Modern firearms can be described by their caliber (i.e. bore diameter). For pistols and rifles this is given in
millimeters or inches (e.g. 7.62mm or .308 in.), or in the case of shotguns by their gauge (e.g. 12 ga. and 20
ga.). They are also described by the type of action employed (e.g. muzzleloader, breechloader, lever, bolt,
pump, revolver, semi-automatic, fully automatic, etc.), together with the usual means of deportment (i.e. hand-
held or mechanical mounting). Further classification may make reference to the type of barrel used (i.e. rifled)
and to the barrel length (e.g. 24 inches), to the firing mechanism (e.g. matchlock, wheellock, flintlock, or
percussion lock), to the design's primary intended use (e.g. hunting rifle), or to the commonly accepted name
for a particular variation (e.g. Gatling gun).
Shooters aim firearms at their targets with hand-eye coordination, using either iron sights or optical sights. The
accurate range of pistols generally does not exceed 100 metres (110 yd; 330 ft), while most rifles are accurate
to 500 metres (550 yd; 1,600 ft) using iron sights, or to longer ranges whilst using optical sights. (Firearm
rounds may be dangerous or lethal well beyond their accurate range; the minimum distance for safety is much
greater than the specified range for accuracy). Purpose-built sniper rifles and anti-materiel rifles are accurate to
ranges of more than 2,000 metres (2,200 yd).
Long guns
Lever action
Pump action
Selective fire
Early models
Loading techniques
Internal magazines
Detachable magazines
Belt-fed weapons
Firing mechanisms
Repeating, semi-automatic, and automatic firearms
Health hazards
Legal definitions
United States
European Union
South Africa
International treaties
See also
A firearm is a barreled ranged weapon that inflicts damage on targets by launching one or more projectiles
driven by rapidly expanding high-pressure gas produced by exothermic combustion (deflagration) of a
chemical propellant, historically black powder, now smokeless powder.[1][2][3]
In the military, firearms are categorized into "heavy" and "light" weapons regarding their portability by foot
soldiers. Light firearms are those that can be readily carried by individual infantrymen (i.e. "man-portable"),
though they might still require multiple individuals (crew-served) to achieve optimal operational capacity.
Heavy firearms are those that are too large and heavy to be transported on foot, or too unstable against recoil,
and thus require the support of a weapons platform (e.g. a fixed mount, wheeled carriage, vehicle, aircraft or
water vessel) to be tactically mobile or useful.
The subset of light firearms that only use kinetic projectiles and are compact enough to be operated to full
capacity by a single infantryman (individual-served) are also referred to as "small arms", a hyponym to which
the word "firearm" are often referring as a synonym in common usage. Such firearms include handguns such
as revolvers, pistols and derringers, and long guns such as rifles (including many subtypes such as anti-material
rifles, sniper rifles/designated marksman rifles, battle rifles, assault rifles and carbines), shotguns, submachine
guns/personal defense weapons and squad automatic weapons/light machine guns.[6]
Among the world's arms manufacturers, the top firearms manufacturers are Browning, Remington, Colt,
Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Savage, Mossberg (USA), Heckler & Koch, SIG Sauer, Walther (Germany), ČZUB
(Czech Republic), Glock, Steyr-Mannlicher (Austria), FN Herstal (Belgium), Beretta (Italy), Norinco (China),
Tula Arms and Kalashnikov (Russia), while former top producers included Mauser, Springfield Armory, and
Rock Island Armory under Armscor (Philippines).
As of 2018 the Small Arms Survey reported that there were over one billion firearms distributed globally, of
which 857 million (about 85 percent) were in civilian hands.[7][8] U.S. civilians alone account for 393 million
(about 46 percent) of the worldwide total of civilian-held firearms.[8] This amounts to "120.5 firearms for
every 100 residents."[8] The world's armed forces control about 133 million (about 13 percent) of the global
total of small arms, of which over 43 percent belong to two countries: the Russian Federation (30.3 million)
and China (27.5 million).[7] Law enforcement agencies control about 23 million (about 2 percent) of the global
total of small arms.[7]
Handguns are guns that can be used with a single hand, and are the
smallest of all firearms. However, the legal definition of a "handgun"
varies between countries and regions. For example, in South African
law, a "handgun" means a pistol or revolver which can be held in and
discharged with one hand.[9] In Australia, the gun law considers a
handgun as a firearm carry-able or concealable about the person; or
capable of being raised and fired by one hand; or not exceeding
65 cm (26 in).[10] In the United States, Title 18 and the ATF considers
a handgun as a firearm which has a short stock and is designed to be
A Colt Single Action Army revolver
held and fired by the use of a single hand.[11][12]
Long guns
A long gun is any firearm with a notably long barrel, typically a length of 10 to 30 inches (250 to 760 mm)
(there are restrictions on minimum barrel length in many jurisdictions; maximum barrel length is usually a
matter of practicality). Unlike a handgun, long guns are designed to be held and fired with both hands, while
braced against either the hip or the shoulder for better stability. The receiver and trigger group is mounted into
a stock made of wood, plastic, metal, or composite material, which has sections that form a foregrip, rear grip,
and optionally (but typically) a shoulder mount called the butt. Early long arms, from the Renaissance up to the
mid-19th century, were generally smoothbore firearms that fired one or more ball shot, called muskets or
arquebus depending on caliber and firing mechanism.
Rifles and shotguns are commonly used for hunting and often also for home defense, security guard and law
enforcement. Usually, large game are hunted with rifles (although shotguns can be used, particularly with
slugs), while birds are hunted with shotguns. Shotguns are sometimes preferred for defending a home or
business due to their wide impact area, multiple wound tracks (when using buckshot), shorter range, and
reduced penetration of walls (when using lighter shot), which significantly reduces the likelihood of
unintended harm, although the handgun is also common.
There are a variety of types of rifles and shotguns based on the method they are reloaded. Bolt-action and
lever-action rifles are manually operated. Manipulation of the bolt or the lever causes the spent cartridge to be
removed, the firing mechanism recocked, and a fresh cartridge inserted. These two types of action are almost
exclusively used by rifles. Slide-action (commonly called 'pump-action') rifles and shotguns are manually
cycled by shuttling the foregrip of the firearm back and forth. This type of action is typically used by shotguns,
but several major manufacturers make rifles that use this action.
Both rifles and shotguns also come in break-action varieties that do not have any kind of reloading mechanism
at all but must be hand-loaded after each shot. Both rifles and shotguns come in single- and double-barreled
varieties; however, due to the expense and difficulty of manufacturing, double-barreled rifles are rare. Double-
barreled rifles are typically intended for African big-game hunts
where the animals are dangerous, ranges are short, and speed is of the
essence. Very large and powerful calibers are normal for these
In military use, bolt-action rifles with high-power scopes are common as sniper rifles, however by the Korean
War the traditional bolt-action and semi-automatic rifles used by infantrymen had been supplemented by select-
fire designs known as automatic rifles.
A carbine is a firearm similar to a rifle in form and intended usage, but generally shorter or smaller than the
typical "full-size" hunting or battle rifle of a similar time period, and sometimes using a smaller or less-
powerful cartridge. Carbines were and are typically used by members of the military in roles that are expected
to engage in combat, but where a full-size rifle would be an impediment to the primary duties of that soldier
(vehicle drivers, field commanders and support staff, airborne troops, engineers, etc.). Carbines are also
common in law enforcement and among civilian owners where similar size, space and/or power concerns may
exist. Carbines, like rifles, can be single-shot, repeating-action, semi-automatic or select-fire/fully automatic,
generally depending on the time period and intended market. Common historical examples include the
Winchester Model 1892, Lee–Enfield "Jungle Carbine", SKS, M1 carbine (no relation to the larger M1
Garand) and M4 carbine (a more compact variant of the current M16 rifle). Modern U.S. civilian carbines
include compact customizations of the AR-15, Ruger Mini-14, Beretta Cx4 Storm, Kel-Tec SUB-2000, bolt-
action rifles generally falling under the specifications of a scout rifle, and aftermarket conversion kits for
popular pistols including the M1911 and Glock models.
Machine guns
The definition of a machine gun is different in U.S. law. The National Firearms Act and Firearm Owners
Protection Act define a "machine gun" in the United States code Title 26, Subtitle E, Chapter 53, Subchapter
B, Part 1, § 5845 as: "... any firearm which shoots ... automatically more than one shot, without manual
reloading, by a single function of the trigger". "Machine gun" is therefore largely synonymous with "automatic
weapon" in the U.S. civilian parlance, covering all automatic firearms.
Sniper rifles
Submachine guns
Automatic rifles
An automatic rifle is a magazine-fed firearm, wielded by a single infantryman, that is chambered for rifle
cartridges and capable of automatic fire. The M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle was the first U.S. infantry
weapon of this type, and was generally used for suppressive or support fire in the role now usually filled by
the light machine gun. Other early automatic rifles include the Fedorov Avtomat and the Huot Automatic
Rifle. Later, German forces fielded the Sturmgewehr 44 during World War II, a light automatic rifle firing a
reduced power "intermediate cartridge". This design was to become the basis for the "assault rifle" subclass of
automatic weapons, as contrasted with "battle rifles", which generally fire a traditional "full-power" rifle
Assault rifles
In the United States, the assault rifle design was later in coming; the replacement for the M1 Garand of WWII
was another John Garand design chambered for the new 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge; the select-fire M14,
which was used by the U.S. military until the 1960s. The significant recoil of the M14 when fired in full-
automatic mode was seen as a problem as it reduced accuracy, and in the 1960s it was replaced by Eugene
Stoner's AR-15, which also marked a switch from the powerful .30 caliber cartridges used by the U.S. military
up until early in the Vietnam War to the much less powerful but far lighter and light recoiling .223 caliber
(5.56mm) intermediate cartridge. The military later designated the AR-15 as the "M16". The civilian version
of the M16 continues to be known as the AR-15 and looks exactly like the military version, although to
conform to B.A.T.F.E. regulations in the U.S., it lacks the mechanism that permits fully automatic fire.
Variants of both of the M16 and AK-47 are still in wide international use today, though other automatic rifle
designs have since been introduced. A smaller version of the M16A2, the M4 carbine, is widely used by U.S.
and NATO tank and vehicle crews, airbornes, support staff, and in other scenarios where space is limited. The
IMI Galil, an Israeli-designed weapon based on the action of the AK-47, is in use by Israel, Italy, Burma, the
Philippines, Peru, and Colombia. Swiss Arms of Switzerland produces the SIG SG 550 assault rifle used by
France, Chile, and Spain among others, and Steyr Mannlicher produces the AUG, a bullpup rifle in use in
Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and Saudi Arabia among other nations.
Modern designs call for compact weapons retaining firepower. The bullpup design, by mounting the magazine
behind the trigger, unifies the accuracy and firepower of the traditional assault rifle with the compact size of the
submachine gun (though submachine guns are still used); examples are the French FAMAS and the British
Battle rifles
Firearms are also categorized by their functioning cycle or "action" which describes its loading, firing, and
unloading cycle.
The earliest evolution of the firearm, there are many types of manual action firearms. These can be divided into
two basic categories: single shot and repeating.
A single shot firearm can only be fired once per equipped barrel before it must be reloaded or charged via an
external mechanism or series of steps. A repeating firearm can be fired multiple times, but can only be fired
once with each subsequent pull of the trigger. Between trigger pulls, the firearm's action must be reloaded or
charged via an internal mechanism.
Lever action
A gun which has a lever that is pulled down then back up to expel the old cartridge then load a new round.
Pump action
Pump action weapons are primarily shotguns. A pump action is created when the user slides a lever (usually a
grip) and it brings a new round in the chamber while expelling the old one.[13]
A semi-automatic, self-loading, or "auto loader" firearm is one that performs all steps necessary to prepare it
for firing again after a single discharge, until cartridges are no longer available in the weapon's feed device or
magazine. Auto loaders fire one round with each pull of the trigger. Some people confuse the term with "fully
automatic" firearms. (See next.) While some semi-automatic rifles may resemble military-style firearms, they
are not properly classified "Assault Weapons" which refers to those that continue to fire until the trigger is no
longer depressed.
An automatic firearm, or "fully automatic", "fully auto", or "full auto", is generally defined as one that
continues to load and fire cartridges from its magazine as long as the trigger is depressed (and until the
magazine is depleted of available ammunition.) The first weapon generally considered in this category is the
Gatling gun, originally a carriage-mounted, crank-operated firearm with multiple rotating barrels that was
fielded in the American Civil War. The modern trigger-actuated machine gun began with various designs
developed in the late 19th century and fielded in World War I, such as the Maxim gun, Lewis Gun, and MG
08 "Spandau". Most automatic weapons are classed as long guns (as the ammunition used is of similar type as
for rifles, and the recoil of the weapon's rapid fire is better controlled with two hands), but handgun-sized
automatic weapons also exist, generally in the "submachine gun" or "machine pistol" class.
Selective fire
Selective fire, or "select fire", means the capability of a weapon's fire control to be adjusted in either semi-
automatic, fully automatic firing modes, or 3 round burst. The modes are chosen by means of a selector, which
varies depending on the weapon's design. Some selective-fire weapons have burst fire mechanisms built in to
limit the maximum number of shots fired in fully automatic mode, with most common limits being two or three
rounds per trigger pull. The presence of selective-fire modes on firearms allows more efficient use of
ammunition for specific tactical needs, either precision-aimed or suppressive fire. This capability is most
commonly found on military weapons of the 20th and 21st centuries, most notably the assault rifles.
The first primitive firearms were invented about 1250 AD in China
when the man-portable fire lance (a bamboo or metal tube that could
shoot ignited gunpowder) was combined with projectiles such as
scrap metal, broken porcelain, or darts/arrows.[4][14]
The Arabs and Mamluks had firearms in the late 13th century.[17][18][19] In the 14th century, firearms were
obtained by the Europeans.[15]:1 The Koreans adopted firearms from the Chinese in the 14th century. The
Iranians (first Aq Qoyunlu and Safavids) and Indians (first Mughals) all got them no later than the 15th
century, from the Ottoman Turks. The people of Nusantara archipelago of Southeast Asia used long arquebus
at least by the last quarter of 15th century.[20]:23
That said, the basic principle behind firearm operation remains unchanged to this day. A musket of several
centuries ago is still similar in principle to a modern-day assault rifle—using the expansion of gases to propel
projectiles over long distances—albeit less accurately and rapidly.[30]
Early models
Fire lances
The Chinese fire lance from the 10th century was the direct predecessor to the modern concept of the firearm.
It was not a gun itself, but an addition to the soldiers' spears. Originally it consisted of paper or bamboo barrels
that would have incendiary gunpowder within it, that could be lit one time and would project flames at the
enemy. Sometimes the Chinese troops would place small projectiles within the barrel that would also be
projected when the gunpowder was lit, but most of the explosive force would create flames. Later, the barrel
was changed to be made of metal, so that a more explosive gunpowder could be used and put more force into
the propulsion of the projectile.[15]:31–32
Hand cannons
The original predecessor of all firearms, the Chinese fire lance and hand cannon were loaded with gunpowder
and the shot (initially lead shot, later replaced by cast iron) through the muzzle, while a fuse was placed at the
rear. This fuse was lit, causing the gunpowder to ignite and propel the cannonball. In military use, the standard
hand cannon was tremendously powerful, while also being somewhat useless due to relative inability of the
gunner to aim the weapon, or control the ballistic properties of the projectile. Recoil could be absorbed by
bracing the barrel against the ground using a wooden support, the forerunner of the stock. Neither the quality
or amount of gunpowder, nor the consistency in projectile dimensions were controlled, with resulting
inaccuracy in firing due to windage, variance in gunpowder composition, and the difference in diameter
between the bore and the shot. The hand cannons were replaced by
lighter carriage-mounted artillery pieces, and ultimately the arquebus.
One interesting solution to the reloading problem was the "Roman Candle Gun" with superposed loads. This
was a muzzleloader in which multiple charges and balls were loaded one on top of the other, with a small hole
in each ball to allow the subsequent charge to be ignited after the one ahead of it was ignited. It was neither a
very reliable nor popular firearm, but it enabled a form of "automatic" fire long before the advent of the
machine gun.[32]
Loading techniques
Internal magazines
Many firearms made in the late 19th century through the 1950s used internal magazines to load the cartridge
into the chamber of the weapon. The most notable and revolutionary weapons of this period appeared during
the U.S. Civil War and they were the Spencer and Henry repeating rifles. Both used fixed tubular magazines,
the former having the magazine in the buttstock and the latter under the barrel which allowed a larger capacity.
Later weapons used fixed box magazines that could not be removed from the weapon without disassembling
the weapon itself. Fixed magazines permitted the use of larger cartridges and eliminated the hazard of having
the bullet of one cartridge butting next to the primer or rim of another cartridge. These magazines are loaded
while they are in the weapon, often using a stripper clip. A clip is used to transfer cartridges into the magazine.
Some notable weapons that use internal magazines include the Mosin–Nagant, the Mauser Kar 98k, the
Springfield M1903, the M1 Garand, and the SKS. Firearms that have internal magazines are usually, but not
always, rifles. Some exceptions to this include the Mauser C96 pistol, which uses an internal magazine, and
the Breda 30, an Italian light machine gun.
Detachable magazines
Many modern firearms use what are called detachable or box magazines as their method of chambering a
cartridge. Detachable magazines can be removed from the weapon without disassembling the firearms, usually
by pushing the magazine release.
Belt-fed weapons
A belt or ammunition belt is a device used to retain and feed cartridges into a firearm commonly used on
machine guns. Belts were originally composed of canvas or cloth with pockets spaced evenly to allow the belt
to be mechanically fed into the gun. These designs were prone to malfunctions due to the effects of oil and
other contaminants altering the belt. Later belt designs used permanently connected metal links to retain the
cartridges during feeding. These belts were more tolerant to exposure to solvents and oil. Some notable
weapons that use belts are the M240, the M249, the M134 Minigun, and the PK Machine Gun.
Firing mechanisms
The wheellock action, a successor to the matchlock, predated the flintlock. Despite its many faults, the
wheellock was a significant improvement over the matchlock in terms of both convenience and safety, since it
eliminated the need to keep a smoldering match in proximity to loose gunpowder. It operated using a small
wheel much like that on cigarette lighters which was wound up with a key before use and which, when the
trigger was pulled, spun against a flint, creating the shower of sparks that ignited the powder in the touch hole.
Supposedly invented by Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian Renaissance man, the wheellock action was an
innovation that was not widely adopted due to the high cost of the
clockwork mechanism.
Percussion cap
Flintlock mechanism
Percussion caps (caplock mechanisms), coming into wide service in
the early 19th century, were a dramatic improvement over flintlocks.
With the percussion cap mechanism, the small primer charge of gunpowder used in all preceding firearms was
replaced by a completely self-contained explosive charge contained in a small brass "cap". The cap was
fastened to the touch hole of the gun (extended to form a "nipple") and ignited by the impact of the gun's
"hammer". (The hammer is roughly the same as the cock found on flintlocks except that it does not clamp onto
anything.) In the case of percussion caps the hammer was hollow on the end to fit around the cap in order to
keep the cap from fragmenting and injuring the shooter.
Once struck, the flame from the cap in turn ignited the main charge of gunpowder, as with the flintlock, but
there was no longer any need to charge the touch hole with gunpowder, and even better, the touch hole was no
longer exposed to the elements. As a result, the percussion cap mechanism was considerably safer, far more
weatherproof, and vastly more reliable (cloth-bound cartridges containing a premeasured charge of gunpowder
and a ball had been in regular military service for many years, but the exposed gunpowder in the entry to the
touch hole had long been a source of misfires). All muzzleloaders manufactured since the second half of the
19th century use percussion caps except those built as replicas of the flintlock or earlier firearms.
Frenchman Louis-Nicolas Flobert invented the first rimfire metallic cartridge in 1845. His cartridge consisted
of a percussion cap with a bullet attached to the top.[37][38] Flobert then made what he called "parlor guns" for
this cartridge, as these rifles and pistols were designed to be shot in indoor shooting parlors in large
homes.[39][40] These 6mm Flobert cartridges, do not contain any powder, the only propellant substance
contained in the cartridge is the percussion cap.[41] In English-speaking countries, the 6mm Flobert cartridge
corresponds to .22 BB Cap and .22 CB Cap ammunition. These cartridges have a relatively low muzzle
velocity of around 700 ft/s (210 m/s).
This was major innovation in firearms ammunition, previously delivered as separate bullets and powder, was
combined in a single metallic (usually brass) cartridge containing a percussion cap, powder, and a bullet in one
weatherproof package. The main technical advantage of the brass cartridge case was the effective and reliable
sealing of high pressure gasses at the breech, as the gas pressure forces the cartridge case to expand outward,
pressing it firmly against the inside of the gun barrel chamber. This prevents the leakage of hot gas which
could injure the shooter. The brass cartridge also opened the way for
modern repeating arms, by uniting the bullet, gunpowder and primer
into one assembly that could be fed reliably into the breech by a
mechanical action in the firearm.
Nearly all contemporary firearms load cartridges directly into their breech. Some additionally or exclusively
load from a magazine that holds multiple cartridges. A magazine is defined as a part of the firearm which exists
to store ammunition and assist in its feeding by the action into the breech (such as through the rotation of a
revolver's cylinder or by spring-loaded platforms in most pistol and rifle designs). Some magazines, such as
that of most centerfire hunting rifles and all revolvers, are internal to and inseparable from the firearm, and are
loaded by using a "clip". A clip, often mistakingly used to refer to a detachable "magazine", is a device that
holds the ammunition by the rim of the case and is designed to assist the shooter in reloading the firearm's
magazine. Examples include revolver speedloaders, the stripper clip used to aid loading rifles such as the Lee–
Enfield or Mauser 98, and the en-bloc clip used in loading the M1 Garand. In this sense, "magazines" and
"clips", though often used synonymously, refer to different types of devices.
Many firearms are "single shot": i.e., each time a cartridge is fired, the
operator must manually re-cock the firearm and load another
cartridge. The classic single-barreled shotgun is a good example. A
firearm that can load multiple cartridges as the firearm is re-cocked is
considered a "repeating firearm" or simply a "repeater". A lever- The French FAMAS, example of a
action rifle, a pump-action shotgun, and most bolt-action rifles are bullpup rifle
good examples of repeating firearms. A firearm that automatically re-
cocks and reloads the next round with each trigger pull is considered a
semi-automatic or autoloading firearm.
The first "rapid firing" firearms were usually similar to the 19th century Gatling gun, which would fire
cartridges from a magazine as fast as and as long as the operator turned a crank. Eventually, the "rapid" firing
mechanism was perfected and miniaturized to the extent that either the recoil of the firearm or the gas pressure
from firing could be used to operate it, thus the operator needed only to pull a trigger (which made the firing
mechanisms truly "automatic"). An automatic (or "fully automatic") firearm is one that automatically re-cocks,
reloads, and fires as long as the trigger is depressed. An automatic firearm is capable of firing multiple rounds
with one pull of the trigger. The Gatling gun may have been the first automatic weapon, though the modern
trigger-actuated machine gun was not widely introduced until the First
World War with the German "Spandau" and British Lewis Gun.
Automatic rifles such as the Browning Automatic Rifle were in
common use by the military during the early part of the 20th century,
and automatic rifles that fired handgun rounds, known as submachine
guns, also appeared in this time. Many modern military firearms have
a selective fire option, which is a mechanical switch that allows the
firearm be fired either in the semi-automatic or fully automatic mode. The M4 carbine, a modern-day
In the current M16A2 and M16A4 variants of the U.S.-made M16, service rifle capable of being fired
continuous fully automatic fire is not possible, having been replaced automatically. It is in service by the
by an automatic burst of three cartridges (this conserves ammunition U.S. military and has a wide ability
and increases controllability). Automatic weapons are largely for customization.
restricted to military and paramilitary organizations, though many
automatic designs are infamous for their use by civilians.
Health hazards
Firearm hazard is quite notable, with a significant impact on the health system. In 2001, for quantification
purpose, it was estimated that the cost of fatalities and injuries was US$4700 million per year in Canada
(US$170 per Canadian) and US$100,000 million per year in the USA (US$300 per American).[42]
Based on US data, it is estimated that three people are injured for one killed.[42]
A common hazard of repeated firearm use is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). NIHL can result from long-
term exposure to noise or from high intensity impact noises such as gunshots.[52][53] Individuals who shoot
guns often have a characteristic pattern of hearing loss referred to as "shooters ear". They often have a high
frequency loss with better hearing in the low frequencies and one ear is typically worse than the other. The ear
on the side the shooter is holding the gun will receive protection from the sound wave from the shoulder while
the other ear remains unprotected and more susceptible to the full impact of the sound wave.[53][54]
The intensity of a gunshot does vary; lower caliber guns are typically on the softer side while higher caliber
guns are often louder. The intensity of a gunshot though typically ranges from 140 dB to 175 dB. Indoor
shooting also causes loud reverberations which can also be as damaging as the actual gunshot itself.[53][54]
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders noise above 85 dB can
begin to cause hearing loss.[52] While many sounds cause damage over time, at the intensity level of a gunshot
(140 dB or louder), damage to the ear can occur instantly.[52][54]
Hearing protection is the only way to protect the ears against damage from gunfire as there is no option for the
shooter to be further from the sound source or to reduce the intensity to a safe level. If possible, observers
should attempt to move away, but hearing protection is often still necessary.[52][53] Different types of shooters
may benefit from different types of hearing protection. When target practicing it is recommended to wear an
insert plug as well as an over the ear muff.[53] Hunters are recommended to wear electronic type hearing
protection which can amplify soft sounds like leaves crunching while reducing the intensity of the
gunshot.[53][54] Custom hearing protection can also be effective[53][54] and is typically recommended for
individuals who are skeet shooting.[53] Hearing protection does have limitations though, and due to the high
intensity of guns it is certainly possible for shooters to still develop hearing loss. However, hearing protection
typically reduces the amount of damage the ear sustains even if it cannot completely protect the ear.[53]
Legal definitions
Firearms include a variety of ranged weapons and there is no agreed-upon definition. For instance English
language laws of big legal entities such as the United States, India the European Union and Canada use
different definitions. Other English language definitions are provided by international treaties.
United States
In the United States, under 26 USCA § 861 (a), the term ‘‘firearm’’ means
According to the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, if gas pressurization is achieved
through mechanical gas compression rather than through chemical propellant combustion, then the device is
technically an air gun, not a firearm.[55]
In India, the arms act, 1959, provides a definition of firearms where "firearms" means arms of any description
designed or adapted to discharge a projectile or projectiles of any kind by the action of any explosive or other
forms of energy, and includes:
(i) artillery, hand-grenades, riot-pistols or weapons of any kind designed or adapted for the
discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or other such thing,
(ii) accessories for any such firearm designed or adapted to diminish the noise or flash caused
by the firing thereof,
(iii) parts of, and machinery for manufacturing, fire-arms, and
(iv) carriages, platforms and appliances for mounting, transporting and serving artillery;
European Union
In the European Union, a European Directive amended by EU directive 2017/853 set minimum standards
regarding civilian firearms acquisition and possession that EU Member States must implement into their
national legal systems. In this context, since 2017, firearms are considered as any portable barrelled weapon
that expels, is designed to expel or may be converted to expel a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of a
combustible propellant. [56] For legal reasons, objects can be considered as a firearm if they have the
appearance of a firearm or are made in a way which makes it possible to convert them to a firearm. Member
states may be allowed to exclude from their gun control law items such as antique weapons, or specific
purposes items which can only be used for that sole purpose.
firearm means a barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other projectile can be
discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes
any frame or receiver of such a barrelled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use as a
firearm; (arme à feu)[57]
Australia has a definition of firearms in its 1996 legal act:
South Africa
In South Africa, Firearms Control Act [No. 60 of 2000] defines firearm since June 2001, with a 2006
amendment of the definition:
“Firearm” shall mean any portable barrelled weapon that expels, is designed to expel or may be
readily converted to expel a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive, excluding
antique firearms or their replicas. Antique firearms and their replicas shall be defined in
accordance with domestic law. In no case, however, shall antique firearms include firearms
manufactured after 1899[59]
See also
Firearm science and technology
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