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Effect of Mesh Size On Finite Element Analysis of Beam: Aman Dutt

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering ( SSRG – IJME ) – Volume 2 Issue 12 – December 2015

Effect of Mesh Size on Finite Element Analysis

of Beam
Aman Dutt
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department,Lovely Professional University
Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Abstract presented a study on finding the effects of finite

In Finite Element analysis the size of mesh is element size on the accuracy of numerical analysis
critical. The size of the mesh is closely related to the result, based on which brief guideline on choosing best
accuracy and number of mesh required for the meshing element size in finite element modeling are
of the element. This paper presents the effect of the provided.[4].Mohammed Waseem H.S and Kiran
mesh size on the accuracy of the result. On the basis of Kumar N has worked on delamination of cantilever
the results obtained guidelines for choosing the beam using ansys software.[5]. The present study
appropriate mesh size in finite element analysis has analysis on cantilever beam is doneusingcreo 2.0
been provided. The static analysis has been performed software to predict the change in results with change in
to know the effect of mesh size and number of mesh mesh size.
using creo 2.0 software. Model under study is
cantilever carrying uniformly distributed load made of III. PROBLEM STATEMENT
Fe30 material. Modal under study is cantilever beam of the
dimensions as shown in table I, of Fe30 material.
Keywords: Finite element analysis, Mesh size, Static
analysis. Table I : Dimensions Of Cantilever Beam
Length of beam 100mm
I. INTRODUCTION Width of beam 10mm
In Finite Element Analysis the accuracy of the Height of beam 10mm
result obtained is determined by size of the mesh.
According to the theory of Finite Element Analysis, Amount of load and type of constraint acting
finite modal with small element size yields high on the modal are the actual load acting on the structure.
accuracy as compared to the modal with large element Load of 500N is acting on the beam as uniformly
size. Also, if the size of the element is large then distributed load throughout its length and one end of the
complexity of the modal increases, it is only used where beam is given fixed constraint as shown in Fig.1.
high accuracy is required [1]. Objective of this paper is
to choose the optimum size of the mesh to obtain
accurate result. The objective of this paper is to present
the effect of size of mesh on stress and deflection of the
modal. In order to achieve this goal, in present study
series of static analysis is performed on cantilever beam
with uniformly distributed load throughout the span to
reveal the effect of size of element on the result.

II. LITERATURE SURVEY Fig. 1. Cantilever Beam with Load and Constraint
Number of investigations has been done to
show the effect of mesh size on the accuracy of the IV. STATIC ANALYSIS
results obtained using finite element analysis. Weibing A series of FE modal are generated for the
Liu, Mamtimin Geni and Lie Yu has obtained different beam with mesh size from 2mm to 6mm with tetra
results by changing the element size and type. It was mesh using automatic mesh technique.Fig.2.shows the
observed that calculation accuracy of modal analysis is beam with mesh size of2mm.Fig.3.showsthe beam with
higher with tetrahedral element and modal analysis mesh size of 3mm.Fig.4.shows the beam with mesh size
accuracy can be increase with increasing the number of of 4mm. Fig.5.shows the beam with mesh size of 5mm.
nodes.[2] Victor Debnath and BikramjitDebnath has Fig.6.shows the beam of mesh size 6mm.
obtained more accuracy in there result by increasing the
number of nodes in there analysis.[3]Yucheng Liu

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering ( SSRG – IJME ) – Volume 2 Issue 12 – December 2015

Fig.2. Beam with Mesh size 2mm Fig.7.Vonmises Stress and Displacement for Mesh
Size 2mm.

Fig.3. Beam with Mesh size 3mm Fig.8.Vonmises and Displacement for Mesh Size

Fig.4. Beam with Mesh size 4mm

Fig.9.Vonmises And Displacement for Mesh Size

Fig. 5. Beam with Mesh size 5mm

Fig. 10.Vonmises and Displacement for Mesh Size

Fig. 6. Beam with Mesh size 6mm

Vonmises and displacement for each modal is Fig. 11.Vonmises Stress and Displacement For Mesh
calculated for different mesh size as shown in Fig. 8-13. Size 6mm

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering ( SSRG – IJME ) – Volume 2 Issue 12 – December 2015

VI. COMPARISON OF THE RESULT 1. Percentage of error is by far less for deflection as
In table II and table III static analysis is compared to vonmises stress. According to Finite
presented and percentage of error is calculated for each Element Analysis theory, stresses are not predicted as
Vonmises stress and displacement for each element accurately as displacement.
2. Large variation in vonmises stress is due stress
Table II: Vonmises Stress Results And Vonmises Error concentration at edges of beam.
3. As it is observed by changing the mesh size,
Element Vonmises Error
vonmises stress and displacement of the cantilever
Size Stress (MPa) Percentage
beam decreases.
2 mm 271.776 0
3 mm 243.405 12.6 4. The result obtained in present study is similar to that
4 mm 216.656 20.8 obtained by other authors in their study.
5 mm 197.866 27.2
6 mm 186.964 31.2 REFERENCE
[1] ShashikantT.More,Dr. R.S.Bindu, “Effect Of Mesh Size On
Finite Element Analysis Of Plate Structure,IJESIT,vol.4,May
Table III : Deflection And Deflection Error Percentage [2] Weibing Liu, MamtiminGeni, and Lie Yu, “Effect of Mesh
Element Deflection Error Size of Finite Element Analysis in Model Analysis Periodic
Size (mm) Percentage Symmetric Struts Support,Key Engineering Materials”
Vol.462-463,2011,pp 1008-1012.
2 mm 0.72056 0 [3] Victor Debnath,BikramjitDebnath “Deflection And Stress
3 mm 0.72054 0.00277 Analysis Of Beam On Different Elements Using Ansys
4 mm 0.72050 0.00836 APDL”,IJMET,vol.5,june 2011,pp 70-79.
[4] Yucheng Liu, Choose the Best Element Size to Yield
5 mm 0.72044 0.01665 Accurate FEA Results While Reduce FE
6 mm 0.72039 0.02359 Models’sComplixity, British Journal of Engineering and
Technology, Vols. 1 No. 7, 2013, pp 13-28.
[5] Mohammed Waseem H.S and Kiran Kumar N. “Finite
VII. CONCLUSION Element Modelling For Delamination Analysis Of Double
Cantilever Beam Specimen”,SSRG-IJME,vol.1,September 2
On the basis of table II and table III following
conclusions are made:

ISSN: 2348 – 8360 www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 10

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