ABM 11 - ORGMAN - Q1 - W7-8 - Mod6 Edited
ABM 11 - ORGMAN - Q1 - W7-8 - Mod6 Edited
ABM 11 - ORGMAN - Q1 - W7-8 - Mod6 Edited
Quarter 1
Week 7 to 8
After planning, organizing follows. The goals and objectives established during
planning will all go to waste w/out effective organizing, through the development
of a designed structure of roles for effective performance. It requires an interlacing
of decision and communication work units to coordinate efforts toward the
organizational goals and objectives that were set. To function well, organization
structures and their specific roles must be understood by all members of the
organization. Rules and regulation principles must also be put in practice. However,
that organizing depends on the specific situation of the firm.
As you read and study this module, concentrate on the following objectives, and
at the end of the module be able to:
A. Vertical structure
B. Horizontal structure
C. Network structure
A vertical structure clears out issues related to authority rights, responsibilities, and
reporting relationships. Authority rights refer to the legitimate rights of individuals,
appointed in positions like president, vice president, manager, and the like, to give
orders to subordinates, who in turn, report to them what they have done.
Owners of private business companies are said to have absolute authority, even if
other persons are appointed as managers in their companies. In corporations, the
owners are the stockholders and they elect a board of directors to manage the
organization’s activities. The board has a chairman who acts as the leader, while
the members act as the corporation’s authority figures, responsible for making
major decisions affecting their organizations, subject to the corporation’s
constitution and by-laws provisions. Besides the chairman of the board, a chief
executive officer (CEO) is appointed to occupy the top post in the organization
pyramid and is personally accountable to the members of the board and other
owners for the organizational performance.
Below the top level managers are the middle level managers in charge of
departments who report to them. Under the middle level managers are the lower
level managers which include office managers, sales managers, and supervisors
who directly report to the former. Employees under the lower level managers also
have reporting relationships with their respective department managers.
A horizontal structure refers to the departmentalization of an organization into
smaller work units as tasks become increasingly varied and numerous.
Types of department:
Line departments – deal directly with the firm’s primary goods and services;
responsible for manufacturing, selling, and providing services to clients.
Staff departments – support the activities of the line department by doing research,
attending to legal matters, performing public relations duties, etc. Meanwhile,
departmentalization may be done using 3 approaches:
Functional approach – where the subdivisions are formed based on specialized
activities such as marketing, production, financial management, and human
resources management.
Divisional approach – where departments are formed based on management of
their products, customers, or geographic areas covered.
Matrix approach – is a hybrid form of departmentalization where managers and
staff personnel report to the superiors, the functional manager, and the divisional
Finally, a network structure is a collection of independent, usually single function
organizations/companies that work together in order to produce a product or
service. Such network organizations are each capable of doing their own specialized
work activities independently, like producing, distributing, designing, etc. but are
capable of working effectively at the same time with other network members.
Often, their communication is by electronic means where sharing of information is
speedy. This results to their ability to respond at once to their customers’ demands.
Organizational structures are needed to keep employees needed, to build a
learning organization and to manage global structural problems. Activity
• Flexible
• Fast decision making
• Clear accountability
• Cost-saving advantages
• Management is facilitated because workers with similar tasks are grouped
• Focused on results
• Managers are responsible for what happens to their products and services
1. Task and personality conflicts are said to be the disadvantage to the use of
the matrix-project design. Explain the rationale of this statement.
Prepared by:
OrgMan Subject Teacher