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The Creator of Zero

This booklet describes the life and legacy of one of the most
important mathematicians of the 5th century.

OPN March 2

Maths Assignment 2021-22 | 07

Aryabhata was
ryabhatta was the wrote another book "Aryabhatta

A greatest mathematician
India's first satellite, Siddhanta".
and astronomer of named after the Currently, there are only 34 verses of
ancient times. His work it exist. This book has been widely
in science and famous Indian used in the seventh decade. But there is
mathematics continues no specific information on how such a
inspire scientists today. He was one of astronomer. It was useful book was misplaced..
the first Indians to use algebra. You will Aryabhata did many other works in
be surprised to know that he wrote his launched on 19 April mathematics and astronomy. With his
famous work 'Aryabhatiya' in poetic work, he opened new avenues for many
form. It is one of the famous creations
1975 from Kapustin great scientists. In India, many research
of ancient India. Most of the Yar, a Soviet rocket institutes have been opened under his
information given in this book concerns name in which various types of
spherical trigonometry and astronomy. launch and research are carried out. He was the
In 'Aryabhatiya', 33 rules of arithmetic, 4,444 greatest mathematicians and
algebra and trigonometry are also given. development site in astronomers of ancient India. His work
By declaring 2012 as the National Year in science and mathematics continues
of Mathematics, Prime Minister of India Astrakhan Oblast to inspire scientists to this day. What is
has in a way honored India's first surprising is that he wrote his famous
mathematician and astronomer using a Kosmos-3M work 'Aryabhatiya' in poetic form. This
Aryabhatta. It is because of Aryabhatta,
who gave the world the understanding
launch vehicle. is one of the best known books from
ancient India. Most of the information
of zero, that for hundreds of years, India in this book concerns spherical
led the world in the field of trigonometry and astronomy.
mathematics. Aryabhatta's contribution 'Aryabhatiya', 33 rules of arithmetic,
is considered to be the most important algebra and trigonometry are also given.
in all the achievements the world has Today we all know that the earth is
field among astrologers of
achieved in astronomy today. It is round and rotates on its axis and that is
antiquity. Aryabhata is the most
because of them that today mathematics why there is night and day. This theory
famous one. He was a prominent
and astronomy is doing new research. astrologer and mathematician of the was proposed by Nicholas Copernicus
Information about Aryabhatta's birth Gupta period. He was educated at in the Middle Ages, but very few people
time comes from his book Nalanda University. At the age of would know about this fact that
Aryabhattiyam. In this book, he says 23, he wrote "Aryabhatiya Granth". Aryabhata discovered that the earth is
that “3600 years have passed since This "Aryabhatiya Granth" was round and its circumference is about
Kali Yuga and I were 23 when we accepted from everywhere, whereby 24835 miles.
wrote this book”. According to the King Buddhagupta appointed Aryabhata proved that the Hindu
tradition of Indian astrology, the Kali Aryabhata as head of Nalanda belief in solar and lunar eclipses was
Yuga begins in 3101 BC. As a result, University. wrong. This great scientist and
Aryabhattiyam was composed in AD mathematician also knew that the moon
499. In this sense, Aryabhatta would and other planets were illuminated by
have been born in AD 476. But there Works of Aryabhatta
the sun's rays. Aryabhatta proved from
are differences of opinion about his his sources that there are not 366 days
place of birth. Some scholars say that Aryabhatta wrote many treatises on in a year but 365.2951 days.
he was born somewhere between mathematics and astronomy, some of Aryabhatiya reports directly to the work
Narmada and Godavari, written in which can be found. His great done by him. It is believed that
Sanskrit literature as Ashmak Desh. creation, "Aryabhattiyam", is a Aryabhatta himself may not have given
While Ahmaka was identified by the collection of mathematics and this name, but later commentators may
"Arthashastra" of Kautilya as modern astronomy, widely cited in the Indian have used the name Aryabhatiya. This
Maharashtra, according to ancient mathematical literature, and continues is also mentioned in his writings by
Buddhist sources, Ashmaka or Asak is to exist in modern times. The math Bhaskara I, a disciple of Aryabhatta.
located in Dakcan. section of Aryabhattiyam covers This is also sometimes known as
Aryabhata was one of the great arithmetic, algebra, simple Arya-Sata-Ashta. Square roots, cubic
mathematicians and astrologers of trigonometry and spherical roots, parallel series and different types
ancient India. He composed the book trigonometry. It includes continuous of equations are given in 'Aryabhatiya'.
"Aryabhatiya", which presented many fractions, quadratic equations, the sum This book is a collection of
principles of mathematics and of the power series, and a table of mathematical and astronomical facts.
astrology. Renowned scholars such as chords. Information from three texts Aryabhatiya has a total of 108 verses,
Aryabhata, Varahmihira, written by Aryabhata remains to this plus another 13 introductory verses. All
Brahmagupta, AryabhataII, day. Dasgeetika, Aryabhattiyam and of this is divided into four verses or
Bhaskaracharya, Kamalakar have Tantra but according to experts, he chapters: Aryabhata had a profound
made invaluable contributions in this

Maths Assignment 2021-22 | 08

On the campus of
influence on the mathematics and Aryabhata was followed by another
theory of astrology of India and the the Inter-University astronomer of the same name named
world. Aryabhata, who held the most "Little Aryabhata". India's first satellite
important position among Indian Centre for was named Aryabhata in memory of its
mathematicians, presented astrological important contributions in the fields of
theory and related mathematics in the Astronomy and astronomy and mathematics.
form of his famous treatise
"Aryabhatiya" in 120 Aryachandas. He
Astrophysics Conclusion
expressed values of "pi" more
accurately than the great Archimedes in
(IUCAA), sits the
Aryabhatta has been immortalized in
the field of mathematics and was the statue of Aryabhata, history by his great contribution to zero
first in the field of astronomy to declare (0). Without it, it is difficult even to
that the earth rotates on its own axis. heralded as one of imagine mathematics. Aryabhata was the
The place value system is clearly first to explain the place value system. He
present in the writings of Aryabhatta. India's first was the first to say with an example that
Although he did not use a notation to
represent zero, mathematicians believe mathematicians and our earth revolves around the sun on its
axis and that the moon is a satellite of the
that knowledge of zero as a placeholder
for powers of ten, as well as empty
astronomers. earth that revolves around the earth. He
believed that all the orbits of all the
coefficients, begins derived from the planets were ellipsoidal. He said that the
Aryabhata positional value number light of the moon is a reflection of the sun
system. What is surprising is that he itself.
discovered astrology about a millennium
and a half ago without the advanced Krish Saraf ([email protected]),
tools of today. He also said that the "moon" was PCME Student, 2nd PU Student, J a i n
Aryabhatta Searched the theory C o l l e g e , Jayanagar, Bangalore, India.
black and was only illuminated by
proposed by Copernicus (1473-1543 sunlight. Of particular importance are
AD) a thousand years ago. Aryabhatta Aryabhata's "Bollis Siddhanta",
first demonstrated in "Golpad" that earth "Romaka Siddhanta", and Surya
rotates on its axis According to this great Siddhanta. "Varshaman" as decided by
math, the ratio between diameter and Aryabhata is more scientific than
circumference of a circle is "Ptolemy". The name of Aryabhata is
20,000:62,832, pure to four decimal also famous in the history of world
places. Aryabhatta calculated and found mathematics. In addition to his role as
that the circumference of the Earth was an astronomer, his contributions in the
3,99,68,05,820 km, only 0.2% smaller field of mathematics are also invaluable.
than its original value of 40,075,01670 The oldest text of the Aryabhata is also
km. The Earth is round and rotates on its algebraic. He first put a price on 'Pi' (π)
and he was the first to give the
axis, which causes night and day, this
'parenthesis' of 'SINE'. He invented
theory is well known, but many will be
equations to easily solve complex
familiar with the fact that Aryabhata mathematical problems that have
discovered long before "Nicholas become famous all over the world. He
Copernicus" that the Earth The land is invented a new method for pronouncing
round and its circumference is about numbers like eleven, consecutive zeros.
24,835 miles. A planet called Rahu In algebra he made many modifications
engulfed the Sun and Moon, causing the and promoted the "Arya Siddhanta" of
Sun and Moon to be eclipsed, this Hindu mathematical astrology. In his old age,
belief was denied by Aryabhata. During Aryabhata composed a treatise called
a lunar eclipse, a lunar eclipse occurs "Aryabhata Siddhanta". His text
when the Earth is between the Moon and "Dashgeeti Sutra" was accepted by
the Sun and its shadow falls on the Professor Karne to be published under
Moon, he was looking for reasons. the name "Aryabhatiya". Aryabhatiya is
Aryabhata also knew that the moon and the full text. In this book, in addition to
other planets were not luminous by many mathematical things such as
themselves, but rays of the sun's rays geometry, square roots, square roots,
were reflected there and that the earth astronomical operations and things
related to space are also included. Even
and other planets orbited the sun
today, the aid of this book is used to
prepare the "Hindu Panchang".

Maths Assignment 2021-22 | 09

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