Reading Guide - Chapter 3
Reading Guide - Chapter 3
Reading Guide - Chapter 3
Follow this guide as you read Chapter 3. Record your answers on this page, and have the
entire guide ready to turn in on the date listed above. Late papers will receive a grade
reduction and will not be accepted more than one class day past the due date. Items marked
with an asterisk (*) will be started in class.
1. *How can students best use their textbooks for learning? Complete this table
based on what we´ve discussed and what is recommended in chapter 3. Use the
major headings in Chapter 3 to fill in the column on the right.
2. *Preview the chapter. List the parts you read in the preview.
Did you include the learning questions, the introduction, and the summary?
In class, we briefly spoke about actively reading by annotating and circling major
details, underlining minor details and writing topics and abbreviated notes in the margin. It
is also smart to use a system of symbols and abbreviations. Which of the symbols on p. 82
do you already use?
*Example: “How We Remember: Rehearsal.” Marginal notes are missing! Write the
three strategies and an example below. What strategy is discussed in paragraph 3?
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
Exercise 1: “Spatial Distances.” Using the example above, annotate the selection by
circling the four distances and underlining the truth about each. Number them in the
Write the four distances and the examples of each one on the lines:
Distance: Example:
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
Section: “Take Notes” This section describes a method of note-taking called the Cornell
method, which you have already practiced. In the space below, draw lines showing how
you would format a page of Cornell notes.
Major detail Minor detail
Minor detail
Major detail Minor detail
Minor detail
Major detail Minor detail
Minor detail
Example, p. 84: Do you see the relationship between the items listed in the left column
and the details in the right column? How do they compare with the annotations of the same
passage on p. 81?
Exercise 2: “Population Growth.” Read the selection, annotate it, and record the
topic, major and important minor details in Cornell form in the space.
Section: “Summarizing, p. 86” Read this section. Write the tips on how to write a
summary in the space.
Exercise 3: “Rattlesnake Surprise.” Read and follow the directions. Write the
summary in the space.
Section: “Outlining, p. 90.” Read the instructional material about outlining and
the example.
In the space, arrange the following list of items in outline form: bees, plants,
living things, opossums, beetles, ants, trees, animals, mosses, coyotes, flowers,
lions, insects
Exercise 6: “The Six Types of Love.” Read and annotate the selection. Complete the
outline in your book.
Exercise: “Relief for Injuries.” Read and annotate the selection. Complete the map in
your textbook.
What is the topic? _____________________________
2)______________________________ 4)______________________________
Which would be easier and better? Underline or highlight your answer:
4. Recall and Reflection: Now that you have finished working with Chapter
3, what have you learned about learning from college textbooks?
How will you use this information in your present and future college classes from
now on?