text-provision programs in Chile and South Africa,
for example (Wagner, D. A., 2014), while Worldreader's
mobile and tablet materials available in 43 languages
Assessment Considerations
have been used by more than 2.5 million people since
ne potential benefit of L1 instruction is that 2010 (Worldreader, 2014).
it allows one to accurately evaluate whether
students’ learning difficulty is due to lack of language
Research Gaps
skills in L2 or other cognitive functioning issues
(which are assessed in L1). However, this requires fforts and initiatives in providing instruction in
availability of language, cognitive, and literacy a language that is familiar to students are under
assessments in L1. Although assessments such as way in developing countries (e.g., Ethiopia, Gambia,
EGRA have been, and can be adapted to L1 considering Kenya, Mali, Philippines), and many of these employ
language and orthography characteristics (Gove & language transitional models—transitioning from
For more information on SIL, see and for more information on IEP, see
Similarly, although the language transition models are information campaign about L1 instruction.
ny theory of change for improving students'
and plausible, quantifying a threshold is a complex
literacy skills necessarily involves teachers'
task and thresholds are likely to vary depending on
beliefs and knowledge about literacy development
the target skill.
and instruction as well as their ability to use that
Also needed is our understanding about the impact knowledge in their teaching practice. Therefore,
of language policy and implementation at the local teacher education, including pre-service training
levels. In many multilingual contexts, national (initial teacher education) and in-service training
language policy is often not observed at the local (continuing professional development), is central
levels (Trudell & Piper, 2014). Therefore, rigorous to efforts to improve students’ literacy acquisition.
large-scale longitudinal randomized control studies Teacher knowledge and quality teaching40 are
are needed in order to investigate the impact of important to student achievement (McEwan, 2014;
language of instruction in real-life contexts (i.e., Rivkin, Hanushek, & Kain, 2005), including improving
an intent-to-treat study39). Related critical issues children’s literacy skill development (DeStefano et
include teacher education and training and teacher al., 2012; EDC, 2014a; McCutchen et al., 2002; Moats
assignment in relation to language of instruction & Foorman, 2003; Piasta, Connor, Fishmann, &
(see Section B below). Moreover, given that some Morrison, 2009).
parents and teachers' negative perceptions about L1
The intent-to-treat design in a randomized controlled study, adherence to the treatment or lack thereof is not included in the
analysis. Therefore, all participants are included in the analysis once they The intent-to-treat design in a randomized controlled
study, adherence to the treatment or lack thereof is not included in the analysis. Therefore, all participants are included in the
analysis once they were assigned into conditions regardless of their actual implementation of the treatment (Gupta, 2011).
Note that teacher knowledge and practice are influenced by their beliefs, values, and philosophical orientation (Paris, Wasik, &
Turner, 1991; Fang, 1996).
including content, pedagogical, and technological any teachers in developing
knowledge. When applied to literacy instruction, countries are not prepared
teachers, for example, have to understand theories to teach reading and writing
and the development of oral language, cognition, with particular difficulty
reading, and writing (Cunningham & Stanovich, 2004; with teaching higher-order
Moats, 2009; see Chapter 3). They also have to know skills such as listenening
how to teach oral language, reading, and writing. comprehenion, and reading
Teachers should be able to use standard educational comprehension (Akyeampong
technologies such as books, chalk and blackboard et al., 2011; Chesterfield et al., 2005; Falconer-Stout
as well as others such as computers, mobile phones, et al., 2015; Kyeyune et al., 2011). Grade 2 teachers in
and tablets. Furthermore, critical in this framework the Philippines showed ‘deficient’ and ‘inadequate’
are the intersections of these different aspects such practices in various aspects of teaching at baseline
as pedagogical content knowledge (what teaching (Clark-Chiarelli & Louge, 2016). Many teachers in
approaches fit the target content); and technological low-income countries do not know how to identify,
pedagogy content knowledge (how to connect monitor progress, and provide intervening instruction
knowledge of technology with literacy skills and use for students who need further help (Akyeampong
it for teaching literacy skills). et al., 2011; Tilson et al., 2013a). Furthermore,
many teachers in sub-Saharan countries had little
understanding about links between L1 and L2 literacy
• Standard technologies
such as books, chalk and
Technological Pedagogical
• Other technologies such as
computer and digital video and Content Knowledge
eacher education is multi-faceted, including
through the CETT (Centers for Excellence in Teacher
regulations, standards, assessment, recruitment,
Training) program had greater knowledge about
initial teacher education, in-service training
teaching literacy, and implemented the literacy
programs, and retention, and evaluation (Wilson,
strategies they were taught, and their students had
2008). Covering all these aspects is beyond the
higher achievements (Chesterfield & Abreu-Combs,
scope of the present report.42 Instead, below are
2011). Training improved knowledge of literacy
key considerations to building capacity for literacy
instruction and attitudes and beliefs toward literacy
instruction in low-income countries.
instruction and acquisition for educators such as
supervisors and teachers (RTI, 2016a). Furthermore,
n Establish curriculum aligned with
training improved literacy instructional practices
for primary grade teachers in the Philippines (Clark- evidence on effective literacy instruction
Chiarelli & Louge, 2016*) and Yemen (Pleiss et al., in teacher education and professional
2016*). In Nigeria, teachers who received training on training.
reading instruction employed reading instructional Teachers need an understanding of how literacy
practices more frequently (e.g., presenting letter is acquired, how to teach literacy skills in the
names and sounds, asking reading comprehension classroom, and how to use assessments to inform
questions) (RTI, 2016a). In the Democratic Republic instruction. Areas for teacher knowledge in
Note that many of the studies reviewed here did not include student literacy outcomes.
The primary place where newly certified teachers Student teaching (or practicum) is an important
gain their knowledge about subject content and part of curriculum in pre-service teacher education
pedagogy is preservice teacher education programs programs, and should be tightly connected
(Akyeampong et al., 2011, 2013; Kyeyune et al., to coursework, and should be systematically
2011). Therefore, curriculum in preservice teacher organized and supervised. However, gaps between
education programs is critical to ensuring that courses and practicum have been consistently
teacher candidates acquire necessary skills for reported (Akyeampong et al., 2011; 2013) such
literacy instruction. As documented Chapters 2 that what is taught in teacher training programs
and 3, evidence about what needs to be targeted does not match with the real world of teaching—
for effective literacy instruction in developing dominant instructional approaches in preservice
countries is accumulating, and therefore, should programs are lectures and taking and copying
be incorporated into the teacher education notes with little connection and opportunity to
curriculum (Piper & Korda, 2011b). In particular, in teach (Akyeampong, 2003). Moreover, student
many low-income countries, there have been no teaching is often short without sufficient
specific courses targeting teaching reading, and opportunities to observe and participate in
reading has been folded into language teaching teaching (Akyeampong et al., 2013; Kyeyune et al.,
in teacher education curriculum (Akyeampong 2011), and are not systematically supervised and
et al., 2011; EDC, 2013; Kyeyune et al., 2011). supported by both expert teachers and college
One example of an important factor, but is beyond the scope of the current report is recruitment of qualified teacher candidates
considering local needs. Many prospective teachers in sub-Saharan Africa do not meet qualifying grades for entry into training
programs, which then requires them to take remedial courses (Akyeampong, 2003). When it comes to literacy instruction, recruiting
local teachers who are fluent in the language of instruction and familiar with local social and cultural contexts (Young, 2009) is
important to promote students’ literacy acquisition (Ball, 2011). In order to attract and sustain strong prospective teachers to pre-
service teacher training programs, incentives should be offered such as subsidizing teacher candidates’ studies, particularly for those
who can teach in needed areas (UNESCO, n.d.).
2011; Kraft & Epstein, 2014; Piper & Korda, 2011b; instance, in Ethiopia, where clusters were formed, the
Piper & Zuilkowski, 2015; RTI, 2014a, 2016a) and teachers in the cluster schools had access to a resource
elsewhere. Various forms exist, but generally, room at the partner college (Piper, 2010b).
everal projects developed direct teacher knowledge
For all these options, cost and efficiency must and attitudes assessments (see EDC, 2014a; EDC,
be worked out (Dubeck, Jukes, Brooker, Drake, & 2015; Falconer-Stout et al., 2015; RTI, 2016a), and
Inyega, 2015). Teacher education and professional teacher and leadership surveys and questionnaires
development requires a significant amount of time (Falconer-Stout et al., 2015; Pouezevara et al.,
and associated cost (Darling-Hammond, Chung 2013; RTI, 2014a; Spratt et al., 2013; Tilson et al.,
Wei, Andree, & Richardson, 2009). In examining 2013a). These have been crucial in revealing many
cost and efficiency for initial teacher education characteristics in the current status of teacher
programs, factors such as class sizes, tutor-trainee knowledge, pedagogical approaches in literacy
ratio, contact hours per week (teaching periods), instruction, and teachers and education leaders’
and the cost per trainee should be considered attitudes and beliefs about literacy acquisition and
(Akyeampong et al., 2013) in relation to student instruction in developing countries. However, these
achievement (Tilson et al., 2013a). have been primarily used as part of professional
development in multi-component intervention
projects, and has not been applied yet to pre-service
Consideration of Environmental
teacher education contexts. Thus, once pre-service
Characteristics and Resources
teacher education curriculum is aligned with recently
eacher education should include training on how emerging scientific evidence (see above), assessments
to create instructional materials, and how to use of pre-service teachers’ developing knowledge also
and integrate available resources in local contexts. should be aligned with the revised curriculum. Then,
In addition, teacher resource rooms or centers can the assessments used in these previous project can be
be created within schools or clusters to store and useful starting places to develop such assessment of
share materials, especially in environments where teacher knowledge.
they are scarce; even more desirable is the inclusion
CTs have the potential to be particularly important solar powered tablets). Despite these issues, teacher-
in areas where the shortage of a quality teaching focused ICT programs have become widespread.
workforce is a serious challenge, or in rural areas, A recent series of UNESCO publications on mobile
where teachers may have less access to face-to- learning details teacher support and training projects
face training. Several ICT options such as use of in North and Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and
video (EDC, 2014a) and other forms of technology the Middle East (UNESCO, 2012).
(e.g., online forums; Kucan, Palincsar, Khasnabis, &
Chang, 2009; Greene, 2015; RTI, 2014b) are potentially Research Gaps
promising and further studies are required to
aps are many and wide in all areas noted above,
determine their effectiveness (Abadzi, 2012; Abadzi
particularly as it relates to literacy instruction
& Martelli, 2014). An e-learning portal, for example,
and associated student outcomes. The experts
could provide teachers, supervisors, and school
interviewed for this report also pointed out that
administrators access to learning materials (see work
research on how to train teachers to teach reading
in Egypt, RTI, 2014c; EDC, 2013). Teacher education
for comprehension was lacking. The following
programs could include the distribution of lesson
are some of the salient overarching questions:
plans and teacher guides on tablets, as in the PRIMR
effective incentive programs that attract strong
program in Kenya (Piper, Zuilkowski, & Mugenda,
teacher candidates, keep them in teaching forces
2014), the usage of mobile phones to text information
(e.g., attracting teachers who are proficient in the
to teachers (as in the HALI project in Kenya; see
language of instruction and students' L1), actually
Brooker et al., 2010), or the loading of enrichment
teach at school (e.g., teacher absenteeism, Piper &
activities and pronunciation sound clips on various
Korda, 2011a; Raupp et al., 2015; RTI, 2016a), and
devices. Interactive audio instruction has been used
adopt new evidence-based instructional approaches;
in Mali and South Sudan (EDC, 2013, 2014b) as well as
cost and financing of various approaches to pre-
in the Democratic Republic of Congo (EDC, 2014a).
service and in-service teacher education to enhance
In Indonesia, where internet access via mobile teachers' capacity to deliver effective literacy
phone is fairly widespread, a collaboration of instruction; innovative approaches to connect
the International Literacy Association, the Nokia learning experiences in teacher education and
Corporation, the Pearson Foundation, and the actual classroom teaching with regard to literacy
Collaborative for Teaching Learning implemented a instruction; effective in-service professional
Although this study was in the context of mathematics education, the gist of the idea is applicable here.
The following example is drawn from the EGRA On Day 3, trainees practiced teaching literacy
Plus: Liberia, which was a two-year project (2008- lessons. Modeling was provided and trainees
2010) with multiple components including explicit practiced in pairs. Instructional components were
instruction of a multicomponent intervention, discussed and clarified with iterative process of
teacher training, coaching of teachers, and sharing modeling and practicing.
student reading performance with parents. This
On Day 4, trainees learned about progress-
example is to illustrate a general approach (and
monitoring assessment, reviewed EGRA assessment,
its variation) to teacher training and coaching
and practiced administering them. Trainees also
that is widely adopted in many multi-component
practiced a different lesson to teach to colleagues or
intervention studies with effects in student literacy
to students on the following day.
outcomes (see above). See Piper and Korda (2011) for
results of the project. On Day 5, trainees taught lessons to the group,
The project employed the “training of trainers” which were videotaped. Strengths of the lesson as
model where coaches were trained by experts, well as recommendations for improvement were
errors. Furthermore, trainees practiced scoring and – Meet with the principal to garner continued
consistency in scoring (i.e., reliability). support for reading instruction.
found an association between parental book reading
hile this report focuses largely on school-
and early literacy skills. A Save the Children study
based reading programs, children’s
in Malawi found associations between parental
experiences in their families and
attitudes toward children’s literacy learning—for
communities clearly impact literacy development
example, “I feel confident I can help my child learn
as well. Family experiences related to literacy vary
to read”—and children’s literacy skill improvement
in aspects such as the value placed on reading, the
during an academic year (Dowd, Wiener, & Mabeti,
presence of books in the home as well as literacy-
2010). Both parental literacy and the presence of
related practices such as adults reading with children,
print materials in the home were related to children’s
and opportunities for verbal interaction (Hess &
literacy performance in Iraq (Brombacher, Collins,
Holloway, 1984). This is typically referred to as home
Cummiskey, Kochetkova et al., 2012). In a rare
literacy environment and is typically measured by
comparative study across four multiple developing
surveys (see Dowd & Friedlander, 2016 for a sample
countries, Friedlander (2013) found that home literacy
home literacy environment survey).
environment factors accounted for between 1.2 and
In developed countries, a large body of research 14.9% of the variance in models predicting student
demonstrates that various aspects of home literacy literacy outcomes in the Philippines, Uganda, Mali,
environment do indeed affect children’s emergent and Ethiopia. As a whole, these studies suggest
literacy skills, including vocabulary, letter knowledge, that home literacy environment factors support the
and concepts of print (Dynia, Lawton, Logan, & development of children’s literacy skills in developing
Justice, 2014; Hayiou-Thomas, Dale, & Plomin, countries in the same manner as they do in wealthy
2012; Kim, 2009; Niklas & Schneider, 2013; Sénéchal countries. However, it may be that certain aspects
& LeFevre, 2014). While a recent USAID-funded of the home literacy environment, such as access to
Background: What and Why? program was both cheaper per child and more cost-
effective than the existing government program, in
ll literacy programs should be designed in terms of words per minute per dollar spent (Piper et
ways that are sensitive to issues of cost and al., 2014). In Mozambique, the full implementation of
sustainability. International aid fluctuates, as it did in the Aprender a Ler early grade literacy intervention
the aftermath of the global financial crisis (Tilson et cost an additional $2.75 per student, but resulted
al, 2013a), and the percentage of aid dedicated to basic in greater literacy learning than in control schools
education varies over time as well. Some countries (Raupp et al., 2015). By contrast, in the Malawi
obtain over 50% of their education budgets from Teacher Professional Development Program every
international aid, putting their education systems at dollar spent per child increased children’s oral
great risk during times of economic turmoil (UNESCO reading fluency by just one word per minute (Tilson et
Institute of Statistics, 2011). al., 2013a), which is relatively expensive. This limited
Improving literacy instruction will have long-term body of research does not allow for a conclusion as to
effects for student outcomes and system efficiency, the likely impact of changes in literacy instruction on
but only if programs are implemented widely and national education budgets.
(2016) identified four key components of successful hile rigorous evidence is limited, the
scaling up: design, delivery, finance, and enabling experiences of chiefs of party and literacy
environment. While the authors note that contextual technical experts working in developing countries
factors influence scaling processes, these four broad suggest several possible approaches to enhancing
areas are likely critical to long-term success. cost-effectiveness and sustainability. The first
and most critical step in ensuring that literacy
programs are sustainable is the careful examination
Evidence from Developing
of the per-student costs of programs. Costs may
not be significantly higher than existing costs of
elatively little comparable literacy instruction, particularly when the potential
student-level cost enhancements of system efficiency are taken into
effectiveness data is currently account—students who read better may be less
available. In a randomized likely to repeat grades and more likely to complete
control trial in Kenya, the education cycles. However, it is possible to leverage
Primary Math and Reading potential efficiencies through improved technical
Initiative (PRIMR) intervention specifications for books (along with improved capacity
interviewees put it as such: nfortunately, there is currently not enough
data from rigorous studies to compare cost-
I think the main issue we deal with is that
effectiveness across types of education interventions
projects are organized to have deliverables
(McEwan, 2014) and early grade literacy programs.
and those deliverables don’t match what
Evaluations have, to date, focused more on outcomes
governments do. So, if you just do the thing
than per-student costs and sustainability factors.
you have to do and convince your donor
The figures presented above for programs in
that you’re doing a good job, and you skip
Kenya, Mozambique, and Malawi suggest that costs
the step of working within the government
may vary, but are not directly comparable due to
structures, you can get a deliverable done,
differences in what is included in per-child program
but you haven’t done it through the people
costs. On a broader scale, greater research is also
who have to sustain it.
needed regarding the political and economic factors
Interviewees also commented that donor agencies that are supportive of long-term educational policy
should commit to longer funding periods that allow change sustainability.
ubstantial efforts and strides have been made in experience. This is particularly important for
the last decade to promote early literacy skills higher-order skills such as listening comprehension,
for students in developing countries. Reviewing reading comprehension, and written composition as
many documents for the present report convinced us development of these skills depend on development of
that we have a better understanding about what it lower-level language and cognitive component skills.
takes to impact 100 million children’s lives through Similarly, teacher learning is cumulative, and requires
enhanced literacy skills. At the same time, several sustained opportunities to learn and practice new
themes emerged, offering lessons and directions for pedagogical skills and approaches. The vast majority
the next generation as we implement the Sustainable of studies in developing contexts were project-based,
Development Goals, particularly, of ensuring inclusive tied to short-term funding, and did not allow for
and quality education for all and promote lifelong longer-term planning and skill development. This
learning. might be attributed to an unspoken assumption that
change can and will happen in a short time. The
First, improving students’ literacy skills requires incremental nature of reorienting a whole system full
systemic efforts, involving stakeholders at multiple of diverse actors toward new practices and behaviors
levels (see Figure 1 in Chapter 1). As illustrated in the is often unacknowledged. Longer project cycles would
chapters, these involve factors related to student, allow for time to trace systemic change as well as
teachers, family members, those in the community, pupil achievement over a more realistic period of
and in larger contexts. Therefore, simultaneous, time.
concerted, and organized efforts are needed to
address multiple, complex, and large system issues Second, while much has been learned, there are
such as building individual and institutional capacity still large and deep research gaps. Projects with
and garnering commitment and support from multicomponent interventions constitute the venue
government at the national and local levels (political for much of the recent international research on
support and commitments, social and cultural early grade literacy, and projects tend to take a
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