Use of Beauty Terms in English by Beauty Vlogger On Youtube Vidio
Use of Beauty Terms in English by Beauty Vlogger On Youtube Vidio
Use of Beauty Terms in English by Beauty Vlogger On Youtube Vidio
NIM : 1951800030
Class : 4a
There is a lot of discussion about language and humans that cannot be separated.
Language is the main element in communication life for humans. "Language is one of the
most characteristic human characteristics that distinguishes it from other creatures (Nababan,
1993: 1)". Humans as social creatures need language to communicate during activities. This
is continuous and affects the process of socializing with the environment.
Along with the times, language inevitably also develops. One of the fields that is
experiencing development in terms of language is the field of technology. Today, the
development of the digital era is so fast and sophisticated that each individual lives side by
side with his gadget. With gadgets, people will easily get information anytime and anywhere.
On the other hand, the attractiveness of television can be defeated by gadgets that are more
practical and sophisticated. The development of gadgets, especially smart phones, has an
effect on the applications in them. One of the popular applications is Youtube. Youtube is a
video sharing website. Currently, the existence of Youtube can beat television. This is
evidenced by the number of YouTubers who upload their videos to Youtube.
In terms of video content, YouTubers are divided into several types. One that is
being the center of public attention is a beauty vlogger. Beauty vlogger is a YouTuber who
focuses on beauty. In the video content, beauty vloggers in Indonesia will generally provide
reviews about cosmetics, make-up tutorials, and other things that intersect with the world of
beauty. Contents of a beauty vlogger's video, the use of foreign terms, slang, use of
abbreviations, interference is very attached to their communication style. Various language
variations indicate that the use of language is diverse. Language diversity appears in its use
both individually and in groups (Suwito, 1983: 3).
What characterizes a beauty vlogger is a new language term in the world of beauty
that many ordinary people may not know about. Some of the linguistic phenomena as
described above can be studied using linguistics (sociolinguistics). Sociolinguistics has a
relationship between language variation, language function, and language use as well as
changes as a result of the interaction between the three in the speech community (Suwito,
1983: 4). And it can be explained that, language contains various kinds of social variations
that cannot be resolved by the structural theory framework (I Dewa & Rohmadi, 2006: 5).
The interesting thing to learn in this research is that beauty vloggers use new,
unique, and varied language to attract netizens to watch videos on their Youtube channel. The
use of new, unique, and varied languages can be found in videos uploaded by beauty
vloggers. This was done to make netizens curious to watch videos uploaded to Youtube. The
videos uploaded by the beauty vloggers have various language variations. On the other hand,
the world of beauty has been around for a long time. The terms and vocabulary in the world
of beauty are increasingly developing and unique because not all people know their meaning.
What's more, in this era, the trend of make-up is being loved by people, especially citizens. In
connection with this, the data source in this study is a video from Youtubechannel beauty
vlogger. This research will use three YouTube channels of beauty vlogger Indonesia with
different backgrounds.
The research objective is the answer to the problem formulation that is described and
wants to be achieved from the research. Based on the problem formulation previously
described, this study has the following objectives to describe the characteristics of the new
vocabulary used by Indonesian beauty vloggers. Describe the variations in vocabulary in the
world of beauty function. Every study has good and longoing benefits. Research is expected
to be useful for others and the development of science. This research is expected to be able to
add to the knowledge of sociolinguistics, especially in language variations. This research is
expected to be able to provide insight into the use of new language variations, especially in
the use of the beauty vlogger language, which is studied in sociolinguistics. This research is
expected to be able to provide knowledge about The linguistic phenomenon that is trending in
society is the use of language variations in beauty vloggers.
1. Sociolinguistics
Humans use language as a means of communication. The study of language is
called linguistics. The study of the use of language in society is called sociolinguistics.
Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics. In terms of naming, sociolinguistics involves two
sciences, namely sociology and linguistics. Sociology is the study of society, while linguistics
is a science of language. So "sociolinguistics is the study of language associated with social
conditions (studied by the social sciences, especially sociology)" (Sumarsono & Paina,
2. Language Variations
Language as a means of communication by the community raises variations in
language variations. The emergence of language variations is due to the use of language in
correlation with the life of its speakers and their surroundings. Language variation is a kind of
language variety. The use of language variations is adjusted to the function and situation
without neglecting the main rules that apply in the language concerned. Language variations
appear caused by social factors and situational factors. Both of these factors are nonlinguistic
factors of language use (Suwito, 1983: 29).
Chaer and Leonie Agustina (2004: 61-72) explain that "the diversity or variability of
language is not only caused by the speakers who are not homogeneous, but also because the
social interaction activities they carry out are very diverse". According to the two, language
variations are divided into four, namely, (1) variations in terms of speakers, namely variations
based on the speaker are variations that are either individual or group in nature. Variations of
this type are in the form of idiolects, dialects, kronolek, sociolek, slang, and jargon. Idiolek is
an individual variation. On the other hand dialect, kronolek, sociolek, slang, and jargon are
variations of group language. (2) variations in terms of usage, namely variations in language
based on the field of use, regarding the language used for what purposes or fields, (3)
variations in terms of formality are variations in language divided into five kinds of styles,
namely frozen language variations, styles. or the official (formal) style. style or variety of
business (consultative), style or style of casual (casual), and style or variety of intimate (4)
variations in terms of means are variations in language based on the aspect of these means
known by the variety of spoken and written types. Variations of this type are a kind of
language variety using certain tools or means.
Based on the explanation by Chaer and Leonie Agustina (2004: 61-72) regarding
the language variations above, the use of language in Beauty Vlogger tends to be included in
language variations in terms of formality. The language used by the beauty vlogger in every
video uploaded to Youtube tends to use a casual style or variety of language and intimate
style or style.
3. Hybrid (hybrid word) between Indonesian affixes and foreign base words.
Hybrid (hybrid word) is "a complex word whose parts come from different
languages (Kridalaksana, 1983: 56)". The use of foreign terms apart from being used in the
full word form can also be juxtaposed or supplemented with the form of the source language
word (Indonesian). More easily, hybrid can be said as the use of the basic form of foreign
terms that use Indonesian affixations. The use of hybrid words is due to difficulties in finding
the right terms in Indonesian.
4. Language function
Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1992: 20) describe that the function of language can
be said as the way someone uses their language, or their languages if they speak more than
one language. Malinowski (in Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan, 1992: 20) divides the function of
language into two major groups, namely, pragmatics and magic. Malinowski was interested
in the practical use of language which was further subdivided into active and narrative
language use. On the other hand, Malinowski is also interested in the use of ritual or magical
language related to religious or cultural activities.
Roman Jakobson (in Chaer and Leonie Agustina, 2010: 15-17) describes six
functions of language. The six functions of the language include (1) the emotive function is a
function that explains that the speaker expresses an attitude towards what he is saying. The
delivery of messages or conversations is not only expressed using emotion through language,
but also shows emotions when speaking it, so that the listener or the interlocutor can also
predict whether the speaker is happy, angry, sad, or happy, (2) the rhetorical function is a
function that makes the listener or interlocutors do activities according to what the speaker
(speaker) wants. Speakers can use sentences that state orders, appeal, or seduction, (3)
interpersonal functions are functions performed to build and maintain close relationships,
show friendly feelings, or social solidarity, (4) cognitive functions are functions that play a
role in talking about objects or events that surround the speakers or those contained in culture
in general, (5) the metalinguistic function is used to talk about the language itself. This can be
seen in the language learning process where the rules or rules of language are explained by
language. (6) the poetic function (poetic speech) is a language function that can be used to
convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings, both actual and imagined.
5. Beauty Vlogger
Beauty vlogger is a combination of the words beauty and vlogger. Beauty in the
English Dictionary (Offline) is defined as beauty. Vlogger is the basic form of vlog. Vlogs in
the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI online) are called blogs whose content is in the form of
videos. Thus, a vlogger can be defined as someone who owns a vlog. So, a beauty vlogger is
someone who owns and uploads videos about beauty content. The video is uploaded to the
YouTube social media.
According to Widodo and Mawardi (in Sinaga and Kusumawati. 2018: 188), a
beauty vlogger is someone who creates and uploads videos about beauty. Beauty in this case
is what beauty bloggers use, whether it's skin care, make-up, or beauty tools.
Hutapea (2016) says that beauty vloggers are tasked with providing information
about cosmetics and beauty then uploading the information on social media platforms,
namely YouTube (in Sinaga and Kusumawati, 2018: 190). Beauty Vlogger is a "beauty
influencer who shares information that teaches certain skills and illustrates how to do
something with content through video clips which are then posted on the Youtube platform"
(Choi and Behm-Morawitz in Sinaga and Kusumawati, 2018: 190).
No Data Meanning
1. BB Cushion Produk berbentuk krim gabungan dari skincare dan
2. Glowing Bersinar
3. Coverage Hasil daya tutup produk saat diaplikasikan
4. Shade Variasi suatu produk
5. Tan Jenis warna kulit
6. Pigmented Make up dengan level pigmentasi warna pekat
7. Pop out Penyebutan hasil sebuah produk setelah diaplikasikan
8. Creasing Garis halus pada wajah karena make up luntur
9. Contour Produk kecantikan yang berfungsi memberikan bayangan
pada wajah agar terdefinisi dengaan jelas.
10. Contour palette Kumpulan contour pada suatu wadah
11. Tap in Proses menepuk wajah
12. Swatch Proses pengaplikasian produk
13. Hydration Hidrasi
14. Complexion Kondisi kulit
15. Mattefying Hasil dari suatu makeup produk yang tidak memiliki kilau.
16. Dewy Hasil akhir suatu riasan yang lembab.
17. Baking Teknik mengaplikasikan bedak
18. Loose powder Bedak tabur
19. Drugstore Toko umum, toko biasa
20. Highlighter Produk kecantikan yang memberi kesan bersinar
21. Touch up Kegiatan memperbaiki rias wajah
22. Primer Produk kecantikan yang berbentuk krim yang digunakan
pertama kali sebelum produk lain
23. Sunblock Tabir surya
24. Sunscreen Tabir surya
25. Whitecast Keadaan wajah yang memunculkan warna keputihan
Data is taken from several YouTube video sources from 3 beauty vloggers. The
vocabulary used in the beauty vlogger language includes coverage, glowing, dewy, high end,
drug store, primer, shade, foundation, touch up, highlighter, pigmented, matte, pop out,
flawless, blend . beauty blender, glossy, and others. The use of foreign terms will be
described as follows:
Glowing in the terminology of the world of beauty means' shining. The use in the
data found did not result in a change in meaning. The meaning of the word glowing in the
data is the shining result of a beauty product. Coverage is the covering power produced by a
beauty product. In general, the term coverage refers to products in the form of foundation and
BB Cream.
ii. ( Rachel Goddard explained after trying Cushion from one of the local
cosmetic products. )
Rachel Goddard : "Oh gila banget dan gue mau minta maaf sebelumnya
sama Pixy ya kan. Sebelumnya gue suudzon ya kalau pake Pixy ini nih
apalagi produk lokal nggak mungkin ada yang cocok buat shade Rachel
Goddard secara gue kan Proud to be tan ya."
( )
The vocabulary used in the second point is shade and tan. Shade is the designation
for the variety that a beauty product has. The term shade is usually used for products in the
form of powder, lipstick. foundation, BB Cream, and BB Cushion. In general, a beauty
product does not only issue one variant in each product. To be able to distinguish these
products, they will be given an identity which in the term beauty vlogger is called a shade.
Tan is a term for skin color type. Tan belongs to the type of dark skin color or dark brown.
iii. (Rachel Goddard tries different variants of emut lipstick from Thailand.)
Rachel Goddard : "Oke temen-temen tadi udah liat sendiri warna yang
strawberry sama yang juicy jelas banget yang juicy ini warnanya lebih
pigmented dan lebih kayak ngecover seluruh bibir dibandingin yang
warna merah ini dan yang warna merah ini mungkin karena warnanya
yang terlalu pop out jadi tadi tu bagian ujung-ujungnya sini tuh masih
kayak rada cemong cemong."
( )
The vocabulary in point three is pigmented and pop out. Pigmented in Indonesian
means 'pigmentasi'. Pigmented is a high pigmentation label that gives a clear color with just
one swipe. The use of this data does not result in a change in meaning. The meaning of
pigmented in these data is the color pigmentation of a lipstick.
Pop out is a reference to the results of beauty products that are too obvious or flashy. Pop out
is generally used to describe the color result produced by a beauty product.
iv. (Tasya Farasya explains about the beauty products she uses.)
Tasya Farasya : "Jadi aku mau pake ini sama-sama dari Bourjois juga,
Healthy Mix Powder yang warnanya nomor 03 Dark Based. Terus ini
brush-nya dari Aeris Beauty. ini produk lokal aku penasaran jadi
pengen cobain beberapa dari Aeris hari ini. So far sih aman ya belum
ada yang jadi kayak creasing-creasing gitu, cuman ini matte banget."
( )
Tasya Farasya : "Oke guys jadi karena menurut aku ini warna brownzer-
nya tuh kayak cuman bisa buat nge-brown aja gitu lho tapi kayak
kurang ke-contour mukanya, Jadi aku sekarang mau nge-contour muka
aku lagi ini pake kayak contour palette dari Martinez, tapi di sini kayak
nggak ada nama-namanya. Pokoknya contour palette aja dari Martinez.
Yang warna contour nih, yang disini nih yang warnanya paling gelap
yang akan aku pake. Terus kita akan detail-in lagi aja. Biar lebih tajam
setajam silet. Walaupun kalau silet julid kalau aku nggak julid hahaha."
( )
The vocabulary used in point five is the contour and countour palette. Contour is a
beauty product that functions to give a shadow to the face so that the face is clearly defined.
Contour is generally brown in color and is applied to the cheeks, nose and forehead area. The
use of contours can hide the face area, so that it will make the impression of the cheeks taper,
the nose becomes sharp, and the forehead that was originally wide can look smaller. Contour
is a beauty product that is able to produce an illusion on the face so that it can hide the facial
area with color playing techniques.
The contour palette is a beauty product that contains a set of contours in one
container. In general, the container used is flat and flat in which there are several contours
with various color variations.
vi. (Rachel Goddard describes her cosmetic condition if rubbed too often.)
Rachel Goddard : "Jadi ya ini kalau makin di-tap-in, makin liat deh kayak
ini apaan nih."
( )
The vocabulary in point six is tap-in. Tap in the language of beauty vlogger means
'pat' which is a classy noun word. The word 'clap combined with the di-an confix changes the
noun word class into a verb word class that implies doing tapping artificially.
vii. (Ini Vindy making a video about her five favorite lipsticks, while closing
the video. This is Vindy explaining to the viewers to comment on the
Ini Vindy : "Yowis apa namanya coment juga kalau kalian pengen tau aku
harus nge-swatch lipstik apa lagi ya? Tulis aja komen di bawah, request-
request di bawah ya."
( )
Tasya Farasya : "Terus ada satu lagi yang menjadi penyelamat banget dan
aku emang suka banget. Itu adalah si Hydrating Jelly-nya Clinic karena
tuh bener-bener ngebantu hydrat kulit aku dan dia itu juga nge
hydratingnya bene-bener twenty four hour. Frank rase free bisa dipakenya
kapan aja mau pagi, siang, sore, malem. Mau pake berkali-kali pada saat
kulit kalian butuh hydration itu kalian tinggal pake si Clinic Hydrating
Jelly dan juga emang yaudah itu bagus banget jadi ini kayak complexion
aku juga terselamatkan karena kulit aku tadinya udah ke hydrat banget
abis itu kita mattefying dengan primernya Bourjois abis itu kena cushion-
nya yang jadinya kayak dewy lagi tapi abis itu kita baking lagi dengan
loose powder yang juga lumayan coverage dan mattefying."
( )
Complexion is a term used to describe the condition of the face when it is made up.
Complexion refers to the condition of the overall color, texture, and appearance of the skin
when the face is made up. Complexion is related to the beauty products used, so that beauty
products that are applied to the face will affect the resulting complexion.
Mattefying is a term for the result of a product that shows shine-free, sticky, and
durable results. The term mattefying is an extension of the matte root that has been explained
in the previous point.
Dewy is the name for the end result of a facial makeup that shows facial skin that
looks more moist, healthier, and smoother, giving the impression of a brighter and younger
facial skin. Dewy make-up shows facial skin that is wet and glowing due to the impression
that the moisture is too high.
Baking is a technique for applying powder. This technique is done by leaving the
powder for 5-10 minutes in order to release heat energy in the face. The hot energy that
comes out will make foundation and concealer more integrated with facial skin. After that,
the powder will be rubbed onto the face evenly. Loose powder is the name for beauty
products, namely powder. More precisely loose powder is a term for powder in the form of
powder which is more popularly known as loose powder.
ix. (Rachel Goddard describes the best blush on for 2018.)
Rachel Goddard : "Untuk blush on padatnya disini gue punya tiga dan
dua-duanya drug store bahkan ini yang lokal. Ini dari YOU Make up. Jadi
dia tuh ada empat warna. Sebenernya ini yang blush on-nya cuman dua
warna. Yang ini highlighter sama buat countur-nya. Warna dua ini tuh
bagus banget. Kalau loe udah pake blush on yang krim, terus tinggal
touch up pake dua blush on ini, mantul."
( )
The use of vocabulary in point nine is blush, drug store, highlighter, and touch up.
Blush on in Indonesian means 'blush'. The use of the data does not change in meaning. The
meaning of the word blush in this utterance is a blush that is applied to the cheek area to
make it look more rosy and to emphasize the cheekbones. Drug store is the name for a
product that is sold in a regular store. Drug store products are easily available at prices that
are not too expensive.
Highlighter is a term for beauty products. Highlighter in the form of powder and pen
which has a function to give a glowing impression when exposed to light reflection.
Highlighter is applied to areas of the face, such as the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. The
next use of vocabulary is touch up. Touch up is a term for applying makeup. Touch up is an
activity to repair the results of facial makeup to make it look fresher.
x. (Tasya Farasya describes the beauty products she uses for makeup.)
Tasya Farasya : "Next kita akan pake primer kedua. Jadi sebenernya ini
tuh bukan primer sih. Ini sebenernya mmhh apa namanya, sunblock gitu.
Ini dari L'Oreal UV Perfect Matte and Fresh. Jadi dia SPFnya 50, ini
kayak sunscreen gitu tapi bening kalau udah diaplikasiin di muka. Dan
finish-nya katanya matte. Jadi aku berharap dia tidak akan menyebabkan
adanya white cast karena pas aku coba swatch di tangan waktu itu di
tangan aku jadinya kayak nggak ada apa-apa, bukan berwarna putih
( )
The use of vocabulary in the tenth point is primar, sunblock, sunscreen, and white
cash. Primer is a beauty product in the form of a cream. In general, primers are used before
other cosmetic uses. Sunblock in Indonesian means "tabir surya". The use of the term
sunblock in the data found did not change in meaning. The meaning of the word sumblock in
the utterance is sunscreen which functions to protect the skin from sun exposure. Sunblock
can block the skin from sun exposure, so that UV radiation can be prevented.
Sunscreen in Indonesian also means "tabir surya". The use of the data does not
change in meaning. The meaning of the word sunscreen in the above speech is sunscreen
which functions to filter out the sun's rays that are exposed to the skin. Sunscreen has a
lighter content than sunblock, so sunscreen can only protect the skin from sun exposure, but
UV radiation can still absorb into the skin.
The next vocabulary use is white cast. White cast refers to the state of the face after
making up. The condition of the face that gives off a whitish color after applying cosmetic
products is called a white cast.
The conclusions in this study are the answers to the data that have been described
previously. This study has data that has been analyzed which was collected by recording and
note-taking techniques. This data is studied by sociolinguistics. The three beauty vloggers
who were used as data sources conveyed new language variations in the field of beauty.
This study describes the characteristics of the use of new vocabulary used by Indonesian
beauty vloggers. Also describes the function of new vocabulary in the world of beauty .
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