The Evil Wizard Reference Guide Book

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The Evil Wizard

Reference Guide Book

The Evil Wizard Reference Guide Book
By Peter Karsten
A Word from Morcar ................................................................................................................................ 7

Section One: Gaming Aids

Order of Play after Each Quest Adventure....................................................................................... 9

Random Events Table..................................................................................................................................10

Visiting the Physician/Healer ............................................................................................................... 13

Equipment Table ............................................................................................................................................14

Equipment Cards ............................................................................................................................................16

Hero Equipment Table................................................................................................................................21

Quest Treasures........................................................................................................................................... 22

Quest Treasure Cards ................................................................................................................................ 24

Special Quest Treasures.............................................................................................................................28

Special Quest Treasure Cards................................................................................................................. 30

Krysalis Spells.............................................................................................................................................. 31

Krysalis Spell Cards ..................................................................................................................................33

The Alchemist’s Shop................................................................................................................................. 35

Potions and Vials Table ........................................................................................................................... 38

The Alchemist’s Shop Price Sheet ........................................................................................................ 40

Potion Cards ....................................................................................................................................................41

Door Traps.................................................................................................................................................... 46

Traps .................................................................................................................................................................51

Mystery Potions and Scrolls.................................................................................................................. 53

Potion and Scroll Cards ..............................................................................................................................56

Magical Darkness .......................................................................................................................................58

The Skulls of Archelon..............................................................................................................................60

The Skulls of Archelon Descriptions....................................................................................................61

Special Character Table............................................................................................................................. 63

Gemm Stones...................................................................................................................................................65

Gemm Stone Cards ........................................................................................................................................67

Section Two: Monsters & Special Characters

Chaos Mind Mage Background...............................................................................................................70

Elven Background........................................................................................................................................ 73

Fimir Background .........................................................................................................................................76

Ogre Background ..........................................................................................................................................78

The Wizards of Morcar............................................................................................................................80

Special Characters and Monsters............................................................................................................ 81

Special Chaos Spells......................................................................................................................................92

Other Types of Monsters ........................................................................................................................ 93

Monster Tables ............................................................................................................................................96

Monbeasts..................................................................................................................................................... 106

Monster and Special Character Cards ................................................................................................ 108

Spell Cards.....................................................................................................................................................124
Section Three: Heroes & Von Darken Mercenaries
Amazon ..........................................................................................................................................................140

Avatar ...........................................................................................................................................................145

Barbarian ......................................................................................................................................................150

Cleric................................................................................................................................................................ 155


Elf . .................................................................................................................................................................. 168

Elven Archer............................................................................................................................................... 174

Mage .............................................................................................................................................................. 179

Paladin ............................................................................................................................................................ 184

Ranger ............................................................................................................................................................ 190

Wizard............................................................................................................................................................ 196

Von Darken Mercenaries .................................................................................................................... 202

Section Four: Elemental, Celestial & Chaos Spells

Elemental Air Spells...............................................................................................................................207

Elemental Air Spell Cards...................................................................................................................... 211

Elemental Earth Spells............................................................................................................................213

Elemental Earth Spell Cards ................................................................................................................. 217

Elemental Fire Spells............................................................................................................................... 219

Elemental Fire Spell Cards .................................................................................................................. 223

Elemental Water Spells........................................................................................................................ 225

Elemental Water Spell Cards..............................................................................................................229

Celestial Spells.............................................................................................................................................231

Celestial Spell Cards ................................................................................................................................ 236

Chaos Spells................................................................................................................................................. 239

Chaos Spell Cards ...................................................................................................................................... 244

Section Five: Appendices

Festral’s Ring of Power ........................................................................................................................247

Witch Lord’s Staff of Command...........................................................................................................247

Mentor’s Crystal of Communication...................................................................................................247

Stars of the East, North, South & West.......................................................................................247

The Four Keys of Agrain.....................................................................................................................247

Heroquest Main Character & Monster Tables ...........................................................................249

Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................257
A Word from Morcar

Greetings my fair Apprentice, so you wish to learn the secrets of the

dark arts of magic and mystery do you? Very well, but you must be prepared
for the trials that are to follow if you wish to become all-powerful in the eyes
of Chaos, especially mine.
To put it simply my fair Apprentice, you will be trained to be my successor; in
this I have prepared for you this tome of knowledge that will help you in your
fight against Mentor and his so-called champions of justice–ha, ha. The old fool,
he is no match for me, and if you learn and train well, Mentor will be no match
for you.
I have spent many centuries battling the forces of Good, sometimes I win and
sometimes… In any case you must prove worthy in my eyes if you are to be
truly the next Evil Wizard. Thus this tome will be your guide. Knowledge is
the best attack and defence against those who undermine me and you, in the
plans for chaotic dominance of the world.
Learn well and plan hard my fair Apprentice, I will be watching with great
interest and anticipation. You are the chosen; do not fail me, your rewards will
be great, but failure will lead to disgrace and dishonour, the choice is yours.
Gaming Aids
After each quest, it is considered that all pitiful heroes
visit a nearby town or village to retire and lick their
wounds for the night, before embarking on the next quest
level/adventure. Read and follow the steps below so the
heroes know what to do.

Order of Play after Each Quest Adventure

1 Roll for Random Events.
2 Drink potions, renew spells and/or visit physician/healer.
3 Divide any Quest Treasures and/or rewards between heroes.
4 Withdraw gold from your Guild’s Treasury.
5 Receive 5% interest on your savings from your Guild’s Treasury.
6 Lend gold and/or equipment.
7 Spend gold to purchase equipment.
8 Deposit gold into your Guild’s Treasury.
9 Go to jail as decreed by Random Events.
10 Set out on the next Quest/Level Adventure.
Roll 2D12 or a 1D24 and refer to the Random Events
Table below. If a Random Event is rolled, its effects are
resolved at once before the next quest begins, and before
purchasing any equipment.

Random Events Table

Roll Random Event
2-4 Non Event: No events have occurred while the heroes were killing monsters this turn.
5 Lost Gold: While departing from their last quest, each hero loses some gold1 in their haste to leave.
Roll 1D6 x 10 and deduct the total from their possession.
6 Illness: A hero is struck by illness, and must visit a physician/healer who will cure it. Refer to the
Random Hero’s Table (RHT) and the Random Payment Table (RPT) to see who will pay the required
7 Injury: A nagging injury from a previous quest adventure is causing a hero pain. Roll a 1D6 against
your body points, which are lost before the beginning of the next quest2 , refer to RHT.
8 Trouble with the Law: If any hero3 is carrying Monbeast Vials, the local Sheriff imposes a fine
for each vial that a hero possesses, refer to RPT.
9 Gratitude: The locals have collected 50 gold coins in thanks for all the monsters that the heroes
have killed so far.
10 Tax: Pay the King’s Tax Collector 10% of all the gold carried by each hero4 (round up).
11 Living Expenses: Each hero must pay gold, refer to RPT for the cost living, if a hero is penniless,
pay double before the next Random Event.
12 Donation: Each hero contributes gold towards his or her Guild; refer to RPT, if a hero is penniless,
pay double before the next Random Event.
13 Interest Payment: The Guild’s Treasury pays their hero 10% interest on their savings.
14 Damaged Weapons: Pay the local Blacksmith 20 gold coins for every weapon, and armour you
own for repair, refer to RHT.
15 Gratitude: The local Sheriff pays the heroes 100 gold coins in thanks for killing all the monsters so
16 Gambling Debt: A hero5 owes the local gaming house some gold; refer to RHT and the RPT to see
who owes what.
17 Family Support: All heroes have to send gold to their families, refer to the RPT.
18 Monarch’s Birthday: Each hero contributes gold towards a gift for the Royal Highness’s
19 Quest Hero: If any hero completes 3 or more Quest Adventures, receive 200 gold coins.
20 Notoriety: From now on a hero must pay an extra 10 gold coins towards any payments, refer to
21 Gratitude: The local Sheriff pays the heroes 150 gold coins in thanks for killing all the monsters so
22 Death in the Family: A relative dies and leaves a hero some inheritance; refer to RHT and the
RPT to see who gets what.
23 Be Prepared: Your last quest cost the monsters dearly; the Evil Wizard may add 1 body of damage
to any traps in the next quest adventure.
24 Be Prepared: Your last quest cost the monsters dearly; the Evil Wizard may add 1 Wandering
Monster in the next quest adventure.

Random Hero Table

R ol l Random Event
1 Evil Wizard’s Choice
2 Amazon
3 Avatar
4 Barbarian
5 Cleric
6 Dwarf
7 Elf
8 Elven Archer
9 Mage
10 Paladin
11 Ranger
12 Wizard
Roll a 1D12 for the above table.
Random Payments Table
R ol l Payment
1 100 gold coins
2 90 gold coins
3 80 gold coins
4 70 gold coins
5 60 gold coins
6 50 gold coins
7 40 gold coins
8 30 gold coins
9 20 gold coins
10 10 gold coins
11 200 gold coins
12 95 gold coins
13 85 gold coins
14 75 gold coins
15 65 gold coins
16 55 gold coins
17 45 gold coins
18 35 gold coins
19 25 gold coins
20 15 gold coins

Roll a 1D20 for the above table.

Only if a hero is carrying any.
Even if a healing potion is taken
If penniless the Sheriff confiscates all vials
If a hero has no gold, must go to jail for 1 quest adventure.
If penniless, must go to jail for 1 quest adventure.
Feeling a little bit sick or just under the weather, may be
that poisoned arrow got you after all? After a day of blood
thirsty work in the dungeons of death fighting my minions,
how about visiting the local doc to help cure your aliments?
Just give him a try I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to take
your gold.

Visiting the Physician/Healer

Doctor’s Fee
Quests Price
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1–3 10 Gold coins 20 Gold coins 40 Gold coins
4–6 20 Gold coins 40 Gold coins 80 Gold coins
7–9 30 Gold coins 60 Gold coins 120 Gold coins
10 – 12+ 40 Gold coins 80 Gold coins 160 Gold coins

Healing Mind & Body Points

Points Price
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1 3 Gold coins 6 Gold coins 12 Gold coins
2 6 Gold coins 12 Gold coins 24 Gold coins
3 9 Gold coins 18 Gold coins 36 Gold coins
4+ 12 Gold coins 24 Gold coins 48 Gold coins

Please Note: Treat healing the Mind and Body points separately. Also with the levels as indicated this denotes a three quest
adventure completion; i.e. level one: 1-3 quests, level two: 4-6 quests and level three: 9-12 quests.
It’s not enough that I have to put up with the heroes trying
to defeat me and my minions; but to have them purchase
weapons to help them do so is a laugh in itself. I guess they
need all the help they can get…poor fools.

Equipment Table
Weapon Price Attack Defence
Two-Handed Sword 1, 17 450 Gold coins 4 (+1) 18 Combat dice –
Long Sword 17 350 Gold coins 3 Combat dice –
Broad Sword 17 250 Gold coins 3 (+1) 19 Combat dice –
Short Sword 17 150 Gold coins 2 Combat dice –
War Hammer 1, 17 400 Gold coins 4 (+1) 20 Combat dice –
Hammer 17 350 Gold coins 3 (+1) 28 Combat dice –
Mace 17 250 Gold coins 3 Combat dice –
Morning Star 2, 17 200 Gold coins 2 Combat dice –
Club 3, 17 150 Gold coins 2 Combat dice –
Battle Axe 1, 17 400 Gold coins 4 (+1) 21 Combat dice –
Hand Axe 3, 17 150 Gold coins 2 Combat dice –
Double Crossbow 1, 4, 17 450 Gold coins 4 (+1) 22 Combat dice –
Crossbow 1, 4, 17 350 Gold coins 3 Combat dice –
Pistol Crossbow 2, 5, 6, 17 100 Gold coins 1 Combat die –
Composite Bow 1, 4, 17 350 Gold coins 3 (+ 1) 23 Combat Dice –
Long Bow 1, 4, 17 250 Gold coins 3 Combat dice –
Short Bow 1, 4, 17 150 Gold coins 2 Combat dice –
Halberd 1, 2, 17 350 Gold coins 3 Combat dice –
Spear 2, 3, 17 150 Gold coins 2 Combat dice –
Dagger 3, 7 25 Gold coins 1 Combat die –
Avatar’s Staff 1, 2 250 Gold coins 3 Combat dice –
Staff 1, 2 100 Gold coins 2 (+1) Combat dice –
Armour Price Attack Defence
Plate Armour 17 850 Gold coins – 4 (+1) 24 Combat dice
Chain Mail 17 450 Gold coins – 3 Combat dice
Ring Mail 17 350 Gold coins – 2 Combat dice
Studded Leather 8, 17 250 Gold coins – +1 (+1) 25 Combat die
Leather 8, 17 200 Gold coins – +1 Combat die
Armour Price Attack Defence
Large Shield 9, 17 200 Gold coins – +3 Combat dice
Medium Shield 10, 17 150 Gold coins – +2 Combat dice
Small Shield 8, 17 100 Gold coins – +1 (+1) 26 Combat die
Paladin’s Helmet 10, 16, 17 200 Gold coins – +2 Combat dice
Helmet 8, 11, 17 120 Gold coins – +1 Combat die
Gauntlets 8, 11, 17 100 Gold coins – +1 Combat die
8, 12
Cloak of Protection 350 Gold coins – +1 (+1) 27 Combat die
Avatar’s Bracers 8, 13 200 Gold coins – +1 Combat die
Mage’s Bracers 8, 14 200 Gold coins – +1 Combat die
Wizard’s Bracers 8, 15 200 Gold coins – +1 Combat die
Miscellaneous Price Attack Defence
Lock Pick Kit 250 Gold coins – –
Tool Kit 250 Gold coins – –

You may not use a shield when using this weapon.
This weapon can be used to attack diagonally.
You may throw this weapon, but if you do so, you lose it.
You may not use this weapon when you are adjacent to another opponent.
You may use a shield, but only if you are holding 1 pistol crossbow with the other hand.
You may purchase up to 2 pistol crossbows, so if you wish, hold 1 in each hand, when attacking.
You may purchase up to 4 daggers, so if you wish, hold 2 in each hand for throwing, when attacking.
Allows you to roll 1 extra combat die in defence.
Allows you to roll 3 extra combat dice in defence.
Allows you to roll 2 extra combat dice in defence.
Can not be worn by the Avatar, Cleric, Mage or Wizard.
Can only be worn by the Avatar, Cleric, Mage or Wizard.
Can only be worn by the Avatar.
Can only be worn by the Mage.
Can only be worn by the Wizard.
Can only be worn by the Paladin.
Can not be used by the Avatar, Cleric, Mage or Wizard.
Add 1 extra combat die in attack if you are the Barbarian.
Add 1 extra combat die in attack if you are the Amazon.
Add 1 extra combat die in attack if you are the Paladin.
Add 1 extra combat die in attack if you are the Dwarf.
Add 1 extra combat die in attack if you are the Ranger.
Add 1 extra combat die in attack if you are the Elven Archer.
Add 1 extra combat die in defence if you are the Paladin.
Add 1 extra combat die in defence if you are the Elven Archer or the Ranger.
Add 1 extra combat die in defence if you are the Dwarf.
Add 1 extra combat die in defence if you are the Avatar.
Add 1 extra combat die in attack if you are the Cleric.
Two-Handed Sword Long Sword Broad Sword

The Two-Handed Sword allows The Long Sword allows you to roll The Broad Sword allows you to
you to roll four combat dice in three combat dice in attack. roll three combat dice in attack.
attack. Cost 350 gold coins. Cost 250 gold coins.
Cost 450 gold coins. May not be used by Wizard. May not be used by Wizard.
May not be used by Wizard.


Short Sword War Hammer Hammer

The Short Sword allows you to The War Hammer allows you to
roll two combat dice in attack. The roll four combat dice in attack. You The Hammer allows you to roll
Short Sword may be used to attack may not use a shield when using the three combat dice in attack.
diagonally. War Hammer. Cost 350 gold coins.
Cost 150 gold coins. Cost 400 gold coins. May not be used by Wizard.
May not be used by Wizard. May not be used by Wizard.


Mace Morning Star Club

The Mace allows you to roll three The Morning Star allows you to The Club allows you to roll two
combat dice in attack. roll two combat dice in attack. The combat dice in attack. You may also
Cost 250 gold coins. Morning Star can be used to throw the Club but if you do so you
attack diagonally. lose it
May not be used by Wizard.
Cost 200 gold coins. Cost 150 gold coins.
May not be used by Wizard. May not be used by Wizard.


Battle Axe Hand Axe Double Crossbow

The Battle Axe allows you to The Hand Axe allows you to roll The Double Crossbow allows you
roll four combat dice in attack. You two combat dice in attack. You may to roll four combat dice in attack.
may not use a shield when using the also throw the Hand Axe but if You may not use the Double
Battle Axe you do so you lose it. Crossbow against an opponent who
Cost 400 gold coins. Cost 150 gold coins. is adjacent to you.
May not be used by Wizard. May not be used by Wizard. Cost 450 gold coins.
May not be used by Wizard.

Crossbow Crossbow Pistol Composite Bow

The Crossbow allows you to roll The Crossbow Pistol allows you to The Composite Bow allows you to
three combat dice in attack. You roll one combat die in attack. The roll three combat dice in attack.
may not use the Crossbow against Crossbow Pistol can be used to You may not use the Composite
an opponent who is adjacent to you. attack diagonally. Bow against an opponent who is
Cost 350 gold coins. Cost 100 gold coins. adjacent to you.
May not be used by Wizard. Cost 350 gold coins.
May not be used by Wizard.

Long Bow Short Bow Halberd

The Long Bow allows you to roll The Short Bow allows you to roll The Halberd allows you to roll
three combat dice in attack. You two combat dice in attack. You may three combat dice in attack. It can
may not use the Long Bow against not use the Short Bow against an be used to attack diagonally. You
an opponent who is adjacent to you. opponent who is adjacent to you. may not use a shield when using the
Cost 250 gold coins. Cost 150 gold coins. Halberd.
May not be used by Wizard. May not be used by Wizard. Cost 350 gold coins.
May not be used by Wizard.
Spear Dagger Avatar’s Staff

The Spear allows you to roll two

combat dice in attack. The Spear The Dagger allows you to roll one The Avatar’s Staff allows you to
maybe used to attack diagonally. combat die in attack. You may also roll three combat dice in attack.
You may also throw the Spear but throw the Dagger but if you do so The Avatar’s Staff maybe used to
if you do so you lose it. you lose it. attack diagonally.
Cost 150 gold coins. Cost 25 gold coins. Cost 250 gold coins.
May not be used by Wizard.


Staff Plate Armour Chain Mail

The Staff allows you to roll two Plate Armour allows you to roll
combat dice in attack. The Staff four combat dice in defence, BUT
maybe used to attack diagonally. you may only roll one die for Chain Mail Amour allows you to
Cost 100 gold coins. movement whilst wearing Plate roll three combat dice in defence.
Armour. Cost 450 gold coins.
Cost 850 gold coins. May not be used by Wizard.
May not be used by Wizard.

Ring Mail Armour Studded Leather Leather Armour

Ring Mail Armour allows you to Studded Leather Armour allows Leather Amour allows you to roll
roll two combat dice in defence. you to roll one extra combat die in one extra combat die in defence.
Cost 350 gold coins. defence. Cost 200 gold coins.
May not be used by Wizard. Cost 250 gold coins. May not be used by Wizard.
May not be used by Wizard.
Large Shield Medium Shield Small Shield

The Small Shield gives you one

The Large Shield gives you three The Medium Shield gives you two extra combat die in defence.
extra combat dice in defence. extra combat dice in defence. Cost 100 gold coins.
Cost 300 gold coins. Cost 200 gold coins. May not be used by Wizard.
May not be used by Wizard. May not be used by Wizard.

Paladin’s Helmet Helmet Gauntlets

The Paladin’s Helmet allows you The Helmet allows you one extra
two extra combat dice in defence. combat die in defence.
Cost 200 gold coins. Cost 120 gold coins. The Gauntlets gives you one extra
combat die in defence.
May not be used by Wizard. May not be used by Wizard.
Cost 250 gold coins.
May not be used by Wizard.


Cloak of Protection Avatar’s Bracers Mage’s Bracers

The Avatar’s Bracers allows you The Mage’s Bracers allows you to
The Cloak allows you one extra to roll one extra combat die in roll one extra combat die in defence.
combat die in defence. defence. Cost 200 gold coins.
Cost 350 gold coins. Cost 200 gold coins. May only be used by Mage.
May only be used by Wizard. May only be used by Avatar.


Wizard’s Bracers Lock Pick Kit Tool Kit

The Lock Pick Kit enables you to

attempt to unlock any non-magical The Tool Kit enables you to
The Wizard’s Bracers allows you item. Roll one combat die. On the remove any trap that you find.
to roll one extra combat die in roll of a white shield the item is Roll one combat die. On the roll of
defence. unlocked. If you try to pick the a skull the trap goes off and you
Cost 200 gold coins. same lock twice without success, lose one Body point. Once you have
the item’s lock is jammed and can rolled the die the trap is removed.
May only be used by Wizard. not be opened again. Cost 250 gold coins.
Cost 250 gold coins.
Hero Equipment Table
Two-Handed Sword   
Long Sword   
Broad Sword    
Short Sword    
War Hammer   
Morning Star   
Battle Axe   
Hand Axe   
Double Crossbow  
Pistol Crossbow  
Composite Bow   
Long Bow   
Short Bow    
Avatar’s Staff 
Plate Armour     
Chain Mail        
Ring Mail        
Studded Leather        
Large Shield     
Medium Shield      
Small Shield      
Paladin’s Helmet 
Cloak of Protection   
Avatar’s Bracers 
Mage’s Bracers 
Wizard’s Bracers 
Tool Kit     –      
Lock Pick Kit           
These are desperate times my young Apprentice, but if you
are to be fair to these so-called heroes, one must guide them
in their quest for glory. So these various Quest Treasures,
of Armour, Weapons and Artifacts should help appease
their ever-growing lust for greed, blood and gold. To help you
understand these valuable Quest Treasures, I have included here their
descriptions and their special abilities for you to study. It is important to know
them so you my deserving Apprentice, can choose which of them the heroes may
encounter as a goal and or as a reward.

Quest Treasures
Anti-poison Quill The Quill restores any of the owner’s Body points lost by poisoning if used immediately. May only be
used once per Quest.
Arm Band of Healing The Arm Band restores two lost Body points once per Quest. If the wearer’s Body
points are reduced to zero, use immediately to restore two Body points.
Borin’s Armour Borin’s Armour allows you to roll four combat dice in defence.
Dust of Disappearance If the Dust is tossed on any Hero, it will allow that Hero to move past any monsters
encountered on his next turn. May only be used once per Quest.
Elixir of Life This small bottle of pearly liquid will bring a dead Hero back to life, restoring all of his Body and
Mind points. This potion can only be used once.
Emerald Bracelets Gives you the power that allows you to roll two combat dice in attack. You may attack
twice if you are fighting Goblins.
Falcon Shield The Shield gives you two extra combat dice in defence.
Fire Ring Protects the wearer from any two Chaos ‘Fire’ spells. The Ring disappears after the wearer has
been protected from the second ‘Fire’ spell.
Jewel of Korinne Allows you to increase your Body points by two as long as you have the Jewel in your
Kira Coronet The Kira Coronet allows you to cast three spells instead of one during your turn.
Magic Bracers These Enchanted Magic Bracers allows you to roll two extra combat die in defence.
Magical Throwing Dagger The Magical Throwing Dagger always inflicts one Body point of damage when
thrown at a monster a Hero can ‘see’. The monster can not defend this attack. Once the Dagger is thrown in
combat it returns to the owner. The Dagger can be used once per Quest.
Orcs Bane The sword, Orcs Bane allows you to roll two combat dice in attack. You may attack twice if you are
fighting Orcs.
Rabbit Boots Allows you to jump over one discovered trap per turn, roll anything but a black shield on one
combat die.
Ring of Return When invoked, this magical ring will return all Heroes that the ring wearer can ‘see’ to the
starting point of the quest. It can only be used once per Quest.
Silver Bird Shield The Shield gives you three extra combat dice in defence.
Spell Ring The Ring enables the Wizard or Elf to cast one spell two times (not simultaneously). At the
beginning of a Quest, the wearer of this ring must declare which of his spells he is storing in the Ring.
Spirit Blade Spirit Blade allows you to roll three combat dice in attack or four dice in attack against undead
creatures: Skeletons, Zombies and Mummies.
Talisman of Lore The Talisman allows you to increase your Mind points by two as long as you have the
Talisman in your possession.
Wand of Magic The Magical Wand allows the Elf or Wizard to cast two separate and different spells on his
turn instead of one single spell.
Wand of Recall The Wand of Recall allows you to cast two spells instead of one during your turn.
Wizard’s Cloak This magical cloak made of shimmery fabric is covered with mystical runes. It can be worn
only by the Wizard, giving him one extra combat die in defence.
Wizard’s Staff This long ancient Staff glows with a soft blue light. It can be used only by the Wizard, giving
him the attack strength of two combat dice and the ability to strike diagonally.
Xerox Ring This ring allows you to attack diagonally and move diagonally.
Anti-Poison Quill Armband of Healing Borin’s Armour

The Arm Band restores two lost Body points

The Quill restores any of the owner’s Body once per Quest. If the wearer’s Body points
points lost by poisoning if used immediately. are reduced to zero, use immediately to Borin’s Armour allows you to roll four
May only be used once per Quest. restore two Body points. combat dice in defence.

Dust of Disappearance Elixir of Life Fire Ring

If the Dust is tossed on any Hero, it will This small bottle of pearly liquid will bring a Protects the wearer from any two Chaos
allow that Hero to move past any monsters dead Hero back to life, restoring all of his ‘Fire’ spells. The Ring disappears after the
encountered on his next turn. May only be Body and Mind points. This potion can only wearer has been protected from the second
used once per Quest. be used once. ‘Fire’ spell.

Magical Dagger Orcs Bane Rabbit Boots

The Magical Throwing Dagger always inflicts

one Body point of damage when thrown at a
monster a Hero can ‘see’. The monster can
not defend this attack. Once the Dagger is The sword, Orcs Bane allows you to roll two Allows you to jump over one discovered
thrown in combat it returns to the owner. combat dice in attack. You may attack twice trap per turn, roll anything but a black
The Dagger can be used once per Quest. if you are fighting Orcs. shield on one combat die.
Ring of Return Spell Ring Spirit Blade

The Ring enables the Wizard or Elf to cast

When invoked, this magical ring will return one spell two times (not simultaneously). At Spirit Blade allows you to roll three combat
all Heroes that the ring wearer can ‘see’ to the beginning of a Quest, the wearer of this dice in attack or four dice in attack against
the starting point of the quest. It can only ring must declare which of his spells he is undead creatures: Skeletons, Zombies and
be used once per Quest. storing in the Ring. Mummies.

Talisman of Lore Wand of Magic Wand of Recall

The Talisman allows you to increase your The Magical Wand allows the Elf or Wizard to
Mind points by two as long as you have the cast two separate and different spells on The Wand of Recall allows you to cast two
Talisman in your possession. his turn instead of one single spell. spells instead of one during your turn.

Wizard’s Cloak Wizard’s Staff Cleron’s Hammer

This long ancient Staff glows with a soft

This magical cloak made of shimmery fabric blue light. It can be used only by the Wizard, Attack 5 combat dice
is covered with mystical runes. It can be giving him the attack strength of two
worn only by the Wizard, giving him one combat dice and the ability to strike Cleric & Paladin use only
extra combat die in defence. diagonally.
Dwarlord’s Battle Axe Elfic’s Crossbow Krysalis Blade

Attack +2 combat dice

Attack 5 combat dice Attack 5 combat dice Defend +1 combat die
Dwarf use only Elven Archer & Ranger use only Amazon, Barbarian & Elf use only

Lederin’s Leather Sorceron’s Staff Emerald Bracelets

Attack +1 combat die

Defend +2 combat dice Defend +1 combat die Gives you the power that allows you to roll
Elf, Elven Archer & Ranger use only Avatar, Mage & Wizard use only two combat dice in attack. You may attack
twice if you are fighting Goblins.

Falcon Shield Jewel of Korrine Kira Coronet

Allows you to increase your Body points by

The Shield gives you two extra combat dice two as long as you have the Jewel in your The Kira Coronet allows you to cast three
in defence. possession. spells instead of one during your turn.
Xerox Ring Silver Bird Shield Magic Bracers

This ring allows you to attack diagonally and The Silver Bird Shield gives you three extra These Enchanted Magic Bracers allows you
move diagonally. combat dice in defence. to roll two extra combat die in defence.
Here are three special Quest Treasures that may be
useful to the heroes (and to yourself perhaps) if you wish
to let the heroes use them my bold Apprentice. But be
aware these Quest Treasures are not to be taken and or
given lightly, as they are very precious and dangerous; so
prepare well, think twice, act once.

Special Quest Treasures

The Krysalis Blade
The Krysalis Blade has the following attributes:
1. Gain 2 extra mind points.
2. Gain 2 extra body points.
3. Gain 2 extra combat dice in attack.
4. Gain 2 extra combat dice in defence.
5. Attack twice if fighting Fimir.
6. Attack twice if fighting Dwarves.
7. Immune against all ‘Fire’ Spells.
8. Immune against any damage from normal pit traps.
9. Can move diagonally.
The Krysalis Blade is a two-handed weapon.
The Amazon and Barbarian can only use the Krysalis Blade.
The spells from the Krysalis Orb and Medallion do not affect the holder of the Krysalis Blade.
The Krysalis Orb and Medallion can only destroy the Krysalis Blade when they touch each other; to do this, the
heroes who have these artifacts must be in adjacent or diagonal squares to achieve it.
The Krysalis Orb
The Krysalis Orb has within its power 3 sets of spells that can be unleashed against the forces of evil:
1. The ‘Twilight’ Spells. (Cleric Spells)
2. The ‘Light’ Spells. (Elf Spells)
3. The ‘Dark’ Spells.
The ‘Dark’ Spells can only be used once per 2 quest levels.
If the Cleric and or the Elf are playing in a quest adventure, choose other spells from the Elemental Spells lists to
make 2 different sets. (Be inventive)
The Avatar, Mage and Wizard can only use the Krysalis Orb.
The spells from the Krysalis Medallion do not affect the holder of the Krysalis Orb.
The Krysalis Blade and Medallion can only destroy the Krysalis Orb when they touch each other; to do this, the
heroes who have these artifacts must be in adjacent or diagonal squares to achieve it.

The Krysalis Medallion

The Krysalis Medallion has within its power 2 sets of spells that can be unleashed against the forces of evil:
1. The ‘Grey’ Spells. (Paladin Spells)
2. The ‘Klear’ Spells.
If the Paladin is playing in a quest adventure, choose other spells from the Elemental Spells lists to make 1
different set. (Be inventive)
The Cleric, Elf and Paladin can only use the Krysalis Medallion.
The spells from the Krysalis Orb do not affect the holder of the Krysalis Medallion.
The Krysalis Blade and Orb can only destroy the Krysalis Medallion when they touch each other; to do this, the
heroes who have these artifacts must be in adjacent or diagonal squares to achieve it.

You may have noticed that the Krysalis Blade is also listed as a Quest Treasure; please note that that Amazon and Barbarian can
use the Krysalis Blade as stated on the Quest Treasure Card. If the two Krysalis Blades are used in the same quest adventure, they
are of different properties, but both serve the same function against the Krysalis Orb and Medallion, even against each other
Krysalis Blade Krysalis Blade Krysalis Medallion
1 Have 5 extra Mind points.
2 Have 5 extra Body points.
3 Have 5 extra combat dice in attack.
4 have 5 extra combat dice in defence.
5 Attack twice if you are fighting Fimirs.
6 Attack twice if you are fighting Dwarves.
7 Defence against ‘Fire’ magic.
8 Immune against Pit traps.
9 Can move diagonally.

Amazon, Barbarian & Elf use only


Krysalis Orb

There are five sets of spells associated with the Krysalis
Quest Treasures: ‘Twilight’, ‘Light’, ‘Dark’, ‘Grey’ and
‘Klear’. The ‘Twilight’ spells can also be used by the Cleric,
the ‘Light’ spells can be used by the Elf, and the ‘Grey’
spells can be used by the Paladin as separate sets for these
heroes to use. The ‘Dark’ and ‘Klear’ spells can only be
used if the Krysalis Orb and Medallion are used in a quest

Krysalis Spells
Dark Spells
Black Mist The Enchanter can use this spell to summon up a Black mist Spirit who will attack any one
monster or hero and drain all of his/her mind point.
Death The Enchanter can use this spell to eliminate any one monster or hero.
Todgeist The Enchanter can use this spell to summon up the Dark Genie who will attack any one
monster or hero. (Throw 10 combat dice for attack)

Grey Spells
Ablegen When cast, the spellcaster forces another spellcaster to discard all of their unused
Frieven When cast, the spellcaster freezes everyone and/or everything in a room or
passageway; for one turn only. (This spell can be used once per 3 turns)
Verbiden When cast, it allows all of your mind and body points to be combined for your attack or
defence. (Deduct 1 mind and body point after use)

Klear Spells
Esrever The spellcaster can use this spell to reverse the ‘Stein’ Spell from the ‘Light’ Spell of the
Krysalis Orb.
Golem The spellcaster can summon up the Krysalis Golem who will fight for you for 2 turns only,
then disappear. (Use Mummy figure) Move: 6, Attack: 5, Defend: 5, Mind: 5, Body: 5
Invisavision The spellcaster can use this spell to see anyone or anything that is invisible including the
‘Invisibility’ Spell from the ‘Light’ Spell of the Krysalis Orb.
Light Spells
Invisibility The Enchanter can use this spell to make him or herself invisible, as well as a monster or
Shieldforce The Enchanter can use this spell to surround him/herself with a force field that can not be
penetrated by any spell or physical attack, and can also be cast on a monster or hero.
Stein The Enchanter can use this spell to turn anyone monster or hero into stone.

Twilight Spells
All Binding The Enchanter can use all the remaining or selected spells at once.
Rejuvenation The Enchanter can use this spell to replenish both his/her mind and body points by one, as
well as a monster’s and hero’s mind and body points.
Zwein The Enchanter can use the same spell twice.

All spells naturally can only be used once per Quest; except the Grey Spell ‘Frieven’.
Black Mist Death Todgeist
The Enchanter can use this The Enchanter can use this The Enchanter can use this
spell to summon up a Black spell to eliminate any one spell to summon up the
Mist Spirit who will attack monster or hero. Dark Genie who can attack
any one monster or hero and any monster or hero. And
drain all of their Mind then disappear. (Throw 10
points. combat dice for attack)

Ablegen Frieven Verbiden

When cast, the spellcaster When cast, the spellcaster When cast, it allows all of
forces another spellcaster to freezes everyone and or your mind and body points to
discard all of their unused everything in a room or be combined for your attack
spells. passageway for one turn or defence. (Deduct one mind and
only. (This spell can be used once one body point after use)
per three turns)

Esrever Esrever Golem

The spellcaster can use this The spellcaster can use this The spellcaster can summon
spell to reverse the ‘Stein’ spell to reverse a spell just up the Krysalis Golem
spell from the ‘Light’ spell of cast back to its owner who will fight for you
the Krysalis Orb. for two turns only.
(Use Mummy figure)

Move: 6 Squares
Attack: 5 Dice
Defend: 5 Dice
Mind: 5 Points
Body: 5 Points
Invisavision Invisavision Invisibility
The spellcaster can use this The spellcaster can use this The Enchanter can use this
spell to see anyone or spell to see anyone or spell to make him/herself
anything that is invisible anything that is invisible; invisible, as well as a
including the ‘Invisibility’ for two turns only. monster or hero.
spell from the ‘Light’ spell of
the Krysalis Orb.

Shieldforce Stein All Binding

The Enchanter can use this The Enchanter can use this The Enchanter can use all
spell to surround him/ spell to turn anyone the remaining or selected
herself with a forcefield monster or hero into stone. spells at once. (Deduct two
that cannot be penetrated mind points after use)
by any spell or physical
attack; and can also be cast
on a monster or hero.

Rejuvenation Zwein
The Enchanter can use this The Enchanter can use the The Enchanter can use the
spell to replenish both same spell twice. same spell twice.
his/her mind and body points
by one, as well as a
monster’s and a hero’s mind
and body points.
To help you my fair Apprentice to understand the effects
of potions and vials I have given you this list. Study it well
and remember; it is important to know so you can help the
poor heroes achieve their goal. Be merciful-to a point. But
don’t abuse your generosity, understand?

The Alchemist’s Shop

Potion Description

Alchemy Pore the contents of this potion onto an item of equipment; it will then turn to gold worth 100 gold
coins. That equipment card is then lost, discarded.
Attus-Dulbane This potion gives the hero 1 extra combat die in attack and defence.
Battle Rage This potion allows the drinker to make 2 attacks each round. The effect lasts until there are no
enemies within line-of sight.
Battle Skill This potion allows one re-roll of 1 combat die, when engaged in combat.
Berserker’s-Brew The hero can attack twice by rolling 4 extra combat dice in attack; however the brew
greatly exhausts the hero who loses 2 body points to reflect this.
Chaos Resistance After the hero drinks this potion, he/she is immune to the effects of the next Chaos Spell
cast on him/her.
Charm Drink this entire potion between quests when you want to hire Men-at-Arms and you will then be able to
hire up to three Men-at-Arms for 25 gold coins less than normal for each.
Command When this potion is thrown at any monster, it will cause that monster to betray its allies and come
over to your side for 2 turns. Does not affect the Elite Guard.
Decimation When this potion is thrown at a Chaos Warrior or a Gargoyle, it will kill that monster completely.
Defence This potion allows the hero to roll 2 extra dice in defence.
Dexterity This potion allows the drinker to jump 1 pit trap successfully without recourse to a die roll, or to
add 5 to their movement points for 1 turn.
Disguise Once per quest adventure, the hero can take the appearance of any monster. They will not be
attacked by any monster or spell. The disguise disappears once the hero attacks any monster, casts a spell,
searches for treasure and traps and disarms traps.
Potion Description

Dragon’s Wing This potion if drunk, will teleport the hero back to any explored room. The hero is allowed to
place him/herself on any tile in that room; however, if the hero is placed on a trap tile, he/she must suffer the
damage caused. Monsters must not be in the target room; using this potion counts as an action.
Elixir Capsule Heals all lost mind and body points of the hero to their starting numbers.
Elixir of Life The liquid within this bottle will bring a dead hero back to life, restoring all of his mind and body
Fire Resistance If you drink this potion you will be completely unharmed by the next magical ‘Fire’ attack to
hit you, be it spell or a ‘Fireburst’ trap. Potion wears off after a ‘Fire’ attack has been resisted.
Flash Powder When thrown to the ground, two chemicals react violently to produce a blinding flash! Blinds
all opponents for one turn. They cannot move, attack or cast spells. May only be used as a means to escape–not
with an attack.
Giants This potion gives the hero 3 extra combat dice in attack and defence for one turn.
Greek Fire Greek Fire can be thrown at a target up to 4 squares away; and does 5 combat dice worth of
damage. The square stays alight for 3 turns before it goes out.
Healing You may drink the Healing potion at any time. It will restore up to four lost body points.
Heroic Brew The potion may be taken just before you are about to attack. Any player who drinks the potion
will be able to make two attacks instead of one, for one turn only.
Holy Water The water in this potion has been blessed; it can be thrown at any Undead monster in your line-
of-sight and will do 1D4 body points of damage. There is no defence die roll. The Elite Guard are immune to Holy
Immunity When this potion is drunk, no hero or monster may hurt you physically or spell wise for 2 turns.
Invisibility Turns the hero invisible for 1D6 turns, the hero cannot be attacked or targeted by magic, if the
hero makes an attack or casts a spell, he/she becomes visible again.
Magic Resistance The hero can drink this potion when a spell is cast on you; the hero ignores the effects of
that spell for 1 turn.
Magical Aptitude If a spellcaster drinks this potion at the beginning of his/her turn, that spellcaster will
then be able to cast 2 spells in that turn instead of 1.
Major Restoration This potion restores 3 Mind and 3 Body points.
Mana Any spellcaster may cast one extra spell of his/her choice.
Mana-Fold A hero’s body points are doubled for one turn.
Mind You may drink the Mind potion at any time. It will restore up to four lost mind points.
Minor Restoration When this potion is drunk it restores 1 body and 1 mind point.
Potion Description

Paladin’s Lyte This potion will permit a hero to roll with 5 combat dice the next time the hero attacks a
Poisoned Blade This potion is used to coat a sword, axe or arrow. The first monster hit by these weapons
looses 1 extra body point in damage due to the poison. This potion allows the drinker to recover 1 cast spell.
Rejuvenation This potion heals 1D6 worth of body points up to their starting number.
Recall This potion allows the drinker to recover 1 cast spell
Resilience Vial The vial of Resilience may be taken at any time. You may then roll two extra combat dice in
defence when you next defend.
Revealing For one turn, any hero can mentally “see” the contents of any adjacent room. If not a spellcaster,
the hero loses 1 mind point due to the mental strain of the vision.
Speed When this potion is drunk, the hero no longer rolls dice for movement. Movement is always 12. This effect
lasts until the hero takes 1 or more points in damage.
Strength This potion ensures that all damage dealt this turn is doubled; damage is before defence dice are
Venom Antidote This potion will heal up to 2 body points of poison damage.
Vision The hero automatically searches for secret doors and traps without needing to spend an action doing
so. This effect lasts until the hero takes 1 or more points in damage.
It’s not enough that the heroes have to purchase weapons
to defeat me; now they can buy potions and vials too. No
matter, I will make sure my minions will do whatever it
takes so that these heroes use up these potions and vials
before they can really put them to good use.

Potions and Vials Table

Potions/Vials Price
Level One Level Two Level Three
Monbeast Vial ??? ??? ???
Dexterity 45 Gold coins 90 Gold coins 175 Gold coins
Mana-Fold 50 Gold coins 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins
Attus-Dulbane 50 Gold coins 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins
Battle Skill 50 Gold coins 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins
Charm 50 Gold coins 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins
Dragon’s Wing 50 Gold coins 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins
Magical Aptitude Vial 50 Gold coins 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins
Poisoned Blade 50 Gold coins 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins
Resilience 50 Gold coins 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins
Flash Powder 65 Gold coins 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins
Heroic Brew 65 Gold coins 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins
Holy Water Vial 65 Gold coins 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins
Minor Restoration 65 Gold coins 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins
Venom Antidote 65 Gold coins 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins
Strength 70 Gold coins 140 Gold coins 275 Gold coins
Mana 75 Gold coins 150 Gold coins 300 Gold coins
Alchemy 75 Gold coins 150 Gold coins 300 Gold coins
Command 75 Gold coins 150 Gold coins 300 Gold coins
Defence 75 Gold coins 150 Gold coins 300 Gold coins
Giants 75 Gold coins 150 Gold coins 300 Gold coins
Immunity 75 Gold coins 150 Gold coins 300 Gold coins
Revealing 75 Gold coins 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins
Speed 75 Gold coins 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins
Magic (fire) Resistance 90 Gold coins 175 Gold coins 350 Gold coins
Magic Resistance 90 Gold coins 175 Gold coins 350 Gold coins
Potions/Vials Price
Level One Level Two Level Three
Battle Rage 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins 400 Gold coins
Berserker’s Brew 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins 400 Gold coins
Chaos Resistance 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins 400 Gold coins
Disguise 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins 400 Gold coins
Greek Fire 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins 400 Gold coins
Invisibility 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins 400 Gold coins
Recall 100 Gold coins 200 Gold coins 400 Gold coins
Major Restoration 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins 500 Gold coins
Paladin’s Lyte 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins 500 Gold coins
Rejuvenation 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins 500 Gold coins
Vision 125 Gold coins 250 Gold coins 500 Gold coins
Healing Potion1 250 Gold coins 500 Gold coins 1000 Gold coins
Mind Potion2 250 Gold coins 500 Gold coins 1000 Gold coins
Decimation 500 Gold coins 1000 Gold coins 2000 Gold coins
Elixir Capsule3 500 Gold coins 1000 Gold coins 2000 Gold coins
Elixir of Life 500 Gold coins 1000 Gold coins 2000 Gold coins

Heals up to 4 body points.
Heals up to 4 mind points.
Heals all mind and body points that the hero lost, to their starting numbers.

Level 0ne: For 1-3 Quests.

Level Two: For 6-8 Quests.
Level Three: For 7-9 Quests.

???: The Evil Wizard can set any price for the purchase of Monbeast Vials within reason, players may ask to purchase them, but the
Evil Wizard has the right to refuse-his word is final.
The price of the potions and vials named below will vary
according to the quests that you, my fair Apprentice will
set when preparing a quest adventure for the heroes to
play in. This cost sheet here is provided to write down the
current price of the potions for the heroes to purchase in
between quests.

The Alchemist’s Shop Price Sheet

Potion Price Potion Price
Alchemy Holy Water
Attus-Dulbane Immunity
Battle Rage Invisibility
Battle Skill Magic Resistance
Berserker’s Brew Magical Aptitude
Chaos Resistance Major Restoration
Charm M a na
Command Mana-Fold
Decimation Mind
Defence Minor Restoration
Dexterity Paladin’s Lyte
Disguise Poisoned Blade
Dragon’s Wing Recall
Elixir Capsule Rejuvenation
Elixir of Life Resilience Vial
Fire Resistance Revealing
Flash Powder Speed
Giants Strength
Greek Fire Venom Antidote
Healing Vision
Heroic Brew
Miscellaneous Price Miscellaneous Price
Alchemy Attus-Dulbane Battle Rage

Pore the contents of this potion This potion gives the hero 1 extra This potion allows the drinker to
onto an item of equipment; it will combat die in attack and defence. make 2 attacks each round. The
then turn to gold worth 100 gold effect lasts until there are no
coins. That equipment card is then enemies within line-of sight.
lost, discarded.


Battle Skill Berserker’s Brew Chaos Resistance

This potion allows one re-roll of 1 The hero can attack twice by After the hero drinks this potion,
combat die, when engaged in rolling 4 extra combat dice in he/she is immune to the effects of
combat. attack; however the brew greatly the next Chaos Spell cast on
exhausts the hero who loses 2 him/her.
body points to reflect this.


Charm Command Decimation

Drink this entire potion between When this potion is thrown at any When this potion is thrown at a
quests when you want to hire Men- monster, it will cause that monster Chaos Warrior or a Gargoyle, it will
at-Arms and you will then be able to betray its allies and come over kill that monster completely.
to hire up to three Men-at-Arms to your side for 2 turns. Does not
for 25 gold coins less than normal affect the Elite Guard.
for each.


Defence Dexterity Disguise

This potion allows the hero to roll 2 This potion allows the drinker to Once per quest adventure, the
extra dice in defence. jump 1 pit trap successfully without hero can take the appearance of
recourse to a die roll, or to add 5 any monster. They will not be
to their movement points for 1 attacked by any monster or spell.
turn. The disguise disappears once the
hero attacks any monster, casts a
spell, searches for treasure and
traps and disarms traps.


Dragon’s Wing Elixir Capsule Elixir of Life

This potion if drunk, will teleport Heals all lost mind and body points The liquid within this bottle will
the hero back to any explored of the hero to their starting bring a dead hero back to life,
room. The hero is allowed to place numbers. restoring all of his mind and body
him/herself on any tile in that points.
room; however, if the hero is
placed on a trap tile, he/she must
suffer the damage caused.
Monsters must not be in the target
room; using this potion counts as
an action.

Fire Resistance Flash Powder Giants

If you drink this potion you will be When thrown to the ground, two This potion gives the hero 3 extra
completely unharmed by the next chemicals react violently to combat dice in attack and defence
magical ‘Fire’ attack to hit you, be produce a blinding flash! Blinds all for one turn.
it spell or a ‘Fireburst’ trap. Potion opponents for one turn. They
wears off after a ‘Fire’ attack has cannot move, attack or cast spells.
been resisted. May only be used as a means to
escape–not with an attack.


Greek Fire Healing Heroic Brew

Greek Fire can be thrown at a You may drink the Healing potion at The potion may be taken just
target up to 4 squares away; and any time. It will restore up to four before you are about to attack. Any
does 5 combat dice worth of lost body points. player who drinks the potion will be
damage. The square stays alight able to make two attacks instead of
for 3 turns before it goes out. one, for one turn only.


Holy Water Immunity Invisibility

The water in this potion has been When this potion is drunk, no hero Turns the hero invisible for 1D6
blessed; it can be thrown at any or monster may hurt you turns, the hero cannot be attacked
Undead monster in your line-of- physically or spell wise for 2 turns. or targeted by magic, if the hero
sight and will do 1D4 body points of makes an attack or casts a spell,
damage. There is no defence die he/she becomes visible again.
roll. The Elite Guard are immune to
Holy Water.


Magic Resistance Magical Aptitude Major Restoration

The hero can drink this potion If a spellcaster drinks this potion This potion restores 3 Mind and 3
when a spell is cast on you; the at the beginning of his/her turn, Body points.
hero ignores the effects of that that spellcaster will then be able to
spell for 1 turn. cast 2 spells in that turn instead of


Mana Mana-Fold Mind

Any spellcaster may cast one extra A hero’s body points are doubled You may drink the Mind potion at
spell of his/her choice. for one turn. any time. It will restore up to four
lost mind points.


Minor Restoration Paladin’s Lyte Poisoned Blade

When this potion is drunk it This potion will permit a hero to This potion is used to coat a sword,
restores 1 body and 1 mind point. roll with 5 combat dice the next axe or arrow. The first monster hit
time the hero attacks a monster. by these weapons looses 1 extra
body point in damage due to the


Recall Rejuvenation Resilience Vial

This potion allows the drinker to This potion heals 1D6 worth of body The vial of Resilience may be taken
recover 1 cast spell. points up to their starting number. at any time. You may then roll two
extra combat dice in defence when
you next defend.


Revealing Speed Strength

For one turn, any hero can When this potion is drunk, the hero This potion ensures that all
mentally “see” the contents of any no longer rolls dice for movement. damage dealt this turn is doubled;
adjacent room. If not a spellcaster, Movement is always 12. This effect damage is before defence dice are
the hero loses 1 mind point due to lasts until the hero takes 1 or more rolled.
the mental strain of the vision. points in damage.


Venom Antidote Vision

This potion will cure any poison but The hero automatically searches
will not restore any lost mind and for secret doors and traps without
body points already lost. needing to spend an action doing
so. This effect lasts until the hero
takes 1 or more points in damage.


Potion Potion Potion

If you thought avoiding monsters and pit or spear traps
was bad; how about finding out that the door you are about
to open is a trap as well ? But hey, don’t worry, it isn’t
that bad, or is it ?

The effects of the door trap only happen to the first hero who tries to
open it, unless otherwise stated.

Door Traps

R ol l Door Trap
1 Death Doors.

2-3 Doorknobs of Doom.

4 Wood Golem.

5-6 Lightning Bolt.

7-8 Magic Missile.

9-10 Magical Lock.

11 Swinging Blade.

12-13 Door Swings.

14 Pit of Darkness.

15 Screaming Door.

16-17 Chaotic Gas.

18 Chaos Void.

19 Elemental Door.

20 Magic.

Roll a 1D20 to find out which Door Trap has been found.
Door Trap Descriptions

Chaos Void – The door instantly transports the hero who has discovered the void of chaos; the hero
disappears and stays in the void for 2 turns. The hero is unharmed in the void but he/she is removed from game
play during this time. When he/she reappears the Evil Wizard can place him/her anywhere he chooses within 3
squares on the other side of the door from his/her previous position.

Chaotic Gas – A cloud of reddish gas is expelled from the door; the hero who set this off will be at the centre
of this cloud. Anyone in the adjacent squares, including diagonals will be affected also. Heroes caught in the
affected area must roll a 1D12 if this number is equal to or less than their current mind points the gas has no
effect. Those in adjacent squares must add 1 from the die roll; those on diagonal squares add 2 from their die

Roll Chaotic Gas

1-7 Mild Poison The hero loses 1 body point.

8 Nausea The hero suffers bouts of vomiting and dizziness; the hero loses 1 mind
point and 1 combat die in attack and defence for 2 turns.
9 Madness The hero loses control of his/her mind for 2 turns; the Evil Wizard takes
control of the hero and uses him/her as he sees fit.
10 Strong Poison The hero loses 2 body points.

11 Mind Madness The hero loses 2 mind points.

12 Deadly Poison The hero must take a healing potion immediately or he/she dies.

If the gas affects anyone roll a 1D12 on the following table above.

Death Doors – These doors are magically see-through doorways that emit different translucent colours.
Some doors represent life, while others represent death. The hero must walk through the doorway first to see if
he/she lives or dies. Roll a 1D6, 1 death; the hero dies, 2-6 life; the hero lives.

Doorknobs of Doom – The door attacks by firing solid iron doorknobs at the heroes up to 4 squares away,
including diagonals. The door is rendered useless when a hero uses a tool kit to disarm it.
S qu a r e s Damage
0 4 body points.

1 3 body points.

2-3 2 body points.

4 1 body point.

Door Swings – When the door is opened it immediately flies right back into the face of the hero who opened it,
causing 1 body point of damage. The door will continue to hit any hero who goes through it causing 1 body point of
damage until the Cleric renders it useless by closing the door then opening it again.

Elemental Door – An Elemental is a magical creature that has made its home within the actual door, it will not
let any hero through unless it is dispelled or given payment. If a hero has no spells the Elemental will accept 1
piece of any hero’s equipment or if no equipment 50 gold coins. If the Elemental is attacked all mind, spells,
money and equipment are doubled. To dispel the Door Elemental the spell caster surrenders any 2 spells of
his/her choice. See Elemental Door Table.

Lightning Bolt – The door discharges powerful bolts of lightning into the hero who set off this trap. Roll 5
combat dice for damage, 10 if the hero is wearing any metal armour.

Magical Lock – This door is magically sealed and cannot be opened by normal means; only the Cleric can open
this door or a Dwarf with a tool kit on a roll of a 1 using a 1D6.

Magic – This door has been enchanted by magic. The hero who set off this trap and those adjacent to him/her
including diagonally are affected. See Magic Spell Table.

Pit of Darkness – The hero who sets off this trap falls down a dark foreboding pit and loses 1 body point in the
process. This pit is occupied by several hellish creatures, which the hero must fight off before climbing out next
turn. See Pit of Darkness Table.

Screaming Door – The door utters a piercing shriek when it is opened. The Evil Wizard should immediately
place a wandering monster or monsters anywhere within the hero’s line-of-sight, as far away as possible, which
will then rush and attack the heroes. If there are monsters inside the room when the door is opened they will
attack too. Do not place wandering monster inside the room they must be placed outside in the passageway.

Swinging Blade – A blade sweeps down on the hero who activated this trap, causing 3 body points of damage.
The blade keeps on swinging back and forth across the doorway until the Dwarf disarms it.
Wood Golem – The door turns into a wood Golem and attacks the hero who awakened him. It will not move but
it will protect the entrance to the room or passageway. It will not let any hero go through until it is killed. The
Wood Golem is immune to all ‘Fire Spells’ and any throwing, missile weapons. It has 4 combat dice in attack and 5
in defence, and has 2 mind points and 8 body points.

Roll Door Elemental

1-2 A ir Only the Air Mage can dispel this Elemental automatically, otherwise
use 2 ‘Earth Spells’.
3-4 Earth Only the Earth Mage can dispel this Elemental automatically, otherwise
use 2 ‘Air Spells’.
5-6 F ir e Only the Fire Mage can dispel this Elemental automatically, otherwise
use 2 ‘Water Spells’.
7-8 M ind Only the Avatar can dispel this Elemental automatically, by using up 2 of
his/her mind points.
9-10 Water Only the Water Mage can dispel this Elemental automatically, otherwise
use 2 ‘Fire Spells’.

Roll a 1D10 on the above table to find out what kind of ‘Door Elemental’ it is.

Roll Magic Spell

1 Fire Ball Lose 2 body points.

2 Mind Drain Lose 2 mind points.

3 Warp Spell The next spell you cast against a monster or hero will turn back on
itself and affect the caster. If it is a good spell minus the effects, if it
is an evil spell double the effects.
4 Body Lock The hero cannot move, attack, defend, cast or receive spells for 3
5 Door Genie A Genie will appear and attack the hero with 7 combat dice, and then
it will disappear.
6 Mind Bolt Lose 1 mind point.

7-10 Fire Bolt Lose 1 body point.

Roll a 1D10 to see which spell has been set off.

Roll Pit Creatures
1-2 Giant Spiders Each giant spider has 1 combat die in attack and defence, plus they
have 2 body points and 1 mind point. Minus 1mind and 1 body point
per giant spider attack.
3-4 Black Scorpions Each black scorpion has 1 combat die in attack and defence, plus
they have 2 body points and 1 mind point. Minus 1 mind and 1 body
point per black scorpion attack.
5-6 Venomous Snakes Each venomous snake has 1 combat die in attack and defence, plus
they have 2 body points and 1 mind point. Minus 1 mind and 1 body
point per venomous snake attack.
7-8 Vampire Bats Each vampire bat has 1 combat die in attack and defence, plus they
have 2 body points and 2 mind points. Minus 1 mind point per
vampire bat attack.
9-10 Giant Rats Each giant rat has 2 combat dice in attack and defence, plus they
have 2 body points and 2 mind points. Minus 1 body point per giant
rat attack.
11 Feral Cats Each feral cat has 2 combat dice in attack and defence, plus they
have 2 body points and 2 mind points. Minus 2 body points per feral
cat attack.
12 Wolves Each wolf has 3 combat dice in attack and defence, plus they have
2 body points and 3 mind points. Minus 2 body points per wolf

Roll a 1D12 on the table above to see which creature occupies the pit, then roll a 1D6 to see how many there are in it.
Talking about traps, herewith are some common traps that
you my scheming Apprentice may use to your hearts
content; but don’t over do it. My personal favourite is the
Falling Block; I just love the sound of crushed bone.

Type Description
Spear Any hero who triggers a spear trap will lose 1 body point if he rolls a skull on a combat die.
The spear trap will only affect the first hero to enter the square; subsequent heroes who
move through this square will be unaffected.
Pit The pit remains on the board as an obstacle; any hero who stumbles into a pit trap will
automatically lose 1 body point. Characters in a pit may attack and defend, but roll 1 less
die than normal. They may not search whilst in the pit. The hero may move normally next
Falling Block When a hero moves through a square containing a falling block symbol, a block will fall. It
will land into the adjacent square marked with the arrow on the quest map’ blocking the
way. Any hero or monster in the square into which the block falls must roll 3 combat dice.
The victim must lose 1 body point for each skull rolled, and then move to an adjacent
unoccupied square. If the victim cannot move to an adjacent square, he/she is eliminated.
Swinging Blade The trap is tripped when a hero lands on a space marked with a black blade symbol. The
blade swings down attacking any hero in any one of the three spaces marked with a white
or black blade symbol. These heroes will be attacked with 2 combat dice, which they may
defend against normally. Any hero with a tool kit may attempt to disarm a swinging blade
trap when found by searching. To do this they must roll any shield, using only 1 combat die.
If they roll a skull, they will set off the trap. The Dwarf may disarm a swinging blade trap
automatically once it has been discovered.
Pit of Darkness Follow the same instructions as the pit trap but with these exceptions. If a hero crossing a
pit of darkness space rolls a skull he/she will fall down 30 ft onto a hard floor. If the hero
is wearing any armour extra damage may result; those wearing leather lose 1 body point,
those wearing chain mail or Lederin’s leather lose 2 body points, those wearing plate
armour lose 3 body points, those wearing Borin’s armour lose 4 body points. The hero can
climb out of the pit next turn. These pits cannot be disarmed or removed, but the heroes
can jump over them.
Spring Blade A trip wire causes a blade to swing across a corridor from the side of the wall when a
hero steps on the spring blade symbol. It will do 2 body points of damage unless the hero
can immediately roll a white shield on 1 combat die. The Dwarf may disarm the spring blade
trap automatically once it has been discovered or use a tool kit.
Pit of Spikes This is a pit filled with sharp spikes on its floor. This is the same as a pit trap but with
these exceptions. When a hero falls in he/she takes a 1D6 points of damage, with he/she is
wearing any chain mail, plate or Borin’s armour deduct 2 body points of damage. The hero
can climb out of the pit next turn. These pits cannot be disarmed or removed, but the
heroes can jump over them.
Another surprise you could give the heroes my cunning
Apprentice are mystery potions and scrolls when they are
searching for treasure. Never let it be said that I don’t
show my gratitude by not giving gifts to those who are
worthy…of death.

Mystery Potions and Scrolls

Potion Table
Roll Potion Description
1 Stone The hero turns into a stone statue1 for 2 turns and can do nothing
2 Silence Become speechless for 2 turns, the hero cannot ask the Evil
Wizard or fellow heroes any questions.
3 Weakness Minus 1 combat die in your next defence.

4 Ankar Lose 1 body point.

5 Minca-Or Lose 1 mind point.

6/7 The Unknown This flask is empty; you look pretty stupid drinking nothing.

8 Min-Dor Gain 1 mind point.

9 Hercules Gain 1 body point.

10 Defiance Add 1 combat die in your next defence.

11 Keltan For the next 2 turns, if a monster or hero attacks you, you may
defend twice.

12 Deflection The hero does not lose any mind and body points when walking
into traps for the next 2 turns.
Please Note: Roll a D12 to find out what they are and what Potions do; when a hero drinks a Potion.
Potions must be drunk first and take effect immediately and Potions cannot be drunk in-between quests. Potions
that are found but not drunk can be saved for later use to be identified by the Evil Wizard in-between quests for
50 Gold coins. If it is a ‘cursed’ Potion there is no penalty.
While the hero is a stone statue he is not affected by any spells and/or attacks of any kind.

Scroll Table
Roll Scroll Description
1 Morcar The Evil Wizard controls the hero for 2 turns.

2 The Undead Become Undead1, the Evil Wizard controls the hero for 2 turns.

3 Verlic Minus 1 combat die in your next attack.

4 Deep Sleep The hero falls into a deep sleep for 2 turns, if attacked, minus 1
combat die in defence.

5 Misfortune Give all your gold if any, to the nearest monster.

6 Luck Give all your gold if any, to the nearest hero2 .

7 The Unknown This scroll has been here for so long that it crumbles to dust as
you unfurl it.

8 Solomann Reuse 1 discarded spell of your choice.

9 Vision You may look at the top treasure card from the deck at any time,
but only once.

10 Attila Add 1 combat die in your next attack.

11 Alchemy You may turn any object into 50 coins worth of gold, but only

12 The Golem Give the Klear Spell of the Golem to the hero.
Please Note: Roll a D12 to find out which Scroll has been found.
Scrolls can be read first to find out what they are; they can not be used in-between quests. The Scrolls can be
saved for later use, if the Scroll is a ‘cursed’ Scroll it takes effect immediately.
The ‘Luck’ Scroll is a cursed Scroll.
Special Note: If the Evil Wizard wishes Scrolls that are found but not read, can be saved for later use to be
identified by the Evil Wizard in-between quests for 50 Gold coins. If it is a ‘cursed’ Scroll there is no penalty.
The Evil Wizard chooses which Undead monster a hero becomes.
If there is more than 1 hero to give the gold too, the Evil Wizard chooses who gets to be rich.
Min-Dor Hercules Defiance

Gain 1 mind point. Gain 1 body point. Add 1 combat die in your next


Keltan Deflection Mystery Potion

For the next 2 turns, if a The hero does not lose any This is a Mystery Potion; if you
monster or hero attacks you, mind and body points when wish to know what this potion is
you may defend twice. walking into traps for the ask the Evil Wizard by paying 50
next 2 turns. gold coins in-between quests.


Mystery Potion Mystery Potion

This is a Mystery Potion; if you This is a Mystery Potion; if you

wish to know what this potion is wish to know what this potion is
ask the Evil Wizard by paying 50 ask the Evil Wizard by paying 50
gold coins in-between quests. gold coins in-between quests.


Alchemy Attila Golem

You may turn any object Add 1 combat die in your Summon a Golem; the
into 50 coins worth of next attack. Evil Wizard must give
gold, but only once. the ‘Klear’ spell of the
Golem to the hero.


Solomann Vision Mystery Scroll

Reuse 1 discarded spell You may look at the top This is a Mystery Scroll; if
of your choice. treasure card from the you wish to know what this
deck at any time, but scroll is ask the Evil
only once. Wizard by paying 50 gold
coins in-between quests.

Mystery Scroll Mystery Scroll

This is a Mystery Scroll; if This is a Mystery Scroll; if

you wish to know what this you wish to know what this
scroll is ask the Evil scroll is ask the Evil
Wizard by paying 50 gold Wizard by paying 50 gold
coins in-between quests. coins in-between quests.
Here’s another favourite of mine, I can’t wait to see a
hero suffer from this form of punishment…ha-ha.

Magical Darkness
When a hero opens a door or steps through a secret door in a room that contains the
Magical Darkness; he/she will be immediately sucked into that room.
Any hero wishing to pass the Magical Darkness room must roll a white shield on 1
combat die, to walk safely across or be sucked in as well.
Magical Darkness is a force that is very strong and its effects last for 1 quest level;
taking potions and/or using spells will not restore/cancel its power.
To exit the room where the Magical Darkness resides the hero must roll a white shield to
escape, or roll again on the table to see what else he/she has to give up until next turn.
Table 1 is for the heroes Amazon, Barbarian, Dwarf, Elven Archer and the Ranger.
Table 2 is for the heroes Cleric, Elf, Mage, Paladin, Wizard and the Avatar.
Use a 1D12 on both tables to determine the outcome of what is lost from the heroes.

Magical Darkness Tokens

Table 1
Roll Effect

1 Lose 2 mind points.

2 Lose 1 mind point and 1 equipment1. (weapon)
3 Lose 3 body points.
4 Lose 2 body points.
5 Lose 1 body point and 1 equipment2 . (weapon)
6 Lose 3 attack dice.
7 Lose 2 attack dice.
8 Lose 1 attack die and 1 equipment3. (weapon)
9 Lose 3 defence dice.
10 Lose 2 defence dice.
11 Lose 1 defence die and 1 equipment4. (weapon)
12 Lose 2 equipment5. (weapons)

Table 2
Roll Effect

1 Lose 3 spells6.
2 Lose 2 spells.
3 Lose 1 spell and 1 equipment1. (weapon)
4 Lose 3 body points.
5 Lose 2 body points.
6 Lose 1 body point and 1 equipment2 . (weapon)
7 Lose 3 attack dice.
8 Lose 2 defence dice.
9 Lose 1 defence die and 1 equipment3. (weapon)
10 Lose 3 mind points.
11 Lose 2 mind points.
12 Lose 1 mind point and 1 equipment4. (weapon)

If the hero has no equipment lose 100 gold coins.
As above but lose 200 gold coins.
As above but lose 300 gold coins.
As above but lose 400 gold coins.
As above but lose 500 gold coins.
Evil Wizard’s choice.
There can never be too much of a bad thing when you’re up
against the forces of good my dutiful Apprentice.

The Skulls of Archelon

The Skulls of Archelon are the creation of Lord Archelon who is a powerful being from
the 7th dimension. Where impossibility is a reality; the skulls cannot be destroyed since
they are from the 7th dimension they stay hovering in the room and/or passageway when
discovered, they do not move.
These Skulls of Archelon appear as a normal sized skull. The skulls glow a soft
phosphorescent white with the eye sockets glowing a brilliant green. These skulls have
chaotic effects, which will affect all of a room in which they are placed, irrespective of
room size and up to 3 squares away in all directions in any passageway they are located in.
It is possible for the heroes to be affected by a skull before they can see it, if it is around
the corner from them. However, the skull’s influence does not pass through walls, doors or
open doorways.
The monsters in the quest are immune by the magical affects of the skulls, but are also
protected by their affects if they stay in the zone of influence.
Special Note: If there are 2 Skulls of Archelon in the same passageway their affects may
overlap, the heroes in those squares are subject to both of their adverse affects.
There can only be 1 skull in a room.
When the heroes enter a zone of influence of a skull roll a 1D12 and see the table as to
which skull and its power of evil.
R ol l Skulls of Archelon
1 Anti-Magic.
2 Archelon Power.
3 Archelon Strength.
4 Daemonette Power.
5 Fleeing.
6 Magical Drain.
7 Mist of Archelon.
8 Pit of Archelon.
9 Slowness.
10 Spell Lapse.
11 Undead Attack.
12 Weakness.

The Skulls of Archelon Descriptions

Anti-Magic – All magical items including spells in possession by the heroes is nullified so long as they are
within the zone. They are temporarily drained of their properties, but will regain them as soon as they leave the
skull’s influence.
Archelon Power – all monsters within the zone, have 1 extra combat die in attack and defence; plus ant
Undead are immune to Clerical ‘Turning’.
Archelon Strength – All monsters within the zone, receive 2 extra mind and body points; plus they are
immune to all spells.
Daemonette Power – The hero’s head turns into that of a daemon; he/she is now considered a monster,
but this also affects the other heroes indirectly. The daemon hero must make a will power test; he/she must roll
combat dice equal to his/her mind points. The daemon hero must roll 2 white shields, if not, that hero’s mind is
filled with daemonic thoughts and will attack the nearest hero.
Fleeing – The hero immediately runs away from the room or passageway in any direction of the Evil Wizard’s
choice. He/She is suddenly filled with fear; any monster in the way of the hero will let him/her pass. If the hero
falls into a trap, bad luck. Also, the hero loses 1 mind point roll 3D6 for movement.
Magical Drain – The first hero to enter the zone has 1 of his/her magical items or spells permanently
drained of magic for the current quest level. If he/she has more than 1 magical item or spell the Evil Wizard
should choose which has been affected. Don’t tell the hero this until he/she comes to use it. If the first hero isn’t
carrying any magical items or spells, then the second hero is affected instead, and so on.
Mist of Archelon – A thick cloud of mist suddenly fills the skull’s zone of influence making it hard to see
through. The heroes can only move 1 square per turn until they are out of the zone. Any monsters in the zone or
outside can attack the heroes as normal. The heroes have 1 less combat die when defending; they also cannot
attack while in the mist, because they can’t see anything.
Pit of Archelon – The zone becomes a giant pit, but instead of climbing out next turn, the heroes must kill
all the creatures in the pit. See Door Traps, ‘Pit of Darkness’ for details.
Slowness – Movement is halved through the zone.
Spell Lapse – Any spell caster trying to cast any spell in the zone must roll a white shield first on 1 combat die
to be able to cast it.
Undead Attack – Undead monsters appear anywhere in the zone and attack the nearest hero. While in the
zone the monsters are immune to all spells and the Cleric’s ‘Turning’ ability. Once3 they step out of the zone
their immunity ends, until they enter it again. Roll a 1D6 on the table below to see which Undead occupy the zone;
then roll a 1D6 to see how many attack the heroes.

R ol l Monster
1 Mummy
2 Ghoul
3-4 Zombie
5-6 Skeleton

Weakness – All the heroes who enter the zone lose 1 body point.

The Skulls of Archelon Tokens

Now here is another favourite of mine my astute
Apprentice; herewith is a table to decide which character
or monster fights a hero who foolishly stumbles into a
magically sealed room, good luck with the roll, and remember
you decide how powerful these creatures are when facing
the heroes in single battle.

Special Character Table

Roll Character/Monster
1 Roll Again or choose your own Special Character
2 Captain Skulmar
3 Bellthor the Gargoyle
4 Kessandria the witch Queen
5 Petrokk the Chaos Sorcerer
6 Balur the Fire Mage
7 Nexael the Chaos Sorcerer
8 Xenloth the Chaos Mage
9 Festral the Chaos Sorcerer
10 The Witchlord

Roll a 1D10 for the above table.

Monster Movement Attack Defend Mind Body Special Ability
– Each Fire spell except ‘Courage’ can be cast twice and has double body point
Balur the Fire Mage 8 21 5 7 4
– Poison Breath.
Bellthor the Gargoyle 6 61 6 4 4
Roll 6 combat dice minus 1 mind point for every skull rolled.
Captain Skulmar 8 5 6 5 4 –
1 – Can cast the ‘Mind Blast’, ‘Mind Lock’ and Dominate’ Chaos spells; Festral has 5 of
Festral the Chaos Sorcerer 6 4 5 7 3
each Chaos spell at his command.
– Can cast the Air ‘Genie’ spell once per turn.
Kessandria the Witch Queen 6 41 62 6 4 2
– Immune to all magic except all Fire spells.
– Can cast the ‘Mind Blast’ Chaos spell once per turn; Nexrael has 4 Mind Blast spells
Nexael the Chaos Sorcerer 8 31 4 5 5
at his command.
– Hypnotic Stare.
Petrokk the Chaos Sorcerer 6 31 4 3 4
Roll 2 combat dice minus I mind point for every skull rolled.
– Immunity.
The Witch Lord 10 5 61 5 4
The Witchlord is immune to all spells.
– Has 5 Mind Blast spells.
Xenloth the Chaos Mage 6 21 4 6 4
I suppose I have to be fair my shrewd Apprentice and let
the heroes have some chance at winning, perhaps these will
help. Gemm Stones are special jewelled magical artifacts
that have individual characteristics, which only spell
casters can use to aid them against evil.
The table below indicates how much power the artifact extracts from the user
by deducting his/her mind points every time it is used.

Gemm Stones

Gemm Stone Description

Amethyst Heals up to 2 body points.
Aquamarine Heals up to 2 mind points.
Chrysolite Brings back to life a monster or hero who has just died, to full mind and body points.
Diamond May move diagonally.
Emerald May move up to than extra 4 squares per turn.
Garnet May move a monster or hero up to 6 squares in any direction, but not diagonally.
Lapis Lazuli Teleport up to any number of squares away from your present position. (roll 3D6 for
On y x Negate 1 spell just cast during anyone’s turn, including yours.
Rose Quartz Reverse 1 spell just cast back to the original caster during anyone’s turn, even yours.
Ruby May control a Goblin for 2 turns.
Sapphire May control a Hobgoblin for 1 turn.
Star Sapphire Put to sleep an Elite Guard for 1 turn.
Topaz Create a tempest, which envelops a monster or hero; thus missing their next 2 turns.
Tourmaline Increase your possession of gold by 1D20 worth of coins.
X eem Cancels out the effects of any Gemm Stone cast during the last turn.
Zircon Protection against monbeast attacks for the first 2 rounds.
Status Mage Race
Sorcerer Wizard Magician Konjuror Peeyr Earth Air Fire Water Mind Byndor Wizard Cleric Elf Paladin Avatar
Am 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Aq 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ch 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 2
Di 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
Em 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Ga 0 1 1 2 3 2 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 2 3 0
LL 0 1 1 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 0
On 0 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 0 3 1 1 2 3 0
Rq 1 1 2 2 3 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 0
Ru 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
Sa 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 2 2 0
SS 0 1 2 2 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 0
To 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 3 0
Tm 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
Xe 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 0
Zi 0 0 1 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 0
Amethyst Aquamarine Chrysolite

Heals up to 2 Body points. Heals up to 2 Mind points. Brings back to life a monster or
hero who has just died, to full mind
and body points.


Diamond Emerald Garnet

May move diagonally. May move up to than extra 4 May move a monster or hero up to
squares per turn. 6 squares in any direction, but not


Lapis Lazuli Onyx Rose Quartz

Teleport up to any number of Negate 1 spell just cast during Reverse 1 spell just cast back to
squares away from your present anyone’s turn, including yours. the original caster during anyone’s
position. (roll 3D6 for movement) turn, even yours.


Ruby Sapphire Star Sapphire

May control a Goblin for 2 turns. May control a Hobgoblin for 1 turn. Put to sleep an Elite Guard for 1


Topaz Tourmaline Xeem

Create a tempest, which envelops Increase your possession of gold Cancels out the effects of any
a monster or hero; thus missing by 1D20 worth of coins. Gemm Stone cast during the last
their next 2 turns. turn.



Protection against Monbeast

attacks for the first 2 rounds.

Gemm Stone GEMM STONE Gemm Stone

Special Characters
Herewith from my personal library is some information about the
various monsters and special characters that you can and may use in
your heroquest quest adventures my fair Apprentice. There is a lot
to choose from, and I think you will be pleased, such variety, as in
life-or is that death?

Chaos Mind Mage Background

Mind points are a measure of a character’s wisdom and a measure of a character’s magical
aptitude. They show how well they can use magic and, more importantly, how well they can
resist it.

Chaos Sorcerers and Mind Mages may only cast one spell a turn. A spell can be cast at
any character to which the Chaos Sorcerer has a clear line of sight. A Chaos Sorcerer and
or a Mind Mage who casts a spell may also move but may not engage in hand to hand
combat in that turn. If a Chaos Sorcerer and or a Mind Mage casts a spell and is killed,
that spell stops working at once.

If a character has the Talisman of Lore, he receives an extra two Mind points. These
Mind points count towards that character’s Mind control total, as long as that character
has the Talisman.

You maybe familiar with the Elemental Spells, but there are certain guilds that practice
just one area of magic that their mentality can handle. That is to say Mages; there are
different types of Mages: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and even a Byndor Mage plus a
Mind Mage at that.

An Elemental (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) Mage practices just one of the Elements
and knows all the spells there is to know. When using these Mages in quests choose 6
first level Elemental spells, or you may choose 6 other spells from the other levels if you
want a harder quest adventure. You can have a mix from different levels with a minimum
of 2 spells from any level.

A Byndor Mage knows the magical arts of two Elements. When using this Mage in
quests choose 3 first level Elemental spells from 2 Elements, or you may choose 3 other
spells from the other levels if you want a harder quest adventure.

While a Mind Mage concentrates on the spells associated with the mind; and herewith are
the descriptions of the various Mind spells that could be handy if you decide to use a Chaos
Mind Mage.
Mind Spells
This spell allows a Chaos Sorcerer and or the Mind Mage to take control of a hero for a turn. The Chaos Sorcerer
or the Mind Mage must attack his target by rolling a number of combat dice equal to his Mind points while the
defender does the same to defend himself. The Chaos Sorcerer or the Mind Mage must score at least two skulls
in his Mind Attack. If he is successful, the Chaos Sorcerer or the Mind Mage places a Dominate token on the
character’s board and may move that character immediately. He may move, cast spells and fight with the
character as normal and may attack the other players with him. A character is only Dominated for the duration
of the Chaos Sorcerer’s or the Mind Mage’s turn. If the attack is unsuccessful, nothing happens.

Mind Blast
This spell allows a Chaos Sorcerer or the Mind Mage to inflict Mind point damage on another character without
having to be next to him or physically attacking him. A Chaos Sorcerer or the Mind Mage with this spell receives
the number of Mind Blast tokens specified in the Quest. Each time he attacks, he must discard one of the tokens.
He may only use as many Mind Blasts as he has tokens.

To attack with a Mind Blast, both characters roll a number of combat dice equal to their Mind point score and add
up the number of skulls they have. The one with most skulls, be it attacker or defender, then inflicts Mind point
damage on his opponent equal to the number of skulls he has in excess of his opponent’s score. If both scores
are equal, neither character inflicts any damage. If a character or a monster loses all his Mind points as a result
of a Mind Blast, he is knocked unconscious and remains out of play for the rest of that Quest. Mind points are
recovered between Quests in the same way as Body points.

Mind Bolt
The Chaos Sorcerer and or the Mind Mage casts a bolt of pure dark energy upon any one hero. Mid Bolt causes
the hero to lose consciousness; the hero rolls as many combat dice as he has Mind points. For every skull rolled
the hero loses that many turns. While unconscious the hero can not move, attack or defend, but he can be
attacked with possible fatal results.

Mind Freeze
This spell ravages the mind of any hero. The hero rolls 1 combat die for every Mind point he possessed before the
attack. If one or more white shields are rolled, the hero has Mind point left. If no white shields are rolled, the
hero has been reduced to zero Mind points and goes into “shock”
(see Mind Points below)

Mind Fright
The Chaos Sorcerer and or the Mind Mage can cast this spell on any one hero to become so fearful that his
attacks are reduced to 1combat die. The spell can be broken by the hero on a future turn by rolling 1 red die for
each of his Mind points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken.
Mind Lock
This spell allows a servant of Chaos to freeze a hero’s mind and prevent him from taking any action. The Chaos
Sorcerer or the Mind Mage makes a Mind Attack against his target by rolling a number of combat dice equal to
his Mind points. His target defends with as many combat dice as he has Mind points. The defender is frozen for
one turn for each skull scored by the attacker. If no skulls are scored against the target, the spell has no effect.
A Mind Locked character places one Mind Lock token on his character board for each turn he is affected,
removing one on each of his turns. Having removed a token, a frozen character may attempt to break the Chaos
Sorcerer’s or the Mind Mage’s hold by rolling one combat die for each Mind point. If he manages to roll three
skulls or more, he may remove all remaining Mind Lock tokens on his character board. A frozen character may
not move, attack or perform any other action, but he may defend against other attacks using only 1 defence die.

Mind Madness
The Chaos Sorcerer and or the Mind Mage casts a psychic beam to any hero and may immediately move that
hero their normal movement distance, (squares) or the total number rolled on a 2D6. The hero misses his next
turn while they recover their senses from the psychic beam.

Mind Sleep
The Chaos Sorcerer and or the Mind Mage can cast this spell on any one hero who falls asleep immediately; and
stays asleep until the hero can roll a 6 on 1 red die or until the Chaos Sorcerer and or the Mind Mage are no
longer present (in a room or passage) or killed, in which case the spell is broken. The hero can not defend
against a monster’s attack while asleep and thus may die.

Mind Points
When a hero reaches zero Mind points, he is not dead but in “shock”. (A hero can not go below zero Mind points)
He rolls only 1 red die to move, attacks with only 1 combat die, and defends with only 2 combat dice. (Armour,
weapons and most quest treasures and artefacts do not increase the attack of defend dice when a hero is in
shock) The hero’s attack and defend dice can be temporarily increased by some spells.

The extra Mind points gained from certain artefacts (such as the Talisman of Lore), can be lost in battle. For
example, a Barbarian with the Talisman of Lore (for a total of 3 Mind points) goes into shock after he
accumulates 3 Mind points of damage.

In this and other quests, it is important to keep track of heroes’ current Mind points. Perhaps somewhere on a
character sheet to record Mind point damage.
Elven Background
The Elven race are a mystery to me; there are many different types of Elves–Desert
Elves, Forest Elves, Mountain Elves, Sea Elves, there could be more but as yet my
information is limited, but the Four I like are the Chaos Elves, Dark Elves, Blood Elf
Mages and Dark Elf Druids.

There are four types of Elves that practice the chaotic arts of dark magic, the Chaos Elf,
Dark Elf, Blood Elf Mage and to a lesser extent the Dark Elf Druid. These four
groups would be suitable to employ against the forces of Mentor and his like.

The Chaos Elf can only cast level 1 Chaos spells; if he is to be used choose 6 first level
Chaos spells. But you are allowed to choose level 2 spells as well if the heroquest
adventure you wish to create is harder for the heroes to participate in. You can even mix
levels 1 and 2 together, if this is the case three spells from each level is advised; or you
may go for any combination totalling no more than 6 spells.

The Dark Elf however is different; he uses his own spells, regardless of the level of
difficulty. But again my crafty Apprentice you can add level 3 Chaos spells if things
become predictable. Therefore you can choose four level 3 Chaos spells and 4 Dark Elf
spells to make a different deck of spells that total eight. Remember, you may go for any
combination totalling no more than 8 spells if you wish just to make things interesting. The
choice is yours.

The Blood Elf Mages are a group of spellcasters dedicated to Elemental Fire magic and
are recognized by their red coloured garments. The Blood Elves can cast levels 1, 2 and 3
in Elemental Fire magic. You my calculating Apprentice must choose 8 spells from any
level in any combination you wish; the only limitation, there must be at least 1 spell
minimum representing any one Elemental Fire level.

The Dark Elf Druid is a priest with powerful religious overtones and very dangerous. If
a Dark Elf Druid is present in a group; that group receives a plus 1 in defence and attack
until the Druid is killed.
Dark Elf Spells
When this spell is cast the Dark Elf unleashes a freezing wind against his enemy. Chillwind is a magic missile with
a range of up to 10 squares (including diagonally) and causes variable Body point damage depending on how
close the victim is.
1-2 squares: Lose 5 Body points
3-4 squares: Lose 4 Body points
5-6 squares: Lose 3 Body points
7-8 squares: Lose 2 Body points
9-10 squares: Lose 1 Body point

By casting this spell, the Dark Elf or any hero or monster the Dark Elf chooses can replay his entire turn. All
results of the Dark Elf, hero or monster’s first turn are cancelled. You can cast this after the Dark Elf, any hero
or monster’s turn. Casting this spell does not count as your action for the turn.

Hypnotic Blaze
When this spell is cast, an illusion of a huge, animated flame appears. Every figure in the room or corridor
(except for the Dark Elf) must roll 1 red die. A figure that rolls equal to or less than it’s Mind points is unaffected
by the illusion. Rolling a number greater than its Mind points means that the figure is paralysed for 3 turns –
unable to move, attack, or defend.

Mind Bolt
The Dark Elf casts a bolt of pure dark energy upon any one hero. Mind Bolt causes the hero to lose
consciousness; the hero rolls as many combat dice as he has Mind points. For every skull rolled the hero loses
that many turns. While unconscious the hero can not move, attack or defend, but can be attacked with possible
fatal results.

Mirror Magic
When cast by the Dark Elf during a Hero’s turn. This will enable the Dark Elf to reflect any hero’s spell back to
him. Mirror Magic is cast immediately after the hero casts a spell at the Dark Elf. The hero then suffers the
effect of the spell that was intended for the Dark Elf.

S l ow
This spell reduces any one hero’s movement to 1 square per turn. The hero also rolls 1 less combat die when he
attacks or defends. The hero’s movement and combat dice cannot be less than one. These effects last until the
hero is killed or is out of sight of the Dark Elf.
S o o th e
This spell maybe cast on any one hero or monster (including the Dark Elf) and can restore up to 3 lost Body

Summon Wolves
This spell when cast, conjures up a number of Giant Wolves to help attack the Dark Elf’s enemies. (Place the Giant
Wolves adjacent to the Dark Elf) To see how many Giant Wolves materialize, roll 1D6 and check the results below:
This spell is then discarded.
1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf
3 - 5 = 2 Giant Wolves
6 = 3 Giant Wolves

This spell may be cast on the Dark Elf, or on any one monster the Dark Elf chooses. It temporarily stops time for
everyone else on the gameboard, enabling the Dark Elf or monster to take another turn immediately after their
current turn.

Wall of Giant Vines

This spell creates a living wall of thick Giant Vines 12 feet high which are up to 4 squares. These squares block
movement, and need not be adjacent, but they must all be within the line of sight of the Dark Elf at all times. Each
Giant Vine square lasts until the Dark Elf dies, cancels the spell, or can no longer see the square, or until a
cumulative total of 6 skulls are rolled in attacking the Giant Vines.

Dark Elf Druid Spells

Arrows of the Night
You may fire theses magical bolts at any hero or monster, and then attack the victim with four combat dice and
he must defend with as many dice as he has Mind points.

Chains of Darkness
You may cast this spell on any hero or monster. The victim may not move or attack until the beginning of the
Dark Elf Druid’s next turn. Although the victim may defend or cast spells.

You may ask the Evil Wizard player to remove the contents of one room (Evil Wizard’s choice) anywhere on the
board at once; as long as it does not enable the heroes to finish the quest.
Cloak of Shadows
You may summon up a patch of darkness and place a Cloak of Shadows tile on the gameboard. Anyone in the
shadows may not attack, be attacked or cast spells while they are there. This piece may not be moved and lasts
until the end of the quest. Keep this card by the side of the gameboard for reference.

You may pick one spellcaster and force him to discard one of his unused spell cards at random. That spell is then
lost for the duration of the quest.

Future Sight
Play this card at the end of your turn. You may re-roll any attack, defence or movement die rolls once until the
end of your next turn.

You may become invisible and move around unseen until the beginning of your next turn. While you are invisible,
you can not attack anyone, but neither will you be attacked or be affected by spells.

Treasure Horde
Cast this spell when a hero searches a room for treasure. When he picks a treasure card, ask the hero to tell
you what it is and if you do not like the treasure card, force the hero to discard it. The hero does not pick
another treasure card to replace the one that was discarded. This spell can be cast out of turn.

Twist Wood
This spell when cast causes any magical and non-magical shields and weapons made of wood, such as a staff,
bow and arrows, to become deformed and turned into twisted warped useless pieces of weaponry.

Wall of Stone.
You may create a magical wall of stone which covers two squares. This wall has 5 Body points and rolls six
combat dice in defence. Keep this card at hand until the wall is destroyed, then discard it.

Fimir Background
Fimirs live in a hive-like community (like Bees or ants) and there are four classes of
Fimir: Shearls, Fimm, Dirach, and Meargh. While they all had the basic Fimir
characteristics (1 eye, scaly skin, and tail), each where physically different from the others.

The Shearls where the menial workers. (like bee drones).

The Fimm are the warriors, the basic Fimm are tan in complexion; and there are two
subsets of the Fimm. The first is the Fianna; these are the elite warriors, and they have
a dark green complexion; and the second type of Fimm are the Nobles, these have a spear-
point on the end of their tails instead of a spike ball. The Nobles lead the different
factions of the Fimir colony, and are often wearing different coloured garments to
represent these factions.

The Dirach are the wizards of the Fimirs, they are smooth-tailed, and have four horns on
their heads. They have a yellow to yellow-orange complexion. Each of the Noble factions
has at least one Dirach with them.

The Meargh, or Witch Queen, is the only female Fimir; she leads the colony and she is the
only Fimir with hair, and she has a smooth tail and her skin has a dark tan complexion.

The Fimir Shaman is another Fimir spellcaster, but is different to the Fimir wizard in
that the Shaman provides a more spiritual calling to the Fimir colony–almost a religious
aspect; and as such he has his own agenda and magical powers.

Fimir Shaman Spells

Black Rain
A corrosive black rain cloud forms around the Fimir Shaman. Any hero in the same room or corridor must roll a
1D6. If anything besides a 5 or a 6 is rolled one of the hero's magical or non-magical weapons or armour (Fimir
Shaman’s choice) is destroyed by the black rain. If a magical weapon or armour is chosen its magical abilities
are frozen for two turns.

Marsh Gas
A smelly white misty fog begins to form around the Fimir Shaman; on the Shaman’s next turn, it erupts into a
brilliance of flames. Any heroes or monsters in the same room or corridor suffer two body points of damage.
Fimirs are not affected by this spell when cast.

Marsh Lights
When this spell is cast the Fimir Shaman conjures up bright blinding twinkling lights that dance around the heads
of the heroes in the same room or corridor disorienting them. Each hero affected must roll a 1D6. If a Hero rolls
anything besides a 5 or a 6, he is confused by the bright twinkling lights and misses his next turn. This spell may
be cast once every three turns.
Mystic Vapour
A dark, thick fog-like mist forms from the Fimir Shaman’s outstretched hand, filling the room or corridor
reducing visibility for every hero and non-Fimir creature in it. No hero or creature besides a Fimir can fire
missiles or cast any long-range spells all attacks are limited to adjacent squares. The spell when cast lasts for a
duration of ten turns, even if the Fimir Shaman is killed. Movement in the effected area is limited to one square
until the hero or the non-Fimir creature clears the effected area.

This spell when cast, produces a sticky greenish slime that engulfs a hero's entire body, causing him to be
paralysed where he stands until he rolls a 6. While stuck he may not attack, defend or move.

Summon Fimirs
This spell when cast, conjures up a number of Fimirs at the shaman’s command to help attack his enemies.
(Place the Fimirs adjacent to the shaman) To see how many Fimirs materialize, roll 1D6 and check the results
1 or 2 = 1 Fimir,
3 - 5 = 2 Fimirs,
6 = 3 Fimirs.

S w am p
When cast on a hero, the ground beneath his feet becomes wet and boggy, and he begins to sink. He must
immediately roll two combat dice. If he rolls a white shield, he jumps away and avoids the spell. Otherwise he
sinks in over his head and loses two body points before he can dig his way out. The hero can not attack but can
still defend. This spell is then discarded.

Giant Cobra
The Fimir Shaman conjures a giant cobra that bursts up from the ground to attack a hero. The giant cobra
attacks with 6 combat dice if the hero loses two Body points in the snake’s attack, he has been bitten. Once the
hero has been bitten, he will lose one Body point per turn from the poison until an anti-venom potion is taken. The
cobra will disappear once it has succeeded in biting the hero. This spell is then discarded.

Ogre Background
Let’s turn our attention to another of my interesting creatures–the Ogre. For they are an
ancient race and very undisciplined, and their random nature make them an excellent tools
to use against my enemies if they are handled correctly. But the Ogres are dangerous as
allies and unreliable as servants of Chaos. So choose well my young Apprentice, for food is
the key to their greed and loyalty.
Ogres see the world as one long series of meals: enemies mean lunch or breakfast, depending
on the time of day. More often than not, Ogre duels are vast eating competitions –
although violent brawls make a good substitute.

As enemies, Ogres are ruthless foes who show no mercy once their appetite has been
whetted. Anyone brave enough to do battle with the Ogres must be sure of their own
fighting prowess. Otherwise they might not just end up dead…they’ll end up as someone’s

Ogres are not evil as such; just permanently hungry and frighteningly violent. Often they
just wander about alone. At other times, they group together in clans led by an Ogre Lord
– whoever is the meanest, nastiest and hungriest at that particular time. It is possible for
both the Empire and the forces of Chaos to hire Ogres as mercenaries, so long as they are
guaranteed a good time – a brawl and plenty to eat (usually as a result of the fighting).
But their habits make them unpredictable and horribly dangerous even as allies, so the only
way to win them over is to fill their bellies with food, ale, and a lot of promises on
feasting on their enemies when victory and glory is due.

You already know of the Ogre Warrior, Champion, Chieftain and Lord, but here’s a new
addition; the Ogre Shaman, every Ogre Clan has one. Their mystic ability to cast spells and
to help protect their clan is almost legendary do not underestimate their power or you may
certainly end up as dinner.

Ogre Shaman Spells

Destroy Magic
This spell when cast removes from an enchanted item its magical properties, disintegrating the item to powder
as the enchanted item is separated from its magical power. It destroys any Quest Treasure, Artefact, Scroll,
Potion, Magical Weapons and Armour carried by a hero.

Destroy Weapon
This spell may be cast at any one hero or monster. When cast it causes any non-magical weapon or armour
(Ogre Shaman’s choice) to disintegrate. The player must discard any weapon or armour card he has.

Flame of Power
This spell may be cast at any one hero or monster. It will invoke a flame of power that will seek out its victim and
inflict two body points of damage. The victim may roll two dice. For each shield rolled he may reduce the damage
by one.
This spell may be cast at any one hero or monster. When cast by the Ogre Shaman it will produce a mystic heavy
black vapour that heads towards his enemy. The victim becomes engulfed in the vapour and contracts a disease
making him lose three body points. The victim may roll three dice. For each shield he rolls he may reduce the
damage by one.

When cast the Ogre Shaman may pick one spell from a spellcaster and force him to discard one of his spell
cards at random. That spell is then lost in the ether void for the duration of the Quest.

Summon Ogre Warriors

This spell when cast, conjures up a number of Ogre Warriors at the shaman’s command to help attack his
enemies. (Place the Ogre Warriors adjacent to the shaman) To see how many Ogre Warriors materialize, roll 1D6
and check the results below:
1 or 2 = 1 Ogre Warrior
3 - 5 = 2 Ogre Warriors
6 = 3 Ogre Warriors

T h e W iz a r d s o f M o r c a r
Here’s a blast from the past my learned Apprentice; I present to you my Lieutenants of
death, chaos and all things evil. They were once the best I had to offer against Mentor and
his heroes. Now I have resurrected them for your pleasure and to plan your future
conquest of the ‘Kings of the Realm’ and the Kingdom as a whole. They were defeated once
but this time-this time!

Let me present again for your consideration:

Zanrath, High Mage of Sarako

Is an ancient bearded man wearing a pointed hat and carrying a staff topped with a
crescent moon. He lives in a magical tower high in the Tarak Mountains, where he is
guarded by his elite army of dreaded Chaos Warriors. Zanrath can cast ‘High Mage’

High Mage Spells

The Sorcerer may pick one spell using character and force him to discard one of his spell cards at random. That
spell is than lost for the duration of the quest.
The Sorcerer may use this spell to move instantly to any unoccupied square on the gameboard.

Cast this spell on one figure to affect it with a frightening madness. The Evil Wizard player may then move that
figure on his next turn, although the affected figure may not attack or cast spells.

This spell causes one item of equipment of the Evil Wizard player’s choice to rust and become useless. That
equipment card should be discarded.

Strands of Binding
The Sorcerer may fire magical threads from his fingers which will entangle one target. The target may not move
or attack until he destroys the Strands of Binding which have 1 Body point and roll four combat dice in defence.
The target may defend against other attacks.

W al l of F l am e
The Sorcerer creates a magical wall of flame which covers two squares. The wall has 1 Body point and rolls six
combat dice in defence. Keep this card to hand until the wall is destroyed.

Fanrax the Malicious

Is an evil-looking man adorned with skull symbols and carrying a wickedly sharp dagger
stained with blood of his victims. He dwells in an ancient crypt that lies in the vast
nameless graveyard swamp beyond the Shuddering Forests. Fanrax can cast ‘Necromancer’

Necromancer Spells
Call Skeleton
This spell summons two skeletons which appear immediately anywhere within sight of the Sorcerer. They may
move and attack at once.

Death Bolt
The Sorcerer may hurl his spell at one target in sight. That figure then automatically loses 1 Body point.

The target of this spell is filled with unreasonable terror, and may not attack or cast spells on his next turn,
although he may move and defend.
Raise the Dead
Cast this spell on another player’s turn after a monster has been killed. The monster is then replaced with a
skeleton which can move and attack immediately.

Skulls of Doom
This spell allows a Sorcerer to hurl a magical skull at any opponent in his line of sight. The skull explodes like a
fireball and attacks the target with two combat dice which he may defend against normally.

Summon Mummy
This spell summons a mummy which will appear in any square adjacent to the Sorcerer. It may move and attack
at once.

Boroush, the Storm Master

He is a ragged and bearded man with an oaken staff. He lives high atop the loftiest peak in
the dark mountains, known as the eyrie of Boroush and commands great elemental forces
with which he can easily overcome unwary intruders. Boroush can cast ‘Storm Master’

Storm Master Spells

Blinding Sleet
The Sorcerer may fill a room with blinding sleet. No one in that room may move, make ranged attacks or cast
spells until the beginning of the Evil Wizard’s next turn. Figures may only attack of defend if they are adjacent to
another figure.

The Sorcerer may split the ground asunder in a straight line of six squares. Lay the Earthquake card piece on the
board to determine who is affected. All those caught will suffer 1 Body point of damage as if they had fallen into a
pit trap.

The Sorcerer must cast this spell at one target who is in a straight line in front of him. That figure in then forced
back in a straight line of squares until he hits a wall, another figure, falls down a pit trap or triggers another
Lightning Bolt
The Sorcerer may fire a lightning bolt in a straight line of six squares. Use the lightning bolt card piece to
determine who is hit. Anyone hit is attacked with three combat dice which they may defend against in the normal
way. Resolve each attack separately.

Thieving Wind
This spell must be targeted at one figure. The figure loses one equipment card chosen at random which is
returned to the equipment card pile.

Wall of Ice
The Sorcerer creates a magical wall of Ice which covers two squares. The wall has 1 Body point and rolls six
combat dice in defence. Keep this card to hand until the wall is destroyed.

Grawshak, Orc Shaman of the Northern Tribes

This Orc is decorated in skins, feathers and skulls and carries a massive totem wand. He
lives near the Northern Wastes where the Lair of Grawshak abides a dark cave-a
foreboding place guarded by Grawshak’s fiercely loyal Elite Bodyguard. Grawshak can cast
‘Orc Shaman’ spells.

Orc Shaman Spells

Orc Berserker
The Sorcerer may choose one Orc within his line of sight to be filled with immerse strength and vigour. That Orc
may then move twice and attack twice during that turn only.

Sharpen Blades
This spell allows Orcs in the same room as the Sorcerer to roll an extra die in attack for that turn only. May only
be cast in a room.

Shield of Protection
This spell allows the Sorcerer and all Orcs in the same room to roll an extra die in defence until the beginning of
the Sorcerer’s next turn. May only be cast in a room.

Spirit of Vengeance
This spell allows the Sorcerer to send an invisible spirit to attack any one figure on the board. The spirit attacks
the figure once with four attack dice which may be defended against in the normal way and then vanishes. The
spirit itself cannot be harmed.
Summon Goblins
The Sorcerer may immediately take four Goblin figures from anywhere on or off the gameboard and place them
anywhere within his line of sight. The Goblins may move and attack immediately unless they have already done so
during this turn.

Summon Orcs
The Sorcerer may immediately take two Orc figures from anywhere within his line of sight. The Orcs may move
and attack immediately unless they have already done so during this turn.

Special Characters and Monsters

Here is a selection of some of my favourite monsters and characters that may interest
you my fair Apprentice. That could come in handy when designing your next quest

Balur the Fire Mage

Balur the Fire Mage resides at Black Fire Crag; he is cunning and very dangerous, and
above all very experienced in dealing with those who get in his way. Balur is immune to all
Fire spells and has mastered Fire magic. Balur also has the special ability of being able to
run through any wall once during the game. When he does this the Evil Wizard can place
him in any room either discovered or not by the heroes. Balur the Fire Mage can cast the
following ‘Fire’ spells: ‘Ball of Flame’, ‘Fire of Wrath’, ‘Courage’. Each ‘Fire’ spell except
‘Courage’ can be cast twice before being discarded and has double body point damage

Ball of Flame
This spell may be cast on a hero or monster; it will inflict 4 Body points of damage. The victim may roll 4 dice. For
each white shield for a hero or black shield for a monster rolls this will reduce the damage by 1. Balur can cast
this spell twice before it is discarded.

This spell may be cast on Balur himself or any monster. Who will then be able to throw 2 extra combat dice each
time Balur or the monster attacks. The spell is broken when there are no more heroes visible by Balur or the

Fire of Wrath
This spell may be cast on any hero or monster anywhere on the board; it will seek out your enemy and inflict 2
Body points of damage, unless your opponent can roll a white shield for a hero or a black shield for a monster on
2 combat dice. Balur can cast this spell twice before it is discarded.
Bellthor the Gargoyle Guardian
The Guardian Bellthor has a poisonous breath and can breathe on any one character, in a
room once a turn after he has attacked. Bellthor rolls 6 combat dice, for each skull he rolls
the defender must lose one Mind point. If all Mind Points are gone the character is not
killed but is knocked unconscious and is removed from the board. If Bellthor is killed he will
explode, filling the room with poisonous gas which will knock everyone in the room

Captain Skulmar of the Dead Host

Captain Skulmar is one of the Witch Lord’s best soldiers and has led the Forgotten Legion
a many campaign against the forces of Mentor and the ‘Kings of the Realm’. He is
ruthless and brutal in battle and commands respect when faced against his blade.

Delzarron (Chaos Sorcerer)

Delzarron lives in the dungeons below the old city of the Emperor; Delzarron and his new
ally Hinsgrim who once was a famed soldier now succumbed to Morcar’s charms, both plan
to create as much trouble as possible for the Emperor in their underground fortress.
Delzarron can cast the Chaos spell ‘Summon Undead’ and can cast it once per turn. This
Spell will summon one Undead creature, (Zombie, Skeleton, Mummy) which may be placed
anywhere in the room and attack a move immediately.

Summon Undead
Delzarron can summon one Undead creature, (Zombie, Skeleton, Mummy) which may be placed anywhere in the
room and attack and move immediately. Delzarron the Chaos Sorcerer Can cast the ‘Summon Undead’ Chaos
spell once per turn:

Festral (Chaos Sorcerer)

Festral the Chaos Sorcerer is one of the Witch Lord’s obedient servants of evil, and is the
master of the dark arts of magic. He is especially good at casting Mind spells and has
three Mind Lock, Mind Blast and Dominate spells each at his command and he has also in
his possession the Ring of Power which contains 1 Chaos spell from each level (EW’s
choice) except level 4.

The Festral and the defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points. If Festral scores two skulls or more, he
may use the defender’s combat piece for the duration of his turn. Festral can use this spell 5 times before it is
Mind Blast
The Chaos Sorcerer and the defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points.
The player who scores the most skulls inflicts Mind point damage equal to the number of skulls he has in excess
of his opponent’s score.

Mind Lock
The Chaos Sorcerer and the defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points.
The defender will be frozen for one turn for each skull scored by the Chaos Sorcerer.

High Alchemist
The High Alchemist lives on the Western border of the Elven lands and is an agent of
Morcar who spies on the elves to keep watch over them. The elves have become
troublesome and Morcar is planning to attack them when the time is right. The High
Alchemist likes to live alone and his laboratory is very well concealed from intruders. The
High Alchemist has the following Chaos spells at his command: Mind Blast, Restore
Chaos, Summon Wolves: and Werewolf’s Cure:

Mind Blast
The Chaos Sorcerer and the defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points.
The player who scores the most skulls inflicts Mind point damage equal to the number of skulls he has in excess
of his opponent’s score.

Restore Chaos
This spell may be cast only on monsters. It restores up to 6 lost Body points to either the spellcaster or any
monster within the High Alchemist’s line of sight.

Summon Wolves
This spell when cast, conjures up a number of Giant Wolves to help attack the spellcaster’s enemies. (Place the
Giant Wolves adjacent to the spellcaster) To see how many Giant Wolves materialize, roll 1D6 and check the
results below: This spell is then discarded.
1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf
3 - 5 = 2 Giant Wolves
6 = 3 Giant Wolves

Werewolf’s Curse
This spell may be cast on ant hero; the hero rolls a 1D6. A roll of 6 means the spell has no effect. Any other result
means the hero is now afflicted with the Werewolf’s Curse. (See Special Chaos Spells below for more
Kelvinos (Barbarian Hero)
Kelvinos was once a Barbarian of great power and fame. Centuries ago, he drove the
Frozen Horror from Ice Mountain, ending its reign of terror there. Sadly Kelvinos did
not return from that final battle; and his body was never found. Now the truth has been
revealed, Kelvinos has become the Undead servant of Chaos doing Morcar’s bidding. The
once famous warrior is now a slave.

Kessandria (Witch Queen)

Kessandria the Witch Queen is evil as she is beautiful, she along with Captain Skulmar
are helping the Witch Lord do his bidding in the conquest of the Kingdom. Kessandria hopes
one day to rule a kingdom of her own–and she’ll do it to if the Witch Lord has his way with
Kessandria by his side. The Witch Queen is immune to all magic except Fire; she can also
cast the Air ‘Swift Wind’ Spell once per quest. If Kessandria is attacked and running low
on body and mind points she will attempt to escape by reaching the stairway. If she
succeeds, remove her miniature from the board.

Swift Wind
This spell may be cast on any one hero or monster, including the spellcaster. Its powerful burst of energy
enables that hero, monster or spellcaster to roll twice as many movement dice as normal the next time he/she

Krag Chaos Warrior (Frozen Horror Lieutenant)

Krag commands the outpost near the Xanon Pass on the slopes of Cyberian Range, and is
one of the bases occupied by the Frozen Horror’s minions. Krag is an experienced Chaos
Warrior and has led many a raid for the Frozen Horror on nearby villages. He is one
tough soldier and it will take more than luck to defeat him.

Nexrael (Apprentice Chaos Sorcerer)

Nexrael is an Apprentice Chaos Sorcerer under the guidance of Festral; he is young and
egger to prove himself to his mentor and to the Witch Lord himself. Already he has
mastered some Mind spells and has four Mind Blast spells at his command.

Mind Blast
Nexrael and the defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points.
The player who scores the most skulls inflicts Mind point damage equal to the number of skulls he has in excess
of his opponent’s score.
Petrokk (Chaos Sorcerer)
Petrokk the Chaos Sorcerer can make an additional attack once per turn. This attack may
be made against any character in line of sight in the same room or passage. Petrokk rolls
two combat dice; for each skull he rolls, the victim of the attack must lose one Mind point.
If a character reaches less than one Mind point, he dies.

Sinestra (Archmage)
Sinestra is the evil sister of Queen Terrellia of the Elven Kingdom She is vain and proud
of her beauty, and her vanity has led her to evil deeds and in the service of Morcar.
Sinestra’s main plan is for her sister to abdicate the throne and turn all power to her.
Once done Sinestra and Morcar can plan an invasion of the Empire with chaotic results.
The Sinestra the Archmage has the following Chaos spells at her command: Dispel Magic,
Firestorm, Reanimation, Restore Chaos, Summon Wolves, Werewolf’s Curse, Mind
Blast and Mirror Magic.

Dispel Magic
Cancels out a spell just cast by a spell caster or a hero. This special spell may be cast during a hero or spell
caster’s turn, to negate a spell just cast.

This spell creates a room full of burning fire that inflicts 3 body points of damage on all heroes and monsters
with the Chaos Sorcerer. Every victim in the room rolls a 2D6 and for each 5 or 6 rolled the damage is reduced
by 1 Body point.

This spell enables Sinestra to reanimate all defeated skeletons, zombies, or mummies in the same room as
herself. These monsters rise up from the floor, with all lost Body points restored, and attack the heroes again.

Restore Chaos
This spell may be cast only on monsters. It restores up to 6 lost Body points to either the spellcaster or any
monster within Sinestra’s line of sight.

Summon Wolves
This spell when cast, conjures up a number of Giant Wolves to help attack Sinestra’s enemies. (Place the Giant
Wolves adjacent to the spellcaster) To see how many Giant Wolves materialize, roll 1D6 and check the results
below: This spell is then discarded.
1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf
3 - 5 = 2 Giant Wolves
6 = 3 Giant Wolves
Werewolf’s Curse
This spell may be cast on ant hero; the hero rolls a 1D6. a roll of 6 means the spell has no effect. Any other result
means the hero is now afflicted with the Werewolf’s Curse. (See Special Chaos Spells below for more

Mind Blast
Sinestra and the defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points.
The player who scores the most skulls inflicts Mind point damage equal to the number of skulls he/she has in
excess of his/her opponent’s score.

Mirror Magic
This spell may be cast by a Chaos spellcaster during a hero’s turn. This enables the spellcaster to reflect any
hero’s spell back to him. Mirror Magic is cast immediately after the hero casts a spell at the Chaos spellcaster’.
The hero then suffers the effect of the spell that was intended for the chaos spellcaster.

The Witch Lord

Barak Tor was once the home of the Witch Lord; but he now lives at the city of Kalos
given to him by Mentor himself to rule over. The Witch Lord is known as the King of the
dead, and is a powerful servant of Morcar. In ages past he was destroyed by the Spirit
Blade and thus it is the Spirit Blade–the only weapon that can harm him. The Witch Lord
is also immune and not affected by any spell1. The Witch Lord is also able to use the
Chaos spell ‘Summon Undead’.
1 If the Witch Lord is used in a quest adventure (three level quest) then he is immune to all spells, but if the
Witch Lord is used in a longer quest adventure (more than three levels) then he can be additionally harmed by
Fire magic.

Summon Undead
This spell conjures up a group of Undead to protect and surround the Chaos Sorcerer. Roll a 1D6,
1 = four Skeletons
2-3 = three Skeletons & two Zombies
4-5 = three Zombies & two Ghouls
6 = three Ghouls & two mummies

Tograk (Commander)
Tograk is the commander of the Ogre Forces of the Dirgrusht Clan. A well powerful clan
and one to be feared. Tograk is meaner than mean, and loves to boast about his battles, his
drinking and especially his eating. Tograk seems to win every eating and drinking contest
there is–or is allowed to. Don’t be fooled, behind his bragging he is one of the best Ogre
warriors around–and not just his belly.
Tormuk the Necromancer
Tormuk is one of Sinestra’s servants and lives in a castle south of the Elven lands. He
has been a thorn in the side of Queen Terrellia for many years; now with the promise of
fame and fortune Tormuk fights and assists Sinestra whenever he can to help her win the
Elven Throne from her sister the Queen. Tormuk has the following Chaos spells at his
command: Mirror Magic, Mind Blast, Reanimation, Summon Wolves, Werewolf’s Curse
and Summon Undead.

Mind Blast
The Chaos Sorcerer and the defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points.
The player who scores the most skulls inflicts Mind point damage equal to the number of skulls he has in excess
of his opponent’s score.

Mirror Magic
This spell may be cast by a Chaos spellcaster during a hero’s turn. This enables the spellcaster to reflect any
hero’s spell back to him. Mirror Magic is cast immediately after the hero casts a spell at the Chaos spellcaster’.
The hero then suffers the effect of the spell that was intended for the chaos spellcaster.

This spell enables the spellcaster to reanimate all defeated skeletons, zombies, or mummies in the same room
as the spellcaster. These monsters rise up from the floor, with all lost Body points restored, and attack the
heroes again.

Summon Undead
This spell conjures up a group of Undead to protect and surround the Chaos Sorcerer. Roll a 1D6,
1 = four Skeletons
2-3 = three Skeletons & two Zombies
4-5 = three Zombies & two Ghouls
6 = three Ghouls & two mummies

Summon Wolves
This spell when cast, conjures up a number of Giant Wolves to help attack the spellcaster’s enemies. (Place the
Giant Wolves adjacent to the spellcaster) To see how many Giant Wolves materialize, roll 1D6 and check the
results below: This spell is then discarded.
1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf
3 - 5 = 2 Giant Wolves
6 = 3 Giant Wolves
Werewolf’s Curse
This spell may be cast on ant hero; the hero rolls a 1D6. a roll of 6 means the spell has no effect. Any other result
means the hero is now afflicted with the Werewolf’s Curse. (See Special Chaos Spells below for more

Vilor Chaos Warlock

Vilor the Chaos Warlock resides in Ice Mountain and is a devout servant of the Frozen
Horror. He has been helping the Frozen Horror in his campaign to terrorise the nearby
lands and villages, making it suitable for the Frozen Horror and ultimately for Morcar to
conquer it for their evil deeds against the Empire. Vilor has the following Chaos spells at
his command: Chill, Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, Sleep, Tempest and Reanimation.

This spell causes 1 Body point of damage to any one hero or monster adjacent to Vilor (though not diagonally
adjacent). The victim can not defend against the attack.

Ice Storm
This spell creates a blizzard of ice that affects an area 2 squares wide by 2 squares long. Each monster and hero
in that area is attacked separately by Vilor with 3 combat dice. There is no chance to defend. Can not be used in

Lightning Bolt
This spell may be cast in any direction; the bolt will travel in a straight line until it strikes a wall or closed door. It
will inflict 2 body points of damage on any hero or monster that is in its path.

This spell puts any one hero or monster into a deep sleep; the victim is unable to move, attack or defend. The
hero can break the spell on a future turn by rolling a 1D6 for each current mind point he/she has, if a 6 is rolled
the spell is broken.

This spell creates a small whirlwind that envelops one hero or monster of Vilor’s choice; the victim misses their
next turn.

This spell enables the spellcaster to reanimate all defeated skeletons, zombies, or mummies in the same room
as the spellcaster. These monsters rise up from the floor, with all lost Body points restored, and attack the
heroes again.
Xenloth (Chaos Mage)
Xenloth is a Chaos Mage and than assistant to Festral, he also tutors Nexrael the
Apprentice Chaos Sorcerer. Xenloth is well underway to succeed Festral in many ways;
and has the Mind spells to prove it. Xenloth has five Mind Lock and Mind Blast spells at
his command.

Mind Blast
Xenloth and the defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points.
The player who scores the most skulls inflicts Mind point damage equal to the number of skulls he has in excess
of his opponent’s score.

Mind Lock
Xenloth and the defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points.
The defender will be frozen for one turn for each skull scored by Xenloth.

Special Chaos Spells

Werewolf’s Curse
Werewolf’s Cure: This spell may be cast on any hero. The hero rolls a red die. A roll of 6 means the spell has no
effect. Any other result means the hero is now afflicted with the Werewolf’s Curse. At the start of every turn, the
hero must roll 2 red dice to see if he transforms into a Wolf. A roll of 2 through 9 means the hero remains in
hero form and under the control of the player; the hero may move and act normally. A roll of 10 through 12
means the hero transforms into a Wolf and Morcar controls him as a monster for 1 turn (on Morcar’s next turn).
When a hero transforms into a Wolf, replace his figure with a Wolf tile or figure, all of his possessions are left in
the square in which he transformed. Place a Weapon Pack tile in the square to represent the hero’s former
possessions. The Weapon Pack tile stays on this space until the hero returns to pick up his possessions.
(Monsters can not take the Weapons Pack). This Wolf is a true monster, with no hero abilities and all the abilities
of monsters (moves on Morcar’s turn, attacks as Giant Wolf, unaffected by traps or pits, can not open doors). At
the end of Morcar’s turn, the Wolf transforms back into the hero and returns to the player’s control. The hero
figure replaces the Wolf figure or tile. The hero must roll for this transformation each turn until he is cured by
drinking a Wolfsbane Potion (or the potion of restoration from the Alchemist’s Shop).
Other Types of Monsters
These 8-foot-tall brutish creatures maybe big, but they are sluggish and slow in battle. They are also not every
bright in the brains department. Even so, they are a little harder to deal with in conflict so don’t underestimate
defensive stamina.

Chaos Warriors
These are men who have become monsters – slaves to evil. They are always heavily armoured and often bear
weapons enchanted with Chaos magic. These dread warriors strike fear into all but the bravest (or most foolish)
of opponents.

Death Knights
These long-dead knights walk the land, still hungry for battle. They were once mighty warriors, now cursed to
serve the Evil Wizard. They fear nothing like their skeleton allies and are the strongest of the Undead so far.

The most feared monsters of the land. These ancient creatures are intelligent and wise. As well as the ability to
fly, they can double their spells powers and effects when they cast a spell. Approach with caution.

Elite Guard ‘Knight’

Not much is known about these fearless creatures. Who were created by Nemezzeena to battle the forces of
good in her ongoing quest for domination. But what is known is they are one tough warrior that commands
respect if faced in battle.

These one-eyed, lizardlike creatures are stronger even than Orcs; they are sometimes found leading small bands
of Orcs, Goblins and Hobgoblins in raiding parties to disrupt supply lines in times of war. They are dangerous
enough even when encountered singly.

Fire Elementals
These living towers of flame are always vicious. They can crackle like a fire and roar like an inferno. Fire
Elementals make excellent guardians for Quest Treasures and Artifacts, if hidden in containers, like chests,
waiting for their victims.

These foul creatures are also produced by Chaos magic. In essence they are stone statues of great monsters,
brought to life through arcane rituals. Their stone ‘skin’ makes them very hard to wound in combat.
Ghouls like their Zombie cousins, of no relation, have been magically enhanced to strengthen their ability to
attack their enemies. They make excellent sentries as a first line of defence against invading and or intrusive

These 10-foot-tall big heavy brutes pack quite a punch, but they favour another kind of attack by throwing
boulders or stone blocks at their opponents. Mountains and rocky hill country are their favourite haunting

These green-skinned creatures are small and cruel; but despite their small size and lack of brute strength they
are dangerous foes. Orcs have enslaved many Goblin tribes, and the two are often found together.

If Gargoyles are bad enough then their stronger brothers the Gorgoyles are even worse. With heighten strength
and mental abilities they make excellent warriors and have been known to command garrisons and out posts.

These creatures are cousins to the Goblins. They are a bit tougher than their smaller brothers who reside in
forests mostly, as the Hobgoblins are found in hilly regions as well as mountain terrain.

Manscorpions are completely evil, second only to the Evil Wizard himself, and that’s saying something. They hate
everyone and everything; their stinger contains a poison that’s incurable, (well that’s the rumour) so battle them
at your peril.

These half men-half bull beasts stalk and terrorize the dark, if travellers dare to risk moving during the night.
They roam deep dark dungeons, caves and long forgotten ruins; and make excellent guards where treasure is to
be found.

Embalmed and preserved by secret and magical arts; mummies are controlled by a more powerful version of the
magic that animates the Skeletons, Zombies and Ghouls. They are very hard to overcome in single-handed
Ogre Champions
Every Ogre Clan has an Ogre Champion to protect their Chieftain and or Lord in battles. Anyone brave enough to
do battle with a Champion must be sure of their fighting prowess, otherwise they might not just end up dead, but
as dinner as well.

Ogre Chieftains
Ogres are undisciplined, foul and uncontrollable by nature so to keep them in line a Chieftain is appointed to
overseer the Clan and hire them out as mercenaries if necessary, with a reward of plenty of food and a brawling
good time.

Ogre Lord
All the Ogre Clans are lead by the Ogre Lord, the meanest, nastiest and the hungriest Ogre of them all. When the
Ogres go on a feeding frenzy, he’s right there on top of the food chain. The Ogre Lord is unpredictable and
horribly dangerous when confronted in battle.

Ogre Warriors
Ogre Warriors see the world as one long series of meals. Enemies mean food; Ogres are ruthless foes who show
no mercy once their appetite has been whetted. Ogres are not evil as such, just permanently hungry and
frighteningly violent.

Orcs are related to the Goblins and Hobgoblins, but are larger in size and much more powerful. They form the
rank and file of the Evil Wizard’s armies and delight in cruelty and slaughter. They are savage and vicious
warriors and should never be underestimated.

The animated remains of long dead warriors; Skeletons form the bulk of the armies of the Undead. They are slow
but relentless, controlled by Chaos magic. They know no fear and attack with zealed frenzy.

Trolls are wart-covered creatures that like to hide under bridges, in caves, in deep forests and mountains. They
can heal very quickly when damaged in an attack and they can re-grow a severed limb, so are tough to combat in
battle, be prepared.

Like Skeletons, Zombies are magically animated corpses; Unlike Skeletons, some still bear traces of decaying
flesh and muscle. Their movements are slow and awkward and they carry the stench of the grave wherever they
Monster Tables

In the ‘Level’ column you may notice various numbers; these numbers refer to quest
adventure levels within the Heroquest game; i.e. level 1 equals one quest, level 2 equals a
two-level quest adventure and level 3 equals a three-level quest in a Heroquest
adventure. Are you confused? I hope not, I would hate to explain again.

With this skill the creature or monster can teleport to any room or passageway on the
board–even if the heroes haven’t discovered/searched the whole game board. Warning: this
ability can only be used once per quest adventure (every 3 quests) or twice per single quest
adventure. You my cunning Apprentice must choose which beforehand.

Variable (General)
You may also notice the word ‘variable’ my fair Apprentice; this means you can set the
appropriate number within the category for that monster (making it weaker or stronger)
participating in the quest you wish to create.

Variable (Von Darken Mercenary)

When determining the Body points for Attack and Defence combat dice of Von Darken
Mercenaries when planning a quest adventure; count how many are in a room or
passageway. Example: 3 Von Darken that start in a room means therefore they have 3
Body points each, and 3 Attack and Defence combat dice each.

Variable (Ogre)
It is up to you my cunning Apprentice to set the Ogre Body points.

Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ spells only

Any creature or monster with this ability can cast Level 1 ‘Chaos’ spells only; choose 6
‘Chaos’ spells for them to use.

Casts Levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ spells only

Any creature or monster with this ability can cast Levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ spells only;
choose 6 ‘Chaos’ spells from level 1 or level 2, or 3 spells from both levels for them to use.
(Or in any other combination you wish to use totalling not more 6 spells) But remember
the group of spells must contain a minimum of one spell from each level chosen.
Casts Level s 1 to 3 ‘Chaos’ spells only
Any creature or monster with this ability can cast Levels 1 through to 3 ‘Chaos’ spells
only; choose 6 ‘Chaos’ spells from level 1, level 2 or level 3 or 2 spells from all three levels
for them to use. (Or in any other combination you wish to use totalling not more 6 spells)
But remember the group of spells must contain a minimum of one spell from each level

Casts Level s 1 to 4 ‘Chaos’ spells only

Any creature or monster with this ability can cast Levels 1 through to 4 ‘Chaos’ spells
only; choose 6 ‘Chaos’ spells from level 1, level 2, level 3 or level 4 or 3 spells from level 1
and 1 spell each from levels 2 to 4 for them to use. (Or in any other combination you wish
to use totalling not more than 6 spells) But remember the group of spells must contain a
minimum of one spell from each level chosen.

Immune to all Elemental spells

Any creature or monster with this ability has definite advantages and thus is not affected
by any Elemental spells. (Only physical attacks).

Casts Level 1 ‘Elemental’ spells only

Any creature or monster with this ability can cast Level 1 ‘Elemental’ Earth, Air, Fire
and Water spells only; choose 6 ‘Elemental’ spells from the first level element you wish to
use. (Or in any other combination you wish to use totalling not more than 6 spells)

Casts Levels 1 and 2 ‘Elemental’ spells only

Any creature or monster with this ability can cast Levels 1 and 2 ‘Elemental’ Earth,
Air, Fire and Water spells only; choose 6 ‘Elemental’ spells from the first or the second
level elements or 3 spells from both levels you wish to use. (Or in any other combination
you wish to use totalling not more than 6 spells) but remember the group of spells must
contain a minimum of one spell from each level chosen.

Casts Levels 1 to 3 ‘Elemental’ spells only

Any creature or monster with this ability can cast Levels 1 through to 3 ‘Elemental’
Earth, Air, Fire and Water spells only; choose 6 ‘Elemental’ spells from the first, second
or third level elements or 2 spells from all three levels you wish to use. (Or in any other
combination you wish to use totalling not more than 6 spells) But remember the group of
spells must contain a minimum of one spell from each level chosen.
Immune to all Elemental ‘Earth’ spells
Any creature or monster with this ability especially the Rock Golem being an earth
creature is immune to all Elemental ‘Earth’ spells. But naturally, not immune to the
other Elemental spells-Air, Fire and Water.

Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Fire’ spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Fire’ spells
The Fire Elemental can cast any Level 1 Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells chosen by you my cunning
Apprentice, but remember to choose only 6 spells; and the Fire Elemental is immune to all
‘Fire’ Elemental Spells.

Casts Level 1 ‘Fire’ Spells only; but may cast other ‘Fire’ levels, Evil Wizard’s
The Blood Elf Mage can only cast ‘Fire’ spells; choose 6 ‘Fire’ Elemental spells for the
Blood Mage to use. Or if you want a tougher game or level, you can choose 6 spells from
other ‘Fire’ levels or a combination to make it interesting; but remember the group of spells
must contain a minimum of one spell from each level chosen. If levels 3 and or 4 are also
chosen, then the Blood Elf Mage starts on heroquest level 4;

Immune to all Elemental ‘Air’ Spells, and can cast variable Elemental ‘Air’ Spells.
The Air Dragon is immune to all ‘Air’ Elemental spells, but not immune to the other
type of Elemental spells-‘Earth, ‘Fire’ and ‘Water’. The Air Dragon can cast ‘Air’
Elemental spells only; choose 8 spells from any level, but must contain a minimum of one
spell from each level chosen.

Immune to all Elemental ‘Earth’ Spells, and can cast variable Elemental ‘Earth’
The Earth Dragon is immune to all ‘Earth’ Elemental spells, but not immune to the other
type of Elemental spells-‘Air, ‘Fire’ and ‘Water’. The Earth Dragon can cast ‘Earth’
Elemental spells only; choose 8 spells from any level, but must contain a minimum of one
spell from each level chosen.

Immune to all Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells, and can cast variable Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells
The Fire Dragon is immune to all ‘Fire’ Elemental spells, but not immune to the other
type of Elemental spells-‘Air, ‘Earth’ and ‘Water’. The Fire Dragon can cast ‘Fire’
Elemental spells only; choose 8 spells from any level, but must contain a minimum of one
spell from each level chosen.
Immune to all Elemental ‘Water’ Spells, and can cast variable Elemental ‘Water’
The Water Dragon is immune to all ‘Water’ Elemental spells, but not immune to the
other type of Elemental spells-‘Air, ‘Earth’ and ‘Fire’. The Water Dragon can cast
‘Water’ Elemental spells only; choose 8 spells from any level, but must contain a minimum
of one spell from each level chosen.

Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Air’ Spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Air’ Spells;
but may cast other ‘Air’ levels, Evil Wizard’s choice
The Air Elemental is immune to all ‘Air’ Elemental spells, but not immune to the other
type of Elemental spells-‘Earth, ‘Fire’ and ‘Water’. The Air Elemental can cast level 1
‘Air’ Elemental spells only; choose 6 spells from this level. But the Air Elemental can
cast ‘Air’ Elemental spells from the other levels if you my young Apprentice want a
tougher heroquest game, but must contain a minimum of one spell from each level chosen.

Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Earth’ Spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Earth’
Spells; but may cast other ‘Earth’ levels, Evil Wizard’s choice
The Earth Elemental is immune to all ‘Earth’ Elemental spells, but not immune to the
other type of Elemental spells-‘Air, ‘Fire’ and ‘Water’. The Earth Elemental can cast
level 1 ‘Earth’ Elemental spells only; choose 6 spells from this level. But the Earth
Elemental can cast ‘Earth’ Elemental spells from the other levels if you my young
Apprentice want a tougher heroquest game, but must contain a minimum of one spell from
each level chosen.

Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells;
but may cast other ‘Fire’ levels, Evil Wizard’s choice
The Fire Elemental is immune to all ‘Fire’ Elemental spells, but not immune to the other
type of Elemental spells-‘Air, ‘Earth’ and ‘Water’. The Fire Elemental can cast level 1
‘Fire’ Elemental spells only; choose 6 spells from this level. But the Fire Elemental can
cast ‘Fire’ Elemental spells from the other levels if you my young Apprentice want a
tougher heroquest game, but must contain a minimum of one spell from each level chosen.
Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Water’ Spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Water’
Spells; but may cast other ‘Water’ levels, Evil Wizard’s choice
The Water Elemental is immune to all ‘Water’ Elemental spells, but not immune to the
other type of Elemental spells-‘Air, ‘Earth’ and ‘Fire’. The Water Elemental can cast
level 1 ‘Water’ Elemental spells only; choose 6 spells from this level. But the Water
Elemental can cast ‘Water’ Elemental spells from the other levels if you my young
Apprentice want a tougher heroquest game, but must contain a minimum of one spell from
each level chosen.

Casts various levels of ‘Air’ spells; Evil Wizard’s choice

The Chaos Air Mage can cast ‘Air’ Elemental spells only; the Evil Wizard can choose 6
to 8 spells from any level, but must contain at least one spell from each level chosen. The
Air Mage is not immune to the other type of Elemental spells-‘Fire, ‘Earth’ and
‘Water’. If levels 3 and or 4 are also chosen, then the Chaos Air Mage starts on
heroquest level 4.

Casts various levels of ‘Earth’ spells; Evil Wizard’s choice

The Chaos Earth Mage can cast ‘Earth’ Elemental spells only; the Evil Wizard can
choose 6 to 8 spells from any level, but must contain at least one spell from each level
chosen. The Earth Mage is not immune to the other type of Elemental spells-‘Fire, ‘Air’
and ‘Water’. If levels 3 and or 4 are also chosen, then the Chaos Earth Mage starts on
heroquest level 4.

Casts various levels of ‘Fire’ spells; Evil Wizard’s choice

The Chaos Fire Mage can cast ‘Fire’ Elemental spells only; the Evil Wizard can choose 6
to 8 spells from any level, but must contain at least one spell from each level chosen. The
Fire Mage is not immune to the other type of Elemental spells-‘Earth, ‘Air’ and
‘Water’. If levels 3 and or 4 are also chosen, then the Chaos Fire Mage starts on
heroquest level 4.

Casts various levels of ‘Water’ spells; Evil Wizard’s choice

The Chaos Water Mage can cast ‘Water’ Elemental spells only; the Evil Wizard can
choose 6 to 8 spells from any level, but must contain at least one spell from each level
chosen. The Water Mage is not immune to the other type of Elemental spells-‘Fire, ‘Air’
and ‘Earth’. If levels 3 and or 4 are also chosen, then the Chaos Water Mage starts on
heroquest level 4.

Casts various levels from only two Elemental spells; Evil Wizard’s choice
The Byndor Mage can cast a combination of two Elemental spells only; the Evil Wizard
can choose 6 to 8 spells from any level from two elements, but must contain at least one
spell from each level chosen. The Byndor Mage is not immune to the remaining types of
Elemental spells that his not using. If levels 3 and or 4 are also chosen, then the Byndor
Mage starts on heroquest level 4.

Casts Dark Elf Druid Spells

Only the Dark Elf Druid can cast these spells.

Casts Dark Elf Spells and Levels 1 & 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only
The Dark Elf Queen can cast Dark Elf and or levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos spells. The Evil
Wizard can choose 6 to 8 spells in any combination, but must contain a minimum of one
spell from each ‘Chaos’ level chosen.

Casts Fimir Shaman Spells

Only the Fimir Shaman can cast these spells.

Casts High Magic Spells

Only a High Mage can cast these spells.

Casts Necromancer Spells

Only the Necromancer can cast these spells.

Casts Ogre Shaman Spells

Only the Ogre Shaman can cast these spells.

Casts only ‘Mind’ spells.

Only the Mind Mage can cast these spells; but remember other spellcasters can also cast
various Mind spells too.

Casts Orc Shaman Spells

Only the Orc Shaman can cast these spells.

Casts Storm Master Spells

Only the Storm Master can cast these spells.

Immune to all ‘Mind’ spells and weapons accept ranged weapons

The Giant is not affected by the Chaos ‘Mind’ Spells and weaponry accept ‘ranged’
weapons-which is understandable since you would not be able to get close enough to use
non-ranged weapons, (and even if you did they would be an annoyance). The Giant is
affected by other spells so there is hope yet on defeating him
Monbeast Vials (variable): Minimum of one vial containing 5 Monbeasts
The Von Darken Mercenaries carry at least one Monbeast vial at strength 5 at all
times; (even if they don’t use it) but they can carry more if the Evil Wizard chooses,
including more Monbeasts in a vial if necessary.

Not affected by any poisons

The Manscorpion is one tough creature, and is not affected by any poison it drinks and is
immune to its own poisonous tail.

Regains 1 Body Point after moving

The Troll has the ability to regain/heal a lost Body point after it has moved away from
being attacked or by defending itself.
Monster Tables
Monster Mind Body Attack Defence Movement Level Special Equipment & Abilities
Goblin 1 1 2 1 10 squares 1+ –
Chaos Goblin 2 2 2 2 9 squares 1+ –
Dark Goblin 2 3 2 3 8 squares 1+ –
Goblin (Leader) 3 2 3 3 10 squares 1+ –
Goblin (King) 4 3 3 4 9 squares 2+ –
Hobgoblin 2 1 2 2 9 squares 1+ –
Chaos Hobgoblin 2 2 2 3 8 squares 1+ –
Dark Hobgoblin 2 3 3 3 8 squares 1+ –
Hobgoblin (Leader) 3 3 3 4 9 squares 2+ –
Hobgoblin (King) 4 3 3 4 8 squares 2+ –
Orc 2 1 3 2 8 squares 1+ –
Chaos Orc 2 2 3 3 8 squares 1+ –
Dark Orc 3 3 3 4 6 squares 2+ –
Orc (Leader) 3 3 3 3 7 squares 1+ –
Orc (King) 4 3 4 4 6 squares 2+ –
Fimir 3 1 3 3 6 squares 1+ –
Chaos Fimir 3 2 3 4 6 squares 2+ –
Dark Fimir 4 3 4 5 6 squares 3+ –
Fimir (Leader) 4 3 4 5 7 squares 3+ –
Fimir (King) 5 4 4 5 6 squares 3+ –
Chaos Warrior 3 1 3 4 6 squares 2+ –
Chaos Knight 4 2 4 5 8 squares 3+ –
Dark Knight 5 3 5 6 8 squares 4+ –
Warrior (Leader) 5 3 5 5 9 squares 3+ –
Knight (King) 6 4 5 5 8 squares 3+ –
Von Darken Mercenary 4 Variable Variable Variable 6 squares 1+ –
Minotaur 3 1 4 4 8 squares 1+ –
Chaos Minotaur 3 2 4 5 8 squares 3+ –
Dark Minotaur 4 3 5 6 6 squares 5+ –
Minotaur (Leader) 4 4 5 5 9 squares 3+ –
Minotaur (King) 5 5 5 6 8 squares 4+ –
Bugbear 1 2 2 4 6 squares 1+ –
Elite Guard “Knight” 2 8 5 5 8 squares 3+ Monbeast Vials (variable): Minimum of one vial containing 5 Monbeasts.
Ogre Warrior 1 Variable 5 5 6 squares 3+ –
Ogre Champion 1 Variable 5 5 6 squares 3+ –
Ogre Chieftain 2 Variable 6 6 4 squares 4+ –
Ogre Lord 5 Variable 6 6 4 squares 4+ –
Troll 3 3 3 5 6 squares 3+ Regains 1 Body Point after moving.
Fire Elemental 5 5 5 7 8 squares 4+ Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells.
Chaos Elf 4 6 3 3 8 squares 1+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Dark Elf 5 5 3 4 8 squares 2+ Casts Levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Blood Elf Mage 7 3 2 3 7 squares 2+ Casts Level 1 ‘Fire’ Spells only; but may cast other ‘Fire’ levels, Evil Wizard’s choice.
Dark Elf Druid 8 2 2 3 7 squares 2+ Casts Dark Elf Druid Spells.
Dark Elf Queen 7 3 3 3 7 squares 1+ Casts Dark Elf Spells and Levels 1 & 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Giant 1 9 6 8 8 squares 5+ Immune to all ‘Mind’ Spells and weapons accept ranged weapons.
Manscorpion 4 6 7 6 8 squares 5+ Not affected by any Poisons.
Golem (rock) 1 9 7 9 4 squares 6+ Immune to all Elemental ‘Earth’ Spells.
Monster Tables
Monster Mind Body Attack Defence Movement Level Special Equipment & Abilities
Undead Type Creatures

Skeleton 0 1 2 2 6 squares 1+ –
Chaos Skeleton 0 1 2 3 8 squares 1+ –
Battle Skele 1 2 3 4 10 squares 2+ –
Death Knight 2 3 4 5 8 squares 3+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Zombie 0 1 2 3 4 squares 1+ –
Chaos Zombie 1 2 3 4 6 squares 2+ –
Dark Zombie 2 3 4 5 8 squares 3+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Ghoul 0 1 3 3 4 squares 1+ –
Chaos Ghoul 1 1 3 4 6 squares 2+ –
Dark Ghoul 2 2 4 5 8 squares 3+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Mummy 0 1 3 4 4 squares 2+ –
Chaos Mummy 1 2 4 5 6 squares 3+ –
Dark Mummy 2 3 5 6 8 squares 4+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Wraith 3 9 5 5 6 squares 3+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Chaos Wraith 4 8 5 6 8 squares 4+ Casts Levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Dark Wraith 5 7 6 7 10 squares 5+ Casts Level s 1 to 3 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Ghost 0 10 1 2 12 squares 1+ Immune to all Elemental Spells.
Phantom 2 8 6 6 10 squares 4+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Grim Reaper 3 7 7 7 8 squares 5+ Casts Levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Spectre 5 5 8 8 6 squares 6+ Casts Level s 1 to 3 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.

Gargoyle Type creatures

Gargoyle 4 1 4 4 6 Squares 2+ –
Gorgoyle 5 2 4 5 8 Squares 3+ –
Chaos Gargoyle
4 4 5 5 7 Squares 3+ –
Chaos Gorgoyle 5 2 5 6 7 squares 4+ –
Dark Gargoyle
6 6 5 6 8 Squares 4+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
(Horned Devil)
Dark Gorgoyle 6 3 6 6 6 squares 4+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos Spells only.
Pit Fiend
8 8 6 6 9 Squares 4+ Casts Level s1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
(Greater Devil)
Balor (Succubus) 10 10 6 7 10 Squares 5+ Casts Levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
12 12 7 7 12 Squares 5+ Casts Levels 1 to 3 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
(Prince of the Undead)


Air Dragon 12 12 12 12 12 squares 7+ Immune to all Elemental ‘Air’ Spells, and can cast variable Elemental ‘Air’ Spells.
Earth Dragon 12 12 12 12 12 squares 7+ Immune to all Elemental ‘Earth’ Spells, and can cast variable Elemental ‘Earth’ Spells.
Fire Dragon 12 12 12 12 12 squares 7+ Immune to all Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells, and can cast variable Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells.
Water Dragon 12 12 12 12 12 squares 7+ Immune to all Elemental ‘Water’ Spells, and can cast variable Elemental ‘Water’ Spells.
Monster Tables
Monster Mind Body Attack Defence Movement Level Special Equipment & Abilities
Wizard Type Spellcasters

Orc Shaman 8 4 3 4 8 squares 2+ Casts Orc Shaman Spells.

Necromancer 7 5 4 4 6 squares 2+ Casts Necromancer Spells.
Fimir Shaman 7 5 4 5 6 squares 3+ Casts Fimir Shaman Spells.
Storm Master 6 6 5 5 8 squares 3+ Casts Storm Master Spells.
Ogre Shaman 6 6 5 6 4 squares 4+ Casts Ogre Shaman Spells.
Black Wizard 6 4 2 2 8 squares 1+ Casts Level 1 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Chaos Wizard 7 3 2 3 8 squares 1+ Casts Levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Dark Wizard 8 2 3 4 6 squares 2+ Casts Levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Black Avatar 9 1 2 2 8 squares 1+ Casts Level 1 Elemental Spells only.
Chaos Avatar 10 2 2 3 6 squares 1+ Casts Levels 1 and 2 Elemental Spells only.
Dark Avatar 11 1 3 4 6 squares 2+ Casts Levels 1 to 3 Elemental Spells only.
Black Mage 6 4 2 2 8 squares 1+ Casts Level 1 Elemental Spells only.
Chaos Mage 7 3 2 3 8 squares 1+ Casts Levels 1 and 2 Elemental Spells only.
Dark Mage 8 2 3 4 6 squares 2+ Casts Levels 1 to 3 Elemental Spells only.
High Mage 8 5 5 5 5 squares 3+ Casts High Magic Spells.
Wraith Lord 8 4 4 4 Teleportation 2+ Casts Levels 1 and 2 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Chaos Lord 9 3 5 5 Teleportation 3+ Casts Level s 1 to 3 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.
Dark Lord 10 2 6 6 Teleportation 4+ Casts Level s 1 to 4 ‘Chaos’ Spells only.

Elemental Type Spellcasters

Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Air’ Spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Air’ Spells; but may
Air Elemental 5 5 5 7 8 squares 4+
cast other ‘Air’ levels, Evil Wizard’s choice.
Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Earth’ Spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Earth’ Spells; but
Earth Elemental 5 5 5 7 8 squares 4+
may cast other ‘Earth’ levels, Evil Wizard’s choice.
Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Fire’ Spells; but
Fire Elemental 5 5 5 7 8 squares 4+
may cast other ‘Fire’ levels, Evil Wizard’s choice.
Casts Level 1 Elemental ‘Water’ Spells, and is immune to all Elemental ‘Water’ Spells; but
Water Elemental 5 5 5 7 8 squares 4+
may cast other ‘Water’ levels, Evil Wizard’s choice.

Chaos Mind Mages

Air Mage 7 3 2 2 8 squares 1+ Casts various levels of ‘Air’ spells; Evil Wizard’s choice.
Earth Mage 7 3 2 2 8 squares 1+ Casts various levels of ‘Earth’ spells; Evil Wizard’s choice.
Fire Mage 7 3 2 2 8 squares 1+ Casts various levels of ‘Fire’ spells; Evil Wizard’s choice.
Water Mage 7 3 2 2 8 squares 1+ Casts various levels of ‘Water’ spells; Evil Wizard’s choice.
Byndor Mage 7 3 2 2 8 squares 1+ Casts various levels from only two Elemental spells; Evil Wizard’s choice.
Mind Mage 7 3 2 2 8 squares 1+ Casts only ‘Mind’ spells.

Monbeasts are the creation of Nemezzeena they are invisible dragon-like

creatures that know no fear. Because of their unique killing ability and the
way they are used; they have been banned throughout the land. But it is
rumoured that the ‘Kings of the Realm’ do keep a couple of vials under their
pillows just in case. Fear is good–yes?

Movement Infinite.
Attack 1 combat die.
Defend 0 combat dice.
M ind 1.
Body 0.

Monbeasts, are contained in vials in various quantities, the maximum is 20.

Monbeasts have a short life span when their vial that contains them is broken. (A throw
of a combat die will determine if they live)

Any monsters and heroes can use Monbeasts.

Monbeasts can only attack, and can attack each other, but will cancel each other out; they
can also attack in any direction.

When a combat die is thrown for Monbeast attack, if no skull appears that Monbeast is

Heroes and monsters can defend in any direction.

When defending and if successful, the Monbeast will attack again until defeated by the
throw of a shield on a combat die.

When Monbeasts have successfully defeated their enemy they will disappear.

No Monbeasts can be saved for later use.

The hero or monster must be at least 1 square away from or 1 square clear to throw a
Monbeast vial for attacking.
To attack your enemy, declare that you are using a Monbeast vial and state their number,
(written on the vial) you may use up to 3 vials per hand.

For the first attack the full number of Monbeasts are used against your enemy. Then if
your enemy survives, roll again and in subsequent turns until there are no more

You must roll a skull on the combat die for the Monbeasts to continue their attack; a black
or white shield will kill them.

To defend against Monbeast attack, use a combat die for every Monbeast that attacks
you, e.g. 5 Monbeasts, 5 combat dice.

You must roll a black or white shield on a combat die for defence; a skull will cause you to
lose 1 body point.
Air Mage Byndor Mage Earth Mage

Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 2 Dice Defend 2 Dice Defend 2 Dice
Body 3 Points Body 3 Points Body 3 Points
Mind 7 Points Mind 7 Points Mind 7 Points
Spells ‘Elemental Air’ Spells ‘2 Elements’ Spells ‘Elemental Earth’

Fire Mage Mind Mage Water Mage

Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 2 Dice Defend 2 Dice Defend 2 Dice
Body 3 Points Body 3 Points Body 3 Points
Mind 7 Points Mind 7 Points Mind 7 Points
Spells ‘Elemental Fire’ Spells ‘Mind’ Spells ‘Elemental Water’

Blood Elf Mage Blood Elf Mage Blood Elf Mage

Move 7 Squares Move 7 Squares Move 7 Squares

Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 3 Dice Defend 3 Dice Defend 3 Dice
Body 3 Body 3 Body 3
Mind 7 Points Mind 7 Points Mind 7 Points
Spells ‘Fire’ Spells ‘Fire’ Spells ‘Fire’
Blood Elf Mage Chaos Elf Chaos Elf

Move 7 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 3 Dice Defend 3 Dice Defend 3 Dice
Body 3 Body 6 Body 6
Mind 7 Points Mind 4 Points Mind 4 Points
Spells ‘Fire’ Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’

Chaos Elf Chaos Elf Dark Elf Druid

Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 7 Squares

Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 3 Dice Defend 3 Dice Defend 3 Dice
Body 6 Body 6 Body 2 Points
Mind 4 Points Mind 4 Points Mind 8 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Dark Elf Druid’

Dark Elf Druid Dark Elf Druid Dark Elf Druid

Move 7 Squares Move 7 Squares Move 7 Squares

Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 3 Dice Defend 3 Dice Defend 3 Dice
Body 2 Points Body 2 Points Body 2 Points
Mind 8 Points Mind 8 Points Mind 8 Points
Spells ‘Dark Elf Druid’ Spells ‘Dark Elf Druid’ Spells ‘Dark Elf Druid’
Dark Elf Dark Elf Dark Elf

Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 4 Dice Defend 4 Dice Defend 4 Dice
Body 5 Body 5 Body 5
Mind 5 Points Mind 5 Points Mind 5 Points
Spells ‘Dark Elf’ Spells ‘Dark Elf’ Spells ‘Dark Elf’

Dark Elf Dark Elf Queen Dark Elf Queen

The Dark Elf Queen can cast any

‘Dark Elf’ and levels 1 and 2
Move 8 Squares Move 7 Squares ‘Chaos’ spells.
Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Choose a combination totalling
Defend 4 Dice Defend 3 Dice 9 spells from the ‘Dark Elf’
Body 5 Body 3 Points and ‘Chaos’ levels indicated to
Mind 5 Points Mind 7 Points give the Dark Elf Queen
Spells ‘Dark Elf’ Spells ‘Dark Elf & Chaos’ her magical abilities.

Fimir Shaman Ogre Champion Ogre Chieftain

Move 6 Squares Move 6 Squares Move 4 Squares

Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 5 Dice Attack 6 Dice
Defend 4 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 6 Dice
Body 1 Variable Body Variable Body Variable
Mind 6 Points Mind 1 Point Mind 2 Points
Spells ‘Fimir Shaman’
Ogre Lord Ogre Shaman Ogre Warrior

Move 4 Squares Move 6 Squares Move 6 Squares

Attack 6 Dice Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 5 Dice
Defend 6 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 5 Dice
Body Variable Body Variable Body Variable
Mind 5 Points Mind 7 Points Mind 1 Point
Spells ‘Ogre Shaman’

Boroush Storm Master Fanrax the Malicious Grawshak Orc Shaman

Move 7 Squares Move 6 Squares Move 7 Squares

Attack 6 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 4 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 5 Dice Defend 6 Dice Defend 5 Dice
Body 5 Points Body 5 Points Body 5 Points
Mind 7 Points Mind 7 Points Mind 7 Points
Spells ‘Storm Master’ Spells ‘Necromancer’ Spells ‘Orc Shaman’

Zanrath the High Mage Orc Shaman Balur the Fire Mage

Move 5 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 5 Dice Defend 4 Dice Defend 5 Dice
Body 4 Points Body 4 Points Body 4 Points
Mind 8 Points Mind 8 Points Mind 7 Points
Spells ‘High Mage’ Spells ‘Orc Shaman’ Spells ‘Fire’
Balur the Fire Mage Bellthor the Gargoyle Bellthor the Gargoyle

Balur is immune to all Fire spells Bellthor has the following special
and has mastered Fire magic. ability: ‘Poison Breath’.
Move 6 Squares After Bellthor has made his
Balur also has the special ability Attack 4 Dice + Special Attack
of being able to run through any attack he can attack again; roll six
Defend 6 Dice combat dice and minus 1 mind point
wall once during the game. When Body 4 Points
he does this the Evil Wizard can for every skull rolled. If a hero
Mind 4 Points loses all mind points he is knocked
place him in any room either
discovered or not by the heroes. unconscious and removed from the
board until the next quest level.

Captain Skulmar Commander Tograk Delzarron

Move 8 Squares Move 4 Squares Move 6 Squares

Attack 5 Dice Attack 6 Dice Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 6 Dice Defend 6 Dice Defend 4 Dice
Body 4 Points Body Variable Body 3 Points
Mind 7 Points
Mind 5 Points Mind 2 Points Spells ‘Chaos’

Delzarron Festral Chaos Sorcerer Festral Chaos Sorcerer

Delzarron the Chaos Sorcerer Festral can cast the following

may also cast the following Chaos spells:
Chaos spell once per turn: Move 6 Squares
‘Mind Blast’, ‘Mind Lock’
‘Summon Undead’
Attack 4 Dice or Cast Spells ‘Dominate’
Defend 5 Dice
This spell will summon one Festral has five of each ‘Mind
Undead creature, (Zombie,
Body 3 Points Blast’, ‘Mind Lock, and ‘Dominate’
Skeleton, Mummy) which may be Mind 7 Points spells at his command which he
placed anywhere in the room and Spells ‘Chaos’ can cast instead of making
attack and move immediately. a physical attack.
High Alchemist Kelvinos the Barbarian Kessandria

Move 8 Squares Move 5 Squares Move 6 Squares

Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 4 Dice + Special Attack
Attack 4 Dice Defend 6 Dice + Special Defence
Defend 3 Dice Defend 4 Dice Body 4 Points
Body 4 Points Body 4 Points Mind 6 Points
Mind 6 Points Spells ‘Air’
Spells ‘Chaos’
Mind 0 Points

Kessandria Krag Chaos Warrior Nexrael Chaos Sorcerer

Kessandria has the following

special ability:
After Kessandria has made Move 7 Squares Move 8 Squares
her attack she can attack Attack 5 Dice Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells
again by casting the ‘Genie’ Defend 5 Dice Defend 4 Dice
Air spell once per turn. Body 7 Points Body 5 Points
Mind 5 Points
She is also immune to all Mind 3 Points Spells ‘Mind’
magic except ‘Fire’ spells.

Nexrael Chaos Sorcerer Petrokk Chaos Sorcerer Petrokk Chaos Sorcerer

Nexrael can cast the following Petrokk has the following

Chaos spell: special ability:
Move 6 Squares ‘Hypnotic Stare’
‘Mind Blast’ Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 4 Dice After Petrokk has made his
Nexrael has four ‘Mind Blast’ attack he can attack again;
spells at his command which he Body 5 Points
Mind 5 Points roll two combat dice and
can cast instead of making minus 1 mind point for
a physical attack. Spells ‘Chaos’
every skull rolled.
Sinestra Archmage Sinestra Archmage The Witch Lord

Sinestra the Archmage can cast

the following Chaos spells:
Move 8 Squares ‘Dispel Magic’, ‘Firestorm’
Move 10 Squares
Attack 4 Dice or Cast Spells ‘Reanimation’, ‘Restore Chaos’ Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 4 Dice ‘Summon Wolves’, Defend 6 Dice
Body 4 Points ‘Werewolf’s Curse’ Body 4 Points
Mind 8 Points ‘Mind Blast’, ‘Mirror Magic’ Mind 5 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’

The Witch Lord Tormuk Necromancer Tormuk Necromancer

The Witch Lord can cast the Tormuk the Necromancer

following Chaos spell: has the following Chaos spells
‘Summon Undead’ Move 8 Squares at his command:
The Witch Lord can only be killed Attack 4 Dice or Cast Spells Dispel Magic, Firestorm,
by the ‘Spirit Blade’ and he is Defend 4 Dice Mind Blast, Mirror Magic,
immune to all spells except ‘Fire’ in Body 6 Points Reanimation, Restore Chaos,
which if he loses all his body points Mind 6 Points Summon Wolves,
he disappears in a puff of purple Spells ‘Chaos’ Werewolf’s Curse.
smoke to fight another day.

Vilor Chaos Warlock Vilor Chaos Warlock Xenloth Chaos Mage

Vilor the Chaos Warlock

has the following Chaos
Move 8 Squares spells at his command: Move 6 Squares
Attack 4 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 3 Dice ‘Chill’, ‘Ice Storm’, Defend 4 Dice
Body 5 Points ‘Lightning Bolt’, Body 6 Points
Mind 5 Points ‘Sleep’, ‘Tempest’ Mind 4 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’ ‘Reanimation’ Spells ‘Mind’
Xenloth Chaos Mage Bugbear Giant

Xenloth the Chaos Mage

has five Mind Lock and
Mind Blast spells Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares
at his command. Attack 2 Dice Attack 6 Dice
Defend 4 Dice Defend 8 Dice
Body 2 Points Body 9 Points
Mind 1 Point Mind 1 Point

High Mage Manscorpion Necromancer

Move 5 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 6 Squares

Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 7 Dice Attack 4 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 5 Dice Defend 6 Dice Defend 4 Dice
Body 5 Points Body 6 Points Body 5 Points
Mind 8 Points Mind 4 Points Mind 7 Points
Spells ‘High Magic’ Spells ‘Necromancer’

Storm Master Troll Air Dragon

Move 8 Squares Move 6 Squares Move 12 Squares

Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice Attack 12 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 5 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 12 Dice
Body 6 Points Body 3 Points Body 12 Points
Mind 6 Points Mind 3 Points Mind 12 Points
Spells ‘Storm Master’ Spells ‘Air’
Earth Dragon Fire Dragon Water Dragon

Move 12 Squares Move 12 Squares Move 12 Squares

Attack 12 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 12 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 12 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 12 Dice Defend 12 Dice Defend 12 Dice
Body 12 Points Body 12 Points Body 12 Points
Mind 12 Points Mind 12 Points Mind 12 Points
Spells ‘Earth’ Spells ‘Fire’ Spells ‘Water’

Air Elemental Earth Elemental Fire Elemental

Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 6 Dice Defend 6 Dice Defend 6 Dice
Body 7 Points Body 7 Points Body 7 Points
Mind 5 Points Mind 5 Points Mind 5 Points
Spells ‘Elemental Air’ Spells ‘Elemental Earth’ Spells ‘Elemental Fire’

Water Elemental Balor Chaos Gargoyle

Move 8 Squares Move 10 Squares Move 7 Squares

Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 6 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 5 Dice
Defend 6 Dice Defend 7 Dice Defend 5 Dice
Body 7 Points Body 10 Points Body 4 Points
Mind 5 Points Mind 12 Points Mind 4 Points
Spells ‘Elemental Water’ Spells ‘Chaos’
Chaos Gorgoyle Dark Gargoyle Dark Gorgoyle

Move 7 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 6 Squares

Attack 5 Dice Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 6 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 6 Dice Defend 6 Dice Defend 6 Dice
Body 2 Points Body 6 Points Body 3 Points
Mind 5 Points Mind 6 Points Mind 6 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’

Gargoyle Gorgoyle Orcus

Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 12 Squares

Attack 4 Dice Attack 4 Dice Attack 7 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 4 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 7 Dice
Body 1 Point Body 2 Points Body 12 Points
Mind 4 Points Mind 5 Points Mind 12 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’

Pit Fiend Chaos Goblin Dark Goblin

Move 9 Squares Move 9 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 6 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice Attack 2 Dice
Defend 6 Dice Defend 2 Dice Defend 3 Dice
Body 8 Points Body 2 Points Body 3 Points
Mind 8 Points Mind 2 Points Mind 2 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’
Goblin Chaos Hobgoblin Dark Hobgoblin

Move 10 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 2 Dice Attack 2 Dice Attack 3 Dice
Defend 1 Die Defend 3 Dice Defend 3 Dice
Body 1 Point Body 2 Points Body 3 Points
Mind 1 Point Mind 2 Points Mind 2 Points

Hobgoblin Chaos Minotaur Dark Minotaur

Move 9 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 6 Squares

Attack 2 Dice Attack 4 Dice Attack 5 Dice
Defend 2 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 6 Dice
Body 1 Point Body 2 Points Body 3 Points
Mind 2 Points Mind 3 Points Mind 4 Points

Minotaur Minotaur King Minotaur Leader

Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 9 Squares

Attack 4 Dice Attack 5 Dice Attack 5 Dice
Defend 4 Dice Defend 6 Dice Defend 5 Dice
Body 1 Point Body 5 Points Body 4 Points
Mind 3 Points Mind 5 Points Mind 4 Points
Chaos Orc Dark Orc Orc

Move 8 Squares Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 3 Dice Attack 3 Dice Attack 3 Dice
Defend 3 Dice Defend 4 Dice Defend 2 Dice
Body 2 Points Body 3 Points Body 1 Point
Mind 2 Points Mind 3 Points Mind 2 Points

Orc King Orc Leader Battle Skele

Move 6 Squares Move 7 Squares Move 10 Squares

Attack 4 Dice Attack 3 Dice Attack 3 Dice
Defend 4 Dice Defend 3 Dice Defend 4 Dice
Body 3 Points Body 3 Points Body 2 Points
Mind 4 Points Mind 3 Points Mind 1 Point

Chaos Skeleton Death Knight Skeleton

Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 6 Squares

Attack 2 Dice Attack 4 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice
Defend 3 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 2 Dice
Body 1 Points Body 3 Points Body 1 Point
Mind 0 Points Mind 2 Points Mind 0 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’
Chaos Ghoul Dark Ghoul Ghoul

Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 4 Squares

Attack 3 Dice Attack 4 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice
Defend 4 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 3 Dice
Body 1 Point Body 2 Points Body 1 Point
Mind 1 Point Mind 2 Points Mind 0 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’

Chaos Mummy Dark Mummy Mummy

Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 4 Squares

Attack 4 Dice Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice
Defend 5 Dice Defend 6 Dice Defend 4 Dice
Body 2 Points Body 3 Points Body 1 Point
Mind 1 Point Mind 2 Points Mind 0 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’

Chaos Wraith Dark Wraith Wraith

Move 8 Squares Move 10 Squares Move 6 Squares

Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 6 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 6 Dice Defend 7 Dice Defend 5 Dice
Body 8 Points Body 7 Points Body 9 Points
Mind 4 Points Mind 5 Points Mind 3 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’
Chaos Zombie Dark Zombie Zombie

Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 4 Squares

Attack 3 Dice Attack 4 Dice or cast spells Attack 2 Dice
Defend 4 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 3 Dice
Body 2 Points Body 3 Points Body 1 Point
Mind 1 Point Mind 2 Points Mind 0 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’

Ghost Grim Reaper Phantom

Move 12 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 10 Squares

Attack 1 Die Attack 7 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 6 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 2 Dice Defend 7 Dice Defend 6 Dice
Body 10 Points Body 7 Points Body 8 Points
Mind 0 Points Mind 3 Points Mind 2 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’

Spectre Chaos Knight Dark Knight

Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 8 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 4 Dice Attack 5 Dice
Defend 8 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 6 Dice
Body 5 Points Body 2 Points Body 3 Points
Mind 5 Points Mind 4 Points Mind 5 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’
Elite Guard Knight Knight King Chaos Warrior

Move 8 Squares Move 8 Squares Move 6 Squares

Attack 5 Dice Attack 5 Dice Attack 3 Dice
Defend 5 Dice Defend 5 Dice Defend 4 Dice
Body 8 Points Body 4 Points Body 1 Point
Mind 2 Points Mind 6 Points Mind 3 Points
Monbeast Vials Variable

Warrior Leader Von Darken Mercenary Black Avatar

Move 9 Squares Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 5 Dice Attack Variable Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 6 Dice Defend Variable Defend 2 Dice
Body 3 Points Body Variable Body 3 Points
Mind 5 Points Mind 4 Points Mind 9 Points
Spells ‘Elemental’

Chaos Avatar Dark Avatar Black Mage

Move 6 Squares Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 3 Dice Defend 4 Dice Defend 2 Dice
Body 2 Points Body 1 Point Body 4 Points
Mind 10 Points Mind 11 Points Mind 6 Points
Spells ‘Elemental’ Spells ‘Elemental’ Spells ‘Elemental’
Chaos Mage Dark Mage Black Wizard

Move 8 Squares Move 6 Squares Move 8 Squares

Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 3 Dice Defend 4 Dice Defend 3 Dice
Body 3 Points Body 2 Points Body 3 Points
Mind 7 Points Mind 8 Points Mind 7 Points
Spells ‘Elemental’ Spells ‘Elemental’ Spells ‘Chaos’

Chaos Wizard Dark Wizard Chaos Lord

Move 8 Squares Move 6 Squares Move Teleportation

Attack 2 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 3 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 5 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 3 Dice Defend 4 Dice Defend 5 Dice
Body 3 Points Body 2 Points Body 3 Points
Mind 7 Points Mind 8 Points Mind 9 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’

Dark Lord Wraith Lord

The Enchanter can use the
same spell twice.

Move Teleportation Move Teleportation

Attack 6 Dice or Cast Spells Attack 4 Dice or Cast Spells
Defend 6 Dice Defend 4 Dice
Body 2 Points Body 4 Points
Mind 10 Points Mind 8 Points
Spells ‘Chaos’ Spells ‘Chaos’
Mind Blast Mind Bolt Dominate
The Chaos Sorcerer or the The Chaos Sorcerer and or the The Chaos Sorcerer or the
Mind Mage and the defender Mind Mage casts a bolt of Mind Mage and the defender
both roll dice equal to their pure dark energy upon any one both roll dice equal to their
Mind points. hero. Mind points.
The player who scores the most Mind Bolt causes the hero to If the Sorcerer or the Mind
skulls inflicts Mind point lose consciousness; the hero Mage scores two skulls or
damage equal to the number of rolls as many combat dice as he more, they may use the
skulls he has in excess of his has Mind points. For every defender’s combat figure for the
opponent’s score. skull rolled the hero loses that duration of his turn.
many turns.
While unconscious the hero can
not move, attack or defend, but
he can be attacked with possible
fatal results.

Mind Freeze Mind Fright Mind Lock

This spell ravages the mind of The Chaos Sorcerer and or the The Chaos Sorcerer or the
any hero. Mind Mage can cast this spell Mind Mage and the defender
on any one hero to become so both roll dice equal to their
The hero rolls 1 combat die for fearful that his attacks are Mind points.
every Mind point he possessed reduced to 1 combat die.
before the attack. If one or The defender will be frozen for
more white shields are rolled, The spell can be broken by the one turn for each skull scored
the hero has Mind point left. hero on a future turn by by the Chaos Sorcerer or the
rolling 1 red die for each of his Mind Mage.
If no white shields are rolled, Mind points. If a 6 is rolled,
the hero has been reduced to the spell is broken.
zero Mind points and goes into

Mind Madness Mind Sleep

The Chaos Sorcerer and or the The Chaos Sorcerer and or the
Mind Mage casts a psychic Mind Mage can cast this spell
beam to any hero and may on any one hero who falls
immediately move that hero asleep immediately and stays
their normal movement asleep until the hero can roll a
distance, (squares) or the total 6 on 1 red die or until the Chaos
number rolled on a 2D6. Sorcerer and or the Mind
Mage are no longer present (in
The hero misses his next turn a room or passage) or killed, in
while they recover their senses which case the spell is broken.
from the psychic beam.
The hero can not defend against
a monster’s attack while asleep
and thus may die.
Mind Spell
Chillwind Flashback Hypnotic Blaze
When this spell is cast the By casting this spell, the Dark When this spell is cast, an
Dark Elf unleashes a freezing Elf or any hero or monster the illusion of a huge, animated
wind against his enemies. Dark Elf chooses can replay flame appears. Every figure in
Chillwind has a range of up to 10 his entire turn. the room or corridor (except for
squares (including diagonally) and the Dark Elf) must roll 1 red
All results of the Dark Elf, die.
causes variable Body point hero or monster’s first turn
damage on all hero’s depending on are cancelled. You can cast this A figure that rolls equal to or
how close or far they are to the
after the Dark Elf, any hero less than it’s Mind points is
icy wind.
or monster’s turn. Casting this unaffected by the illusion.
1-2 squares 5 Body points spell does not count as your Rolling a number greater than
3-4 squares 4 Body points action for the turn. its Mind points means that the
5-6 squares 3 Body points figure is paralysed for 3 turns
7-8 squares 2 Body points – unable to move, attack, or
9-10 squares 1 Body point defend.

Mind Bolt Mirror Magic Slow

The Dark Elf casts a bolt of When cast by the Dark Elf This spell reduces any one
pure dark energy upon any one during a Hero’s turn. This will hero’s movement to 1 square per
hero. Mind Bolt causes the enable the Dark Elf to reflect turn. The hero also rolls 1 less
hero to lose consciousness; the any hero’s spell back to him. combat die when he attacks or
hero rolls as many combat dice defends.
as he has Mind points. For Mirror Magic is cast
every skull rolled the hero immediately after the hero The hero’s movement and
loses that many turns. casts a spell at the Dark Elf. combat dice cannot be less than
one. These effects last until
While unconscious the hero can The hero then suffers the the hero is killed or is out of
not move, attack or defend, but effect of the spell that was sight of the Dark Elf.
can be attacked with possible intended for the Dark Elf.
fatal results.

Soothe Summon Wolves Timestop

This spell maybe cast on any This spell when cast, conjures This spell may be cast on the
one hero or monster (including up a number of Giant Wolves Dark Elf, or on any one
the Dark Elf) and can restore to help attack the Dark Elf’s monster the Dark Elf chooses.
up to 3 lost Body points. enemies. (Place the Giant It temporarily stops time for
Wolves adjacent to the Dark everyone else on the game
Elf) To see how many Giant board, enabling the Dark Elf
Wolves materialize, roll 1D6 or monster to take another
and check the results below: turn immediately after their
current turn.
1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf
3–5 = 2 Giant Wolves
6 = 3 Giant Wolves
Wall of Giant Vines Arrows of the Night
This spell creates a living wall You may fire theses magical
of thick Giant Vines 12 feet bolts at any hero or monster,
high which are up to 4 squares. and then attack the victim with
four combat dice and he must
These squares block movement, defend with as many dice as he
and need not be adjacent, but has Mind points.
they must all be within the line
of sight of the Dark Elf at all
times. Each Giant Vine square
lasts until the Dark Elf dies,
cancels the spell, or can no
longer see the square, or until
a cumulative total of 6 skulls
are rolled in attacking the
Giant Vines.
Dark Elf Spell

Chains of Darkness Clairvoyance Cloak of Shadows

You may cast this spell on any You may ask the Evil Wizard You may summon up a patch of
hero or monster. The victim player to remove the contents darkness and place a Cloak of
may not move or attack until of one room (Evil Wizard’s Shadows tile on the game board.
the beginning of the Dark Elf choice) anywhere on the board Anyone in the shadows may
Druid’s next turn. Although at once; as long as it does not not attack, be attacked or cast
the victim may defend or cast enable the heroes to finish the spells while they are there.
spells. quest. This piece may not be moved
and lasts until the end of the
quest. Keep this card by the
side of the game board for

Dispell Future Sight Invisibility

You may pick one spellcaster Play this card at the end of You may become invisible and
and force him to discard one of your turn. You may re-roll any move around unseen until the
his unused spell cards at attack, defence or movement die beginning of your next turn.
random. That spell is then lost rolls once until the end of your While you are invisible, you
for the duration of the quest. next turn. can not attack anyone, but
neither will you be attacked or
be affected by spells.
Treasure Horde Twist Wood Wall of Stone
Cast this spell when a hero This spell when cast causes You may create a magical wall
searches a room for treasure. any magical and non-magical of stone which covers two
shields and weapons made of squares. This wall has 5 Body
When he picks a treasure card, wood, such as a staff, bow and points and rolls six combat dice
ask the hero to tell you what it arrows, to become deformed and in defence. Keep this card at
is and if you do not like the turned into twisted warped hand until the wall is
treasure card, force the hero to useless pieces of weaponry. destroyed, then discard it.
discard it. The hero does not
pick another treasure card to
replace the one that was
discarded. This spell can be cast
out of turn.

Black Rain Marsh Gas

A corrosive black rain cloud A smelly white misty fog
forms around the Fimir begins to form around the
Shaman. Fimir Shaman; on the Shaman’s
next turn, it erupts into a
Any hero in the same room or brilliance of flames.
corridor must roll a 1D6. If
anything besides a 5 or a 6 is Any heroes or monsters in the
rolled, one of the hero's magical same room or corridor suffer
or non-magical weapons or two body points of damage.
armour (Fimir Shaman’s choice) Fimirs are not affected by this
is destroyed by the black rain. spell when cast.
If a magical weapon or armour
is chosen its magical abilities
are frozen for two turns.
Dark Elf Druid Spell

Marsh Lights Mystic Vapour Slime

When this spell is cast the A dark, thick fog-like mist forms This spell when cast, produces a
Fimir Shaman conjures up from the Fimir Shaman’s sticky greenish slime that
bright blinding twinkling lights outstretched hand, filling the room engulfs a hero's entire body,
or corridor reducing visibility for
that dance around the heads of causing him to be paralyzed
every hero and non-Fimir creature
the heroes in the same room or in it. No hero or creature besides a where he stands until he rolls a
corridor disorienting them. Fimir can fire missiles or cast any 6 on one red die.
long-range spells all attacks are
Each hero affected must roll a While stuck he may not attack,
limited to adjacent squares. The
1D6. spell when cast lasts for a duration defend or move.
If a Hero rolls anything of ten turns, even if the Fimir
Shaman is killed. Movement in the
besides a 5 or a 6, he is
effected area is limited to one
confused by the bright square until the hero or the non-
twinkling lights and misses his Fimir creature clears the effected
next turn. This spell may be area.
cast once every three turns.
Summon Fimirs Swamp Giant Cobra
This spell when cast, conjures When cast on a hero, the The Fimir Shaman conjures a
up a number of Fimirs at the ground beneath his feet becomes giant cobra that bursts up from
shaman’s command to help wet and boggy, and he begins to the ground to attack a hero.
attack his enemies. (Place the sink.
Fimirs adjacent to the shaman) The giant cobra attacks with 6
To see how many Fimirs He must immediately roll two combat dice if the hero loses
materialize, roll 1D6 and check combat dice. If he rolls a white two Body points in the snake’s
the results below: shield, he jumps away and attack, he has been bitten. Once
avoids the spell. Otherwise he the hero has been bitten, he
1 or 2 = 1 Fimir sinks in over his head and loses will lose one Body point per
3–5 = 2 Fimirs two body points before he can turn from the poison until an
6 = 3 Fimirs dig his way out. anti-venom potion is taken.
The hero can not attack but The cobra will disappear once it
can still defend. has succeeded in biting the hero.

Destroy Magic Destroy Weapon

This spell when cast removes This spell may be cast at any
from an enchanted item its one hero or monster.
magical properties, disinteg-
rating the item to powder as When cast it causes any non-
the enchanted item is separated magical weapon or armour
from its magical power. (Ogre Shaman’s choice) to
It destroys any Quest
Treasure, Artifact, Scroll, The player must discard any
weapon or armour card he has.
Potion, Magical Weapons and
Armour carried by a hero.

Fimir Shaman Spell

Flame of Power Plague Purge

This spell may be cast at any This spell may be cast at any When cast the Ogre Shaman
one hero or monster. one hero or monster. may pick one spell from a spell-
caster and force him to discard
It will invoke a flame of power When cast by the Ogre one of his spell cards at
that will seek out its victim Shaman it will produce a mystic random. That spell is then lost
and inflict two body points of heavy black vapour that heads in the ether void for the
damage. The victim may roll towards his enemy. The victim duration of the Quest.
two dice. becomes engulfed in the vapour
and contracts a disease making
For each shield rolled he may him lose three body points.
reduce the damage by one.
The victim may roll three dice.
For each shield he rolls he may
reduce the damage by one.
Summon Ogre Warriors Dispell
This spell when cast, conjures The Sorcerer may pick one spell
up a number of Ogre Warriors using character and force him
at the shaman’s command to to discard one of his spell cards
help attack his enemies. (Place at random.
the Ogre Warriors adjacent to
the shaman) To see how many That spell is than lost for the
Ogre Warriors materialize, duration of the quest.
roll 1D6 and check the results
1 or 2 = 1 Ogre Warrior
3–5 = 2 Ogre Warriors
6 = 3 Ogre Warriors

Ogre Shaman Spell

Escape Madness Rust

The Sorcerer may use this spell Cast this spell on one figure to This spell causes one item of
to move instantly to any affect it with a frightening equipment of the Evil Wizard
unoccupied square on the game madness. player’s choice to rust and
board. become useless.
The Evil Wizard player may
then move that figure on his That equipment card should be
next turn, although the affected discarded.
figure may not attack or cast

Strands of Binding Wall of Flame

The Sorcerer may fire magical The Sorcerer creates a magical
threads from his fingers which wall of flame which covers two
will entangle one target. squares.
The target may not move or The wall has 1 Body point and
attack until he destroys the rolls six combat dice in defence.
Strands of Binding which have
1 Body point and roll four Keep this card to hand until
combat dice in defence. the wall is destroyed.

The target may defend against

other attacks.
Call Skeleton Death Bolt Fear
This spell summons two The Sorcerer may hurl his spell The target of this spell is filled
skeletons which appear at one target in sight. That with unreasonable terror, and
immediately anywhere within figure then automatically loses may not attack or cast spells
sight of the Sorcerer. 1 Body point. on his next turn, although he
may move and defend.
They may move and attack at

Raise the Dead Skulls of Doom Summon Mummy

Cast this spell on another This spell allows a Sorcerer to This spell summons a mummy
player’s turn after a monster hurl a magical skull at any which will appear in any square
has been killed. opponent in his line of sight. adjacent to the Sorcerer. It
may move and attack at once.
The monster is then replaced The skull explodes like a
with a skeleton which can move fireball and attacks the target
and attack immediately. with two combat dice which he
may defend against normally.

Blinding Sleet Earthquake

The Sorcerer may fill a room The Sorcerer may split the
with blinding sleet. ground asunder in a straight
line of six squares.
No one in that room may move,
make ranged attacks or cast Lay the Earthquake card piece
spells until the beginning of the on the board to determine who
Evil Wizard’s next turn. is affected.
Figures may only attack of All those caught will suffer 1
defend if they are adjacent to Body point of damage as if
another figure. they had fallen into a pit trap.
Hurricane Lightning Bolt Thieving Wind
The Sorcerer must cast this The Sorcerer may fire a This spell must be targeted at
spell at one target who is in a lightning bolt in a straight line one figure. The figure loses one
straight line in front of him. of six squares. equipment card chosen at
random which is returned to the
That figure in then forced back Use the lightning bolt card equipment card pile.
in a straight line of squares piece to determine who is hit.
until he hits a wall, another
figure, falls down a pit trap or Anyone hit is attacked with
triggers another trap. three combat dice which they
may defend against in the
normal way. Resolve each
attack separately.

Wall of Ice Orc Beserker

This spell must be targeted at The Sorcerer may choose one
one figure. The figure loses one Orc within his line of sight to
equipment card chosen at be filled with immerse strength
random which is returned to the and vigour.
equipment card pile.
That Orc may then move twice
and attack twice during that
turn only.

Sharpen Blades Shield of Protection Spirit of Vengeance

This spell allows Orcs in the This spell allows the Sorcerer This spell allows the Sorcerer
same room as the Sorcerer to and all Orcs in the same room to send an invisible spirit to
roll an extra die in attack for to roll an extra die in defence attack any one figure on the
that turn only. until the beginning of the board.
Sorcerer’s next turn.
May only be cast in a room. The spirit attacks the figure
May only be cast in a room. once with four attack dice
which may be defended against
in the normal way and then
The spirit itself cannot be
Summon Goblins Summon Orcs
The Sorcerer may immediately The Sorcerer may immediately
take four Goblin figures from take two Orc figures from
anywhere on or off the game anywhere within his line of
board and place them anywhere sight.
within his line of sight.
The Orcs may move and attack
The Goblins may move and immediately unless they have
attack immediately unless they already done so during this
have already done so during this turn.

Ball of Flame Courage Fire of Wrath

This spell may be cast on a hero or This spell may be cast on Balur This spell may be cast on any hero
monster; it will inflict 4 Body himself or on any monster. or monster anywhere on the board;
points of damage. it will seek out your enemy and
Who will then be able to throw 2 inflict 2 Body points of damage,
The victim may roll 4 dice. extra combat dice each time Balur unless your opponent can roll a
or the monster attacks. white shield for a hero or a black
For each white shield for a hero or shield for a monster on 2 combat
black shield for a monster rolls this The spell is broken when there are dice.
will reduce the damage by 1. no more heroes visible by Balur or
the monster. Balur can cast this spell twice
Balur can cast this spell twice before it is discarded.
before it is discarded.

Summon Undead Dominate Mind Blast

Delzarron can summon one Festral and the defender both roll Festral and the defender both roll
Undead creature, (Zombie, dice equal to their Mind points. dice equal to their Mind points.
Skeleton, Mummy) which may be
placed anywhere in the room and If Festral scores two skulls or The player who scores the most
attack and move immediately. more, he may use the defender’s skulls inflicts Mind point damage
combat piece for the duration of his equal to the number of skulls he
Delzarron the Chaos Sorcerer Can turn. has in excess of his opponent’s
cast the ‘Summon Undead’ Chaos score.
spell once per turn: Festral can use this spell 5 times
before it is discarded. Festral can use this spell 5 times
before it is discarded.
Mind Lock Mind Blast Restore Chaos
Festral and the defender both roll The High Alchemist and the This spell may be cast only on
dice equal to their Mind points. defender both roll dice equal to monsters. It restores up to 6 lost
their Mind points. Body points to either the
The defender will be frozen for one spellcaster or any monster within
turn for each skull scored by The player who scores the most the High Alchemist’s line of sight.
Festral. skulls inflicts Mind point damage
equal to the number of skulls he
Festral can use this spell 5 times has in excess of his opponent’s
before it is discarded. score.

Summon Wolves Werewolf’s Curse Genie

This spell when cast, conjures up a This spell may be cast on ant hero; This spell conjures up a Genie who
number of Giant Wolves to help the hero rolls a 1D6. A roll of 6 will do one of the following: Open
attack the High Alchemist’s means the spell has no effect. Any any door on the board, (the room’s
enemies. (Place the Giant Wolves other result means the hero is now contents should be put out)
adjacent to the High Alchemist) afflicted with the Werewolf’s revealing what lies in side; or
To see how many Giant Wolves Curse. attack anyone on the board. He
materialize, roll 1D6 and check the will attack only once with five
results below: combat dice.
1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf
3–5 = 2 Giant Wolves

Swift Wind Tempest Mind Blast

This spell may be cast on any This spell creates a small Nexrael and the defender both roll
monster or Kessandria herself. Its whirlwind that envelops one dice equal to their Mind points.
powerful burst of energy enables monster or player of Kessandria’s
that figure to roll twice as many choice. The player who scores the most
movement dice as normal the next skulls inflicts Mind point damage
time he/she moves. That monster or player will then equal to the number of skulls he
miss his next turn. has in excess of his opponent’s
Kessandria can use this spell once score.
per quest.
Nexrael can use this spell 4 times
before it is discarded.
Dispel Magic Firestorm Mind Blast
Cancels out a spell just cast by a This spell creates a room full of Sinestra and the defender both roll
spell caster or a hero. This special burning fire that inflicts 3 body dice equal to their Mind points.
spell may be cast during a hero or points of damage on all heroes and
spell caster’s turn, to negate a monsters with the Chaos Sorcerer. The player who scores the most
spell just cast. skulls inflicts Mind point damage
Every victim in the room rolls a equal to the number of skulls
2D6 and for each 5 or 6 rolled the he/she has in excess of his/her
damage is reduced by 1 Body point. opponent’s score.

Mirror Magic Reanimation Restore Chaos

This spell may be cast by Sinestra This spell enables the Sinestra to This spell may be cast only on
during a hero’s turn. This enables reanimate all defeated skeletons, monsters. It restores up to 6 lost
Sinestra to reflect any hero’s spell zombies, or mummies in the same Body points to either the
back to him. Mirror Magic is cast room as herself. spellcaster or any monster within
immediately after the hero casts a Sinestra’s line of sight.
spell at Sinestra. The hero then These monsters rise up from the
suffers the effect of the spell that floor, with all lost Body points
was intended for Sinestra. restored, and attack the heroes

Summon Wolves Werewolf’s Curse Mind Blast

This spell when cast, conjures up a This spell may be cast on ant hero; Tormuk and the defender both roll
number of Giant Wolves to help the hero rolls a 1D6. A roll of 6 dice equal to their Mind points.
attack Sinestra’s enemies. (Place means the spell has no effect. Any
the Giant Wolves adjacent to other result means the hero is now The player who scores the most
Sinestra) To see how many Giant afflicted with the Werewolf’s skulls inflicts Mind point damage
Wolves materialize, roll 1D6 and Curse. equal to the number of skulls he
check the results below: has in excess of his opponent’s
1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf
3–5 = 2 Giant Wolves
6 = 3 Giant Wolves
Mirror Magic Reanimation Summon Undead
This spell may be cast by Tormuk This spell enables Tormuk to This spell conjures up a group of
during a hero’s turn. This enables reanimate all defeated skeletons, Undead to protect and surround
Tormuk to reflect any hero’s spell zombies, or mummies in the same Tormuk. Roll a 1D6,
back to him. Mirror Magic is cast room as himself.
immediately after the hero casts a 1 = 4 Skeletons
spell at Tormuk. These monsters rise up from the 2-3 = 3 Skeletons & 2Zombies
floor, with all lost Body points 4-5 = 3 Zombies & 2 Ghouls
The hero then suffers the effect of restored, and attack the heroes 6 = 3 Ghouls & 2 mummies
the spell that was intended for again.

Summon Wolves Werewolf’s Curse Chill

This spell when cast, conjures up a This spell may be cast on ant hero; This spell causes 1 Body point of
number of Giant Wolves to help the hero rolls a 1D6. A roll of 6 damage to any one hero or monster
attack Tormuk’s enemies. (Place means the spell has no effect. Any adjacent to Vilor (though not
the Giant Wolves adjacent to other result means the hero is now diagonally adjacent). The victim can
Tormuk) To see how many Giant afflicted with the Werewolf’s not defend against the attack.
Wolves materialize, roll 1D6 and Curse.
check the results below:
1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf
3–5 = 2 Giant Wolves
6 = 3 Giant Wolves

Ice Storm Lightning Bolt Reanimation

This spell creates a blizzard of ice This spell may be cast in any This spell enables Vilor to
that affects an area 2 squares direction; the bolt will travel in a reanimate all defeated skeletons,
wide by 2 squares long. Each straight line until it strikes a wall zombies, or mummies in the same
monster and hero in that area is or closed door. room as himself.
attacked separately by Vilor with
3 combat dice. There is no chance to It will inflict 2 body points of These monsters rise up from the
defend. damage on any hero or monster floor, with all lost Body points
that is in its path. restored, and attack the heroes
Can not be used in corridors. again.
Sleep Tempest Summon Undead
This spell puts any one hero or This spell creates a small This spell conjures up a group of
monster into a deep sleep; the whirlwind that envelops one hero Undead to protect and surround
victim is unable to move; attack or or monster of Vilor’s choice; the the Witch Lord. Roll a 1D6,
defend. victim misses their next turn.
1 = 4 Skeletons
The hero can break the spell on a 2-3 = 3 Skeletons & 2Zombies
future turn by rolling a 1D6 for 4-5 = 3 Zombies & 2 Ghouls
each current mind point he/she has, 6 = 3 Ghouls & 2 mummies
if a 6 is rolled the spell is broken.

Mind Blast Mind Lock

Xenloth and the defender both roll Xenloth and the defender both roll
dice equal to their Mind points. dice equal to their Mind points.

The player who scores the most The defender will be frozen for one
skulls inflicts Mind point damage turn for each skull scored by
equal to the number of skulls he Xenloth.
has in excess of his opponent’s
score. Xenloth can use this spell 5 times
before it is discarded.
Xenloth can use this spell 5 times
before it is discarded.

Special Character Spell

Von Darken
I guess when all is said and done one must address the strengths and
weaknesses of your enemy my fair Apprentice. There is a saying
‘Know your enemy’ and this is one of those times where this is true.
Before you is information about the various heroes you will
encounter, in this way you will be able to plan your quest adventure
to maximize their downfall. Be prepared, for the honour of Chaos is
at stake.

This is self explanatory; this section denotes a hero’s stats at the beginning of a quest adventure; but these will
obviously change if a campaign of more than one quest/level adventure is being planned for.

This section denotes a hero’s level after completing a three-level quest adventure. So if a campaign is being
planned, for every three-level quest adventure that is completed a hero is promoted.
If there is denoted ‘Level 1’ and ‘Level 2’, for example: when the Amazon reaches Legend status, she has to
complete another three-level quest adventure to gain/access its ‘Level 1’ Personal Skills; but her status is still
Legend if the Amazon does not gain/complete ‘Level 1’.

Personal Skills
This section denotes a hero’s Personal Skills that he/she gains/obtains when a Status level has been reached.
The hero can use his/her Personal Skills from previous levels including the current one within the quest
adventure as described.

This section denotes a hero’s gold that he/she receives after completing a quest level; for example in a three-
level quest adventure the Amazon will receive 5 gold coins for each level, thus 15 gold coins will be gained at the
end of a quest adventure.
Remember: the gold coins gained at the end of the quest level can be spent as the hero wishes along with any
other gold coins found.

Character Sheet
This is self explanatory; the Character Sheet maybe photocopied and given to each hero to record their progress
within a quest adventure.
Character Cards
This is self explanatory; give each player a Character Card-or let them choose (this would be wisest) so they can
become that character.
Remember: there are five Character Cards to choose from.
You are the Amazon. A female warrior, whose race prides itself in truth and justice. You can use either the
sword or bow with equal cunning and skill to challenge and defect your enemies.

Attack 2 combat dice
Defend 2 combat dice
Mind 3
Body 7
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells –

Status Personal Skills

Warrior –
Champion Leap of Fate
Veteran Parry
Level 1 Battle Lust
Level 2 Battle Cry
Level 1 Deep Trance
Level 2 Mind Lore

Personal Skills
Leap of Fate Once per turn the Amazon nay leap over an enemy onto an empty square opposite that
enemy; this counts as 1 square of movement.
Parry Once per turn the Amazon can deflect enemy attacks if she is hit; roll a 1D6: 1-4 = no
effect, 5-6 = all enemies skulls (combat dice) are voided.
Battle Lust Once per quest level you can trade some or all defence combat dice for extra attack
combat dice.
Battle Cry Once per quest level the Amazon may roll twice her normal attack combat dice.
Deep Trance Once per quest level you enter into a trance-like state, and regain 2 lost body points; but
you cannot do anything else – move, attack, defend, search for traps or treasure, cast
Mind Lore Once per quest level gain an extra 2 mind points; but lose 1 body point in the process.
Warrior 5 gold coins
Champion 10 gold coins
Veteran 15 gold coins
Legend 20 gold coins
Cult 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Amazon
Mind Points: 3
Body Points: 7
Attack: 2 combat dice
2 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the Amazon. A female
warrior, whose race prides itself
in truth and justice. You can use
either the sword or bow with
equal cunning and skill to challenge
and defect your enemies.

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points
You are the Avatar. Having relinquished your role as a Sorcerer and its abilities, you have studied different
spells on a higher plane, which makes you the number 1 enemy of all Chaos and evil.

Attack 1 combat die
Defend 1 combat die
Mind 10
Body 2
Movement 3 standard dice
Spells Yes

Status Personal Skills

Level 1 Celestial Spells
Level 2 Elemental Spells – Level 1
Level 3 Elemental Spells – Level 2
Level 4 Elemental Spells – Level 3
Level 5 Elemental Spells – Level 4
Level 6 Celestial Elemental

Personal Skills
Celestial Spells The Avatar has 23 spells at his/her command which he/she can use. The Avatar
can choose up to 10 spells of his/her choice at this level.
Elemental Spells – Level 1
The Avatar can choose up to 10 spells of his/her choice from level 1; two minimum
coming from each element.
Elemental Spells – Level 2
The Avatar can choose up to 10 spells of his/her choice from level 2; two minimum
coming from each element.
Elemental Spells – Level 3
The Avatar can choose up to 10 spells of his/her choice from level 3; two
minimum coming from each element.
Elemental Spells – Level 4
The Avatar can choose up to 10 spells of his/her choice from level 4; two minimum
coming from each element.
Celestial Elemental The Avatar has at his/her command the most powerful element of all. The
Celestial Elemental. An elemental energy of pure blue light forms beside you,
giving you a Celestial Elemental of great power for 2 turns.

Attack 10
Defend 10
Mind 10
Body 10
Movement 3 standard dice

Avatar 30 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

When a Sorcerer (via Mage or Wizard progression through other levels) becomes an Avatar, you, as well as the
Evil Wizard and/or any Chaos spell caster will be able to cast 2 spells in a turn instead of 1. This is the only
exception to the rule of just casting one. The Avatar is very powerful, so to even the magical odds, any Chaos
spell caster can cast two spells at once as well until the Avatar is killed in a quest adventure or quest level.

Remember when a spell caster goes up a level, he/she can still choose and access the previous levels of spells
to add to their spell casting abilities.
 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Avatar
Mind Points: 10
Body Points: 2
Attack: 1 combat die
1 combat die
Movement: 3 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the Avatar. Having
relinquished your role as a
Sorcerer and its abilities, you have
studied different spells on a higher
plane, which makes you the number
1 enemy of all Chaos and evil.

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 3 Standard dice

Mind 10 Points
Body 2 Points

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 3 Standard dice

Mind 10 Points
Body 2 Points
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 3 Standard dice

Mind 10 Points
Body 2 Points

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 3 Standard dice

Mind 10 Points
Body 2 Points

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 3 Standard dice

Mind 10 Points
Body 2 Points
You are the Barbarian. The bravest and greatest of all mighty warriors that ever walked the land but beware of
magic for your sword is no defence against it; as you fight for peace and liberty.

Attack 3 combat dice
Defend 2 combat dice
Mind 2
Body 8
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells –

Status Personal Skills

Warrior –
Champion Speed
Veteran Blade of Hope
Level 1 Retreat
Level 2 First Strike
Level 1 Will Power
Level 2 Battle Rage

Personal Skills
Once per turn the Barbarian can increase his movement; roll 1D6, 1-4 no effect, 5-6 double your movement roll.
Blade of Hope
Once per turn gain 1 extra combat die in attack, but lose 1 combat die in defence.
Once per quest level move back up to 6 squares to a different position at the end of your movement turn if
First Strike
Once per quest level make 1 immediate attack on a single monster when it is placed beside you.
Will Power
Once per quest level ignore up to 2 body points of damage if you roll a white shield.
Battle Rage
Once per quest level you can make 2 attacks instead of 1, against any monster.

Warrior 5 gold coins
Champion 10 gold coins
Veteran 15 gold coins
Legend 20 gold coins
Cult 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Barbarian
Mind Points: 2
Body Points: 8
Attack: 3 combat dice
2 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the Barbarian. The
bravest and greatest of all mighty
warriors that ever walked the
land but beware of magic for your
sword is no defence against it; as
you fight for peace and liberty.

throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 2 Points
Body 8 Points

throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 2 Points
Body 8 Points
throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 2 Points
Body 8 Points

throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 2 Points
Body 8 Points

throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 2 Points
Body 8 Points
You are the Cleric. You are a good warrior and healer. Plus you have spells that can aid you in battle as well as
turning any Undead monster.

Attack 2 combat dice
Defend 2 combat dice
Mind 5
Body 5
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells Yes

Status Personal Skills

Squire –
Champion Sidestepping
Adept Turning Undead
Level 1 Reversal Spells
Level 2 Sacrifice
Level 1 Twilight Spells
Level 2 Elemental Barrier Spell

Personal Skills
Once per turn when a monster moves beside you to attack, you can move adjacent to a square diagonally to
avoid being hit.
Turning Undead
See ‘Turning Undead’ below.
Reversal Spells
See ‘Spells List’ below.
Once per quest level if a hero dies or is about to; the Cleric can revive or give up 3 mind and 3 body points to
save that hero, in doing so the Cleric can do nothing else that turn except move half his/her dice roll.
Twilight Spells
See ‘Spells List’ below.
Elemental Barrier Spell
See ‘Spells List’ below.

Spells List
Reversal Spells

Open/Close This spell can close any doors, including stone and secret doors. When reversed,
it can open any magical doors that are closed; roll 1D6, 2-6 no effect, 1 the magical
door is opened.

Heal/Hurt Once per quest level this spell may be cast on any or all players and will restore 1
to 4 lost body points. The Cleric can give 1 body point to each hero, or 3 to one and
1 to the other, or 2 to two heroes. When reversed it can inflict 1 body or 1 mind
point of damage on any hero or monster.

Weakness/Strength Once per quest level this spell minuses 1 combat die in attack or defence on any
one hero/monster. When reversed it adds 1 combat die in attack or defence on
any one hero/monster.

Twight Spells

All Binding The Cleric can use all the remaining or selected spells at once.

Rejuvenation The Cleric can replenish both his mind or body points by 1 as well as a hero’s
and monster’s.

Zwein The Cleric can use the same spell twice.

Please note:
If the Zwein Spell is combined with any other spells the effects are doubled, except the ‘All Binding’ spell.

Elemental Barrier Spell

Once per quest level this spell may be cast on any hero or monster and will protect them against all the ‘Earth’,
‘Air’, ‘Fire’ and ‘Water’ Elemental spells for 1 turn; or the spell can be used to negate the effects of a spell already
cast on a hero or monster for 1 turn. (May be cast out of turn)
Turning Undead
Once per turn the Cleric can ‘turn’ any Undead monster that he or she encounters. To do this the Cleric must
face and/or have a clear ‘line of sight’ to do this. If successful any Undead monster must run away or not attack
the Cleric for up to 3 turns, or a combination of both.

Skeletons run away 3 times their movement points.

Zombies, Ghouls and Mummy’s run away 4 times their movement.

Undead must move the maximum squares away from the Cleric if possible. When the Undead run away, they are
retreating out of fear.

Turning Undead Table

Undead Turned Dead
Skeleton 1–5 6
Zombie 1–4 6
Ghoul 1–3 6
Mummy 1–2 6

Roll 1D6 for the above table.

Combination of Movement and No Attacking Turns

Monster Movement Turns
Skeleton 0–3 3
4–6 2
7 –12 1
13 –18 0

Zombie 0–4 3
Ghoul 5 –8 2
Mummy 9 –12 1
Squire 5 gold coins
Champion 10 gold coins
Adept 15 gold coins
Knight 20 gold coins
Warlock 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

Give the Cleric player the spell cards at the beginning of the quest adventure; ‘Reversal’, ‘Twilight’ spell decks
and the Elemental Barrier spell card. When the Cleric player gains in Status to the level the spells can be used
he/she may do so
Also it would be wise to photocopy the ‘Turning Undead section and give it to the Cleric player for reference.
Remember when then Cleric goes up a level, he/she can still choose and access the previous levels of spells to
add to their spell casting abilities.
Remember the Cleric can only use the Cleric Spells and no other. (The Evil Wizard may change this rule if
he/she wishes)
All Binding Elemental Barrier Heal/Hurt
The Cleric can use all the Once per quest level this spell may Once per quest level this spell may
remaining or selected spells at once. be cast on any hero or monster and be cast on any or all players and
will protect them against all the will restore 1 to 4 lost body points.
(Deduct two mind points after use)
‘Earth’, ‘Air’, ‘Fire’ and ‘Water’
Elemental spells for 1 turn; or the The Cleric can give 1 body point to
spell can be used to negate the each hero, or 3 to one and 1 to the
effects of a spell already cast on a other, or 2 to two heroes.
hero or monster for 1 turn. When reversed it can inflict 1 body
or 1 mind point of damage on any
(May be cast out of turn) hero or monster.

Open/Close Rejuvenation Weakness/Strength

This spell can close any doors, The Cleric can use this spell to Once per quest level this spell
including stone and secret doors. replenish both his/her mind and minuses 1 combat die in attack or
When reversed, it can open any body points by one, as well as a defence on any one hero/monster.
magical doors that are closed; roll monster’s and a hero’s mind and
1D6, 2-6 no effect, 1 the magical body points. When reversed it adds 1 combat die
door is opened. in attack or defence on any one

The cleric can use the
same spell twice.
If the Zwein Spell is combined with
any other spells the effects are
doubled, except the ‘All Binding’

Cleric Spell Cleric Spell

 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Cleric
Mind Points: 5
Body Points: 5
Attack: 2 combat dice
2 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the Cleric. You are a
good warrior and healer. Plus
you have spells that can aid you
in battle as well as turning any
Undead monster.

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points
You are the Dwarf. You are a good warrior and fighter able to help your friends in combat and can always disarm
traps that you find. You may remove any visible trap in the same room or passage.

Attack 2 combat dice
Defend 2 combat dice
Mind 3
Body 7
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells –

Status Personal Skills

Warrior –
Champion Endurance
Veteran Strength of Might
Level 1 Close Combat
Level 2 Golden Touch
Level 1 Enrage
Level 2 Killing Blow

Personal Skills
Ignore any wounds from a monster’s attack, the Dwarf loses no body points, but only if he has no healing potions
to nullify the attack.
Strength of Might
This skill allows you to increase your attack dice; roll 1D6, 1-3 no effect, 4-6 add 1 combat die.
Close Combat
Once per turn you may add 1 extra combat die in attack when fighting in passages.
Golden Touch
When the dwarf draws a treasure card stating gold or gems he can increase their value; roll 1D6, 1-2 no effect,
3-5 double the amount, 6 triple the amount.
Once per quest level the Dwarf can make multiple attacks as long as you have movement to do so; roll 1D6 1-4
two attacks, 5 three attacks 6 four attacks.
Killing Blow
Once per turn the Dwarf can try to kill his enemy if he has rolled at least 1 skull; roll 1D6, 1-5 no effect, 6 the
enemy has been killed.

Warrior 5 gold coins
Champion 10 gold coins
Veteran 15 gold coins
Legend 20 gold coins
Cult 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Dwarf
Mind Points: 3
Body Points: 7
Attack: 2 combat dice
2 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the Dwarf. You are a
good warrior and fighter able to
help your friends in combat and
can always disarm traps that you
find. You may remove any visible
trap in the same room or passage.

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 3 Points
Body 7 Points
You are the Elf. A master in the arts of both magic and the sword; you must use both well if you are to triumph
over evil. And your bravery in supporting your friends has made you honourable to all.

Attack 2 combat dice
Defend 2 combat dice
Mind 4
Body 6
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells Yes

Status Personal Skills

Squire –
Champion Lightning Reflexes
Adept Light Spells
Level 1 Attacking Sprint
Level 2 Skill of the Blade
Level 1 Mind Lock
Level 2 Spell Shield

Personal Skills
Lightning Reflexes
Once per turn the Elf can reduce 1 body point of damage by a trap if he rolls a white shield.
Light Spells
See ‘Spells List’ below.
Attacking Sprint
Once per turn the Elf can move, then attack, and then move again to avoid enemy combat, but he must not wear
any Chain Mail Armour.
Skill of the Blade
Gain 2 extra combat dice in attack if you are in possession of the Short sword.
Mind Lock
Gain 1 mind point to add to your statistics, this skill lasts until you are killed.
Spell Shield
Once per quest level if you are a victim of a spell roll 1 combat die; white shield – expel the spell cast, black
shield – delay the effects of the spell for 1 turn.

Spells List
Light Spells

Invisibility The Elf can make himself invisible or make another hero or monster invisible. This spell
lasts for 3 turns.

Shieldforce The Elf can use this spell to surround himself with a force field that cannot be penetrated
by any spell or physical attack. This spell lasts for 1 turn.

Stein The Elf can use this spell to turn anyone hero or monster into stone.

Warrior 5 gold coins
Champion 10 gold coins
Veteran 15 gold coins
Legend 20 gold coins
Cult 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

Give the Elf player the spell cards at the beginning of the quest adventure; ‘Light’ spell deck. When the Elf player
gains in Status to the level the spells can be used he/she may do so.
Remember for variety the Evil Wizard may grant the Elf player a choice of choosing any three spells (or even if
the Evil Wizard is being generous-six spells) from any level one elemental spell list; if this is the case give the Elf
player the three spells chosen to replace the ‘Light’ spells ready for use.
Invisibility Shieldforce Stein
The Elf can make himself invisible The Elf can use this spell to The Elf can use this spell to turn
or make another hero or monster surround himself with a force field anyone hero or monster into stone.
invisible. that cannot be penetrated by any
spell or physical attack.
This spell lasts for 3 turns.
This spell lasts for 1 turn.

Elf Spell Elf Spell Elf Spell

 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Elf
Mind Points: 4
Body Points: 6
Attack: 2 combat dice
2 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the Elf. A master in the
arts of both magic and the sword;
you must use both well if you are
to triumph over evil. And your
bravery in supporting your friends
has made you honourable to all.

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points
You are the Elven Archer. Your skill with the bow precedes even your enemies, and you have the ability to shoot
diagonally when adjacent to your foe, who will think twice–fight or flea?

Attack 2 combat dice
Defend 2 combat dice
Mind 4
Body 6
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells –

Status Personal Skills

Warrior –
Champion Leap
Veteran Second Thoughts
Level 1 Herblore
Level 2 Arrows Blur
Level 1 Swift Wind
Level 2 Accuracy

Personal Skills
Once per turn the Elven Archer can leap over a square which contains the enemy even diagonally as long as the
other opposite square is empty; this leap counts as 1 square movement.
Second Thoughts
Once per turn, this skill allows the Elven Archer to reroll all attack dice if he is using a bow or crossbow.
With the secrets of the forest you are able to heal yourself or others; roll 1D6, 1 no effect, 2 one body point, 4-5
two body points, 6 three body points.
Arrows Blur
Once per quest level, with this skill the Elven Archer can multiply his attacks with his bow; roll 1D6, 1-4 three
attacks, 5 four attacks, 6 five attacks.
Swift Wind
Once per quest level the Elven Archer can add 3 extra combat dice in attack when using a bow, but not a
Once per quest level you have the ability to kill your enemy with one shot from your bow; roll 1D6, 1-4 missed
your mark, 5-6 the enemy has been vanquished.

Warrior 5 gold coins
Champion 10 gold coins
Veteran 15 gold coins
Legend 20 gold coins
Cult 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Elven Archer
Mind Points: 4
Body Points: 6
Attack: 2 combat dice
2 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



 Elven Archer 
You are the Elven Archer. Your
skill with the bow precedes even
your enemies, and you have the
ability to shoot diagonally when
adjacent to your foe, who will
think twice–fight or flea?

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points

 Elven Archer 
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points
 Elven Archer 
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points

 Elven Archer 
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points

 Elven Archer 
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 4 Points
Body 6 Points
You are the Mage. Having mastered your choice of Elemental spells, the magic they yield sends fear into the eyes
of your enemies; and all who oppose you in your fight against Chaos.

Attack 1 combat die
Defend 2 combat dice
Mind 7
Body 3
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells Yes

Status Personal Skills

Peeyr Elemental Spells – Level 1
Konjuror Elemental Spells – Level 2
Magician Elemental Spells – Level 3
Wizard Elemental Spells – Level 4
Sorcerer Elemental Mastery

Personal Skills
Elemental Spells – Level 1
The Mage starts with 6 spells of his/her chosen element in which he/she specializes in.
Elemental Spells – Level 2
The Mage gains 6 more spells from their chosen element to add and use with level 1.
Elemental Spells – Level 3
With the addition of his/her spells from levels 1 and 2; the Mage chooses via die roll which 6 spells he/she learns
next. Level 3 spells are in alphabetical order, so using1D12 randomly roll to select your spells; 1 being the first
spell in alphabetical order and 12 being the last spell in alphabetical order.
Elemental Spells – Level 4
Now that the Mage has 18 spells at his/her command; in level 4 you are free to choose your next 6 spells for a
total of 24 spells that can be renewed after every quest level.
Elemental Mastery
The Mage can cast his/her level 1 spells twice and level 2 via a die; roll 1D6, 1-4 no effect, 5-6 success.

Peeyr 5 gold coins
Konjuror 10 gold coins
Magician 15 gold coins
Wizard 20 gold coins
Sorcerer 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

Remember when the Mage goes up a level, he/she can still choose and access the previous levels of spells to
add to their spell casting abilities. Also the Mage can choose different spells from the previous levels if he/she
wishes to add variety to their spell-casting. The Mage does not have to stick to the same spells if he/she does
not want to.
Remember when the Mage becomes a Sorcerer and after completing three more quest levels he/she may
choose to become an Avatar; if not the Mage player stays at the Sorcerer level for the rest of the game.
 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Mage
Mind Points: 7
Body Points: 3
Attack: 1 combat die
2 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the Mage. Having
mastered your choice of Elemental
spells, the magic they yield sends
fear into the eyes of your enemies;
and all who oppose you in your
fight against Chaos.

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points
You are the Paladin. A proud crusading knight journeying the land to rid it of evil and Chaos; your ability to heal
yourself and others makes you a valuable asset to times of combat.

Attack 2 combat dice
Defend 3 combat dice
Mind 5
Body 5
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells Yes

Status Personal Skills

Squire –
Champion Holy Health
Adept Fear-More
Level 1 Tactical Advantage
Level 2 Holy Strength
Level 1 Grey Spells
Level 2 Chaotic Cleansing

Personal Skills
Holy Health
Once per quest level the Paladin may heal himself or an adjacent hero up to 2 body points.
Once per turn if being attacked by a skeleton/s, the Paladin incites fear in them during battle, by making the
skeleton/s lose 1 combat die in attack.
Tactical Advantage
Once per quest level, if the Paladin is wearing Plate Armour he/she is not penalized with a 1 die movement roll.
Holy Strength
Once per turn the Paladin gains 1 combat die in attack or defence (Paladin’s choice) when confronting Ghouls,
Mummies, Zombies; but only if he/she has a full complement of mind and body points.
Grey Spells
See ‘Spells List’ below.
Chaotic Cleansing
Once before a quest level begins, the Paladin and the Evil Wizard roll 1D6 each and add its number to their
current mind points; the highest total wins. If the Paladin is successful, the Evil Wizard can cast no Chaos Spells
during that quest level. If the Paladin is not successful he/she cannot use any of their Personal Skills.

Spells List
Grey Spells

Ablegen When this spell is cast, the Paladin forces another spellcaster to discard all of their unused

Frieven When cast, this spell freezes everyone and everything in a room or passageway, (except the
Paladin of course) for one turn only, and this spell can be used once per 3 turns.

Verbiden This spell allows all of the Paladin’s mind and body points to be combined for one attack or
defence. Deduct 1 mind and 1 body point after use.

Squire 5 gold coins
Champion 10 gold coins
Adept 15 gold coins
Knight 20 gold coins
Warlock 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

Give the Paladin player the spell cards at the beginning of the quest adventure; ‘Grey’ spell deck. When the
Paladin player gains in Status to the level the spells can be used he/she may do so
Ablegen Frieven Verbiden
When this spell is cast, the When cast, this spell freezes This spell allows all of the
Paladin forces another spellcaster everyone and everything in a room Paladin’s mind and body points to be
to discard all of their unused spells. or passageway, (except the Paladin combined for one attack or defence.
of course) for one turn only.
Deduct 1 mind and 1 body point
This spell can be used once per 3 after use.

Paladin Spell Paladin Spell Paladin Spell

 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Paladin
Mind Points: 5
Body Points: 5
Attack: 2 combat dice
3 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the Paladin. A proud
crusading knight journeying the
land to rid it of evil and Chaos;
your ability to heal yourself and
others makes you a valuable asset
to times of combat.

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points

throw 2 Combat dice
throw 3 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 5 Points
Body 5 Points
You are the Ranger. Your dexterity, exceptional skill and accuracy with a bow are legendary; with archery
expertise you inflict pain or death within your sights.

Attack 3 combat dice
Defend 1 combat dice
Mind 7
Body 3
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells –

Status Personal Skills

Warrior –
Champion Sure Shot
Veteran Arrow of the Flame
Level 1 Venom’s Arrow
Level 2 Blessed Arrow
Level 1 Added Advantage
Level 2 Guided Arrow

Personal Skills
Sure Shot
Once per turn (attack phase) the Ranger’s skill in accuracy with a bow or crossbow (exception: Elfric’s
Crossbow) are guaranteed; 1 combat die in attack is always a skull, roll the remainder to determine other hits or
Arrow of the Flame
Once per turn if the Ranger possesses the Short Bow he/she adds 2 combat dice in attack. The arrow’s fiery
flame engulfs and consumes the enemies of evil.
Venom’s Arrow
Once per turn if the Ranger is in possession of the Long Bow he/she gains 1 extra combat die in attack and
defence. Such is the poison of death as the arrow yields its mark upon its victims.
Blessed Arrow
Once per turn if the Ranger has command of the Crossbow (not Double Crossbow) he/she inflicts 1 mind point of
damage for every skull rolled in combat when attacking the Undead. For the Holy cause does the arrow strike
down the minions of Hell.
Added Advantage
Once per turn if the Ranger has the Double Crossbow, he/she may sacrifice 1 mind and 1 body point to add 1
combat die in attack.
Guided Arrow
If you are an Elven Ranger and carry Elfric’s Crossbow, you are immune to all 1st Level Spells; also your arrows
that yield from this magical weapon give extra damage to your enemies. Before the Elven Ranger makes his/her
attack roll 1D20 from the ‘Empowered Arrow’ table below for the monster the Elven Ranger wants to kill, if the
number is within range, add the body point damage to the skulls the Elven Ranger rolls next in his/her attack. If
you are not an Elf your Race is not immune to all 1st Level Spells and see the Non-Elf Damage column to
determine adjusted body damage to monsters.

Empowered Arrow Table

Roll Monster Elf Damage Non-Elf Damage

1 – 18 Goblin 1 Body Points 0 Body Points

1 – 18 Skeleton 1 Body Points 0 Body Points
1 – 18 Hobgoblin 1 Body Points 0 Body Points
1 – 16 Zombie 1 Body Points 0 Body Points
1 – 16 Orc 1 Body Points 0 Body Points
1 – 16 Ghoul 2 Body Points 1 Body Point
1 – 16 Fimir 2 Body Points 1 Body Point
1 – 16 Mummy 2 Body Points 1 Body Point
1 – 14 Von Darken Mercenary 2 Body Points 1 Body Point
1 – 14 Chaos Warrior 2 Body Points 1 Body Point
1 – 14 Minotaur 3 Body Points 2 Body Points
1 – 14 Gargoyle 3 Body Points 2 Body Points
1 – 14 Gorgoyle 3 Body Points 2 Body Points
1 – 12 Elite Guard ‘Knight’ 3 Body Points 2 Body Points
1 – 12 Ogre Warrior 4 Body Points 3 Body Points
1 – 12 Ogre Champion 4 Body Points 3 Body Points
1 – 12 Ogre Chieftain 4 Body Points 3 Body Points
1 – 12 Ogre Lord 4 Body Points 3 Body Points

For all other type of monsters not mentioned the Evil Wizard will determine any Body point damage to be given.
Warrior 5 gold coins
Champion 10 gold coins
Veteran 15 gold coins
Legend 20 gold coins
Cult 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

This is an interesting hero in as such the player may choose to be an Elven Ranger or a Human Ranger, so let the
player know he/she has a choice.
Regardless of the choice it would be wise to photocopy the ‘Empowered Arrow Table’ and give it to the player for
Remember the Elven Ranger especially does not cast spells even if it is an Elf. (Sorry) But the Evil Wizard may
change that if he/she wishes.
 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Ranger
Mind Points: 7
Body Points: 3
Attack: 3 combat dice
1 combat die
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the Ranger. Your
dexterity, exceptional skill and
accuracy with a bow are
legendary; with archery expertise
you inflict pain or death within
your sights.

throw 3 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points

throw 3 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points
throw 3 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points

throw 3 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points

throw 3 Combat dice
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 7 Points
Body 3 Points
You are the wizard. You have many spells that can aid you in the fight against Chaos and evil. However, in combat
you are weak; so use your spells wisely and avoid if possible any physical conflict.

Attack 1 combat die
Defend 2 combat dice
Mind 6
Body 4
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells Yes

Status Personal Skills

Peeyr Elemental Spells – Level 1
Konjuror Elemental Spells – Level 2
Magician Elemental Spells – Level 3
Wizard Elemental Spells – Level 4
Sorcerer Recast

Personal Skills
Elemental Spells – Level 1
The Wizard starts with 8 spells, 2 from each element.
Elemental Spells – Level 2
The Wizard gains 8 more spells to add and use with level 1.
Elemental Spells – Level 3
The Wizard gains 8 more spells to add and use with levels 1 and 2.
Elemental Spells – Level 4
The Wizard gains 8 more spells to add and use with levels 1, 2 and 3. Now the Wizard has 32 spells at his/her
From level 1 the Wizard can choose 4 spells, 1 from each element and use it twice.
Elemental Wizard Spells
Level 1
Air Tempest
Swift Wind
Earth Pass Through Rock
Rock Skin
Fire Courage
Ball of Flame
Water Sleep
Water of Healing
Level 2
Air Genie
Earth Heal Body
Earthen Shield
Fire Fire of Wrath
Fire Shield
Water Veil of Mist
Frozen Water
Level 3
Air The Eye of Horus
Air Bolt
Earth Fools Gold
Rock of Ages
Fire The Hands of Osiris
Scales of Fire
Water Cloak of Ice
Hail Ball
Level 4
Air A Shroud of Air
The Sword of Aeron
Earth The Cage of Gaia
Stone Armour
Fire Cloak of Osiris
Flames of Death
Water Betrayal
Sheet of Ice
Peeyr 5 gold coins
Konjuror 10 gold coins
Magician 15 gold coins
Wizard 20 gold coins
Sorcerer 25 gold coins

Receive extra gold after completing a quest level.

Give the Wizard player the spell cards listed above in the ‘Elemental Wizard Spells Table’ at the beginning of the
quest adventure. As the Wizard goes up a level the spells in the table become available.
Remember only the spells in the above table can be used be the Wizard.
Remember when the Wizard goes up a level, he/she can still access the previous levels of spells to add to their
spell casting abilities.
Remember when the Wizard becomes a Sorcerer and after completing three more quest levels he/she may
choose to become an Avatar; if not the Wizard player stays at the Sorcerer level for the rest of the game.
 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Wizard
Mind Points: 6
Body Points: 4
Attack: 1 combat die
2 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice




Potions & Scrolls



You are the wizard. You have
many spells that can aid you in the
fight against Chaos and evil.
However, in combat you are weak;
so use your spells wisely and avoid
if possible any physical conflict.

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 6 Points
Body 4 Points

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 6 Points
Body 4 Points
throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 6 Points
Body 4 Points

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 6 Points
Body 4 Points

throw 1 Combat dice
throw 2 Combat dice
throw 2 Standard dice

Mind 6 Points
Body 4 Points
Having trouble fighting off evil that lurks in every dark corner
wherever you turn? Need someone to cover your back while you go in
for the kill? Well the answer to all your prayers is here, well
almost. The Von Darken mercenary the most feared fighter of the
land is available for hire and if you have the right amount of gold,
they’ll kill anything and anybody you wish. Just make sure you stay
alive until payday, or better yet, just make sure you have the gold with you; who cares if
your dead or dying–the Von Darken don’t, that’s for sure. Now having said all that my
bold Apprentice let me make this clear the Von Darken mercenary can be hired out by
Chaos or by the heroes themselves, so be prepared and watch your back.

Von Darken Mercenaries

Mercenary rules that you need to know as follows:

1. Gold must be paid before each quest level.

2. All gold given to mercenaries goes to their Guild.
3. The hero who hires them controls the mercenaries.
4. The mercenaries go after the controlling hero’s turn.
5. Mercenaries can move, open doors, attack and defend.
6. Mercenaries cannot disarm traps.
7. Mercenaries do not search for treasure unless the controlling hero is dead.
8. If the controlling hero is dead all gold and treasure found goes to the Mercenary Guild and is therefore
9. If the controlling hero is dead and his/her mercenaries are still alive after the quest level is completed,
the remaining heroes bid for their services; highest bidder wins.
10. If more than 1 mercenary is hired, they stay in pairs.
11. Mercenaries do not cast spells.
12. Mercenaries may take healing potions.
13. Mercenaries cannot be bribed.
14. If the controlling hero wishes to no longer keep hiring any mercenaries under his control he/she must
pay double the mercenaries fee to render their services.
15. Mercenaries have a +1 attack and +1 defence against any Men-at-Arms soldiers.
Attack See ‘Status’ Below
Defend See ‘Status’ Below
Mind 4
Body 4
Movement 2 standard dice
Spells –

Status Combat Skills

Soldier Attack 2 Combat Dice
Defend 2 Combat Dice
Sergeant Attack 3 Combat Dice
Defend 2 Combat Dice
Lieutenant Attack 3 Combat Dice
Defend 3 Combat Dice
Commander Attack 4 Combat Dice
Defend 3 Combat Dice
Captain Attack 4 Combat Dice
Defend 4 Combat Dice

Personal Skills
Swift – The mercenary adds 1 movement point to his die roll.
Agile – The mercenary can jump over any uncovered pits without recourse to a die roll.
Fate – The mercenary may re-roll 1 defensive combat die.
Tough – The mercenary gains 1 additional body point.
Hiring Costs per Quest Level
Soldier 15 Gold coins
Sergeant 20 Gold coins
Lieutenant 30 Gold coins
Commander 40 Gold coins
Captain 50 Gold coins

Number of Mercenaries Per Heroes In A Quest

Heroes Mercenaries
1 4
2 3
3 2
4 1

At the beginning of any quest level adventure the hero/es may hire a Von Darken mercenary if they wish. If so
give the hero/es a Von Darken Character Sheet and it maybe wise to photocopy this entire section for the
hero/es to read and use for reference.
Combat Skills
When a Von Darken mercenary goes up a level, their attack and defence dice rolls change, make sure the
hero/es know this.
Hiring Costs per Level
At the end of a quest level the hero/es must pay the Von Darken mercenary his hiring fee. The Evil Wizard must
make sure the gold is deducted from the Hero’s Character Sheet and put on/recorded on the Von Darken
Character Sheet.
Remember if a hero hires more than one Von Darken mercenary, there must be a separate character sheet for
 Character Sheet 
Race/Type: Mercenary
Mind Points: 4
Body Points: 6
Attack: 2 combat dice
2 combat dice
Movement: 2 standard dice

Mercenary Guild Gold


Celestial & Chaos
Elemental Air Spells

Level 1

Air Bolt
Swift Wind
The Eye of Horus

Level 2

A Shroud of Air
Carpet of Air
Door of the Mists
The Cloak of Aeron
The Sword of Aeron
Time Trap

Level 3

Air force Mists of Speed The Wings of Aeron

Air of Confusion Net of ether Tornado
Enfeeblement Radiance of Aeron Wall of Mist
Entrapment The Hands of Horus Whirlvine

Level 4

Acid Air Fresh Air Fountain The Pit of Horus

Air Elemental Silence Wind Force
Breeze Breath Slave Winds of Chance
Dispel The Air of Fleshfall Winds of Change
Level 1

Air Bolt – You cast an Air Bolt that delivers 1 body point of damage to any monster or hero.
Disarm – A mighty gust of wind forces open any trapped chest, disarming it in the process.
Genie – This spell conjures up a Genie who will do one of the following: Open any door on the board, (the
room’s contents should be put out) revealing what lies in side; or attack anyone on the board. He will attack only
once with five combat dice.
Swift Wind – This spell may be cast on any one hero, including yourself. Its powerful burst of energy
enables that hero to roll twice as many movement dice as normal the next time he/she moves.
Tempest – This spell creates a small whirlwind that envelops any one monster or player of your choice. That
monster or player will then miss his next turn.
The Eye of Horus – A bright beam of hot air emanates from your hand giving 1 mind point of damage; but
only if the enemy is beside you.

Level 2

A Shroud of Air – This spell heals up to 2 body points of damage on any hero who is adjacent to you; no
monsters must be in the same room or corridor when this spell is cast.
Carpet of Air – This spell creates a flying carpet that can transport up to five heroes to any unexplored
room on the board.
Door of the Mists – This spell creates a door that lasts 2 turns; which allows any hero to go to an
explored area of his/her choice on the board.
The Cloak of Aeron – A force of air surrounds a hero giving one extra combat die in defence; which lasts
for that hero’s attack phase.
The Sword of Aeron – This sword of air causes the enemies armour to be destroyed, thus only allowing
one less combat die to be rolled in defence.
Time Trap – All heroes in a room or corridor with you are immune from any spear traps until your next turn.
Level 3

Air Force – Every hero including yourself regains 1 body point lost from attack.
Air of Confusion – Cast this spell on a monster, who loses control of its movement; move this monster
twice its movement points away form you; this monster can not attack this turn.
Enfeeblement – A magical wind sucks the strength from a single monster adjacent to you; that monster
cannot attack this turn.
Entrapment – All heroes in a room or corridor with you are immune from any pit traps until your next turn.
Mists of Speed – All heroes including yourself gain 1 extra movement die on their next turn.
Net of Ether – This casts a net that captures any monster in a room or corridor for 1 turn; it cannot move,
attack or defend.
Radiance of Aeron – You bathe a hero in a glowing mist of bright light; this hero cannot be affected by
arrows or spells that make him lose any mind and or body points in his/her next turn.
The Hands of Horus – Any monster that is adjacent to you loses 2 body points of damage from your
hands that touch it; the monster screams as its flesh falls from its body in agony.
The Mists of Horus – One empty square of your choice and its adjacent squares are surround by a wall
of mist for the remainder of the quest; any monster or hero who moves or is caught in this wall rolls 1 less
defence die when attacked.
The Wings of Aeron – Casting this spell on any hero adjacent to you, that hero disappears and then
reappears on an unoccupied square of his/her choice within the room.
Tornado – This spell may only be cast in a room; and unleashes a mighty wind that pins all monsters to the
nearest wall for 2 turns.
Whirlvine – A vine made of air rises up from the ground rapping itself around the monster where he stands;
he cannot movement, though he can still attack and defend, minus 1 combat die for each stat.

Level 4

Acid Air – Little air droplets form from your hands and attack every monster in the room or corridor; the
monsters can defend themselves by rolling 1 combat die, if it is a black shield no harm; a white shield 1 mind point
of damage; a skull 1 body point of damage.
Air Elemental – The Mage summons an Air Genie and attacks every monster in the room, but not in
corridors; it attacks using 2 combat dice, when all the monsters have been dealt with the Genie disappears.
Breeze Breath – If a hero has died last turn and you have full mind points; cast this spell and the hero
returns to life with 2 mind and body points, lose 2 mind and 2 body point from your stats.
Dispel – Negate the effects of one Chaos Spell that was cast in the previous turn; the Mage and the Evil Wizard
both roll 1D6 to add to their mind points, which ever is the highest wins: Mage negates the Chaos Spell, Evil
Wizard maintains the effects of the Chaos Spell.
Fresh Air Fountain – Every monster in a room or corridor suffers one mind point of damage, minus 2
mind points from your Stats.
Silence – The air stills like the darkness of night; this spell when cast in a room (not corridors) protects it
from all spells that may be cast in this room for one turn. No other spells can be cast.
Slave – Cast this spell on a Goblin or Orc; the Mage gains control of this monster until it dies or until you exit
the current quest level.
The Air of Fleshfall – Every monster in a room or corridor suffers one body point of damage, minus 2
body points from your Stats.
The Pit of Horus – A pit trap opens underneath a monster or hero who falls in and suffers 1 body point of
damage. The pit trap is permanent and standard pit rules apply to it.
Wind Force – Every hero including yourself regains 2 body points lost from attack.
Winds of Chance – On a hero’s next attack he/she may re-roll any of his/her combat dice.
Winds of Change – When cast in a room but not in a corridor; all monsters roll 1 less attack die in their
next attack.
A Shroud of Air Air Bolt Carpet of Air
This spell heals up to 2 body You cast an Air Bolt that This spell creates a flying
points of damage on any hero delivers 1 body point of damage carpet that can transport up
who is adjacent to you; no to any monster or hero. to five heroes to any
monsters must be in the same unexplored room on the board.
room or corridor when this
spell is cast.

Cloak of Aeron Disarm Door of the Mists

A force of air surrounds a A mighty gust of wind forces This spell creates a door that
hero giving one extra combat open any trapped chest, lasts 2 turns; which allows
die in defence; which lasts for disarming it in the process. any hero to go to an explored
that hero’s attack phase. area of his/her choice on the

Genie Swift Wind Sword of Aeron

This spell conjures up a Genie This spell may be cast on any This sword of air causes the
who will do one of the one hero, including yourself. enemies armour to be
following: Open any door on Its powerful burst of energy destroyed, thus only allowing
the board, (the room’s contents enables that hero to roll twice one less combat die to be rolled
should be put out) revealing as many movement dice as in defence.
what lies in side; or attack normal the next time he/she
anyone on the board. He will moves.
attack only once with five
combat dice.
Tempest The Eye of Horus Time Trap
This spell creates a small A bright beam of hot air All heroes in a room or
whirlwind that envelops any emanates from your hand corridor with you are immune
one monster or player of your giving 1 mind point of damage; from any spear traps until
choice. That monster or player but only if the enemy is beside your next turn.
will then miss his next turn. you.

Elemental Air Spell Elemental Air Spell Elemental Air Spell

Elemental Earth Spells

Level 1

Earthen Shield
Fools Gold
Heal Body
Pass Through Rock
Rock of Ages
Rock Skin

Level 2

Gaia’s Robe
Golden Arrow
Master Builder
Stone Armour
The Cage of Gaia

Level 3

Detection Metalmorph The Eyes of Gaia

Green Golem Metamorphic Beast The Staff of Gaia
Life Restored Stone Spike Thorndrake
Lodestone Stonewall Transportation

Level 4

Aerolite Gaian Magic Rebound

Arrowhead Hypnotic Stare Stone Flesh
Dust To Dust Lava Alive The Curse of Gaia
Earth Elemental Mouth of Gaia Trapeze
Level 1

Pass Through Rock – This spell may be cast on any hero, or yourself; that hero may then move through
walls when he/she next moves. He/she may move through as many walls as movement will allow.
Rock Skin – This spell may be cast on any hero, or yourself; that hero may throw 2 extra combat dice in
defence, until the spell is broken. The spell is broken when that hero suffers any body damage.
Heal Body – This spell may be cast on any hero, or yourself; it will restore up to 4 lost body points.
Earthen Shield – This spell may be cast on any hero who is adjacent to you, as well as yourself; whatever
number of shields the hero rolls on his next defence, it is doubled.
Fools Gold – Cast this spell when a hero finds some gold to see if it is real; roll 1D6, 1-3 Fools Gold, 4-5 Real
Gold 6 Double the Amount.
Rock of Ages – A monster or hero who is adjacent to you is turned into a rock statue for 2 turns.
Level 2

Stone Armour – A living stone blanket raps around a hero giving him/her 1 extra combat die in defence.
Rocket – This spell conjures up a rock spear; throw it at a monster, this spear inflicts 4 combat dice in attack.
The monster may roll for his defence.
Master Builder – This spell creates a wall of rock the length of a corridor. The wall stays for the remainder
of the quest adventure. Can not be cast in a room.
The Cage of Gaia – Choose any monster that you can see and where he stands, a cage appears from the
ground growing around him; he cannot move for 3 turns. The monster cannot attack but can still defend.
Gaia’s Robe – When this spell is cast a glowing robe of energy surrounds and protects you; giving 3 extra
combat dice in defence.
Golden Arrow – Cast this spell on a hero who is in possession of a bow or crossbow; on this hero’s next
attack he can fire it on a monster that turns into a golden statue for 3 turns. The monster rolls no defence dice
for this action.

Level 3

Stone Spike – You materialize a stone spike to strike at your enemies; roll 5 combat dice in attack, your
enemy can roll for defence.
Detection – You may cast this spell outside of any room to learn its contents; all monsters and furniture are
placed on the board, but the door remains closed.
The Staff of Gaia – A magical silver staff appears in your hands; it rolls 4 combat dice in attack and lasts
2 turns.
Life Restored – Give 3 body points to a hero adjacent to you; these points can go above his/her starting
Green Golem – You conjure up a Green Golem who does your bidding; it has 5 combat dice in attack and
defence and 1 mind and body point. This creature materializes beside you and lasts for 2 turns.
Transportation – A whirlwind of glowing leaves surrounds you and takes you to any unoccupied square in an
explored part of the board.
Metamorphic Beast – The earth releases a foul beast to help you in your hour of need; it has 1 combat dice
in attack and defence, but can make 2 attacks per turn and has 1 mind and 1 body point.
Thorndrake – Cast this spell in a room full of monsters; a dense plant growth of vine with thorns covers the
entire room. All monsters inside can not move for 2 turns.
The Eyes of Gaia – Cast this spell on any monster or hero; who are blinded for 2 turns, they cannot move
or attack, but can defend with 1 less combat die.
Lodestone – Roll 1 standard die and that is how many lodestones will attack any monster or hero with 1
combat dice each. Sacrifice 3 mind points to add 1 extra combat die to each lodestone.
Stonewall – Create a stone wall to block a door or corridor; roll 1D6 to determine how many turns this wall
Metalmorph – Any monster carrying a metal weapon turns red hot and attack and defends with 1 less
combat die; if the monster can only attack with 1 combat die the weapon is destroyed.

Level 4

Aerolite – A whirlwind of glowing leaves surrounds you and takes you to any unoccupied square in an
unexplored part of the board of your choice.
Dust To Dust – Any monster carrying a weapon immediately turns to dust. That monster may not attack for
2 turns, but it will defend with 1 less combat die.
Gaian Magic – Cast this spell on a non-magical weapon held by a hero to empower it; this weapon gains 2
extra combat dice in attack against monsters immune to spells. This spell lasts 3 turns.
Arrowhead – An arrow bolts from your hand attacking 1 monster with 6 combat dice; this monster may
defend normally.
Rebound – When this spell is cast a green energy field surrounds you; roll a 1D6 every time you lose a body, 1-
3 no effect,4-5 the blow is turned, 6 the blow is rebounded back to your enemy and it loses the body points
The Curse of Gaia – This spell puts a curse on a monster or hero; and prevents him/her from attacking
for the remainder of the quest level.
Hypnotic Stare – You mesmerize a single monster who you can see; both of you roll a 1D6 and add this to
your mind points, if yours is the highest the monster falls under your control during this quest level.
Earth Elemental – You summon a Earth Elemental who will fight for you for 2 turns; it has 4 combat dice in
attack and defence, 3 mind and 3 body points, it can be killed even before the 2 turns is up.
Stone Flesh – A magical bolt of glowing green shoots from your hand towards your enemy in attack; roll a
1D6 1-2 no effect 3-4 3 combat dice, 5-6 4 combat dice. The enemy takes this amount of damage, no defence roll.
Lava Alive – Cast this spell on a square a monster is standing in, it turns to lava and then hardens; the
monster cannot move, it takes 1 body point of damage, every turn it rolls a 1D6 to free itself, 1-2 no effect, 3-4
lose 1 body point, 5-6 freedom.
The Mouth of Gaia – When this spell is cast it swallows a monster of your choice for 2 turns; it then
reappears and defends with 1 less combat die.
Trapeze – Roll a1D6 and add this number to your current mind points, if the total is 9 or more you locate all
traps on the board. The Evil Wizard must put all traps out for all to see, if not you suffer 3 mind points of damage.
Earthen Shield Fools Gold Gaia’s Robe
This spell may be cast on any Cast this spell when a hero When this spell is cast a
hero who is adjacent to you, as finds some gold to see if it is glowing robe of energy
well as yourself; whatever real; roll 1D6, 1-3 Fools surrounds and protects you;
number of shields the hero Gold, 4-5 Real Gold 6 giving 3 extra combat dice in
rolls on his next defence, it is Double the Amount. defence.

Golden Arrow Heal Body Master Builder

Cast this spell on a hero who This spell may be cast on any This spell creates a wall of
is in possession of a bow or hero, or yourself; it will rock the length of a corridor.
crossbow; on this hero’s next restore up to 4 lost body The wall stays for the
attack he can fire it on a points. remainder of the quest
monster that turns into a adventure.
golden statue for 3 turns. The
monster rolls no defence dice
for this action.

Pass Through Rock Rock of Ages Rock Skin

This spell may be cast on any A monster or hero who is This spell may be cast on any
hero, or yourself; that hero adjacent to you is turned into hero, or yourself; that hero
may then move through walls a rock statue for 2 turns. may throw 2 extra combat
when he/she next moves. dice in defence, until the spell
He/she may move through as is broken. The spell is broken
many walls as movement will when that hero suffers any
allow. body damage.
Rocket Stone Armour The Cage of Gaia
This spell conjures up a rock A living stone blanket raps Choose any monster that you
spear; through it at a monster, around a hero giving him/her 1 can see and where he stands, a
this spear inflicts 4 combat extra combat die in defence. cage appears from the ground
dice in attack. The monster growing around him; he cannot
may roll for his defence. move for 3 turns. The
monster cannot attack but can
still defend.

Elemental Earth Spell Elemental Earth Spell Elemental Earth Spell

Elemental Fire Spells

Level 1

Ball of Flame
Fire of Wrath
Fire Shield
Scales of Fire
The Hands of Osiris

Level 2

Cloak of Osiris
Flames of Death
Strength of Osiris
The Eye of Isis
The Eye of Osiris
The Hands of Isis

Level 3

Burning Fever Emblazoned Staff Pyre of Pain

Command of Isis Fire Feet Smoke Shield
Command of Osiris Flaming Sword The Silver Key
Dancing Flames Perpetual Light Vanished

Level 4

Bravery Inferno Slave

Control Hot Spot Regeneration
Explosion Shield of Flames Phoenix
Fire Elemental Silence Staff of Isis
Level 1

Courage – This spell may be cast on any hero. Who will then be able to throw 2 extra combat dice each time
he/she attacks. The spell is broken when there are no more monsters visible by the hero.
Ball of Flame – This spell may be cast on a hero or monster; it will inflict 2 body points of damage. The
victim may roll 2 dice, for each shield he/she rolls this will reduce the damage by 1.
Fire of Wrath – This spell may be cast on any hero or monster anywhere on the board; it will seek out your
enemy and inflict 1 body point of damage, unless your opponent can roll a shield on 1 combat die.
Fire Shield – Cast this spell on yourself to be immune to all 1st level ‘Fire Spells’ for 2 two turns.
Scales of Fire – Cast this spell on a hero or yourself; flaming scales of the mythical Red Dragon attach itself
to your body giving 2 extra combat dice in defence for 1 turn.
The Hands of Osiris – Put your hands on any hero adjacent to you or yourself; use your healing energy to
restore up to 3 lost body points, no monsters must be in the room or corridor when this spell is cast minus 2
mind points from your stats.

Level 2

Cloak of Osiris – You materialize a red cloak that you wear for 1 turn; giving you protection from all
Undead attacks and 1 extra combat die in defence with all other monsters.
Flames of Death – You cast a fireball at a monster doing 3 body points of damage; the monster does not
roll for its defence.
Strength of Osiris – Every hero in a room or corridor who is with you including yourself gains 1 extra
combat die in attack for 1 turn.
The Eye of Isis – A bright flash of energy emanates above your head blinding every monster in the same
room or corridor for 1 turn; they each roll 1 less combat die in attack.
The Hands of Isis – Putting your hands on any hero who is adjacent to you or yourself; use your healing
energy to restore up to 4 lost body points, no monsters must be in the room or corridor when this spell is cast;
minus 1 mind point from your stats.
The Eye of Osiris – When this spell is cast you are able to see through an unopened door to detect all the
monsters within; the Evil Wizard tells you how many and who they are, but doesn’t lay them out on the board.

Level 3

Burning Fever – When this spell is cast on a hero, he/she goes into a fevered rage; and gains 2 extra
combat dice in attack, but rolls 1 less combat die in defence.
Command of Isis – Choose 3 monsters in the same room as you, and for 1 turn they cannot move, attack
or defend.
Command of Osiris – An undead monster of your choice in the same room as you dies.
Dancing Flames – Roll a 1D6 to create little fireballs of dancing flames; delegate 1 fireball to each monster
that is in the room with you. These monsters cannot attack.
Emblazoned Staff – You materialize a fiery staff; roll a 1D6, which is how many combat dice you can use to
attack a monster.
Fire Feet – All heroes with you including yourself gain 1 extra movement die on their next turn.
Flaming Sword – You conjure up a flaming red sword to use against your enemies; it has 3 combat dice in
attack; you may add 1 extra die, but it will cost you 2 minds points.
Perpetual Light – The entire quest level is in darkness, only the heroes can see; all the monsters lose half
their movement points plus 1 combat die in attack and defence.
Pyre of Pain – Give any hero 1 body point that has lost 1 body point in combat or from a trap.
Smoke Shield – Cast this spell on an open doorway, a shield of smoke covers the entrance; on one can go
through it until you cancel the spell.
The Silver Key – Cast this spell when you find a trapped locked treasure chest; this key will open it
disarming the trap and opening the chest, even a magical one.
Vanished – 1 room of your choice vanishes for 2 turns and then reappears, if the door was opened it is
closed, minus 2 mind points from your stats.

Level 4

Bravery – This affects any hero in the same room or corridor with you, including yourself. All are now immune
to the Chaos spell ‘Fear’ until the end of your next.
Control – The chosen monster immediately becomes afraid, and tries to run away from you. You may guide
the monster’s movements for as long as it remains under your spell. The monster may roll a 1D6 for each of its
current Mind points. If the monster rolls a 6 it is free from the spell.
Explosion – Choose 1 square to attack with a giant fireball this square causes 2 body points of damage plus
the surrounding squares cause 1 body point of damage.
Fire Elemental – You summon a Fire Elemental who will fight for you for 2 turns; it has 6 combat dice in
attack and defence, 3 mind and 3 body points, it can be killed even before the 2 turns is up.
Hot Spot – This spell is cast on a square in which a monster is standing; he loses 3 body points if he does not
roll a 6 (1D6) for each mind point he has.
Inferno – Choose 1 square to attack with a giant fireball this square causes 3 body points of damage plus the
surrounding squares cause 2 body points of damage. Monsters do not roll for defence.
Phoenix – You may use this spell to raise any fallen hero from the dead. The spell must be cast no later than
one turn after the hero dies. The hero once arisen has only one mind and one body point.
Regeneration – You may cast this spell on any hero, including yourself. The hero is restored of all lost mind
and body points.
Shield of Flames – A shield of fire engulfs you for two turns; no monster can come near you and attack.
The monster must stay at least 1 square away from you until then. If you approach a monster to attack while the
shield is up the victim automatically loses 3 body points.
Silence – The air stills like the darkness of night; this spell when cast in a room (not corridors) protects it
from all spells that may be cast in this room for one turn. No other spells can be cast.
Slave – Cast this spell on a Goblin or Orc; the spellcaster gains control of this monster until it dies or until you,
the spellcaster exit the current quest level.
Staff of Isis – You are in possession of this staff of fire for 3 turns; you may roll 3 combat dice in attack and
may attack diagonally as well. Sacrifice 1 mind point to add 1 extra die in attack.
Ball of Flame Cloak of Osiris Courage
This spell may be cast on a You materialize a red cloak This spell may be cast on any
hero or monster; it will inflict that you wear for 1 turn; hero. Who will then be able
2 body points of damage. The giving you protection from all to throw 2 extra combat dice
victim may roll 2 dice, for Undead attacks and 1 extra each time he/she attacks. The
each shield he/she rolls this combat die in defence with all spell is broken when there are
will reduce the damage by 1. other monsters. no more monsters visible by
the hero.

Fire of Wrath Fire Shield Flames of Death

This spell may be cast on any Cast this spell on yourself to You cast a fireball at a
hero or monster anywhere on be immune to all 1st level monster doing 3 body points of
the board; it will seek out ‘Fire Spells’ for 2 two turns. damage; the monster does not
your enemy and inflict 1 body roll for its defence.
point of damage, unless your
opponent can roll a shield on 1
combat die.

Scales of Fire Strength of Osiris The Eye of Isis

Cast this spell on a hero or Every hero in a room or A bright flash of energy
yourself; flaming scales of the corridor who is with you emanates above your head
mythical Red Dragon attach including yourself gains 1 blinding every monster in the
itself to your body giving 2 extra combat die in attack for same room or corridor for 1
extra combat dice in defence 1 turn. turn; they each roll 1 less
for 1 turn. combat die in attack.
The Eye of Osiris The Hands of Isis The Hands of Osiris
When this spell is cast you Putting your hands on any Put your hands on any hero
are able to see through an hero who is adjacent to you or adjacent to you or yourself;
unopened door to detect all the yourself; use your healing use your healing energy to
monsters within; the Evil energy to restore up to 4 lost restore up to 3 lost body
Wizard tells you how many body points, no monsters must points, no monsters must be in
and who they are, but doesn’t be in the room or corridor the room or corridor when this
lay them out on the board. when this spell is cast; minus 1 spell is cast minus 2 mind
mind point from your stats. points from your stats.

Elemental Fire Spell Elemental Fire Spell Elemental Fire Spell

Elemental Water Spells

Level 1

Cloak of Ice
Frozen Water
Hail Ball
Veil of Mist
Water of Healing

Level 2

Aqua Armour
Sheet of Ice
Winter’s Wind

Level 3

Acid Rain Icicle Daggers Snow Man

Bubble Bath Illusion Spirit of the Mist
Flash Flood Pool of Death Water of Life
Fluidic Acid Snow Fall Water Wall

Level 4

Circle of Power Healing Vapour Snowdrop of Power

Crystal Wand Ice Prison Thunder’s Lightning
Fleeing Flux Liquid Fusion Water Elemental
Frost Door Reflection Water Shield
Level 1

Cloak of Ice – A cloak of shimmering ice crystals surround a hero or you for 1 turn giving 1 extra combat die
in defence.
Frozen Water – Freeze a monster in a room for 2 turns; that monster cannot move or attack, but will
defend using 1 combat die. If it is attacked the spell is broken.
Hail Ball – You conjure up a glowing ball of hail; it does 2 combat dice of attack in damage in any monster or
hero in a room or corridor. The victim rolls for no defence against it.
Sleep – This spell will put 1 monster to sleep. He may try to defend himself by rolling 1 die per mind point. If he
rolls a shield he is unaffected. Once asleep he may not defend if attacked. He will awake if he rolls a 6 at the
start of his turn, or if attacked.
Veil of Mist – This spell may be cast on any hero or yourself. This hero may then move unseen through
spaces that are occupied by other heroes or monsters the next time he/she moves.
Water of Healing – This spell may be cast on any hero or yourself. It will restore up to 4 lost body points.
Level 2

Aqua Armour – An armour of magical water surrounds your body giving 1 extra combat die in defence for 1
Betrayal – Cast this spell on a monster in the same room as you, then both of you roll a 1D6 and add this
number to your mind points, if your total is higher gain control of the monster for 2 turns.
Fortitude – A bright cloud of dancing dewdrops fills the air and lands on a hero or yourself; they will cure up
to 3 lost body points.
Sheet of Ice – Cast this spell in a corridor, this passageway’s floor becomes covered with ice; that allows all
heroes to use 4 movement points to walk on it. This spell lasts 1 quest level.
Teleport – When cast transport all heroes in the same room or corridor including yourself to a previously
explored part of the board.
Winter’s Wind – A howling wind consumes an entire room causing 3 combat dice of damage to all
monsters and heroes. No one can roll for its defence.

Level 3

Acid Rain – Cast this spell on a 2-by-2 square floor, any monster or hero in those squares suffers 2 combat
dice of attack damage. There is no defence roll.
Bubble Bath – You turn yourself into a body full of bubbles, no one can attack you for 2 turns.
Flash Flood – All monsters in a corridor with you are washed away along its length to the opposite end away
from you, and become unconscious and lose their next turn.
Fluidic Acid – A dissolving acid-like substance spurts from your hands to a monster adjacent to you; any
armour and weapons it has is melted away leaving it defenceless, no defensive die roll. If no weapons or armour
it suffers 2 body points of damage.
Icicle Daggers – You conjure up a swarm of small sharp icicles and throw them towards a monster that
suffers 3 combat dice of attack damage. There is no defence die roll.
Illusion – When this spell is cast it conjures up extra images of all the heroes that are with you including
yourself, making all the monsters disheartened with fear, and thus roll 2 less combat dice in attack for 1 turn.
Pool of Death – Choose a square where a monster is standing, a pool of water materializes underneath and
sucks him down making him lose half his body points, and 1 less combat die in attack and defence.
Snow Fall – Cast this spell into a room, a heavy snow storm fills it to the brim; all monsters inside are
trapped for 2 turns.
Snow Man – Choose a monster or hero and turn him/her into an ice statue for 1 turn, in which he/she will
lose 1 mind and 1 body point, when returned to normal.
Spirit of the Mist – You materialize an invisible mist spirit who will then go to an unexplored room and
inform you what is inside. The Evil Wizard must tell you what is in that room, monsters, traps, treasure and
Water of Life – This spell may be cast on any hero or yourself. It will restore up to 3 lost body points.
Water Wall – When this spell is cast all heroes including yourself are engulfed by their own wall of water for
1 turn, adding 1 extra defence die.

Level 4

Circle of Power – A ring of floating water surrounds you, protecting you from 1st and 2nd levels of Chaos
Spells for 2 turns; but you cannot cast any spells while the ring is present.
Crystal Wand – You materialize a crystal wand and point it to a monster, who loses 1 body point and 1 mind
point; then turn the wand towards any hero or your self and receive those absorbed points.
Fleeing Flux – Two monsters of your choice, not Undead, in a corridor turn and runaway out of fear; they do
not return. The Evil Wizard takes them off the board.
Frost Door – Cast this spell on an open doorway to close it permanently, this lasts the entire quest level.
Healing Vapour – A cooling vapour emanates from your hands to cure an adjacent hero or yourself of up
to 5 body points.
Ice Prison – Cast this spell on a monster to freeze him for 4 turns; he is immune to all spells and attacks.
Liquid Fusion – Cast this spell on a monster whose body heats up like boiling water causing 4 combat dice
of attack damage. There is no defence die roll.
Reflection – A reflected image of you hovers by your side and absorbs all successful attacks against you
normal or magical.
Snowdrop of Power – Cast this spell on yourself, giving you 2 extra combat dice in attack and defence for
1 turn.
Thunder’s Lightning – You call up a massive thunderstorm, causing lightning to strike every monster in a
room or corridor making them lose 1 body point.
Water Elemental – When in a room and not in a corridor, you can summon a Water Elemental who will fight
for you for 2 turns; it has 3 combat dice in attack, and will fight every monster it sees then it will disappear.
Water Shield – Cast this spell on yourself to be immune to all 2nd level ‘Fire Spells’ for 1 turn.
Aqua Armour Betrayal Cloak of Ice
An armour of magical water Cast this spell on a monster in A cloak of shimmering ice
surrounds your body giving 1 the same room as you, then crystals surround a hero or
extra combat die in defence for both of you roll a 1D6 and add you for 1 turn giving 1 extra
1 turn. this number to your mind combat die in defence.
points, if your total is higher
gain control of the monster
for 2 turns.

Fortitude Frozen Water Hail Ball

A bright cloud of dancing Freeze a monster in a room You conjure up a glowing ball
dewdrops fills the air and for 2 turns; that monster of hail; it does 2 combat dice of
lands on a hero or yourself; cannot move or attack, but attack in damage in any
they will cure up to 3 lost will defend using 1 combat die. monster or hero in a room or
body points. If it is attacked the spell is corridor. The victim rolls for
broken. no defence against it.

Sheet of Ice Sleep Teleport

Cast this spell in a corridor, This spell will put 1 monster When cast transport all
this passageway’s floor to sleep. He may try to heroes in the same room or
becomes covered with ice; that defend himself by rolling 1 die corridor including yourself to
allows all heroes to use 4 per mind point. If he rolls a a previously explored part of
movement points to walk on it. shield he is unaffected. Once the board.
This spell lasts 1 quest level. asleep he may not defend if
attacked. He will awake if he
rolls a 6 at the start of his
turn, or if attacked.
Veil of Mist Water of Healing Winter’s Wind
This spell may be cast on any This spell may be cast on any A howling wind consumes an
hero or yourself. This hero hero or yourself. It will entire room causing 3 combat
may then move unseen through restore up to 4 lost body dice of damage to all monsters
spaces that are occupied by points. and heroes. No one can roll
other heroes or monsters the for its defence.
next time he/she moves.

Elemental Water Spell Elemental Water Spell Elemental Water Spell

Celestial Spells

Level 1

Archway of Ra
Astral Star
Aura of High Magic
Celestial Shield
Dispel Magic
Drain Magic
Fiery Fervor
Good Fortune
Hand of Glory
High Flyer
Ill Luck
Kerulean Strike
Mind Lock
Omens of Ra
Thunders of Ra

Elemental Spells: Level 1

10 spells from level 1; two minimum coming from each element.

Elemental Spells: Level 2

10 spells from level 2; two minimum coming from each element.

Elemental Spells: Level 3

10 spells from level 3; two minimum coming from each element.

Elemental Spells: Level 4

10 spells from level 4; two minimum coming from each element.

Celestial Elemental

The Celestial Elemental.

Level 1

Apotheosis – You may cast this spell on any hero; using the power of pure magic you restore all of the
hero’s lost mind and body points.
Archway of Ra – An archway made of kerulean azure swirls into existence; this archway can transport up
to 5 heroes to any explored part of the quest board of your choice.
Astral Star – A small star sapphire glows in the middle of your forehead; cast this spell on your self to gain 1
extra body point for 2 turns.
Aura of High Magic – This spell may be cast on yourself or any hero in the same room as you. It endows
the hero with a magical barrier of protection against any Chaos Spell for 1 turn.
Banishment – A magical force ripples through the air disrupting the forces of Chaos. You roll a number of
combat dice equal to your mind points against an Undead monster, within your line of sight. The monster may not
roll for its defence.
Celestial Shield – This spell gives you 2 extra defence die and lasts for 1 turn.
Command – Choose any monster except Undead to come under your control, until the end of the current
quest level.
Dispel Magic – Cast this spell to negate any spell just cast, or it may be cast out of turn to cancel a spell
being cast.
Drain Magic – All magic is drawn from a room in which you are in, nullifying all magic present and future, no
spells can be cast in the room any more. This spell may be cast out of turn to cancel a spell, but you will not be
able to perform an action on your next turn.
Dweomer – Cast this on a non-magical weapon to give it 1 extra combat die in attack; this spell lasts until the
end of the current quest level, but is still vulnerable to the Chaos Spell ‘Rust’.
Fate – Cast this spell to cast the next spell which will double its effects.
Fiery Fervor – A monster of your choice in the same room as you suffers 6 attack dice of damage from a
fiery blast from your hands. The monster cannot roll for defence.
Good Fortune – This spell will give good luck to a hero who can re-roll any 1 undesirable dice throw anytime
after the casting. The hero must re-roll all his/her dice and must accept the results of this second dice throw.
Hand of Glory – An aura of harmonic energy flows from your hands to across all the heroes who are in the
same room as you, thus cleansing them of fear. All heroes including you are immune to the effects of the Chaos
Spell ‘Fear’ until the end of your next turn.
High Flyer – Rising up on a pillar of white fire you have the ability to fly for 2 turns; moving up to 24 squares
in any direction and flying over objects and monsters that normally block movement. You must end your
movement if any on a vacant square.
Ill Luck – You weave the energies of fate as you draw forth ill portents for your enemies; anytime in the
future before the end of the current quest level, you may force an enemy to re-roll all of the dice in an attack or
defence roll.
Kerulean Strike – A bolt of blue lightning leaps from your finger tips straight at a monster of your choice
doing 6 attack dice worth of damage. There is no defensive die roll for the monster.
Mind Lock – You do battle with a Chaos Spellcaster; both of you roll a 1D6 and add this number to your mind
points. Whoever wins prevents the other from casting their spells for the current turn. Repeat this every turn
until one of you die or until the end of quest level.
Omens of Ra – With this spell choose any one enemy in the same room as you; roll a 1D6, 1-4 no effect, 5-6
the monster immediately dies losing all its body points.
Precognition – Upon reciting this spell, you gain a vision of the future. Anytime before the end of the current
quest level you may see the contents of 2 rooms before entering them. The contents include monsters and
furniture, but not traps.
Presage – This spell creates a blue mist in which you inhale; roll a 1D6 and add this to your mind points, then
use this number to attack or defend against a monster.
Thunderburst – This spell causes a whirlwind of fear enveloping up to 3 monsters of your choice for 1 turn.
Thunders of Ra – A blue energy of lightning and mist expels from your hands delivering bolts of 3 attack
dice per every monster in the same room as you. There is no defensive die roll.

Elemental Spells: Level 1

The Avatar can choose up to 10 spells of his/her choice from level 1; two minimum coming from each

Elemental Spells: Level 2

The Avatar can choose up to 10 spells of his/her choice from level 2; two minimum coming from each

Elemental Spells: Level 3

The Avatar can choose up to 10 spells of his/her choice from level 3; two minimum coming from each

Elemental Spells: Level 4

The Avatar can choose up to 10 spells of his/her choice from level 4; two minimum coming from each

Celestial Elemental

The Avatar has at his/her command the most powerful element of all. The Celestial Elemental. An
elemental energy of pure blue light forms beside you, giving you a Celestial Elemental of great power for
2 turns.
Attack 10
Defend 10
Mind 10
Body 10
Movement 3 standard dice
Apotheosis Archway of Ra Astral Star
You may cast this spell on any An archway made of kerulean A small star sapphire glows
hero; using the power of pure azure swirls into existence; in the middle of your forehead;
magic you restore all of the this archway can transport up cast this spell on your self to
hero’s lost mind and body to 5 heroes to any explored gain 1 extra body point for 2
points. part of the quest board of turns.
your choice.

Aura of High Magic Banishment Celestial Elemental

This spell may be cast on A magical force ripples An elemental energy of pure
yourself or any hero in the through the air disrupting the blue light forms beside you,
same room as you. It endows forces of Chaos. You roll a giving you an Celestial
the hero with a magical number of combat dice equal to Elemental of great power for
barrier of protection against your mind points against an 2 turns. Stats mind 6, body 6,
any Chaos Spell for 1 turn. Undead monster, within your 6 combat dice in attack and 6
line of sight. The monster may combat dice in defence. The
not roll for its defence. elemental can be killed even
before the 2 turns is up.

Celestial Shield Command Dispel Magic

This spell gives you 2 extra Choose any monster except Cast this spell to negate any
defence die and lasts for 1 Undead to come under your spell just cast, or it may be
turn. control, until the end of the cast out of turn to cancel a
current quest level. spell being cast.
Drain Magic Dweomer Fate
All magic is drawn from a Cast this on a non-magical Cast this spell to cast the
room in which you are in, weapon to give it 1 extra next spell which will double
nullifying all magic present combat die in attack; this spell its effects.
and future, no spells can be lasts until the end of the
cast in the room any more. current quest level, but is
This spell may be cast out of still vulnerable to the Chaos
turn to cancel a spell, but you Spell ‘Rust’.
will not be able to perform an
action on your next turn.

Fiery Fervor Good Fortune Hand of Glory

A monster of your choice in This spell will give good luck An aura of harmonic energy
the same room as you suffers to a hero who can re-roll any flows from your hands to
6 attack dice of damage from a one undesirable dice throw across all the heroes who are
fiery blast from your hands. anytime after the casting. The in the same room as you, thus
The monster cannot roll for hero must re-roll all his/her cleansing them of fear. All
defence. dice and must accept the heroes including you are
results of this second dice immune to the effects of the
throw. Chaos Spell ‘Fear’ until the
end of your next turn.

High Flyer Ill Luck Kerulean Strike

Rising up on a pillar of white You weave the energies of A bolt of blue lightning leaps
fire you have the ability to fate as you draw forth ill from your finger tips straight
fly for 2 turns; moving up to portents for your enemies; at a monster of your choice
24 squares in any direction anytime in the future before doing 6 attack dice worth of
and flying over objects and the end of the current quest damage. There is no defensive
monsters that normally block level, you may force an enemy die roll for the monster.
movement. You must end your to re-roll all of the dice in an
movement if any on a vacant attack or defence roll.
Mind Lock Omens of Ra Omens of Ra
You do battle with a Chaos With this spell choose any With this spell choose any
Spellcaster; both of you roll a one enemy in the same room as one enemy in the same room as
1D6 and add this number to you; roll a 1D6, 1-4 no effect, you; roll a 1D6, 1-4 no effect,
your mind points. Whoever 5-6 the monster immediately 5-6 the monster immediately
wins prevents the other from dies losing all its body points. dies losing all its body points.
casting their spells for the
current turn. Repeat this
every turn until one of you die
or until the end of quest level.

Presage Thunderburst Thunders of Ra

This spell creates a blue mist This spell causes a whirlwind A blue energy of lightning
in which you inhale; roll a of fear enveloping up to 3 and mist expels from your
1D6 and add this to your mind monsters of your choice for 1 hands delivering bolts of 3
points, then use this number to turn. attack dice per every monster
attack or defend against a in the same room as you.
monster. There is no defensive die roll.

Celestial Spell Celestial Spell Celestial Spell

Chaos Spells

Level 1

Ball of Flame
Lightning Bolt
Summon Orcs

Level 2

Bolts of Chaos
Chaotic Curtain
Ice Storm
Pit of Darkness
Rock Shards
Summon Undead
Level 3

Cloak of Chaos
Cloud of Chaos
Curse of Chaos
Cursed Stone
Dispel Magic
Mind Over Matter
Summon Chaos Warriors
Warping We Will Go

Level 4

Black Magic
Chaos Armour
Chaos Elemental
Expel Fire
Restore Chaos
Staff of Drokkmore
Summon Elite Guard
Wand of Chaos

Level 5

Chaotic Mastery
Level 1

Ball of Flame – This spell can be cast on any hero or monster; and will inflict 2 body points of damage. The
victim immediately rolls a 2D6 to reduce damage by 1 point for each 5 or 6 rolled.
Chill – This spell causes 1 body point of damage to any one hero or monster adjacent to the Chaos Sorcerer
(though not diagonally adjacent). The victim cannot defend against the attack.
Escape – This spell allows the Chaos Sorcerer to disappear and instantly teleport to any place on the board or
if things get to tough from the current quest level to re-emerge in the next.
Fear – This spell causes any one hero to become so fearful that his/her attacks are reduced to 1 combat die.
The hero can break the spell on a future turn by rolling a 1D6 for each current mind point he/she has, if a 6 is
rolled the spell is broken.
Lightning Bolt – This spell may be cast in any direction; the bolt will travel in a straight line until it strikes a
wall or closed door. It will inflict 2 body points of damage on any hero or monster that is in its path.
Paralyze – This spell paralyzes all enemies in the same room or corridor with the Chaos Sorcerer; the
victim/s cannot move, attack or defend. The Victim/s can break the spell on a future turn by rolling a 1D6 for
each current mind point they have, if a 6 is rolled the spell is broken.
Rust – This spell causes any metal weapon or piece of armour to become brittle and useless, that it can never
be used again. Artifacts excluded.
Skate – This spell enables the Chaos Sorcerer to move quickly through icy caverns and corridors. The Chaos
Sorcerer may skate for up to 12 squares and may pass through heroes and monsters during movement. This
spell lasts only one turn.
Sleep – This spell puts any one hero or monster into a deep sleep; the victim is unable to move, attack or
defend. The hero can break the spell on a future turn by rolling a 1D6 for each current mind point he/she has, if a
6 is rolled the spell is broken.
Soothe – The healing coolness of this spell restores up to 3 lost body points to the Chaos Sorcerer or any one
Summon Orcs – This spell conjures up a group of Orcs that surround and protect the Chaos Sorcerer. Roll
a 1D6, 1-3 four Orcs, 4-5 five Orcs, 6 six Orcs.
Tempest – This spell creates a small whirlwind that envelops one hero or monster of your choice; the victim
misses their next turn.

Level 2

Bolts of Chaos – 3 bolts of magical missiles are dispersed from the Chaos Sorcerer, 1 to each hero in the
same room or corridor, doing 1 body point of damage. Roll a 1D6, 1-5 deflect missile 6 hit.
Chaotic Curtain – The Chaos Sorcerer conjures up a magical curtain of energy that descends upon every
hero who can cast spells this curtain will double the next spells effects on that hero; each hero rolls a 1D6 to
dispel it, 1-4 no effect, 5-6 success.
Command – This spell puts any hero under the control of the Chaos Sorcerer. The spell can be broken
immediately or on a future turn by rolling a 1D6 for each mind point the hero has. If a 6 is rolled the spell is
Confusion – This illusionary spell causes all heroes in the same room as the Chaos Sorcerer to attack each
other who is the closest to them. The hero can break the spell on a future turn by rolling a 1D6 for each current
mind point he/she has, if a 6 is rolled the spell is broken.
Fatigue – This spell weakens all the heroes in the same room or corridor with the Chaos Sorcerer; the heroes
can only move 5 squares and are reduced by 1 attack and defence die for 2 turns.
Firestorm – This spell creates a room full of burning fire that inflicts 3 body points of damage on all heroes
and monsters with the Chaos Sorcerer. Every victim in the room rolls a 2D6 and for each 5 or 6 rolled the
damage is reduced by 1 body point.
Ice Storm – This spell creates a blizzard of ice that affects an area 2 squares wide by 2 squares long. Each
monster and hero in that area is attacked separately by the Chaos Sorcerer with 3 combat dice. There is no
chance to defend. Cannot be used in corridors.
Pit of Darkness – A deep dark pit opens up under a hero to swallow him/her and loses 2 body points and
his/her next turn, so as to get out. While in the pit the hero cannot be attacked except with spells
Rock Shards – This spell conjures up little razor sharp shards of rock; which are magically hurled at your
enemy in a room or corridor. They will inflict 3 body points of damage; there is no defence die roll.
Summon Undead – This spell conjures up a group of Undead to protect and surround the Chaos Sorcerer.
Roll a 1D6, 1 four Skeletons, 2-3 three Skeletons & two Zombies, 4-5 three Zombies & two Ghouls, 6 three Ghouls
& two mummies.

Level 3

Cloak of Chaos – Allows the Chaos Sorcerer to pass through walls and doors and he adds 1 combat die in
defence when his movement is finished for 1 turn.
Cloud of Chaos – This spell creates a poisonous gas cloud that fills the room all heroes and monsters
except Undead suffer 2 body points of damage unless they can roll a 1 on a 1D6, per mind point.
Curse of Chaos – The Chaos Sorcerer casts this spell on a hero who becomes cursed for the current quest
level, all of his/her original stats are halved round down.
Cursed Stone – Cast this spell to turn a hero into stone for 2 turns, this hero cannot attack, defend, move
and cast spells.
Dispel Magic – Cancels out a spell just cast by a spell caster or a hero. This special spell may be cast
during a hero or spell caster’s turn, to negate a spell just cast.
Invisibility – Allows the Chaos Sorcerer to become invisible for 4 turns; while invisible he cannot attack, but
can break the spell if he wishes to cast a spell or attack.
Mind Over Matter – Allows the Chaos Sorcerer to sacrifice up to 5 mind points to add to his defence die
Reanimation – This spell enables the Chaos Sorcerer to reanimate all defeated skeletons, zombies, or
mummies in the same room as the Chaos Sorcerer. These monsters rise up from the floor, with all lost body
points restored, and attack the heroes again.
Summon Chaos Warriors – This spell conjures up a group of Chaos Warriors to surround and protect
the Chaos Sorcerer. Roll a 1D6, 1 two warriors, 2 three warriors, 3 four warriors, 4 five warriors, 5 six warriors,
6 seven warriors.
Warping We Will Go – The Chaos Sorcerer causes 1 hero’s perceptions to become completely warped
for 4 turns. The victim moves in a random direction each turn, roll a 1D4, 1=N, 2=E, 3=S, 4=W. The hero cannot
attack but can defend with only 2 combat dice; the spell is broken when the hero rolls 2 black shields on his/her

Level 4

Absorb – Negate the effect of one spell that was just cast on a hero or yourself; this spell gets deflected and
is absorbed into the wall making it harmless.
Black Magic – Negate the effects of one spell that was cast in the previous turn.
Chaos Armour – The Chaos Sorcerer gains 2 extra defence dice for 3 turns to add to his Stats.
Chaos Elemental – A Gargoyle-like creature emerges from the abyss to appear beside the Chaos
Sorcerer; it will attack all the heroes immediately. Stats, mind 4, body 3, attack 6, defend 4. The creature can be
killed and is immune to all 1st level elemental spells.
Expel Fire – This spell when cast cancels the last Fire Spell plus the Chaos Sorcerer will be immune to all 1st
level Fire Spells for 1 turn.
Restore Chaos – This spell may be cast only on monsters. It restores up to 6 lost body points to either the
Chaos Sorcerer or any monster within the Chaos Sorcerer’s line of sight.
Reversal – The Chaos Sorcerer reverses a spell directed towards him back to the original spellcaster.
Staff of Drokkmore – With this magical staff you are able to expel 4 giant fireballs; they cause 2 combat
dice worth of damage each. The Chaos Sorcerer can allocate how many fireballs can go to a hero/es. Heroes
can roll for defence.
Summon Elite Guard – This spell conjures up a group of Elite Guard Knights to surround and protect the
Chaos Sorcerer. Roll a 1D6, 1 two warriors, 2 three warriors, 3 four warriors, 4 five warriors, 5 six warriors, 6
seven warriors.
Wand of Chaos – The damage form this wand’s energy blast delivers 6 combat dice in attack to a hero of
the Chaos Sorcerer’s choice in a room or corridor. There is no defence die roll.

Level 5
Chaotic Mastery
Ball of Flame Chill Escape
This spell can be cast on any This spell can be cast on any This spell allows the Chaos
hero or monster; and will hero or monster; and will Sorcerer to disappear and
inflict 2 body points of inflict 2 body points of instantly teleport to any
damage. The victim damage. The victim place on the board or if things
immediately rolls a 2D6 to immediately rolls a 2D6 to get to tough from the current
reduce damage by 1 point for reduce damage by 1 point for quest level to re-emerge in
each 5 or 6 rolled. each 5 or 6 rolled. the next.

Fear Lightning Bolt Paralyze

This spell causes any one hero This spell may be cast in any
to become so fearful that direction; the bolt will travel This spell paralyzes all
his/her attacks are reduced to in a straight line until it enemies in the same room or
1 combat die. The hero can strikes a wall or closed door. corridor with the Chaos
break the spell on a future It will inflict 2 body points of Sorcerer; the victim/s cannot
turn by rolling a 1D6 for each damage on any hero or move, attack or defend. The
current mind point he/she has, monster that is in its path. Victim/s can break the spell
if a 6 is rolled the spell is on a future turn by rolling a
broken. 1D6 for each current mind
point they have, if a 6 is
rolled the spell is broken.

Rust Skate Sleep

This spell causes any metal This spell enables the Chaos This spell puts any one hero
weapon or piece of armour to Sorcerer to move quickly or monster into a deep sleep;
become brittle and useless, through icy caverns and the victim is unable to move,
that it can never be used corridors. The Chaos Sorcerer attack or defend. The hero can
again. Artifacts excluded. may skate for up to 12 break the spell on a future
squares and may pass through turn by rolling a 1D6 for each
heroes and monsters during current mind point he/she has,
movement. This spell lasts if a 6 is rolled the spell is
only one turn. broken.
Soothe Summon Orcs Tempest
The healing coolness of this This spell conjures up a group This spell creates a small
spell restores up to 3 lost of Orcs that surround and whirlwind that envelops one
body points to the Chaos protect the Chaos Sorcerer. hero or monster of your choice;
Sorcerer or any one monster. Roll a 1D6, the victim misses their next
1-3 = four Orcs,
4-5 = five Orcs,
6 = six Orcs.

Chaos Spell Chaos Spell Chaos Spell

Ring of Power Staff of Command Crystal of

The Witch Lord’s Staff of Command

Festral’s ‘Ring of Power’ contains 3 allows him to cast the Chaos spell
Chaos spells. One from each Chaos This red crystal was created by Mentor
‘Summon Undead’. Any spellcaster to help him communicate with any hero
level (Evil Wizard’s choice) except in possession of this staff can also that carries it. The crystal will glow
levels 4 and 5. cast this spell once per quest level. red whenever mentor wishes to speak.

Star of the East Star of the North Star of the South

The Star of the East – while in The Star of the North – while in The Star of the South – while in
possession of this gem, you can possession of this gem, you can possession of this gem, you can
cast 1 extra spell per turn. add 3 combat dice in defence. add 3 combat dice in attack.


Star of the West The Keys of Agrain The Keys of Agrain

The Star of the West – while in The Keys of Agrain, allow their owner to The Keys of Agrain, allow their owner to
pass safely through any magical rooms pass safely through any magical rooms
possession of this gem, you can
without openings and or doors and replace without openings and or doors and replace
add 2 extra dice in movement. any missing doors if they disappear. any missing doors if they disappear. Ghouls
Mummies are the only Undead that will not are the only Undead that will not attack
attack anyone in possession of this Key. anyone in possession of this Key.


The Keys of Agrain The Keys of Agrain

The Keys of Agrain, allow their owner to The Keys of Agrain, allow their owner to
pass safely through any magical rooms pass safely through any magical rooms
without openings and or doors and replace without openings and or doors and replace
any missing doors if they disappear. any missing doors if they disappear.
Skeletons are the only Undead that will not Zombies are the only Undead that will not
attack anyone in possession of this Key. attack anyone in possession of this Key.

Name Experience Walk Offence Defence Life Mind Magic Alignment Type Quest
Quest Book
Balur (Fire Mage)1 70 8 2 5 1(3) 7 Yes Evil The Fire Mage
Grak 30(40) 8 4 4 1(7) 3 No Evil Orc Legacy of the Orc Warlord
Gulthor 30(40) 6 3 4 1(7) 3 No Evil Chaos Warrior Prince Magnus’ Gold
Karlen (Wizard)2 40 5 1 2 4 6 Yes Ally/Evil Human/Zombie The Stone Hunter
Melar (Sorcerer)3 40 5 2 2 4 6 Yes Good Human Melar’s Maze
Ollar (Wizard) 40 5 1 2 4 6 Yes Neutral Human Castle of Mystery
Sir Ragnar (Knight) 110 6 2 2 5 5 No Ally Human The Rescue of Sir Ragnar
Stone Warrior 40 6 3 5 1 3 No Evil/Neutral Chaos Warrior The Stone Hunter
Ulag (War Lord) 40(50) 10 4 5 1(7) 3 No Evil Orc Lair of the Orc Warlord
Verag 30 6 4 4 1(6) 4 No Evil Gargoyle The Trial
Witch Lord Chaos Barak Tor - Barrow of the
50 (80) 1 2 6 1(6) 4 No (Yes) Evil
(King of the Dead)4 Sorcerer Witch Lord
Witch Lord Chaos
100 (130) 10 5 6 1(6) 4 No (Yes) Evil Return to Barak Tor
(King of the Dead)4 Sorcerer

Possessions Special Abilities

1 - Fire Spells Balur can not be harmed by Fire magic. Balur is able to run through any wall once during the game.
2 - Chaos Spells None. (May have 1 of each Chaos Spell at his command if the Evil Wizard wishes).
3 - Melar’s Key & Melar’s Key can reveal secret doors.
The Talisman of Lore The Talisman allows you to increase your Mind points by two as long as you have the Talisman in your possession.
4 - None The Witch Lord is not affected by any weapon other than the Spirit Blade; neither is he affected by any Spell.
Name Experience Walk Offence Defence Life Mind Magic Alignment Type Quest
Kellar’s Keep
Dwarven King (Undead) 30(40) 6 3 4 1 (9) 1 No Good/Neutral Skeleton Hall of Dwarven Kings
Enchanted Warriors1 30(70) 6 3 4 1(7) 3 No(Yes) Evil The Warrior Halls
Gragor ( Evil Magician)2 60 6 3 4(6) 1(7) 3 Yes Evil The Great Citadel
Guardian of Grin’s Crag3 30(60) 6 4 4 3(6) 4 No(Yes) Neutral Gargoyle Grin’s Crag
Ograk (Orc Captain) 60(70) 8 4 6 1(7) 3 No Evil Orc The Eastern Passage
Petrokk (Chaos Sorcerer)4 60 6 3 4 1(5) 3(5) Yes Evil Chaos The East Gate

Possessions Special Abilities

1 - Enchanted Armour The Enchanted Suit of Armour is magically charmed and prevents the wearer setting off any traps.
2 - Magic Armour of Gragor Add +2 to Defence.
3 - None Although the Guardian can not cast spells, he is, however, immune to all spells.
Petrokk can make an additional attack once per turn, against anyone in line of sight in the same room or passage; This second attack uses 2 combat
4 - None
dice, for every skull rolled the victim loses one Mind Point.
Name Experience Walk Offence Defence Life Mind Magic Alignment Type Quest
Return of the Witch Lord
Bellthor (Guardian)1 50 (80) 6 4 6 1 (6) 4 No (Yes) Evil Gargoyle The Gate of Bellthor
Death Mist2 10 (30) 6 - - -(1) -(1) No (Yes) Evil Chaos The Silent Passages
Doomguard 50(60) 6 4 6 1 (7) 3 No Evil The Last gate
Kessandria (Witch Queen)3 80 6 4 6 1 (4) 6 Yes Evil Human The Last Gate
Skulmar Chaos
60 8 5 6 1 (5) 5 No Evil The Forgotten Legion
(Captain of the Dead Host) Sorcerer
Spirit Riders4 30(40) 8 4 3 1(7) 3 No Evil Skelton The Cold Halls
Witch Lord5 100 (130) 10 5 6 1 (5) 5 No (Yes) Evil The Court of the Witch Lord

Possessions Special Abilities

Bellthor has a poisonous breath and can breathe on any one character, in a room once a turn after he has attacked. Bellthor rolls 6 combat dice, for
1 - None each skull he rolls the defender must lose 1 Mind point. If all Mind Points are gone the character is not killed but is knocked unconscious. If Bellthor is
killed he will explode, filling a room not passageway with poisonous gas which will knock everyone in the unconscious for two turns.
The Death Mist is immune to normal physical attack, but can be destroyed only by the Spirit Blade or by a Tempest Spell. The Death Mist may move
2 - None
through several characters in one move. It will not affect monsters or anyone who is evil. The Death Mist can never leave its assigned area it patrols.
Kessandria is immune to all magic except Fire; she can also cast a Swift Wind Spell once per Quest.
3 - Swift Wind Spell
(May have the 3 Air Spells at her command if the Evil Wizard wishes).
The Spirit Riders are hard to kill and so, each time they fail to defend against an attack they must roll one attack die. If a shield of any kind is rolled, the
4 – None
Spirit rider will die, but if a skull is rolled the Spirit rider is unharmed.
The Witch Lord is not affected by any weapon other than the Spirit Blade; neither is he affected by any Spell. Also the Witch Lord can summon an evil
5 - None
creature once per turn, and is placed adjacent to the Witch Lord and may move/attack as normal this turn.
Name Experience Walk Offence Defence Life Mind Magic Alignment Type Quest
Against the Ogre Horde
Festral (Chaos Sorcerer)1 70 6 4 5 3 8 (7) Yes Evil Chaos The Pit of Chaos
Festral’s Personal Guard 40 6 5 5 1 3 No Evil The Pit Of Chaos
60 8 3 4 1(5) 5 Yes Evil Chaos Lair of the Ogre Horde
(Apprentice Chaos Sorcerer)2
Ogre Champion 40 6 5 5 Variable 1 No Neutral Ogre Against the Ogre Horde
Ogre Chieftain 50 4 6 6 Variable 2 No Neutral Ogre Fortress of the Ogre Lord
Ogre Lord 60 4 6 6 Variable 5 No Neutral Ogre Fortress of the Ogre Lord
Ogre Warrior 40 6 5 5 Variable 1 No Neutral Ogre Against the Ogre Horde
Tograk (Commander) 100 4 6 6 4 2 No Neutral Lair of the Ogre Horde
Xenloth (Chaos Mage)3 60 6 2 4 1 (6) 4 Yes Evil Chaos Fortress of the Ogre Lord
Possessions Special Abilities
1 - Chaos Sorcerer Spells & 3 x Mind Lock, 3 x Dominate, 3 x Mind Blast.
Festral’s Ring of Power The Ring of Power has 1 of each Chaos Spell.
2 - Mind Blast Spell 4 x Mind Blast.
3 - Mind Lock & Mind Blast
5 x Mind lock and 5 x Mind Blast.
Name Experience Walk Offence Defence Life Mind Magic Alignment Type Quest
Wizards of Morcar
Boroush the Storm Master 1 80 7 6 5 5 6(7) Yes Evil Human Eyrie of the Storm Master
80 6 4 6 5 7 Yes Evil Human Crypt of the Necromancer
(Malicious Necromancer) 2
Fanrax’s Skeletal Elite 20 6 3 3 1 0 (1) No Evil Undead Crypt of the Necromancer
Grawshak the Orc Shaman 3 70 7 5 5 5 7 Yes Evil Greenskin Lair of the Shaman
Grawshak’s Elite Bodyguard 30 8 4 3 1(2) 2 No Evil Greenskin Lair of the Shaman
Men-at-Arms Crossbowman 4 20 6 2* 3 1 2 No Neutral Human Wizards of Morcar
Men-at-Arms Halberdier 4 20 6 3** 3 1 2 No Neutral Human Wizards of Morcar
Men-at-Arms Scout 4 20 9 2 3 1 2 No Neutral Human Wizards of Morcar
Men-at-Arms Swordsman 4 40 4 4 5 1 2 No Neutral Human Wizards of Morcar
70 5 5 5 5(4) 8 Yes Evil Human The Tower of the High Mage
(High Mage of Sarako) 5
Zanrath’s Elite Force 40(50) 6 5 5 1(7) 3 No Evil The Tower of the High Mage

Possessions Special Abilities

1 - Strom Master Spells Boroush has all 6 Strom Master Spells.
2 - Necromancer Spells Fanrax has all 6 Necromancer Spells.
3 - Orc Shaman Spells Grawshak has all 6 Orc Shaman Spells.
When defending the Men-at-Arms count the white shields. They can open closed doors and jump over pit traps. Men-at-Arms may not search for treasure,
use any equipment or treasure cards, and Scouts may search for and attempt to disarm traps. Any money given to a Men-at-Arms can not be retrieved,
even after his death.
4 – None (Hire Money) * Offence maybe ranged.
** May attack diagonally. (Evil Wizard may grant this ability)
To hire Crossbowman and Swordsman – 75 gold coins.
To hire Halberdier and Scout – 50 gold coins.
5 - Mage Spells Zanrath has all 6 High Mage Spells.
Name Experience Walk Offence Defence Life Mind Magic Alignment Type Quest
The Dark Company
Delzarron the Chaos Sorcerer 1 60 6 3 4 3 7 Yes Evil Chaos Dungeons of the Old City
Doom Guard 2 40(50) 6 4 5 1(7) 3 No Evil Dungeons of the Old City
Hinsgrim 40 6 4 5 5 5 No Evil Dungeons of the Old City
Vadim Gorfell 3 50 4 2 3 1 1 Yes Evil Spirit Tomb of Vadim Gorfell

Possessions Special Abilities

Delzarron may also cast a Spell once per turn. This Spell will summon one Undead creature, (Zombie, Skeleton, Mummy) which may be placed anywhere
1 - Summon Undead Spell
in the room and attack a move immediately.
The Doom Guard are Morcar’s Elite Regiment, who can defend in a special way. Roll the required number of dice shown as normal, and as long as you
2 - None
roll at least one round black shield, the Doom Guard defends successfully and remains unharmed.
Vadim Gorfell can not be defeated in combat. If attacked, roll the defence dice as normal, and then the Evil Wizard must inform the player that Vadim has
3 - None
survived. The only way the zombie spirit can be killed is by a Spell which inflicts 1 Body Point of damage
Name Experience Walk Offence Defence Life Mind Magic Alignment Type Quest
The Frozen Horror
Frozen Horror1 70 8 5 4 6 4 Yes Evil Creature The Frozen Horror
Gothar the Great Elder 10 6 1 2 2 4 No Good/Ally Human The Rescue
Ice Gremlin2 20 10 2 3 3 3 No Evil Creature The Frozen Horror
Kelvinos (Barbarian Hero) 30 5 4 4 4 0 No Evil Undead The Hall of Kelvinos
Krag Chaos Warrior Chaos
40(50) 7 5 5 4(7) 3 No Evil Trial by Ice
(Frozen Horror Lieutenant) Warrior
Mercenary Crossbowman3 20 6 3 3 2 2 No Ally/Evil Human The Frozen Horror
Mercenary Halberdier4 20 6 3 3 2 2 No Ally/Evil Human The Frozen Horror
Mercenary Scout5 20 9 2 3 2 2 No Ally/Evil Human The Frozen Horror
Mercenary Swordsman6 40 5 4 5 2 2 No Ally/Evil Human The Frozen Horror
Polar Warbear7 30 6 4/4 3 6 2 No Evil Creature The Frozen Horror
Vilor Chaos Warlock8 60 8 4 3 4(5) 5 Yes Evil The Deadly Depths
Yeti 20 8 3 3 5 2 No Evil Creature The Frozen Horror

Possessions Special Abilities

The Frozen Horror can cast the following Chaos spells: Chill, Ice Storm, Ice Wall, Mind Freeze, Skate and Soothe. Morcar can choose an additional 6
first level Chaos spells for the Frozen Horror, with the exception of the escape spell. Ice Wall: This spell creates up to 4 squares of solid ice. These
squares block movement, but not line of sight. The squares need not be adjacent, but they must all be within the line of sight of the spellcaster. Each ice
1 - Chaos spells square lasts until the spellcaster dies, cancels the spell, or can no longer see the square, or until a cumulative total of 5 skulls are rolled in attacks on a
single ice square. Mind Freeze: This spell ravages the mind of any hero. The hero rolls 1 combat die for every Mind point he possessed before the
attack. If 1 or more white shields are rolled, the hero has 1 Mind point left. If no white shields are rolled, the hero has been reduced to zero Mind points
and goes into “shock” (See the Mind points section of the Barbarian Quest Book).
During Morcar’s turn, each Ice Gremlin can either attack a hero or Mercenary, or it can steal one item from one hero (Morcar’s choice). The item stolen
can not be the armour or shield a hero is using, nor the weapon he is wielding. As soon as an Ice Gremlin has stolen an item, it runs away at full speed.
2 - None The heroes can chase the Ice Gremlin on their turn. If they catch it and destroy it, they regain the stolen item. If no hero can see the Ice Gremlin at the
start of Morcar’s turn, the Ice Gremlin has escaped with the item. The item should be crossed off the hero’s character sheet. Remove the Ice Gremlin
figure from the game board.
Cost per Quest: 75gc. The Crossbowman wields a Crossbow-see the Armoury on the cardboard platform in the game system. When adjacent to a foe,
3 - Crossbow or Broadsword
the Crossbowman attacks with a Broadsword.
4 - Halberdier Cost per Quest: 75gc. The Halberdier wields a Halberd that enables him to attack diagonally.
5 - None Cost per Quest: 50gc.The Scout has the Dwarf’s ability to detect and disarm traps.
Cost per Quest: 100gc. Mercenaries do not collect treasure. Mercenaries can only move, attack and defend (except for Scouts, who can detect and
6 - Broadsword disarm traps). The cost to hire them is for one Quest only. If a player wants to hire a Mercenary for more than one Quest, he must pay the
Mercenary’s cost for each Quest.
The Polar Warbear attacks once with its mighty paw and once with its spiked mace. Two attacks can be made against one opponent or one attack can
7 - None
be made against each of two different opponents.
8 - Chaos spells. Vilor thew Chaos Warlock has the following Chaos spells at his command: Chill, Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, Sleep, Tempest and Reanimation.
Whenever the Yeti’s attack causes a hero to lose at least one Body point, the Yeti grabs the hero in a powerful hug. This hug inflicts two Body points of
9 - None damage to the hero at the start of each subsequent Morcar turn. The hero cannot defend against this attack, nor can he take any actions. The Yeti can
make no other attacks while hugging. This continues until either the hero dies or the Yeti is killed by the hero’s companions.
Name Experience Walk Offence Defence Life Mind Magic Alignment Type Quest
The Mage of the Mirror
Elven Archer1 30 6 4(1) 2 3(5) 2(5) No Good Ally/Elf The Mage of the Mirror
Elven Warrior 30 6 4 3 3(5) 2(5) No Good Ally/Elf The Mage of the Mirror
Giant Wolf 50 9 6 3 5 1(5) No Evil Animal/Creature The Mage of the Mirror
High Alchemist2 60 8 3 3 4 4(6) Yes Evil Chaos Sorcerer Alchemist’s Laboratory
Princess Millandriell 160 6 1 2 4 6 No Good Ally/Elf Hidden Realms
Queen Terrellia 260 6 1 2 3 7 No Good Ally/Elf The Mage of the Mirror
Royal Prospector 60 5 1 2 5 5 No Good Ally/Elf The Mage of the Mirror
Sinestra (Archmage)3 60 8 4 4 4 9(8) Yes Evil Elf Hidden Realms
Tormuk the Necromancer4 60 8 4 4 6 6 Yes Evil Chaos Sorcerer Tormuk’s Guests
Possessions Special Abilities
1 - Bow Elven Archers attack with 4 combat dice against non-adjacent targets, but with only 1 die against adjacent targets.
The High Alchemist has the following Chaos spells at his command: Mind Blast, Restore Chaos, Summon Wolves: This spell conjures up a number of
Giant Wolves to attack the spellcaster’s enemies. (Place the Giant Wolves adjacent to the spellcaster). To see how many Giant Wolves appear, roll 1 red
die and check the result: 1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf, 3 or 4 = 2 Giant Wolves, 5 or 6 = 3 Giant Wolves and Werewolf’s Cure: This spell may be cast on any
hero. The hero rolls a red die. A roll of 6 means the spell has no effect. Any other result means the hero is now afflicted with the Werewolf’s Curse. At the
start of every turn, the hero must roll 2 red dice to see if he transforms into a Wolf. A roll of 2 through 9 means the hero remains in hero form and under the
control of the player; the hero may move and act normally. A roll of 10 through 12 means the hero transforms into a Wolf and Morcar controls him as a
2 - Chaos spells
monster for 1 turn (on Morcar’s next turn). When a hero transforms into a Wolf, replace his figure with a Wolf tile or figure, all of his possessions are left in
the square in which he transformed. Place a Weapon Pack tile in the square to represent the hero’s former possessions. The Weapon Pack tile stays on
this space until the hero returns to pick up his possessions. (Monsters can not take the Weapons Pack). This Wolf is a true monster, with no hero abilities
and all the abilities of monsters (moves on Morcar’s turn, attacks as Giant Wolf, unaffected by traps or pits, can not open doors). At the end of Morcar’s
turn, the Wolf transforms back into the hero and returns to the player’s control. The hero figure replaces the Wolf figure or tile. The hero must roll for this
transformation each turn until he is cured by drinking a Wolfsbane Potion (or the potion of restoration from the Alchemist’s Shop).
The Sinestra the Archmage has the following Chaos spells at her command: Dispel Magic, Firestorm, Reanimation, Restore Chaos, Summon Wolves,
Werewolf’s Curse, Mind Blast: This spell paralyses 1 hero within the spellcaster’s line of sight. This hero cannot move or attack. The hero defends with 1
combat die. To break free of the spell, the hero, on his turn, rolls 1 red die for every Mind point he currently has. If a 6 is rolled on any die, the spell is
3 - Chaos spells
broken and the hero can move and attack normally again on future turns. Mirror Magic: This spell may be cast by a Chaos spellcaster during a hero’s
turn, this enables the spellcaster to reflect any hero’s spell back to him. Mirror Magic is cast immediately after the hero casts a spell at the Chaos
spellcaster. The hero then suffers the effect of the spell that was intended for the spellcaster.
Tormuk the Necromancer has the following Chaos spells at his command: Dispel Magic, Firestorm, Mind Blast, Mirror Magic, Reanimation, Restore
4 - Chaos spells
Chaos, Summon Wolves and Werewolf’s Curse.

Section One: Gaming Aids

Morcar image taken from the following website:

Random Events adapted from original in a magazine, possible White Dwarf and or Advanced Heroquest board game?

Equipment Table developed from various sources: D&D, Heroquest and from the Internet; it’s been so long I forgot where I
originally got the material.

Weapons Images

Avatar’s Bracers, Mage’s Bracers, Wizard’s Bracers,

Avatar’s Staff

Battle Axe, Hammer, Hand Axe, Dewayne’s Argin’s heroquest website: which no longer exists.

Broad Sword, Cloak of Protection, Long Sword, Short Sword, Tool Kit, American Heroquest version Armoury sheet.

Chain Mail,


Composite Bow,


Crossbow Pistol,

Dagger, Halberd,

Double Crossbow,

Gauntlets, Paladin’s Helmet, Plate Armour,


Large Shield, Medium Shield,

Leather Armour, Studded Leather,

Lock Pick Kit, Long Bow, War Hammer by Michael Kelly


Morning Star,

Ring Mail Armour,

Short Bow,

Small Shield,



Two-Handed Sword by Ron Shirtz

Quest Treasures

Quest Treasures and Artifacts from American/UK Heroquest, Kellar’s Keep and Return of the Witch Lord, including their images;
except Xerox Ring, Emerald Bracelets, Falcon Shield, Jewel of Korinne, Kira Cornet, which are my creations. Silver Bird Shield-
shield image from , also my creation, and Magic Bracers- bracers image from
also my creation.

Lederin’s Leather- Leather image from also my creation, Dwarlord’s battle axe, Krysalis blade, Elfric’s crossbow,
Cleron’s hammer and Sorceron’s staff - images from reference cards from TSR, but I don’t know which done in 1992-93?

Special Quest Treasures

The Krysalis Blade image is probably from Dewayne Agin’s heroquest website: which no longer exists, the
Krysalis Orb image is from the Golden Krysalis Medallion image is from

Krysalis Spells

Updated Krysalis Spells I created for a heroquest adventure about 1993-94. The pictures are from the Talisman board game.
The Krysalis card back I did myself.

The Alchemist’s Shop

Potions and their descriptions came from Heroquest and their expansions plus perhaps White Dwarf magazine and also the
internet, maybe even Dewayne’s Argin’s heroquest website: which no longer exists.

Potion Card Back, image from

Mystery Potions and Scrolls

Potion images from

Potion Card Back, image from

Scroll Card Back, image from

The Skulls of Archelon Tokens

Skull images from

Magical Darkness Tokens from Kellar’s Keep

Section Two: Monsters & Special Characters

Morcar image taken from the following website:

Monbeast Vials

The image of the vial comes from and the image behind the vial comes from

Monster Card Pictures

All monster card pictures come from the website except the ghoul and minotaur pictures which are by Les

The Bugbear image comes from the website and the manscorpion image comes from the website

Ogre Shaman Spells

Ideas for the Ogre Shaman spells came from spells created by Flint [email protected] and this site
except the spell Summon Ogre Warriors which I made up.

Fimir Background

Information about the Fimirs by Dewayne Aginn from The Alchemist’s Bench.

Fimir Shaman Spells

Information about the Fimir Shaman spells from from The Alchemist’s Bench.
Dark Elf Spells

Information about the Dark Elf spells from

Dark Elf Spell Back

Dark Elf image for spell back from

All other information and images come from the Heroquest Game Books both American and British versions: Heroquest, Kellar’s
Keep, Return of the Witch Lord, Against the Ogre Horde, The Wizards of Morcar, The Frozen Horror, The Mage of the Mirror and The
Dark Company.

Section Three: Heroes & Von Darken Mercenaries

All pictures are from the website

Heroquest Mentor picture from the original Heroquest character card from the Heroquest boardgame.

Morcar image taken from the following website:

Heroes skills come from

Section Four: Elemental, Celestial & Chaos Spells

All spell back images are from the website

Except the Air, Earth, Fire and Water spell backs are from the Heroquest board game.

The elemental spells, celestial spells and chaos spells descriptions come from the ‘Colleges of Magic’ from Dwayne Argin’s now non-
existed Heroquest website which can be found here*/

Except restore chaos, Reanimation chaos spells comes from the Mage in the mirror and ice storm, soothe, skate and chill chaos
spells come from the Frozen horror.

Section Five: Appendices

Festral’s ring of power, image taken from

Witch lord staff of command, image taken from the quest book return of the witch lord.

Stars of the East, North, South and West,

East Star image from

North and West Star images from

South Star image from

The Four Keys of Agrain

Blue, Green and Yellow images from

Red image from

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