Title: Prepare Charts Using Determinants To Find Area of Triangle and Rectangle

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Academic Year: 2019-20



Micro Project

Title: Prepare charts using Determinants to find

area of Triangle and Rectangle



Submitted by
Roll No. -

Submitted to
Mrs Uma Lohiya

This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ____________________________________

Roll No. _ of FIRST Semester Diploma in COMPUTER ENGINEERING of

Vivekanand Education Society’s Polytechnic (Code No 0004) has completed the

Micro-Project work satisfactory in Basic Mathematics (22103) for the academic year

2019 - 2020 as prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.

Place: Chembur, Mumbai Enrollment No.: ____________________

Date: ___________________ Exam Seat No.: ____________________

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of
Annexure – I
Micro-Project Proposal
Title : Prepare charts using Determinants to find the area of Triangle and Rectangle
1.0 Aim/Benefits of the Microproject
The Micro-Project aims at
 To teach how to find the area of a Triangle and Rectangle using Determinants
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed
The following Course Outcomes were addressed while making the micro-project:
 Apply the concepts of algebra to solve engineering related problems.
 Solve the problems based on measurement of regular closed figures and regular solids.
3.0 Proposed Methodology
 The project group would be formed according to the roll numbers and the topic
for micro-project would be allotted by the subject teacher in consultation with our
group. The topic allotted to our group was to Prepare a chart using Determinants to
find the area of Triangle and Rectangle.
 According to the topic allotted by the subject teacher for the micro-project, we all
the members of group would have a brain storming session among ourselves, we would
prepare a list of the resources or materials required, would plan the activities such as
buying of materials, constructing the model/chart and its execution and finally would
submit the Proposed plan of micro-project (Annexure - I) to the subject teacher in the
3rd week of September 2019.
 After receiving the approval for the submitted action plan of project activities
(Annexure -I) from the subject teacher, we would prepare a To-Do-List with
responsibilities and according the work w ould be distributed among the group
 After collection of the resources as per the materials that would be required for the
micro-project, we would prepare working chart of assigned micro-project topic and
would execute as aimed. Finally thw chart of the allotted micro-project topic would be
presented to the subject teacher in 2nd week of October 2019 for evaluation.
 We will also prepare Micro-project Final Report and w ould submit it to subject
teacher before the term end.
4.0 Action Plan

Planned Planned Name of Team
No Details of activity
Start date Finish date Members
1. Formation of Group & Selection of Topic 5/8/2019 10/8/2019 All members
2. Submission of Proposed Plan 12/8/2019 17/8/2019 All members
3. Preparation of Model 20//8/2019 31/8/2019 All members
4. Final evaluation of working model/chart 3//9/2019 14/9/2019 All members
5. Presentation: Model/Chart 16/9/2019 30/9/2019 All members
6. Submission of Final Report 1/10/2019 12/10/2019 All members

4.0 Resources Required

Name of Resource/
Sr. No. Specifications Quantity Remarks
1. Drawing sheet (A3) 1
Pencil colour,sketch
2. All drawing materials 1 (each)

Names of Team Members with Roll Nos

Roll. No. Name of Team Members

Teacher Signature
(Mrs Uma Lohiya)
Annexure – II
Micro-Project Report

Title : Prepare chart using Determinants to find the area of Triangle and Rectangle.

1.0 Rationale
This project shows us that how we can find the area of any triangle or rectangle
using determinants formula.
Study of vectors in two dimensional as well as three dimensional space is extremely
important for design engineers. A course was specially designed to provide the
engineering and engineering technology students with all the necessary mathematical tools
that are essential and necessary for a four-year program. The course begins with the
coverage of a wide variety of introductory topics such as complex numbers, partial
fractions, determinants, Taylor and Maclaurin Theorems, etc. Vectors, vector spaces,
scalar products and vector products are considered extremely important. About weeklong
discussion is incorporated in the course to ensure that the students obtain a very strong
foundation that pertains to vector operations. Matrices and Matrix operations are covered
extensively. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization of Matrices are considered
essential foundation for subsequent engineering courses and as such several homework
exercises are necessarily assigned in this area.
2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project
The Micro-Project aims at
 To teach how to find the area of a Triangle and Rectangle using Determinants

3.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

The following Course Outcomes were addressed while making the micro-project:
Apply the concepts of algebra to solve engineering related problems.
Solve the problems based on measurement of regular closed figures and regular solids.

4.0 Literature Review :

Determinants are arrangements of n × n numbers ( may be real, imaginary or complex) in
equal number of rows and columns enclosed between a pair of bar brackets. They are
designated by a letter D or by a symbol Δ. They are square arrangements and are scaler
5.0 Action Methodology Followed
The project group was formed according to the roll numbers in the 1st week of August
2019 and the topic for micro-project was allotted by the subject teacher in consultation
with our group. The topic allotted to our group was to Prepare a chart using Determinants
to find the area of Triangle and Rectangle.
A detailed schedule for execution of micro-project was proposed and followed:
Sr. Planned Duration
Details of activity
No. Start date of Weeks
1. Formation of Group & Selection of Topic 5/8/2019 01
2. Submission of Proposed Plan 12/8/2019 01
3. Preparation of Model/chart 20/8/2019 02
4. Final evaluation of working model/chart 3/9/2019 02
5. Presentation: Model/Chart 16/9/2019 01
6. Submission of Final Report 1/10/2019 02
According to the topic allotted by the subject teacher for the micro-project, we all the members
of group had a brain storming session among ourselves, we prepared a list of the resources or
materials required, planned the activities such as buying of materials, constructing the
model/chart and its execution as planned and finally submitted the Proposed plan of micro-
project (Annexure - I) to the subject teacher in the 3rd week of September 2019.
After receiving the approval for the submitted action plan of project activities (Annexure -I)
from the subject teacher, we prepared a To-Do-List with responsibilities and according the work
were distributed among the group members.
After collection of the resources as per the materials required for the micro-project, we prepared
working model/chart of assigned micro-project topic and executed as aimed. Finally the
working model/chart of the allotted micro-project topic was presented to the subject teacher in
2nd week of October 2019 for evaluation.
We have also prepared Micro-project Final Report and will be submitted to subject teacher
before the term end.

6.0 Actual Resources Used

Name of Resource/
Sr. No. Specifications Quantity Remarks
1. Drawing sheet (A3) 1
2. 1 (each)
7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects :


8.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcomes :

The following skills were developed while performing and developing this micro-project-
1. Designing: Designing of micro project with minimum required resources and at low cost.
2. Teamwork: Learned to work in a team and boost individual confidence.
3. Time Management: Timely completion of micro project as scheduled.
4. Data Analysis: Interpretation of data: drawing and analysis of graphs, laboratory
calculations, etc.
5. Problem-solving: Develop good problem-solving habits.
6. Technical writing: Preparing a report of the proposed plan and final report.

9.0 Applications of the Micro-Project :

 The area of triangle can be found using determinant formula.
 The area of rectangle can be found using determinant formula.
 Cramer's Rule, which is a part of determinants, can be used to solve two equations in
two variables or three equations in three variables.
 It turns out that the area of a triangle can also be found using determinants. The
derivation of the formula is kind of long and most of you don't care to see it, so it's on a
separate page.
 What you do is form a 3×3 determinant where the first column are the x's for all the
points, the second column are the y's for all the points, and the last column is all ones.

Teacher Signature
(Mrs. Uma Lohiya)
Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project
(The marks may be allowed to the characteristics of the Micro Project by considering the suggested rubrics)

Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent
be assessed ( Marks 1 - 3 ) ( Marks 4 - 5 ) ( Marks 6 - 8 ) ( Marks 9- 10 )
Relevance to the Related to  very few Addressed at-least Addressed more than
1 Related to some LOs
course LOs one CO one CO
Literature Not more than two
At-least 5 relevant
Review sources (primary and At –least 7 relevant About 10 relevant
2 sources, at least 2
/Information secondary), very old sources, most latest sources, most latest
collection reference
Completion of
the Target as Completed less than Completed 50 to Completed 60 to Completed more
per project 50% 60% 80% than 80 %
Enough data
Sufficient and Sufficient and collected by
appropriate sample, appropriate sample, sufficient and
Sample Size small,
enough data enough data appropriate sample
Analysis of Data data neither
generated but not generated which is size. Proper
4 and organized nor
organized and not organized and inferences by
representation presented well
presented well. No or presented well but organizing and
poor  inferences are poor inferences are presenting data
drawn drawn through tables,
charts and graphs.
Just assembled/fabricated
assembled/fabricated with proper
with proper
and parts are not functioning parts. In
functioning parts. In
Quality of functioning well. Not proper shape, within
Incomplete proper shape, within
5 Prototype/Model in proper shape, tolerance dimensions
fabrication/assembly. tolerance dimensions
dimensions beyond and good
and good
tolerance limit. finish/appearance.
Appearance/ finish is But no creativity in
Creativity in design
shabby. design and use of
and use of material
Nearly sufficient and
Very short, poor Very detailed,
correct details about Detailed, correct and
quality sketches, correct, clear
methods, material, clear description of
Details about description of
precautions and methods, materials,
Report methods, material, methods, materials,
6 conclusion. But precautions and
Preparation precaution and precautions and
clarity is not there in Conclusions.
conclusions omitted, conclusions. Enough
a presentation. But Sufficient Graphic
some details are tables, charts and
not enough graphic Description.
wrong sketches
Major information is Includes major Includes major Well organized,
not included, information but not information and well includes major
7 Presentation
information is not well organized and organized but not information, well
well organized. not presented well presented well presented
Replied to a
Could not reply to a Replied properly to a
considerable number Replied most of the
8 Viva considerable number considerable number
of questions but not questions properly
of questions. of questions.
very properly
Annexure – IV

Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: _________________________ Enrollment No.: _________________

Name of Program : Computer Engineering Semester: First

Course Title: Basic Mathematics Course Code: BMS (22103)

Title of the Micro-project: Prepare a chart using Determinants to find the area of a
Triangle and Rectangle
Course Outcomes Achieved:
The following Course Outcomes were addressed while making the micro-project:
 Apply the concepts of algebra to solve engineering related problems.
 Solve the problems based on measurement of regular closed figures and regular

Sr. Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

Characteristic to be assessed
No. (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9- 10) Total

0. Process and Product Assessment (6 Marks)

1 Relevance to the course

Literature Survey /
Information Collection
Completion of the Target as per
project proposal
Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
B. Individual Presentation/ Viva (4 Marks)

7 Presentation

8 Viva

(A) (B) Total

Process and Product Assessment Individual Presentation/ Viva Marks
(6 Marks) (4 Marks) 10

Comments/Suggestions about teamwork/leadership/interpersonal communication (if any)  

Name and designation of the Faculty Member: Mrs Uma Lohiya - Lecturer
Dated Signature: ……………………………………..

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