US Internal Revenue Service: f1120fsc - 1994
US Internal Revenue Service: f1120fsc - 1994
US Internal Revenue Service: f1120fsc - 1994
For calendar year 1994 or other tax year beginning 1994, and ending , 19
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service © Instructions are separate. Please type or print.
A Country or U.S. possession Name C Employer identification number
of incorporation (See page
6 of the instructions.)
B Check type of election made: Number, street, and room or suite no. (See page 6 of the instructions.) D Date incorporated
c Address (number, street, and room or suite no., city or town, state, ZIP code, or country) d Total assets (corporations only)
e Percentage of voting stock of the f Tax year ends (month and year) g Service Center where return is filed h Foreign owner (check one)
principal shareholder
Yes No
2 Parent-subsidiary controlled group. Is the FSC a subsidiary in a parent-subsidiary controlled group? © Yes No
If “Yes,” and the principal shareholder (described in 1 above) is not the common parent of the group, complete
lines 2a through 2g below for the common parent (see instructions).
a Name of common parent b Identifying number
c Address (number, street, and room or suite no., city or town, state, ZIP code, or country) d Total assets (consolidated, if applicable)
e Percentage of voting stock of the common parent f Tax year ends (month and year) g Service Center where return is filed
signature © Date
Check if self-
employed ©
Preparer’s social security no.
Firm’s name (or yours E.I. No. ©
Use Only if self-employed)
and address ZIP code ©
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 11531K Form 1120-FSC (1994)
Form 1120-FSC (1994) Page 2
Schedule A Cost of Goods Sold Related to Foreign Trading Gross Receipts (See instructions.)
(a) Using administrative pricing rules (b) Not using administrative pricing rules
c If the LIFO inventory method was used for this tax year, enter percentage (or amounts) of closing
inventory computed under LIFO 9c
d Do the rules of section 263A (for property produced or acquired for resale) apply to the FSC? Yes No
e Was there any change in determining quantities, cost, or valuations between opening and closing inventory?
If “Yes,” attach explanation Yes No
Additional Information (See instructions.) Note: Small FSCs, skip questions 7g, 8, and 9.
1 Refer to page 12 of the instructions and enter the principal: a Business activity code no. © Yes No
b Business activity © c Product or service ©
2 Enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year © $
3 Was the FSC at any time during the tax year engaged in a trade or business in the U.S.?
4 Is the FSC a foreign personal holding company or a personal holding company? (See instructions.)
5 Check if the FSC has an NOL for the tax year and is electing under sec. 172(b)(3) to forego the carryback period ©
6 Enter the available NOL carryover from prior tax years. (Do not reduce it by any deduction in Schedule B, Part
II, line 19a.) © $
8 Interest income 8
10 Carrying charges 10
11 Royalties 11
12 Other investment income 12
13 Receipts excluded under section 924(f) on basis of use, subsidized receipts, and receipts from
related parties 13
14 Income from excluded property under sections 927(a)(2) and (3) 14
15 Income from transactions that did not meet the Foreign economic process requirements (page
2, item 9 of Additional Information). (See Foreign Trading Gross Receipts on page 1 of the
instructions.) 15
16 Other income 16
17 Total. Add lines 7 through 16 17
2a If the box on line 1 is checked, enter the FSC’s share of the $50,000, $25,000, and
$9,925,000 taxable income brackets (in that order):
8 Total tax. Add lines 5 through 7b. Enter here and on line 1, page 1 8
Form 1120-FSC (1994) Page 6
Schedule L Balance Sheets Beginning of tax year End of tax year
1 Cash
2a Trade notes and accounts receivable
b Commissions receivable
c Less allowance for bad debts ( ) ( )
3 Inventories
4 U.S. government obligations
5 Tax-exempt securities (see instructions)
6 Other current assets (attach schedule)
7 Loans to stockholders
8 Mortgage and real estate loans
9 Other investments (attach schedule)
10a Buildings and other depreciable assets
b Less accumulated depreciation ( ) ( )
11a Depletable assets
b Less accumulated depletion ( ) ( )
12 Land (net of any amortization)
13a Intangible assets (amortizable only)
b Less accumulated amortization ( ) ( )
14 Other assets (attach schedule)
15 Total assets
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
16 Accounts payable
17 Mtges., notes, bonds payable in less than 1 year
18 Transfer prices payable
19 Other current liabilities (attach schedule)
20 Loans from stockholders
21 Mtges., notes, bonds payable in 1 year or more
22 Other liabilities (attach schedule)
23 Capital stock
24 Paid-in or capital surplus
25 Retained earnings—Appropriated (attach schedule)
26 Retained earnings—Unappropriated
27 Less cost of treasury stock ( ) ( )
28 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity
Schedule M-1 Reconciliation of Income (Loss) per Books With Income per Return
1 Net income (loss) per books 7 Income recorded on books this year not
2 Federal income tax included on this return (itemize):
3 Excess of capital losses over capital gains a Tax-exempt interest $
4 Income subject to tax not recorded on b Exempt foreign trade
books this year (itemize): income $