Upper Intermediate Tests Transcript Keynote: Page 209 Test 3 Track 70
Upper Intermediate Tests Transcript Keynote: Page 209 Test 3 Track 70
Upper Intermediate Tests Transcript Keynote: Page 209 Test 3 Track 70
I started ‘Tea and Scones’ five years ago after I’d graduated from university. I used my
personal savings to buy some basic equipment for making tea and scones, and I started off at
some small local events near to where I live in North London. I got really positive feedback
from customers and some people suggested I should buy a van so that I could travel around to
different events more easily. But I couldn’t afford that then, so I decided to go to the bank
and get a £5,000 loan. That was quite a big step and I was worried about getting into debt.
That was also when I started using the Internet to let people know about what I was doing. I
set up a Facebook page, a Twitter account and a company website. Social media also helped
me to make contact with other entrepreneurs with similar businesses and they told me about
Kickstarter. It’s a site where you can ask for funding for your business. If other people see
your business on the site and they want to invest in it, they can. I set my funding units at £15,
so you could give me £15 or 30, 45, 60, and so on. Within about an hour of joining and
posting on the site, eight people had already contacted me, and within a week two hundred
had agreed to fund me. I was really surprised – I had never expected that at all!
I started to expand the business and go to more events and festivals. I also took on my first
employee. But after a while I realized that if I was really going to make a living from this, I
would need to find a funding model that would be more appropriate for the type of larger-
scale company that I wanted to build. That was when I found another site where you can get
investment in return for shares in your business and some of the investors on there were
interested in me! It was just a bit scary because I had to write a proper business plan and send
it to them. I also had to keep them updated on my income and outgoings on a weekly basis.
And I had to update them as soon as anything changed, like when I took on another person to
work with me.
I’d love to own a shop in London, and now I’m going to open one in Highgate, so that’s a
massive step for me. I’ll wait and see how that goes before I decide whether I’ve made it!