Intake Form: Health Declaration For Travellers
Intake Form: Health Declaration For Travellers
Intake Form: Health Declaration For Travellers
1.2 Should you (or the person for whom you are completing this form) currently be in quarantine because you were in
contact with someone infected with coronavirus, whether a close contact or someone you were informed about through
the CoronaMelder app, and you are not fully vaccinated? n n Yes n N0
1.3 Have you (or the person for whom you are completing this form) experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 24 hours?
In case you have tested negative for COVID-19 after the development of the symptoms, this question can be answered with ‘no’
Cough n
n Yes n No
Shortness of breath n
n Yes n No
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, under the transport agreement you are not permitted to board.
2 Passenger information
2.1 Flight number
3 Signature
Completed truthfully on