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Lateral static and statnamic load tests were performed on two 8.5 ft diameter drilled shaft
foundations at the Cooper River Bridge site in Charleston, South Carolina after liquefying the soil
to a depth of 42 ft using controlled blasting. Following blasting about six times more movement
was required to develop the same lateral resistance as before blasting. The maximum bending
moment doubled and developed at the base of the liquefied sand. Using the moment vs. depth
profiles, p-y curves for the liquefied sand were back-calculated and compared favorably with
those computed with equations developed from the Treasure Island liquefaction test using a
diameter correction factor of about 9. Good agreement was obtained between the measured static
load-deflection curve and that computed with LPILE using the back-calculated p-y curves.
Although liquefied, the sand still provided lateral resistance that was significant. Based on the
statnamic testing the damping ratio for the shaft in liquefied sand was found to be between 30 and
35%. The static lateral resistance was interpreted from the statnamic test using a lumped mass
approach and was found to be very similar to that measured in the static tests. The blast
liquefaction technique in combination with the statnamic lateral load procedure provides a viable
means for evaluating the dynamic lateral resistance of deep foundations in liquefied sand under
full-scale conditions for important structures.
Prof., Civil & Env. Engrg Dept.. Brigham Young Univ.,Provo, UT, Email: [email protected]
Staff Engineer, Wright Engineers, Irvine, CA, Email:[email protected]
ExxonMobil – Qatar, PO Box 4490, Houston, Texas 77210, Email: [email protected]
Head, School of Civil & Construction Engrg. Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR, USA Email:
[email protected]
The lateral resistance of deep foundations in liquefiable sand has been an important issue
in geotechnical earthquake engineering for many years. Approaches to evaluate lateral pile
resistance in liquefiable sand have included centrifuge tests (Wilson et al., 2000), large scale
shaking table tests (Suzuki and Tokimatsu, 2003) and full-scale field tests using blast induced
liquefaction (Rollins et al. 2005a, Weaver et al. 2005). Centrifuge testing avoids the higher cost
of full-scale or large scale testing and allows an examination of multiple factors involved.
Nevertheless, full-scale field testing can be particularly helpful for site-specific investigations for
important bridges in seismically active areas. This was particularly true for the Arthur Ravenel
Bridge which now spans the Cooper River in Charleston, South Carolina. Completed in July
2005, the Ravenel Bridge has a clear span of 1546 feet, making it the longest cable-stayed bridge
in North and South America. Geotechnical investigations for the Ravenel Bridge determined that
liquefaction could occur to a depth of 13 m on the eastern approach to the bridge in a repeat of
the 1886 Charleston earthquake (estimated M7.3). Based on the success of the Treasure Island
Liquefaction Test (TILT) in San Francisco (Ashford et al 2004, Rollins et al 2005a, Weaver et al
2005), designers included full-scale blast liquefaction testing as part of the foundation testing
program for the new bridge (Camp et al 2002). Following blast-induced liquefaction, lateral load
tests were performed using both conventional hydraulic load actuators and a statnamic loading
device to evaluate lateral resistance of the large diameter drilled shaft foundations anticipated for
the bridge. This paper will provide a summary of the static and statnamic load test results.
Comparison of predicted and measured response will also be made using equations for the lateral
resistance of deep foundations developed in the TILT project (Rollins et al 2005a).
The soil profile at the test site generally consists of alluvial sands underlain by the Ashley
formation of the Cooper Group at a depth of 42 to 46 ft (13 to 14 m). This formation is known
locally as the Cooper Marl. Groundwater was generally located between the ground surface and
a depth about of 5 ft, depending on tidal fluctuations. The sandy sediments of the coastal plain in
South Carolina are typically loose Pleistocene age materials while the Cooper Marl is an Eocene
to Oligocene age marine deposit. Prior to design of the bridge, a comprehensive geotechnical
investigation was carried out to define the characteristics of the subsurface materials at the site.
Preliminary studies were initially performed by Parson-Brinkerhoff and more detailed
investigations were subsequently performed by S&ME, Inc. Based on the test hole logs, Camp et
al (2002) developed an idealized soil profile for the site with six layers. This profile, with some
minor modifications, is shown in Figure 1.
The first layer typically extends from the ground surface to a depth of 5 ft (1.5 m) and
consists of loose, poorly graded fine sand (SP) to silty sand (SM). In some cases, sandy clay
layers were interbedded in this material. The surface sand was typically underlain by a sandy
clay layer 3 to 5 ft (1.0 to 1.5 m) thick which classified as CH material. This clay layer was very
soft and had an average natural moisture content of about 106%, which is approximately the same
as the liquid limit suggesting that the clay is normally consolidated. The PI was typically about
70%. The third layer was also a loose, fine sand (SP) to silty sand (SM) similar to the first layer
and typically extended to a depth of 18 ft (5.5 m). The fines content varied considerably with
depth and from hole to hole with a range from 0.5 to 28%. The fourth layer was typically located
Sand (SP), loose, fine, Avg. N=6, 0.5 to 28% Fines
25 GT-1
Silty Sand (SM) and Clayey Sand (SC)
Depth (ft)
Figure 1. Idealized soil profile for the test site (Camp et al., 2002).
between 18 and 28 ft (5.5 and 8.5 m) below the ground surface. This layer contained
significantly more fines and typically classified as silty sand (SM) or clayey sand (SC). The
natural moisture content was 30% and the fines content varied from 15 to 24%. The fifth layer
generally began at a depth of 29 ft (8.8 m) depth and extended to the top of the Marl. This layer
contained fewer fines and generally classified as a loose to medium dense, poorly graded fine
sand (SP).
The Cooper Marl was encountered between 42 and 46 ft (13 to 14 m) below the ground
surface and extended to a depth of 280 ft (85 m), which was below the base of all the test
foundations at the site. The Cooper Marl is a stiff, high plasticity calcareous silt or clay and
generally classifies as MH or CH material (Camp et al 2002) according to the Unified Soil
Classification System. The liquid limit typically ranges between 50 and 90% with a plasticity
index varying from 15 to 60%. The natural moisture content is typically between 40 and 60%
which is somewhat higher than the plastic limit but much lower than the liquid limit indicating
overconsolidation. The marl is very stiff with undrained strengths typically ranging from 2000 to
4000 psf at the top of the layer and increasing with depth to a value between 4000 and 6000 psf a
depth of about 150 ft (46 m). Below this depth, the strength appears to remain relatively
Cone penetration (CPT) soundings were performed at several locations near the test area.
The normalized cone tip resistance (qc1) for three of these soundings was used to estimate the
relative density (Dr) of the coarse-grained layers using an equation developed by Kulhawy and
Mayne (1990) for clean young normally consolidated sands. The relative density profiles
computed using this equation are also plotted in Figure 1. In two of the sand layers the average
relative density is approximately 50%; while, in the silty sand layer the relative density drops to
about 35%.
Test Foundations
The test shafts for the actuator test (MP-1) and the statnamic test (MP-3) were 8.5 ft (2.59
m) outside diameter, cast-in-steel-shell (CISS) piles. The steel casing, with a thickness of one
inch, was advanced through the sand layers and into the Cooper Marl at a depth of 53 ft using a
vibratory hammer. The casing was then drilled out and the hole was advanced through the Marl
to a depth of 154 ft without casing. The hole was then filled with concrete using a tremie pipe.
Based on 10 tests, the concrete had an average 30-day compressive strength of 5.4 ksi. The
vertical reinforcement consisted of 36 #18 bars evenly distributed around a circle with a diameter
of 7 ft. Confinement for the vertical steel was provided by #6 bar spirals with a pitch of 3.5
inches. A three inch concrete cover was maintained between the spiral reinforcement and the
inside of the steel case.
For the hydraulic actuator tests, the load was applied at a height of 1.74 ft above the
ground surface using two MTS actuators acting in parallel, each capable of producing 600 kips of
force. To provide a reaction, another pile with nearly identical properties was constructed
approximately 28 ft from test pile MP-1 on centers. The actuators were connected to each pile
with a pinned connection to provide a free-head condition. This connection allowed the
application of cyclic compressive and tensile forces. Each actuator was controlled with an
electromechanical servo-valve and an electric hydraulic pump. Two LVDTs were set up to
measure displacements of the pile head. They were mounted to a reference beam supported by
driven piles within isolation casings. The LVDTs were attached to MP-1 at heights of 1.74 ft and
4.38 ft above the ground surface. Therefore, the lower LVDT was in line with the point load
application on MP-1. Four load cells on each of the two actuators provided a direct measurement
of the applied load. Additional details regarding the hydraulic actuator tests are provided by
Rollins et al (2005b).
For the statnamic load tests the load was applied at height of 4.3 ft above the ground
surface on shaft MP-3 as shown in Figure 2. The statnamic load sled weighed approximately 70
tons and was supported on a “runway” composed of steel H sections which were in turn
supported by driven piles. Applied load was measured by a load cell on the piston section of the
statnamic device and pile head deflection was measured using LVDTs. In addition, two
accelerometers were attached to the pile head so that deflection could be determined by double
integration. In addition, a string of downhole accelerometers was installed to make measurements
at eight depths within an inclinometer cast into the test shaft
20 ft
Statnamic Device
Statnamic Sled
4.3 ft
5% Slope
3 ft
2 ft 6 ft 6 ft
Rails Consisting of HP14x89 Steel Sections
8.5 ft diameter Guides Crane Mat 15 ft x 20 ft Typical
Test Shaft
Prior to concrete placement, resistance-type strain gages were mounted on “sister bars”
composed of a 3 ft long #4 bars and tied into the rebar cage at 10 depth intervals. At each strain
gauge station, two strain gauges were mounted on opposite sides of the pile separated by a
distance of about 7 ft. The gauges were oriented to be in line with the direction of loading. All of
the pile data (load, deflection, acceleration and strain) was monitored via a data acquisition
To quantify the build-up and dissipation of pore pressure after blasting, piezometers were
installed at various distances and depths around the test piles. The location and depth of each
piezometer for the statnamic testing are shown in Figure 3, but the layout was similar for the
static test. Basically, three vertical arrays were installed at radii of 6, 24, and 34 ft from the
center of the test shaft. All the piezometers were distributed around the front of the pile in the
direction of loading to track the variation in pore water pressure with applied load. Transducers
identified with a “B” employed piezoresistive transducers identical to those at Treasure Island
(Ashford et al, 2004) while those identified with an “A” used electrical resistance transducers
(Rollins et al 2005c). The electrical resistance transducers were more sensitive to damage during
blasting and several transducers closest to the explosive charges were damaged during blasting
while those further from the charges provided some useful information. Additional information
regarding pore pressure transducer selection, installation, and performance is provided by Rollins
et al (2005c).
Liquefaction is manifest by an increase in pore water pressure. This increase in pore
water pressure was achieved by detonating explosive charges distributed around the test shafts. A
pilot liquefaction test was performed at a location separate from the foundation test sites to better
define the charge weight, spacing, and delay sequence necessary to produce liquefaction. For
each of the three statnamic load tests, eight charges spaced evenly around three different radii
were detonated. The first eight blast holes were spaced around a radius of 13 ft. The second and
third blast rings radii were 15 and 17 ft, respectively as shown in Figure 3. The charges were
staggered to help avoid sympathetic detonations. The first blast series used a 1.5 lb charge at 10,
20, 30, and 38.5 ft below the ground surface. The second blast series used 2 lb charges at 15, 25,
and 35 ft depths. The third and final blast series put 1.5 lb charges at the same depths as in the
first blast series. The charges and layout for the actuator test were similar. The binary explosives
consisted of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and nitro-methane, and the weights are given in
equivalent weights of TNT. During each of the three blast sequences, the charges were detonated
two at a time with a delay of 250 milliseconds between detonations. The charges were detonated
beginning around the bottom ring and then moved upward around each subsequent ring to the
13 ftm R
3.96 B14 A3
B15 A4
6 ft 3.35m
11 ft 4.88m
16 ft A2
A5 21 ft
35 ft
26? ft
15 ftmRR
4.57 B11 B10
B12 B9
1.83m 3.35m
11 ft 4.88m
21 ft 6 ft
B13 6.40m 16 ft A1
26 ft
7.93m 33 ft
17 ft m
5.18 RR
B4 B5
B3 3.20m
11 ft 1.83m
6 ft
21 ft B6
B2 4.88m
16 ft
35 ft B7
B1 7.93m
26 ft
39 ft
11.89m B8
36 ft
Inner Ring
1.83 m R
BYU Piezometer 6 ft
AFT Piezometer Outer
Middle Ring
Middle Ring 10.3634 ftR
Blast Holes 7.3224
Figure 3. Plan view with layout of last holes and piezometers relative to test shaft.
Prior to the lateral load testing, the explosive charges were detonated as described
previously. The excess pore water pressures developed by the charges were measured by each
piezometer and used to compute the excess pore pressure ratio, Ru with the equation
u f − ui
Ru = (1)
σ o'
where uf is the piezometer reading of pore water pressure during testing, ui is the measured pore
water pressure prior to blasting, and σ’o is the initial vertical effective stress in the soil prior to
blasting. The vertical effective stress was calculated using a moist unit weight above the water
table of 113 lbs/ft3 and a saturated unit weight of 127.1 lbs/ft3 below the water table, which was at
a depth of 1.52 m during testing. As can be seen in Eq. 1, when the excess pore water pressure
increases and equals the effective stress, Ru = 1.0 or 100% and the soil is fully liquefied. A plot
of the peak residual excess pore pressure ratio versus depth for each ring of piezometers is
provided in Figure 4(a). The Ru values are typically between 75 and 100% throughout most of the
sandy soil layers. Ru values are somewhat lower in the sand clay layer at a depth from 5 to 10 ft
and at the bottom of the profile.
10 10
30 30
35 35
40 40
Figure 4. Peak excess pore pressure ratio versus depth profiles from three rings of
piezometers during the (a) first static test and (b) the first statnamic test.
Load (kips)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Deflection (in)
Figure 5. Measured lateral load-deflection curves for static load test before and after blast
liquefaction along with curve computed by LPILE with back-calculated p-y curves.
The load vs. deflection curves before and after the detonation of the explosive charges are
presented in Figure 5. As was observed in the TILT project, there is a significant decrease in
stiffness after the build up of high excess pore pressure ratios (Rollins et al., 2005a).
Approximately 6 to 7 times more movement is required to develop the same lateral resistance as
that prior to blasting. This decrease in lateral resistance is somewhat less than that observed in
the TILT experiments and may result from the fact that the percentage of lateral resistance carried
by the large diameter shaft itself is much larger than that for the smaller diameter piles used in the
TILT project. Because sand flowed into the space behind the pile during loading, it became
necessary to apply a tensile force (negative sign) to pull the pile back to the initial position.
Both the maximum moment and the depth to the maximum moment increased
substantially following blasting because of the reduced soil resistance due to pore pressure
development in the loose sand. After the blast, the maximum moment for a given load increased
by about 100% in comparison with the pre-blast value. Prior to blasting, the maximum moment
occurred at a depth of about 20 ft; however, after liquefaction, the maximum moment occurred
near the interface with the Marl at a depth of 42 ft.
Rollins et al (2005b) used the bending moment and displacement data to back-calculate p-
y curves for the liquefied sand and clay at the test site. These curves were in good agreement
with p-y curves predicted using the equation
p = A (By)C pd (2)
developed by Rollins et al (2005a) for the TILT project. In this equation, the lateral soil pressure
per length of pile (p) in kN/m in liquefied sand is expressed as a function of horizontal pile
deflection (y) in mm. Eq. 2 was developed for sands with Dr of about 50%, while sands with a Dr
Prior to each statnamic lateral load test, the explosive charges were detonated as described
previously. After a period of about 30 seconds to allow gases from the blast holes to vent, the
fuel pellets in the statnamic load sled were ignited. A plot of the peak residual excess pore
pressure ratio vs. depth for each ring of piezometers is provided in Fi.g 4(b). The residual Ru
values were typically between 80 and 100%. Once again, the Ru values at 6 to 10 ft below the
ground surface were lower than 100% because of the high clay content in this layer.
The dynamic load versus deflection curve for the second statnamic load test is shown in
Figure 6. The rise time for the applied statnamic load was approximately 0.1 second, while the
total duration of loading was about 0.27 seconds. As the load level increased for a given test, the
rise time decreased. As shown in Figure 6, the peak deflection occurred some time after the peak
load. In fact, the applied load is only about 10% of the maximum load when the peak deflection
occurs. The shape of the loop suggests that damping is playing a significant role in the lateral
pile resistance.
1200 Statnamic
Load (kips)
-1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Deflection (in)
Figure 6. Dynamic load versus deflection curve for second statnamic load test along with
interpreted equivalent static load versus deflection curve.
The load measured by the statnamic load cell (Fstn) includes the contribution to load
provided by inertia, damping, and static soil resistance. The large loop in the load versus
deflection curve indicates that damping is a significant component of the total load. The static
soil resistance (Fs) can be computed by subtracting the inertial and the damping forces for a
lumped mass model from the measured statnamic force using the equation
where Mi is the mass of a given segment of the shaft, ai is the acceleration of the segment, Ci is
the damping coefficient for the segment, and vi is the velocity of the segment. Because the
acceleration was measured at 8 depth intervals along the shaft as well as at the top of the shaft,
the inertia force could be readily determined as a function of time during each statnamic test. In
addition, the acceleration time histories at each depth could be integrated to obtain velocity time
histories for each segment of the shaft. The most significant difficulty lies in estimating an
appropriate damping coefficient. For this study, this value was estimated based on the log-
decrement method. Although conditions after the statnamic loading do not strictly correspond to
“free-vibration” conditions, it is close enough that an estimate of the damping ratio can be
obtained. Based on this approach the damping ratio for the three statnamic load tests was found to
be between 0.30 and 0.35. Using Eq. 3, the interpreted static lateral resistance versus deflection
curve for the second statnamic test was determined and it is plotted in Figure 7. In comparison
with the dynamic load versus deflection curve, the static curve is far more linear, as expected.
-1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Deflection (in)
Although the contribution to load provided by damping is substantial, the analyses indicate that
the contribution provided by inertia was much greater. Additional discussion of the dynamic
analysis is provided by Rollins et al. (2007). In Figure 7 the interpreted static load vs. deflection
curve from a statnamic test is compared with the static load versus deflection curve obtained from
the lateral load tests performed using hydraulic actuators on test shaft MP-1. Although the curves
are offset due to a difference in the initial starting point for the static load test, the slope of both
curves is remarkably similar. In addition, the shape of the load-unload loop for both curves is
also similar. These similarities suggest that the damping ratio used to interpret the static load-
deflection curve from the statnamic test is reasonable.
To evaluate the applicability of Eq. 3 for the statnamic load tests, lateral pile load analyses
were again carried out using the computer program LPILE (Reese et al, 2004). The p-y curve
shapes, layer thicknesses and soil properties used in the analyses are summarized in Table I.
Within the liquefied zone, two cases were investigated. For the first case, the resistance in the
entire liquefied zone (11.5 to 41 ft) was considered to be zero, which is a worst case situation.
For the second case, the resistance in the liquefied zone was assumed to be zero when the Dr was
35%, but was defined by Eq. 3 when Dr was about 50%. The load versus deflection curve
computed for the first case assuming no resistance in the liquefied zone is much softer than the
measured curve obtained from field testing. However, the curve computed for the second case
where the p-y curves in the liquefied sand were based on Eq. 3 with a pd value of 9.2, the
computed load-deflection curve agrees favorably with the measured curve.
Depth γ' φ K C ε50
interval p-y Curve Shape
(lbs/ft3) (º) (lb/in3) (lbs/ft2)
API Sand
0-5 ft (API, 1983) 124.2 38 216 0 -
Soft Clay Linear
5–11.5 ft (Matlock, 1970) 63.7 0 - 500-1000 0.02
Liquefied Sand (Dr=50%)
11.5 -23 ft (Rollins et al, 2005) 60.5 Resistance from Eq. 3
Liquefied Sand (Dr=35%)
23-34.5 ft (Rollins et al, 2005) 60.5 No Resistance
Liquefied Sand (Dr=50%)
34.5-41 ft (Rollins et al, 2005) 60.5 Resistance from Eq. 3
Cooper Marl
41-104 ft (Reese et al, 1975) 64.6 0 500 4140 0.005
Static Equivalent
1000 Computed, Eq. 6 for Liquefied Zone
Computed, No Resistance in Liquefied Zone
Load (kips)
-1 0 1 2 3 4
Deflection (in)
Figure 8. Comparison of interpreted static load versus deflection curve from statnamic test
with curves predicted by LPILE assuming (a) no soil resistance in liquefied zone and (b) p-y
curves for liquefied sand in Dr=50% sand proposed by Rollins et al (2005a).
1. The blast liquefaction technique in combination with the statnamic lateral load procedure
provides a viable means for evaluating the dynamic lateral resistance of deep foundations
in liquefied sand under full-scale conditions. These tests can be particularly valuable in
evaluating foundation behaviour for important structures.
2. The increased resistance provided by the 8.5 ft diameter test pile could be reasonably
approximated using the equations proposed by Rollins et al. (2005a) for a 12 in diameter
pile with a diameter correction factor (pd) of about 9.
3. The interpreted static lateral resistance from the statnamic test using a lumped mass
approach was approximately the same as the static lateral resistance measured in
hydraulic actuator tests on an adjacent test shaft at the same site.
4. The damping ratio for the 8.5 ft diameter drilled shaft in liquefied sand during the
statnamic testing was approximately 30 to 35%.
5. The interpreted static load-deflection curve indicates that the liquefied sand provided
significant lateral resistance and that a reasonable estimate of the response could be
obtained using p-y curves for liquefied sand (Dr ≈ 50%) developed by Rollins et al
(2005a) which include diameter effects.
Funding for the full-scale load tests was provided by the South Carolina Department of
Transportation and Modern Continental South was the contractor for the testing program.
Applied Foundation Testing installed the strain gages, piezometers, and LVDTs and was
responsible for data acquisition. Financial support for the analysis of the test results was
provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CMS-0085353. This funding is
gratefully acknowledged. Nevertheless, the opinions and conclusions in this paper do not
necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.
American Petroleum Institute [API]. (1993). Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing,
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Rollins, K.M., Hales, L.J., Ashford, S.A. and Camp, W.M. III (2005b). “P-Y curves for large
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