1. Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Dept., JD College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, India.
2. Final Yr. Student, Civil Engineering Dept., JD College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, India.
3. Final Yr. Student, Civil Engineering Dept., JD College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, India.
4. Final Yr. Student, Civil Engineering Dept., JD College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, India.
5. Final Yr. Student, Civil Engineering Dept., JD College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, India.
In a NDT test we are going to see the compressive strength & material with respect to time. This test it will show that
how much time the building will be survive and how much precaution we should take and on which time to
repairement should be required. The strength determination inside and existing structure is challenge for civil
engineer. Equipment’s which we are going to use that is rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulse velocity which will
show all the details inside structure without any distrust or any damage of structure. The first equipment rebound
hammer which is simple to use doesn’t require any high skill and give rebound number quickly which helps to get
result fast then second equipment is ultrasonic pulse velocity which is also a simple and handy equipment to use but
it require to some skill to handle it. And this are the standard test to determine the strength inside the concrete
The result which will we get after determining the two structure that is old and new structure which will give us to
the strength and quality of material inside or existing building.
Non-destructive testing (NDT), magnetic testing, electric testing, eddy current testing, microwave testing, infrared
testing, optical testing, radiographic Ultra sonic testing, penetrant testing.
NDT is the process of inspecting, testing, or evaluating materials, components or assemblies for discontinuities, or
differences in characteristics without destroying the serviceability of the part or system. In other words, when the
inspection or test is completed the part can still be used.In contrast to NDT, other tests are destructive in nature and
are therefore done on a limited number of samples, rather than on the materials, components or assemblies actually
being put into service.These destructive tests are often used to determine the physical properties of materials such as
impact resistance, ductility, yield and ultimate tensile strength, fracture toughness and fatigue strength, but
discontinuities and differences in material characteristics are more effectively found by NDT.
Today modern non-destructive tests are used in manufacturing, fabrication and in-service inspections to ensure
product integrity and reliability, to control manufacturing processes, lower production costs and to maintain a uniform
quality level. During construction, NDT is used to ensure the quality of materials and joining processes during the
fabrication and erection phases, and in-service NDT inspections are used to ensure that the products in use continue
to have the integrity necessary to ensure their usefulness and the safety of the public.
At present the test used mainly as a basis of quality control is compression testing of cubes and it represents the
potential strength of the concrete.NDT of concrete is of great scientific and practical importance especially the need
for quality characterization of damaged constructions made of concrete. Its importance can also be seen in the
desire for a proposed change of usage or extension of a structure, acceptability of a structure for purchase or
insurance, assessment of the quality or integrity of the repairs, monitoring of strength development in relation to
formwork stripping, curing, pre-stressing or load application.
The main objective of the project is to how much floor should be constructed old structure building.
To find out strength of building.
To find out the quality of material structure.
There are many testing in NDT such as ultrasonic test , rebound hammer test , eddy current testing , magnetic flux
leakage etc. the testing are used old structure column and new structure column will be same. Hence we
are used to ultrasonic testing in both the column. The difference between them e get the result.
The UPV tests are used to characterize a material, to determine the integrity and to measure other physical
properties that influence the wave propagation. They are a useful technique for quality control and can be used for
detection of defects, thickness measurement or materials characterization of concrete. Concrete by a piezoelectric
transducer and a similar transducer acting as a receiver.It allows controlling important parameters such as strength,
elasticity module and shrinkage of concrete.
After using ultrasonic data, it is possible to determine the concrete uniformity, to control its quality, to
accompany its deterioration and, by using a comparison with control specimens, to estimate its strength.One
limitation of the technique, however, is that the relationship between ultrasonic and compressive strength values is
affected by several factors, such as: the concrete age, the aggregate type and proportion, the carbonated depth.
There are four techniques are following are
Straight beams
Through transmission
Angle beam
Immersion testing
Through transmission inspections are performed using two transducers, one on each side of the part
as shown in Figure. The transmitting transducer sends sound through the part and the receiving
transducer receives the sound. Reflectors in the part will cause a reduction in the amount of sound
reaching the receiver so that the screen presentation will show a signal with a lower amplitude.
A handy non-destructive testing instrument should be cheap, easy to operate and should have reproducibility for,
fairly accurate results.In 1992 they published IS: 13311 (Part 2) for this test. IS: 456-2000 specified the Non-
destructive tests are used to obtain estimation of the properties of concrete in the structure, the methods adopted
include Rebound Hammer.IS: 13311 (part 2): 1992 specified, the rebound hammer method could be used for
assessing the likely compressive strength of concrete with the help of suitable co-relations between rebound index
and compressive strength.
Before test, surfaces to be tested with rebound hammer were smoothened using the abrasive stone included in the
rebound hammer package.For each brick sample, total twenty rebound number readings were taken, ten in
horizontal position of hammer and ten in vertical (downward) position. For each hammer position average rebound
number was calculated. As rebound number is sensitive to near surface property of materials and it fluctuates with
slight movement of plunger during test, there is always a possibility of error in average calculation.
Correlations between compressive strength and rebound number for each hammer position were obtained using
least square parabola method. Regression coefficients were calculated to check accuracy of the
correlations.Therefore, there is a steady interest in establishing useful correlations between UT and compressive test
1) Direct methods:
The arrangement for direct method is where it requires access to two surfaces. The transmitting and receiving
transducers are placed on opposite surfaces of the concrete slab. This will give maximum sensitivity and
provide a well-defined path length.
3) Indirect methods:
The surface method is the least satisfactory and should only be used when access to only one surface
is possible. This method only indicates the quality of the concrete near the surface and is influenced by
the presence of reinforcement parallel to the surface.
Fig: a) Direct methods b) Semi direct methods c) Indirect methods
After the lab testing the strength of building is in between 3 to 3.5 strength.
The strength of building is medium.
In this structure we can construct one floor more in building .
But if we require some treatment on basement columns ,so it can be improve but method called
“jacketing the column”
The stress level at the point where concrete velocity starts to drop sharply during loading is constant and
does not depend on the w/c ratio.
The method may be used for existing structures that are thought to be cracked due to excessive
compression loading. Further research is needed in this respect.
Test results for hardened concrete show a reasonable correlation of compressive strength with the rebound
hammer and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity.
1. Malhotra, V.M. – Testing hardened concrete, Non-destructive methods, Monograph 9, American, Concrete
Institute, Detroit, 1976.
2. 1. IS: 13311 (Part 1): 1992, Non-destructive testing of concrete Methods of test, part 1 Ultrasonic
Pulse Velocity, BIS, New Delhi
3. IS: 13311 (Pat 2) - 1992, Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete Rebound Hammer.
4. H. Qasrawi, A simple method for the determination of concrete strength in existing structures by non-destructive
methods, Proceedings of the First International Arab Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Concrete