Essay About Nutrition

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First of all carbohydrates is the nutritional category for sugars and molecules that your body breaks
down to make sugars. Carbohydrates are almost universally used as an immediate energy source in
living organisms, but in some organisms they also have a structural function. Vegetables, fruits
whole grains and dairy products are some of the best sources of carbohydrates.


The protein that you eat is made up of little building blocks called amino acids. When you digest your
protein those amino acids are used by your body to manufacture important proteins within your
body. The human body needs 20 amino acids to survive, and 11 of them must be taken from outside
as they are not produced in the body and because your body doesn't store protein it is really
important that you get enough protein in your diet every single day. Eggs, dairy products, meat and
fish, legumes and some of the grains are the best sources of proteins.


Lipids are a group of basic components that play important roles in living organisms. While the
primary function of lipids is long-term energy storage, lipids are also used for protection. They also
act as precursors for some hormones. There are many sources of fat. Like olive oil, some of the fish,
nuts or fried foods.

Vitamins and Minerals:

They’re the building blocks that keep the body running. Vitamins are organic compounds we need to
ingest in small amounts to keep functioning. They are the body’s builders, defenders and
maintenance workers helping it to make use of nutritients capture and use energy.

Let's talk a little bit about the food and brain relationship.

If you sucked all the moisture out of your brain and broke it down to its constituent nutritional
content, what you would it look like? Most of the weight of your dehydrated brain would come from
fats also known as lipits. In the remaining brain matter you would find proteins and amino acids,
traces of micronutrients and glucose also known as carbohydrate. The brain is of course, more than
just the sum of its nutritional parts, but each component does have a distinct impact on functioning
development, mood and energy. The first rule for a brain to run at full speed is avoid deficiencies. Of
the fats in your brain the superstars are Omega 3 and 6. These essential fatty acids, which have been
linked to preventing degenerative brain conditions, must come from our diets. So eating omega rich
foods, like nuts, seeds and fatty fish is so important to the creation and maintenance of cell
membranes. Amino acids contain the precursors to neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that
carry signals between neurons. A diet with a range of foods helps maintain a balanced combination
of brain messengers.
Like the other organs in our bodies, our brains also benefit from a steady supply of micronutrients.
Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables strengthen the brain to fight off free radicals that destroy brain
cells, enabling your brain to work well for a longer period of time. And without powerful
micronutrients like the vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid our brains would be susceptible to brain
disease and mental decline.

In order for the brain to efficiently transform and synthesize these valuable nutrients, it needs fuel
and lots of it. While the human brain only makes up about two percent of our body weight, it uses up
to twenty percent of our energy resources. Most of this energy comes from carbohydrates that our
body digests into glucose or blood sugar.

What about junk food, dripping with sugars and bad fats? What would happen if we ate more of
that? We know that junk food is making us fat but science telling us now that it might be shrinking
our brains. Diets that are high in fat and sugar in the long term, lead to changes in part of the brain
involved in the memory.

And now I want to talk about food and mood relationship.

When people are asked if they think that the food they eat has an impact on health, most of them
answer “yes”. But when asked if diet can also influence thoughts and decisions, very few people are
willing to believe this is the case.

We might feel calm after eating a large plate of pasta or more alert after a protein rich meal.
Complex combinations of compounds in food can stimulate brain cells to release mood alerting
dopamine and serotonin and keeps your mood from getting skewed in one direction or the other.
What we eat may have the power to change our moods. The ratio of the sugar and fibers subgroups
to the whole amount affect how the body and brain respond. High glycemic foods like white bread
causes a rapid release of glucose into the blood, and then comes the dip blood sugar shoots down
and with it our attention span and mood. On the other hand, oats, grains and legumes have slower
glucose release enabling a steadier level of attentiveness. For sustained brain power, opting for a
varied diet of nutrient-rich foods is critical.

In short, our brains affected by what’s on our plates.

There are two main things that lead people to success. The first is a healthy brain. The second is
healthy soul. As I mentioned, a healthy diet is necessary for both.

As a result; yes nutrition have an effect on our success but you shouldn’t trust only your healthy diet.

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