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Chapter 2R&Rsummary

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Chapter 2: Approach versus Method:

An approach is a set of assumptions ( Why ) , a method is how to carry out these assumptions and
theories ( how ) , & techniques are steps to achieve certain goals.

Late 19th century: Linguists like Sweet & Jasperson

Improved language teaching = General principles and theories concerning how languages are learned;

How language knowledge is represented and organized in memory;

How language is structured.

Edward Anthony (1963):

Hierarchical relationship = techniques carry out a method that is consistent with an approach.

Approach: Correlative assumptions & beliefs about dealing with language teaching and learning.

Method: non-contradicting plan for the orderly presentation of language material. Focuses on skills,
content and order of presentation putting theory into practice.

Technique: is what takes place in the actual classroom. A trick, contrivance or stratagem to accomplish
an immediate objective.

Reform Movement = Approach & Direct method was one method typifying this.

Other models:

Mackey (1960’s) focused mostly on method and technique but focused on textbook organization
analysis ignoring classroom techniques except where they were part of the textbook material.

Problems with Anthony’s model:

 Ignored the nature of method itself.

 Ignored roles of teachers/students.
 Ignored role/form of instructional materials.
 Fails to account for how an approach can be related to a method and how method and
technique are related.

New model:

Approach & Method = Design (Objectives, syllabus, content + roles of teacher, student & materials)

Technique = Procedure

Thus, method is theoretically related to an approach, organizationally determined by a design and
practically realized in a procedure.

Approach = Theories of Language & its nature:

Structural view: language is a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning.

Objective is mastery of these elements through phonology, lexus and grammar, for example.

Embodied by: Audiolingual Method and TPR

Functional view: language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning.

Emphasises semantic & communicative dimension rather than grammatical characteristics.

Specification and Organisation of language content by meaning/function

ESP movement is a good example.

Interactional view: language is a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relationships & social
interactions between individuals.

Language may be organized by patterns of exchange & interaction or left unspecified to be shaped by
the learners themselves.

Theory of Language Learning:

A learning theory should respond to two questions:

a) What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in language learning? (Bloom)

b) What are the learning conditions that need to be met for these language processes to be activated?


Process oriented theories: build on learning processes like habit formation and generalization.

Condition oriented theories: emphasise the nature of human and physical contexts in which language
learning takes place.

Stephen Krashen : Monitor Theory & I +1 (Acquistion and Learning)

Curran (Community Language Learning) Learning is people; classroom environment.

Asher’s Total Physical response. Language is coordinated with action.

Structuralism + Behaviorism = Audiolingual method. Why?!

Principles/Theories may or may not lead to “a” method. Knowledge and Experimentation are key for
EVERY teacher.

Design considers:

1) what the objectives of a method are

2) how language content is selected and organized within the method (syllabus)

3) types of learning tasks/teaching activities.

4) roles of learners.

5) roles of teachers.

6) role of instructional materials.

Objectives: Skills? Accuracy? Communicating effectively? Processes or abilities?

Beware: Many process-oriented methods are in fact concerned with grammar and accuracy!

Content or Syllabus:

All methods of language teaching involved the target language (L2)

Decide WHAT to talk about/teach and HOW to talk about/teach it.

“33% rule”

ESP = Subject focus; SLT/Audiolingual method = linguistic focus

Syllabuses have traditionally been more product than process (What will be taught in what order rather
than HOW)

Brown(1995) lists 7 types of syllabuses:

Syllabus: Approach or Method:

Structural Audiolingual Method (ALM)
Situational Oral/Situational
Topical CLL/Silent Way/TPR
Notional-Functional Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
Skills Based SBELT (Subject Based ELT)
Task Based Task Based Instruction

Process based methods consider language content secondary and let students choose what to talk
about. CLL/Silent Way/TPR)

Learning & Teaching Activities:

Differences among methods show up in the approaches and activities used:

ALM: Dialogues & Pattern Practice

Silent Way: Problem solving with special charts/colored rods.
CLT: Tasks with Information Gaps & Information

Activity types and Uses are key:

Games: ALM = add variety; CLT: introduce or provide practice

Activities impact roles, grouping of students and the overall nature of the classroom.

Learner roles:

Johnston and Paulston (1976):

a) Learners plan their own program & assume responsibility for what they do in the classroom.

b) Learners monitor and evaluate their own progress.

c) Learners are members of a group and learn through interactions.

d) Learners tutor other learners.

e) Learners learn from teachers, learners and other sources.

Curran (1976) learners develop from total dependence on the teacher to total independence just like a
child evolves from child to adult.

Question: So, does this mean that we can use Grammar Translation/ALM at first and Content & Task
Based Instruction later on as the learners eveolve?

Teacher roles:

Teacher as:

a) Director, Counsellor or model

b) Control of learning & how it takes place

c) Determiner of content to be taught

d) Interactional patterns between teachers and learners.

Only teachers who are sure of their role and the leaner’s role will move away from the security of
traditional textbook-oriented teaching. Is this always true?

Instructional materials:

Syllabus = linguistic content/learning tasks/goals.

Instructional materials: Day to day content, objectives, goals, and intensity of coverage even when no
syllabus exists.

Role of materials needs to consider:

 How to present content

 What form they will take.
 Relationship to other forms of input (if any)


Moment to moment techniques, practices and behaviours that operate in teaching a language according
to a particular method.“Tip of the Iceberg”

Three levels:

a) Use of teaching activities (drills. Dialogues, Information gaps, etc.) to present, clarify or demonstrate

b) Ways in which particular activities are used for practicing a language.

c) Feedback techniques for error correction of form/content.

* see p. 33 for a summary of approach, design and procedure.


Very few methods are explicit at all these levels of analysis.

This is a model, not a developmental formula – if such a thing is possible.

Methods can be developed out of any of the three categories presented here.


1) What is the relationship between Approach, Method and Technique?

2) Why did the authors modify the Anthony’s model?

3) How do you think a teacher goes about picking his or her preferred way of teaching?

4) Is there a cultural element to the types of Approaches/Methods/Techniques teachers choose?

5) Some people argue that:

Language is culture.

Testing is essential for proper learning.

Language classes are about making language into a subject to be taught rather than real language.

What do you think?

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