Za Kolokvijum Iz Britanske Istorije
Za Kolokvijum Iz Britanske Istorije
Za Kolokvijum Iz Britanske Istorije
3. Where did the Germanic tribes come from and what were their names?
Those were the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. They started invading Britain in 5th century
from today’s Denmark and northern parts of Germany.
8. Describe the invasion of the Vikings and their contribution to the British history.
Vikings invaded Anglo-Saxon shores from today’s Norway, Sweden and Denmark in
mid 9th century. One of their contribution to Britain’s history is building new town
centres. Dublin, today’s capital of Ireland is one of them.
9. Who was the StPatrick?
He was a British slave that spread the message of Christianity in Ireland. Known as the
“Apostle of Ireland” he was the primary patron saint of Ireland.
20. What 2 higher schools were established at the end of 12th century?
2 schools of higher education that were established by the end of 12th century were first at
Oxford and second at Cambridge. Soon after these two universities were the intellectual
centres of the country.
The Tudors
21. Summarise the rule of Henry VII
He may be less known than Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, but Henry VII established the
main pillars, the very foundation of newly formed monarchy upon which his successors
acquired fame and glory. Under the firm belief that war is bad for bussines and that
business is good for the state, Henry VII avoided further conflicts with Scotland in the
north and France in the south.
24. Who were the most important playwrights during the Tudor period?
During the Tudor period, literature was England’s greatest art form. Playwrights like
Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson and Wiliam Shakespeare warmed people’s hearts by
filling the theatres with their exhilerating new plays.
27. What were the causes and the consequences of the War of Roses?
Main reasons for initial outbreak of the War of Roses were: incompetent reign of Henry
VI, who was simple-minded and book-loving, tending to avoid any type of conflict at all
cost; discontent amongst the nobility due to previously having lost war in France, king
being bad at picking advisers and economy impoverishing; the ambition and desire for
power of Richard II, the duke of York and later his son Edward IV
Some of the most important consequences of the war were: an increase in the power of
nobles compared to the Crown during the war; half of the lords of the sixty noble families
losing lives in horrors of war; ending the war and taking over the throne by Henry VII,
the founder of House of Tudor
28. Who were the writers that helped in rebirth of English literature and what are their
famous works?
Two writers, above all others, helped in rebirth of English literature. One was William
Langland, a mid-14th century priest who wrote Piers Plowman, the poem which plainly
describes the times in which he lived. The other, Geoffrey Chaucer who became much
more famous, wrote The Centerbury Tales at the end of the same century.