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Popular Mechanics January 2016 ZA
Popular Mechanics January 2016 ZA
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Product colour, shape and interface are for reference only.
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ater is the subject, if you’ll excuse And so to our reader. I had filed away
the excruciating pun, on every- his letter, written at the time in response Futuretech 2016
one’s lips. It certainly deserves all to my June 2015 editorial, “Eskom, con- Finally, it seems to be coming together.
the headlines it gets. But it may for the sider yourselves shed”. With sponsorship lined up, a venue
moment have taken our eye off the He noted my point that Eskom had selected and a projected date of late
42 090-megawatt gorilla in the room: betrayed the trust of all of us and that April, you can look forward to a day of
our electricity supply. we needed to investigate installing solar the cutting-edge and the mind-blowing
Perhaps because the past few months electricity with immediate effect. at PoPular Mechanics 2016. Details,
have been load shedding-free – and Eskom He had this warning, though: “But next month.
suggests this will continue – we might be technophobes like me, who do not know
lulled into a false sense of well-being. the difference between a volt of electric
The point is, the maintenance that we potential and a bolt of lightning, actually He conducted due diligence, contract-
keep hearing about has to be done at some listen to people like you; and we, in our ed apparently government-approved
stage. When we get to that stage, many of ignorance, act on your advice and get capable suppliers (“genuinely NOT fly-
us will be looking for alternatives. ourselves into the most inordinate by-night types”) with engineers who
Which brings me to a reader’s plea. amount of trouble.” spent many days inspecting and check-
Energy alternatives are all very well, he What was lacking, he said, was an ele- ing and pulling at wires and walking
says. Some of them are marvellous. But ment of caveat emptor. “Your articles make around with meters.
often they are not all they are made out it all sound so easy – if you have the Well, he has moved on. Found another
to be. money, you just go out and get someone to electrical contracting company. At R450
What got me thinking along these install a fortune’s worth of equipment on an hour. They have been hard at work
lines was my first fumbling attempts at your roof, and there you have it. Exit and at the time of writing their bill had
DIY home automation, which you can Eskom. Your problem is solved. QED.” topped R15 000. Oh, they haven’t actual-
read about in this month’s Tested. The Do you know, it really isn’t like that. ly done any real work yet – so far all they
point being that today’s smart home Instead, he says, he has been sitting with have been busy with is trying to work
gadgets not only do stuff, they also tell R300 000-worth of solar installation that out what on earth the previous people
you stuff – such as how much electricity has been seven months of nightmare. installed.
you are consuming individually. Being You know, perhaps it is time, as he
able to monitor this suddenly opened the says, to write about the perils waiting
floodgates to a whole new level of obses- for the non-technical reading public out
siveness, with the ability to compare there, and about charlatans and the clue-
LED vs LCD and so forth, in real time, less who claim to be solar installation
from anywhere on the planet, at 2 in the experts.
morning if you like (I was just checking So watch this space.
my Whatsapp messages, dear). In the meantime, I’d like to take this
I began to realise that, like the nation, opportunity to wish you a peaceful,
my newfound interest in kilolitres had blessed Festive Season and a sparkling
momentarily distracted me from the New Year.
very important question of kilowatt
Details online at www.
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2 www.popularmechanics.co.za _ JANUARY 2016
FEATURES PM impressions
26 Baghdad, Arizona ● Hyundai Santa Fe
Cover and this page: A group of elite
40 ● Fibaro home automation
Iraqi airmen are being trained in the
● Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro
US to fly their country’s first F-16s.
● LG G4 Stylus 38
They have faced not only the task of
gaining familiarity with a formidable
fighting weapon, but also long hours
in the sky, a strange culture and a
deadly crash.
18 58 66
JANUARY 2016 _ www.popularmechanics.co.za 3
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BMW 7 Series
www.bmw.co.za/7 Driving Pleasure
LEDS: STILL STUMPED TURN ON TO THE WEB that very spot where the cow “dumped”
Thank you for publishing my letter (Nov- The answer to Robin Hayes’s problem is probably has better grass than the spots
ember 2015). In his response (December simple: switch to Internet radio! All his that haven’t been dumped on.
2015) Kobus Stander laid the blame at the favourite stations can be found there. If Some of you might be thinking: what
door of the 220 V to 12 V transformer. The he still has a problem, then he should has this got to do with me? I’ll tell you what.
trouble is, I am using 220 V LEDs and not look elsewhere in his system for a fault. That grass is eaten by a cow, digested by
12 V ones, so no transformer is involved. ADRIAN WINSOR its body, turned into muscle and milk –
I read on the Internet that 220 V LEDs BY EMAIL and more “dump” is made. When the cow
with a metal body don’t cause this prob- is ready, it is slaughtered and turned into
lem – mine are plastic. Perhaps if I wrap meat. That’s what it has to do with you.
metal tape or tinfoil around the body to NATURE’S WAY What I am getting at is this: Nature has
act as a shield… The cow eats its food, digests it and then… given us gifts, including the ability for
I will let you know if this is successful. “dumps” its load. Sounds boring, doesn’t it? “dumps” to be turned to compost, the
ROBIN HAYES Well, the “dumpings” of the cow are cow’s meat-factor and lots more. It would
BY EMAIL nutrient- and mineral-rich. After a few years, be a good idea for the big names in this
8 www.popularmechanics.co.za _ JANUARY 2016
field (pun intended) to stop trying to
make synthetic meat, to stop keeping
cows in, frankly, torture chambers. MATCH, DON’T MIX
And it also makes financial sense. Why? I enjoyed reading Angus
Imagine if you’ve invested in a meat compa- Moodie’s letter on piston
ny, and one day you hear that scientists have speed, but got a bit mixed
been experimenting with synthetic meat. up with his quoting stroke
Just imagine the outcry from the thinkers and bore in millimetres
because, if it should (God forbid) succeed, and piston speed in feet.
cows, pigs, etc would become redundant – My calculations show a
probably extinct. This, among other reasons, piston speed of 152 857,2
is why we should use our “dumps” for crops, millimetres per minute (for
use solar power and try to think of other a stroke of 93 millimetres).
ways to use Nature’s gifts the way we where It’s all a bit like the UK still
meant to. being in pounds, gallons
WARREN CARLESS and miles per hour when
BY EMAIL the world generally is met-
ric. One wonders how piec-
es for Airbus match when
some are made in France.
Our ever-inventive readers are always
finding crafty ways of doing things more
cheaply, efficiently or weirdly. The tip
pictured appears to fit all three of those categories:
braze a hinge to a bilge pump as a footrest to make
operation easier. What a pity that the efforts of our
nattily attired but clearly sinking oarsman seem to
have progressed well beyond the point of futility.
What at first glance
looks like a sun-
bather in her
shades soaking up
some beats via her
February 1967
Another decade, another US venture into for-
Beats is in fact a
eign terroritories. This month’s cover story
patient undergoing
involves a kind of warfare by proxy, but back
shortwave therapy
in February 1967, the American foray into
for what are quaintly
Vietnam was as personal as it got – and, inevitably, controversial. Whereas 2015’s
described as “ills”.
featured weapons platform is the F-16 and the target is ISIS, the 1967 version
The goggles pro-
highlights what looks like the formidable Bell Cobra (which by the way is still in
tected against
production) visiting righteous wrath on the Vietcong. It’s hard to look at these
exess radiation from the quartz mercury ultraviolet lamp
images today and not be troubled by the fervour surrounding the 1967 issue’s
and the earpieces contained electrodes that radiated
“salute to our fighting whirlybirds, including a two-page painting of them in
heat energy, or judging by her glazed look, possibly
action”. But, as they say, talk is cheap, war is an ugly thing and hindsight is 20/20.
early Pet Shop Boys.
Memories of World War II may have been fading, but with-
in a month of publication hostilities would resume in Korea.
In the meantime, matters of a less militaristic nature were
on the agenda, such as testing fishing tackle at California’s Long Beach
Tuna Club. Given the tuna’s understandable reluctance to act as a
guinea pig (guinea fish?) the anglers enlisted the aid of “mermaids” to
swim off attached to special harnesses, testing – and sometimes
breaking – the fishing gear. According to our story, club members “tell
about the one that got away with added sighs these days”. PM
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Here’s what happens when
400 prodigies and 1 500 cans In two days, Timothy
of free Red Bull descend on Su, 21, created an app
that exchanges money
Silicon Valley. between payment
BY A L E X A N D E R G E O R G E platforms, such as
Venmo and Bitcoin.
precision, control and range of motion. Thanks to the Da Vinci system’s better ergonom- There are alternatives available. In terms
ics, surgeon fatigue is reduced. of surgery as mentioned above, it can
TUH urologist Doctor Francois du P Boezaart takes us through the process. also be done laparoscopically or via open
PM What are the essential components of robotic surgery? Who does the surgery. The laparoscopic approach is
physical work on the patient? technically very difficult, with a very
We use the robot to do robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomies (for localised steep learning curve. Only a very few
prostate cancer). This device enables the doctor to do more accurate surgery laparoscopi- urologists in the country are able to carry
cally. The robot makes the procedure easier to learn. The improved 3D vision, as well as it out. At our hospital we have done more
the ability to set the sensitivity of the device, makes the surgery more accurate. This than 1 800 laparoscopic radical prostatec-
device works on a master-slave principle: the surgeon works from a console. tomies, but the steep learning curve (the
PM To what extent is the robotic part automated or, in fact, autonomous? difficulty of acquiring the skills) makes
The robot does not do the procedure by itself, but is steered from the console, where the this procedure less viable for general uro-
surgeon controls everything. The slave part is at the patient’s bedside and consists of logical practice. This is where the robots
robotic arms that are inserted via small incisions (about one to two centimetres long) step in to make the procedure more read-
through trocars put into the patient’s body. ily available in terms of minimal invasive
The operation is then done by the surgeon sitting at the console. The advanced flexibility surgery. Open procedures are still being
and mobility of the small robotic instruments inside the patient’s body make for very done, in many cases, in South Africa.
accurate and concise surgery to be performed. All tremors of the steering hand would As far as non-surgical alternatives are
also be filtered out, resulting in absolute stability of the robotic instruments inside the concerned, radiotherapy is currently the
patient’s body. No action of the robot is performed without it being steered by the sur- only viable alternative. It is generally
geon. Thus there is no automated functionality. reserved for poor surgical risks patients
PM Can it be done at a distance (say cities apart)? and those patients who prefer the non-
The surgeon at the console works mostly in the same theatre, but can also do so in a surgical approach.
PM What special training is needed?
different setting, depending on the quality of the broadband connection (even on a
different continent). There is in place a well developed pro-
PM Where does robotic surgery fit into the medical liability scenario? gramme in learning the technique. At
The doctor performs the procedure and would ultimately be responsible for surgical out- present, robotic surgeons undergo basic
comes. The device is merely a tool to improve visibility and accuracy of surgery as men- training overseas. They have to complete
tioned above. There are, however, medical legal cases all over the world in which patients modules as they progress to the actual
have sued the company or the doctors involved, or both, where complications have arisen. procedure. The first five to 10 cases are
These, however, are few and far between. The robot in general enhances the doctor’s done under supervision of a proctor. We
ability to provide quality surgical care. have a simulator available through which
PM Why has robotic surgery became a focal area in treating prostate cancer, the skills can more easily be acquired. The
specifically? different modules that I have mentioned
The robot has become the primary device used for radical prostatectomies in the US, would also encompass simulated training.
where more or less 90 per cent of these procedures are being done with the help of the
Management (PLM) technologies
(above) are revolutionising agriculture.
“They are becoming an essential tool
increase efficiencies,” says the compa-
ny’s PLM product specialist, John
Sustainable farming for future New Holland’s PLM offering includes
generations won’t just be about displays, guidance and telematics sys-
tems, mapping software, crop input
genetically modified crops.
control systems and data management
AN ALTERNATIVE-ENERGY ENGINE, assisted New Holland associate, FPT Industrial. software – even steering assist.
steering and navigation system are what The tractor underwent real-world test-
you would expect to find on today’s high- ing at the La Bellotta farm in Venaria,
tech vehicles. But new-generation farm Italy. That’s also where the company is
implements are finding themselves right up deploying its Energy Independent Farm
there on the frontiers alongside smart cars. concept. The objective: to generate the
A prototype alternative-fuel tractor energy the farm needs from the crops it
could change the face of sustainable already grows, alongside recycled waste
farming tomorrow, says farming machin- by-products. “With biogas innovation, we
ery manufacturer New Holland – and the have been able to restart investment and
company’s driver-assistance systems are re-employ people. This is the result of a
already doing so today. virtuous process,” says Luca Remmert,
The methane-powered tractor was owner of La Bellotta.
showcased at the recently concluded 2015 ● Source: The Newsmarket
Expo in Milan, Italy. With the theme
“Feeding the planet, energy for life”, the
Expo hosted more than 850 000 visitors. NEW-WAVE
A second-generation prototype, the Fuel cost savings of between 20 and 40 per cent are forecast for the
Methane Power Tractor. It has 80 per cent lower polluting emissions than
tractor is seen as a hint of a future in GROW YOUR a standard diesel tractor and complies with future greenhouse gas targets
which farms can be energy-independent OWN FUEL in Europe, expected to impose a 20 per cent cut in emissions by 2020.
and more environmentally friendly. Even better, using biomethane (derived from biomass) cuts overall
Based on a standard New Holland T6 CO2 emissions further. An Energy Independent Farm could grow the
tractor (above and right), it is powered by biomass and recycle its waste byproducts to produce its own biometh-
a natural gas engine manufactured by a ane, eliminating CO2 emissions and slashing fuel costs.
2, 2m
Modular connected tents help foster the
spirit of togetherness
instant community planning. But even though the
tents are all clustered together, the fact that they are
separate entities can militate against a true spirit of
togetherness (some, of course, would consider that a
distinct advantage).
POD tents of the UK (podtents.com) solved that
problem by designing modular tents that can be con-
nected in unique formations. It’s an idea that appears
to have taken off in a big way in the UK, Europe, South
Korea, the USA and Australia since the concept was ing huge groups of revellers to
launched about a year ago. The good news for local fes- camp together.
tivalgoers is that POD has set its sight on global mar- “Personal sleeping pods
kets for 2016, with the launch of its new Elite range allow the privacy of a separate
scheduled for early in the new year. Improvements to tent, but the connecting corri-
the Elite range include better UV protection, lighter dors and tunnels help to keep
weight and more durable design. everyone together and can
The inaugural range of tents included the POD Maxi create unique communal
and POD Mini, for sleeping eight or four people areas that groups of friends
together in one tent with separate rooms. POD tents will lose at a festival,” says
can be externally and internally adapted to create com- Jason Thorpe, director
munal living spaces and private sleeping pods for large of POD Tents designers M2C
groups. Each POD can be connected to another, allow- Innovation.
the most current a 1,5-volt AA battery can ies into the ocean out of frustration that toenails, and everything in between. And
produce is 10 amps. Given the above, the bastard still won’t turn over. Indeed, what would be left on the other end?
you’d need to start with a string of eight fish tend to lead short and brutish lives, Another blob. Gross.
AAs to get your necessary 12 volts. but lightning is way down on the list of Fear not, however. Professional futurist
However, to produce the necessary cur- threats they face. Michael Rogers argues teleporters will soon
rent (250 amps) you’d need 25 parallel For one thing, and this may surprise be unnecessary, thanks to the developing
strings of eight AAs (25 × 10 amps = 250 anyone who has seen the intro to Gilligan’s field of “telepresence”, in which far-flung
amps). So, in a strictly theoretical world, Island, lightning storms at sea are not all robotic avatars connected to our senses will
200 AA batteries ought to be able to start that common. The farther offshore you go, enable us to “be” anywhere we like without
a typical midsize car – once. the rarer they get. Ask a scientist why this ever leaving home. At last, a truly practical
Stepping out into the real world (which is and you’ll hear a variety of theories that, use for all those AA batteries. PM
Samsung Galaxy
Note 5
The king of the big-screen Android phones returns
for a fifth instalment of market dominance. Purists Apple
who like their Google-powered handsets unadulterated
will turn to the Huawei-made Nexus 6P for phablety
goodness, but this is the phone that started the trend. A redesigned slim keyboard
Samsung doesn’t shy away from innovation with a (with butterfly switches), a
redesigned (but still class-leading) S Pen stylus that solitary USB type-C port and
comes with added functionality like taking notes with pressure sensitive Force Touch
the screen turned off. The beefy Exynos 7420 chipset trackpad set this apart as the most
handles processes with an eight-core monster unit and interesting laptop of 2015. Much
is supported by 4 GB of RAM. Screen size is 5,7 inches more than a glorified iPad.
and it’s of the 1440p (QHD) Super AMOLED variety. From R22 000, istoreonline.co.za
On main camera duty is the superb 16MP snapper
with optical image stabilisation and a decent 5MP
unit. This is easily the best Android phone for most
power users despite the negative press about no
expandable storage and a sealed battery.
You can get a 32 GB model for around R10 400, but
the 64 GB is the one you want. Visit samsung.com Apple iPhone 6S
for more info. If you prefer your phone
in fruit flavour, the iPhone
6S (or Plus variant) is the
best in the business. The
new 12 MP rear camera
and pressure-sensitve
screen are the hardware
features to own and it
makes a solid case for an
upgrade. Sorry, new
iPhone 6 owners.
From R11 800, istore-
WD My Passport Pro
You’ll love the rapid data transfers -
3 GB file in 34 seconds - but hate that
it’s only for Apple fans, or for hectic
gaming systems that have a built-in
Thunderbolt port.
From R4 200, wdc.com Canon EOS M10
The famed camera company has finally figured
out how to make good compact mirrorless units,
and this is one for the masses. It’s packing an
excellent 18 MP APS-C sensor, Wi-Fi and
NFC, so your Instagram shots are easier to
share from camera.
From R4 600 (body only), canon.co.za
Airwheel M3 SkateBoard
Skating as an adult is only a good idea if you
haven’t stopped skating since high school. If you
have, this is right up your alley. Airwheel are
champs at Segway-type devices, so the M3 is self-
balancing and can hit a max speed of 18 km/h.
Lithium-ion batteries hold charge and you control
the power via remote control.
R8 000, airwheel.net
Desk Pets
Tribe Star Wars Charge it via USB and use your
USB Flash Drive phone as the remote control. It’s
like the Micro Machines of our
While we don’t condone time, but without the fast-talking
piracy, it would be awesome TV ads.
to have a copy of the latest From R400, thegadgetshop.co.za
Star Wars fliek on one of
these. Sizes max out at 8GB,
but the force of novelty
value is strong with this
R250, thegadgetshop.co.za
Homido Smartphone
Virtual Reality headset
Getting a virtual reality experi-
ence on the cheap is easy with
Google Cardboard, but those
units don’t last very long. This
unit is a great platform-agnostic
solution that you can buy now
and connect to your smartphone,
instead of waiting for Oculus.
R1 500, mantality.co.za
12 D
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26 www.popularmechanics.co.za _ JANUARY 2016
FIRST F-16 S .
being away from family. We can talk through that.” Mohammed Sideeq Hasan, call sign “Fitter,” the NATO code name
Each day before going up in the air, the instructors for the Soviet-built Su-20 he’d flown as a young pilot. He was a
talk to the foreign students to determine their mental graduate of the Iraqi Air Force academy but only flew for a short
state. With students from, say, Norway or Japan, these time before Desert Storm and all that followed essentially grounded
informal check-ins could be as mundane as asking what him for two decades. Now, at forty-five, nearly twice as old as the
a student had for breakfast. With the Iraqis, the con- rest of them, he was back in the cockpit. With his black moustache
versations might be about friends and family killed by and gold aviator sunglasses and general’s stars on his epaulets, he
gunfire or car bombs. If an instructor thinks a student cut the figure of an old-school officer from the Saddam era. But
is too rattled, he’ll sit out the flight. he was known around the base as an unfailingly warm and gentle
Mostly, though, the Iraqi pilots depend on each man. He treated the young Iraqi pilots like nephews. He was the
other for support. They come from different regions – one they turned to when the gruelling training became too much,
Baghdad, the Kurdish north, the Sunni Triangle, the or when they worried about their families so much it made them
Shiite south – but they almost never talk about their sick. Hasan stayed focused. While the others were out revving their
sectarian identities. They hang out at each others’ V8s on days off – Nawaf in his red 2014 Dodge Challenger, a 392
apartments making Iraqi food, like a stewed beef dish Hemi with matte black racing stripes down the hood, a radar
called pima or the Kurdish okra recipe that Nawaf’s detector on the windshield, and a tiny pair of traditional Kurdish
mother walked him through over the phone. shoes dangling from the rearview mirror – Hasan would usually be
“We are Iraqis,” Nawaf says. “We are family.” sitting alone in his bare one-bedroom apartment studying, preparing
The head of that family was Brigadier General Rasid for his role as Iraq’s first-ever F-16 squadron commander.
Whether your idea of camping is as simple as just
the starry sky over your head or as sophisticated COMPILED BY KYLE KOCK AND NIKKY OOSTHUIZEN
as an all-mod-cons tented camp, the fact is that PHOTOGRAPHS BY KIAN ERIKSEN
we can’t all afford – or don’t want – to have the
same experience.
With that in mind, we decided to have some fun
matching lifestyles to camping accoutrements,
which includes wheels. But hey, if your camping
tastes run to champagne while your daily trans-
port is more on the level of beer, nobody’s keeping
score. Besides, champagne tastes just as good out
of plastic glasses.
A Renault Sandero Stepway perfectly fits the bill for this buyer. One of the most
affordable in its class of B-segment crossovers, and armed with a thrifty turbo-
THE MUSIC FESTIVALGOERS petrol three-cylinder motor, the Stepway carries its brand loyalists over a long
It’s all about getting maximum value for distance in reasonable comfort and minimal cost at the pumps – with niceties such
money, but also having as much fun as as front and rear electric windows and air-conditioning – and it sips unleaded fuel
possible. With mates on a budget in tow, at the rate of just 5,4 litres/100 km.
the moola has to stretch as far as possible. The raised ride height and supple suspension make the occasional gravel road
that much more bearable, while the black plastic cladding relegates fear of chipping
or scratching the bodywork to the back of your mind – because that’s the last thing
you want to deal with when you’re in the mood to party. – R176 900
The brightly coloured Starlight 2 tent by First Ascent makes so much sense at a
festival, because in a sea of makeshift housing for a weekend or more, it’s easy to
mistake someone else’s home for your own. It folds neatly into a cylindrical pack
half the length of your typical camping chair. – R1 400
Now what would a music festival be without plenty of chilled beverages to keep
spirits high? The Igloo Quantum 52 QT boasts a 49-litre capacity and comes with
a lockable lid and recessed drain plug. More importantly, it reportedly holds ice for
up to five days and with a flat top, and four self-draining cup holders, can be used
as a makeshift table as well. – R1 500
Ultra-affordable and portable, the Ultratec SLS lantern can be charged via the
Sun’s rays or its USB port. It’s waterproof, just in case. – R 249 PM
*Camping items supplied by Outdoor Warehouse except Vista tent, coffee makers
Blaire Rieger, Douglas Grobbelaar and
Cindy Taylor
East London
C O M P I L E D B Y L I N D S E Y S C H U T T E R S > l i n d s e y. s c h u t t e r s @ r a m s a y m e d i a . c o . z a
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Convertible king
FULL DISCLOSURE: I love convertible Windows
laptops. I’ve even calculated a 40:60 ratio of usefulness
of touchscreen and trackpad. It takes me at least a day to
adjust to a Windows machine that doesn’t have a touch-
screen and I’m baffled by Apple’s insistance to not adopt
the tech in the Macbook. That said, most convertible
Windows laptops are crap.
A great screen and touch experience come at a heavy cost,
so the technology doesn’t have a chance to trickle down to
cheaper units and thus haven’t entered a true mass
market. But if you’re willing to cough up over
R15 000 for a relatively well-specced lap-
top with a great screen that can tilt
through 180 degrees and offers
good touch response, this is
the machine you get.
Unfortunately, the
test unit was still rocking
Windows 8.1 so I couldn’t sample it under
the load of the new operating system, but the Intel Core M,
256GB SSD and 8GB RAM configuration kept everything
running smoothly and, because of the processor’s fanless
design, quietly. There is no optical drive in sight, but at
JUST THE FACTS: least there’s an SD card reader alongside the two USB 3.0
SCREEN: 13,3-inch 3 200 x 1 800 touchscreen and HDMI ports. The other port worth mentioning is a
PROCESSOR: Intel Core M-70 USB type-A-looking thing that Lenovo uses for the power
RAM: 8 GB cable. It’s a shame that the company abandoned the
WEIGHT: 1,19 kg reversible power cable for this sometimes USB 2.0
CONNECTIVITY: Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi, LAN (via USB adaptor), HDMI monstrosity, but c’est la vie.
PRICE: From R20 000, shop.lenovo.com Notable improvements over last year’s Yoga 2 Pro are the
new watchstrap-inspired hinge and a better texture on the
keyboard. In all the Yoga Pro is in its third succession of
2-in-1 laptop market dominance and long may it reign, but
hopefully with a battery that can last 10 hours next year
(only managed five on the trot with this model – not
Actually, the next iteration has already broken
cover in the form of the Yoga 900 and it
addresses all of the problems from this
model, bumping up performance to Intel’s
latest Skylake silicon and in line with
the Microsoft Surface Pro 4.
APRIL 2015 _ www.popularmechanics.co.za
_ www.popularmechanics.co.za 432
contortions in space and time that are black holes have a temperature, and
caused by the presence of other stuff. hence a property called entropy. This
Gravity follows from the geometry takes us into the realms of quantum
of a warped space-time. theory where everything, be it forces
In the past century, general relativity or matter, comes in discrete chunks.
has never failed an experimental test. Entropy measures how many ways you
Yet the suspicion has grown that it is can organise a system’s various con-
leading lights in perhaps the most prom- WORMHOLES R US formed a shortcut through space-time,
ising field with this aim: string theory. It What if empty space is full of holes, and came to be known as an Einstein-
replaces the point-like particles of cur- and all the world is made of infor- Rosen bridge – or in common parlance, a
rent quantum theories with wiggling mation? That’s the implication of wormhole.
strings of infinitesimal size, and suggests the latest promising route to a
space-time has a grainy substructure: “theory of everything”. Quantum chewing gum
you can’t keep chopping it indefinitely The really odd thing, though, was that
into smaller and smaller pieces. Maldacena’s duality showed that such a
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Singularity Singularity
Horizon Horizon
wormhole would only form if the out- Horizon
sides of the black holes were quantum-
By 2009, the underlying mathematics Left exterior Right exterior
was sufficiently well developed for Van
Raamsdonk to explore further. Entangle-
ment is not an on/off thing – it can exist Matter
in varying degrees. So what would happen Time
if you were to slowly reduce the amount
of entanglement between the black holes’ bridge Singularity
surfaces to nothing? The answer was rather
like pulling at two ends of a piece of chew- Space Eternal black hole
ing gum. “The two sides get further apart, (b)
and what’s connecting them is this really Vacuum
thin piece of gum, and eventually it
snaps,” he says. The wormhole becomes Collapsing black hole Die
thinner until it breaks, and you have two (a)
unconnected bits of space-time. Reverse Meet
the process – increase the entanglement –
and the wormhole starts to form again.
It took a few more years for the penny
to finally drop in Maldacena’s mind, and Bob Alice
for him to make the suggestion laid out
in that excited email. ER = EPR. ER – the
paper Einstein wrote with Rosen in 1935
introducing the concept of wormholes.
EPR – the paper he wrote with Podolsky (d)
and Rosen the same year introducing the
Einstein-Rosen bridge
concept of entanglement. What if, asked (c)
Maldacena, wormholes and entangle-
ment are in fact two sides of the same A: This spacetime diagram representing a collapsing black hole shows only the time and radial directions. At each
point in the diagrams, there is also a sphere. Lines at 45 degrees represent the direction of propagation of light
coin: the same physics in two different signals. The shaded region contains the collapsing matter. The thick line is the “singularity”. Black holes that are
guises? actually formed in our universe are represented by such spacetimes. B: The full eternal black hole has two
The immediate attraction was that the asymptotically flat regions, one to the left and one to the right. Each of these regions looks like the outside of a
principle seemed to get rid of those pesky black hole. The Einstein-Rosen bridge is the spatial section of the geometry that connects the two sides at a spe-
cial moment in time. C: The spatial geometry of the Einstein-Rosen bridge. D: Bob and Alice jump into their
paradoxes involving firewalls around respective black holes and meet in the interior.
black holes (see “Paradox lost”). But it
also provided some form of explanation
for the phenomenon Van Raamsdonk’s
work had exposed, in which space-time in
the form of wormholes could be created the 1s and 0s of entangled information? Polchinski is concerned that the ER =
and destroyed simply by tweaking the The short answer is: we don’t know. EPR idea will end up modifying a central
amount of entanglement. One very big caveat is that all of the work principle of quantum theory, known as
“It’s pointing to a statement that is linking entanglement with space-time so superposition. Exemplified by
really quite dramatic,” says Van far has been done with a space-time that Schrödinger’s cat, this principle explains
Raamsdonk. “Space-time is really just isn’t expanding. Van Raamsdonk and oth- that a quantum system can exist in two
some geometrical manifestation of ers are working to extend the results to different states at the same time. When
entanglement.” Maldacena comes to the the sort of expanding, accelerating space- quantum objects become entangled, they
same conclusion. “There is a very close time that makes our cosmos. also enter a superposition.
connection between quantum mechanics But for those involved, this is the most At first glance, the ER = EPR hypothesis
and space-time,” he says. “The continuity positive lead yet towards a theory of would mean quantum systems that
of space-time, which seems to be some- quantum gravity that can unify the forces become entangled, and therefore enter a
thing very solid, could come from the of nature. The ER = EPR principle is some- superposition, suddenly gain a wormhole
ghostly properties of entanglement.” thing “that a theory of quantum gravity – a conjuring trick the superposition prin-
Susskind speculates further. Quantum should obey”, says Maldacena. Susskind ciple doesn’t obviously allow. That’s prob-
thinks so, too. “We are sure that these lematic, says Polchinski. “Quantum
Einstein spent much of his later years theory information is sacrosanct: it entanglement” – that a quantum
arguing for a hidden reality that wasn’t can never be destroyed. So if a black particle can only ever be fully entan-
subject to the vagaries of quantum hole evaporates, what happens to the gled with one particle at a time. But if
matter, and therefore information, that you break the polyamorous entangle-
mechanics. “But the young Einstein
fell into it? ment of Hawking particles, an ener-
apparently had a much more flexible One possible solution to this “black getic “firewall” of radiation forms at
mind. My guess [is] that the young hole information loss paradox” is the the event horizon. That, unfortunately,
Einstein would have embraced these idea that information escapes with goes against the tenets of general
ideas, loved them.” the Hawking radiation. But in 2012, relativity. Paradox preserved.
Joseph Polchinski and Don Marolf of
■ Anil Ananthaswamy is a consultant
for New Scientist.
terrorist on a French train. AMAZING. PewDiePie, a YouTube sensation who records himself narrating scenes from video games. STUPID.
McDonald’s new all-day breakfast menu. AMAZING. The vapRwear hoodie with a “discreet e-cigarette built-in the drawstring.” STUPID.
anachronism that they truly are. Twitter users, free. The to fight back. Would have
streams were far from HD, been nice if Mayweather or
and they didn’t last long. Pacquiao had done the
Twitter worked quickly to same.
shut them down. But their
simple existence showed
STUPID AMAZING the potential for amateur STUPID AMAZING
live streaming to disrupt the
out-of-control sporting
The Davek Alert, an umbrella with Bluetooth that tells you when you’ve left it behind. AMAZING (AND EXPENSIVE). A Mary Poppins remake. STUPID.
ing many of the styluses to this point. The difference between give it character.”
Apple and others is obvious if you try doodling with another Since many theaters lack the technology
brand’s stylus. Because the stylus is trying to manipulate the screen to think it’s a to screen the 70 mm version of the film, a
finger, the experience never feels like pen on paper. There’s a delay between the digital transfer, which Roudebush believes
movement of the tip across the screen and the mark that follows. Pencil, though, will lose none of its magnificence, opens
speaks directly to the iPad Pro, which means fast, precision tracking of the angle 8 January. Two weeks before, however,
and pressure applied to the tip. While the usefulness doesn’t seem immediately 70-mm prints will be released at fifty select
obvious to us (nor did it to Steve Jobs, who famously hated theaters. It’s worth the effort to find one. PM
the accessory), Apple’s always been good at selling us stuff
we didn’t know we wanted.
Australian daredevil Robbie Maddison rigs his dirt bike so that he can use it to surf in Tahiti. FINE, AMAZING.
Robby cuts the wheel towards the apex is loaded down with hardware and elec-
of Turn 1, corrects a moment of under- tronics that allow him to drive himself,
steer, and powers out to the edge of the the rest of the car is gutted, stripped of a
two passengers to weigh exactly the same
the hills of Napa wine country in northern as a stock RS7 with only a driver. You see,
California. We’re on our way to something we’re about to have a contest, mano a
like a two-minute lap time, which is seri- máquina, and Audi isn’t about to handicap
ously hauling butt. Robby really knows its robo race car with extra lard. If I out-
HOW SMART ARE SO-CALLED this car. Actually, Robby is the car. drive Robby, it’ll be on equal terms.
SMART CARS, REALLY? EZRA DYER Yeah, there’s a guy sitting behind the Among the world’s car manufacturers,
CHALLENGES AUDI’S SELF-DRIVING wheel, Audi engineer Markus Hoffmann. Audi is one of the most heavily committed
RS7 TO A TRACK BATTLE TO FIND OUT. But he’s not doing anything except hold- to autonomous research. In 2010, a modi-
ing a kill switch that he’ll deploy if he fied version of its TT sports car developed
thinks Robby here is about to go Maximum with Stanford University raced up Pikes
Overdrive on us and destroy the humans. Peak by itself. Robby’s predecessor, Bobby
I’m in the passenger seat. Because Robby (both were named after the legendary
[ ]
Claim: Turn your smartphone into
THE CULPRIT: an all-seeing, all-knowing mechanic
INFINITI QX80 brand, there’s strong standard specification. The only optional
extra is metallic paint. True to form, nearly everything’s automatic,
While the rest of the Infiniti range offers varying from the auto-on LED high beam and auto-levelling headlamps to
degrees of desirability and market competitiveness, auto tailgate. That includes the Hydraulic Body Control Motion
there’s something altogether mesmerising about the system, with automatic hydraulic chambers that control suspension travel,
heftiest of the bunch – the range-topping QX80. and automatic mode to the all-wheel-drive system (with 4H and 4L modes),
I mean, just look at it. The mammoth proportions and an automatic rear levelling system.
are a lot to take in, easily dwarfing the likes of the Occupant comfort has clearly been accorded a high priority: three-zone
Land Cruisers and Discoveries that are so very popu- climate control, 10-way electrically adjustable driver’s seat, heated steering
lar in Mzansi. It’s a distinctly American approach wheel and even a heating function for the outer seats on the second row
that never fails to draw plenty of criticism – and (the front seats boast full climate control).
admiration. There are nine cupholders scattered throughout the cabin, and four bottle
The QX80 is powered by a normally aspirated 5,6- holders in the door pockets to ensure that nobody in the ’80 goes thirsty. If
litre V8 that could very well do service in NASCAR. their thirst is more of an existential nature, the infotainment system packs
The 298 kW and 560 N.m of torque did an impres- an eight-inch touchscreen and 30 GB Infiniti Hard Drive Navigation System
sive job of hustling the three-ton behemoth along with 10 GB of music storage that plays through a 15-speaker Bose Cabin
the daily route to the office and back. Simple prods Surround system. While the dual seven-inch monitors integrated on the rear
of the throttle are met with quite a responsive roar of the front head restraints (complete with individual headsets) keep the sec-
and surge of torque that belies ond row occupied, that main screen
the QX80’s mass. The V8’s up front is vital for moving the
throaty roar is emphasised on QX80 in and out of tight spaces
downshifts by the rev-match- through the around-view monitor.
ing downshifts from the seven- The QX80 won’t suit everyone’s
speed automatic transmission. taste, but it’s not meant for every-
The downside was the rather one. If you intend to stand out
impressive thirst – we managed however, this is a sure thing.
an average of 18 litres/100 km. Price: R1 238 00, with a five year/
As can be expected from the 100 000 km maintenance plan.
PM firs
MERCEDES-BENZ GLC 250D impressionts
GLC 250D
Flying into the middle of Namibia wasn’t exactly how I pictured
Mercedes-Benz would launch of one of its most important introduc-
tions to the local industry. Namely, by starting the driving route in
the middle of the desert. Then again, after the success that segment
has had locally, it seemed about time the Stuttgart-based firm got in
on the action. What better way to prove the new vehicles
credentials than by throwing it in the deep end?
The deep end, in this case, involved endless dirt roads with some
off-roading thrown in for fun, all so we could get better acquainted
with Merc’s new compact SUV. Behind the wheel of the mid-range
250d, I was immediately impressed with just how ensconced in the
cabin I felt. The setting is very familiar and that’s because the GLC is
based on the company’s C-Class. As a result, there’s a full suite of
comforts on offer, including electric tailgate, automatically releasing
parking brake, automatic headlamps and tyre pressure monitoring
The 2,2-litre turbodiesel that lies under the bonnet (providing
150 kW and 500 N.m of torque to all four wheels through a nine-speed
automatic transmission) was muscular enough to plough through
most of the rough terrain that the Namibian countryside could throw
at the media contingent. But venturing out on the softest sand has to
be done with plenty of caution. The rate of attrition on the Namibian
dunes highlighted the fact that this isn’t an outright off-roader.
The GLC is most comfortable on the road, as was highlighted when
we returned to asphalt. That said, at least it does feature some credible
off-road ability.
Price: R619 900
GLE 500
Mercedes-Benz’s new naming convention means that it’s dropped the
ML designation for the model that defined the premium SUV segment
nearly 20 years ago. With the third generation Mercedes-Benz has
upped the ante on what it now calls the GLE with a mid-cycle facelift.
Visually, there are plenty of styling cues taken from the E-Class, on
which the the GLE is based. There are revised headlamps with the
firm’s signature daytime running light styling, while the grille, bonnet
and front fenders have also been updated. Along the profile new alloy
wheel designs can be found and at the rear, new LED tail lamps can be
found just above the bumper.
This particular model is powered by a twin-turbocharged 4,7-litre
V8 with a peak power output of 320 kW and a lusty 700 N.m of
torque. Through the seven-speed 7G-tronic automatic transmission
and 4-MATIC permanent all-wheel drive, the GLE simply traipsed
some of the obstacles that had the GLC straining. But the huge differ-
ence, though, came on the dune just outside Swakopmund, where the
larger SUV handled the powdery surface with aplomb.
The GLE comes packed with a comprehensive safety specification,
including the anticipatory Crosswind Assist and Collision Prevention
Assist Plus. The optional Driving Assistance Package Plus includes
Distronic Plus with Steering Assist, Pre Safe Brake with pedestrian
detection, Active Blind Spot Assist, Active Lane Keeping Assist and
Pre-Safe Plus.
Price: R1 166 000
There is immense reward in
hauling your own body to the
top of a wall using nothing but
flexibility, cunning, and the
strength of a couple of fingers.
We asked Sierra Blair-Coyle, a
professional climber who buck-
led into her first harness at age
eight, how to get there.
Sierra Blair-Coyle, 21,
is a five-time World Lead climbing is a
Cup competitor and more challenging
a two-time junior form of long-dis-
National Champion. tance climbing that
can be practised
either in a gym or
outdoors. To do it,
you tie into a safety
rope and then run
that rope through
anchors set into the
wall as you move
up it. Outdoors, the
lead climber is the
guy in the front of
the train. Lead climb-
ing also requires a
up a big, scary wall.
Solo climbers are
the sort who might
BASIC also enjoy wing-suit
BEFORE YOU CLIMB, you’re going to
gliding or base
spend a lot of time watching other Bouldering, or creeping up, under, and jumping.*
people climb, so you’d better make across shorter structures (these may
sure you like your climbing buddies. vary depending on the gym’s size) like a
crab, tends to be more social, because
In a rock-climbing gym, which is
lots of people can climb at once.
where you should start, you’ll Bouldering does not require a harness
encounter two beginner-level disci- or ropes, but can demand technical
plines – bouldering and top roping. moves: it started out as a way for long-
Most gyms offer both, but some distance climbers to practise difficult
places may have a more robust tricks close to the ground.
Gripping with your feet is just
as important as gripping with
your hands. Gym shoes typically
have a thicker sole, as they
have to endure more wear and
tear. La Sportiva’s Mythos shoe
(R1 699) is great for beginners,
as the soft leather upper adapts
to the shape of the climber’s
foot, and the upper rand’s per-
foration allows for stretch.
To get the strongest hold, you
need dry hands, and for that you
need chalk. Metolius’ Super
Chalk (R50 for 71 grams) is a
favourite among South African
climbers. The chalk is made with
magnesium carbonate, which
HARNESS locks up moisture without
The first few times you try rope- caking.
based climbing, you’ll spend CHALK BAG
a lot of time falling into, and Chalk bags aren’t an area of
hanging around in, your harness. climbing inclined to innovation. CONSIDER
Comfort is important. Black Some bags have a stiff rim to T I P ! LIQUID CHALK
Diamond’s Momentum Harness make it easier to dip your hand If you eventually move
(R975) has an ultra-comfortable while you’re hanging from a on to crack climbing – an
waistbelt, with a pre-threaded wall. Evolv’s Andes Chalk bag advanced technique that
buckle that eliminates errors (R337) is detailed with fabric requires jamming your hand
when tying in. It’s popular and handwoven by locals living in into a crack for a hold – try
great for beginners. the Andes mountains. Singing Rock’s Magnum liquid
chalk (R135 for 150 millilitres).
It’ll keep your whole hand
Strap in
Top ropers take note.
If you plan to boulder,
you can skip this part. 1
you’re ready to come down, the belayer form the same function as a
locks the rope in the belay device by pulling belayer. You tie into one
end of the rope and it
the free end out to the side, leaving you 3 retracts as you climb, lock-
comfortably dangling. Most climbing gyms ing automatically if you fall
offer intro courses or lessons in both knots or sit back. The auto-belay
and belaying. truly is a wonderful thing.
If you fall, don’t panic. Just alert
your belayer by saying “falling”. If
ne crisp midwinter dawn, after a cup I walked down the gentle slope behind much of the trunk as soft as Styrofoam.
of hot coffee and a plate of warm our house. At the small woodlot at the Without an intervention, this tree was
eggs, a weekend routine began. I edge of our neighbour’s property were going to meet a violent and unpredicta-
rousted the kids, who groaned and three trees that needed to come down. ble end.
briefly resisted. While waiting for them One, a huge locust, had split almost Another ant colony had settled into a
to dress and find their way downstairs, from the ground to six metres up. It second maple nearby. Weakened, that
I stepped out to the chilly shack and swayed and creaked in a light breeze. tree leaned precariously over a shed. These
checked the tools and safety kit – padded Beside the locust was a thick maple that were problems that were not going to
earmuffs, impact-resistant goggles, heavy was succumbing to the unrelenting solve themselves. Our neighbours had
gloves, scrench (chainsaw adjuster), wedg- industry of carpenter ants, which had invited us to remove the trees and keep
es, rope, first-aid box, and a freshly softened a wide band from about a metre whatever firewood we wished.
sharpened spare chain. The saw, a 70,7 and a half above the soil to more than Soon the kids had joined me, and we
cubic centimetre Husqvarna, brimmed three metres overhead. Heart rot had set to work on a labour that would last,
with bar oil and fresh 50:1 fuel. followed the ants’ intrusion, leaving off and on, into spring: felling, limbing,
branches. If they snap off easily, they’re dead
already and will burn well. If they don’t snap off easily,
leave them alone.
Aspen Pine Willow
n an age when many people heat white birch rounds from the sprawling
with gas, oil, or electricity, the grounds of a body corporate at the request 18,2 17,7 17,6
richness and rituals of gathering of a friend who was managing the place.
and seasoning wood for homes The property had lost trees in a storm, long time. But we had been lucky not to have a
risk fading into our past. Those but the contractor hired to clean up the barrage of winter storms, and we knew we should
who use wood heat do more than mess had left much of the wood behind. collect and move as much as we could before winter
save money, live locally, and keep My children and I ended up with the bore down and covered the site in snow, locking
some of their cash from flowing bounty, glad to help, grateful for the fuel. the wood in ice.
offshore. They tap into a primal Not long after we split and stacked a few The next weekend we returned. And then again, until
activity, and often enjoy rewards truckloads, our friend was diagnosed the wood was frozen up tight. Still, we had plenty to
beyond what they might expect. with cancer. She passed with startling do. Until recently, a weathered stockade fence stood
What can I mean? The varied speed. Every time we bring a sack of along our southern property line. A previous owner
tasks related to heating a home birch inside for the stove, we think of had installed it, and for a few years it had been sagging.
with firewood can create an inti- her, aware of the emotional power a Then came Superstorm Sandy in 2012, which neatly
macy with your surroundings and wood stack can hold. snapped a few of the rotting posts at the ground on
with your family that is as sustain- the way to blowing down several sections of fence.
ing as the warmth the wood pro- nder the trees on that cold winter This led to an epiphany. Why pay the timber costs
vides as it burns. day, the work took its shape. We for a new fence? Why even replace the fence with a
Even the woodpiles themselves felled the first maple, then the fence? What if, instead of rebuilding a suburban stand-
become a tangible library of mem- locust, limbed much of them, by, we built a wood-seasoning rack along the property
ory. Each section of our stack tells and started to carry home the rounds, line that would provide the same function – privacy
of its source. The once bright yellow armload by armload. This would take a and a windbreak – for a portion of the cost but would
be far sturdier, more handsome, and useful, too? about a metre above the original bottom rack,
I was busy with work, but scrounged the hours each resting on a cleat for extra support. In one
to remove what remained of the old stockade. Then rack we framed the opening for a small gate.
I paid a carpenter friend to install a basic rack When winter loosened its grip, we returned to
made with paired pressure-treated 100 x 150 the trees at the edge of the woodlot out back, and
posts and 50 x 150s running low and parallel to finished cleaning them up. Our neighbours lent
the ground, like baseboards. us their John Deere 52 log splitter, a minibeast
A crude but eminently sturdy and functional and a gem from the early 1980s that had become
system had taken form. Each section held more slightly balky with age. We commenced the next
than a half cord. With nine sec- step: splitting the gathered fuel to
tions and a southern exposure, size.
our would-be fence amply stored After a few shifts I managed to
SIGNS YOUR (and cured) a sizable portion of break the pull cord off the starter.
WOOD IS our annual firewood needs while In an age A call to a friend who repairs com-
WELL SEASONED taking up almost no yard space. when many mercial fishing boats led to a quick
And it looked good. heat with gas, session in the yard, during which
✖ It doesn’t smell like wood. With time, however, flaws in its oil, or electricity, we removed the starter, rethreaded
Most of the woody scent you quick design emerged. First the posts the richness and tied in the cord, and then clean-
get is caused by moisture. heaved ever so slightly during sea- and rituals of ed and tuned the carburettor. Soon
sonal freezes and thaws, forcing gathering and the machine was purring, its old
✖ It’s dull in colour. Sea- the racks out of their original par- seasoning Briggs & Stratton engine content-
soned wood should look grey.
allel arrangement. This not only wood for edly revived. Over the course of
looked bad, but it also changed the homes risk the next few weekends my sons
✖ It’s not heavy. Water fading into
makes up as much as three- way the firewood sat, so much so and I converted about ten cords
that one stack between the posts our past. of green wood into splits.
quarters of the weight of a
green piece of wood. bulged and collapsed in another By then spring had warmed the
hard storm. yard. Potatoes were sprouting, and
✖ The ends have cracks. As Restacking is labour lost. So, as asparagus, too. The woodstoves in
the wood dries out, it becomes the last of the seasoned firewood the house and the shack were clean
more brittle. found its way into our pair of woodstoves, and and silent, idle until fall. The new green firewood
as we found a new source for wood but could was neatly piled about the property, beginning
✖ The bark is missing or not work with it until a thorough thaw, it was to dry. The chainsaw was cleaned and ready to
comes off easily. When the time for an upgrade. be put up for the warm season with a fresh tank
moisture goes, the bark usu- Using a level, heavy bar clamps and a comealong of fuel.
ally goes with it. for tension, and framing timber to force the posts We were done. And we knew the satisfying
back square and true, we straightened the posts, feeling of being, in one area at least, well pre-
✖ It sounds hollow when you
hit it against something.
bringing each perpendicular to the ground and pared by our own sweat and our own hands. My
(Probably best if that some-
parallel to the others. These we locked in place only regret was that it was over. We’d have to
thing is another log.) with newly purchased pressure-treated planking wait another year to resume.
1 Stack wood in a 2 When stacking, use a 3 Before splitting wood 4 Cut cords shorter 5 Check your local
single row, out of the criss-cross pattern to on a stump, secure than you think (around authority’s policies on
shade, with enough space make pillars at each end an old tyre to the top of the a third of a metre long), cutting your own firewood.
between the pieces to for stability. They act as stump. After you split the split them smaller than you
allow air to pass through. bookends for the wood in wood, it will lean against think (8 to 15 centimetres
This exposes more wood the centre. the tyre instead of falling to wide), and vary the size of
to sunlight and breeze, the ground. the splits. The logs will be
which helps dry it out easier to carry, and the fire
faster. will be easier to build.
your grass wrong. Firstly, you shouldn’t be palming the job
off to a private contractor unless you really don’t have any
time, or your plot is massive or you can’t enlist your off-
spring. Secondly, it really isn’t difficult to maintain if you
start with a well laid out plan.
Mowing is the most basic practice for maintaining lawn turf.
Performed at the correct height and frequency is essential to
the health and density of the lawn. Removing leaf tips induces
plants to form new sprouts, increasing stand density. Mowing
can affect water quality, too. And healthy stand can withstand
more pest pressure and will then require less pest control.
The denser turf cover also helps prevent soil erosion, which
is an important pollution problem.
The height at which a given perennial grass can be cut
and still survive for extended periods is directly related to
its ability to produce enough leaf surface to keep up photo-
synthetic production of food. Basically this ability is related
to the type and habit of growth found in the grass. (The length
of internodes, the number of stolons or rhizomes, and the
number of basal buds all influence the amount of leaf mass
produced by a given grass; hence, its ability to withstand
low heights of cut.)
Turfgrasses are well adapted to frequent mowing, but mowing
too short will reduce the vigour of the plants because less leaf
area means less photosynthesis. Also, there is a direct relation-
ship between cutting height and the amount of roots a grass
plant can maintain. Lowering the mowing height reduces the
root system. This restricts the ability of the plant to absorb
water and nutrients. In recent years, recommendations for
mowing height have steadily increased for home lawns. Current
standards suggest between five and seven centimetres. Higher
cut lawn grasses are more stress tolerant, which is especially
important during the summer heat period. Taller grass plants
with higher density will also have a shading effect on the soil
surface, which reduces germination of weed seeds. This is an
excellent way to reduce herbicide use, especially where the
lawn is properly fertilised and watered to maintain vigour.
How often you mow is also an important consideration in
the maintenance programme. Infrequent clipping allows the
grass to grow to such a degree that any subsequent clipping
removes too much leaf surface. At no time should clipping
amounts in excess of 1/4 to 1/3 of the total leaf surface be
Watering in the morning provides the lawn with water in the soil throughout the day when the weather is warmest and
when the grass is most actively growing. When lawns are watered at night, much of the water drains away through the
soil before the lawn can use it – this wastes water. When water is left sitting on the lawn surface overnight, this will greatly
promote fungal diseases.
f you take a close look at Norman doing very little cooking during the THE TOOLS
Rockwell’s iconic painting of a holidays, but everyone assumes I’m
family gathered around their going to take care of two important All you really need for this task is a knife and a fork.
holiday dinner, you’ll notice that tasks: pulling corks out of wine bottles I’ve used all types, depending on what I’m able to find
the grandpa, in a matter of seconds, and carving. I enjoy both jobs, and I in other people’s drawers, but these are best:
is going to pick up the carving knife find the carving almost therapeutic.
and hack the bird apart right at the While the whole family is busy gath- A B C The curve of a traditional
table. Now, maybe he happens to ering around the table, figuring out fork can get in the way.
have great knife skills and he will not, where to sit and whose wineglass is The F Dick 18 cm
straight-tined fork (A)
in fact, dishonour the meat before whose, I get to escape to the kitchen
is flat, which means that
everyone’s very eyes. But that is and spend a few quiet moments with
when slicing you can
unlikely, because most people don’t the bird. I can’t overstate the impor- run your knife straight
know how to properly carve a turkey. tance of careful carving: someone down the back of the
What the man should do is tell his (ideally not you) has spent days fork and into the meat.
wife to hand him the bird so he can planning and preparing the meal,
take it back to the kitchen, put it on and hours watching over the meat The Honesuki-style
a cutting board, and carve it slowly in the oven. The last thing you want boning knife (B), usually
and properly, without the entire to do is mess it up at the end. You 14,5 centimetres long, is
family looking on. owe it to everyone to understand the designed for butchering
I’ve been the designated turkey anatomy of the animal and remove poultry. A suitable (and
carver in my family for years. Some- the meat in the proper way. Start easier to find) alterna-
how I’ve managed to get away with by letting the meat rest for up to tive: the Wüsthof
45 minutes. Then do this. Classic 15-centimetre
boning knife (C).
Go to popularmechanics.
com/turkey for the definitive VIDEO HOW TO CARVE A BIRD
of how to carve a turkey.
1 With the bird on a cutting board inside a 2 Once you’ve cut through skin and meat, 3 Separate drumstick and thigh by working
sheet pan, make an incision between the use a hand and your knife to crack the your knife into the apex of the V formed
body and the drumstick. thigh joint. by the leg and pulling.
4 To remove the thigh bone, slice along it 5 Remove the wing the same way you 6 To remove each breast, slice along the
until you can see the end, then pull up separated the drumstick and thigh. rib cage, then downward, pulling the
on the end while scraping the bone with the Pull the wing out until you see the joint and entire breast off as you slice.
knife. Slice the meat. run your knife through.
(25), where the coin-box
a four-armed locking mech-
anism (15) behind the vault
door. Until turned by a T-key
(14), the arms fit into slots in
the body of the phone, keep-
NOTES: For years, if you were away from home and wanted ing the door shut.
to make a phone call, pay phones were your only option. Coins can also be pilfered
Even now that most of us have phones in our through the refund gate
pockets, pay phones aren’t going anywhere.
(13). Vandals used to jam a
Telecommunications regulatory bodies such as
the USA’S Federal Communications Commission sock inside the coin return
(FCC) suggest having them in certain places in the morning, then go back
for the sake of public safety or welfare (such in the evening, pull the sock
as outside a police station, where you might out, and collect the coins
need to make a call after being arrested). Pay that had got stuck above it.
phones manage to connect calls, set prices, To prevent this, the coin-
and accurately collect payment using only refund door (10) is rigged
electricity drawn from the phone line. They’re to block access to the coin
also basically bulletproof, devised to withstand
chute when the door is
all manner of vandalism and theft.
The other major target for
theft is the handset. To
POWER used more often than credit and into the refund gate. If prevent cutting, the lanyard
When the handset (22) is cards. The card reader money is owed, the relay tips (20) that connects it to the
removed from the cradle (27) built into the phone’s to the left, and the coins fall phone has steel braided
(23), the lever releases and upper-housing faceplate into the coin box (17). sheathing on the outside and
triggers the hook switch (26) accepts either. Coin a heavy-gauge stainless-
(21). That allows the phone payments are more compli- SECURITY steel wire down the centre.
to start drawing power, cated. When an object drops The XP1230 has a number of The lanyard anchor (12)
giving the user a dial tone – through the coin slot in the features designed to keep it keeps it securely fastened
the signal that the phone is chrome faceplate (24), intact. The coin box, with a to the upper housing (7).
ready to be used. During a it falls into the enclosure healthy capacity, is a target Unfortunately, there’s noth-
call, the 48 volts of electricity (6) of the electronic coin for theft. It fits into a hole in ing to keep it sterile. – KEVIN
supplied by the phone lines mechanism (4). As it falls, it the phone’s lower housing DUPZYK
power all the phone’s elec- passes by two pairs of wire
tronics, including, crucially, coils (5) and iron discs. One
its master controller (3) and pair emits a high-frequency
LCD screen (1). The phone alternating current, which
has a rechargeable NiCd measures the coin’s surface
battery (2) used for only one characteristics. The second
purpose: when the handset pair emits a low-frequency REASONS YOU MIGHT
is replaced in the cradle, the current that penetrates the FIND YOURSELF IN NEED
phone has to either bank object and reveals what it’s
the payment for the call or made of. Combine the two OF A PAY PHONE
return coins to the caller. and you’ve got a good way
Each call charges the battery to distinguish a genuine coin • Your cellphone • You miss the
just enough to carry out this from a poker chip. Assuming died. good clean fun of
operation. it’s a coin, the payment pro- • You are in a sub- the 1950s. committed and
ceeds into the escrow relay way station. • You need change you’re still in your
PAYMENT (9). If the call isn’t com- • You are a fan of and are hugely civilian clothes.
prank calls and optimistic. • You don’t have
The XP1230 offers two pleted, a coil (8) powered by
don’t know how • You are having an pink eye and are
ways to pay: card or coin. the battery tips the relay to to turn off your affair. interested in catch-
At the time this phone was the right, sending the coins caller ID. • A crime is being ing it.
designed, calling cards were down the coin chute (11)
27 5
17 16
18 15 14 13
Words on
240 240
240 240
240 240
240 240
240 240
Figure 2
240 240 302
240 240
302 302
302 302
240 240
240 240
302 302
10 600 600
and a-rockin’
Jos Froon describes his rocking horse design as an ideal weekend
project for Dad or Granddad. Preferred ply thickness is 22, but 18
will do (that’s in fact what he used, because it was all that the
hardware store had available on the day).
Rocker boards: 1 000 x 200 (2) 2x
Cut wood to the size of the plan for final use. The radius of the rockers
is 1 000 if you want to cut them with the router using an extension arm.
It is advisable to have the rocker a little wider if cutting the radius Assemble the rocker and cross section, followed by the head
with a router bit. board with the seat. Then add the tail section.
Edges of the head, tail section and the seat can be rounded off The unit can be assembled with wood screws or wood dowels and
with a router rounding bit or sanded to suit. can be painted and decorated with a tail to suit.
7. 400 x 50 (3)
Again, construction is pretty basic (see below) and follows from 8. 300 x 50 (2) Plans and
the cutting list. 9. 200 x 50 (6) cutting lists
10. 100 x 50 (4) for 3 and 4 are
MATERIALS 11. 60 x 50 (2)
available on our
20 mm plywood, cut as follows: 12. Wood glue
1. 1 200 x 150 with two 50 x 50 cutouts at one end (1 required) 13. Clamps Website. Go to
2. 1 200 x 100 (2) Home How-To at
3. 1 200 x 50 (2) ASSEMBLY popularmechan-
4. 360 x 50 with cutouts to form coathooks (2) Items 1 to 3 form the upright. ics.co.za
5. 65 x 50 with cutouts to form hooks (2) Items 4 and 5 form the coat hooks.
6. 500 x 50 (1) Items 6 to 11 form the base.
AND announcing:
Workshop Challenge No. 4
Accept the PM Home Workshop Challenge and a
Makita DHP458ZK Cordless 18V Lithium-Ion
Impact Drill Kit, valued at R6 386, could be yours.
We are always looking for clever solutions to everyday
Take a bit of scrap board easily gripped
by hand and drive a nail through it so the
head remains about a centimetre above the
surface. Bend the shank back against the
problems. Email your shop notes to popularmechanics@
opposite side of the board. To open a bottle,
use the nailhead to grip the cap, then pull.
Assemble before consuming beer.
Shifting spanner
The bricks in the wall calliper
When drilling a hole for a nut-
Getting headers and stretchers from hod* to course and wythe isn’t as simple as it
and-bolt assembly, quickly
sounds. When building a brick wall, a mason uses a particular formula for orienting
determine what size bit to use by
bricks, called a bond pattern. Today, brick is rarely load-bearing, but when bonds
tightening a shifting spanner
originated their purpose was to align bricks and vertical joints for structural integrity. around the bolt, then finding
They persist in non-structural uses because of their pleasing aesthetic qualities. the drill bit that fits snugly into
the jaws at that width.
Improve wireless
router effectiveness
Wireless routers connect
COURSE computers and an ever-growing
A horizontal unit of wall, list of vital home devices to the
one masonry unit high. STRETCHER HEADER Internet and to each other, so when
their signals get patchy it’s a
nightmare. Two quick improvements
help. First, plug the router into a
cheap electric timer set to briefly
WYTHE turn it off – effectively resetting it –
A vertical unit of wall, one every night while the house sleeps.
masonry unit thick. SAILOR SOLDIER Then, on routers with multiple
antennas, position the antennas
QUOIN perpendicular to each other.
A decorative treatment This provides the best chance
for the corner of the wall, for the wireless signal to align
consisting of brick or stone with devices’ antennas.
different from that used for ROWLOCK ROWLOCK
the face of the wall. STRETCHER
Ki dd ies’
ac ti vi ti es
unlock your
travel dreams
Pl an you r next
holid ay APRIL 1–3 2016
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