J. Mozo - P.Fernandez - H. Neciosup
J. Mozo - P.Fernandez - H. Neciosup
J. Mozo - P.Fernandez - H. Neciosup
Dedicated to Felipe Cano, on the occasion of his first 60 years of mathematical life
1. Introduction
In the paper [FM], first and second authors studied the analytic classification
of a generic class of quasi-ordinary singularities of codimension one, holomorphic
foliations in dimension three. More precisely, we considered foliations F that can
be generated by a holomorphic 1-form
0 0 0 0
Ω = d(z 2 + xp y q ) + (xp y q )k αU (xp y q )dz,
where p, q ∈ N\{0}, d = gcd(p, q), p = dp0 , q = dq 0 , U (t) ∈ C{t}, U (0) = 1, α ∈ C∗ .
In that paper, we focused in foliations of generalized surface type, condition that
implies certain relations between k and d. We supposed that one of the two following
conditions is satisfied:
(i) Either 2k > d,
(ii) Or 2k = d and a certain arithmetical condition on α is satisfied.
The classifying object turns out to be the projective holonomy of a certain com-
ponent of the exceptional divisor that appears in a particular reduction of the
singularities, that follows the idea of Jung’s method [G, Co]. This reproduces the
scheme established in dimension two by D. Cerveau and R. Moussu [CeM], and R.
Meziani [Me].
We are now interested in the dicritical case, and the problem of knowing if such
a foliation has a meromorphic first integral. As we will see, in this situation we
must have that d = 2k. Under this last condition, several possibilities may appear.
For generic values of α the analytic classification of such foliations is essentially the
same that in the case d < 2k, in the sense that projective holonomy classifies. We
will suppose that we are in a non-generic case, and that the foliation is dicritical.
The objective of the paper is to study the existence, in this case, of first integrals,
both of holomorphic or meromorphic type, and the dicriticalness of such a foliation.
In particular, in order to investigate the existence of meromorphic first integrals
we will follow the ideas developed in dimension two by R. Meziani and P. Sad in
[MeSa]. Let us observe that the case we are studying is a pull-back of a two-
dimensional foliation. More precisely, consider the map
ρ : C3 −→ C2
0 0
(x, y, z) 7−→ (xp y q , z).
Ω = ρ∗ (d(z 2 + t2k ) + tk αU (t)dz).
It is tempting to try to use this map in order to transfer the properties of Fk,α,U
(foliation in (C2 , 0) generated by ωk,α,U = d(z 2 + t2k ) + tk αU (t)dz) to properties
of F. In fact, if there is a meromorphic first integral F (t, z) for Fk,α,U it is clear
that Ω = ρ∗ Fk,α,U has ρ∗ F = F ◦ ρ as meromorphic first integral. But in general
it is not true that the existence of a first integral for a pull-back implies that the
original foliation has also a first integral. Consider, e.g., any foliation generated by
a 1-form ω in (C2 , 0), and the restriction of its reduction of singularities to a small
neighbourhood of a regular point. This restriction has always a first integral, while
the original foliation may not. For the same reason, it is not straightforward that,
if a foliation is dicritical, a pull-back of the foliation is also dicritical. The same
example applies. Nevertheless, in the case under consideration, the condition for
the dicriticalness and for the existence of a meromorphic first integral is essentially
the same as in dimension two. We will explore carefully this approach in this paper.
Let us briefly recall the criteria for the existence of a meromorphic first integral
for nilpotent foliations in (C2 , 0). First of all, we have to remind that there is not a
topological characterization, as Suzuki example shows (see [CeMa]). In our case,
consider a foliation generated by
Acknowledgments. The authors want to thank Felipe Cano Torres, from the
Universidad de Valladolid, for his continuous support and encouragement, and for
fruitful conversations during the preparation of this work. First and third author
wants to thank Universidad de Valladolid, and second author wants to thank Pon-
tificia Universidad Católica del Perú for the hospitality during several visits to both
According to [C, Prop. 46], there are formal coordinates (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) such
that, any pre-simple singularity of dimensional type τ is given by one of the following
formal meromorphic types:
Pτ Qτ
A. ω = i=1 λi dx xi , with
i=1 λi 6= 0.
Pk Pτ
B. ω = i=1 pi xi + ψ(x1 · · · xpkk ) i=2 αi dx
dxi p1
xi , where pi are natural numbers,
λ1 λ2 λ3
has a multiform first integral x̂1 x̂2 x̂3 . According to [CeMa, Cor. 1.2., pg.
115] it is semi-divergent and consequently the singularity has three conver-
gent separatrices, tangent to xi = 0. Consequently, in appropriate analytic
coordinates the foliation is defined by
X dxi
λi (1 + bi (x)) ,
L z0
F = φ(L)
In [CeM], criteria are given for the existence of a holomorphic first integral in
terms of the projective holonomy. The generators of this group must be of finite
order, and also the group, which implies its abelianity. Combining these criteria
with the results in [Me], we have:
From now on, we will assume that k = 2n. After blowing up qn times the x-axis,
and pn times the y-axis, the resulting foliation turns out to be, after eliminating
common factors,
Ω̃ = (2z 2 + αzU + 2)(pnydx + qnxdy) + xy(2z + αU )dz.
The only singular points away from the intersections of the components of the
exceptional divisor are those defined by (x = 0, 2z 2 + αz + 2 = 0). Assume that
α 6= ±4, so this equation has two different solutions α1 , α2 . Consider the point
corresponding z = α1 . After a coordinate change z − α1 = z̃, this point P1 is the
origin, and in the new coordinates the 1-form that generates the foliation is
ω = 2z̃(z̃ + α1 − α2 ) + α(z̃ + α1 )Ũ (pnydx + qnxdy) + xy(2z̃ − 2α2 + αŨ )dz̃,
5. Dicriticalness
Finally, we shall investigate the relation about the dicriticalness of a nilpotent
foliation in (C2 , 0) with the dicriticalness of its pull-back via a map
Φ : (C3 , 0) −→ (C2 , 0)
(x, y, z) 7−→ (f (x, y), z).
So, we will consider cuspidal, nilpotent singularities generated by a 1-form
Ω = d(z 2 + f (x, y)n ) + αf (x, y)p U (f )dz,
where U (t) is a unit, U (0) = 1.
For, let us recall, following [C], that a germ of singular holomorphic foliation
F in (Cn , 0), generated by a 1-form ω, is dicritical if there exists an analytic map
ϕ : (C2 , 0) → (Cn , 0), not invariant by F (i.e., ϕ∗ ω 6= 0), such that ϕ∗ F is the
foliation (dx = 0), and ϕ(y = 0) is invariant by F.
With this characterization, if Ω defines a dicritical foliation on (C3 , 0), also
ωn,p,α,U defines a dicritical foliation in (C2 , 0). Indeed, if ϕ : (C2 , 0) → (C3 , 0)
exists, in the conditions of the previous characterization, and Φ◦ϕ = ρ, ρ∗ ωn,p,α,U =
ϕ∗ Φ∗ ωn,p,α,U = ϕ∗ Ω 6= 0, ρ∗ ωn,p,α,U ≡ (dx = 0), and ρ(y = 0) = Φ(ϕ(y = 0)) is
It is not true, in general, that given a map (Cn , 0) −→ (Cm , 0), if ω defines a
dicritical foliation in (C , 0), then Φ ω also defines a dicritical foliation on (Cn , 0).
dicriticalness of the pull-back from the point of view of the existence of infinitely
many separatrices. We will see that in our case the situation is different, and much
simpler. If ωn,p,α,U defines a dicritical foliation on (C2 , 0), then we must have,
according to [Me, MeSa]
1. n = 2p.
2. α 6= ±4.
3. Under (i) and (ii), after p blowing-ups, the quotient of the eigenvalues
2 −α1 )
at the singular points (different from corners) are, respectively, 2p(α
2α1 +α ,
2p(α1 −α2 )
2α2 +α , where α1 , α2 are the roots of the equation 2y 2 + αy + 2 = 0. It
is necessary that one of these numbers is a positive rational. In this case, if
it is not an integer or the inverse of an integer, then it is dicritical. In the
remaining situation, either it is dicritical or of Dulac type, depending on the
coefficients of U (x).
Denote, as in the Introduction, ωp,α,U = d(z 2 + t2p ) + αtp U (t)dz. Let us see
that, in our case, if ωp,α,U is dicritical, then Φ∗ ωp,α,U also is. For, we shall use the
characterization from [C] explicitely. In order to locate a dicritical component in
the reduction of singularities of ωp,α,U (in fact, the only one), we must follow the
following steps:
1. Blow-up the origin p times. In an appropriate chart, this is represented by
the map (t, z) → (t, tp z).
2. Make a translation z 7→ z + αi , with previous notations.
3. Blow up the origin a certain number of times, depending on the quotient
of the eigenvalues at the singular point. This is done via a map (t, z) 7→
(tn1 z m1 , tn2 z m2 ), with n1 m2 − m1 n2 = 1.
After these transformations, we arrive at a corner where one of the axis is a dicritical
component of the exceptional divisor. The composition of the transformations 1.,
2. and 3. is
E(t, z) = (tn1 z m1 , tpn1 z pm1 (tn2 z m2 + α1 )) .
Assume, for instance, that the horizontal axis z = 0 is transversal to the foliation
E ∗ F defined by the saturated of E ∗ ωp,α,U . In this case, this foliation is generated
by dt + B(t, z)dz. This foliation can be rectified by a diffeomorphism S(t, z) =
(tS1 (t, z), z), with S1 (0, 0) 6= 0. This means that S ∗ (dt + B(t, z)dz) ∧ dx = 0.
Assume, first, that we are in the easier case where f (x, y) = xp1 y p2 , i.e., the foliation
Φ∗ ωp,α,U is of quasi-ordinary type. We will call this map E ◦ S a dicriticalness
section, i.e., a map verifying the dicriticalness condition of [C] as given above. It
is our objective to lift this map to (C3 , 0) in order to show that Ω := Φ∗ ωp,α,U is
dicritical. The map E ◦ S should be lifted to (C3 , 0) in a map σ = (σ1 , σ2 , σ3 ) such
that Φ◦σ = E◦S, but this is not always possible, as in particular it would imply that
σ1p1 σ2p2 = tn1 S1 (t, z)n1 z m1 , which is not possible if p1 , p2 are big enough. But, let
us observe that, if we define ϕ = (ϕ1 , ϕ2 ) : (C2 , 0) → (C2 , 0) by ϕ(t, z) = (tr1 , z r2 ),
the composition E ◦ S ◦ ϕ is again a dicriticalness section for ωp,α,U . Choosing
r1 = p1 , r2 = p2 , this map can be lifted to (C3 , 0) defining
σ1 (t, z) = tn1 S1 (tp1 , z q1 )n1 /p1 ,
σ2 (t, z) = z m1 ,
σ3 (t, z) = tpn1 p1 S1 (tp1 , z q1 )pn1 z pm1 q1 (tn2 p1 S1 (tp1 , z q1 )n2 z m2 q1 + α1 ).
So, the foliation Φ∗ ωn,p,α is also dicritical.
Let us consider now the general case, i.e., where Φ(x, y, z) = (f (x, y), z), for a
general f (x, y). In this case, consider a local monomialization of f (x, y), i.e., a local
map ρ(x, y) : (C2 , 0) → (C2 , 0) such that f (ρ(x, y)) = xa y b V (x, y), V being a unit,
a, b 6= 0. As before, modify the dicriticalness section E ◦ S defining ϕ1 (t, z) = ta .
This implies that we must choose σ1 (t, z) = tn1 , σ2 (t, z) = z m1 . In this case, the
equality f (ρ(σ1 , σ2 )) = ϕ1 (t, z)n1 S1 (ϕ1 (t, z), ϕ2 (t, z))n1 ϕ2 (t, z)m1 turns out to be
z b V (tn1 , y m1 )1/m1 = S1 (ta , ϕ2 (t, z))n1 /m1 ϕ2 (t, z),
which has a unique solution ϕ2 (x, y) by Implicit Function Theorem. Now, σ3 (x, y)
can be defined accordingly.
This ends the construction. We sum up previous considerations in the following
Theorem 7. The foliation in (C3 , 0) defined by the 1-form Ω = d(z 2 + f (x, y)2p ) +
αf (x, y)p U (f )dz is dicritical if and only if ω = d(z 2 + t2p ) + αtp U (t)dz defines a
dicritical foliation in (C2 , 0).
Remark 8. Previous result also holds in dimension greater than three, as all the
arguments are valid there. The differences in the proof for this extended case consist
only in technical points, and we shall not reproduce it here.
Dicritical foliations in dimension two are also characterized for the existence
of infinitely many separatrices at the origin. This is not true in higher dimension,
where a dicritical foliation may not have any separatrix. Nevertheless, this condition
is still sufficient: a foliation with infinitely many separatrices is always dicritical. In
the cuspidal case we study in this paper, this situation cannot happen: any nilpotent
dicritical foliation generated by a 1-form Ω = d(z 2 + f (x, y)2p ) + αf (x, y)p U (f )dz
has infinitely many separatrices. In fact, the foliation in (C2 , 0) generated by ωp,α,U ,
in the dicritical case, has separatrices that can be parameterized by Puiseux series
y = α1 xp + · · · , series with rational exponents. These series, by composition with
Φ, give infinitely many separatrices for Ω.
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