Final Term Activity 1 - Approaches in Teaching Social Studies
Final Term Activity 1 - Approaches in Teaching Social Studies
Final Term Activity 1 - Approaches in Teaching Social Studies
Read thoroughly the selections posted in our Google Classroom on the Approaches in Teaching Social
Studies and on Teaching Strategies. Come up with a carefully thought of PowerPoint presentation as if it
will be used for your Online class.
Assessment: Please refer to the rubric below for the accomplishment of your output.
Meets Needs
Exceeds Expectations Unacceptable
Expectations Improvement
Organization of The output is logically The output is The output is The output is
the presentation organized with well- reasonably somewhat illogically
(25 pts.) articulated organized reasonably organized
information. with understandable organized but with unclear
information. information is information.
Intelligibility and Shows maximum Shows satisfactory Shows minimal Shows
Coherence of understanding of the understanding of the understanding of unsatisfactory
Content topic with relevant and topic with parts or no
appropriate content. applicable content. of the topic with understanding
(25 pts.)
average content. of the topic.
Thoroughness of Information and central Information and Information and Information and
the ideas ideas are appropriate central central ideas are central ideas are
presented and and ideas are somewhat limited and inappropriate and
the analysis clarity of purpose is appropriate and sometimes have little or
(25 pts.) exhibited throughout often unclear. nothing
the output. clearly relates to the to do with the
output. assignment.
Clarity of the The output The output The output The output does
presentation demonstrates that the demonstrates to a certain not demonstrate
including the presenter fully for the most extent demonstrate show clarity of the
Design & understands part clarity of the clarity of the presentation
Transition of the and has applied Clarity presentation presentation including the
slides of the presentation including the including the Design &
including the Design & Design & Transition Design & Transition of the
(25 pts.)
Transition of the slides of the slides Transition of the slides
Due date: INCENTIVES for students who submits the outputs early: On the week of deadline submission
will mean 100 points incentive; On the 2nd week of submission will mean 75 points incentive; and on the 3rd
Week of submission will mean 50 points incentive.