Intergranular Corrosion of Welded Joints of Austenitic Stainless Steels Studied by Using An Electrochemical Minicell
Intergranular Corrosion of Welded Joints of Austenitic Stainless Steels Studied by Using An Electrochemical Minicell
Intergranular Corrosion of Welded Joints of Austenitic Stainless Steels Studied by Using An Electrochemical Minicell
Corrosion Science
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / c o r s c i
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: An intergranul ar corrosion study of welded joints of austenitic stainless steels (AISI 304 and 316L) has
Received 17 April 2008 been addressed. A specific small-scale electrochemical cell (minicell) has been used. Four different weld
Accepted 12 June 2008 ment zones have been studied. The electrochemical methods applied were the electrochemic al potenti
Available online 20 June 2008
okinetic reactivation test and electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation double loop test. These tech
niques showed that the HAZ was the most critical zone to intergranular corrosion for both materials. The
Keywords: weld metal was susceptible to interdendritic corrosion and the fusion line showed a mixture of intergran
A. Stainless steel
ular and interdendritic corrosion. The effect of pre- and post-welding heat treatments for AISI 316L was
B. Polariz
C. Intergranular corrosion
analyzed. The HAZ was again the most critical zone in every heat treatment condition. The results were
C. Welding correlated to the microstructural features of the materials.
© 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0010-938X/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Garcia et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 2390–2397 2391
2. Experim
ental tioning. It is used the same reference electrode (Saturated Calomel
Electrode) as for large-scale experiments and is located at a close
2.1. Materials, heat treatments and welding procedure distance of the working electrode (ca. 9 mm). This positioning is
intended to get the best possible electrical signals. Finally, there
The materials used in this work were two commercial SS grades, is no need to use joint sealant at the tip of the cell, the PMMA is
AISI 304 and AISI 316L, 4 mm thick rectangular plate. The chem already acting as a sealant, and no leakage has been observed.
ical compositions obtained by emission spectroscopy were AISI
304: 0.07%C, 17.5%Cr, 9.15%Ni, 0.51%Si, 1.75%Mn, 0.1%Cu, 0.025%P, 2.3. Corrosion resistance evaluation tests
0.007%S, balance Fe; AISI 316L: 0.03%C, 17.21%Cr, 10.27%Ni, 1.86%Mo,
0.36%Si, 1.34%Mn, 0.23%Cu, 0.030%P, 0.003%S, balance Fe. ASTM A262, Practice A [41], was used to establish the quality of
Weldments were prepared by an automatic Metal Inert Gas the material according to the three basic categ ories: “step”, “dual”
(MIG) procedure with argon as shield gas, no edge preparation, and “ditch”.
butt joint and AISI 308 type as filler material. Some AISI 316L Two electrochemical techniques were used: Electrochemical
welded joints were subjected to post-welding sensitisation heat Potentiokinetic Reactivation test (EPR) and Double Loop Electro
treatments at 750 °C for 6, 24 and 75 hours, and under a stream of chemical Potentiokinetic Reactivation test (DLEPR). Three replicate
Argon. Some AISI 316L specimens were, prior to welding, subjected test of each working area were performed without observing sig
to a solution annealing treatment at 1050 °C for 60 min under a nificant discrepancies. Every test was performed by means of the
stream of argon before being water quenched. minicell which was always applied on the middle of the longitudi
nal welded joint section for every welding zone.
2.2. Minicell setup EPR was performed following ASTM standard G-108 [42], but
since the results were shown to be dependent on the degree of
The minicell here applied for electrochemic al tests allows surface preparation, electrochemical conditioning was carried out.
studying sizes in about the 200–1000 lm range. Fig. 1 shows the This allowed using a degree of surface preparation (No. 600 emery-
schematic drawing of this minicell. To summarize, this is a cell paper) which was less severe than the established by the standard
made in PMMA although Teflon could also be used. It is formed test. The electrolyte was 0.5 M H2SO4 + 0.01 M KSCN and the test
by two parts: the lid and the body and made by conventional temperature 30 °C ± 1. The experimental parameters of the condi
machining techniques. The electrolyte flows in the cell through the tioning were the following: a delay of 5 min at open circuit (OC)
upper inlet (5 mm in diameter) and exits through the lower out potential, deaerated, an anodic attack ¡220 mVSCE (Saturated Calomel
let (1 mm in diameter). Therefore, the reduction in section causes Electrode), a delay of 2 min at VOC, a cathodic cleaning at ¡600 mVSCE
a suction effect that continuously renovates the chemical species for 1 min and a delay of 5 min at VOC. Passivation is accomplished
of the working area and allows a continuous flow of fresh electro by applying +200 mVSCE for 2 min. The reactivation scan started at
lyte over the working electrode area. The disturbing phenomen on 200 mV until 50 mV below the VOC at a rate of 100 mV/min.
of possible bubbling gets then reduced. The platinum counterelec DLEPR was carried out following the test conditions proposed
trode (0.2 mm wire) is positioned in between the working and the elsewhere [8,43]. The surface preparation of the sample was fin
reference electrode, which is considered to be the optimal posi ished with a 1 lm diamond polishing; the electrolyte was 0.5 M
2392 C. Garcia et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 2390–2397
H2SO4 + 0.01 M KSCN and the test temperature 30 °C ± 1. There three granular (TG) and associated to both austenite/d-ferrite interface
stages of the test were: a 5 min delay at VOC to determine corrosion and slip bands inside of some austenitic grains. This fact suggested
potential, anodic polarization scan from corrosion potential (Ecorr) that certain degree of cold work was present. Additionally, for AISI
to 300 mVSCE in the passive range at a scanning rate of 100 mV/min 304, the microstructure on the HAZ, at a distance of 3 mm from the
and a cathodic reactivation scan from 300 mVSCE to VOC. In some weld string, Fig. 3, presented some grooved grain boundaries but
experiments, as will be commented and discussed later, the pas at 6 mm again step structure was observed. The HAZ of AISI 316L at
sive vertex potential was shifted from 300 to 200 mV. The results different locations was classified as step.
of the test, expressed as the ratio of the current densities, ir/ia, and Because localised corrosion can be caused by the effect of
the charges, Qr/Qa, were used to evaluate susceptibility to IGC or exposure to critical temperatures either while welding or in post-
degree of sensitisation (DOS). Qr and ir were the charge and maxi welding servicing conditions, the AISI 316L weldment (resistant to
mum reactivation current density during reverse scan and Qa and corrosion in as-welded state) was heat treated at sensitisation tem
ia were the charge and maximum anodic current density during perature (750 °C). Large microstructural differences were found
anodic scan. depending on treatment time [28]. For the shorter time, 6 h, the
most relevant changes were seen in the weld metal and the fusion
3. Results and discussion line. Ageing of the d-ferrite and its transformation into chromium
carbide and sigma phase were observed, also secondary austenite
3.1. ASTM A262, Practice A and microstructural characterization was identified. Additionally, the fusion line showed continuous
aged ferrite stringers. The HAZ and base material showed low
ASTM A262, Practice A, was used as a qualit ative estimate of the degree of sensitisation and was classified as step.
DOS for the austenitic SS weldments. Additionally, the microstruc Welded joints heated for 24 h showed massive chromium car
tural characterization of the materials being studied here has been bide precipitation in austenite/d-ferrite interface, in boundary
reported elsewhere [28]. Four welding zones were discriminated grain and in the twins and slip bands of the HAZ and the base mate
on each welded joint: weld metal zone, fusion line, heat affected rial [28], Fig. 4a. A slight regeneration was observed on the HAZ
zone (HAZ) and base material. and the base material when sensitizing for 75 h, Fig. 4b. Although,
The base materials showed the expected microstructural fea sensitisation was taking place since some grains were entirely sur
tures [28]: an austenitic structure with some prior cold work in the rounded by ditch.
surface zone plus some delta ferrite stringers in the inner region. The found degree of prior cold work is a matter that must
AISI 304 also presents some scarcely chromium carbides Fig. 2. AISI be accounted for. It is known that low degree of cold working
316L showed some isolated r-phase particles. The content of the causes the increasing of susceptibility to intergranular corrosion.
type MnS inclusions was very low for both steels. The surface mor Evident sings of prior cold work were observed for base mate
phology according to Practice A was classified, for both base materi rials [28]. Consequently, some 316L samples were submitted to
als, as step and associated to non-sensitized stainless steel. solution annealing before welding in order to removing it and
Weld metal zones of AISI 304 and AISI 316L showed an austen getting a more homogeneous microstructure. Subsequently, they
ite/d-ferrite dendritic structure [28]. As a consequence of the rapid were sensitized at 750 °C for 75 h. The most relevant changes
cooling a high content of d-ferrite in the dendritic boundaries was were affecting to the HAZ and the base material. The transgran
observed. In the fusion line, it was noticed a significant decrease ular attack diminished due to both the decomposition of the d-
in content and morphology of d-ferrite [28] for AISI 316L. Addition ferrite and the absence of nucleation sites related to slip bands.
ally, at the end of the fusion line the quantity of d-ferrite increased Additionally, the intergranular attack was lower for the recrystal
and also chromium carbides on austenite grain boundary were lized HAZ, Fig. 5.
observed. There were some completely encircled grains in this
thin region, thus was classified as ditch structure. Also, the d-fer 3.2. Electrochemical reactivation of AISI 304
rite showed evident signs of ageing.
In the HAZ the typical recrystallization and grain growth was The electrochemical reactivation of the welded joint of AISI 304
observed [28]. Furthermore, in the sub-zone of the HAZ, where no is here studied. The main point of interest was to independently
recrystallization takes place, some precipitation of chromium rich determine the DOS of the different zones of the welded joint by
carbides developed. The precipitation in the HAZ was mainly trans means of the minicell. The intergranular susceptibility of this
Fig. 2. Microstructure of the base material for AISI 304 after ASTM A262, Practice Fig. 3. Microstructure of the HAZ for AISI 304 after ASTM A262, Practice A (g.b. = grain
A. boundaries).
C. Garcia et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 2390–2397 2393
welded joint was investigated and, therefore, the EPR and DLEPR
techniques were selected.
EPR and DLEPR tests were here applied by means of the mini Fig. 9. Curves of EPR for welded joint of AISI 316L after post-welding sensitisation
cell. For as-welded AISI 316L no reactivation was observed after heat treatment at 750 °C for 6 h.
the EPR or DLEPR tests. This was not surprising since 316L is an
austenitic low carbon SS with Mo content, showing therefore a bet
ter corrosion behaviour than AISI 304. Such weldment is corrosion the charge and current density reactivation values were the high
resistant but, during service, can suffer some sensitisation. Regard est (Qr = 36 Cm¡2, ir = 0.68 Am¡2). The reactivation behaviour of the
ing this matter a post-welding sensitisation heat treatment was fusion line was intermediate between the HAZ and the base mate
applied as described in the experimental section (750 °C for 6, 12 rial (Qr = 5.6 Cm¡2, ir = 0.108 Am¡2).
and 24 h). Preliminary EPR study of 316L welded joint has been Fig. 10 shows microstructures after EPR test. The interdendritic
published elsewhere [29]. attack on cast austenite grains was observed for the weld metal.
The fusion line showed intergranular attack on austenitic grains
3.3.1. EPR test and transgranular attack on austenite/d-ferrite interface. The HAZ
After post-welding sensitisation heat treatment at 750 °C showed intense intergranular attack. Finally, the base material
for 6 h, Fig. 9, the deleterious effect of sensitisation was found showed a much slight intergranular attack and some transgranular
to be acting on every zone. The weld metal zone showed a con attack on the austenite/d-ferrite interface.
tinuous decrease of current density and only a slight reactivation The very negative effect of sensitisation on the weld metal
(ir = 25.99 Am¡2). Additionally, remarkable overall current density deserves certain extra comments. The current density was two
increment and Ecorr shifting to less noble values were observed. orders of magnitude higher, which could be related to segregation
The other three zones exhibited clear reactivation with the base and microstructural ageing of the d-ferrite. Micrographic analysis
material showing minimum Qr = 4.5 Cm¡2 and ir = 0.09 Am¡2. The after EPR test revealed than extensive interdendritic corrosion
HAZ reactivation scan was shifted towards less noble potential and rather than IGC occurred. The high current density should mainly
higher current densities with respect to the base material, while be associated to the attack at the dendritic boundary. Therefore, the
corrosion resistance of the weld metal is lower than the base mate
rial because of segregation, this also has been detected for others
welded joints [9,24,22]. In fact the behaviour of the weld deposit
is determined by the minimum content of passivating elements in
the dendrite cores while extra content of Cr and Mo are found in
grain boundaries [9]. Also sigma phase, what can rapidly be formed
by the transformation of the ferrite under sensitisation conditions,
must degraded corrosion resistance in the weld metal sine sigma
phase generates wider and deeper chromium depletion areas [24].
The effect of sensitisation time on EPR test parameters is given
in Table 1. Sensitisation for 24 h promoted an increase on IGC
susceptibility for all analyzed zones but with the same trend as
observed for 6 h. The weld metal showed again different reactiva
tion scan morphology, maximum current densities, minimum cor
rosion potential and interdendritic attack. The HAZ and the base
material were the zones showing a slightly stronger increase in
reactivation values in relation to the treatment at 6 h. Both regions
showed important increase of intergranular attack but the HAZ
kept showing the highest DOS. The attacked regions on the base
material were intergranular and also, up to some extent, transgran
ular. The fusion line showed an intermediate behaviour between
the weld metal and the base material. The microstructure devel
Fig. 8. Curves of DLEPR for welded joint of AISI 304 under new conditions (passive
oped after testing showed mixed interdendritic and intergranular
vertex potential at 200 mV). attack.
C. Garcia et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 2390–2397 2395
Table 1
EPR test parameters for AISI 316L welding joint as a function of post-welding sensi
tization time and welding zones
Fig. 10. Microstructures of welded joint zones of AISI 316L weldment after sensiti
sation at 750 °C for 6 h and EPR test. (a) Weld metal and fusion line; (b) HAZ and (c)
base material.
3.3.2. DLEPR test Again, like for 304, the HAZ showed the higher DOS values. The
The modified DLEPR test (passive vertex potential at 200 mV), ir/ia and Qr/Qa results were 0.17 and 0.20 for the fusion line and 0.32
like EPR, did not revealed any sensitisation. Therefore 316L welded and 0.37 for the HAZ. All these values are considerably lower than
joint was much more resistant to precipitation of chromium car those for 304 without sensitisation, which indicates the decisive
bides than its equivalent 304L which is mainly due to the presence effect of chemical composition on intergranular corrosion suscep
of molybdenum and the low carbon content. tibility.
After sensitisation at 750 °C for 75 h, DLEPR was able to detect The DLEPR detects the effect of annealing prior to welding of
small DOS, Fig. 12. The weld metal did not show any sing of reacti 316L, Fig. 13. Comparing Fig. 12 with Fig. 13, the negative effect of
vation in the reverse scan, a continuous dissolution was observed. annealing, already established by EPR, was confirmed. The sensi
Comparing with the other zones, the anodic and passive current tized base material developed a clear reactivation. The HAZ and
densities were the highest in the forward and reverse scans. The the fusion line showed an important increment on DOS. The ir/ia
HAZ and the fusion lines showed reactivation in the reverse scan. and Qr/Qa results were 1.29 and 2.18 for the fusion line and 3.77
The base material did not show any peak on the reverse scan and 4.73 for the HAZ. Like previously commented this could be
though current densities were more than one order of magnitude attributed to the presence of intermetallic phases which are a con
lower than the weld metal. sequence of the d-ferrite ageing. This must be suf ficient to make it
susceptible to IGC.
Finally, comparing double loop with single loop test methods,
it can be concluded that results are in agreement and both give a
quantitative estimation of the sensitisation. DLEPR showed lower
sensitivity to intergranular corrosion though its reproducibility
was excellent. DLEPR is especially advisable for materials with
high DOS such as AISI 304 while EPR is advisable for materials like
AISI 316L which show lower DOS. The reactivation results are con
sistent with the microstructures observed after Practice A which is
useful from a qualitative point of view.
4. Conclusions
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