Long Exam in Applied Economics
Long Exam in Applied Economics
Long Exam in Applied Economics
I. Choose your answer inside the box. Write the letter only.
_______1. It is a condition where there are not sufficient resources to satisfy all the needs and wants of a population.
_______2. It is the application of economic theory and econometrics in specific settings with the goal of analyzing potential
_______3. It is the social science that involves the use of scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants.
_______4. It includes manmade resources used in the production of goods and services and also includes machines and equipment.
_______5. It is an authoritative system wherein decision-making is centralized in the government.
_______6. It refers to the physical, human effort exerted in production.
_______7. It refers to the soil and natural resources which are found in nature and not man-made.
_______8. It is a division of economics that is concerned with the overall performance of the entire economy.
_______9. It is concerned on the behavior of individual entities such as the consumer, the producer and the resource owner.
_______10. It is the most democratic form of economic system.
_______11. It refers to the state of being extremely poor.
_______12. It is a situation where people who are willing and able to work are seeking but cannot find jobs.
_______13. It is the willingness of a consumer to buy a commodity at a given price.
_______14. It exists when at least one of the requirements for perfect competition is absent in the market.
_______15. It is consumed to fuel day-to-day expenditures.
_______16. It is the portion of income earned that is not spent on consumption or taxes.
_______17. It is a means of interaction between buyers and sellers for trading or exchange.
_______18. It is a market where there is a sole producer of a product, for which there are no close substitutes.
_______19. It is a market where a few sellers account for most of or total production.
_______20. It is the payment for the use of land belonging to a landowner.
II. Classify the following topics. Write MIC if it falls under microeconomics; MAC, if it falls under macroeconomics.
__________1. Philippine congress passed the Value Added Tax Law to strengthen the Philippine tax system.
__________2. The Philippine economy grew at the rate of 6.3% in 2014.
__________3. Prices of oranges and grapes tend to increase during the Christmas season.
__________4. Rental on land could not be increased by landowners because of the Rent Control Law.
__________5. In the past year, Coca Cola was named the fastest selling product in the market.
__________6. Unemployment rate has dropped because of the increase in the number of OFW’s.
__________7. Garlic prices in the past months have risen because producers hoarded their supplies in their bodegas.
__________8. Prices of Toyota vehicles are predicted to go up in December.
__________9. A Php. 340-million deficit in the Philippine budget is expected in the year 2015.
__________10. The inflation rate in the Philippines in the last quarter of 2013 was 5.7%.
III. Indicate the effects of the given statements on the demand and supply of a good based on the following
outcomes. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
a. Shift to the right b. shift to the left c. no change