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Service: Application of Commercial Sand and Gravel, Industrial Sand and Gravel, Special Pebble Picking

Permit, Quarry Permit and Private & Government Gratuitous Permit

The Application of Commercial Sand and Gravel, Industrial Sand and Gravel and Special Pebble
Picking Permit covers the issuance of Permit-to-Operate for the Commercial Sand and Gravel
(CSAG), LGU-issued Industrial Sand and Gravel (ISAG), Special Pebble Picking, Quarry Permit, Private
& Government Gratuitous Permit in the Province of La Union in accordance with the provisions of RA
7160 or the Local Government Code and RA 7942 or the Philippine Mining Act of 1995.

Who may avail the service: Interested applicant engaged in small quarrying activity/ operations, marketing/
trading, private or non-government organizations and other stakeholders in the
Province of La Union

Service Schedule: MONDAY to FRIDAY (8:00 AM to 5:00PM)

Requirements: (5 sets of the following documents)

1. Duly accomplished Application Form

2. Location Map of the applied area showing (geographic coordinates /meridional blocks) and
boundaries in relation to major environmental features of the projects using NAMRIA topographic
map in a scale of 1:50 000 duly prepared, signed and sealed by a MGB deputized Geodetic Engineer
3. Sketch Plan duly prepared, signed and sealed by a MGB deputized Geodetic Engineer
4. Five-year (5) Work Program duly prepared, signed and sealed by a Mining Engineer / Geologist
(ISAG/ QP Application only)
5. One (1) year Work Program duly prepared, signed and sealed by a Mining Engineer / Geologist
(CSAG/ Gratuitous Permit only)
6. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) reports
7. Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP) (ISAG/QP only)
8. Proof of Technical Competence including among others, Curriculum vitae, and track record in
mining operations and environmental management of the technical personnel who shall undertake
the activities in accordance with the submitted (5) year work program
9. Proof of financial capability to undertake the activities pursuant to the submitted (5) year work
program such as the following
a. For individuals - Copy of Income Tax Return for the preceding years and proof of bank deposit or
credit line in the amount that shall not be less than the proposed budget of the utilization work
b. For corporation, partnership, association or cooperative - latest audited financial statement, annual
Report, credit lines bank guarantees and /or similar negotiable instrument
9. Duly certified articles or Incorporation/Partnership/Association, By–Laws and Certificate of Registration
issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or authorized Government Agencies and;
10. Other supporting papers that the PMRB may require


1. Area Status and Clearance (MGB Regional Office)
2. Certificates of Posting (at least 3)
MGB Regional office
3. ECC
4. Sanggunian Endorsement (at least 2)
5. Field verification report
6. Surety Bond of P20,000

Fee/s: P1, 625.00 (CSAG/ SPP/Gratuitous)

P2,125 (ISAG/QP)

Service Duration: 19 days

How to avail of the service:

1 Inquire requirements Provide check list of 2 minutes Community N/A Checklist
for the application of requirements Development Assistant
permit II/ Technical staff
2 Submit 5 sets of Receive the documents 5 minutes Community N/A Application
requirements and check completeness Development Assistant Form
of information II/ Technical staff
3 Payment of the Get Official Receipt (OR) 10 minutes Community 1,625
required fees for the then attach to the Development Assistant (CSAG/SPP/
application form at application II/ Technical staff Gratuitous)
the Provincial
Treasurer’s Office 2,125
(PTO) and submit (ISAG/QP)
Official Receipt (OR)
to ENRD Processing
4 Endorse the documents 1 day PG-ENRO/ Supervising N/A
to the Mines and Environmental
Geosciences Bureau Management
(MGB) for area status and Specialist
5 Pays verification fee at Conducts joint field 1 day Community 3, 600
the DENR –MGB verification on the Development Assistant (CSAG/SPP/
Region 1 upon applied area II/ Technical staff & Gratuitous)
completion of area DENR-MGB Region 1
status and clearance
6 Prepare/ furnish Notice of 1 day Community N/A
Posting to DENR-PENRO, Development Officer
Municipality & Barangay II/ Technical Staff
7 Receive certificate of After 14 days OPG-ENRD Staff N/A
8 Notify applicant for the 2 minutes Community N/A
application of ECC Development Assistant
II/ Technical staff
9 Apply/Secure ECC Submit additional 30 minutes DENR – EMB Region 1 N/A
online requirements/documents
to Provincial Mining and
Regulatory Board (PMRB-
MGB) for final evaluation
Note: Processing of ECC
shall take approximately
20 days)
10 Assist in deliberation of 1 day DENR – MGB Region 1 N/A PMRB
application. Resolution
Note: A Resolution shall
be made as basis for the
preparation of
QP/ Gratuitous
11 Prepare & endorse 2 minutes Community N/A
Permit-to-Operate for Development Assistant
Governor’s approval II/ OPG-ENRD staff
12 Approve Permit to 1 day OPG N/A
13 Receive Permit to Release approved permit 30 minutes Community N/A File copy of
Operate to applicant Development Assistant PTO/ log
II/ OPG-ENRD staff book
End of Transaction

Note: Allowable period for extension due to unusual circumstances: One (1) month
Procedure for filing complaints (indicate names & contact details of officials to approach for redress)

All complaints shall be tackled during the Provincial Mining and Regulatory Board (PMRB) Meeting.

Written complaints may be sent to the PMRB Chairman Director Carlos A. Tayag of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau-
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (MGB-DENR) and PMRB Co- Chair Hon. Governor Francisco Emmanuel
R. Ortega III of the Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU). If the issue concerns the Environmental Compliance
Certificate (ECC), the client may write a letter of complaint to DENR Director Reynulfo Juan through DENR EMB Director
Ma. Victoria A. Abrera, as member of the PMRB.

A joint inspection team (PMRB Technical Secretariat)) in coordination with LGU will investigate/ inspect the complaints
filed. Reports shall be given to complainants copy furnished PMRB and LGU concerned.

Contact details:
Director Carlos A. Tayag MGB- Government Center, Sevilla, City of San (072) 607-2686
DENR Fernando, La Union 0778518505/ 09999732730
Region 1 [email protected]
Director Reynulfo Juan DENR Government Center, Sevilla, City of San (072) 888-3833
Region 1 Fernando, La Union r1r@denr,gov.ph
Director Ma. Victoria A. Abrera DENR-EMB Government Center, Sevilla, City of San (072)700-2449
1 Fernando, La Union [email protected]
Hon. Francisco Emmanuel R. Ortega III PGLU Brgy II, Capitol Building, City of San (072) 888-3608/ 888-6035
Fernando, La Union [email protected]

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