Business of The 21st Century
Business of The 21st Century
Business of The 21st Century
Poor Dad talked about working his whole life and getting a really great job but essentially, he still fails
because his income does not grow far greater than his expenses or liabilities. Rich Dad builds assets that
grow passive income that allows him to pay his liabilities and then reinvest whatever is left to keep
building his assets.
Until you have residual income that pays for living expenses each month, you won’t ever be free. Most
people live paycheck to paycheck.
1. Getting a company typically takes 5 yrs. Takes 10,000hrs to become an expert at something.
2. Keep your day job to lean on financial support. You shouldn’t be using the income of your new
business to burn monthly living expenses.
3. No such thing as get rich quick, and people in the E and S quadrants are the ones easily exposed
to it.
4. With typical franchising, you are part of a network, whereas network marketing, you own the
a. If Henry Ford hired a few people to create a few special cars, he’d have a few thousand
sales but he hired people to do simple ordinary tasks which produced millions of cars.
5. It’s hard to tell someone who has a job why they shouldn’t have one because most people have
the employee mindset, they’re programmed that way.
6. The harder you work, the more your income gets taxed and with no tax incentives vs a small
business. You get significant tax advantages being in the B quadrant.
7. Wealth is determined by the amount of months you can survive, not the amount of money you
8. Losing is part of winning, failing is a part of success.
9. Theres three types of education: scholastic, professional, and then financial. Financial is where
you learn to have your money work for you.
a. It’s your financial intelligence that will make you rich.
10. Getting to the B and I side:
a. You can plan, learn all you want, but people who take action are the ones who will
succeed in network marketing. You can’t expect results right away and you have to put
in work.
b. You have to unlearn too. If you’re coming from the E or S quadrants, you have to
unlearn your mentality.
c. You need that consistent entrepreneurial spirit to stay on the B and I side
d. You have to surround yourself with individuals with your own mentality or else you’re
going to be held back*
11. More than half the companies in the Dow Jones index were created during a recession. Because
when times get rough, people get out of their comfort zones to make ends meet.
12. Jumping to B or I quadrant entails leadership qualities: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual,
influencing others to be successful in whatever they want to be
13. Financial Freedom: Build a business, reinvest in your business, invest in real estate, let your
assets buy luxuries
a. 80% of lottery winners go backrupt within 3yrs
14. House is not an asset, it’s a liability. If you buy a house and sell it for higher, its not an asset, its
capital gains
15. “Money and success make you arrogant and stupid. Now, with some poverty and humility
behind you, you can become a student again.”
16. 88% of the people in business are women
17. You have to be happy and be passionate to continue making money
18. Only way you can become rich in network marketing is by helping others become rich in the
process. Personal success is much more fulfilling when you can help others create success as
well*. By design, it is the perfect business for people who like helping other people.
1. Essentially for Amazon to move to the B quadrant, he had to start off at the S quadrant right?
Still don’t understand Chapter 7: Network Marketing
2. Talks a lot about how investing in mutual funds that are capital gains taxed is pitiful and
investing in stocks is gambling…how does this relate to the “traditional investment piece of the 6