Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan (Sanchez)

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Teacher: Wiljoyce Kate A.

Sanchez Date: October 29, 2021

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Science 10

I – Objectives: At the end of 60 minutes discussion all students should be able to:
a. Differentiate the three theories of Jean Baptiste de Lamarck.
b. Illustrate the Theory of Natural Selection of Charles Darwin.
c. Evaluate the effect of the environmental changes on the adaptation and
survival of species.

II – Subject Matter:
Topic: Biodiversity and Evolution
Reference: Maharashta (2021).Lamarkism. Jygus
2016-2021 Helix OpCo LCC.A 19th- century genetics puzzle: How’d the giraffe gets
its long neck?
Materials: Pictures of Giraffes, Powerpoint presentation, cartolina, marker
III – Procedures:

A. Preliminary
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Energizer
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Classroom Standard
6. Passing of Assignment
7. Review

B. Lesson Proper
1. I will paste in the board two pictures of Giraffes
 What do you think is the difference of these two pictures?

2. Unlocking of Difficulties
 Think-Pair-Share. With a partner, list as many words as possible that you can
relate in the word "evolution”. Use the provided marker and cartolina, and then
paste your answers.
 Answers may vary

3. Presents
Today, we will tackle about the Theories of Evolution by Jean Baptiste
Lamarck and Charles Darwin, and the effects of environmental changes in the
survival of an individual organism or an entire organism.

4. Activity
 Form a group of 6. In your group, evaluate Lamarck’s Theory and Darwinian
Theory of evolution. You are given 5 minutes to discuss your ideas with your
Content 40%
Accuracy 25%
Delivery 15%
Cooperation 20%

5. Reporting
 Every group will choose one representative to present their work.

6. Analysis
 How do you find the activity?
 Do you agree on the ideas of other groups?

7. Abstraction

Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

 Believes that organism altered their behavior in response to
environmental change.
 Lamarck’s theory includes four main prepositions.
1. Change through use and disuse- the organs which are used frequently by the
organism develop and the characteristics that are used seldom are lost in the
succeeding generations.
2. Organism driven to greater complexity- as the organism adapted to their
surroundings, they became increasingly complex from the simpler forms.
3. Inheritance of acquired characteristics- an individual acquires certain
characteristics during its lifetime and these characteristics are inherited by
their offspring.
4. Effects of environment and new needs- The environment influences all the
organisms. A slight change in the environment brings about changes in the

Charles Darwin
 Believed in the theory of evolution through natural selection.
 Proposed that new traits were developed through random chance, and that if
these traits helped an animal by increasing its chance to reproduce, then the
trait would be passed onto the offspring.

Body structures of some animals change in time and some change in appearance in
response to their environment in order to survive.

8. Application

 Which of the theories is more acceptable? Why?

 How important are these theories in our lives?

IV – Evaluation:
On a ¼ sheet of paper, choose the correct answer enclosed in the

1. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe evolution?

(Evolution is continuous; the world is stable and unchanging)

2. Which of these theories of evolution was proposed by Lamarck?

(Theory of natural selection; inheritance of acquired characteristic)

3. The process where individuals are better adapted to their environment,

survive and reproduce more successfully than less well- adapted individuals.
(Natural selection; Speciation)

4. Why does Lamarck hypothesize that species evolved?

(By matting between different species; due to changes in the inherited DNA

5. Which of the following could not be a cause of environmental change?

(clear cutting to create farmland; forest preservation, volcanic eruption)

V – Assignment:
Study the evidence of evaluation and bring the pictures to support the pieces
of the evidence of evolution.

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