A Literature Review of Workplace Well-Being: January 2020
A Literature Review of Workplace Well-Being: January 2020
A Literature Review of Workplace Well-Being: January 2020
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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 477
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 477
motivation, and meaning in work. Job involvement makes the psychological capital variable a predictor
consists of identifying closely with one's work, for employee engagement [8]. The results of both
identity, and self-esteem in one's work role [17]. studies together show that workplace well-being has
Work engagement is described as a state of mind contributed to the emergence of a person's positive
associated with positive work that is characterized attitude (employee engagement).
by enthusiasm, dedication, and absorption [18]. Whereas the differences found in the journals
Thriving is a feeling of vitality and a belief that collected are in terms of the placement of the
someone is learning, developing, and making workplace well-being variable. The differences
progress towards self-actualization [19]. Flow found related to this matter indicate that the
occurs when a person is truly absorbed in using skills workplace well-being does not only affect an aspect
to progress on a challenging task. Intrinsic or variable but is also influenced by aspects and
motivation is often measured as a subjective variables.
experience of interest or pleasure while engaging in
a task, which may overlap with subjective well- CONCLUSION
being. Meaning in work is related to the role of the
work itself, which does something valuable and self- Workplace well-being is a feeling of well-being
actualization. that employees get from their work, which related to
3. Social well-being general employee feelings and satisfaction with the
Social welfare includes satisfaction with fellow intrinsic and extrinsic values of a job. Aspects that
employees and satisfaction in interacting with affect workplace well-being include organizational
leaders. Another relevant construction is social climate, the quality of interaction between superiors
support which has two main dimensions such as and subordinates, job demand, personality, type of
emotional support and instrumental support. Giving work environment, health and welfare concepts,
also receives social support is a predictor of well- problems at work, problems imported into the
being. An additional aspect of social welfare in the workplace, work stress. Workplace well-being
workplace that might be included is a sense of affects various aspects including performance,
belonging that is embedded in the work community psychological capital, and employee engagement.
[7]. Other models of workplace well-being are social
The journals collected have similarities in well-being at work, eudaimonic well-being at work,
compiling an understanding of workplace well- and subjective well-being at work.
being. The similarity of theoretical constructs used
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