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Philippines Edition 2 UFC

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The No. 1 Catsup.

THE MARKET pnoduct only in the late 50s.

Universal Food Corporation (UFC) lo 1960, the Reyes family of
manufa01ures and markeiS a wide range Bulaean incorporated UFC ~loldings
of high quality eondiments. These as a marketing and di stribution
includes Catsup, Sweet Chili Sauce, Hot company for the catsup brand Mafran
Sauce, Vinegar, Soy Sauce, Oyster Sauce, developed by Dr. Francisco.
Bnrbequc Sauce, as well as powdered
Oavorings of Tamarind and Guava, so
NATURE ' S In 1969, UFC decided to
manufacture and market its own brand
essential in all Filipino dishes. of catsup, made to its own unique
But what UFC is most famous for is recipe that combined the sweetness
Banana Catsup. A product unique to the PILL , demanded by the Filipino palate, with
Philippines that eaters the Filipino palate the spicy aftertaste of chili. They
as proudly described in the brand name -
UFC TamisAngllang ·meaning sweet and
bottled. named it UfCTamisAnghang Banana
CaiSUp. UFC became an instant hit to
spicy. In fact, only here in the Philippines Tlrt nutritiorr of tire Htnltlry the Filipino consumers sinoe then.
Banmrn is;, your fnvorite
you will find banana eaiSUp being more Tnmi.s A"ghn11g In 1974, the Reyes family sold
preferred over tomato eaiSup. Bnt~nlln Ctrtsup! their interest to Bancom Development
So popular is UFC Tamis Anghang Company represented by Augusto
Y1,!;_Jnm;l AlftiUIHf Iliff l}u
Banana Catsup that ever since its Untltllr Rll~tiJII• l'ltAmln R~ · tlrlff Barcelon. Under this new
inception, it has retained the number one lulpl prtlft nt the bu ll•t-up ufbad management, UFC continued to be one
tlloltsttrol liH II/wllds rnlstensyn.
position in the catsup market. The taste is ~J.!d_nDw UFC lltt~_tr..J.tl'UlJ!U,
of the fas test growing food
just the very best, yet it is al ways r)t/yl 11nd Jhit k u bleml,so It 's a manufacturers in 1hc country. Other
affordable. UFC consumers know that joy to uu. Whtthu for took ius or condiment-related products were
f or J ipp itJI• Uf'C is I he 1Upt,;or
they arc getting real value for their money. ht~ n tJiflf t•llup. Ci•t yo11r f u rilr
inTroduced, expanding the mnge.
The popularity of UFC Tamis tire Jditit~UI I111ft 11/JD'Id htlllt lf, In 1996, UFC was acquired by
UFC r.,.;s A,.,,,.,.,,
Anghang Banana Catsup continues to Southeast Asia Foods, Inc. (SAFI), a
tlu llt•lth1 .Suu• C•II•P·
grow. The brand leads the category in company owned by a group of Filipino
sales growth every year. busineSstnco led by Mr. Joselito 0.
Fonunately, what was the world's Campos Jr.. The result of this
best kept secret • Philippine pnoduced acquisition was the merger of these
UFC Tamis Anghang Banana Catsup· is two companies. Thus, SAFI-UFC
being discovered by others. UFC now hav e became the biggest managed company
expons to the U.S., Middle East, Europe THE HEALTHY of condiment products boasting big
and other Asian Pacific Countries, where name brands in the market like Datu
it is enthusiastically received. Puti, Mang Tomas, and Papa Catsup
everyday among others.
From a its humble beginnings in 1960, THE PRODUCT
when UFC ~loldings, a company owned UFC Tam is Anghang Banana CaiSUp
by the Reyes family, basically distributed is a sweet, spicy sauce based upon the
and marketed another eaiSup brand, the company has Aside from banana caiSup, which aecouniS to almost Philippine invention of using banana puree as base for
become the llfiest eaiSUp manufacturer in the Philippines, 95% to total sales, UFC markets other popular red sauces catsup. The Philippines pnoduces bananas in abundanoe.
and the world's largest manufacturer of banana eaiSup. namely Sweet Chili Sauce and Hot Sauce. For centuries, they have been used as a staple rood, either
Ask any Filipino coming from broad C homes what as a raw fruit or cooked. Bananas, when used in catsup,
his catsup brand is and the most likely answer one will HISTORY provide a rich, creamy base that has a natural sweetness.
get is UFC.In fact, UFC has been very synonymous with Although using bananas as a catsup base was developed The bananas used in UFC Banana Catsup are the Saba
catsup that almost 7 out of I0 households will be in favor by Dr. Magdalo Francisco as early as 1942, the variety (Musa Sapientum), which ao-conly avoiloble from
of the bmnd if asked the question what's the brand they intervention of the American occupation nnd post·war Southern Mindanao. Its unique Oavor is the main
used most oRen. problems, made banana catsup a generally accepted ingredient ofUFC Ballllna Catsup. To this base is added

For overthirty years now, UFC TamisAnghang Banana

CAtsup has been a fnmiliar kitchen icon, available in
supermarkets, grocery stores and sari-sari stores all over
the Philippines.
The UFC distinctive logo ensures that UFC Tamis
Anghang Banana Cotsup is easily located on crowded
shelves despite fierce competition.
Millions of Filipinos demonstrate their love of the

C@t K
taste by keeping UFC Tamis Anghang BananA Catsup
the market leader, year after year.
UFC Banana Catsup has already earned the trust of
the Filipinos that no dining table will ever be complete
without it. Indeed, UFC is the catsup of the Filipino and

no other brand can claim that. For many years. UFC has
been a Superbrand in the Philippines and soon it will be
the world.

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'1M No. 1 CIIIM~P-

the specially selected spices, chili, sugar and vinegar, all

blended to give that rich sweet-and-spicy nnvor that is
perfect for dipping, adding to cooked dishes, or mixing
in the recipe itself. It is perfect os a base for spaghetti
sauce, and other red-sauce dishes.
The fact that UFC Ta1nisAnghang Banana Catsup is ketchup and the world's number one manufacturer of
the largest selling catsup in the Philippines is a clear banana catsup ensures a very strong position in the market
indication that it is the best. Not only is it better tasting in the years to come.
than others, but it is also affordable. Consumers purchase This joint vent.ure, known in the Philippines as tleinz·
UFC Tamis Anghang Banana Catsup mainly because it UFC Philippines includes technology transfer agreements
tastes so good, a great many do not yet realize that it is that will allow UFC to remain in the forefront of
also doing them good. UFC fonified their catsup with manufacturing processes and product innovation.
two essential vitamins. Vitamin A is one, tnck of which
produces blindness and aliccts body resistance. The other PROMOTION
is vitamin 86, very much needed to reduce the body's Tri~media is used extensively with Television as the
cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the l>robability of prilnary medium of advertising as it eliectively reaches
heart disease. the tar&et market.
The brand had a major re-launch in 1999, which UfC Catsup Old Bottle
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS introduced UFC as the "Healthy Catsup" given its
In May 2000, a most excit.ing development took place fol1ification of two essential vitamins - Vitamin A al'\d
with the signing of a joint venture agreement with the 86. THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT
global food giant, H.J. Heinz of the US. The joining of Aside from the fortification story, UFC also heavily
hands ofthc world's number one manufacturer oftomato promotes its versatility as t.he dipping and cooking catsup.
The cooking campaign has dramatically altered the
i>erception ofconsumers to the bmnd beingjust a dipping
• The Philippines is the only country in the world
sauce by clearly demonstrating its superb qualities when
where banana catsup outsells tomato catsup.
used in cooking. A series ofadvertisements were shown,
demonstrating the uscofUFC Banana Catsup in four of • UFC Banana catsup is not only number one in the
the most common dishes Filipinos cooked. The selected Philippines, but also the world.
dishes were Spaghetti, Me011do (pork stew), Afridatn
(chicken stew) and Caldereta (beef stew). The • In the year 2000, UFC used 7.3 millions kgs of
demonstrations clearly showed that by adding the unique bananas to manufacture catsup .
"tamis-ang)lang'' navor, any of these simple dishes could
be elevated to a gourmet standard. • Filipino consumes average of 2.5 bottles each of
banana catsup every year.


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