Introduction Psych 312 Abnormal Psychology
Introduction Psych 312 Abnormal Psychology
Introduction Psych 312 Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal behaviors both fascinate and are of concern to scientists and the general
public. Why people exhibit abnormal behavior, how they express their disturbances, and how
such behaviors can be prevented and treated are questions that are intriguing. We know that
human beings are touched in one way or another by mental disturbances in their lives, either
directly or indirectly through their own struggles to deal with mental disorders, through affected
individuals-friends or relatives. This module will present the overview of abnormal behavior
distinguishing a normal behavior from that of an abnormal behavior.
The term "abnormal behavior" can refer to any action or behavior that is unusual, but
is most commonly used to describe the actions and behaviors associated with psychological
conditions. This encompasses a large range of behavior types that fall outside normal or
acceptable behavioral patterns
Cultural Relativism
Discomfort Criterion
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Mental Illness Criterion
To understand, prevent, and treat abnormal behavior, psychiatrists and
psychologists have devised systems classifying those behaviors into specific
psychological disorders. Classifying psychological disorders provides a
common basis for communicating.
A classification system can also help clinicians make predictions about how
likely it is that a particular disorder will occur, which individuals are most
susceptible to it, how the disorder progresses, and what the prognosis (or
outcome) for treatment is (Cuthbert &Insel, 2010; First, 2011; Nenadic, Sauer,
&Gaser, 2010).
The use of classification system can contribute to premature conclusions about the
nature of certain problems and lead to unsuccessful treatment decisions;
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What causes people to develop a psychological disorder, that is, to behave in deviant,
maladaptive, and personally distressful ways? Theorists have suggested various approaches to
this question.
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The psychological approach emphasizes the contributions of experiences, thoughts,
emotions, and personality characteristics in explaining psychological disorders. Psychologists
might focus, for example, on the influence of childhood experiences or of personality traits in
the development and course of psychological disorders. Behavioral psychologists probe the
rewards and punishers in the environment that determine abnormal behavior, whereas social
cognitive psychologists focus on observational learning, cognitions, and beliefs as factors that
foster or maintain abnormal behavior.
a. Behavioral view-S-R theory- this is concerned with the role of learning in abnormal
behavior. It works in the premise that behavior is learned, therefore, it can be
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